Hapkijo ....problem is that the local governments do NOT like tiny homes. They dont produce enough taxes for them, and therefore cut into their spending. Consistently local government has fought the rising demand for tiny homes. They stifle them in a long list of bureaucratic red tape and ridiculous laws that prevent you from even living in one full time. They would rather have homeless on the streets than to allow the population the ability to step away from paying into the system
LangeLS Sing Praise The government said that they were unsafe to the public and the people living in the houses even though Most of the homeless population either just lives outside or in a tent. They basically tore them down because they thought they were just going to lives there instead of buying a house. The government just wanted money
Better than living on the streets, I would take that than having to look over my shoulder every night under a bridge or somewhere that is not safe. At list when they are inside they feel safe from bad weather and bad guys out there.
Or if youre voting liberal like in LA where citizens build homes like these to get people off the streets until the mayor comes, kicks them out and destroys the homes.
California won't learn as long as liberals are in charge. They want the New World Order, and they are succeeding. See GlobalistAgenda.org, especially the section titled, "End Game." Genocide!
Downright awesome. This needs to be done at a massive global level. Things like this are the rare occasions tax payers actually approve of what their money is being spent on.
These communities are a great idea. I think the biggest hurdle to establishing more of these are the ridiculous zoning and building department regulations . An entirely new set of rules need to be written to encourage more of these communities .
Cities don't want them because there is not enough tax money made on them. It seems that the taxes and insurance drive people to being homeless. Wish I could fix it.
$900 a month that's more than what an apartment costs in Phoenix....concept is good but seriously be more reasonable on price to help these people out.
Cheaper than apartment's in San Fran which cost 2k a month. Problem is the city just won't make affordable housing so people literally live on the streets. 900 a month is affordable for people who make 30-40k a year.
@@Bladeofwar94 in Denver average 1 bed room rent is around $1000. Get roommates and live in a real apartment for under $500 is better option I suppose.
Think this idea needs to be in every country, to help the homeless..a community.. Where ppl have a roof over they're heads..safe place to sleep, a community with other ppl that they're not isolated.. Badly needed all over europe now.. Bless those who are caring and helping to provide places like this.
STRONG suggestion, if you are going to build the little homes for the homeless are anyone in need of them build them strong and stable against the bad weather and give them some space next to their little home, to have a little garden and space to have a chicken coupe. Of at least 4 laying chickens, where they can have eggs, then they will never go hungry.. I think who has made this effort to do this for the homeless are those who are in need of a place to live, has done a wonderful good deed for mankind and the city should award him or her for their saintly kindness.
My son is homeless in Clearwater FL n works at the red roof inn .I tried to get him to come live w me but he is independent.i wish someone would help him.he lives at a shelter that is over packed.he is not a drug addict n works hard.his name is Raymond hall.he has mild autism.if anyone cares ,I beg u to help my son .I'm having a hard time me n my husband are but my son is a good guy who needs a break he worked for Publix for 8 years and was falsly accused of something .he spent 18 months in jail ,but was cleared,but lost everything.his job,his apartment most of his belongings,so this can happen to anyone.
See this is the right solution, the right path. Efficient little shelters, community garden. Add solar and wind power to reduce utility costs and emissions. Add an industry like a greenhouse and selling produce at a farmer’s market, or manufacturing something practical. Communes and Kibbutzim for the homeless! Not just warehousing them for a night. HOPE.
Even if it is a temporary solution to homelessness it is still a solution. Let those critics find a better solution to homelessness if there is any. The solution is in the word homelessness itself a home even if it is tiny. All they need are shelters much better than living on the street.
As soon as I mention a tiny house or a place where they could or construct tiny houses...these so call Christians will say who is going to pay for it...the gas, electric taxes etc...What the Hell...there are many people who are homeless due to some type of crisis, hard luck, depression no family. Not all who are homeless don't work or on drugs. I posed this question to a council member and he started off with the word budget...well he almost got cussed out! I don't have a lot but I am willing to try and Help...My hat is off to all who has...God Bless you
DonDadda DaShotta many ppl on Social Security can’t afford $900.00 a month for rent, either. I was able to get Section 8 housing. Otherwise I’d be homeless too! I’m 63 yo and disabled. I’d never make it on the street.
the homeless need to be exported to their place/home of birth/orgin.....We, as taxpayers, should not have to shoulder the burden of ALL the state's problems....
These are not homes, they are storage sheds but the homeless are made to feel grateful because the rich bureaucrats don't want to help them get REAL homes.
I don’t remember the channel or the name of the video, but there was a musician in CA that built some tiny houses. They had a solar panel to power the two lights and had a camp toilet in them. They were painted bright colors and put in different places. Some were placed on wide sidewalks. People complained about those houses, so they were demolished! Why couldn’t they just move them? Heartless to take those homes away!!!
It is about the city of Denver did something. These people living in the streets downtown is definitely an eyesore. The tiny home movement is the way to go with the homeless problem in the USA. Portland own program is excellent. Give them a tiny home and a community to take ownership and they are back to once again been productive members of society vs a nuisance. I commend the group that started this. This is the way to go.
These people aren’t the ones that everybody is angry about . The ones that people are angry about if you put them in these tiny houses it would be a disaster
OMG!! This is such a wonderful idea!! It should be duplicated throughout all 50 states. No one should be homeless in the most powerful country in the world. You can tell how well a government is doing by how they take care of their most vulnerable populations. USA has the resources to get this done. Willingness to do it is what we're lacking. Or could it be that enabling people is not in the government's best interest ??
There are homeless people in Canada as well, I hope and wish that our government will also look into building tiny house for homeless and for people who can't afford their own house or apartment.
How is this a stepping stone to get back on your feet? You need to make over $50K per year to afford even a small apartment in Denver now. Are these people going to be finding jobs that pay that much? This looks like the new housing standard for many, not a temporary thing.
She well spoken and shows that not all homeless are on drugs and criminals she is just had a breakdown from trauma and i get it ...I have the same proplems as her and holding employment is a challenge .I'm happy for all these people God Bless them for these oppotuinity.
Seriously? Did you expect them to take care of everyone in the first round? Do you think the people running this program are going to stop caring about the homeless? Naysayers like you never contribute to moving forward. Your comments are counterproductive.
I think in a lot of places that have done these tiny houses, they want those who want to get out of homelessness, but don't have resources. If you mix in volatile people who do drugs and such, it's not going to help anyone.
@@helenjackman8984, If that's your idea of an "intelligent question" you must not be too bright yourself. There are people all over the country working to serve the homeless population and that guy acts like this is the only thing being done. Get a life.
Housing like this, skill training and work could win the vote for many politicians that are willing to make a difference in the lives of the American people.👍👍👍
Homeless people EVENTUALLY need to begin fending for themselves and get back into the workforce or live sustainably or start a business and move up WITHOUT anyone's help, so they themselves can also help others in need. Either way, they eventually need to fend for themselves (for the MOST who can, obviously some of them are mentally or physically unable to). IF they don't, they are BLATANTLY using and abusing those who help them out. It's obvious the growing population of homeless people are being enabled to become homeless by continuing to feed them for free, providing shelter for free, services for free without making them work for it.
I love these type of stories, as neglecting the homeless costs cities more than to be compassionate and invest to help shelter the homeless. In a "first world country" that is also claiming to be the wealthiest in the world should not ever have impoverished communities and homeless people, ever.
this is also happening in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at Word Of God Church (UA-cam) there is housing for men and women living destructive lifestyle ..... all are welcome here .... please contact them if you or someone you know need help
СОБАЧЬИ БУДКИ - ТАКОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ ДЛЯ БОРЬБЫ С ПРОГРЕССИВНО РАСТУЩИМ КОЛИЧЕСТВОМ БЕЗДОМНЫХ НАШЛИ АМЕРИКАНСКИЕ ВЛАСТИ! И НАЗЫВАЕТСЯ ЭТО - "инновационное решение проблемы бездомных", среди которых всё больше людей, работающих полный рабочий день. Сколько яда и презрения излито на "хрущёвки", но живя в американской съёмной квартире в картонном доме, я вспоминала свою хрущёвку в г. Коврове, полученную бесплатно в 1979 году как КОРОЛЕВСКИЕ ХОРОМЫ: ДВЕ ИЗОЛИРОВАННЫЕ КОМНАТЫ В КИРПИЧНОМ ДОМЕ, СУХО И ТЕПЛО ДАЖЕ В ЛЮТУЮ ЗИМУ, ТУАЛЕТ, КУХНЯ. ПУСТЬ И МАЛЕНЬКАЯ, ВАННАЯ, В КВАРТИРЕ ДВЕ КЛАДОВКИ, ОДНУ ИЗ КОТОРЫХ МЫ ПЕРЕДЕЛАЛИ В МАЛЕНЬКУЮ ДЕТСКУЮ. ПОЛНАЯ ЗВУКОИЗОЛЯЦИЯ, БАЛКОН И ПРЕКРАСНЫЙ, УТОПАЮЩИЙ В ЗЕЛЕНИ ДВОР. Да и американцы, приезжавшие в гости в Мурманск (пилоты, жили в США на съёмной квартире втроём) высоко оценили советские квартиры в старых кирпичных домах. Они вообще не могли придти в себя при виде наших дам во французских духах и натуральных шубах, от изобилия накрытых столов и деликатесов на них и понемногу освобождали голову от американской пропаганды. ПАРАДОКС В ТОМ, ЧТО ТЕПЕРЬ И МЫ, ЗАБОЛЕВ "ИННОВАЦИОННЫМ МЫШЛЕНИЕМ" , ВСЁ БОЛЬШЕ СТРОИМ ДОМА, НАПОМИНАЮЩИХ МУРАВЕЙНИКИ... С ТАКИМИ МАЛЕНЬКИМИ "СТУДИЯМИ", ЧТО СЕМЬЮ В НИХ ТОЧНО НЕ ЗАВЕДЁШЬ, СКОРЕЕ. ПОТЕРЯЕШЬ. И ПРОДОЛЖАЕМ КЛЕЙМИТЬ ВСЁ СОВЕТСКОЕ, ХОТЯ НИ ОДНА СТРАНА МИРА НЕ СТРОИЛА СТОЛЬКО БЕСПЛАТНЫХ КВАРТИР ДЛЯ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ. КАК СССР - И ЭТО ПОСЛЕ ТЯЖЕЛЕЙШЕЙ ВОЙНЫ С ФАШИЗМОМ, КОТОРУЮ ВЫИГРАЛА НАША СТРАНА ПРАКТИЧЕСКИ В ОДИНОЧКУ, ЗАПЛАТИВ ЗА ПОБЕДУ НЕВИДАННЫМ КОЛИЧЕСТВОМ ЖЕРТВ И РАЗРУШЕНИЙ. А БОГАТЕЙШАЯ, РАЗЖИРЕВШАЯ НА ВОЙНЕ АМЕРИКА НЕ СТЕСНЯЕТСЯ ПРЕДЛОЖИТЬ СВОИ ЛЮДЯМ САРАИ В СТИЛЕ СОБАЧЬЕЙ БУДКИ. Да, в таком "микрособачьем" городке есть хотя бы домик с установленной одной на всех машинкой стиральной - и то хорошо. многие люди в этих поселениях признаются. что впервые в жизни они ИМЕЮТ СОБСТВЕННОЕ ЖИЛЬЁ. Стоимость постройки домика - 12 000 долларов, и. конечно, он "принадлежит" хозяину временно. Но л юди чувствуют себя на вершине счастья.
If I had the money I'll buy a big big land and just put tiny homes for people in need but Anyone who See's this message you are so valuable and special to Jesus he knows you personally and loves you so unconditionally no joke!
It's very sad that the government tore these down , this country has the money to take care of our homeless , how shameful for them to remove these homes , and how dare they .
Amen.. thank you so much for the segment.. my heart goes out to people that are homeless, who want thier life back.. one of these days, Lord willing, I can make a change , here in Phoenix as well
It's a nice idea unfortunately we don't have a homeless problem. What we have is a drug addiction and mental illness problem. Just look at Rhode Island. They have basically solved the whole problem by treating the real issues.
That's me too I'm in a shelter and I'm sober and I have the same issues and I see people all over the place getting housing and I don't know why I can't like in Denver Colorado though. Darn
Wonderful it's about time. We needed these homes 25 years ago at least something is being done you have to help your fellow man. It's a disgrace this the richest country in the world and you allow people to live in the streets, now you have entire families mother's father's and children in the streets. It's going to get worse no one can afford these skyrocketing high rents. Next is affordable housing it's needed ASAP.
Okay they didn't tackle the main objection of tiny homes by other city offcials; restroom and shower facilities. I see porter-podies in the background. Is it near a rec center? Or build an onsen? To solve for showers.
Exactly. This has more opportunity to be massed produced on a large scale. But the cost and zoning are still an issue. But the last time I mentioned financial stuff, someone got mad and told me to shut up. I just want to see a day where people can pay off a home just as easy as buying a bike, rather financing a car loan or cutting half a paycheck on rent. And let's not forget the reasons why people become homeless to begin with. One of them is egoism.
Love this idea. This should be available throughout the country. Concentrated away from big cities but where the homeless can walk or bike to amenities / school / job training. Come on, there has to be some help for the least fortunate. There would also be a use for these tiny homes for years to come.
This is the great, we need more tiny homes. Not just for the homeless but those that want it.
Exactly...love to see this program expanded across the country. Also have a program for people that are disabled and seniors.
Hapkijo ....problem is that the local governments do NOT like tiny homes. They dont produce enough taxes for them, and therefore cut into their spending. Consistently local government has fought the rising demand for tiny homes. They stifle them in a long list of bureaucratic red tape and ridiculous laws that prevent you from even living in one full time. They would rather have homeless on the streets than to allow the population the ability to step away from paying into the system
Maybe we can get Nancy Pelosi to move to a tiny home , with bars.
Good for small family with one child only or single !
There needs to be more tiny home communities for the homeless..
LangeLS Sing Praise Too bad the government tore down most of them for no real reason
@@tristenatro2045 Oh no 😢 but why?
LangeLS Sing Praise The government said that they were unsafe to the public and the people living in the houses even though Most of the homeless population either just lives outside or in a tent. They basically tore them down because they thought they were just going to lives there instead of buying a house. The government just wanted money
@@tristenatro2045 They're full of crap too.. They're government (people) they're the ones who are unsafe!!!
@Fuert Neigt I wish we could send them to China 🇨🇳
Better than living on the streets, I would take that than having to look over my shoulder every night under a bridge or somewhere that is not safe. At list when they are inside they feel safe from bad weather and bad guys out there.
This tiny home community needs to take root all over America. Especially L.A
LA just did 1500 I believe?
In a country so rich "no one"should be homeless.
Unless you're lazy or a junkie.
Or if youre voting liberal like in LA where citizens build homes like these to get people off the streets until the mayor comes, kicks them out and destroys the homes.
notice no solar power. Solar power means work free.
You are right our government can give billions of our tax dollars away never to be paid back! to countries that don't like us every year.
Helen you are so right.
I think the state of California should learn from these people
Faby Mendoza Fuck no Fagin Gavin is using the money in that state for dildos and to install tampon machines in all the men's restrooms!
California won't learn as long as liberals are in charge. They want the New World Order, and they are succeeding. See GlobalistAgenda.org, especially the section titled, "End Game." Genocide!
California has it too. In San Jose.
@@ES-mc3cc you mean they won't learn like this...? SMFH ua-cam.com/video/iYjjGU7qYjE/v-deo.html
Downright awesome. This needs to be done at a massive global level. Things like this are the rare occasions tax payers actually approve of what their money is being spent on.
Shad amen to that!
I agree, but powerful people won't allow it, not good for bank system
What a blessing! A roof over ypur head is a blessing. This program is promising. God bless 🇺🇸 America
These communities are a great idea. I think the biggest hurdle to establishing more of these are the ridiculous zoning and building department regulations . An entirely new set of rules need to be written to encourage more of these communities .
Cities don't want them because there is not enough tax money made on them. It seems that the taxes and insurance drive people to being homeless. Wish I could fix it.
Beautiful solution. Bravo.......Its a hand up not a hand out. Empower them 2 get back on there feet.
$900 a month that's more than what an apartment costs in Phoenix....concept is good but seriously be more reasonable on price to help these people out.
Cheaper than apartment's in San Fran which cost 2k a month. Problem is the city just won't make affordable housing so people literally live on the streets. 900 a month is affordable for people who make 30-40k a year.
@@Bladeofwar94 in Denver average 1 bed room rent is around $1000. Get roommates and live in a real apartment for under $500 is better option I suppose.
@@Denverian Minimum wage doesn't even cover 500 a month where I live. Shit needs to be higher.
@@Denverian Get roommates in a 1 bedroom?
Think this idea needs to be in every country, to help the homeless..a community..
Where ppl have a roof over they're heads..safe place to sleep, a community with other ppl that they're not isolated..
Badly needed all over europe now..
Bless those who are caring and helping to provide places like this.
Government needs to invest on these tiny homes rather than weapons
13 people with all that are homeless in Denver, its slap in the f--ing face!
Bill you're doing a good job.
May the good lord bless and keep you healthy and strong.
God bless you for doing this for the less fortunate.
Congrats to all the people involved in this wonderful project! All human beings need to feel secure and well housed!
STRONG suggestion, if you are going to build the little homes for the homeless are anyone in need of them build them strong and stable against the bad weather and give them some space next to their little home, to have a little garden and space to have a chicken coupe. Of at least 4 laying chickens, where they can have eggs, then they will never go hungry.. I think who has made this effort to do this for the homeless are those who are in need of a place to live, has done a wonderful good deed for mankind and the city should award him or her for their saintly kindness.
My son is homeless in Clearwater FL n works at the red roof inn .I tried to get him to come live w me but he is independent.i wish someone would help him.he lives at a shelter that is over packed.he is not a drug addict n works hard.his name is Raymond hall.he has mild autism.if anyone cares ,I beg u to help my son .I'm having a hard time me n my husband are but my son is a good guy who needs a break he worked for Publix for 8 years and was falsly accused of something .he spent 18 months in jail ,but was cleared,but lost everything.his job,his apartment most of his belongings,so this can happen to anyone.
See this is the right solution, the right path. Efficient little shelters, community garden. Add solar and wind power to reduce utility costs and emissions. Add an industry like a greenhouse and selling produce at a farmer’s market, or manufacturing something practical. Communes and Kibbutzim for the homeless! Not just warehousing them for a night. HOPE.
JakeSaintLouis why sell the vegetables?900.00a month not enough?
Great job for the homeless,you should work for seniors that need a tiny house as well that have low incomes.
Even if it is a temporary solution to homelessness it is still a solution. Let those critics find a better solution to homelessness if there is any. The solution is in the word homelessness itself a home even if it is tiny. All they need are shelters much better than living on the street.
As soon as I mention a tiny house or a place where they could or construct tiny houses...these so call Christians will say who is going to pay for it...the gas, electric taxes etc...What the Hell...there are many people who are homeless due to some type of crisis, hard luck, depression no family. Not all who are homeless don't work or on drugs. I posed this question to a council member and he started off with the word budget...well he almost got cussed out! I don't have a lot but I am willing to try and Help...My hat is off to all who has...God Bless you
How in tha hell do they think HOMELESS people can afford 900 a month! DENVER IS HIGHLY OVERRATED!
#nextcaaaase 👨🏾⚖👨🏾⚖👨🏾⚖
DonDadda DaShotta many ppl on Social Security can’t afford $900.00 a month for rent, either. I was able to get Section 8 housing. Otherwise I’d be homeless too! I’m 63 yo and disabled. I’d never make it on the street.
Homeless by choice not forced. Lazy people don’t deserve love.
They need more of these with the community garden included.
This is great for homeless thank you!
TINY Homes are the FUTURE... GO Tiny homes...
Dang they are doing a nice thing for people keep your room clean
the homeless need to be exported to their place/home of birth/orgin.....We, as taxpayers, should not have to shoulder the burden of ALL the state's problems....
These are not homes, they are storage sheds but the homeless are made to feel grateful because the rich bureaucrats don't want to help them get REAL homes.
The drug abuse crisis should be addresses too.
Wow that’s why homeless don’t like shelters because the influence of drugs from others is stronger these tiny homes are blessing
Very beautiful! It maybe small but clean and safe..
I don’t remember the channel or the name of the video, but there was a musician in CA that built some tiny houses. They had a solar panel to power the two lights and had a camp toilet in them. They were painted bright colors and put in different places. Some were placed on wide sidewalks. People complained about those houses, so they were demolished! Why couldn’t they just move them? Heartless to take those homes away!!!
Reason TV ..just watched it prior to watching this one. That's a shame the major destroyed them.
Love this! We need more communities like this one
This is my dream house for the homeless in the Philippines
This is excellent i had a vision all homeless can receive this kind of help and support.
It is about the city of Denver did something. These people living in the streets downtown is definitely an eyesore. The tiny home movement is the way to go with the homeless problem in the USA. Portland own program is excellent. Give them a tiny home and a community to take ownership and they are back to once again been productive members of society vs a nuisance. I commend the group that started this. This is the way to go.
But, they're not homeowners.........they only live there. ...do they pay anything?
Awesome, needed all across America.
These people aren’t the ones that everybody is angry about . The ones that people are angry about if you put them in these tiny houses it would be a disaster
Simple but fantastic idea !!! More of these please 👍👍👍
Many homeless may not choose to live in these tiny houses because they wanted to be free with a peace of mind.
They better keep inspecting them to make sure they stay clean.
You know they won’t. My first thought.
OMG!! This is such a wonderful idea!! It should be duplicated throughout all 50 states. No one should be homeless in the most powerful country in the world. You can tell how well a government is doing by how they take care of their most vulnerable populations. USA has the resources to get this done. Willingness to do it is what we're lacking. Or could it be that enabling people is not in the government's best interest ??
There are homeless people in Canada as well, I hope and wish that our government will also look into building tiny house for homeless and for people who can't afford their own house or apartment.
We need more small homes nobody should be homeless or in a abusive relationships.These small homes are a brillant design 🙂
How is this a stepping stone to get back on your feet? You need to make over $50K per year to afford even a small apartment in Denver now. Are these people going to be finding jobs that pay that much? This looks like the new housing standard for many, not a temporary thing.
She well spoken and shows that not all homeless are on drugs and criminals she is just had a breakdown from trauma and i get it ...I have the same proplems as her and holding employment is a challenge .I'm happy for all these people God Bless them for these oppotuinity.
13 people were chosen - great! But what about the thousands of others???
Seriously? Did you expect them to take care of everyone in the first round? Do you think the people running this program are going to stop caring about the homeless? Naysayers like you never contribute to moving forward. Your comments are counterproductive.
I think in a lot of places that have done these tiny houses, they want those who want to get out of homelessness, but don't have resources. If you mix in volatile people who do drugs and such, it's not going to help anyone.
@@sallymccarty8323 So are yours. He asked an intelligent question. You come across as a trouble maker.
@@helenjackman8984, If that's your idea of an "intelligent question" you must not be too bright yourself. There are people all over the country working to serve the homeless population and that guy acts like this is the only thing being done. Get a life.
@@helenjackman8984 Fred's comment was more like criticism. That's probably not how he intended to sound but how some people reads it
13 homes give me a break we need thousands.
Ross Abeyta 13 is a start. How many homes do you have available to help?
I like this idea of tiny this gave me a idea where I'm from in Sumter SC
Do they provide needles and syringes?
Great idea to help them,love each other.
God bless you for helping homeless
Australia 🇦🇺 need this to
Deconcentrating homeless people is crucial with their reintegration into society.
These ppl needs to told it's not permanent so they shud get a job and move out immediately so others can get the same chance they got.
This is wonderful
giving people homes solves homeless .
It's more than a tinny home , it's a base from which people can start to rebuild their lives .
They need about 300 thousand homes with security.
Think God for tiny village homes!
I love it! I want to help somehow. People need safety and security...and an address!!
Housing like this, skill training and work could win the vote for many politicians that are willing to make a difference in the lives of the American people.👍👍👍
Homeless people EVENTUALLY need to begin fending for themselves and get back into the workforce or live sustainably or start a business and move up WITHOUT anyone's help, so they themselves can also help others in need. Either way, they eventually need to fend for themselves (for the MOST who can, obviously some of them are mentally or physically unable to). IF they don't, they are BLATANTLY using and abusing those who help them out. It's obvious the growing population of homeless people are being enabled to become homeless by continuing to feed them for free, providing shelter for free, services for free without making them work for it.
I agree with you, but the majority are on drugs. So far gone especially here in LA
I love these type of stories, as neglecting the homeless costs cities more than to be compassionate and invest to help shelter the homeless. In a "first world country" that is also claiming to be the wealthiest in the world should not ever have impoverished communities and homeless people, ever.
this is also happening in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at Word Of God Church (UA-cam) there is housing for men and women living destructive lifestyle ..... all are welcome here .... please contact them if you or someone you know need help
How long before one of the residents spends one or two days a week and leaves a coiled up turd in the middle of the tiny home?
Very quickly I’d bet.
Thank you Jesus Christ for providing!
I wanna do something like this
Me too
Now they need to find work and support themselves ! This is a bridge program .
СОБАЧЬИ БУДКИ - ТАКОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ ДЛЯ БОРЬБЫ С ПРОГРЕССИВНО РАСТУЩИМ КОЛИЧЕСТВОМ БЕЗДОМНЫХ НАШЛИ АМЕРИКАНСКИЕ ВЛАСТИ! И НАЗЫВАЕТСЯ ЭТО - "инновационное решение проблемы бездомных", среди которых всё больше людей, работающих полный рабочий день.
Сколько яда и презрения излито на "хрущёвки", но живя в американской съёмной квартире в картонном доме, я вспоминала свою хрущёвку в г. Коврове, полученную бесплатно в 1979 году как КОРОЛЕВСКИЕ ХОРОМЫ: ДВЕ ИЗОЛИРОВАННЫЕ КОМНАТЫ В КИРПИЧНОМ ДОМЕ, СУХО И ТЕПЛО ДАЖЕ В ЛЮТУЮ ЗИМУ, ТУАЛЕТ, КУХНЯ. ПУСТЬ И МАЛЕНЬКАЯ, ВАННАЯ, В КВАРТИРЕ ДВЕ КЛАДОВКИ, ОДНУ ИЗ КОТОРЫХ МЫ ПЕРЕДЕЛАЛИ В МАЛЕНЬКУЮ ДЕТСКУЮ. ПОЛНАЯ ЗВУКОИЗОЛЯЦИЯ, БАЛКОН И ПРЕКРАСНЫЙ, УТОПАЮЩИЙ В ЗЕЛЕНИ ДВОР. Да и американцы, приезжавшие в гости в Мурманск (пилоты, жили в США на съёмной квартире втроём) высоко оценили советские квартиры в старых кирпичных домах. Они вообще не могли придти в себя при виде наших дам во французских духах и натуральных шубах, от изобилия накрытых столов и деликатесов на них и понемногу освобождали голову от американской пропаганды.
If I had the money I'll buy a big big land and just put tiny homes for people in need but Anyone who See's this message you are so valuable and special to Jesus he knows you personally and loves you so unconditionally no joke!
It's very sad that the government tore these down , this country has the money to take care of our homeless , how shameful for them to remove these homes , and how dare they .
Government doesn't have money ? What a shame , attach one more room , they are human not animals !
Amen.. thank you so much for the segment.. my heart goes out to people that are homeless, who want thier life back.. one of these days, Lord willing, I can make a change , here in Phoenix as well
Beautiful video. I ask permission to share this video with other people in Blog de Marissa.
900? That’s still too much that’s crazy!!!
I say get them to agree to work a number of hours a month for rent.
This Is The Best Idea!!!!!!
It's a nice idea unfortunately we don't have a homeless problem. What we have is a drug addiction and mental illness problem. Just look at Rhode Island. They have basically solved the whole problem by treating the real issues.
You are so right Dave. I see it in Los Angeles every time I go.
yes I heard that that one har a garden, but that is really something that should be essential.
Need more of them in every state
That's me too I'm in a shelter and I'm sober and I have the same issues and I see people all over the place getting housing and I don't know why I can't like in Denver Colorado though. Darn
Now this is awesome! God does amazing things for all His children, rich or poor.
Good job guys God bless you all for help homeless people 👍👍
I'm not against immigration but come in Legally folks. Don't cut the line.
Thanks for these homes. Great.
Wonderful it's about time. We needed these homes 25 years ago at least something is being done you have to help your fellow man. It's a disgrace this the richest country in the world and you allow people to live in the streets, now you have entire families mother's father's and children in the streets. It's going to get worse no one can afford these skyrocketing high rents. Next is affordable housing it's needed ASAP.
Adrien Ashby 900.00amonth! tents are cheap or deductible.
That's great...standby and help to rebuild their future. Do not judge them.
I wish I could get into one of those homeless home's
That's nice, these people need to be off the street and get into permanent homes.
Okay they didn't tackle the main objection of tiny homes by other city offcials; restroom and shower facilities. I see porter-podies in the background. Is it near a rec center? Or build an onsen? To solve for showers.
What about the rest of the poor homeless this is just a band aid on a larger wound.
Better than nothing!
Exactly. This has more opportunity to be massed produced on a large scale. But the cost and zoning are still an issue.
But the last time I mentioned financial stuff, someone got mad and told me to shut up.
I just want to see a day where people can pay off a home just as easy as buying a bike, rather financing a car loan or cutting half a paycheck on rent.
And let's not forget the reasons why people become homeless to begin with. One of them is egoism.
Love this idea. This should be available throughout the country. Concentrated away from big cities but where the homeless can walk or bike to amenities / school / job training. Come on, there has to be some help for the least fortunate. There would also be a use for these tiny homes for years to come.