As far as me and my house

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • If we rely solely on the government, we will be disappointed, alot. There are those that oppose our Lord God Almighty and his Father, our God Almighty and has shown that they are willing to use their authority to Our God and his us, his servants. In the bible, in Joshua 24:15 is the famous quote " but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" and that applys in this house to the best of our abilty and according to God's will. We comply with the powers that be in this world as we are called to do, respect it and act accordingly but history dictates that the government or more specifically so of those in government chooses their will over ours, their God over ours and we the servants of the Lord are their enemies and they act accordingly. Isaiah 40:31 But those who in the hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Micah 7:7 But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for my savior; my God will hear me.
    Our hopes are misplaced when placed in mankind and it's institutions but well placed in our Lord, we may have to wait, to be patient, it's their time and not ours. I've experienced both a good God and bad God, the contrast between the two is revealing and I choose the good God of the bible, my Savior and their Holy Spirit. There's obviously and clearly a consequence for that decision and though I have my moments of weaknesses, I'll pay the pentitalty to have my God, my Lord God Almighty and if that means that I have to face off with the government or forces within, have to be hated by people that I care about, If I have to lay down my life for them, then Lord give me the strength to do so, let me hope in you and your rightous judgement of my enemies, let God be the judge, please don't let me fail you.