YARD WASTE DAY part 1 Gopro garbage man POV

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mcewen1993
    @mcewen1993 Рік тому +3

    I got a job with Miller Waste as a Driver starting on the 21st

  • @joemontz592
    @joemontz592 Рік тому +2

    You guys are a well oiled machine. Come teach the crews where i live if you get behind one you'll be late for work for sure

  • @227MacWC
    @227MacWC Рік тому +1

    Nice work dude. I have a job interview with Waste Connections in Barrie Monday, hoping to start my career in collections!

  • @ownSystem
    @ownSystem 10 місяців тому +1

    Your a beast dude keep it up 👍 good work and a free workout 🏋️‍♀️:) like watching the Trashman Olympics 1st place 🥇 great work keep it up

  • @noahontop77
    @noahontop77 Рік тому

    Your fast man! Keep it up!

  • @alanferguson5398
    @alanferguson5398 9 місяців тому

    How long it take to fill up that truck

  • @williambaird1917
    @williambaird1917 Рік тому +1

    Can you do a video driving the yard waste truck

  • @1lockhurstk1
    @1lockhurstk1 Рік тому

    I wanna work Hamilton’s Waste collection but idk if they are Union

  • @huntercunningham1471
    @huntercunningham1471 9 місяців тому +2

    Good job guys

  • @DjBrancoOfficial
    @DjBrancoOfficial Рік тому

    where does the garbage truck come from? from the museum?! It's better to take a GeesinkNorba Truck. Is a bit more modern and stronger. what for city is it?! is great. the streets and the houses look beautiful there

  • @Shayne99
    @Shayne99 Рік тому

    Do you do anything else instead of yard waste

  • @jordanfreeman54
    @jordanfreeman54 Рік тому

    How does that smell?

  • @drewbrown9178
    @drewbrown9178 Рік тому

    Awesome video i work for miller in Kawartha Lakes !

    • @xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312
      @xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312 Рік тому

      How u guys lose the recycle contract?.. tf?.. I did a year in Kawarthas when they 1st got it

    • @drewbrown9178
      @drewbrown9178 Рік тому

      @@xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312 we still got it

    • @xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312
      @xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312 Рік тому

      @drewbrown9178 I was told Emterra got it?.. Kawartha's was awesome , just wish they paid a lil more...lol

    • @xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312
      @xxganggreenxxxxganggreenxx9312 Рік тому

      @@drewbrown9178 wasn't pointing fingers at the workers... came across wrong, meant like Miller in general...lol

  • @griffindenbesten867
    @griffindenbesten867 Рік тому

    You're pretty fast! How old are you? Keep up the great work!

    • @HuckCity22
      @HuckCity22  Рік тому +2

      Thanks man, appreciate the support. Nice to see a positive comment too a-lot of people like to complain to me about the sky being blue on here.

    • @HuckCity22
      @HuckCity22  Рік тому +1

      Im about 300 yrs old, turning 260 in 64 000 000 00000 hours.

    • @griffindenbesten867
      @griffindenbesten867 Рік тому +1

      @@HuckCity22 its god himself

    • @ownSystem
      @ownSystem 10 місяців тому

      @@HuckCity22its actually black not blue its yellow too 😂

  • @BiggcheekHenderson
    @BiggcheekHenderson Рік тому

    Hey man take your time don’t go so fast he drop stuff England be easy it’s gonna be hard take your time OK trash man take your time

    • @ownSystem
      @ownSystem 10 місяців тому

      15:00 opps as hell 😂