They did get a bit fed up of copying Wire at one point and wrote that incredibly original song "Waking Up"! For the life of me I can't think of anything that song sounds like! Anyway, got to go, I'm off to watch "No More Heroes" by The Stranglers!
Well, I've been a fan of Wire (and most of their spin-offs) for most of my life so, when Elastica came out I remember that as soon as I heard Connection or 2:1 the reference (or rip off if you want to call it like that) was clear. But I always thought Elastica were incredibly cool because 1) when they started no-one was paying that reference to that period of Wire (77-78) and 2) ok, sometime the riffs are the same, but they assimilated and transformed them in their own sound. Which is an up-date 90s version of the Wire sound. I mean, even Led Zeppelin did something similar with blues classics, but in the end what it really counts is how you transform and change the influences not the fact that you have them. And I think Elastica succeded in that
SOME of the riffs are the same?'s ALL the same....they didnt transform into their own sound if they stole at least 9 songs..Elastica stole Wire's songs plain and simple...Elastica also stole from the Stranglers as well....they got sued and settled out court.
@@damnedlock2956 “But Gilbert had no objections to Elastica’s use of Wire’s music. “I thought it was amusing and flattering. I thought it was fascinating,” he comments. Newman was less pleased, mostly because it was reported, falsely, that he had given Elastica his blessing to borrow from ‘Three Girl Rhumba’. Contrary to popular myth, Wire did not initiate any legal action over this: their music publisher, Carlin, had simply approved the appropriation after consulting with a musicologist provided by Elastica’s publisher. (Wire didn’t receive any significant payment and only learned about the deal after the fact. Not only was ‘Connection’ a successful single, but Elastica also did well from advertising deals with Budweiser and Garnier hair products, who soundtracked US television commercials with the song; in the UK, Channel 4’s Trigger Happy TV used it as theme music. ‘Three Girl Rhumba’ itself was adopted for a European H&M commercial in 2004.)” Read and Burn: a book about Wire, Wilson Neate, 2012
Can't believe that I've not looked this up before, as it's been bugging me for years! The 12XU cover is, to be fair, a cover... But it certainly lets the cat out of the bag for all the others! Many thanks.
There's being influenced by your favourite band , and then there is blatant stealing . How on earth they thought they would get away with Connection is beyond me . Line Up is too close for comfort as well. Waking Up is way too close to the Stranglers . When your best songs are direct lifts from other groups and you give no credit , you not only get sued but also lose your credibility . But more importantly this reminds me of how great Wire were.
I think Elastica doesn't deserve that amount of hate I see in this comment section. I think everbody rips off other bands all the beloved "genius" bands like Radiohead or Nirvana ripped off songs and Wire statistically must have made it . But there is a difference between "intelligent" rip offs like Elastica does and "bad" rip offs, like Oasis does. In the first case, they use one melody to build something completely different than the original, the only indefensible song of Elastica would be "Waking Up". On the other hand, Oasis just puts "Imagine" sample in a "Let it be" made song. At least, Elastica have their own sound and they inspired at least two bands (the Foo Fighters and Franz Ferdinand), they were inspired by Wire but also the Pixies and nobody seems to have noticed that. Oasis just do "beatles like" stuff, with beatles composition, with beatles orchestra...
Bro, no. I was a college radio DJ and have had my own bands. it’s a total ripoff not even a question. I’m sure they’re nice ppl but that’s not the point
It’s sort of sampling but with guitars. Wire are great and even after all the plagiarism I still think Elastica are one of the few bands to come from the Brit pop era that still sound good now.
Huge fan of both. Elastica clearly copped Wire riffs, but they went somewhere different and sexy with them and created songs that are worthy of existing in their own right, unlike inferior rip-offs that embarrass you.
After hearing this comparison, I feel like Elastica should have packaged their debut CD with Wire's Greatest Hits, & just split the profits. But also, both bands are worthy of their great tunes.
About where I am. "Connection" is obvious, but also just altered enough to qualify as different, and anyone who's seriously even tried to write original tunes knows it's ok to borrow like that in limited doses. That's what Elastica did. (I'm thinking about Fountains of Wayne with "Stacey's Mom," which liberally borrows three Cars riffs in service of a not-quite-a-song parody. FoW's songwriters don't NEED to borrow so blatantly; they clearly CHOSE to, and that what I hear with Elastica, there. Not the other tunes nearly so much.)
Exactly. That’s the way music has always worked - as long as it’s REALLY good, that’s all that matters to me - and people being credited where it’s due. I really like what Elastica did - and love Wire too. Wire are one of those incredibly seminal outfits.
Hard to get mad when their songs introduced me to Wire. And their songs distinguish themselves lyrically. If we disqualified all the songs out there that were almost perfect copies of other songs, we'd lose a lot just from the Beach Boys clones alone.
Very good point - was an Elastica fan in the early 90s, but had never listened to Wire, though I'd heard of them in NME etc Finally, a few years ago I decided to listen to Wire, and I can't begrudge Elastica for pushing me there :)
In re elastica, they made one very memorable album. (And made another.) but for all intents and purposes, let’s they made a solid album and quit. I think there’s a certain sort of integrity in that Wire is great. I came around to the more recent albums uhhh more recently, and am astonished how good they are
For sure, Wire is seriously good stuff. I could listen to those guys for hours. I remember when Elastica came out, thought they were great. But when you do the layover sheets, it's Wire's structures, rhythms, and melodies. They landed on that planet 20 years prior to Elastica.
colin newman demandó a elastica por lo de "connection". lo cual opacó un poco el record que elastica consiguieron de momento: ser el disco debut más vendido de uk. en el nuevo siglo los arctic monkeys la hicieron también.
Creo que es un plagio a propósito, cómo fans reconocidos de WIRE, le han hecho este 'homenaje'. De otra forma no se entiende tal descaro en el evidente plagio de los temas... aunque reconociendo que todas las versiones de ELASTICA son mejores.
@@profesorpassi Eso no es "plagio de los temas". NO puedes registrar la autoría de progresiones de acordes. Sí, la intro de "Connection" suena idéntica al principio, pero le agregan una variación que la termina transformando en otra cosa y el resto del tema no se parece en nada al de Wire. Lo mismo pasa con todos los demás. ¿Copiaron y se inspiraron en parte de algún riff y melodías? No se puede negar ¿Deberían pagar algún tipo de derechos de autor por ello? No lo sé, ¿quizás? ¿Plagiaron temas? No me parece.
Although the structure and the riffs are very similar, it is not a direct rip off, I see it more like a "homage". Elastica took those songs and improved them. For example 2:1 is way more obscure, and the vocal harmonies are great.
The first two are pretty obvious, but from then on most connections are VERY tenuous at best. Certainly from a musical progression perspective the comparisons don't hold weight. Although stylistically and feel is a different issue, but also something you can't copywrite, so...
To my ears, the Elastica songs sound a hell of a lot like Wire's originals. Too close for legal comfort, IMHO. (Except for the last track which is a straight cover version, no problem). But godammit, Elastica's songs sound so much better! It's as if they took (as in 'stolen') crude and simplistic melodic/rhythmic/harmonic punk ideas and made them greater, richer, somehow. Given them a better life. But theft is theft. No doubt about it. There are just too many songs here. Taken from just one band? This cannot be an accident or coincidence. We have all heard a song that sounds a bit like another song. Everyone has. Accidental plagiarism does happen. But this is too much. Too much by half. I need a lie down...
The problem is more fundamental than a standard “vs” argument. Pop music is basically of a very low musical standard, consisting of a handful of overused chords and very basic melodies. You run out of options pretty quick and eventually it’s near enough impossible NOT to plagiarise someone. The solution is develop sufficient musical expertise to enable you to stretch out your music so that no one can ever accuse you of copying (good examples: velvets, stooges, James Brown, neu!). Unfortunately that kind of ethos seldom makes money since most people can only think in simple terms hence we’re reduced to retread after retread after retread as evidenced here
False. There are many many creative artists who didn't resort to such outright plagiarism. It's one thing to be inspired by a song, or even to sound somewhat similar to a song, but this is just plagiarism on a large scale.
Not all the time they didn't...neil innes asked them for royalties for ripping off his tune....For their song Whatever.
At the end of the day, even worst case scenario this is illegal uncredited plagiarism, what they did with what they stole is improve it and build upon it and make it better. That is not the ugly side of art, it's actually its most beautiful side. Collaborative Creating. What I hear in the Wire songs is the seeds of great ideas, and in Elastica I hear fruition. However it came to be, I am glad to live in a world that has the amazing songs of Elastica in it. If Wire contributed, I thank them, too.
Why do people have to be so cruel? For decades since recorded music, almost every artist, all music is derivative in some way of previous music, just some cases are more obvious, taking a chord sequence, is that much worse? I think Wire AND Elastica are both great! One or two songs sound similar? If you sued everyone for that, there'd be NO music business anymore?
Precisely. And how many people jumping on the ‘Elastica = Plagiarism’ bandwagon have a really deep knowledge and love of the history of music? And apart from that, as you point out, kindness is cool :)
Song one: Elastica took a cliche and elaborated it. No problem. Song two: Elastica borrowed a four-note motif and changed its presentation. No problem. Song three: Can't you hear that the chords are totally different? Song four: Wire did not invent the two quaver-crotchet rhythm and therefore it cannot be stolen. Song five: Similar situation as song four. Song six: Admittedly very similar, but it's just two notes and a syncopated rhythm. Song seven: Hardly alike at all. Song eight: The head motif is identical, admittedly. But this could be taken as just a quotation of wire- the music develops differently later. That's not saying that the quotation is particularly meaningful. Song nine: The vocal is disappointingly similar; the chords are different. This could be understood as a "transcription" of the Wire song. None of this amounts to plagiarism, just a lack of imagination on Elastica's part. Popular music is about transmission of cliches. Wire inherited their cliches from the people that came before them.
@lastp6905 💯 it's okay when you openly admit it and give credit where it's due. It's quite another to plagiarize and deny it and have to be sued to give credit.
If by "elsewhere " you mean softening it up for the mainstream, sure. I dig Elastica. I just wonder what they would have done without plagiarizing so many songs
@@docsavage8640 It sounds completely different. You'd have a point if we were talking about the similarity between "Three Girl Rhumba" and the opening riff from "Connection".
Hahahaha. You're seriously reaching comparing "Different To Me" with Stutter. :D Not even close. Certainly not the same progression. And "Being Sucked In Again" compared to 2:1 is purely just the rhythm being compared over very different progressions. That wouldn't stand up in court. Whilst the first two are obvious and definite lifts as well as some of the others to a lesser degree, a few mentioned are seriously clutching at straws.
The original story was that a certain boyfriend of Justine had to "write" her band's first album. Seeing as she was a spoilt little rich girl, whilst Blur were yet to really take off, he thought that he could make his point by plagiarising an extremely influential punk/prog band whom everyone would recognise. Except the singer who "wrote" her own songs.. ...
Sounds like peak sexism haha of course it must have been the bloke who was clever enough to rip off Wire. Blur music is as much a rip off anyway and not quite as good as Elastica. Americans preferred the latter. Beatles first album was almost entire cover songs. No one moans about that..
@@cakefordinner1762 I love Elastica but ripping bands off this much isn't the same as playing credited cover versions (like the live cover of 12XU at the end of this list)
@@cakefordinner1762 Cover and plagarism is not the same... And The Beatles wrote most of the songs in the album and filled the empty spaces with covers, they didn't steal anything.
ELASTICA never said they were NEW ...just paid HOMAGE to the early PUNK guys ....for that i say WELL DONE ...shame we got SHIT MUSIC these days ...dont see any good tunes or BANDS even trying today ,,,cuz we are all FUCKIN SHEEP .................THANK YOU 1977 days of my LIFE ...LONG LIVE PUNK and LONG LIVE THE FACT ..WE HAVE A VOICE TO SAY HOW WE FEEL
Who cares about the legal stuff?? It gets dealt with. I just like hearing good music. There have been so many successful musicians that have clearly displayed their influences in their own music. This is true of everything that humans create.
@@凯思 because no art is new art. Acting as if someone created a sound is absurd. I get it, in America everyone wants money and ownership, but creatively speaking that’s all just a lie. No ones the originator of these cords or concepts.
The only blatant rip off is the riff from "3 Girl Rhumba" for "Connection." Elastica said Wire were a big influence on them. Elastica paid them for the riff and put their name on the map. No one would know who Wire were if it wasn't for Elastica. I think Wire are probably happy that Elastica made them well known.
+Buzzard King51 I've known Wire since 1986..... excuse me, but post-punk and new-wave lovers DO KNOW Wire very well. Elastica are just a bland rip-off.
You're really grasping at straws. I even like the Elastica song but it's a blatant rip off. And it's not like Wire are some really obscure band. They may not be a household name but they're still playing all over the world, still making great music, and their classic material is about a billion times more highly regarded than any Elastica album.
No one would know who wire were? Fucking please, Wire still sells out shows and have tons of artistic respect and most people are asking Elastica who? Oh, that 90s band? Yeah, that song was alright, I barely remember it.
How they got away with it for that long but not just one song but an whole catalogue!!!
One song they could've written off as subconscious or maybe even coincidence but this is outright plagiarism
They did get a bit fed up of copying Wire at one point and wrote that incredibly original song "Waking Up"! For the life of me I can't think of anything that song sounds like! Anyway, got to go, I'm off to watch "No More Heroes" by The Stranglers!
To be fair No more heroes is awful...
Well, I've been a fan of Wire (and most of their spin-offs) for most of my life so, when Elastica came out I remember that as soon as I heard Connection or 2:1 the reference (or rip off if you want to call it like that) was clear. But I always thought Elastica were incredibly cool because 1) when they started no-one was paying that reference to that period of Wire (77-78) and 2) ok, sometime the riffs are the same, but they assimilated and transformed them in their own sound. Which is an up-date 90s version of the Wire sound. I mean, even Led Zeppelin did something similar with blues classics, but in the end what it really counts is how you transform and change the influences not the fact that you have them. And I think Elastica succeded in that
Fuck that. Wtf
I agree
SOME of the riffs are the same?'s ALL the same....they didnt transform into their own sound if they stole at least 9 songs..Elastica stole Wire's songs plain and simple...Elastica also stole from the Stranglers as well....they got sued and settled out court.
@@damnedlock2956 “But Gilbert had no objections to Elastica’s use of Wire’s music. “I thought it was amusing and flattering. I thought it was fascinating,” he comments. Newman was less pleased, mostly because it was reported, falsely, that he had given Elastica his blessing to borrow from ‘Three Girl Rhumba’. Contrary to popular myth, Wire did not initiate any legal action over this: their music publisher, Carlin, had simply approved the appropriation after consulting with a musicologist provided by Elastica’s publisher. (Wire didn’t receive any significant payment and only learned about the deal after the fact. Not only was ‘Connection’ a successful single, but Elastica also did well from advertising deals with Budweiser and Garnier hair products, who soundtracked US television commercials with the song; in the UK, Channel 4’s Trigger Happy TV used it as theme music. ‘Three Girl Rhumba’ itself was adopted for a European H&M commercial in 2004.)”
Read and Burn: a book about Wire, Wilson Neate, 2012
Can't believe that I've not looked this up before, as it's been bugging me for years! The 12XU cover is, to be fair, a cover... But it certainly lets the cat out of the bag for all the others! Many thanks.
Elastica is one of my favorite bands, they're my favorite Wire cover band too
hay que escuchar a wire. valiosos son.
necesito escuchar más de su catálogo todavía
I'd never heard Wire (having been raised in the States), but their songs and groove are off the fuckin chain, way ahead of their time.
There's being influenced by your favourite band , and then there is blatant stealing . How on earth they thought they would get away with Connection is beyond me . Line Up is too close for comfort as well. Waking Up is way too close to the Stranglers . When your best songs are direct lifts from other groups and you give no credit , you not only get sued but also lose your credibility . But more importantly this reminds me of how great Wire were.
I always thought Elastica was a stinking operation.
It's amazing how deep the plagiarism went. The Elastica songs are good...but would Elastica have been anything without so much outright copying?
No wonder why I loved Elastica so much when I was in my early teens.
I think Elastica doesn't deserve that amount of hate I see in this comment section. I think everbody rips off other bands all the beloved "genius" bands like Radiohead or Nirvana ripped off songs and Wire statistically must have made it . But there is a difference between "intelligent" rip offs like Elastica does and "bad" rip offs, like Oasis does. In the first case, they use one melody to build something completely different than the original, the only indefensible song of Elastica would be "Waking Up". On the other hand, Oasis just puts "Imagine" sample in a "Let it be" made song. At least, Elastica have their own sound and they inspired at least two bands (the Foo Fighters and Franz Ferdinand), they were inspired by Wire but also the Pixies and nobody seems to have noticed that. Oasis just do "beatles like" stuff, with beatles composition, with beatles orchestra...
Bro, no. I was a college radio DJ and have had my own bands. it’s a total ripoff not even a question. I’m sure they’re nice ppl but that’s not the point
A rip off is still a rip off, and at least Noel Gallagher had the honesty to admit the songs that he’d copied from for the most part
Foo fighters are the worst band ever
I was with you until the Oasis dig. I have no problem with their minor thievery. It works, for me.
Elastica are just straight ripping stuff off here. At least Noel usually changed it a bit! Seems like Elastica are the less intelligent ones!
I’m disappointed with Elastica. At least it was settled out of court. Give Wire their due.👍🏽
I wish they would tour together. Even swap songs
It’s sort of sampling but with guitars. Wire are great and even after all the plagiarism I still think Elastica are one of the few bands to come from the Brit pop era that still sound good now.
True. They sound great if you're a Wire fan.
Sampling gives credit, though.
nicking melodies is kinda considered an interpolation. even then you still have to give credit though.
No it's not. This is just ripping original music off, verbatim.
Holy wow. Side by side they sound very similar.
Fuck, how the heck did they get away with all this
They didn't for "Connection" at the very least!
Lolll I just heard elastica for the first time on a beta is and butthead clip, and immediately searched UA-cam for elastics wire and... voila LOL
Huge fan of both. Elastica clearly copped Wire riffs, but they went somewhere different and sexy with them and created songs that are worthy of existing in their own right, unlike inferior rip-offs that embarrass you.
Plagiarism is still plagiarism. Elastica should credit Wire as cowriters and hand over at least 50%.of the royalties.
Love 'em both
Don't you hate it when someone takes your riff and makes a waaay better song with it?
After hearing this comparison, I feel like Elastica should have packaged their debut CD with Wire's Greatest Hits, & just split the profits. But also, both bands are worthy of their great tunes.
i do think connection sounds really similar, as it's the same chord progression, but i don't the rest of the songs sound similar at first glance.
About where I am. "Connection" is obvious, but also just altered enough to qualify as different, and anyone who's seriously even tried to write original tunes knows it's ok to borrow like that in limited doses. That's what Elastica did.
(I'm thinking about Fountains of Wayne with "Stacey's Mom," which liberally borrows three Cars riffs in service of a not-quite-a-song parody. FoW's songwriters don't NEED to borrow so blatantly; they clearly CHOSE to, and that what I hear with Elastica, there. Not the other tunes nearly so much.)
Y el ganador de la comparación....Elastica
...the winner of creativity and originality....ISSSS.....
Literalmente cómo
Shhhh don't tell, I dunno, all off the blues and all of hardcore
Exactly. That’s the way music has always worked - as long as it’s REALLY good, that’s all that matters to me - and people being credited where it’s due. I really like what Elastica did - and love Wire too. Wire are one of those incredibly seminal outfits.
Hard to get mad when their songs introduced me to Wire. And their songs distinguish themselves lyrically. If we disqualified all the songs out there that were almost perfect copies of other songs, we'd lose a lot just from the Beach Boys clones alone.
Very good point - was an Elastica fan in the early 90s, but had never listened to Wire, though I'd heard of them in NME etc Finally, a few years ago I decided to listen to Wire, and I can't begrudge Elastica for pushing me there :)
Rip off.
It's really bad, hope wire got paid
Think they did for "Connection" and The Stranglers for "Waking Up", but, if they didn't for the others, they should!
I’ll Go With Wire
Cómo fan de Wire no tenía ni idea de esto, pero si hubo demanda o no quedó en nada?
Elastica got sued and settled out of court.
Oh WOW! Didn't think it would be that obvious.
This is dense. All music sounds the same because, notes.
Just the first song. More credits for Elastica.
In re elastica, they made one very memorable album. (And made another.) but for all intents and purposes, let’s they made a solid album and quit. I think there’s a certain sort of integrity in that
Wire is great. I came around to the more recent albums uhhh more recently, and am astonished how good they are
For sure, Wire is seriously good stuff. I could listen to those guys for hours.
I remember when Elastica came out, thought they were great.
But when you do the layover sheets, it's Wire's structures, rhythms, and melodies.
They landed on that planet 20 years prior to Elastica.
I like Elastica, I love that Elastica loved Wire🙂🙃
colin newman demandó a elastica por lo de "connection". lo cual opacó un poco el record que elastica consiguieron de momento: ser el disco debut más vendido de uk. en el nuevo siglo los arctic monkeys la hicieron también.
Creo que es un plagio a propósito, cómo fans reconocidos de WIRE, le han hecho este 'homenaje'.
De otra forma no se entiende tal descaro en el evidente plagio de los temas... aunque reconociendo que todas las versiones de ELASTICA son mejores.
@@profesorpassi Eso no es "plagio de los temas". NO puedes registrar la autoría de progresiones de acordes. Sí, la intro de "Connection" suena idéntica al principio, pero le agregan una variación que la termina transformando en otra cosa y el resto del tema no se parece en nada al de Wire. Lo mismo pasa con todos los demás. ¿Copiaron y se inspiraron en parte de algún riff y melodías? No se puede negar ¿Deberían pagar algún tipo de derechos de autor por ello? No lo sé, ¿quizás? ¿Plagiaron temas? No me parece.
@@profesorpassi Es el mejor disco del 95.....
Although the structure and the riffs are very similar, it is not a direct rip off, I see it more like a "homage". Elastica took those songs and improved them. For example 2:1 is way more obscure, and the vocal harmonies are great.
The first two are pretty obvious, but from then on most connections are VERY tenuous at best. Certainly from a musical progression perspective the comparisons don't hold weight. Although stylistically and feel is a different issue, but also something you can't copywrite, so...
"Improved" yeah if by improved you mean the opposite, then sure.
To my ears, the Elastica songs sound a hell of a lot like Wire's originals. Too close for legal comfort, IMHO. (Except for the last track which is a straight cover version, no problem). But godammit, Elastica's songs sound so much better! It's as if they took (as in 'stolen') crude and simplistic melodic/rhythmic/harmonic punk ideas and made them greater, richer, somehow. Given them a better life.
But theft is theft. No doubt about it. There are just too many songs here. Taken from just one band? This cannot be an accident or coincidence. We have all heard a song that sounds a bit like another song. Everyone has. Accidental plagiarism does happen. But this is too much. Too much by half. I need a lie down...
The problem is more fundamental than a standard “vs” argument. Pop music is basically of a very low musical standard, consisting of a handful of overused chords and very basic melodies. You run out of options pretty quick and eventually it’s near enough impossible NOT to plagiarise someone. The solution is develop sufficient musical expertise to enable you to stretch out your music so that no one can ever accuse you of copying (good examples: velvets, stooges, James Brown, neu!). Unfortunately that kind of ethos seldom makes money since most people can only think in simple terms hence we’re reduced to retread after retread after retread as evidenced here
False. There are many many creative artists who didn't resort to such outright plagiarism. It's one thing to be inspired by a song, or even to sound somewhat similar to a song, but this is just plagiarism on a large scale.
Weren't Elastica embarrassed to effectively churn out Wire tunes??
Wow I bought this stuff new and didn't notice.
Elastica copied from the Wire it is obvious
It's regrettable how much Elastica plagiarized...but honestly I'd rather hear Elastica than Wire.
😂 agreed
little bit of Liz Phair’s Supernova thrown in for good measure…
Heavily influenced for sure.. but Elastica pull it off better.
Wire ever at the cutting edge.
That awkward moment when you realise all the songs you got Damon to ghost write for you were plagiarised.
Bruh, real shit?
damon only wrote keyboard melodies for them.
Justine and Damon are like Liam and Noel...
Seinfeld stole the “puffy shirt” from Wire.
other than the first one this is a reeeaaacchhh
😆 🤣 😂 except they're all pretty obvious copies
Sounds convincing, but then isn't Lowdown just Johnny Be Goode, slowed down and on one chord?
At least Noel Gallagher admitted he was ripping off the Beatles , Stones, and Marc Bolan! Britcrap! Well, except for PULP.
Not all the time they didn't...neil innes asked them for royalties for ripping off his tune....For their song Whatever.
Blur were also really original, Sure, they had callbacks to Bowie, but Pulp did too.
Blur and Pulp were the only 2 "Britpop" acts that seemed to have anything of their own to contribute. Whatever happened to Pulp?
At the end of the day, even worst case scenario this is illegal uncredited plagiarism, what they did with what they stole is improve it and build upon it and make it better. That is not the ugly side of art, it's actually its most beautiful side. Collaborative Creating. What I hear in the Wire songs is the seeds of great ideas, and in Elastica I hear fruition. However it came to be, I am glad to live in a world that has the amazing songs of Elastica in it. If Wire contributed, I thank them, too.
Know any Crue?
Why do people have to be so cruel? For decades since recorded music, almost every artist, all music is derivative in some way of previous music, just some cases are more obvious, taking a chord sequence, is that much worse? I think Wire AND Elastica are both great! One or two songs sound similar? If you sued everyone for that, there'd be NO music business anymore?
Precisely. And how many people jumping on the ‘Elastica = Plagiarism’ bandwagon have a really deep knowledge and love of the history of music? And apart from that, as you point out, kindness is cool :)
At least they were honest enough to make one actual cover instead of plagiarizing everything
Eso significa que justine escucho mucho a the wire y en su subconsciente esta su musica y sale así sin más.
Song one: Elastica took a cliche and elaborated it. No problem.
Song two: Elastica borrowed a four-note motif and changed its presentation. No problem.
Song three: Can't you hear that the chords are totally different?
Song four: Wire did not invent the two quaver-crotchet rhythm and therefore it cannot be stolen.
Song five: Similar situation as song four.
Song six: Admittedly very similar, but it's just two notes and a syncopated rhythm.
Song seven: Hardly alike at all.
Song eight: The head motif is identical, admittedly. But this could be taken as just a quotation of wire- the music develops differently later. That's not saying that the quotation is particularly meaningful.
Song nine: The vocal is disappointingly similar; the chords are different. This could be understood as a "transcription" of the Wire song.
None of this amounts to plagiarism, just a lack of imagination on Elastica's part. Popular music is about transmission of cliches. Wire inherited their cliches from the people that came before them.
Thanks, I needed a good laugh ;)
"None of this amounts to plagiarism"
If not, then why do you think they settled out of court for stealing the riff from "Three girl rhumba"?
@@jimdandy2024 And the same thing happened about the same time for "Waking Up" sounding too like "No More Heroes" by the Stranglers!
Found the elastica super fan 🤣🤣🤣
I like reading your specific, song-by-song explanation, from a songwriter/ producer (?) ear. Well done. 👍🏼
I can see it but the ending songs are SO different ... it's hardly Oasis standard.
The difference is Noel was very vocal about copying bits from other people’s songs, it seemed like Justine tried to pass them off as her own
@lastp6905 💯 it's okay when you openly admit it and give credit where it's due. It's quite another to plagiarize and deny it and have to be sued to give credit.
Elastica kiss my arse
Plagiarism beyond belief
Both great
Dude idc I love Elastica, I love Justine
Anything goes when you're simping, amirite?
Claramente plágio!! Mas Elástica ainda é melhor!!
Elastica is taking the sound elsewhere...
If by "elsewhere " you mean softening it up for the mainstream, sure.
I dig Elastica. I just wonder what they would have done without plagiarizing so many songs
Interesting. I always thought they copied Can-Hey you too
It would be difficult to drive on the pch switchin records.
I still love Elastica. They were cuter than Wire.
Because it’s a band of poxy girls
A 90s Britpop band 🤣🤣🤣how lame
A direct copy would be to cover the songs - meanwhile enjoy your X Factor, Got Talent's et al...
"Different to me" sounds nothing like "Stutter".
You’re in denial, it’s all a complete rip off. So many wire copycats not just these.
@@Zenxith I'll say it again, "Different to me" sounds nothing like "Stutter".
@theredraven asdie from the parts they completely copied, sure
@@docsavage8640 It sounds completely different. You'd have a point if we were talking about the similarity between "Three Girl Rhumba" and the opening riff from "Connection".
Hahahaha. You're seriously reaching comparing "Different To Me" with Stutter. :D Not even close. Certainly not the same progression. And "Being Sucked In Again" compared to 2:1 is purely just the rhythm being compared over very different progressions. That wouldn't stand up in court.
Whilst the first two are obvious and definite lifts as well as some of the others to a lesser degree, a few mentioned are seriously clutching at straws.
Yes, Elastica ripped off Wire. Elastica's versions are way better in my opinion.
Much prefer the Elastica song
Elastica was signed to Deceptive Records -😂
😆 🤣 😂
Justine is like another Noel Gallagher!
Except Noel never tried to pretend he didn't swipe what he swiped
@@docsavage8640good point
The original story was that a certain boyfriend of Justine had to "write" her band's first album. Seeing as she was a spoilt little rich girl, whilst Blur were yet to really take off, he thought that he could make his point by plagiarising an extremely influential punk/prog band whom everyone would recognise. Except the singer who "wrote" her own songs.. ...
Lol. If true that's hilarious
Sounds like peak sexism haha of course it must have been the bloke who was clever enough to rip off Wire. Blur music is as much a rip off anyway and not quite as good as Elastica. Americans preferred the latter. Beatles first album was almost entire cover songs. No one moans about that..
@@cakefordinner1762 I love Elastica but ripping bands off this much isn't the same as playing credited cover versions (like the live cover of 12XU at the end of this list)
@@cakefordinner1762 Cover and plagarism is not the same... And The Beatles wrote most of the songs in the album and filled the empty spaces with covers, they didn't steal anything.
@@cakefordinner1762 how is blur a ripoff?
ELASTICA never said they were NEW ...just paid HOMAGE to the early PUNK guys ....for that i say WELL DONE ...shame we got SHIT MUSIC these days ...dont see any good tunes or BANDS even trying today ,,,cuz we are all FUCKIN SHEEP .................THANK YOU 1977 days of my LIFE ...LONG LIVE PUNK and LONG LIVE THE FACT ..WE HAVE A VOICE TO SAY HOW WE FEEL
Who cares about the legal stuff?? It gets dealt with. I just like hearing good music. There have been so many successful musicians that have clearly displayed their influences in their own music. This is true of everything that humans create.
You'd not say that if someone stole bread.out of your mouth, which is what plagiarism does
Okay, they liked Wire and turned some of their ideas into something much better.
Isn't this just called sampling these days? Whats the big deal? Anyways they made those sounds better.
because when you sample other peoples work you are meant to give them a credit and pay them a percentage of the writers royalties
It’s wrong if intentional and not acknowledged.
@@凯思 but actually, no it’s not
@@Projeckt why don’t you think people ought to acknowledge their sampling?
@@凯思 because no art is new art. Acting as if someone created a sound is absurd. I get it, in America everyone wants money and ownership, but creatively speaking that’s all just a lie. No ones the originator of these cords or concepts.
Wire we’re cool
Wow, lots ripping off going on.
So, Elastica for most talentless industry crap of 90s? The fact she had a heroin problem is even funnier like cosplaying being an artist lmao 🤣
Elastica are much better !!! it's a honor for wire and the stranglers. never listen them. LOVE ELASTICA !!!
Por isso que não durou muito e fez pouco sucesso , copiando riffs dos outros é fácil .
Plagiat.... 😁
Elastic did it better.
Second line up sucked tho.
The only blatant rip off is the riff from "3 Girl Rhumba" for "Connection." Elastica said Wire were a big influence on them. Elastica paid them for the riff and put their name on the map. No one would know who Wire were if it wasn't for Elastica. I think Wire are probably happy that Elastica made them well known.
+Buzzard King51 I've known Wire since 1986..... excuse me, but post-punk and new-wave lovers DO KNOW Wire very well. Elastica are just a bland rip-off.
Even the "3 Girl Rhumba" riff isn't exactly the same. Connection adds a chord change that makes it immeasureably better.
You're really grasping at straws. I even like the Elastica song but it's a blatant rip off. And it's not like Wire are some really obscure band. They may not be a household name but they're still playing all over the world, still making great music, and their classic material is about a billion times more highly regarded than any Elastica album.
No one would know who wire were? Fucking please, Wire still sells out shows and have tons of artistic respect and most people are asking Elastica who? Oh, that 90s band? Yeah, that song was alright, I barely remember it.
I can’t stand bands that steal songs
elastica is the best
but they ripped off wire so bad
If by "best" you mean "worst" then yes, they are the best.
Yes! Best thieves around!
@@RaveAllNight If they were the "best thieves" they would have covered their tracks a bit better!