I've been celebate for 5 years. There has definitely been a shift in the type of men that are interested in me. Men who are also careful with their sexual energy and attention are extremely attractive.
Keep pushing man, you genuinely make some of the most insightful vids on here, you'll inevitably be rewarded with time. I've always heard of semen retention and thought it wasn't anything drastic but your perspective on it really makes me want to do it, and I am starting now. And I'm saying this here to hold myself accountable
I've been celebate for 5 years. There has definitely been a shift in the type of men that are interested in me. Men who are also careful with their sexual energy and attention are extremely attractive.
Keep pushing man, you genuinely make some of the most insightful vids on here, you'll inevitably be rewarded with time. I've always heard of semen retention and thought it wasn't anything drastic but your perspective on it really makes me want to do it, and I am starting now. And I'm saying this here to hold myself accountable
I’m here for u brother, 🫡