I think it's great how Morgan Freeman played God in a Jim Carry comedy like 20 years ago, and we all just accept that, that is what God sounds like, and he's forever God now.
When you have a life altering.experience, and you get through it, you have been given a " Divine Assignment". God will give you an assignment to help Him be better known throughout your World, or even sometimes a greater circle of individuals that you are to meet. Thank You Jesus for all sufferings.
I highly recommend to everyone the book: Your Life Your Game by keezano📚 I read it and it changed my life, it shows how connecting with God and your inner self can lead to spiritual and personal growth. A must read, 🙏💟
Same thing for Athiesm believing in unseen and imaginative scientifc fictions conflicts with scientific integrity. Obviously, everyone claims their religion or faith is true, but they contradict each other, indicating only one can be correct. If we blindly follow conflicting doctrines or, like atheists, pursue fleeting desires without analyzing scriptures, our lives may lack meaning, purpose and rational direction. It's unfortunate that some knowingly disregard the truth, refusing accountability.
Same thing for Athiesm believing in unseen and imaginative scientifc fictions conflicts with scientific integrity. Obviously, everyone claims their religion or faith is true, but they contradict each other, indicating only one can be correct. If we blindly follow conflicting doctrines or, like atheists, pursue fleeting desires without analyzing scriptures, our lives may lack meaning, purpose and rational direction. It's unfortunate that some knowingly disregard the truth, refusing accountability.
@@crystalaviles4091 You are just fooling yourself; do you think God is like your gf or bf to have relationship with? You obey him for what he hasl ordered you is to worship him and be thankful.
I’m not knowledgeable on many religions, it just seems such a strong sacrifice for a young child. Love Morgan Freeman! He is excellent with his talent.
We all have God inside of us. That's the message of teachers like Jesus, Buddha, etc. Not to be worshipped or seen as special but for us to follow the path of their examples of love and peace. Those who see anyone specific as "chosen" just perpetuates the opposite of what Jesus represents.
@@coolbreeze5683 you are completely wrong. We all don't have God inside us. Maybe the devil but certainly not God. God comes to live inside us when we surrender our lives to him through his Son Jesus Christ.
Hi everyone God bless you all, i am going through some financial difficulties with me an my family, i need help from any one for the sake of humanity ❤
You cannot find God outside yourself. God can only be found within. No rituals are needed. Just sit still, and if thoughts or emotions come, let them be, but don't identify with them. When you feel comfortable sitting in stillness, go deeper in it. You'll find your divine source there, and all your search will be over. 🙏🙏
@@Gabrie177 I would suggest you to read The Quran. It has been preserved unchanged (in its original arabic) for over 1400 years (all period of Islam), both in written form and through uninterrupted oral memorization (by millions today). One of many miracles of The Book. Can you say the same about Bible, brother? is it in its original text? original language? is there only one version of it? My goal is not to insult you, but to inspire to look for truth in Islam as well. May Allah guide you.
@@stefanhnavetsea1588 The variations you may hear about, such as the Mushaf of Cairo or other early manuscripts, typically refer to differences in calligraphy, diacritics (vowel markings), or orthographic styles, none of which alter the core content or message of the Quran. These adjustments were made to aid in standardized recitation and ease of reading for non-Arabic speakers, while the original text remains unchanged.
@@stefanhnavetsea1588 The variations you may hear about, such as the Mushaf of Cairo or other early manuscripts, typically refer to differences in calligraphy, diacritics (vowel markings), or orthographic styles, none of which alter the core content or message of the Quran. These adjustments were made to aid in standardized recitation and ease of reading for non-Arabic speakers, while the original text remains unchanged. The Quran has also been preserved through memorization by millions of people across generations, ensuring its accuracy and consistency.
Imagine what the world would be like without religion. Terrible! The world would be a dull and terrible place without it. It is embedded into cultures all over the world. But it’s a good perspective to see how Religions all over the world impact many people and what they follow and believe. Some need it, some don’t, and some chastise it. I am a Catholic, but have Muslim and Hindu friends. All is well. I don’t think humanity would have made it this far without religions And they’re all connected in a divine way and are most connected to each other than I have ever imagined. And it has evolved just like human kind and societies do. God is in all of it. Fascinating.
God is WITHIN us. I call it my "lill G" . "Big G" is guidence internal and external. YOU GOT TO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY IN SILENCE/PEACE...IT'LL TELL YOU A LOT...JUST LISTEN✨️💫
I noticed a long time ago I could slightly lower or raise my body temperature at will. I also hit moksha 4 times last year before I knew what it was. I've overcome great suffering and have more to go - I'll be one of those 'schizophrenic sci-fi authors' however I've come to know the truth of god after a lifetime of atheism through rationality and endurance and once that happened I was 'touched' by him (or another in a higher plane of existence) in the form of feeling (which included information) and an image in my mind. Spirituality (the path to god) is real and it literally heals your mental disorders, etc.
This is definitive proof all belief systems are the creation of man's interpretations of a higher power. Personally, my God told me he had nothing to do with religion. He said he was the force of goodness, kindness, love, and empathy. So, as long as I lived within those boundaries, I would fulfill my obligations of my human existence. Those who practice evil will not only suffer the consequences of human laws but would also never ascend to a higher conscience of being. That's why it seems like people are getting worse instead of better. Those who ascend don't have to do it again. Only those who don't practice goodness, kindness, love and empathy are left on the planet. Thus, making seem like the world is full of evil people. This is the only way I can make sense of this world. I'm not asking anyone to believe what I believe. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. The problem with "religion" is that peace is a hostage to the scourge of religions. ✌️❤🙂
It is a good opinion of God that He sends messengers to communicate with His servants and guide them. And shows them how to worship Him Your disbelief in the messengers of God exposes you to punishment.
GOD bless Anne keep it up. JÉSUS ARRIVE TRÈS TRÈS BIENTÔT PRÉPAREZ-VOUS PAR VIGILANT DANS LA PRIÈRE. දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ඉතා ඉක්මනින් පැමිණේ, සුපරීක්ෂාකාරීව යාච්ඤාවෙන් සූදානම් වන්න.கர்த்தராகிய இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்,ஜெபத்தில் यीशु बहुत जल्द आ रहे हैं
"JÉSUS ARRIVE TRÈS TRÈS BIENTÔT" et cela veux dire quoi "tres bientot", ca fait plus de 50 ans que jentend les catholique dire ca, ton bientot à pas mal l'air de dire pas dici mille ans
الآية التي ذكرتها هي من سورة آل عمران، وهي الآية 64: "قُلْ يَأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالَوْا إِلَىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ أَلَّا نَعْبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلَا نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَلَا يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنَّنَا مُسْلِمُونَ" (سورة آل عمران: 64) تفسير الآية: 1. "قُلْ يَأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ": المقصود بـ "أهل الكتاب" هنا هم اليهود والنصارى، لأنهم أهل دين سماوي سبق الإسلام، ويشتركون مع المسلمين في بعض العقائد مثل الإيمان بالله. 2. "تَعَالَوْا إِلَىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ": "كلمة سواء" تعني قولًا عادلًا وصحيحًا، وهو الدعوة إلى اتفاق مشترك بين المسلمين وأهل الكتاب. وهذا يشير إلى الأساس الذي يمكن أن يتفق عليه الجميع، وهو الإيمان بوحدانية الله. 3. "أَلَّا نَعْبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلَا نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا": هذا الجزء من الآية يوضح أن أساس الدعوة هو الإيمان بتوحيد الله، أي أن العبادة يجب أن تكون خالصة لله وحده، ولا يجب أن يُشرك به شيء، وهو ما يدعو الإسلام إليه من الابتعاد عن الشرك والتأكيد على وحدانية الله. 4. "وَلَا يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ": هنا، يُنادى أهل الكتاب بعدم اتخاذ بعضهم البعض آلهة، أي عدم تقديس الأشخاص أو الأنبياء إلى درجة العبادة. في السياق المسيحي، قد يشير هذا إلى تقديس المسيح عليه السلام كإله، وهو ما يرفضه الإسلام. 5. "فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنَّنَا مُسْلِمُونَ": إذا رفضوا الدعوة إلى التوحيد ورفضوا قبول هذه الكلمة السواء، فيجب على المسلمين أن يعلنوا براءتهم منهم ويشهدوا أنَّهم مسلمون، أي خاضعون لله وحده في عبادتهم. المعنى العام: الآية تدعو أهل الكتاب (اليهود والنصارى) إلى التوحيد والتوجه إلى "كلمة سواء" تجمع المسلمين وأهل الكتاب في نقطة اتفاق، وهي أن الله هو الوحيد الذي يُعبد، وأنه لا يُشرك به. وفي حال رفضوا هذا الدعوة، فإن المسلمين يتبرؤون منهم ويعلنون إيمانهم بالله الواحد، دون أي شرك. هذه الآية تمثل دعوة للتفاهم المشترك بين أهل الأديان السماوية حول العقيدة الأساسية، وتحث على الحوار الهادئ والتفاهم بدلًا من الخلافات.
@mazhalim-s3z JÉSUS ARRIVE TRÈS TRÈS BIENTÔT PRÉPAREZ-VOUS PAR VIGILANT DANS LA PRIÈRE. දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ඉතා ඉක්මනින් පැමිණේ, සුපරීක්ෂාකාරීව යාච්ඤාවෙන් සූදානම් වන්න.கர்த்தராகிய இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்,ஜெபத்தில் ஆயத்தமாவோம்.GOD JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY SOON BE PREPARED BY VIGILANT IN PRAYER JESUS KOMMER VELDIG SNART. यीशु बहुत जल्द आ रहे हैं
Good evening/Merry Christmas! .I Wishing you good health and good things this Christmas and throughout the rest of the week. And always cheering you on in your beautiful/fascinating activities. ^^
GOD is LOVE ❤️ pure and simple and so respect 🫡 all religions equally- definitely 💯 does not include radical , extremist religious sects . GOD of the universe and beyond ❤❤❤
We had one in uganda called bisaka owobushobozi his followers called him a god even after his death, they still do. His following ain't compared to your chosen ones.
It doesn't matter how/what/when/why/where people think about God... Our limited opinions and theories can't (and don't/will never) change the reality of THE ONE.
god spoke to me, he said “Adan” then I had and saw all these supernatural phenomenons. Light, indescribable good feelings and emotions. He was waking me up from the schemes in this world.
God was not kidding when He told both Adam and Eve to leave 2 specific trees alone Now you gotta ask why did Eve pick the Tree of knowledge and not Life?? so weird
Well for one God told Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge not Eve. Even after they ate it a God told Adam in Genesis 3:17 "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life".
And also the serpent told her if she touched it she would not die, so when she preceeded to touch it and not die she ate it. She was decieved just like the bible states.
But the truth is Jesus is the way the truth and the light and believers are witnesses with his spirit. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.
@stronzer59 this verse tells you what eve's response was to the serpent not what God told Eve. And she said "we we shall not eat from the tree in the midst of the garden nothing about the tree of good of evil. The tree in the midst is the tree of life. Two separate things. Read the verses or even better look it up and it clearly tells you they are two different ones.
That 1 lady who came back from death after c section.... She probably have had HELLPSYNDROME/ PRE ECLAMPSIA.... I almost died as well my daughter thanks to those who save us. We're both here...me being 54 and she turned 15 ... Christmas child born 25 th December born. (9W.early) YES MIRACLES DO HAPPEN❤ (12/28/2024 written)
JÉSUS ARRIVE TRÈS TRÈS BIENTÔT PRÉPAREZ-VOUS PAR VIGILANT DANS LA PRIÈRE. දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ඉතා ඉක්මනින් පැමිණේ, සුපරීක්ෂාකාරීව යාච්ඤාවෙන් සූදානම් වන්න.கர்த்தராகிய இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்,ஜெபத்தில் यीशु बहुत जल्द आ रहे हैं
From what i have seen , all of the so called religions have there tools and weapons(swords- piercings) and a 9 y.o boy treated as a reincarnation (that's another weapon) but my (theantropos) that means god and person,has the only weapon that is called LOVE ❤️..THAT'S almighty Jesus Christ..amen
When people were in the unknown, they thought that God created this wonderful universe. Then, when science emerged, they said, no, the universe did this by its own coincidences for many years. Then, science came to this day, our equipment can see every detail from macro to micro. Now, science has started to give the name God to the macro and micro it finds. In other words, God won this match. So, here is the latest update from God, religion Islam. The Quran mentions both science and God in it.
Are all religions understand the law of conservation of energy? When we apply for our live, our feeling of alive? Why we all come here, where all we will go? They should understand thousands of years ahead.
Many Prophets Came , But The Core Message was always the Same ..... The 1st Commandment,,, so dont u dare associate partners with The Almighty (not in any way, shape or form) .... He is Beyond our Imagination
It's just so sad to see people still putting their faith & hopes to the idols their hands curved . They allow the devil to poses their bodies & the TRUTH IS ; JESUS FINISHED IT ALL AT THE CROSS🙏
I’m just glad that I got to live in the world with someone with the resounding voice and calm reason of Morgan Freeman.
I love this series so much. Kudos to Nat Geo and Morgan Freeman. Thank you for making sequels.
I think it's great how Morgan Freeman played God in a Jim Carry comedy like 20 years ago, and we all just accept that, that is what God sounds like, and he's forever God now.
Ya cuz everyone on earth watched that movie
@znameless4794 It's the reason he's first choice for every high end god related documentary.
Bruce Almighty..😁
Well his voice is God given gift
Whenever you hear his buttery voice an angel gets his wings
When you have a life altering.experience, and you get through it, you have been given a " Divine Assignment". God will give you an assignment to help Him be better known throughout your World, or even sometimes a greater circle of individuals that you are to meet. Thank You Jesus for all sufferings.
I love Morgan Freeman his lovely voice is so gentle to one's ears!!!❤🦄🌹
"قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالَوْا إِلَىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ أَلّا نَعْبُدَ إِلّا اللَّهَ وَلا نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَلا يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنّا مُسْلِمُونَ"
(سورة آل عمران: 64)
If there is Faith there is peace
If there is peace there is Love
If there is love there is GOD
If there is GOD thee is no need
god is ballance and not peaceful , dont confuse god with peace , because ballance it support harmful behaviour as well
I highly recommend to everyone the book: Your Life Your Game by keezano📚 I read it and it changed my life, it shows how connecting with God and your inner self can lead to spiritual and personal growth. A must read, 🙏💟
Religion begins as spirituality and love. It always ends as control.
Same thing for Athiesm believing in unseen and imaginative scientifc fictions conflicts with scientific integrity.
Obviously, everyone claims their religion or faith is true, but they contradict each other, indicating only one can be correct. If we blindly follow conflicting doctrines or, like atheists, pursue fleeting desires without analyzing scriptures, our lives may lack meaning, purpose and rational direction. It's unfortunate that some knowingly disregard the truth, refusing accountability.
Same thing for Athiesm believing in unseen and imaginative scientifc fictions conflicts with scientific integrity.
Obviously, everyone claims their religion or faith is true, but they contradict each other, indicating only one can be correct. If we blindly follow conflicting doctrines or, like atheists, pursue fleeting desires without analyzing scriptures, our lives may lack meaning, purpose and rational direction. It's unfortunate that some knowingly disregard the truth, refusing accountability.
@@StevenMichaelCunningham “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
― Mark Twain
That's why God is not religion, it's a relationship with God. There is a difference.
@@crystalaviles4091 You are just fooling yourself; do you think God is like your gf or bf to have relationship with? You obey him for what he hasl ordered you is to worship him and be thankful.
Good your are a Christian. May God bless you, Morgan. Thanks for Everything.
Pride and prejudice never finds God. Honesty and humility will always find Him.
Beautiful documentary Mr.Freeman. You have seen many beautiful places.
Bless you, Thank you🙏🏽❤
I’m not knowledgeable on many religions, it just seems such a strong sacrifice for a young child. Love Morgan Freeman! He is excellent with his talent.
Best person for the job!!! ❤
I believe no one can disprove God exists, they can only disprove human definitions of who God is.
No one can prove God exists either. With religion it's about belief not evidence.
Who else is watching this on Christmas?
The birth of the Messiah. God with us - Emmanuel. Jesus, the Name Above All Names.
Only love prevails. 👑
This is the truth
Amen 🙏
Jesus is not just chosen by God, He is God. He is the truth the way and the life.
I'm go also
That's just what you are brainwashed into believing, but there's absolutely zero proof or evidence of that.
We all have God inside of us. That's the message of teachers like Jesus, Buddha, etc. Not to be worshipped or seen as special but for us to follow the path of their examples of love and peace. Those who see anyone specific as "chosen" just perpetuates the opposite of what Jesus represents.
@@coolbreeze5683 you are completely wrong. We all don't have God inside us. Maybe the devil but certainly not God. God comes to live inside us when we surrender our lives to him through his Son Jesus Christ.
@@samuelkebede4231 calling anyone completely wrong when it comes to spiritual matters is completely delusional.
Thank you for posting this! I love Carl Jung,
We are all looking for God in different ways but God is there he exists 🙏
Hi everyone God bless you all, i am going through some financial difficulties with me an my family, i need help from any one for the sake of humanity ❤
Outstanding Thank You Morgan God Bless You
Great fascinating interview Mr Morgan Freeman about different religions of the world
Beautiful foundation young warrior, you are on the right path, refreshing to hear, happy new year young one.
Om…God is within yourself🙏
"Everybody's truth is the truth"
Well said.
but there is one solid Objective Truth!!
According to them and not others.
@@nathanaelMitiku Nah
Faith to God is strong personal experience.
If life is pre determined, then there is no such thing as free will.
Did someone force you to write this comment? Or did you choose to be born somewhere you prefer? Ofc there are fate and free will.
You cannot find God outside yourself. God can only be found within. No rituals are needed. Just sit still, and if thoughts or emotions come, let them be, but don't identify with them. When you feel comfortable sitting in stillness, go deeper in it. You'll find your divine source there, and all your search will be over. 🙏🙏
Where does divine source de come from? That sounds Buddhism doing yoga and stuff so you are still practicing religion
Amen 🙏
"My religion is Love". What a woman.
Jesus ( alaihi salam ) is the messenger of God
Greetings from Indonesia
Read the Bible , Jesus is the son of God
@@Gabrie177 I would suggest you to read The Quran. It has been preserved unchanged (in its original arabic) for over 1400 years (all period of Islam), both in written form and through uninterrupted oral memorization (by millions today). One of many miracles of The Book.
Can you say the same about Bible, brother? is it in its original text? original language? is there only one version of it?
My goal is not to insult you, but to inspire to look for truth in Islam as well. May Allah guide you.
@@aa.private lol have you seen mushaf of cairo full with whiteout and edited text?
@@stefanhnavetsea1588 The variations you may hear about, such as the Mushaf of Cairo or other early manuscripts, typically refer to differences in calligraphy, diacritics (vowel markings), or orthographic styles, none of which alter the core content or message of the Quran. These adjustments were made to aid in standardized recitation and ease of reading for non-Arabic speakers, while the original text remains unchanged.
@@stefanhnavetsea1588 The variations you may hear about, such as the Mushaf of Cairo or other early manuscripts, typically refer to differences in calligraphy, diacritics (vowel markings), or orthographic styles, none of which alter the core content or message of the Quran. These adjustments were made to aid in standardized recitation and ease of reading for non-Arabic speakers, while the original text remains unchanged.
The Quran has also been preserved through memorization by millions of people across generations, ensuring its accuracy and consistency.
Imagine what the world would be like without religion. Terrible! The world would be a dull and terrible place without it. It is embedded into cultures all over the world. But it’s a good perspective to see how Religions all over the world impact many people and what they follow and believe. Some need it, some don’t, and some chastise it. I am a Catholic, but have Muslim and Hindu friends. All is well. I don’t think humanity would have made it this far without religions And they’re all connected in a divine way and are most connected to each other than I have ever imagined. And it has evolved just like human kind and societies do. God is in all of it. Fascinating.
Merry Christmas
Y'all with love from India
Love that Morgan Freeman does these after he played God in Bruce Almighty
Love this series!
God is WITHIN us. I call it my "lill G" .
"Big G" is guidence internal and external.
Merry Christmas Morgan Freeman & National Geography!
❤❤❤❤❤ 😊😊😊 Thanks!
لا إله إلا الله
I noticed a long time ago I could slightly lower or raise my body temperature at will. I also hit moksha 4 times last year before I knew what it was. I've overcome great suffering and have more to go - I'll be one of those 'schizophrenic sci-fi authors' however I've come to know the truth of god after a lifetime of atheism through rationality and endurance and once that happened I was 'touched' by him (or another in a higher plane of existence) in the form of feeling (which included information) and an image in my mind.
Spirituality (the path to god) is real and it literally heals your mental disorders, etc.
it's Merry Christmas because We celebrate Jesus 's birth.
What an Magnificent Job U have done Creating this Video Morgan 💥🐬💙 Thank U !!! Happiest New Year to U 💐🕊️🎉
Jesus only lord ❤️✝️
He is a Prophet....
Why you broke my heart now 💔 why's why 😡 Amen
Does anyone else saw the cloud face? 22:23
I went back to look and I saw an alien like face, crazy. Thanks for pointing it out!
This is definitive proof all belief systems are the creation of man's interpretations of a higher power. Personally, my God told me he had nothing to do with religion. He said he was the force of goodness, kindness, love, and empathy. So, as long as I lived within those boundaries, I would fulfill my obligations of my human existence. Those who practice evil will not only suffer the consequences of human laws but would also never ascend to a higher conscience of being. That's why it seems like people are getting worse instead of better. Those who ascend don't have to do it again. Only those who don't practice goodness, kindness, love and empathy are left on the planet. Thus, making seem like the world is full of evil people. This is the only way I can make sense of this world. I'm not asking anyone to believe what I believe. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. The problem with "religion" is that peace is a hostage to the scourge of religions. ✌️❤🙂
It is a good opinion of God that He sends messengers to communicate with His servants and guide them. And shows them how to worship Him Your disbelief in the messengers of God exposes you to punishment.
The world generally when it comes to religion is that "whether you do or you don't do it you will have to regret both"
GOD bless Anne keep it up.
දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ඉතා ඉක්මනින් පැමිණේ, සුපරීක්ෂාකාරීව යාච්ඤාවෙන් සූදානම් වන්න.கர்த்தராகிய இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்,ஜெபத்தில்
यीशु बहुत जल्द आ रहे हैं
"JÉSUS ARRIVE TRÈS TRÈS BIENTÔT" et cela veux dire quoi "tres bientot", ca fait plus de 50 ans que jentend les catholique dire ca, ton bientot à pas mal l'air de dire pas dici mille ans
الآية التي ذكرتها هي من سورة آل عمران، وهي الآية 64:
"قُلْ يَأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالَوْا إِلَىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ أَلَّا نَعْبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلَا نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَلَا يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنَّنَا مُسْلِمُونَ"
(سورة آل عمران: 64)
تفسير الآية:
1. "قُلْ يَأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ":
المقصود بـ "أهل الكتاب" هنا هم اليهود والنصارى، لأنهم أهل دين سماوي سبق الإسلام، ويشتركون مع المسلمين في بعض العقائد مثل الإيمان بالله.
2. "تَعَالَوْا إِلَىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ":
"كلمة سواء" تعني قولًا عادلًا وصحيحًا، وهو الدعوة إلى اتفاق مشترك بين المسلمين وأهل الكتاب. وهذا يشير إلى الأساس الذي يمكن أن يتفق عليه الجميع، وهو الإيمان بوحدانية الله.
3. "أَلَّا نَعْبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلَا نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا":
هذا الجزء من الآية يوضح أن أساس الدعوة هو الإيمان بتوحيد الله، أي أن العبادة يجب أن تكون خالصة لله وحده، ولا يجب أن يُشرك به شيء، وهو ما يدعو الإسلام إليه من الابتعاد عن الشرك والتأكيد على وحدانية الله.
4. "وَلَا يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ":
هنا، يُنادى أهل الكتاب بعدم اتخاذ بعضهم البعض آلهة، أي عدم تقديس الأشخاص أو الأنبياء إلى درجة العبادة. في السياق المسيحي، قد يشير هذا إلى تقديس المسيح عليه السلام كإله، وهو ما يرفضه الإسلام.
5. "فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنَّنَا مُسْلِمُونَ":
إذا رفضوا الدعوة إلى التوحيد ورفضوا قبول هذه الكلمة السواء، فيجب على المسلمين أن يعلنوا براءتهم منهم ويشهدوا أنَّهم مسلمون، أي خاضعون لله وحده في عبادتهم.
المعنى العام:
الآية تدعو أهل الكتاب (اليهود والنصارى) إلى التوحيد والتوجه إلى "كلمة سواء" تجمع المسلمين وأهل الكتاب في نقطة اتفاق، وهي أن الله هو الوحيد الذي يُعبد، وأنه لا يُشرك به. وفي حال رفضوا هذا الدعوة، فإن المسلمين يتبرؤون منهم ويعلنون إيمانهم بالله الواحد، دون أي شرك.
هذه الآية تمثل دعوة للتفاهم المشترك بين أهل الأديان السماوية حول العقيدة الأساسية، وتحث على الحوار الهادئ والتفاهم بدلًا من الخلافات.
දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ඉතා ඉක්මනින් පැමිණේ, සුපරීක්ෂාකාරීව යාච්ඤාවෙන් සූදානම් වන්න.கர்த்தராகிய இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்,ஜெபத்தில் ஆயத்தமாவோம்.GOD JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY SOON BE PREPARED BY VIGILANT IN PRAYER
यीशु बहुत जल्द आ रहे हैं
May respect, love, tolerance and measure not leave us.❤❤
Good evening/Merry Christmas!
.I Wishing you good health and good things this Christmas and throughout the rest of the week.
And always cheering you on in your beautiful/fascinating activities. ^^
Watching little❤graphic eye 🎉🎉
i believe in Morgan Freeman ✌🏾🧡
"God" is "All That Is"
Not a person .
We are all part of "God", and "God" is a part of us .
Interesting video😊👏👏👏
So nice story of i like it and also i like all people thank you,
GOD is LOVE ❤️ pure and simple and so respect 🫡 all religions equally- definitely 💯 does not include radical , extremist religious sects . GOD of the universe and beyond ❤❤❤
Good job 👏👏
very good one.
I believe that God; Is a manufactured spiritual entity, that's Deriven from the depths of infinity.
It's ironic how many people have died under the name of RELIGION!
Because leaders make up their own ego filled rules and manipulate religion to make it fit.
Marine taught Bible over 60 years Shepherd's Chapel YT explains the whole Bible God bless
I watched it many years ago,was a great channel to watch very early in the morning 🙏
Love watching Pastor Arnold and Pastor Dennis. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Amen 🙏
Most religions makes the world a hellish place
feels like watching Shawshank 😊
Morgan freeman only person act many rituals movies with jim Carrey and Lucy ஃஃஃ❤
How is Brian Tracy not on this list? Hes preached a lot too.
We had one in uganda called bisaka owobushobozi his followers called him a god even after his death, they still do.
His following ain't compared to your chosen ones.
God: the first influencer
Your truth is your truth. My truth is my truth.
It’s interesting that, as a known atheist, he narrates so many documentaries about God. 🤷🏻♂️
Maybe he's searching for God.
It doesn't matter how/what/when/why/where people think about God... Our limited opinions and theories can't (and don't/will never) change the reality of THE ONE.
There is no "one" there are many.
Come on, we all know "the one" is an Alien riding on his UFO..
Ai hiyo ya thailand ni jaba tupu
Hahaa sindioo 😅
Even if there is a god or higher being. Its wishful thinking hoping there's a heaven or reincarnation.
Yahuah and yahushua hamashiach!!!!!!!
Jesus is freedom. all these other gods are in Him. God of gods
The dead know nothing . This is Biblical 🙏💚🙏
god spoke to me, he said “Adan” then I had and saw all these supernatural phenomenons. Light, indescribable good feelings and emotions. He was waking me up from the schemes in this world.
Anyone knows the intro song?
God was not kidding when He told both Adam and Eve to leave 2 specific trees alone
Now you gotta ask why did Eve pick the Tree of knowledge and not Life?? so weird
Well for one God told Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge not Eve. Even after they ate it a God told Adam in Genesis 3:17 "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life".
And also the serpent told her if she touched it she would not die, so when she preceeded to touch it and not die she ate it. She was decieved just like the bible states.
But the truth is Jesus is the way the truth and the light and believers are witnesses with his spirit. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.
@@crystalaviles4091 Gen 3.3 suggests God indeed told Eve the same rules that applied to Adam, I'd call that a Duty of care ruling
@stronzer59 this verse tells you what eve's response was to the serpent not what God told Eve. And she said "we we shall not eat from the tree in the midst of the garden nothing about the tree of good of evil. The tree in the midst is the tree of life. Two separate things. Read the verses or even better look it up and it clearly tells you they are two different ones.
The universe broken my heart 💔 now 💔 😡Amen
That 1 lady who came back from death after c section....
She probably have had HELLPSYNDROME/ PRE ECLAMPSIA....
I almost died as well my daughter thanks to those who save us. We're both here...me being 54 and she turned 15 ...
Christmas child born 25 th December born. (9W.early)
(12/28/2024 written)
great episode, keep it up !
What am concern is why today's generation mindset and olden days never admit to accept one true God
දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ඉතා ඉක්මනින් පැමිණේ, සුපරීක්ෂාකාරීව යාච්ඤාවෙන් සූදානම් වන්න.கர்த்தராகிய இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்,ஜெபத்தில்
यीशु बहुत जल्द आ रहे हैं
From what i have seen , all of the so called religions have there tools and weapons(swords- piercings) and a 9 y.o boy treated as a reincarnation (that's another weapon) but my (theantropos) that means god and person,has the only weapon that is called LOVE ❤️..THAT'S almighty Jesus Christ..amen
Who else is watching this on the 2nd day of 2025❤🎉
When people were in the unknown, they thought that God created this wonderful universe. Then, when science emerged, they said, no, the universe did this by its own coincidences for many years. Then, science came to this day, our equipment can see every detail from macro to micro. Now, science has started to give the name God to the macro and micro it finds. In other words, God won this match. So, here is the latest update from God, religion Islam. The Quran mentions both science and God in it.
Interesting outlook .. I agree
50:30 Daniel 12:3 (bible) 50:30
Jesus is king 👑
Jesus Christ 🙏
Are all religions understand the law of conservation of energy? When we apply for our live, our feeling of alive? Why we all come here, where all we will go? They should understand thousands of years ahead.
I hate my heart now broken 💔 thanks 😢😡
God loves you that’s all I can say
Many Prophets Came , But The Core Message was always the Same .....
The 1st Commandment,,, so dont u dare associate partners with The Almighty (not in any way, shape or form) ....
He is Beyond our Imagination
I have this feeling that i am the EYE of jesus,i dont care if you laugh at me,im just telling you what is going on to me
Alguien sabe si en este canal siguen transmitiendo la ciencia de lo adsurdo
It's just so sad to see people still putting their faith & hopes to the idols their hands curved . They allow the devil to poses their bodies & the TRUTH IS ; JESUS FINISHED IT ALL AT THE CROSS🙏
SrA a aaaaàaaaaàaaàá
Jesus is another ritual, just go inward instead.