@@ontariomotorsport7038 Charlie looks like he just got out of a coma and guy on the top right(forgot his name) looks like he hasent brushed or combed his beard ever
3:46 💋Best adult contact site💘👇 Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《 Leurs états de santé respectifs les empêchent de s'approcher trop près l'un de l'autre. 在整個人類歷史上,強者, 富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市~sae和鄉村中的弱者,無力防守和貧窮成員。 然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其𝔻𝔸融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。 他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1619442355
I had a similar idea, but it I imagined that everyone on the Official Podcast created a hypothetical together on what would happen if Jared and Austin fought each other, like a fighting game.
actually, a lot of pedophiles had a similar experience. You either learn to NOT do something from trauma or learn TO do something. It's like the 2 brothers. One becomes an alcoholic, and one becomes against alcohol. Both say 'i learned it from my dad' I personally took the trauma that happened to me and use it to fuel me for a successful life because that's the last thing my abuser wants.
@@ArthropodJay yeah, most abusers have a history of being abused; it might seem like a way of getting sympathy but its actually something that happens. Its sorta like how children of dicorced parents are more likely to have martial troubles
God, I wish JRE was still on YT. I wonder if the money was worth it to him, now. Not in terms of the money, but in terms of culture and people actually watching his show, because everyone uses UA-cam and not everyone uses Spotify, especially since they just essentially erased everyone's playlists.... Seems like he was doing really well before +$100 mil in the bank, with 3 jobs and Dana as a friend and all that.
How dare you consider scrabble a "simple" game played with "friends and family". The scrabble board is a war ground where battles Sun Tsu would have studied takes place. I would never play a letter on a double word against a "friend". When we sit at the scrabble table we are sworn enemies in a pure battle of wits and vocabulary.
Established in 1824, the Geneva school is the oldest watchmaking school in Switzerland, now with three units. The technical college provides full-time teaching for micromechanics, watchmakers and watchmaker-repairers Also in britain they have WOSTEP a 2 year 3200 hour course
Pay a child to hang out in a cage with some snacks and a ds and pretend that the kids the winners prize but at the end the last predator just gets shot after the kids taken off set.
"If there's a lesson to be taken away from this story, it would be that just because someone promises to change doesn't always mean they will, or even can." -TheGamerFromMars on Austin Jones
I got railroaded for selling weed in California when I was 19 because I had a large amount of weed on me, the police were investigating my neighbor and thought I was doing something suspicious parking my truck out front of my house, my grandparents let them in the house thinking it would prove my innocence but instead it helped the crooked scumbag cops make up evidence, they used old empty weed containers I had laying around and said that was my packaging for sales, they stole my money, I had rent money to pay my grandparents it was a Friday and they stole the money didn’t even write it in the report. I wouldn’t let my family hire me an attorney because my public defender kept telling me we would win easy in court because the police report didn’t have enough damning evidence to convict me, my public defender kept asking me to postpone because he was fighting murder cases for his other clients and my case was so easy the longer we waited the better he would tell me. One week before trial my public defender takes me aside and tells me if I don’t plead guilty to whatever offer they give me I’m gonna likely go to prison for 5-10 years. So I had to plead guilty to possession of a controlled substance for sale how fucked up is that ?
5-10 years if you didn’t accept a plea deal? What a load of bullshit, especially since you weren't liable for any violent offenses for possessing weed. Also, I should point out the sad fact that many rapists (especially chomos) end up with VERY lenient sentences (2-5 years at least) of which even after serving they end up repeating the offense, only to be given the EXACT same lenient sentence again. Meanwhile, many non-violent drug offenders are forced to bear the brunt of their sentencing, regardless of the severity of it all
10:11 is when the Jares Fogle vs Austin Jones topic started, Thank you, I saved your time which honestly if you watched through it normal would have found it after 10 minutes but still glad to save you some time
Clearly Jackson has never listened to his own podcast on Spotify. Every single episode starts with Andrew telling me about Anchor (it's the best way to do it!) 😂
You KIND of understand. A plea deal is an agreement between your lawyer and the prosecutor. Your lawyer says “my client will give you a guilty plea (which increases their stats. Yes, prosecutors have stats) if you agree to offer to amend the charge to a lower charge, offer a recommendation for less prison time, etc…”
I'm still kind of dumbfounded that i didn't know about this series until episode 230 something... fucking great stuff guys. I like listening to this while doing literally anything.
33:24 it also depends on the lawyer you get, there are plenty of lawyers out there willing to sue the state or whoever they need to get the most money they can. I think that's one of the times it's actually good to have a very hungry lawyer.
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. Where are your fingers? Seriously. It's a pretty easy question. You should be able to answer it. But how do you know? How does anyone know anything? You might say, well, I know where my fingers are. I'm looking right at them. Or, I can touch them, I can feel them, they're right here and that's good. Your senses are a great way to learn things. In fact, we have way more than the usual five senses we talk about. For instance, your kinesthetic sense, proprioception. This is what the police evaluate during a field sobriety test. It allows you to tell where your fingers and arms and head and legs in your body is all in relation to each other without having to look or touch other things. We have way more than five senses, we have at least twice as many and then some. But they're not perfect. There are optical illusions, audio illusions, temperature sensation illusions, even tactile illusions. Can you turn your tongue upside down? If so, perfect. Try this. Run your finger along the outer edge of the tip of your upside down tongue. Your tongue will be able to feel your finger, but in the wrong place. Our brains never needed to develop an understanding of upside down tongue touch. So, when you touch the right side of your tongue when it's flipped over to your left side you perceive a sensation on the opposite side, where your tongue usually is but isn't when it's upside down. It's pretty freaky and cool and a little humbling, because it shows the limits of the accuracy of our senses, the only tools we have to get what's out there in here. The philosophy of knowledge, the study of knowing, is called epistemology. Plato famously said that the things we know are things that are true, that we believe and that we have justification for believing. those justifications might be irrational or they might be rational, they might be based on proof, but don't get too confident because proven is not a synonym for true. Luckily, there are things that we can know without needing proof, without needing to even leave the house, things that we can know as true by reason alone. These are things that we know a priori. An example would be the statement "all bachelors are unmarried." I don't have to go survey every bachelor on earth to know that that is true. All bachelors are unmarried because that's how we define the word bachelor. Of course, you have to know what the words bachelor and unmarried mean in the first place. Oh, you do? Okay. Perfect. That's great. But how do you know? This time I mean functionally, how do you know? Where is knowledge biologically in the brain? What are memories made out of? We are a long way from being able to answer that question completely but research has shown that memories don't exist in the brain in single locations. Instead, what we call a memory is likely made up of many different complex relationships all over the brain between lots of brain cells, neurons. A major cellular mechanism thought to underlie the formation of memories is long-term potentiation or LTP. When one neuron stimulates another neuron repeatedly that signal can be enhanced overtime LTP, wiring them more strongly together and that connection can last a long time, even an entire lifetime. A collection of different brain cells, neurons that fire together in a particular order over and over again frequently and repeatedly can achieve long-term potentiation, becoming more sensitive to each other and more ready to fire in the exact same way later on in the future. They're a physical thing in your brain, firing together more easily because you strengthen that pattern of firing. You memorized. This branching forest of firing friends looks messy, but look closer. It could be the memory of your first kiss. A living souvenir of the event. If I were to go into your brain and cut out those cells, could I make you forget your first kiss or could I make you forget where your fingers are? Only if I cut out a lot of your brain. Because memories aren't just stored in one relationship, they're stored all over the brain. The events leading up to your first kiss are stored in one network, the way it felt to the way it smelled in different networks, all added up together making what you call the memory of your first kiss. How many memories can you fit inside your head? What is the storage capacity of the human brain? The best we can do is a rough estimate, but given the number of neurons in the brain involved with memory and the number of different connections a single neuron can make Paul Reber at Northwestern University estimated that we can store the digital equivalent of about 2.5 petabytes of information. That's the equivalent of recording a TV channel continuously for 300 years. That's a lot of information. That is a lot of information about skills you can do and facts and people you've met, things in the real world. The world is real, right? How do you know? It's a difficult question, but it's not rocket science. Instead, it is asking whether or not rocket scientists even exist in the first place. The theory that the Sun moved around the earth worked great. It predicted that the Sun would rise every morning and it did. It wasn't until later that we realized what we thought was true might not be. So, do we or will we ever know true reality or are we stuck in a world where the best we can do is be approximately true? Discovering more and more useful theories every day but never actually reaching true objective actual reality. Can science or reason ever prove convincingly that your friends and UA-cam videos and your fingers actually exist beyond your mind? That you don't just live in the matrix? No. Your mind is all that you have, even if you use instruments, like a telescope or particle accelerators. The final stop for all of that information is ultimately you. You are alone in your own brain, which technically makes it impossible to prove that anything else exists. It's called the egocentric predicament. Everything you know about the world out there depends on and is created inside your brain. This mattered so much to Charles Sanders Peirce that he drew a line between reality, the way the universe truly is, and what he called the phaneron, the world as filtered through our senses and bodies, the only information we can get. If you want to speak with certainty you live in, that is you react to and remember and experience your phaneron, not reality. The belief that only you exist and everything else, food, the universe, your friends are all figments of your mind is called solipsism. There is no way to convince a solipsist that the outside world is real. And there is no way to convince someone who doubts that the universe wasn't created just three seconds ago along with all of our memories. It's a frightening realization that we don't always know how to deal with. There's even The Matrix defense. In 2002 Tonda Lynn Ansley shot and killed her landlady. She argued that she believed she was in the matrix, that her crimes weren't real. By using the matrix defense, she was found not guilty by reason of insanity, because the opposite view is just way healthier and common. It's called realism. Realism is the belief that the outside world exists independently of your own phaneron. Rocks and stars and Thora Birch would continue to exist even if you weren't around to experience them. But you cannot know realism is true. All you can do is believe. Martin Gardner, a great source for math magic tricks, explained that he is not a solipsist because realism is just way more convenient and healthy and it works. As to whether it bothered him that he could never know realism was true, he wrote, "If you ask me to tell you anything about the nature of what lies beyond the phaneron, my answer is how should I know? I'm not dismayed by ultimate mysteries, I can no more grasp what is behind such questions as my cat can understand what is behind the clatter I make while I type this paragraph." Humble stuff. What strikes me is the cat. Cats do not understand keyboards, but they know the keyboards are a fun place to be. It's a great way to get the attention of a human, they're warm and exciting, surrounded by noises and flashing lights plus cats love to get their scent on whatever they can, a mark of their existence. We aren't that much different, except instead of keyboards we have the mysteries of the universe. We will never be able to understand all of them. We won't be able to ever answer every single question, but walking around in those questions, exploring them, is fun. It feels good. And as always, thanks for watching. Do you want more unanswered questions? Well, you're in luck. Today, nine other amazing channels on UA-cam have made videos about questions we still haven't fully answered. Alltime10s has organized them and to watch them all click the annotation at the end of this video or the link at the top of the description. Enjoy.
Quick Update: Yesterday in India, the Reserve Bank of India, Government Bank's raid boss basically allowed crypto to be used and traded, it's the private banks crying and throwing hissyfit because they'll lose a chunk of the pie. So any Indians watching and reading this, if you want, you can get in on crypto now.
plea bargains are different from just pleading guilty. pleading guilty often takes some sentencing options off the table. if your possible sentences are life or death, a guilty plea will make the death sentence impossible. if your only sentencing option is life pleading guilty will knock some charges off your card and make the sentence length significantly longer. plea deals will exemplify this and make the sentence much much shorter than just a guilty plea.
So on the topic of what prisoners do (specifically in the U.S,) after prison it’s a really bad situation. Because it’s mostly young men of a bad socioeconomic class they often come out of prison without any skills beyond those that put them behind bars in the first place . This is why the U.S has such a high case of recidivism which is basically recommitting crimes and going back to prison. There is some hope (I volunteer through my university to help give people associate degrees) but there needs to be a massive restructuring of the criminal “justice” system within our country.
For the question on why keep them alive for life instead of death sentences: I did a research paper on death sentences and it's actually more expensive to have someone on death row than it is to keep them in prison for life. I think it was about a million dollars more per year difference. Most of it is due to court fees and paying their lawyers and everyone involved in court since death row inmates are constantly trying to appeal their sentence.
Jackson is good to see your face actually moving again, Andrew your beard looks phenomenal, Charlie your beard looks incredibly handsome as well, Kaya your hair is very nice and your beard is nice too
I think in regards to talking about "clock college" there was some language barriers when Kaya was trying to describe the school. I think his friend went to a technical college of some sort.
There's probably a 16 year old prodigy Scrabble player that only goes because his grandmother makes him, this year he uses Covid as an excuse not to go.
Kaya making fun of how boomers think crypto is just a "trend" as he describes his shitcoin like every other hypetrend is disheartening. Hoped they learned their lesson.
@@snnnaaaaaakeeeee4470 yea I’m tripping subways cofounder was a billionaire, not him, but still a couple million will keep you on the softer sentencing side
Hey Charlie, please moist meter the movie "nobody" if you like John Wick then this movie is right up your alley, it also has the guy from better call Saul as the lead. It's honestly just as good as the first John Wick imo.
Hmhm. Maybe it's because Mr moist is the only big youtuber I watch but I feel like his comment section is always full of hiveminds and sex bots, its dystopian.
the current meta for child predators is really diverse, you've got a lot of equally competitive options
*Omg I discovered penguinz0 coming out video, here it is:* ua-cam.com/video/i0h8tD1tckc/v-deo.html
EDP/James Charles the best predators around
@@daaaaa6722 at the moment, wait a couple months for the new releases they come out quite frequently and the meta is always changing
@@riskyy2933 leave
@@riskyy2933 gay
Bruh, seeing all 4 of them using a webcam at the same time is actually weird
I didn’t even notice that until I read your comment LOL
@@agnieszkarajder2821 😍😍
Lmao I see why they turn it off sometimes 🤣🤣 looking rough.
@@mw3isbetterthanmw22 how?
@@ontariomotorsport7038 Charlie looks like he just got out of a coma and guy on the top right(forgot his name) looks like he hasent brushed or combed his beard ever
*Jared:* You can't defeat me
*Austin:* I know, but he can
*EDP445* enters the cell
Who's EDP445?
No no. Jared will be in jail for the rest of his life. For ever frame of CP you get 10 years in prison nonconcurrently
Jeffrey epstein:
*Onision and Chris-Chan* emerge from under the floor, ready to tag-team.
@@InkubozuNikki then you have the special minecraft youtuber fight event
Jackson over here looking like he's about to drop the hottest album of 2003
man why does you saying 2003 and he having long hair remind me of dave grohl
Saint anggerrr ‘round myy neeeckkkk
@@FailureToBe He never gets respect...
Judging by the title of this podcast, I was _really_ hoping this was about Jared and Austin getting into a fight in prison.
3:46 💋Best adult contact site💘👇
Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《
Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empêchent
de s'approcher trop
près l'un de l'autre.
他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1619442355
I had a similar idea, but it I imagined that everyone on the Official Podcast created a hypothetical together on what would happen if Jared and Austin fought each other, like a fighting game.
Jackson finally revived from the black hole of broken webcam
@@MaximilianMuss ?
@@MaximilianMuss choke
@@orikku Shush
@@xpressjustice542 Child
@@jessecanfly9976 ?
Jacksons hair has grown so much since we haven't been able to see him in so long
Max won
He looks manlier with that beard and beanie
I just realized that animated Jared looks like senator Armstrong
*Omg I discovered penguinz0 coming out video, here it is:* ua-cam.com/video/i0h8tD1tckc/v-deo.html
That was literally the first thing I thought!
@@riskyy2933 it’s a weird mrbeast vid bruh
@@MaximilianMuss clear coms
@@maximillianmusthegodofyout8573 clear coms
Jared: Hey kids, say “Tuna sub” backwards, that’s what I’m gonna do on your face
heh thats a good one
😂 Funny as fuck ❤️
*Omg I discovered penguinz0 coming out video, here it is:* ua-cam.com/video/i0h8tD1tckc/v-deo.html
Anut bus?
tuna sub
bus anut
bust a nut
oh no
Whoever animated Jacksons cam this episode did a bang up job
“I was traumatized as a child” they say while traumatizing children.
actually, a lot of pedophiles had a similar experience. You either learn to NOT do something from trauma or learn TO do something.
It's like the 2 brothers. One becomes an alcoholic, and one becomes against alcohol.
Both say 'i learned it from my dad'
I personally took the trauma that happened to me and use it to fuel me for a successful life because that's the last thing my abuser wants.
@@ArthropodJay yeah, most abusers have a history of being abused; it might seem like a way of getting sympathy but its actually something that happens. Its sorta like how children of dicorced parents are more likely to have martial troubles
@@mohammedsami6907 Cool story, doesn't excuse the molestation tho.
@@baraness24 yeah it doesn't. It's just something that usually happens, which was that person's point of mentioning I think...
@@baraness24 look how edgy you are, Jesus
Joe Rogan doesn’t read his ads anymore, now that he’s only on Spotify it’s basically a radio commercial
he still reads ads though, there are little intermittent ad breaks all the time.
God, I wish JRE was still on YT. I wonder if the money was worth it to him, now. Not in terms of the money, but in terms of culture and people actually watching his show, because everyone uses UA-cam and not everyone uses Spotify, especially since they just essentially erased everyone's playlists.... Seems like he was doing really well before +$100 mil in the bank, with 3 jobs and Dana as a friend and all that.
@@armorykittington What “culture”?
@@user-jt6rh8xy6n yogurt
@@armorykittington he wasn't a fan of the comments though :p
Every Thursday brings me joy to listen too these podcasts
Jackson looking like a prototype Charlie with the white shirt, long hair and half beard
How dare you consider scrabble a "simple" game played with "friends and family". The scrabble board is a war ground where battles Sun Tsu would have studied takes place. I would never play a letter on a double word against a "friend". When we sit at the scrabble table we are sworn enemies in a pure battle of wits and vocabulary.
Scrabble But With Fire™, it's like Scrabble; but can you guess what's different?
The slant-rhyming in "enemies" and "vocabulary" is a chef's kiss.
“Wtf is this word?”
Sun Tzu
Established in 1824, the Geneva school is the oldest watchmaking school in Switzerland, now with three units. The technical college provides full-time teaching for micromechanics, watchmakers and watchmaker-repairers Also in britain they have WOSTEP a 2 year 3200 hour course
thank you
We need a hunger games type of thing where every predator fights each other
Pay a child to hang out in a cage with some snacks and a ds and pretend that the kids the winners prize but at the end the last predator just gets shot after the kids taken off set.
@@TheRealRusDaddy exactly. And the one that survives gets publicly executed .
@@realjpegmafia and people who were affected by their crime, get to fart into their mouth first, too
"If there's a lesson to be taken away from this story, it would be that just because someone promises to change doesn't always mean they will, or even can."
-TheGamerFromMars on Austin Jones
That Crypto advice aged like milk 😬
It's almost like it was a bubble like the 2000s housing bubble like all the financial professionals were saying
Anyone that'd invest in crypto is actually braindead. Spend 5 minutes researching economics and you'll see that it'll end poorly.
@@liarwithagunyeah😂 and the fact they began saying it’s not just a bubble😭😭😭
Lets make this a triple threat with EDP445
@@agnieszkarajder2821 how about you link some bitches
Uh ngl i have no idea what people are talking about in the reply section
@@bruhbaboi2020 edp
And here they come...
Kaya making the logical anti-death penalty argument was not what I was expecting.
Edp has become the villain he is a hero no more
Even the Chipotle bathroom breaks can't save him now.
I got railroaded for selling weed in California when I was 19 because I had a large amount of weed on me, the police were investigating my neighbor and thought I was doing something suspicious parking my truck out front of my house, my grandparents let them in the house thinking it would prove my innocence but instead it helped the crooked scumbag cops make up evidence, they used old empty weed containers I had laying around and said that was my packaging for sales, they stole my money, I had rent money to pay my grandparents it was a Friday and they stole the money didn’t even write it in the report.
I wouldn’t let my family hire me an attorney because my public defender kept telling me we would win easy in court because the police report didn’t have enough damning evidence to convict me, my public defender kept asking me to postpone because he was fighting murder cases for his other clients and my case was so easy the longer we waited the better he would tell me.
One week before trial my public defender takes me aside and tells me if I don’t plead guilty to whatever offer they give me I’m gonna likely go to prison for 5-10 years.
So I had to plead guilty to possession of a controlled substance for sale how fucked up is that ?
Did u end up going to prison?
5-10 years if you didn’t accept a plea deal? What a load of bullshit, especially since you weren't liable for any violent offenses for possessing weed. Also, I should point out the sad fact that many rapists (especially chomos) end up with VERY lenient sentences (2-5 years at least) of which even after serving they end up repeating the offense, only to be given the EXACT same lenient sentence again. Meanwhile, many non-violent drug offenders are forced to bear the brunt of their sentencing, regardless of the severity of it all
I read the title as Jared Fogle vs Austin Powers
10:11 is when the Jares Fogle vs Austin Jones topic started,
Thank you, I saved your time which honestly if you watched through it normal would have found it after 10 minutes but still glad to save you some time
@Feeney Durgan just letting people who read this that this isn't a video, it brings you to a website that you are better off not going to
@@TheOnlyLupin thanks
Man the crypto talk aged horribly, Kaya was so confident saying crypto is not a joke and that it's real, now crypto is pretty much a dead thing
😂😂😂 It was so obvious even back then
The intro never gets old
I'm glad they finally started talking about pedophiles it's been a long time coming
pedophiles are all ways coming that the problem
Damn I just checked to see if Charlie uploaded and God has graced me
*Omg I discovered penguinz0 coming out video, here it is:* ua-cam.com/video/i0h8tD1tckc/v-deo.html
The fact that he was only in prison for 13 years is fucking scary. The Justice system is broken.
If it was western European country he would have been out in 3 years
Was? I thought he still is locked up..
You only get long sentences for stealing from the rich. Just look at Madoff.
Clearly Jackson has never listened to his own podcast on Spotify. Every single episode starts with Andrew telling me about Anchor (it's the best way to do it!) 😂
@The Deathless I always hit forward 3 times and then it's just Andrew saying "It's the best way to do it" 🤣
nice to know that the law can still treat drug use (not trafficking) equally or more harshly than actual child pornography and abuse.
Anyone else hear Comcast and just get Nostalgia from the On Demand remote and box lol
No most companies use the same type of equipment anyway
@@dabigdee3401 not back then idk
Jackson over here like "15 dollars little man, put that money in my hand"
If you don’t you will owe me, owe me ohhh!!!
Jared Fogle: “I’ll take the kids meal with extra kids”
*Omg I discovered penguinz0 coming out video, here it is:* ua-cam.com/video/i0h8tD1tckc/v-deo.html
“I’ll take the kids meal hold the meal”
Man, seeing this episode in the future, and how poorly that talk on crypto aged is fucking divine.
I had childhood trauma so I give other children truama😂
Try hard at what lmao
When everyone's traumatized, no one will be.
3:2 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-----۞------------
livegirls19. com 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
!❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
You KIND of understand. A plea deal is an agreement between your lawyer and the prosecutor. Your lawyer says “my client will give you a guilty plea (which increases their stats. Yes, prosecutors have stats) if you agree to offer to amend the charge to a lower charge, offer a recommendation for less prison time, etc…”
Senator Armstrong vs Fred Jones from Scooby Doo
I don’t think I’ve ever seen all four of them using a webcam before
It's pretty rare yeah
I'm still kind of dumbfounded that i didn't know about this series until episode 230 something... fucking great stuff guys. I like listening to this while doing literally anything.
Why is Kayas webcam so high quality
Why does Andrew’s mouth looks like it isn’t moving when he’s talking?
Would love to see internet historian on this
My grandma still has a grandfather clock to this day
it took me a while to understand the JACK stood for Jackson, Andrew, Charlie and Kaya
I think it was pretty obvious what it meant.
Wtf there are still ppl who likes Maximilian something
@@andromeda4995 I guess so 😒
rewatching some old episodes 58:06 killed me
I came back for this 😂
33:24 it also depends on the lawyer you get, there are plenty of lawyers out there willing to sue the state or whoever they need to get the most money they can. I think that's one of the times it's actually good to have a very hungry lawyer.
They need to get Larry Lawton on. He’s an ex jewel thief who runs a youtube channel about his experiences and other related stuff
Charlie is sometimes so sure of himself when he speaks absolute nonsense.
Woah I haven’t tuned in to an official podcast on UA-cam in a while, everybody’s cameras went up in quality
They do camgirl vids together
57:36 Yo charlie just starts doing a prayer here.
Let me just say how smooth Andrews segways are into ads
The thought of someone walking in a bank and yelling everyone here sus and starts shooting makes me laugh
@imy123 nobody likes you and you won't be famous by linking your videos in comments
@@thebakawaffle5013 lmao
It's hilarious how one ad leads into another sometimes, like with the crypto discussion going into the mattress one lol
The real podcast is the ads
i met austin jones at a concert when i was about 15 and he wanted to hug me but i said no lmaooo i feel like i subconsciously knew
You dodged the bullet there
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. Where are your fingers? Seriously. It's a pretty easy question. You should be able to answer it. But how do you know? How does anyone know anything?
You might say, well, I know where my fingers are. I'm looking right at them. Or, I can touch them, I can feel them, they're right here and that's good. Your senses are a great way to learn things. In fact, we have way more than the usual five senses we talk about. For instance, your kinesthetic sense, proprioception. This is what the police evaluate during a field sobriety test. It allows you to tell where your fingers and arms and head and legs in your body is all in relation to each other without having to look or touch other things. We have way more than five senses, we have at least twice as many and then some. But they're not perfect.
There are optical illusions, audio illusions, temperature sensation illusions, even tactile illusions. Can you turn your tongue upside down? If so, perfect. Try this. Run your finger along the outer edge of the tip of your upside down tongue. Your tongue will be able to feel your finger, but in the wrong place. Our brains never needed to develop an understanding of upside down tongue touch. So, when you touch the right side of your tongue when it's flipped over to your left side you perceive a sensation on the opposite side, where your tongue usually is but isn't when it's upside down. It's pretty freaky and cool and a little humbling, because it shows the limits of the accuracy of our senses, the only tools we have to get what's out there in here.
The philosophy of knowledge, the study of knowing, is called epistemology. Plato famously said that the things we know are things that are true, that we believe and that we have justification for believing. those justifications might be irrational or they might be rational, they might be based on proof, but don't get too confident because proven is not a synonym for true. Luckily, there are things that we can know without needing proof, without needing to even leave the house, things that we can know as true by reason alone. These are things that we know a priori. An example would be the statement "all bachelors are unmarried." I don't have to go survey every bachelor on earth to know that that is true. All bachelors are unmarried because that's how we define the word bachelor. Of course, you have to know what the words bachelor and unmarried mean in the first place. Oh, you do? Okay. Perfect. That's great. But how do you know?
This time I mean functionally, how do you know? Where is knowledge biologically in the brain? What are memories made out of? We are a long way from being able to answer that question completely but research has shown that memories don't exist in the brain in single locations. Instead, what we call a memory is likely made up of many different complex relationships all over the brain between lots of brain cells, neurons. A major cellular mechanism thought to underlie the formation of memories is long-term potentiation or LTP. When one neuron stimulates another neuron repeatedly that signal can be enhanced overtime LTP, wiring them more strongly together and that connection can last a long time, even an entire lifetime. A collection of different brain cells, neurons that fire together in a particular order over and over again frequently and repeatedly can achieve long-term potentiation, becoming more sensitive to each other and more ready to fire in the exact same way later on in the future. They're a physical thing in your brain, firing together more easily because you strengthen that pattern of firing. You memorized. This branching forest of firing friends looks messy, but look closer. It could be the memory of your first kiss. A living souvenir of the event. If I were to go into your brain and cut out those cells, could I make you forget your first kiss or could I make you forget where your fingers are? Only if I cut out a lot of your brain. Because memories aren't just stored in one relationship, they're stored all over the brain. The events leading up to your first kiss are stored in one network, the way it felt to the way it smelled in different networks, all added up together making what you call the memory of your first kiss.
How many memories can you fit inside your head? What is the storage capacity of the human brain? The best we can do is a rough estimate, but given the number of neurons in the brain involved with memory and the number of different connections a single neuron can make Paul Reber at Northwestern University estimated that we can store the digital equivalent of about 2.5 petabytes of information. That's the equivalent of recording a TV channel continuously for 300 years. That's a lot of information. That is a lot of information about skills you can do and facts and people you've met, things in the real world. The world is real, right? How do you know?
It's a difficult question, but it's not rocket science. Instead, it is asking whether or not rocket scientists even exist in the first place. The theory that the Sun moved around the earth worked great. It predicted that the Sun would rise every morning and it did. It wasn't until later that we realized what we thought was true might not be. So, do we or will we ever know true reality or are we stuck in a world where the best we can do is be approximately true? Discovering more and more useful theories every day but never actually reaching true objective actual reality. Can science or reason ever prove convincingly that your friends and UA-cam videos and your fingers actually exist beyond your mind? That you don't just live in the matrix?
No. Your mind is all that you have, even if you use instruments, like a telescope or particle accelerators. The final stop for all of that information is ultimately you. You are alone in your own brain, which technically makes it impossible to prove that anything else exists. It's called the egocentric predicament. Everything you know about the world out there depends on and is created inside your brain. This mattered so much to Charles Sanders Peirce that he drew a line between reality, the way the universe truly is, and what he called the phaneron, the world as filtered through our senses and bodies, the only information we can get. If you want to speak with certainty you live in, that is you react to and remember and experience your phaneron, not reality. The belief that only you exist and everything else, food, the universe, your friends are all figments of your mind is called solipsism. There is no way to convince a solipsist that the outside world is real. And there is no way to convince someone who doubts that the universe wasn't created just three seconds ago along with all of our memories. It's a frightening realization that we don't always know how to deal with. There's even The Matrix defense.
In 2002 Tonda Lynn Ansley shot and killed her landlady. She argued that she believed she was in the matrix, that her crimes weren't real. By using the matrix defense, she was found not guilty by reason of insanity, because the opposite view is just way healthier and common. It's called realism. Realism is the belief that the outside world exists independently of your own phaneron. Rocks and stars and Thora Birch would continue to exist even if you weren't around to experience them. But you cannot know realism is true. All you can do is believe.
Martin Gardner, a great source for math magic tricks, explained that he is not a solipsist because realism is just way more convenient and healthy and it works. As to whether it bothered him that he could never know realism was true, he wrote, "If you ask me to tell you anything about the nature of what lies beyond the phaneron, my answer is how should I know? I'm not dismayed by ultimate mysteries, I can no more grasp what is behind such questions as my cat can understand what is behind the clatter I make while I type this paragraph." Humble stuff. What strikes me is the cat.
Cats do not understand keyboards, but they know the keyboards are a fun place to be. It's a great way to get the attention of a human, they're warm and exciting, surrounded by noises and flashing lights plus cats love to get their scent on whatever they can, a mark of their existence. We aren't that much different, except instead of keyboards we have the mysteries of the universe. We will never be able to understand all of them.
We won't be able to ever answer every single question, but walking around in those questions, exploring them, is fun. It feels good. And as always, thanks for watching. Do you want more unanswered questions? Well, you're in luck. Today, nine other amazing channels on UA-cam have made videos about questions we still haven't fully answered. Alltime10s has organized them and to watch them all click the annotation at the end of this video or the link at the top of the description. Enjoy.
Holy fucking shit that's alot
Holy shit
Did you really just post a copypasta
sponsorblock cuts the ads out for free, it's such a hero
Jared is my favorite anime villain
@@diobrando4063 lol
What a way to be introduced to this podcast.
Day 5 of asking for a Capri Sun tier list
Quick Update: Yesterday in India, the Reserve Bank of India, Government Bank's raid boss basically allowed crypto to be used and traded, it's the private banks crying and throwing hissyfit because they'll lose a chunk of the pie. So any Indians watching and reading this, if you want, you can get in on crypto now.
Never before have I been so interested in a title
Yeah holy shit lol
thumbnail is perfect too, I'd buy a ticket to a Jared vs Austin movie
Never heard of Austin Jones and I thought he was Subway's replacement for Jared Fogler. Boy, was I wrong
Austin jones is a music dude exposed for getting underaged booty videos and pics
I know this was filmed before the EDP445 situation but damn the odds of this topic coming up is nuts man.
ayo penguinz0, thanks for posting the vid right when i had guitar lessons, thanks
I can’t with ur pfp 😂
The punishment for pedophilia is disgustingly low in the US
My first time watching through an entire podcast
remember jared from subway? He inspired a lot of people
You're the one who is out Fogle out of your mind I would never do that.
OMG congrats to Jackson for coming out of his coma!!
If I remember right theres a browser tool that skips youtuber ads, at this point it'd be really useful for podcasts.
Is it bad that when I saw the thumbnail I was like "Yo its doc ock"
plea bargains are different from just pleading guilty. pleading guilty often takes some sentencing options off the table. if your possible sentences are life or death, a guilty plea will make the death sentence impossible. if your only sentencing option is life pleading guilty will knock some charges off your card and make the sentence length significantly longer. plea deals will exemplify this and make the sentence much much shorter than just a guilty plea.
"Give him the needle" no bring back torture devices, give him the judas cradle
“He’s still looking geeeeeed, eating subway samicheeeeees, he’s name is Jared and he’s still lookin geeeeed”
So on the topic of what prisoners do (specifically in the U.S,) after prison it’s a really bad situation. Because it’s mostly young men of a bad socioeconomic class they often come out of prison without any skills beyond those that put them behind bars in the first place . This is why the U.S has such a high case of recidivism which is basically recommitting crimes and going back to prison. There is some hope (I volunteer through my university to help give people associate degrees) but there needs to be a massive restructuring of the criminal “justice” system within our country.
Jackson blinked!
For the question on why keep them alive for life instead of death sentences: I did a research paper on death sentences and it's actually more expensive to have someone on death row than it is to keep them in prison for life. I think it was about a million dollars more per year difference. Most of it is due to court fees and paying their lawyers and everyone involved in court since death row inmates are constantly trying to appeal their sentence.
Is this strictly an America thing?
@@da-barrera I'm not sure, I don't know much about prison systems or law systems in other countries!
Jackson is good to see your face actually moving again, Andrew your beard looks phenomenal, Charlie your beard looks incredibly handsome as well, Kaya your hair is very nice and your beard is nice too
I think in regards to talking about "clock college" there was some language barriers when Kaya was trying to describe the school. I think his friend went to a technical college of some sort.
I was waiting for someone to bring up EDPedo 4+5=13
as someone whos a csa survivor, it pisses me the fuck off when ppl lie about that shit.
Huggbees really be carrying this one too..
*Omg I discovered penguinz0 coming out video, here it is:* ua-cam.com/video/i0h8tD1tckc/v-deo.html
@@riskyy2933 hell yeah
There's probably a 16 year old prodigy Scrabble player that only goes because his grandmother makes him, this year he uses Covid as an excuse not to go.
What if you tried the preroll ad before the music cuts in so it gives the same movement into the intro, just a thought
Kaya making fun of how boomers think crypto is just a "trend" as he describes his shitcoin like every other hypetrend is disheartening. Hoped they learned their lesson.
My grandmother has a grandfather clock in her house lol
If you play Scrabble at my house, you get DOUBLE points for racial slurs.
I haven't watched cable t.v in about 6 years...but when I was a kid I had one of those knob tvs
The thing that set "randy stair" off was the fact that her parents didnt take the hint that she was trans "her hint being a pink razor left out"
2:51 Best Datting Click 🔽
livegirls19. com
來調味食物煮的時候 1619446829
I didn't find anything on that, sooo
@@sweetberries1563 thats understandable it was in her cringy manifesto that you tube took down idk if theres any mirrors that survived
kayas camera is out of this world
Did Charlie forget Jared is a millionaire? Or at least was. Of course he got off easy
@@snnnaaaaaakeeeee4470 yea I’m tripping subways cofounder was a billionaire, not him, but still a couple million will keep you on the softer sentencing side
Hey Charlie, please moist meter the movie "nobody" if you like John Wick then this movie is right up your alley, it also has the guy from better call Saul as the lead. It's honestly just as good as the first John Wick imo.
lmao max has his little spawn spamming comments with links
Hmhm. Maybe it's because Mr moist is the only big youtuber I watch but I feel like his comment section is always full of hiveminds and sex bots, its dystopian.
Just a bit sad isn’t it?
And the moral of the story is that the American judicial system is crap.
Listening to this 2 years down the road... all the crypto talk is quite "cringe-worthy"!
btw, Kaya, crypto is not an "asset", my man! 👍
Wow this is sooooo amazing great job ❤️❤️
"Then he's a black loser, and I'll walk away with the first prize" Bro, I love Kaya
Best of Kaya 🍻
I can not believe that Tom Hardy got arrested for assault.
He almost caught a manslaughter charge, thankfully the guy woke up though
I haven’t seen Austin Jone’s name in a hot minute
I really liked his blurry face acapella when I was 8, never knew about this
Well he would really liked you too when you were 8.
Haha yeah probably