The Blood Angels are infamous for being ferocious in battle, but not many know that they are fantastic artisans as well. How appropriate that a gorgeous and artistic short film is made about their daily routine. Thanks for giving the Blood Angels some love.
Because GW aren't even fans of their own franchise apparently. This gorgeous piece of art is what you get when passionate devotion mates with skill and talent. This would be why GW's works are lesser by comparison.
@Afqwa I agree. No reason the doc would be in his armour unless he was on a battlefield. And the whole 'their purpose is to die' thing doesn't sit right with me. I'm sure big papa emps would want his sons to live as long as possible just like the rest of humanity. Death is inevitible yes, but no marine in his right mind would just run off to die unless you were a spacewolf slayer or death company.
Thing is, y'all, you don't take into account these are Blood Angels. Specifically, we're seeing a Reclusiarch there (chaplain, but the decorations on the helmet give out the rank), meaning these little ones might or might not be a BIT closer to the Black Rage than normal. Besides, many BA successors swear on "Death" as Ultramarines swear on "Honor" (Flesh Tearers even have that as their battlecry btw). So... Any other chapter, I would agree (kinda) with you. (kinda because of the existence of Grimaldus of the Black Templars and the very fact the Marines Malevolent are a thing) But Blood Angels? Well, they see themselves as partly responsible of Emps' death (because their Primarch could not face Horus alone and win), and they DO bear Death in great place within their Heraldry, Doctrines and Litanies, so actually... This little sermon here is quite RP for Angels. Actually, it could work for BA, DA, Black Templars, Space Wolves, most loyalist elements from former traitor legions (and there are a lot), and even one or two UM successors. As for the Apothecary, eeeeh...Techmarines do wear their armour in their fortress, why would the Apothecarion Adepts not? After all, their armour contains all their sensors and technological assets, and with the black carapace, they'll always have a better control over any interface and tool IN the armour than outside. Some Medicae Servitors could have been a nice add, though.
I call dibs on this statement. Every setting that I watch/play in, I always try to wrap my head around how the world or universe of the setting functions, rather than setting's main attractions (in WH40K's example main attraction are huge battles). Knowing how the politics work, everyday lives of citizens in different roles and job positions, perhaps even what the "bad guys" do in their free time. It brings humanity or, in the latter case, character to the people of the setting. Because no matter which world or universe you visit, there's always the mundane but familiar job that has to be carried out, like being a janitor.
What is your Duty? *To serve the Emperor's Will* What is the Emperor's Will? *That we fight and die* What is Death? *It is our Duty* - Litany of the Space Marines
Practically the litany of any soldier really. Just replace the Emperor with either the Lord or the People and it'd work for our millennium as well (Heresy not intended)
What depresses and amazes me at the same time, is that basically everything I've seen lately on 40K fan fiction is miles ahead of the latest official GW fluff. This captures the solemn and melancholic spirit of the live of a Space Marine perfectly. Great job!
Some people would maybe call this boring, but for me as a WH40K fan this is awesome. Not just the quality but also the atmosphere and everything. Great work. I hope someday they will produce a WH40K movie with blockbuster budget. Altough i dont thing this will ever happen. At least not in a good way, where the overwhelming size and the grimm brutality of this universe is protrayed properly.
Make that an everlasting orgy of bombast cinema flics just because the universe has about elbenty trillion stories to tell ... in 1 Millenium ^^ Mind you, we are at M40Yxxx … sounds like enough stories for an everlasting series if you ask me .
Maybe in the future but right now, unless an independent studio steps in, mainstream Hollywood studios would(should) keep away from the 40k universe as its pc sensibilities would keep it from portraying it correctly.
It captures the feel and state of the WH40K universe. Majestic, mysterious, beautiful but also decrepit , misshapen, unnerving. The monastery feels like it has been around for millennia. The armor of the Astartes like the monastery look used and scarred by the passage of time, constantly mended even though old knowledge ever slips away. Everyone seems to have been doing the same thing again and again, ever watchful and ever fearful of the horrors that lie outside.
Take a close look at 3:15. Do you know what that is? It is a latin version of the Gilgamesh Epic, I believe it is from tablet X or IX (of XII) when Gilgamesh goes to see Uta-Napishtim who is basically Noah as you may know him from the bible, except that he lives in the underworld and has been granted eternal life by the gods, which is what Gilgamesh seeks. In order to get there, however, he needs to cross the waters of the underworld and Ur-Shanabi is the ferry man. The lowest verse is Ur-Shanabi asking Gilgamesh about why there is so much pain in Gilgamesh's soul (Quare in tuam animus dolores est) and why he underwent the long and arduous journey to the brink of the seas of the underworld (et tui faciem de longe venientis?) and why he is clad in the hides of animals. This question is a repeated theme. Gilgamesh each time answers that he mourns for the loss of Enkidu, his friend and possibly lover. Each time he is given different advice by those he speaks to, but Siduri I think encapsulates the meaning of the epic best, as she says: "Make Merry each day, play and dance each night, may your head be washed, may you bathe in water and your clothes be clean. Look to the little one at your hand and let your wife enjoy your repeated embrace." Heed her words, because this message is about coming to terms with your own mortality and about embracing what it means to be human and not just accepting, but embracing it. The menationing of a wife and most importantly a child also seems to imply that to be human goes beyond just the individual and human life continues through the successive reproduction of generations instead of immortal individuals, though seeing as the authors lived so long ago, I am unsure if speculations on their intentions can be anything but baseless, but then again, I am no scholar. However: I vigorously, furiously applaud this super nerdy reference. This makes you wonder, though, what this text does mean to a space marine, what message would they derive from the epic? It is in essence an existencial work of literature, as is the theme of this video: "What is duty...?". Siduri's advice holds no value to them, they won't make merry each day and they do not sire offspring, presumably they do not even have sexual relations. Maybe it serves to contrast their role from that of ordinary humanity, but that seems too shallow. Coming to grips with mortality is a different question for a space marine, as they have no known maximum lifespan (See Dante) but are expected to die in combat and even then may go on interred into a dreadnaught. The end of the epic is Gilgamesh contemplating his great city and the works he has done to further its prosperity, so maybe the message to a space marine is that what counts is not the individual but the chapter and ultimately the Imperium. There are many ways to read the epic of Gilgamesh, so check it out for yourself, I assure you that it definitely is NOT heresy. There is also another fun fact in there for you guys: There are XII tablets, but the canonicity of tablet XII is debated, which goes to show you that people have angry debates about canon even if the work in question is literally the oldest literary work that we know of today.
I think it says something about why the Astartes fight. They wont sure offspring or enjoy a peaceful life, but by their sacrifice mortal humans can. Hopefully.
Ultramarines movie is like the worst 40k animated production ever. It got me so pissed off when i saw it i was about to report it to the inquisition. Check Astartes series if u wanna see something of the same quality as this. I also liked a lot Death of Hope but of course the animations are not as good as these but boy it is grim dark for real!
Primarch Roboute Guilliman - Although it would have been perfection if it had been about my glorious legion. At least it wasn't your Blue Boys, Roboute, for once. Sanguinius always came a close second on the road to perfection.
The text on the chaplain's banner along with my attempt at a translation: "Spes nos potest esse sine Future: Habemus ad Fides autem unius non potest esse sine capite. Habemus ad Sine Imperatore, ibi nihil Et non ad nos" (Attempted) translation, taking a few liberties: "Our hope is to have no future (i.e. to die for the Emperor): We declare Faith, while united in us all, Cannot be without a head. We declare Without the Emperor, there is Nothing And nothingness for us"
Holy Emperor this is amazing! Great job, mate! The quality of this blew my mind, when the shrapnel piece went into the water, it was life like! How is this possible?! You truly are an artist! I hope to see more Warhammer stuff from you! Amazing!
Chapter Master Valrak I think this was a mix of animation and live film, considering that we don’t actually see them put the piece of shrapnel instead it just drops into the jar of water. Also noticed that the live action parts have some kind of filter on them to make them blend seamlessly with the animation.
Quid enim tuum est officium? What is your duty? ut respondeam præcepto imperatoris voluntatem. To serve the emperors will! quod imperatoris voluntatem? What is emperors will? Quod non pugnare et mori. That we fight and die! Quid est mors? What is death? Mors officium nostrum. Death is our duty!
Some of the best balance between filter and clear speech I've heard in a 40k video, bolstered by some damn good voice acting. Honestly I thought this was made in Cry-engine at first; had no idea that was Unreal Engine. Goes to show just how bloody good that thing can make things look. Amazing work!
The problem with this video? It ends. I Don't want to see it ends, i want to know were the blood angels are going, i wanna know who is the death one, i want to see the chaplain in battle. This video is majestic, is perfect for the intro of a movie! I want to see this one become a fantasti piece of movie and art. Really, fantastic job, i cannot even immagine the effort and the time spent. Brilliant!
Yeah, I want to know who the dead guy is. Didnt see any connector ports, so most likely not a marine. Big piece of shrapnel taken out of him, some sort of corruption on his forearm that the scholari are coffee catching over. Gathering books to research his mortal affliction. I need answers damn it ! The emperor DEMANDS answers!!!!!
Despite this being an anthology of disconnected scenes, I felt that this was closer to the spirit of the fluff than most other WH40K animated movies. I'm not saying that the others are bad by any means, as many of them are absolutely breathtaking. You manage to capture the "grim darkness" of the setting perfectly and beautifully.
Yeh but.. nobody correctly figured out what marines really "do" when at home.. they don't sit in armour in huge halls repeating themselves endlessly. This fan fiction fails to imagine what they "do". If you want to know they will do pretty much what our armed forces do. Get up at 4am. Run for hours. Eat like 5 massive meals a day. Constantly train. Taking breaks from one training to do a lesson in a school room. Only wearing what is needed. Always honing a skill. Or going to bed. Or reading for an exam. Or to learn to fly a gunship. Or fight martial arts. Over and over.
@@con_boy I don't think it fails to show what space marines do on the daily. I think it wasn't aiming for that. this shows a legion of space marines getting ready to go battle
@@seanwhitman8353 yeah, but I don't mean that - the inability to provide personalities with actual personal motivations is what is causing the 40k universe to not go into the movie world if I was doing 40k films that is ALL I would be doing.. not plot and setting. characters. I think love is possibly a motivator, loyalty, passion, fear, i.e. if you look at Russell Crowe in gladiator he is a soldier but also a LOT is going on with him personally.. it needs to be like that to "sell" 40k.. being isolated, doubting, facing terrible odds, triumphing etc
@@con_boy however part of the aspect of 40k is the lack of personal character. Fear may be something some guardsmen feel, but not an astartes. It's a game/story known for its mass tactics where the people are more expendable than their weapons. It's why when adapting 40k into traditional media, people often choose inquisitors. Inquisitors and rogue traders are somewhat relatable compared to the steely astartes, or the faceless guardsmen.
I see many guys complaining about how long it takes for cloud and his team to make another video, then i go to his patreon and see only 6 (six!) guys support his work with miserable 4 bucks. That's literally one drink in a bar! Do you realize these guys (see credits) are doing this in their free time, as enthusiasts, and it takes a couple of months to do video of this quality and length and you want videos more often and longer? Support them or you shouldn't have any right to talk!
Ne mogu da iskazem koliko sam se iznenadila sto vidim da srpska imena stoje iza ovog filma. Toplo mi je oko srca. Fenomenalan rad na svetskom nivou, svaka cast. Emperor Would Be Proud!
There’s so much of this universe I’d love to see. I’ve always wanted to have a look inside an imperial navy ship. Remember playing fire warrior on the ps2. That got the atmospheric feel down when you were on the battle barge.
james lyddall one thing I liked about that game is how fighting space marines was actually terrifying (less so if you had at least two grenades or a plasma gun or something but the tension was still there).
Alex Yoblick yes I really liked that huge gothic space you were fighting in. Graphics were a little weak even for then but the parts when you were fighting the space marines were epic. Each one felt like a mountain to fight against and I loved the hanger bays in the ship. The scale snd isolation was good and worked well.
No battle scenes but that's totally alright. So much of the other-worldly magic of 40k is the atmosphere and the small details, aided by an appropriate soundtrack, which this video does perfectly. Not to mention the great voices - keep up the great work.
Now this is something I'd read a full novella of - just a Day in the Life at the fortress monastery between the planet-breaking battles and endless war. Bonus points if it's Blood Angels like this, I am biased towards them since I'm a trained painter too.
I love the servo-skull with a candle on its head so much. I would imagine that it's actually used as a light source, which is so stupid in such a perfectly 40k way.
A little trivia for those who care: I first watched this video almost 2 years ago, and while i was captivated by its visuals, i had NO IDEA what it was about. I listened to the soldiers speak of their duty, while i watched hooded men tinker with the insides of some random man. Little did i know, that this very video, would starr a burning love for everything 40k, and to look back at this, remembering all the mysterious wonders at the time, and having an abundance of knowledge now...i smile in glee at it all
Was happy to see this be Blood Angel focused! A Chapter of martyrs, who all know that death will find them sooner or later. Noble warriors of mankind, doomed to become bloodthirsty madmen.
Man, this is great. You've reached a completely new level of quality. Your previous work was good but a bit clumsy. And now, this short movie, the graphics, the voice acting, camerawork are amazing. It is really pleasant to see how you improve your skills. I wish you luck and successful big 40k projects.
The original god tier 40K Content Creator, everything in this isn't just crisp and well made, its visually photo-realistic and perfect, everything just works so well.
This is an awesome well made video! Especially since you get a small glimpse of a space marine's life outside of battle. The voice actors and music were also brilliant. Well done!
Glorious work brother. You are gifted indeed. Another magnificent glimpse into warhammer 40k universe made by dedicated fans. Praise be to the people who spare no effort or time to create these impressive warhammer 40k or 30k videos.
I don't think that Apothecaries work in full armor in the middle of their Chapter Monastery, but I could see why you chose to depict it this way. Great video!
Why wouldn't they. The armour has advanced optics so diagnosis is easier. No need to use fancy X-ray machines and the like all the sensors you need are built into the armour. And the armour enhances the physical capabilities of the Apothecary meaning they can work better with it on. There is also the religious/ritual aspect of it. He is working on an anointed battle brother. He would be wearing clothes of ritual significance the power armour qualifies.
By the Emperor! I didn't watch this initially cause I thought it was gonna be some low quality BS. This is some of the best 40k stuff I've seen! Thanks so much!
Absolutely incredible. A phenomenal effort that no doubt has the Emperor himself smiling ear to ear. You've truly outdone yourself, Cloud. Mortal eyes are unworthy of gazing upon the sheer excellence on the screen.
I am blown away by the animation. The model quality was really good, but if you look long enough you can see some obvious traits of CG. But where the slightly awkward and stiff animation would often give CG away, this animation looked amazingly lifelike!
What many fan made 40k videos lack is the Gothic and Holy imagery. This captures how I imagine 40k to be almost perfectly. Well done we need more of this
The absolute magnificence of the quality and detail of these videos never fail to leave me speechless - it is truly incredible and I hope you continue making them
Dude mad props for this, not only because it's awesome but because you had the guts to make a 40k animation that isn't about combat but is instead a look into the day to day life of an astartes. Keep it up!
The Blood Angels are infamous for being ferocious in battle, but not many know that they are fantastic artisans as well. How appropriate that a gorgeous and artistic short film is made about their daily routine. Thanks for giving the Blood Angels some love.
Definitely. So sick of seeing Ultra Marines. Blood 🩸 Angels are such a compelling chapter
'Yummy blood ya got there, would be a shame'
- a blood angel
Fuck the imperium and astartes, bunch of war mongering slavers. For the greater good!
@@Oreosmilkshake Brother get the flamer the heavy flamer there are heretics that need cleansing.
What uhm... Are artisans.
God damn the Warhammer 40k Community produce better short films and animation than Games Workshop can produce actual films! xD
Because GW aren't even fans of their own franchise apparently.
This gorgeous piece of art is what you get when passionate devotion mates with skill and talent. This would be why GW's works are lesser by comparison.
Joel Gawne - Exactly. We know what we want
@Afqwa I agree. No reason the doc would be in his armour unless he was on a battlefield. And the whole 'their purpose is to die' thing doesn't sit right with me. I'm sure big papa emps would want his sons to live as long as possible just like the rest of humanity. Death is inevitible yes, but no marine in his right mind would just run off to die unless you were a spacewolf slayer or death company.
Thing is, y'all, you don't take into account these are Blood Angels. Specifically, we're seeing a Reclusiarch there (chaplain, but the decorations on the helmet give out the rank), meaning these little ones might or might not be a BIT closer to the Black Rage than normal.
Besides, many BA successors swear on "Death" as Ultramarines swear on "Honor" (Flesh Tearers even have that as their battlecry btw).
So... Any other chapter, I would agree (kinda) with you. (kinda because of the existence of Grimaldus of the Black Templars and the very fact the Marines Malevolent are a thing)
But Blood Angels? Well, they see themselves as partly responsible of Emps' death (because their Primarch could not face Horus alone and win), and they DO bear Death in great place within their Heraldry, Doctrines and Litanies, so actually... This little sermon here is quite RP for Angels.
Actually, it could work for BA, DA, Black Templars, Space Wolves, most loyalist elements from former traitor legions (and there are a lot), and even one or two UM successors.
As for the Apothecary, eeeeh...Techmarines do wear their armour in their fortress, why would the Apothecarion Adepts not? After all, their armour contains all their sensors and technological assets, and with the black carapace, they'll always have a better control over any interface and tool IN the armour than outside. Some Medicae Servitors could have been a nice add, though.
That's why they should NEVER produce a movie or whatsoever. They would make crap for all audiences, and would be bought by Disney.
Instead of epic fights, you went for the world building approach, nice.
Keep at it, brother.
Epic fights are good, but world-building of this quality is superior.
This here is what I love about 40k. The sheer DEPTH of lore that contains more detail than a Bosch mural.
I agree with you on this one. And the work is SOLID.
I call dibs on this statement.
Every setting that I watch/play in, I always try to wrap my head around how the world or universe of the setting functions, rather than setting's main attractions (in WH40K's example main attraction are huge battles).
Knowing how the politics work, everyday lives of citizens in different roles and job positions, perhaps even what the "bad guys" do in their free time.
It brings humanity or, in the latter case, character to the people of the setting. Because no matter which world or universe you visit, there's always the mundane but familiar job that has to be carried out, like being a janitor.
That shot of the water shaking at the beginning. I honestly thought that was live action. Absolutely stunning
1000 pounds of genetically modified superhuman walking.
And when the bloody shard dropped in the water. _beautiful_ particle effects.
I'm still not convinced it isn't live-action. The fluid simulation is just too good!
@@johnathanclayton2887 He says it was live action.
What is your Duty?
*To serve the Emperor's Will*
What is the Emperor's Will?
*That we fight and die*
What is Death?
*It is our Duty*
- Litany of the Space Marines
Practically the litany of any soldier really. Just replace the Emperor with either the Lord or the People and it'd work for our millennium as well
(Heresy not intended)
@@Red_Beard2798 (clears throat) YOU HERETIC!!!
@@ichitaka66 Load up those bolters!
What depresses and amazes me at the same time, is that basically everything I've seen lately on 40K fan fiction is miles ahead of the latest official GW fluff. This captures the solemn and melancholic spirit of the live of a Space Marine perfectly. Great job!
if u want a really good example of what your saying watch Astartes (if u haven't already)
@@jeremybk54 I can recommend a couple more: Helsreach and GUARDSMAN - 2018, both by Richard Boylan.
zerobravo17 IT IS OUR DUTY
Some people would maybe call this boring, but for me as a WH40K fan this is awesome. Not just the quality but also the atmosphere and everything. Great work.
I hope someday they will produce a WH40K movie with blockbuster budget. Altough i dont thing this will ever happen. At least not in a good way, where the overwhelming size and the grimm brutality of this universe is protrayed properly.
I love it but I know very little lore of this series.
Maybe a high budget show
Make that an everlasting orgy of bombast cinema flics just because the universe has about elbenty trillion stories to tell ...
in 1 Millenium ^^
Mind you, we are at M40Yxxx … sounds like enough stories for an everlasting series if you ask me .
Maybe in the future but right now, unless an independent studio steps in, mainstream Hollywood studios would(should) keep away from the 40k universe as its pc sensibilities would keep it from portraying it correctly.
It captures the feel and state of the WH40K universe. Majestic, mysterious, beautiful but also decrepit , misshapen, unnerving. The monastery feels like it has been around for millennia. The armor of the Astartes like the monastery look used and scarred by the passage of time, constantly mended even though old knowledge ever slips away. Everyone seems to have been doing the same thing again and again, ever watchful and ever fearful of the horrors that lie outside.
Take a close look at 3:15. Do you know what that is? It is a latin version of the Gilgamesh Epic, I believe it is from tablet X or IX (of XII) when Gilgamesh goes to see Uta-Napishtim who is basically Noah as you may know him from the bible, except that he lives in the underworld and has been granted eternal life by the gods, which is what Gilgamesh seeks. In order to get there, however, he needs to cross the waters of the underworld and Ur-Shanabi is the ferry man. The lowest verse is Ur-Shanabi asking Gilgamesh about why there is so much pain in Gilgamesh's soul (Quare in tuam animus dolores est) and why he underwent the long and arduous journey to the brink of the seas of the underworld (et tui faciem de longe venientis?) and why he is clad in the hides of animals. This question is a repeated theme. Gilgamesh each time answers that he mourns for the loss of Enkidu, his friend and possibly lover. Each time he is given different advice by those he speaks to, but Siduri I think encapsulates the meaning of the epic best, as she says: "Make Merry each day, play and dance each night, may your head be washed, may you bathe in water and your clothes be clean. Look to the little one at your hand and let your wife enjoy your repeated embrace." Heed her words, because this message is about coming to terms with your own mortality and about embracing what it means to be human and not just accepting, but embracing it. The menationing of a wife and most importantly a child also seems to imply that to be human goes beyond just the individual and human life continues through the successive reproduction of generations instead of immortal individuals, though seeing as the authors lived so long ago, I am unsure if speculations on their intentions can be anything but baseless, but then again, I am no scholar. However: I vigorously, furiously applaud this super nerdy reference.
This makes you wonder, though, what this text does mean to a space marine, what message would they derive from the epic? It is in essence an existencial work of literature, as is the theme of this video: "What is duty...?". Siduri's advice holds no value to them, they won't make merry each day and they do not sire offspring, presumably they do not even have sexual relations. Maybe it serves to contrast their role from that of ordinary humanity, but that seems too shallow. Coming to grips with mortality is a different question for a space marine, as they have no known maximum lifespan (See Dante) but are expected to die in combat and even then may go on interred into a dreadnaught. The end of the epic is Gilgamesh contemplating his great city and the works he has done to further its prosperity, so maybe the message to a space marine is that what counts is not the individual but the chapter and ultimately the Imperium. There are many ways to read the epic of Gilgamesh, so check it out for yourself, I assure you that it definitely is NOT heresy.
There is also another fun fact in there for you guys: There are XII tablets, but the canonicity of tablet XII is debated, which goes to show you that people have angry debates about canon even if the work in question is literally the oldest literary work that we know of today.
Love the enthusiasm behind this post! :D
Glad we managed to get this cryptic message across to someone.
Consider me thoroughly impressed by your deduction!
Boy, you'r devotion just made my day way to batter. And motivated me to read some books I bought.
thats actually really bad ass
I think it says something about why the Astartes fight. They wont sure offspring or enjoy a peaceful life, but by their sacrifice mortal humans can. Hopefully.
Man you must doing cinematic for future 40000 games - fantastic work
Лол тут оригинальный крестоносец)) Я твой подписчик))
How is it that a fan made short looks more accurate and appealing than the Official Ultramarines movie.
Simple, passion in what one is doing will drastically increase the quality of any product.
Ultramarines movie is like the worst 40k animated production ever. It got me so pissed off when i saw it i was about to report it to the inquisition. Check Astartes series if u wanna see something of the same quality as this. I also liked a lot Death of Hope but of course the animations are not as good as these but boy it is grim dark for real!
Hey I love that movie. It’s cute, like Old School RuneScape
you nailed it. because it’s a short
Because ultramarines are shwag? Laughs in literally every other chapter
I swear my pants were on when I started watching.
HereticalBLOODRAVENS!! Jeanstealers!
AJZulu I’m... not sure if that’s heresy or not.
Emperor damned jeanstealers... wait a moment, you were wearing khakis!
ivan ivanovitch ivanovsky *hiding dark eldar women in closet* What!? Just because my name is Heretical, doesn't mean I'm a heretic!
Merritt Animation khakistealers!
The quality on this is next level.
Primarch Roboute Guilliman - Although it would have been perfection if it had been about my glorious legion.
At least it wasn't your Blue Boys, Roboute, for once.
Sanguinius always came a close second on the road to perfection.
Primarch Roboute Guilliman
how I can see primaris marines have not been invited to social prayers.
I can ask why my primarch?
The Codex Astartes DOES support this animation.
Robot Gilloman, have you gotten Yvraine pregnant yet?
The Emperor Soul Fragment #12241337
father not yet
but i choose celestine she is much cuter than Yvraine
The text on the chaplain's banner along with my attempt at a translation:
"Spes nos potest esse
sine Future:
Habemus ad
Fides autem unius non
potest esse sine capite.
Habemus ad
Sine Imperatore, ibi
Et non ad nos"
(Attempted) translation, taking a few liberties:
"Our hope is to have no future (i.e. to die for the Emperor):
We declare
Faith, while united in us all,
Cannot be without a head.
We declare
Without the Emperor, there is
And nothingness for us"
That would've been a way better chant than the one they are chanting out loud.
@@grejsancoprative The one is more a mantra, they probably chant each one each day.
fans like you are what keep Warhammer alive..
Holy Emperor this is amazing! Great job, mate! The quality of this blew my mind, when the shrapnel piece went into the water, it was life like! How is this possible?! You truly are an artist! I hope to see more Warhammer stuff from you! Amazing!
Chapter Master Valrak I think this was a mix of animation and live film, considering that we don’t actually see them put the piece of shrapnel instead it just drops into the jar of water. Also noticed that the live action parts have some kind of filter on them to make them blend seamlessly with the animation.
No live action nonsense there. It was the Emperor's will that made it possible!
Ilham Mohamed it was indeed live action footage (source: it was my camera)
Thanks! As stated previously, it was indeed live action footage. :)
Oh man it was awesome how you blended it all together!
For the emperor! that's glorious!
Quid enim tuum est officium? What is your duty?
ut respondeam præcepto imperatoris voluntatem. To serve the emperors will!
quod imperatoris voluntatem? What is emperors will?
Quod non pugnare et mori. That we fight and die!
Quid est mors? What is death?
Mors officium nostrum. Death is our duty!
Juzo juzo *It is our duty
Император одобряет)
officium nostrum hoc est*
It is our duty*
Sorry bro
No capital letters in Latin
Thankfully the Emperor is dead.
Some of the best balance between filter and clear speech I've heard in a 40k video, bolstered by some damn good voice acting.
Honestly I thought this was made in Cry-engine at first; had no idea that was Unreal Engine. Goes to show just how bloody good that thing can make things look.
Amazing work!
ThunderPsyker didn't you make a 40k movie when you were younger?
ThunderPsyker i have seen them.
Is it strange that I recognized it's Unreal by the fire effect particle?
ThunderPsyker haha I saw your 40k stuff too lol
That's great.
The problem with this video? It ends. I Don't want to see it ends, i want to know were the blood angels are going, i wanna know who is the death one, i want to see the chaplain in battle. This video is majestic, is perfect for the intro of a movie! I want to see this one become a fantasti piece of movie and art. Really, fantastic job, i cannot even immagine the effort and the time spent. Brilliant!
Yeah, I want to know who the dead guy is. Didnt see any connector ports, so most likely not a marine. Big piece of shrapnel taken out of him, some sort of corruption on his forearm that the scholari are coffee catching over. Gathering books to research his mortal affliction. I need answers damn it ! The emperor DEMANDS answers!!!!!
Despite this being an anthology of disconnected scenes, I felt that this was closer to the spirit of the fluff than most other WH40K animated movies. I'm not saying that the others are bad by any means, as many of them are absolutely breathtaking. You manage to capture the "grim darkness" of the setting perfectly and beautifully.
Yeh but.. nobody correctly figured out what marines really "do" when at home.. they don't sit in armour in huge halls repeating themselves endlessly.
This fan fiction fails to imagine what they "do". If you want to know they will do pretty much what our armed forces do.
Get up at 4am. Run for hours. Eat like 5 massive meals a day. Constantly train. Taking breaks from one training to do a lesson in a school room. Only wearing what is needed. Always honing a skill. Or going to bed. Or reading for an exam. Or to learn to fly a gunship. Or fight martial arts. Over and over.
@@con_boy I don't think it fails to show what space marines do on the daily. I think it wasn't aiming for that. this shows a legion of space marines getting ready to go battle
@@con_boy This is just a glimpse. You won't get the full picture that way.
@@seanwhitman8353 yeah, but I don't mean that - the inability to provide personalities with actual personal motivations is what is causing the 40k universe to not go into the movie world
if I was doing 40k films that is ALL I would be doing.. not plot and setting. characters. I think love is possibly a motivator, loyalty, passion, fear, i.e. if you look at Russell Crowe in gladiator he is a soldier but also a LOT is going on with him personally.. it needs to be like that to "sell" 40k.. being isolated, doubting, facing terrible odds, triumphing etc
@@con_boy however part of the aspect of 40k is the lack of personal character. Fear may be something some guardsmen feel, but not an astartes. It's a game/story known for its mass tactics where the people are more expendable than their weapons.
It's why when adapting 40k into traditional media, people often choose inquisitors. Inquisitors and rogue traders are somewhat relatable compared to the steely astartes, or the faceless guardsmen.
I see many guys complaining about how long it takes for cloud and his team to make another video, then i go to his patreon and see only 6 (six!) guys support his work with miserable 4 bucks. That's literally one drink in a bar! Do you realize these guys (see credits) are doing this in their free time, as enthusiasts, and it takes a couple of months to do video of this quality and length and you want videos more often and longer? Support them or you shouldn't have any right to talk!
agree 100%
What do you expect from YT comment section?
Probably fully watch this later .. top vid
Agreed and commenting to pump your comment up to the top
Totally agree
the amount of quality and care that goes into these videos never ceases to amaze me
oh god
Karl the Deranged ayyyyyy.
Karl the Deranged its Beutifull...
Karl the Deranged you filthy heretic. I love you.
Karl the flipping Deranged on this video?
Better prep your butt for a imperial fisting my heretical chef
Oh God-Emperor ;)
Ne mogu da iskazem koliko sam se iznenadila sto vidim da srpska imena stoje iza ovog filma. Toplo mi je oko srca. Fenomenalan rad na svetskom nivou, svaka cast. Emperor Would Be Proud!
There’s so much of this universe I’d love to see. I’ve always wanted to have a look inside an imperial navy ship. Remember playing fire warrior on the ps2. That got the atmospheric feel down when you were on the battle barge.
james lyddall one thing I liked about that game is how fighting space marines was actually terrifying (less so if you had at least two grenades or a plasma gun or something but the tension was still there).
Alex Yoblick yes I really liked that huge gothic space you were fighting in. Graphics were a little weak even for then but the parts when you were fighting the space marines were epic. Each one felt like a mountain to fight against and I loved the hanger bays in the ship. The scale snd isolation was good and worked well.
You can kinda see that in Space Hulk: Deathwing.
If this isnt one of the most beautiful things i have seen in my life, then i dont know what!
Only in death, does duty ends.
Sash13 Even in death, I still serve
Only in Death does Duty begin.
Sash13 hahahahahahahahahaha duty
Brother, have I introduced you to the Dreadnought before? Even in death I may yet serve the Emperor!
It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for ones self.
We need all these youtubers that make these short films to get together and create a full length movie or series
Amen to that! May it be the God-Emperor's will!
Great job brother ;D
Mark Louis Spark Wait... Mark Spark is here? By the Emperor...
Of course he is ;)
Thanks! You as well. :)
Mark Louis Spark actually found this video on a analysis of Death of Hope.... So much awesome lately.... *Squee* !
Primarch Roboute Guilliman Wait... Primarch Roboute Guilliman is here? By the Throne...
No battle scenes but that's totally alright. So much of the other-worldly magic of 40k is the atmosphere and the small details, aided by an appropriate soundtrack, which this video does perfectly. Not to mention the great voices - keep up the great work.
Now this is something I'd read a full novella of - just a Day in the Life at the fortress monastery between the planet-breaking battles and endless war. Bonus points if it's Blood Angels like this, I am biased towards them since I'm a trained painter too.
First there was The Lord Inquisitor then there was Hellsreach and death of hope now we have this! Oh what a time to be a 40k fan. :3
Alexandr Димяти Really? Was unaware that was the case.
Lord Inquisitor was cancelled sadly. Fuck GW
To be honest only Helsreach was finished.
Death of Hope officially drops tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen.
@FOOP BANAENAE And the "biggest understatement I've read today" award goes to...
The WH40K fan films are coming in hot and fast. And they are all excellent quality
EZ Rolly what if they are all actually leaks from one larger movie
*x-files song in background*
Holy emperor this looks damn good. So good I kept subscribed to this channel.
I love the servo-skull with a candle on its head so much. I would imagine that it's actually used as a light source, which is so stupid in such a perfectly 40k way.
A little trivia for those who care:
I first watched this video almost 2 years ago, and while i was captivated by its visuals, i had NO IDEA what it was about.
I listened to the soldiers speak of their duty, while i watched hooded men tinker with the insides of some random man.
Little did i know, that this very video, would starr a burning love for everything 40k, and to look back at this, remembering all the mysterious wonders at the time, and having an abundance of knowledge now...i smile in glee at it all
For the first time, we walk through lab, library, central hall of these warhammer-guys. .Fanrastic! Amasing! Bravo momci , najbolji ste!
Good story, amazing sound, astonishing visuals. I adore you. Amazing work.
By the blood this is brilliant! You make the Emperor and Sanguinius proud today brother.
Was happy to see this be Blood Angel focused! A Chapter of martyrs, who all know that death will find them sooner or later. Noble warriors of mankind, doomed to become bloodthirsty madmen.
it's why I chose Blood Angels over all others, I have spent over a thousand dollars now, almost have a complete chapter :)
Being a chapter serf in a non-mental chapter's monastery must be the only comfy job in the Imperium
For the longest time, I had always thought this was an official WH40K animation. The more you learn...
We have to wait so long for your videos, but every video reminds, they are worth the wait!
This is absolutely incredible, thank you for your contribution to the hobby, man.
These videos keeps on getting better!
Never played warhammer 40k 1 but I bought the 2nd yesterday and it was the best spent $70 in a while… what a game, what a lore
absolutely stunning. Character building, cinematography, editing, texturing, all top notch.
All the beauty of Warhammer 40000 in one video of six minutes. I've become Patreon.
To hide the silver before the Bloodravens arrive!
The atmosphere in this video is freaking awesome. Well done... Brother.
I really wish we could have just the chant and the music looping again and again cause its so awesome and this whole video honestly!
@Michael Galida I know...pity...
This is a magnificent/epic small animated movie.
Odlicno braco pozz, May the Emperor guide us.
Man, this is great. You've reached a completely new level of quality. Your previous work was good but a bit clumsy. And now, this short movie, the graphics, the voice acting, camerawork are amazing. It is really pleasant to see how you improve your skills. I wish you luck and successful big 40k projects.
That was intense! Great job
The original god tier 40K Content Creator, everything in this isn't just crisp and well made, its visually photo-realistic and perfect, everything just works so well.
Cool vid bro, this is ART!!!
fan fucking tasitc. 15/10 like why is this not in a game/movie. Somebody hire this guy ASAP!
This is an awesome well made video! Especially since you get a small glimpse of a space marine's life outside of battle. The voice actors and music were also brilliant. Well done!
Need more pls
May the emperor bless your art.
this was tickling my fancy awesome work
MAGNIFICENT!!!!!! you give perfectly the atmosphere and the dark ambient of the warhammer lore. Perfect!
Someone needs to hire you & make a series out of this. You are truly talented.
This is... this... By the emperor's divine sake, you earned yourself a sub.
Glorious work brother. You are gifted indeed. Another magnificent glimpse into warhammer 40k universe made by dedicated fans. Praise be to the people who spare no effort or time to create these impressive warhammer 40k or 30k videos.
love the weight you put into the marines, esp the chaplain walking back and forth, you can really feel it.
God some of this looked live action your work is nothing short of a god given miracle.
I don't think that Apothecaries work in full armor in the middle of their Chapter Monastery, but I could see why you chose to depict it this way. Great video!
they do
Why wouldn't they. The armour has advanced optics so diagnosis is easier. No need to use fancy X-ray machines and the like all the sensors you need are built into the armour. And the armour enhances the physical capabilities of the Apothecary meaning they can work better with it on. There is also the religious/ritual aspect of it. He is working on an anointed battle brother. He would be wearing clothes of ritual significance the power armour qualifies.
Fabius bile did because he had a load of tools built into his armour in fact as I'm thinking of it I'm sure most of them I've read about do aswell
Thats what i thought. Why is wearing his full Armor ??
@@peter10245 cybernetic enhancements, especially in the helmet that helps you see and move better. Space marines barely ever take off their Armour.
Wow man, thats amazing work!
That was incredible! I love watching 40k stuff made by the fans. It always shows the amount of love we have for the material. Keep up the great work!
Amazing i really wish GW or someone can make a game in this type of love and quality a open world rpg shooter. OMG!!!! Great work.
By the Emperor! I didn't watch this initially cause I thought it was gonna be some low quality BS. This is some of the best 40k stuff I've seen! Thanks so much!
Phenomenal job. We want more!
Absolutely incredible. A phenomenal effort that no doubt has the Emperor himself smiling ear to ear. You've truly outdone yourself, Cloud. Mortal eyes are unworthy of gazing upon the sheer excellence on the screen.
Great voice acting, great animation, true to the spirit.
Nemam reci braco, odlicno odradjeno.
Nadam se da igrate i Soulstorm i Retribution...
Svaka cast jos jednom.
astonishing really. very well done and thank you best 40k voice acting and visuals I think I've ever seen.
Amazing quality (especially the jar of water) and voice acting. Superb!
Isn't the jar of water a real shot? I might have been mistaken.
this is one of the most incredible things ive ever seen.
It looks incredible, your skills as visual effects artists have come a long way in short time.
While I'm asleep I like to think my Blood Angels chaplain similarly exhorts the rest of my army.
Man the flame and water effects are superb
Holy mother of the Emperor! We have to purge 100000 Heretics everyday because this is so awesome!
Servo skull with a lit candle on it's head floating around in a library. Seems safe.
Can we please crowdfund this guy so that he has enough money to make a movie ? Imagine a 40 k movie with this quality. It would be so amazing
I am blown away by the animation. The model quality was really good, but if you look long enough you can see some obvious traits of CG. But where the slightly awkward and stiff animation would often give CG away, this animation looked amazingly lifelike!
Guy pops in outta nowhere.
Drops this Masterpiece.
Good work man I can’t wait for you to do a battle
What many fan made 40k videos lack is the Gothic and Holy imagery. This captures how I imagine 40k to be almost perfectly. Well done we need more of this
2:21 when your pauldrons are so giant that it gives the impression that you have tiny T-Rex arms 😂
Really good job guys - massive kudos for pulling it off with such skill and poise, rare for one of these 'fan made' 40k shorts!
The absolute magnificence of the quality and detail of these videos never fail to leave me speechless - it is truly incredible and I hope you continue making them
Amazing work dude! You've come a pretty long way in your technical skill and technique and I admire that. Keep up the great work.
Thanks a lot. :)
In the name of the emperor and his holy grace, we bless this video.
well mate, I'm going to try to share this one as much as possible cause it's a work of art
Great job
What is the song name at the start? The choir stuff cus its so damn nice. Fucking awesome made. Excellent content
Dude mad props for this, not only because it's awesome but because you had the guts to make a 40k animation that isn't about combat but is instead a look into the day to day life of an astartes. Keep it up!
Your skills improve with every short, amazing job btw
Amazing voice acting, amazing idea and execution. It's the golden age for fan films.
Remember the days before GW dragged fan creators behind the shed? I remember.
Pls do a mini series.
This is insanely good
Great work! Cannot wait to see a full short with a storyline!