How to use key plate , bull pins, wedges , blank nuts tank building

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TrollworksForge
    @TrollworksForge 8 місяців тому +1

    From a retired old welder, thanks for posting this. Wish I had this when teaching.

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  6 місяців тому

      Thanks your comment much appreciated

  • @PaulThomas-qo9vy
    @PaulThomas-qo9vy 9 місяців тому

    Cool ! I have wondered how tank welders manipulate the alignment & spacing of the plate seams. Now I understand. The "blank nuts are welded on 1st, giving something for the pin & wedge jig to place force against! Thanks for sharing that.👍

  • @steeljas4540
    @steeljas4540 Рік тому +2

    Miss ko n rn ang mag fitt up ng also a plater before in subic shipyard brder side shell .bottom plate repair .thnks for sharing hope it will help us to have a idea hpw to use your special tool in plate fitting ..God bless brader..more vdeos pls.

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  Рік тому

      Thanks your comment much appreciated. Just keep pray to GOD

  • @isaganicruz7588
    @isaganicruz7588 Рік тому

    Your Contents are very informative keep on posting .God bless

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  5 місяців тому

      Thanks your comment much appreciated

  • @ypaulbrown
    @ypaulbrown Рік тому +1

    The sounds inside that tank are really interesting........almost like a Ennio Morricone 'Spaghetti Western' sound track......

  • @ypaulbrown
    @ypaulbrown Рік тому

    Bravo...well done, cheers from Florida, USA, Paul

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  Рік тому

      Thanks your comment much appreciated from Florida , USA,GOD BLESS

  • @rodolfocuero9458
    @rodolfocuero9458 Рік тому

    Excellent explanation, thank you very much

  • @waeltaha9827
    @waeltaha9827 Рік тому

    Nice and good job 👍

  • @MegaChelaz
    @MegaChelaz Рік тому

    Hello, do you have dwg projects of the equipment?

  • @thomasmharris
    @thomasmharris Рік тому

    Very cool, true, flush, and gap, I can use elements of this technique in the mining equipment I work on, kind of like dogging in three directions at once

  • @jmarcelopacheco
    @jmarcelopacheco Рік тому

    Congratulations on the technique.

  • @Then.72
    @Then.72 9 місяців тому +3

    Just cut a notch out of a piece of scrap plate that a wedge can fit inside so when it’s welded on one side it overhangs the butt weld area so both side can be brought level , tack them and then knock the plate off and move up to the next area! You now have your PLATE DOGS !!!!

    • @robertboyle2621
      @robertboyle2621 9 місяців тому

      You can move your plates any direction using a key plate. Up down tighten your gap up loosen it up raise and lower each side and keeps your tank round a dog won’t do that. You keep pins in while your welding to keep it from sucking in/out

    • @Then.72
      @Then.72 9 місяців тому +2

      @@robertboyle2621 I don’t think you understand if you think you can’t use them in any direction

    • @chauncey5962
      @chauncey5962 9 місяців тому

      @@Then.72u really don’t get it do ya?

    • @Then.72
      @Then.72 9 місяців тому +3

      @@chauncey5962 explain why because I think you don’t understand how to level two pieces of steel plate nor do you know what Plate Dogs and a wedge are in Fabrication !

    • @Then.72
      @Then.72 9 місяців тому +1

      @@chauncey5962 still for your explanation?????

  • @waqasmuneer7951
    @waqasmuneer7951 Рік тому

    What was the thickness of metal to be welded

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  Рік тому

      thanks your comment much Appreciated

    • @waqasmuneer7951
      @waqasmuneer7951 Рік тому

      @@welderausphil can I use this method for 20 mm thickness tank?

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  Рік тому

      No , not almost the same but a bit different.
      20 mm
      More strong back inside tank specially in bottom section ,before erection of shell plate and
      Make sure the acurancy ,different welding process submerge arc welding and AGW welding for vertical ,stick welding ,flux cored gasless welding on the bottom ,content of tank like liquid fertilizer tank that i have experinced 20mm thickness shell plate .
      The video u have watched was leach tank that’s why is thin.
      2nd shell plate ,no more welding tack on the gap .full welded the u plate instead tacking in the gap after that fit up .the AGW machine welding the vertical position .a bit different .
      Thanks your comment much appreciated

  • @cdrom1070
    @cdrom1070 Рік тому

    abrasive round gauge blocks and ferrous cones. Its life jim but not as we know it. Sir if I may ask, what chirality and how many strands are your genetic chains? Triple helix left handed?

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  Рік тому +1

      Chirality is a concept that arises in the field of chemistry ,specifically in the study of molecules and thier three- dimensional structures.In other words , A Chiral object or molecule can not be perfectly aligned with its mirror image , no matter how the two are oriented.
      Genetic chains , specifically refering to DNA ,typically consist of two complementary strands that are arranged in a double helix structure. Each strand is composed of a sequence of nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA
      Thanks your comment much appreciated.

    • @ypaulbrown
      @ypaulbrown Рік тому

      @@welderausphil great reply to a heckler.....cheers

  • @joshhathaway2791
    @joshhathaway2791 Рік тому

    Is this a traveling job?

  • @priyohalder
    @priyohalder Рік тому

    Nice. And good job

  • @fath1374
    @fath1374 Рік тому

    Teknik yang bagus bro

  • @jawedali2669
    @jawedali2669 Рік тому

    Good job

  • @UniteForgetLeftRight
    @UniteForgetLeftRight 6 місяців тому

    Why are keyplates better than dogs and wedges?

    • @welderausphil
      @welderausphil  5 місяців тому

      Mostly keyplates are using to build a tank , you can get accurate circumference of the tank .
      Thanks your comment and much appreciated

  • @WineScrounger
    @WineScrounger Рік тому +1

    Took me a while to see how that works but it’s pretty tidy

  • @negocaldeireirocrepaldi5679

    solda muito ruim mnoBrasil não passa acoplamento otimo

  • @engasaadadnan8450
    @engasaadadnan8450 Рік тому
