Well done! You're on my home turf. I live in the village opposite the Asland Lamp. about a mile behind the two houses that you saw. The tide was very big that day. Although they can be even bigger. The cat/kingfisher is actually a raven. The same sculptor did about five sculptures for the Ribble Link. He also did 'The Navvy' on the Leeds and Liverpool where they cut the first sod, near Halsall. Bridge 4 is the railway line from Preston to Blackpool.
I hope you enjoyed some lovely Lancashire scenery as you passed through. x
Well done you two. Informative and entertaining as always.
Well done!
You're on my home turf. I live in the village opposite the Asland Lamp. about a mile behind the two houses that you saw.
The tide was very big that day. Although they can be even bigger.
The cat/kingfisher is actually a raven. The same sculptor did about five sculptures for the Ribble Link. He also did 'The Navvy' on the Leeds and Liverpool where they cut the first sod, near Halsall.
Bridge 4 is the railway line from Preston to Blackpool.
Many thanks for watching and commenting Nick.
We welcome your insight on the area