John Travolta pays tribute to Olivia Newton-John

  • Опубліковано 2 січ 2025


  • @saltlifess6226
    @saltlifess6226 2 роки тому +339

    She made the world a better place. Rip

    • @lindabradford9591
      @lindabradford9591 2 роки тому +12

      She sure did. RIP Olivia.

    • @silver-en7kl
      @silver-en7kl 2 роки тому +1

      @@lindabradford9591 how?

    • @karenissimalovestrilogy75
      @karenissimalovestrilogy75 2 роки тому

      You OBVIOUSLY didn't watch the video---
      OR you don't have a SOUL!

    • @silver-en7kl
      @silver-en7kl 2 роки тому

      @LactoseTheIntolerant worship your idols all u want. Godless and broken people. Frankly, she did nothing for me.

    • @bikashgurung6349
      @bikashgurung6349 2 роки тому +1

      I didn't get to feel it.

  • @billrankin
    @billrankin 2 роки тому +630

    Rest in peace a beautiful voice and woman gone but never forgotten

    • @ariesrisin26
      @ariesrisin26 2 роки тому +11


    • @MonicaSĪGÑofJõñãhYUNIS
      @MonicaSĪGÑofJõñãhYUNIS 2 роки тому +2

      @Toty Mo 🛑

    • @lloydkline1518
      @lloydkline1518 2 роки тому +3

      Oliva newton john too pretty to die; live forever on youtube

    • @BruinsCelticsRedSoxBills
      @BruinsCelticsRedSoxBills 2 роки тому +3

      This one stings ! R.I.P

    • @melissacarthy5896
      @melissacarthy5896 2 роки тому

      @@ariesrisin26 òòp8plllklllllklkllllklklklllllklllkllklllllllllllllkllkllklklkllkllklklkklklklklklllkllllllkllklklkllklklkllklklklkklkklllllllklklklklkllklklklklklkllklkllllklklklklkllkllklkkllkllklklkklkllkllklklklklllllkkllklkklllklklklklklklkllklkllklklllklkklklklkllkllklkllkklkllklllklkllllllklllllklllkllkllklklllllllllklllllllllklklklllllklllklklkllklklklklklklllklklllllkllllllllllllklllklklllkllkllklllllllklllllklklkllklklllklklllklklkllllklklllkkllllkllkllklllklkllllklkllkllklllkllklklllklllklkllllklklklklklkkllkllkllklklkllklklkklkllllkllklklklkllllkllklklllklklllkllkllkllklklklkllllklklllllllklllklllklkllkllklklklklkllklkllklkllllklklkllkllkllkllklklllklkklllklklkllklklklklklklkllllklklklklklkllklklklkllkllklklklkkllklkllklklllkllllkllkllklkllllllklklllllkllklklklkllkllkllklkllklklklllklklkllklllklkllklllkllklklkllkllklkllklklklkllklklllkllkllklkllklllklklklklklkllklklklllklllklklklklklllllllllklkllkllklllkllklklllkllkllllkllkllklklklklklklllllklklllklllklklklklllllklklklklkllllllklllkllllllkllllklklklkllkllkllklklllllklklkkllllklklkllkllklklllklkllklllkllklklklklklklllllklklklklklklkkllklkklklllklllkllklllkllllkllklkllklklklklklklklklklklkllklklklklllkllkllkllkllklkllklllklkllklklklklkllklklklkklkllklklklkllklklkklklkllklklklllklklllklllkllllklklllklklklklllkklklklkllklklklklkllklklklklklllkllkklklklklklklllklklllkllklklklklkllklklklllklklkllllkllkllkllkllklklklkllklklkllklllklllllklklklllklkllklkllllklkllklkllklkllllklklklkllklkllllklllllkllllllkllklklklklklkllklllklklllkllkllklklklllklklklklklllkllklklllklklklklklllkllklkllkllklklklllkllklkllkllklklkllkllklklklklklkllklllklkllklklklklklklklkllklklkllklllklkklklklklklklklkllklllklklklklkllkllklklklklkllkllklklkllklklkllklklllkllklklllklklllllklklkkllkllkllkklklklklklklklkllllkllkllklllklkllklllllllkllklkllklkllllllllkllkllklklllkllklklllklkllkllkllllllkllllklllllllklklklklkkllklklkllklklllkllllklklklklkllllklkkllkkllllllklklklkllklkllklklklkllkllkkkllklklkllklklkllkllkllllklklkllklklklklkllklklklklklklkllklklklkllklkllklllklklllllllkllklkkllklklklklklllkllklklklllklklkklkllkllklkllllkllklklklklkllklklkllklkllllllkllklklkllklklkllklllllllllkklklklllklkklkllkllllklklklklkllllklklklklklklklkllllklllklklkllkllklklllllklklkllllklklklllklklklklklklllklllklklllkllklklklklklklklklklkllklklllllllllllllllllkllllllllklllllklllkllkllllklllllllllllkllllllllllkllllllllllllklllllklklllklllllkllllkllklkllllllkllkllllllklllklklllllllklklllllllllllllkllklklllllkllklkllkllkllkllklklllllklllkllllkllllklklklllkllkllllklklllllk7lllklllllllllklkllkllkllllllllllkllklklkllllklllllklllllllllllklkllllllkllklklllllllkllklkllkllllllkllklklllklllllllklklklklkllklllikl7llklllkllllllllllllklllklilllklklllklllllllkllklllklllklllklklklllklllllklkllllkllklllllllllllllllllklklklllllklkllkllklklllkllklllkllllkllkllkllllklklllll7kllkllllllllkk7llllklkllllklklklllklklklkk7lklklklkllklklkllklklklklklklllllklllklkklklklkllklllllklkllllllllkllllkllllklkllklkllllklllklklklklklkllklkllkllkllllklkllklklklllklkllklkllkllklkklkllklklllklllklklklklklllllk7klk7lklklkllklklklklkllkllklkllllklklllklk7lkllklkllklkllkllkllkllklklklklkllkklkllkllklk7lllllllklklkklkllkllkllk7kllklllllklkllkkllllklklklkllklllklklklklklklklklklklllklklkllklklklkllklkllklklklkllklklklkllklllklklllklklkllklklklklllkllklklkllklkllklklkkllllkklklkllklllklkllklkllklklklklklllklkllklkllkklklklklklkllkllklkllklklkllkklkllklklkklklk7lklkllklklkllkllklklkllllklkklklklklklklklkllkllkklklkk7lkllkllklklklllklklklkkllkllklklkllklllllkllkllklklkk7lklklklklllklklklklklklklkllklkklklklkllklklklklklllklkllklllklllklklklklklkllllklllklklkkllkklklklklklklllklllklkllklklkkllkllklklklklkllkllklklkklkllklklklklkllklklkllklklkklkklllllklklkllklklkklklklkllkllklklkklklklklllkllkllkllklkl7kklklklkllklklklklklllklkllklklklkk7lklklklklkllklklklklklklkkllklkllllklklklkllklkklklk7lklkllkklkllklklkllklklklklkllkllklklllklllklklklkkklklklklklklklklklklklkllkllklklkk7llklklklkllklllklklklklllklklklklkllkkllklkk7klklklkllklklklklklklklklkllklklklkllklklkllklkllklkllklklkllklklklkllkkkk7llklklklklklklkklklklklklklkllklklkllklkllklklklklklklklklklklklkklklklklklklklkllklklklklklklklklllkllklklklkklklklklklklklklklklklklkllkllklklklklklkk7lklklklklklllklklklklklklkllkllkklklklklklklklklklklklllklklklkllkllk7klklklklkllkklklklklllkllklkk7lklklklkllklkllklkllklklklkllklkllkllklkllkk7lk7lklklkklklklklklklklklklklklkllklklklkllklklkklkllklkllklklklklklkllkllkklklkllklklll7klllklklkllkklklllklkllkllkllklklli7lkllklklklkklklklklkklklklklkkllklklkklklklklkklklklklklllklkkllklllklklklkllklklklklkklklklkllkllkk7llklklklkllklllllklllkllkllklkllklkllllllklkllllkllkllllk7ll7k7kllkllklklkllilllllllllĺĺlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllkllllllllllkllkllllklllllllkllllllllllllkllklklllllklklllklklllllllkllklklllllllklkllllllkllllllllllkllllllklklkllklklllklklllklklkllkllllklklllklklkllkklkllllllkllklklklkllklklklllllllllklllklkllklkllllilklllklklkllklkllklklklllkllklkllkllklllllkllllklkllkllklklllkllklkllklklklkllkllklllklklklllklllklkllklklklklklklklklkilkllkllklklklllkllklllllllklklklllklkllklklklllkllklkllklklllklklklklklklklklklklkllklklllklklklklkilklklkllkllllkllkllllllkklkllklklklklklklkllkllkklkklklklklklklklklklklkllkllkllllllklklllklklllklklklklklllklkllkkllkllkllklkllklklkllklklllkllklklllklklllllklklkllklkllkkllkllklllllkllklllllklkllklklklkllklllkllillklklkllklllllkllkllllklklllklllklllkllllllllklllllllllllkllllllklllllllllllllkllllkllllklllkllkllkllllkllllllllllllllllklkllklkllklllllllllllllkllkllllllklkllllklklkllklklkllllllllklkllkllklkllllllklllllklkllkllkllllkllklllklklklllllllllklllilllklklklkllllkllkllllllkllklklllllklkllllllllllllklllllllklllllllllllkllllkllllkllkllllklllllllkllllllllllllllllllklllklllllllkllllkllllkllllklklllilllllllillllllklklkllklklllllkllklklllklllllklllllllllilllllklklllllllllllllllllllllklklllllllllkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllkllllklllllllllllklllllllllllllkllllllkllklllllllkllllllllllllllllllklllllllllllklllllklllllllllllllllkllllkilllllllllkllllllllkllllllllllllklllllllllllllklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllkllllkllllllllllllllllllklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllkllllllllllllklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllu

  • @Ciclopea2
    @Ciclopea2 2 роки тому +270

    John's words got me all choked up, growing up enjoying these legends and then watching them leave does hurt more than you'd expect, sometimes they do take a special place in your heart and memories, like Olivia most certainly did in my case. RIP, beautiful lady.

    • @SC-gp7kt
      @SC-gp7kt 2 роки тому +29

      Yep, they feel like your close friends. It's weird. I do love our generation, however. So different and more connected than the technological savvy youth of today. They have no idea what they missed.

    • @lonnie224
      @lonnie224 2 роки тому +18

      Well said. I feel exactly the same 🥲

    • @foxyroxstar
      @foxyroxstar 2 роки тому +2

      oooh..she sang quite a (QX) cutest lady queen song oooh..taking us to a known frontline for All Women prior to her death WORLD! Further UP the Road JOHN!

    • @jacquiet6040
      @jacquiet6040 2 роки тому +12

      She reminds us what was and what has been lost.
      Thanks Olivia for being a huge part of my wild and crazy days. Those were the days my friend.
      ❤ from 🇨🇦

    • @tammybrennan2040
      @tammybrennan2040 2 роки тому +3

      @@jacquiet6040 💞

  • @waveniebrowne928
    @waveniebrowne928 2 роки тому +2

    From Barbados. On the behalf of my family, nieces and I. Send our deepest condolences to Olivia Newton -John family.
    We'll never forget that summer all of us watch "Grease Movie" 15 times.
    May she rest in peace.

  • @jenniferpierno6108
    @jenniferpierno6108 2 роки тому +2

    She did well to make it to 73. Thirty years coping with cancer is no joke. Great lady.

  • @shelbie2490
    @shelbie2490 2 роки тому +156

    My heart is broken. She fought so hard with grace and dignity and is a beautiful representation of love.

  • @gracelebron2964
    @gracelebron2964 2 роки тому +279

    I always loved Olivia! She will be missed. My sincere condolences to her family.

    • @johanna5688
      @johanna5688 2 роки тому

      Grace, you think these stars' families are waiting for YOUR condolences? Give it a rest. They have everything so don't need anybody. Hollywood is Babylon. Debauched & carefree.

    • @cass7142
      @cass7142 2 роки тому

      Seems like Johanna is a lil BITCH!!!

    • @tracyparker550
      @tracyparker550 2 роки тому +3

      @@johanna5688 please don't be mean and rude. Thanks

    • @robincutti4596
      @robincutti4596 2 роки тому +2

      @@tracyparker550 Don’t worry, envy is a terrible disease!

  • @hoibsh21
    @hoibsh21 2 роки тому +159

    This is a punch in the gut, I never expected it. RIP Olivia, no more pain.

    • @TheJohnny928
      @TheJohnny928 2 роки тому +3


    • @guysalzmann9302
      @guysalzmann9302 2 роки тому +6

      Where you been mate?! Been sick for awhile...

    • @tammyrenee64
      @tammyrenee64 2 роки тому +6

      Yes she had been sick for awhile now, I think this was the 2nd time she had to fight that ugly disease, she won't hurt anymore, and her fight is over
      Rip beautiful soul 🙏

    • @therogueveteran
      @therogueveteran 2 роки тому +7

      Yeah, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
      She was my first crush when I was like...8.
      Such a beautiful woman

    • @joannebutski3970
      @joannebutski3970 2 роки тому +2

      Been battling breast cancer for a few years...and she was 73...not a shock

  • @alberickmendes6472
    @alberickmendes6472 2 роки тому +2

    I was 15 now iam 57. Teen Era . I watched this Movie 14 times. Olivia is unforgettable.

  • @amywalker7515
    @amywalker7515 2 роки тому +2

    I can't believe she was 73. I always think of her young the way she was in her movies.

  • @featherbabymom5706
    @featherbabymom5706 2 роки тому +127

    A shining start like Olivia will never dim. RIP precious, Olivia.

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому +4

      My condolences goes out to her family and friends

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому +2

      She's made a shrine to all of us throughout the years of her career

  • @cathyt144
    @cathyt144 2 роки тому +229

    My teen years wouldnt have been as good without Olivias music. This is such a tragic loss. Beautiful lady,super talent.

  • @viperine4577
    @viperine4577 2 роки тому +110

    RIP. She is still alive through her magic voice, forever.

  • @tiresamercruy8206
    @tiresamercruy8206 2 роки тому +105

    Rest in Love. She was a true Icon. That voice, Angelic and pure. Her spirit, just such a beautiful lady always full of life and positivity.

  • @brendadrew834
    @brendadrew834 2 роки тому +1

    R.I.P lovely Olivia who was just one day younger than I am...born Sept. 25, 1948, her birthday Sept 26, 1948! Just seems like yesterday we were both 26! I remember her great Christmas show that year 1974 with the late great American actor/songwriter John Denver! "Those were the days my friend we thought they'd never end"....Mary Hopkins, a big hit back then as well! Loved "Grease" reminded me of my regional high school in northeastern NJ back in the "Swinging 60s", the Italian hoods like the "Fonz" on that other hit show, "Happy Days", vs the collegiate preppies! I was art editor on my 1966 yearbook before becoming a professional NYC fashion illustrator and illustrated those typical cliques in the yearbook back then! Gone, but not forgotten Olivia who rocked as "Sandy" and other late great cast members as well! Those cliques really existed like they did in "Grease" and "Happy Days"!

  • @sueq8862
    @sueq8862 2 роки тому +100

    Such a beautiful lady! Condolences to her family

  • @lindagonino4486
    @lindagonino4486 2 роки тому +76

    She’s singing with the angels , now . Thank you , Olivia Newton John , for sharing your amazing talent with us.

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому +4

      I will miss her very much

    • @JeremyBRJames
      @JeremyBRJames 2 роки тому +2

      @Linda Gonino ...and her good friend Karen Carpenter.

    • @rondodson5736
      @rondodson5736 2 роки тому +2

      Sadly i lost my best friend of 48 years five years ago. He was like the brother i never had. I miss him, but when i think of him i remember all the good times we had together. The memories are what makes the friendships so special.

  • @S.Y.S.64738
    @S.Y.S.64738 2 роки тому +46

    I'm at an age where I slowly but surely see the heroes from my childhood pass away. Makes me feel sad. Almost if time gets erased... if that makes sense.
    RIP Olivia... thank you for the memories.

    • @sharonjensen3016
      @sharonjensen3016 2 роки тому +7

      I feel that way too. Still, we shouldn't just cry because our childhood idols have died. Smile because they were here and they mattered in some way to us.

    • @jannepetersen4660
      @jannepetersen4660 2 роки тому +4

      That is what age can provide, we have to say goodbye to many, because we reach different ages.....

    • @rondodson5736
      @rondodson5736 2 роки тому +2

      I feel it gets to the point our passing is not so hard as we know our friends and family will be where we are also going. Along with our idols.

    • @jannepetersen4660
      @jannepetersen4660 2 роки тому +2

      @@rondodson5736 I dont want to ruin your day in any way, but because I respect you as a human being, I have to tell you that before we go there at all, there are some things we need to bring in order.
      The trust in Jesus Christ, the accept to get rid of old sins and habits through the Holy water.
      Jesus died for our sins and bad living, while we were still sinners, so a truthful encounter with the Lord and savior, will open the gates to Heaven, and it is not about who you are, what you do, and how you look, it is about truth the hole way through.
      You must not take it for granded or a matter of course, that everybody you know, family or friends, idols or who ever you love here on earth, will receive you and welcome you at the gate, it all comes down to your trust in our Lord and savior.
      Many heavy bands and actors really are mocking God, because they dont need a God in their famous rich life, where all the fans are the big part of their fame.
      You might se people in heaven, thinking, no way they got in, and the upperset in helle where you could be just as surprised.
      We dont really know what happen when the door close, what we do know is, that God has said in His word, that anyone with a clear heart calling upon the Lord shall be saved.
      We need to know that those we love and admire will go to Heaven, but every single human being must stand firm and honest in front of God, because only a truthful heart will open the gates.....

    • @accordionchick
      @accordionchick 2 роки тому

      @@jannepetersen4660 Well said! We can only pray that the ones we love have come to Jesus BEFORE death. ❤️

  • @olgaguer6443
    @olgaguer6443 2 роки тому +1

    What a lady the world has lost: talent, beauty, dignity, modesty.
    Rest In Peace Olivia

  • @robertgarrett4046
    @robertgarrett4046 2 роки тому +1


  • @troyback7535
    @troyback7535 2 роки тому +60

    Australia 🇦🇺 will miss you beautiful lady 😢

    • @MizzesB
      @MizzesB 2 роки тому +2


    • @24Wynn
      @24Wynn 2 роки тому +3

      Same with America. We will miss her so much!

    • @janglangmalatang7475
      @janglangmalatang7475 2 роки тому +1

      Truly amazing You are. Always will. Appreciate all your wonderful moments you gave to us .so beautiful. Great Fun. Was the moment. Was the time you gave us. Thank You 🙏🏻. Still in our hearts never forget. We still dancing 💃 🕺 It be your wish* pass on . A Moment never forget.

  • @gpa7069
    @gpa7069 2 роки тому +172

    I have been in love with her voice, her beauty, her eyes, her smile... just everything about her since I was a kid. Prayers to her loved ones and RIP.

    • @nickbeggsaxl
      @nickbeggsaxl 2 роки тому +6

      Me too and so many others. She touched so many hearts. What an incredible woman. ❤️

  • @OneMeanArtist
    @OneMeanArtist 2 роки тому +51

    I loved her music as a a little girl. She seemed so independent and in control of things, which I found so fascinating at the time by contrast to my life in the home of an abusive and controlling sociopathic father. I had even found an address and wrote a letter to her and remember being so thrilled to get an autographed photo of her with a dolphin as well as a kind little hand-written note in return. Genuine or not, at the time it meant a lot to me and gave my lost little soul a light of hope for the future. Thanks for that, Olivia. RIP. I'm sorry to hear you're gone.

    • @fitnessbabe7958
      @fitnessbabe7958 2 роки тому +2

      We have allot in common.

    • @tammyrenee64
      @tammyrenee64 2 роки тому +3

      Awe that's really sad, sorry you had to go thru that when you were young, I got married at 15 to get our of the house
      Olivia was the best, her voice could make you forget the hell you were going thru, I know it did mine🙏✌️

    • @paulettehiggins280
      @paulettehiggins280 2 роки тому +1


    • @johanna5688
      @johanna5688 2 роки тому

      You're lucky you never saw her in the street. This is the same woman who turned her back on a male fan when she was pregnant. He just said hi, and she turned the other way. These famous ppl are all phonies. They are wealthy beyond what we can imagine. She came from the wealthiest area in Melbourne to start with. They have no time for anyone but themselves. When she got breastfeeding cancer, guess which charity she was raising money for?

    • @margaretr5701
      @margaretr5701 2 роки тому

      @@johanna5688 She came from England.
      I wish you'd stop posting distasteful comments to other people's posts.
      It's possible Olivia was feeling unwell while pregnant, or even fearful, as some celebrities have been attacked by 'fans' .... who knows what that particular instance was about, but overall, Olivia Newton John was known for her kindness, to both people and animals.

  • @therelaxationstation5258
    @therelaxationstation5258 2 роки тому +1

    She looked amazing. Still beautiful at 73.

  • @saraandj.v.martin4401
    @saraandj.v.martin4401 2 роки тому +39

    Safe travels, Olivia. Such a talent and, according to so many, such a sweet person. Thank you for all the great entertainment.

  • @MizzesB
    @MizzesB 2 роки тому +193

    A Woman, Mother and Wife......and still was able to move OUR Hearts with Her Voice. God blessed us all with Her Voice ......God will Bless Her Soul 💚💚💚💚

    • @bettykelly4312
      @bettykelly4312 2 роки тому +7

      Rest in peace praying for the family 🙏

    • @realemonful
      @realemonful 2 роки тому +4

      Only if she redeemed her sins to Christ. If not, her chances are gone forever, and will never be able to make up for it!

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому +2

      She was such an amazing woman

  • @dianeturnage9046
    @dianeturnage9046 2 роки тому +251

    She was a beautiful person. She will be missed immensly. Her voice was like that of an angel.
    Love and prayers for her family. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @johanna5688
      @johanna5688 2 роки тому +2

      You're not living in reality.

    • @cass7142
      @cass7142 2 роки тому


    • @kristinwalz8878
      @kristinwalz8878 2 роки тому +1


    • @lloydkline1518
      @lloydkline1518 2 роки тому

      Oliva newton jojn too pretty to fie; lives forever on youtubw

    • @desiguy55
      @desiguy55 2 роки тому

      she was one of my favorite female singers along with Karen carpenter. RIP to both.

  • @butterflygirl2285
    @butterflygirl2285 2 роки тому +159

    Olivia survived a long time with the disease. She was a real role model to others suffering from the breast cancer. Rest in peace, Olivia.

  • @rachaeljackson8642
    @rachaeljackson8642 2 роки тому +34

    She radiated beauty and kindness. Everytime I watched an interview with her or I saw her on TV I would smile, because she was always smiling. No matter what she was going through, she always smiled and radiated love and light. It’s a shame she lost her bastard of a battle, but she fought so hard and man, what a legacy she has left! Her and her teams hard work at the ONJ Cancer Research Institute will continue to make a difference and save lives. Thanks you ONJ for your dedication to Cancer research and for your down to earth soul, and gratuitousness you always presented, in your life and music! What an impact you have made! The world is in mourning.

  • @mariawijeweera7455
    @mariawijeweera7455 2 роки тому +1

    Will miss you a lot. Thank you for the butiful songs. Rest in peace. 🙏🙏

  • @paulbroderick4217
    @paulbroderick4217 2 роки тому +61

    What a woman!!!
    Spent time at ONJ Clinic and recovered!Thank you Olivia and all the wonderful staff there!God bless you!

  • @andiebradley6655
    @andiebradley6655 2 роки тому +63

    She could been a supermodel too such talent no words Rest In Peace

    • @mcplutt
      @mcplutt 2 роки тому +5

      What is a supermodel? I think she was greater than that.

    • @lindabradford9591
      @lindabradford9591 2 роки тому +1

      @@mcplutt Awe very sweet.

  • @Butterfly-zs2pc
    @Butterfly-zs2pc 2 роки тому +121

    OMG, I have such wonderful memories watching her act and sing! She is an ICON that will never be forgotten!!! Her battle with breast cancer for 30 years was just outstanding, she credited her husband for much of that success when ever she was interviewed. She was just a lovely person! RIP Olivia Newton-John. Condolences to her family and friends! 🙏🏻💐🌷💐❤

  • @angelg2638
    @angelg2638 2 роки тому +1

    I know we cynical Americans find it almost corny to be emotional, specially on live TV. So, I think this mature, grown man just gave Olivia Newton-John the highest acknowledgement of just how much she means to people. When Australia woke up to the news of her passing overnight, veteran Australian journalist Richard Wilkins simply had a heart break, and everyone watching were in tears, as well. Funny man and anchor Karl Stefanovic was gracious and quick to hug "Richo" who was crumbling in front of our very wet eyes.
    I remember a meme teasing about people "acting on social media like a relative had died whenever a celebrity passed". But I realised that that's exactly how loved Olivia made everyone feel around her - strangers and family, alike.
    She was one of a kind. Full of love and light. Untouched by Hollywood fame and success. Used her name to fight cancer for 40 yrs!
    Yes, in Australia, we have lost not just "Sandy", or Olivia Newton-John. We lost FAMILY. See you later, love. ❤️

  • @ianwillans2126
    @ianwillans2126 2 роки тому +1

    I am 75 and I cried.
    IAN (from Australia.)

  • @seankelly7211
    @seankelly7211 2 роки тому +64

    Judith Durham, and now Olivia Newton-John! Australia (and the world) have lost two beautiful Angels within days of each other! Condolences from Canada to their families and Australia... RIP Judith and Olivia! May you both "Shine On."

    • @Gman-qm6bv
      @Gman-qm6bv 2 роки тому +3

      I did not know Judith had passed until I read you comment. I loved the music from both ladies and listened to them for decades. What a sad few days we have just experienced.

    • @ajlook5457
      @ajlook5457 2 роки тому +1

      With respect she was English not Australian

  • @eyestothesky6331
    @eyestothesky6331 2 роки тому +166

    Sad news. She was iconic and will always be Sandy.

    • @krikeydial3430
      @krikeydial3430 2 роки тому +1

      Do you think she was still a virgin before she died?

    • @gaysy1st
      @gaysy1st 2 роки тому

      @@krikeydial3430 Why are you saying such a stupid thing?

    • @hoibsh21
      @hoibsh21 2 роки тому

      @@krikeydial3430 Shut up.

    • @karenissimalovestrilogy75
      @karenissimalovestrilogy75 2 роки тому

      What a STUPID thing to say!😡

    • @angelasmith257
      @angelasmith257 2 роки тому


  • @ngadinh4201
    @ngadinh4201 2 роки тому +180

    It's heartbroken to know she just passed away. She's beautiful at any age and her angelic voice, her songs, her legacy will live in her fans' heart all over the world. RIP Olivia. You will be truly remembered.

  • @effieh1176
    @effieh1176 2 роки тому +3

    When I had nothing to watch on the television,I remember putting Grease in the dvd player and singing along with all of the songs. She will always be remembered and her songs should be playing on the radio all day. Rest in peace,Sandy. You truly were an angel

  • @gerilynne1955
    @gerilynne1955 2 роки тому +7

    73 is young by today's standards. Such a talented woman. Beautiful soul.

  • @melmingin8445
    @melmingin8445 2 роки тому +24

    I fell in love with Olivia in the 70's , her "I Honestly Love You' and " Have You Never Been Mellow" are classics ! Olivia was a huge influence on the music of the 70's and 80's. RIP you beautiful songbird!

  • @sjanoski8878
    @sjanoski8878 2 роки тому +146

    Beautiful, talented and a incredible actress. So so sorry for your loss to her family, husband and friends. Loved her💕💕💕💕💕

  • @IngefromGraz
    @IngefromGraz 2 роки тому +193

    Rest In Peace Olivia!
    You will be missed very much!
    Condolences to her family and friends!

    • @karenissimalovestrilogy75
      @karenissimalovestrilogy75 2 роки тому

      @Toty Mo
      YOU JERK!!!

    • @johanna5688
      @johanna5688 2 роки тому

      Will YOU be getting her families condolences when you die? These stars don't give a damn. Nor should you.

    • @karenissimalovestrilogy75
      @karenissimalovestrilogy75 2 роки тому

      What a sad, sad human being you must be!
      Olivia Newton John was NOT the typical celebrity---
      The foundations that she built and contributed greatly to have helped THOUSANDS of CANCER PATIENTS (MY BABY SISTER BEING ONE!) with medical care, fianancial needs, and research!
      AND, she was a HUGE PROPONENT of animal rights,
      And was instrumental in the saving of thousands of animals that were due for euthanasia...
      SHE was a COMPASSIONATE, CARING, INSPIRING LADY who never forgot where she came from!
      SHE has ALREADY given her gifts to SO MANY,
      And it's RIGHT and GOOD for us to HONOR her!
      What contribution have YOU made to the world?
      I'M WAITING!

  • @josephpowelliii9169
    @josephpowelliii9169 2 роки тому +60

    She was the kind of gal every guy aspired to marry....natural beauty, confident...yet not stuck up, talented, strong, positive, and genuine...."the girl next door". At 73, she looked 43. This is a tragic loss for the world. She was a giver....never a taker. There will never be another Olivia...never ever.

    • @margietucker1719
      @margietucker1719 2 роки тому +5

      As John Travolta said....we will see her later, down the road...

    • @robertgarrett4046
      @robertgarrett4046 2 роки тому +3

      I couldn't agree more with what you have said Joseph . Rob.

    • @momtorachie
      @momtorachie 2 роки тому +2

      And growing up in the 70s and 80s, the type of woman little girls wanted to be 🤍

    • @josephpowelliii9169
      @josephpowelliii9169 2 роки тому +2

      @@robertgarrett4046 Yeah bro...thank you....this death has kinda messed me up for awhile. She really had a glow from within....just incredible. Her song "Twist of Fate"....was one of my favs. I just cannot believe she's gone....

  • @l.f.treadwell3949
    @l.f.treadwell3949 2 роки тому +40

    One of the most beautiful souls to ever grace this planet. She was physically beautiful, but her real beauty came from within and expressed through the beautiful sounds of her exquisite voice. Rest in peace, beautiful Olivia.

  • @shelleywantiez7964
    @shelleywantiez7964 2 роки тому +43

    A Very sad day today. Olivia was beautiful, talented, and down to earth. An icon and true meaning of the word, lady. A beautiful person inside and out. She'll be greatly missed.

    • @lindabradford9591
      @lindabradford9591 2 роки тому +3

      Absolutely. Such a beautiful woman and human being. RIP Olivia.

  • @patriciaoreilly8907
    @patriciaoreilly8907 2 роки тому +67

    RIP 🙏 very sad 😔 everyone loved Olivia lovely voice & Grease 👌 she was stunning & a good actress 😢 will be sorely missed 😢

  • @ZATennisFan
    @ZATennisFan 2 роки тому +38

    Such a beautiful voice and such a stunning woman. Her live rendition of “Sam” always made me cry and now it’s going to be even harder to listen to. Gone but never forgotten…

    • @tammyrenee64
      @tammyrenee64 2 роки тому

      Same here, I cry to when I hear Sam, don't know if I can ever listen to that one again, I already miss her 😪

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому

      My condolences goes out to her family and friends who knew her

  • @teresawilliams6479
    @teresawilliams6479 2 роки тому +1

    Rest In Peace beautiful lady, America will miss you. Beautiful voice wonderful actress. Prayers and hugs for your family and friends

  • @michaeltaylor1603
    @michaeltaylor1603 2 роки тому +1

    I Have to believe that she was Magic! That song was so wonderful and ethereal to me. Such a sweet princess. She will no longer suffer the fragile shell we use to walk the world. Hers songs and spirit will continue to SOAR. Thank YOU Olivia.

  • @janwilcox278
    @janwilcox278 2 роки тому +91

    My deepest sympathy to the family. Olivia was a real trooper and very much loved.

  • @rick262
    @rick262 2 роки тому +56

    I've listened to her music for almost 50 years now. Olivia, the whole world loves you! Thanks for all you gave us.

  • @hardy5288
    @hardy5288 2 роки тому +87

    A lovely talented girl.

    • @josephinebrown7141
      @josephinebrown7141 2 роки тому

      She is a wonderful beautiful lady we are going to miss her ❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 praying for her family 👪

  • @magicdesigns1
    @magicdesigns1 2 роки тому +21

    Olivia gave us all such beautiful memories. Her movies and songs were pure innocence and welcomed in all homes. She will forever be part of good memories during my youth. God Bless you Olivia, rest in peace. See you in heaven.

  • @robincutti4596
    @robincutti4596 2 роки тому +1

    She was beautiful, talented and classy…
    Why good people have to go so early…

  • @malahammer
    @malahammer 2 роки тому +13

    Who wasn't in love with her after seeing her in Grease. RIP Olivia and many thanks for everything.

  • @aurelio-reymilaorcabal9669
    @aurelio-reymilaorcabal9669 2 роки тому +58

    OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN " I honestly love you".❤.💔. RIP🙏

  • @1007jasper
    @1007jasper 2 роки тому +16

    I grew up listening to her music, when someone so endearing passes away it feels like a portion of yourself goes too! RIP Olivia

    • @johanna5688
      @johanna5688 2 роки тому

      Endearing?? This woman was a mega snob. I know her type. You obviously don't know she came from Melbourne's most wealthiest area. She was already set up to succeed, unlike others without connections who have to sweat. Life was easy for her.

    • @tracyparker550
      @tracyparker550 2 роки тому +6

      @@johanna5688 please don't be rude and disrespectful. Thanks

    • @queenofcheap6310
      @queenofcheap6310 2 роки тому

      @@johanna5688 You are a disgrace & a Troll. If you don't like a story, don't watch it. 'Life was easy for her'? Olivia has been fighting cancer for 30 YEARS!!! Rich or poor, no one deserves that.

    • @johanna5688
      @johanna5688 2 роки тому

      @@tracyparker550 I am telling the truth, not being rude. She only supported the cancer foundation after she was diagnosed herself. She was a hard hearted woman. I know the type of ppl who come from her side of town. Even if I were to win mega millions, I'd stay far away from such areas. There us such class snobbishness with the mega wealthy in Australia unknown to many outside. I left Melbourne a long time ago and never think of it. If something is TRUE, then the truth MUST be spoken. Btw, Grease was the WORST crock of shit movie ever made. I hated it. It was coarse, crass and so very vulgar. It was not for family viewing. I found it very offensive.

    • @margaretr5701
      @margaretr5701 2 роки тому +1

      @@johanna5688 She came from England and I've never heard anyone call her a snob in all the years she's performed, or mingled with people. I've only heard how kind she was to anyone who crossed her path, no matter what their station in life.

  • @clarahamers1474
    @clarahamers1474 2 роки тому +1

    Rest in peace Olivia Newton John 😢😢😢you are now a beautyful Star in haven

  • @cathyscott3984
    @cathyscott3984 2 роки тому +67

    God be with her family and friends during this difficult time and, as fans, let us remember how her songs made us smile or dance, and gave us hope. Peace be with us all.

  • @pianorama
    @pianorama 2 роки тому +57

    When I first heard her voice I was mesmerized. Rest in peace, dear Olivia.

  • @richardmarr1039
    @richardmarr1039 2 роки тому +57

    Loved her since I saw her singing "Banks of the Ohio". R.I.P Olivia you lovely soul

  • @rossmeldrum3346
    @rossmeldrum3346 2 роки тому +18

    One more beautiful light in the night sky, now a bright star that will never dim. And another lovely voice to add to Gods own choir.

  • @dathpo
    @dathpo 2 роки тому +1

    I remember her "Lets Get Physical" Video very well in 1981 We loved it, lots of fun. Wonderful and amazing talent. We'll never forget!

  • @leighannestephenson2289
    @leighannestephenson2289 2 роки тому +1

    Awe I loved her in Grease!

  • @isabelledetaillefer2726
    @isabelledetaillefer2726 2 роки тому +16

    I was in my first year at university in South Africa when Grease was a hit. We went back to watch it over and over, the campus would eco with the Grease hits every day, we had Grease parties all the time and we all wanted to look like Sandy and Danny. Those were golden days...Oliva spread light and joy all over the world. RIP, sweet lady.

  • @carmenHernandez-jg1kk
    @carmenHernandez-jg1kk 2 роки тому +79

    I'm so sorry for her loss !!! She was so amazing! She will be miss but not forgotten! RIP Olivia !!💔 🙏

    • @alisonsavill8191
      @alisonsavill8191 2 роки тому +1

      At least she’s immortalised forever on film

  • @CupcakeCritter
    @CupcakeCritter 2 роки тому +40

    She's been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl. God rest her soul and grant peace to those who loved her.

  • @gloriamaeweather1875
    @gloriamaeweather1875 2 роки тому +11

    I loved the reunion of John Travolta, and Olivia singing together! They both sounded awesome! 💓

  • @twiggyb8962
    @twiggyb8962 2 роки тому +1

    Pure & Beautiful RIP Olivia

  • @maryanjames7890
    @maryanjames7890 2 роки тому +17

    She fought bravely to the end and gave positive hopes in all her messages. I have always been a big fan of hers. Rest in peace beautiful soul. Your singing will light up heaven for sure

  • @rhrh2025
    @rhrh2025 2 роки тому +27

    This one hit me hard! I've been a fan of her singing since the 1980s, and have known about her condition. I just wasn't ready to hear this! RIP Olivia!

  • @suzanneflowers2230
    @suzanneflowers2230 2 роки тому +6

    From the US. We will always love and appreciate the lady Olivia. May the Lord comfort her family.

  • @imeldahiggins-wiffle8302
    @imeldahiggins-wiffle8302 2 роки тому +1

    Olivia Newton-John is every bit an icon of my generation, like Marilyn Monroe was for previous generations!!!! Olivia, you will live on FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!

  • @cynthiapark2935
    @cynthiapark2935 2 роки тому +9

    I've lived Olivia since I was a child and my dad would play her albums (he owned every single one) very loud and I would sing along. So I was already a big fan when Grease came out. Such an amazing voice and person! Olivia will be missed greatly.

  • @jasminec.s.3977
    @jasminec.s.3977 2 роки тому +22

    I am so happy I saw her in the mid 2010's and I loved her so much and will forever love her and her beautiful spirit! Broken hearted today 💔

  • @jhennessyde-la-fuente7193
    @jhennessyde-la-fuente7193 2 роки тому +14

    ""Tell me about it, stud"" ... that was my favorite scene of Grease. Honestly a beautiful lady inside and outside.. May rest in peace Oliva, we will never forget you.

  • @debbietodd8547
    @debbietodd8547 2 роки тому +41

    Loved her from the first moment I heard her sing and I can't count how many times I watched Grease......condolences to her family, she will be missed. Such a beautiful human inside and out....

  • @davebolton4269
    @davebolton4269 2 роки тому +22

    A brave, ambitious and beautiful woman, I hope her legacy lives on. A shock reminder that regardless of who you are, we are all human and subject to the same conditions of life.

  • @dear6341
    @dear6341 2 роки тому +1

    I loved her since I was 3 years old since watching Greece. She was so beautiful. She really was ageless.

  • @timstreitz4700
    @timstreitz4700 2 роки тому +11

    I have loved her since 1974, when I was 7.

  • @wurble
    @wurble 2 роки тому +22

    The first woman I ever had a crush on. My mother would often watch Grease when I was growing up and I was utterly besotted with Olivia. I remember always being mortified at the end of the movie when she was fully made up with the leather gear on. I'm pretty sure that moment set up my lifelong preference for the natural "girl next door" types. RIP beautiful lady.

  • @suzannevansickle5190
    @suzannevansickle5190 2 роки тому +9

    I'm especially sending this for my son who loved her since he was a little boy I can't tell you how many times I took him to see Grease. Rest in peace

  • @lincbond442
    @lincbond442 2 роки тому +5

    Many of my favorite actors have passed in the last few months but Olivia's passing hurts the most. She has meant so much to so many for a very long time. She will never be forgotten and will always be adored by millions of fans.

    • @lotus1695
      @lotus1695 2 роки тому

      Yes, I agree totally!

    • @cazpk6840
      @cazpk6840 2 роки тому

      I am feeling v upset and did not realise how connected i felt until she passed 😞

  • @gin1740
    @gin1740 2 роки тому +6

    I worked with Olivia on the ADR stage on Xanadu.....she was so lovely, professional and kind!

  • @kathynemec4288
    @kathynemec4288 2 роки тому +55

    Beautiful sound to Olivia's voice. It would hit your soul and made you feel happy. She had an honest, girl next door feeling. John Denver knew she was special on "Fly Away". 4 time Grammy Award winner that says a lot. But her music will live on. My heart goes out to her family and friends. God Bless her beautiful soul.

    • @christhosongmailcom
      @christhosongmailcom 2 роки тому +1

      Hello Kathy Nemec how are you doing and how’s the weather over there? I was going through comments when I came across your post.. I would love to be a friend, would be nice if you can add me up, i hope you don’t mind?

  • @ursulaglissmann6905
    @ursulaglissmann6905 2 роки тому +90

    Great entertainer. So sad. RIP

  • @jggrimm
    @jggrimm 2 роки тому +9

    A star loved by more than one generation touched by her voice, her talent, her kindness and strength.

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому +1

      She was such an amazing woman rest in peace Olivia Newton

  • @evelynmoreno3919
    @evelynmoreno3919 2 роки тому +12

    Though she is gone , her musical legacy lives on in our hearts. She is at peace with God as her shining star. That talent will never go to waste. She is at a place no one can compare.

  • @blanina
    @blanina 2 роки тому +2

    Goodbye beautiful Olivia ♥️♥️♥️

  • @patrickrabion9473
    @patrickrabion9473 2 роки тому +14

    This hit me like a freight train…so sad, I’ve loved her since the early ‘70’s.😪

    • @xbrandi12345x
      @xbrandi12345x 2 роки тому +1

      Me too. I am really bummed. ☹️

    • @sortoflurkingish5986
      @sortoflurkingish5986 2 роки тому +2

      Me too , made me shed a tear 😢

    • @gwenallen4754
      @gwenallen4754 2 роки тому +1

      Me too like a family l member

    • @sortoflurkingish5986
      @sortoflurkingish5986 2 роки тому

      @The Werewolf of Somalia It brings it home to you that life is precious and your own sense immortality is ill founded . Best wishes to all our Aussie mates down under , did well in the swimming at the Commonwealth Games , a few wobbly years but back on top . Congratulations 🎊 👏 🏅 🏅 🏅.

  • @FlexibleFlyer50
    @FlexibleFlyer50 2 роки тому +10

    Such a talent! Such a voice! She reminded me of sunshine, the ocean, puppies, kittens and all things good in the world. Will never be another one like Olivia Newton-John.

    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 2 роки тому +4

      She was such an amazing woman she will be missed rest in peace Olivia Newton

  • @oliviazarnack2396
    @oliviazarnack2396 2 роки тому +37

    Gentle soul, voice of an angel. So kind & courteous all the years she was with us. RIP

  • @sandrazielinski9684
    @sandrazielinski9684 2 роки тому +1

    We will miss you Olivia, and we will always love you

  • @debrarestaino7350
    @debrarestaino7350 2 роки тому +3

    A true Warrior for all women fighting cancer!! Her legacy and music will live on forever!! Rest peacefully

  • @aurelio-reymilaorcabal9669
    @aurelio-reymilaorcabal9669 2 роки тому +24

    She was one of my faves along with retired Helen Reddy , and also now Judith Durham @ 79 yrs of the SEEKERS passed 2days ago.

  • @leegacy3099
    @leegacy3099 2 роки тому +18

    I've always admired singers whose speaking voice is the same as when they sing. The other was Helen Reddy. RIP to both.

  • @rosiengstrom8158
    @rosiengstrom8158 2 роки тому +39

    She will surely be missed. What a beautiful person in and out. She was my symbol for a perfect great time. Those where the good old days

  • @DW-nb2zc
    @DW-nb2zc 2 роки тому +3

    She was an amazing entertainer,be it singing,acting performing and her battle against cancer for 30 years is an inspiration to us all

  • @SamsaLilaTheHobo
    @SamsaLilaTheHobo 2 роки тому +1

    LOL John Travolta, it wasn't just the boys adoring her blue eyes. The girls had crushes, too💜 We wanted to "rollerskate" with her...