Grizzly Attack, Lived To Tell

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Here's an insane grizzly attack story sent in. Lucky dudes!


  • @mattbywater7347
    @mattbywater7347 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for another Grizzly story. I love the stories that you have experienced most. Keep doing what you do. Your the real deal.

  • @floydwaight5699
    @floydwaight5699 3 роки тому +3

    Damn, that's one hell of a story. Your video with the Grizzly in the background was awesome also and you called it and the Karen's crying is unavoidable these days. Take that from the All caps, TOUCHYFEELY DUDE FROM NOR-CAL ... PeaceOrElse

  • @stevejazzband
    @stevejazzband 3 роки тому +2

    I lived in sagel Idaho, one small town south, for a year. What an incredible area. We had bears on our farm all the time. I miss it all the time. Thanks for the story.

    • @lindaarrington9397
      @lindaarrington9397 2 роки тому

      @funky sawman Wright thats scary
      I have black that pass through my place

  • @dunksbt6001
    @dunksbt6001 3 роки тому +6

    Woulda grabbed some lottery tickets that nite..

  • @peggypaplauskas161
    @peggypaplauskas161 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this story!!

  • @CaptainsDen
    @CaptainsDen 3 роки тому +2

    Now these two brothers have a awesome campfire story and didn’t have to pay a heavy price that usually goes along with bear attacks.

  • @dereklonewolf9011
    @dereklonewolf9011 3 роки тому +1

    Sometimes there are " Angels in the outfield" 🐻 🍁 71+ Manitoba hunter expat

  • @pattywilson8796
    @pattywilson8796 3 роки тому +4

    Morning! Coffee and great shares!

  • @raymondjones8
    @raymondjones8 3 роки тому +2

    I don’t understand how some suggest that bear spray is often more effective than a gun🤭 I wouldn’t feel at all safe with bear spray as my only defence😬 A charging Grizz is not going to stop to smell the spray, he’s coming through it like a train. To shoot an animal like this would be a terrible shame, and obviously, a last resort; but there’s no choice when it comes to 1oz of lead at 1500 fps 🤭
    People also talk of “Bear country,” and how we shouldn’t really be there; well... the wilderness is for all of us to enjoy, not just bears, and as long as we respect the boundaries, and give these creatures the respect they deserve, then we should all be ok🤗
    Great story... so glad those brothers had wisdom enough to live through their encounter too😎
    Stay safe 🤗

  • @TheLastResort3113
    @TheLastResort3113 3 роки тому +1

    Never underestimate the therapeutic properties, of a good farmer blow.
    Sure it's unsightly, socially unacceptable But you can't deny it works.

  • @Juror63
    @Juror63 3 роки тому +1

    Fuzzy pork chop...
    With ATTITUDE!

  • @littleswol1
    @littleswol1 3 роки тому

    Steve I would trust your knowledge of the woods 100% but as mainly a city boy, I'm scared but also in awe of Grizzlies!

  • @adharjanadb
    @adharjanadb 3 роки тому

    I archery elk hunt idaho every year I got my first sow charge last fall and thank christ there was 5 grown men in our party all of em whom are military vets and 1 career flight paramedic. We've all had stress in our lives and each of us acted very cool under the charge. I told everyone to group up and then I told everyone if she charges again and her ears are back she's gonna commit. The wind changed and she smelled us then Wheeled off. I got a cell pic of her too if I can find it ill post it

  • @allisoncolby7851
    @allisoncolby7851 11 місяців тому

    You can almost always tell someone is telling the truth in a written story by the details they use.
    What an amazing and terrifying story, that was told so well, I felt I was there among them. And I really admire and respect their philosophy about fear and choosing to face it. Sometimes, when I'm scared, that feeling feels worse than facing it, or I'll get "angry" that I'm afraid, and use that to motivate myself out of it. It helps to know the difference between things you should legitimately be respectfully afraid of, and when fear is more a state of mind and not entirely factual or based on what is true.
    At the very least, it was good they had bear spray/pepper spray. I just wanted to mention to anyone who may not know, bear spray should be in a fairly big canister. I bought some pepper spray once to use in case I was somewhere at night and wanted protection from being jumped walking to or from my vehicle somewhere. So I once was walking to my car in a parking lot and there were these huge, ugly cockroaches on the cement right by where I needed to step to get into my car, and they wouldn't move. They kept zipping around back and forth so I sprayed them, and at first it seemed to do nothing, but then they retreated into the darkness. My point was, after only a few steady sprays, the container was almost empty. You don't want a small amount thinking it's super potent and don't need much. It can take a lot of it, especially with something as large as a bear, and sometimes there are certain individuals who have a bit more tolerance to the contents, or if it is a highly adrenalized situation, the last thing you want is to run out of spray! (Or panic and spray it with the wind coming in your direction, without thinking) I myself, would rather have a weapon/firearm, but I would imagine there are times where that may not be a good idea, or live in a leftist majority state, with ridiculous gun restrictions, like California, New York or Illinois.
    As for this encounter, those 2 were both very lucky. Usually, at least someone gets mauled or killed. A person can't go thru something as intense as surviving that, and not become wiser from it; as long as they can make up their mind to master their fear. But I really like stories like these, they teach people things to consider from events that maybe or could even happen to any of us, and what to do or not do, and maybe save someone's life. Thanks for sharing it!

  • @LadyintheWoods
    @LadyintheWoods 3 роки тому

    WOW....those men are blessed! I have NO clue how I would react.....none

  • @waltlabonte6449
    @waltlabonte6449 3 роки тому +1

    Holy shit that was interesting...

  • @debbiebeeks1841
    @debbiebeeks1841 3 роки тому

    😳🐻😳🐻😳🐻😳🐻😳🐻 Angels were watching over both of them. Oregon

  • @noahbyrne2402
    @noahbyrne2402 2 роки тому

    I live in Montana not really too far from this area
    I NEVER hunt, hike, or fish without a 10mm in a chest holster (loaded and chambered)….. and bear spray as a back up
    I’ve had run ins but thankfully never been charged or even threatened by one
    It is just something you have to be prepared for

  • @singers1990
    @singers1990 2 роки тому

    I'm so lucky that mean koala could have killed me in my tent lol.

  • @ghosty426
    @ghosty426 3 роки тому

    When seconds count... Glock 10mm, not Bear Spray...

  • @Tennessee6447
    @Tennessee6447 3 роки тому

    Only "flute players" carry bear spray!

  • @MySynthDungeon
    @MySynthDungeon 3 роки тому

    Cheers! Enjoyed!! :-)!!

  • @mariekiraly100
    @mariekiraly100 2 роки тому


  • @jonlelandroyboi11
    @jonlelandroyboi11 3 роки тому

    Some1 hit thumbs up, lol.....

  • @jessemeadows2993
    @jessemeadows2993 3 роки тому +10

    These guys had an angel with them no doubt in my mind

  • @idahotrailcam
    @idahotrailcam 3 роки тому +6

    Those are my brothers!! I still get the shakes listening to them tell it. Wait until you hear my other brother's side of the story...

    • @BillStelling
      @BillStelling 3 роки тому

      Nice! Glad they lived to tell the tale. 40 years from now you will be telling the great-grandkids all about it...

    • @tracker3952
      @tracker3952 3 роки тому

      I’m glad you still have them! I can’t wait to hear the other half!

    • @RyMac87
      @RyMac87 7 днів тому

      Did this happen in boundary county?

  • @wolverinebear5357
    @wolverinebear5357 3 роки тому +10

    Fight or flight you'll never know till it happens which one you are.

  • @chattyce
    @chattyce 3 роки тому +15

    LOVE the grizzly stories!!

  • @beeamerica5024
    @beeamerica5024 3 роки тому +2

    All Wildlife are unpredictable hence the word Wild

  • @stevew6910
    @stevew6910 3 роки тому +5

    Extremely blessed, I would be thanking the big man. Every time I made it back to the woods I would thank him, And I would buy a 480
    But the man is right, It was not the bears fault, It was doing what comes naturally , And if male bears wouldnt kill cubs, Who knows
    Moms might not be so protective

  • @karenhaynes3125
    @karenhaynes3125 3 роки тому +2

    KAREN (not a Karen) here, love Steve's channel! Pick a new name to label idiots, please.

  • @josephmonaco4503
    @josephmonaco4503 3 роки тому +3

    I used to live in Nye,Montana... Population 2....That's right 2.. When I moved there with my ex-wife and my 2 children, the population was now 6 but Stillwater County never changed the sign
    for us. I have at least 6 or 7 stories about Grizzly Bear and how I should have been killed also. Here is one from 1991. While I was living in Nye Mt I owned a 3 1/2 year old Wolf Hybrid. His name
    was Rocky and at that age he weighed 168 lbs. He was my best friend and his personality was very friendly to everyone even though everyone was afraid of him because of his size.
    Anyway, I went to a friend of mines 360 acres every day for 48 days to bring Horse grain, a 70lb bale of hay and 2 shots of medicine for this Belgium Horse named Dan. He was very weak
    and we all thought that he was foundered. I saw him standing in the ice cold Stillwater River up to his knees. I used to see Grizzly's about 1/2- 3/4 of a mile as the crow flies every day there over on the other side of the river from where I was. All I had on my side was a .45 cal Peacemaker. I took Rocky with me every evening around 5pm to take care of Dan. I would carry the hay on my shoulder down a 45 degree hill and then went back up for the grain and medicine to give him his 2 shots, TWICE a day. Get Ready, On the 46th day I just finished taking care of Dan and was at the top of the hill and was 45 feet from my pick-up truck. It just snowed that day and there was 12 inches on the ground. All of a sudden, Rocky turned around and was growling like I've never heard him do before. When I turned around, there was a 700 lb Grizzly running full speed at me and I never heard her. Within one second, Rocky locked his 1,350 ft pounds of pressure per square inch jaws on that bears mouth and held on like a rag doll. That bear was swinging around in circles and bawling so loud that I could feel it in my chest. Rocky finally let go of her mouth and blood went flying everywhere. I pulled out my .45 but wouldn't even dare to pull the trigger because I knew if I would have wounded that FREIGHT TRAIN, she would have turned her attention back on me. Rocky kept circling her and biting her under her belly, on her tail, and kept running around her in circles and grabbing her with mouthfuls of fur and blood... My heart was pounding at least 150bpm. Every time that bear swung at Rocky, all I could think was that if she hit him, he would have been killed or severely injured and I would be next on her list. This ordeal lasted about 3 minutes. I finally got into the truck and cranked it up and put it in 1st gear and screamed at Rocky, " Rocky, Come on Boy," and he ran to the truck and jumped over the tailgate and we tore out of there and made it out alive. I have never seen Rocky show any aggression before or after that incident. When we got home, which was 5 miles, I brought him in the house and gave him a T-Bone Steak for dinner. I told my ex and my kids what had just happened. I will never forget what my trusted friend did for me that day,EVER... The whole episode felt like ten minutes but I know it was only maybe 2 minutes. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I know you have hundreds of horror stories but, I also know what it's like to see Death Running at your face at 30mph also. People don't understand how fast and powerful that animal is. When a Grizzly is in a rage with adrenaline flowing, Nothing will stop it except God Almighty. I'm glad that you survived all of your encounters with Grizzly's. If I was a guide, I would do the same thing if the hunter didn't listen, I'd drop to my left knee and wait and shoot that bear right in the face when it is within 10 feet of me and say my prayers.....Joseph Monaco... The next day I went back to feed Dan again with Rocky only this time I brought my Weatherby 375 H&H Rifle with me. When we parked the truck where the fight took place, It looked like a Murder Scene from the show " FORENSICS" that I watch every day. I never seen that much blood in one place, plus it was still fresh there because the temp was around 10 degrees.

    • @russellteague1050
      @russellteague1050 2 роки тому +2

      Hey Joseph, I know you texted that 6mths ago but just had to let you know that was an incredible description of your adventure with Rocky. You got my heart beating faster just reading it! Rocky saved your life for sure and I really appreciate you sharing it. Friend of mine turned me on to Steve's channel over a year ago as a place I could tell my dark woods encounter up in Linville Gorge, NC and Ive been glued to it everyday for over a year now. I must've flipped over to Steve's other channel on hunting and I'm so glad I did bc the brothers encounter was really good...but yours was better! Maybe its bc I can relate to a 4 legged best friend, as my bf has been my mastador Max who saved my skin too. Sorry to babble brother, just wanted to say Thanks again! And wishing you peace and joy this Christmas!

    • @MD-zy9xk
      @MD-zy9xk 2 роки тому +1

      Really ? I've seen a pack of 6 wolves surround a grizzly and he kept them all at bay spinning and swiping and your lone hybrid managed to grab the mouth of a 700 pounder charging at full clip and hold on. yeah okay buddy.

    • @marcalan1198
      @marcalan1198 6 місяців тому

      ​@@MD-zy9xkI guess you don't understand the loyalty and dedication a dog has for it's human. plus his dog was a wolf hybrid. gotta remember that the attacking griz had tunnel vision focused on the guy. that's why Rocky was able to clamp onto face of the bear. dogs are descendents of wolves. this story is very likely true. I'm a person always cautious about believing people's stories. but it is likely this happened.

  • @ianrobinson525
    @ianrobinson525 3 роки тому +12

    Holey crap those two blokes are very lucky, that's crazy

  • @repetemyname842
    @repetemyname842 3 роки тому +12

    And one of my favorite sayings of all time:
    "Some days you eat the bear, some days the bear eats you..."

  • @speakupriseup4549
    @speakupriseup4549 3 роки тому +3

    If I was being charged by a bear the ONLY thing I would want to be spraying it with is large hollow point bullets.

    • @rono4723
      @rono4723 3 роки тому +2

      Buffalo Bore solids

    • @tarzantheapeman7497
      @tarzantheapeman7497 3 роки тому +1

      Right on👍

    • @collinjamesguitar
      @collinjamesguitar 3 місяці тому +1

      Hollow Points aren’t the play on hide/fur like that. You want something that’s going to make it to/sever vital organs/arteries. Something that penetrates and goes through the bear

  • @aimeeprincessofpower
    @aimeeprincessofpower 3 роки тому +5

    Mornin' round table.

    • @ianrobinson525
      @ianrobinson525 3 роки тому +1


    • @georgebignell8351
      @georgebignell8351 3 роки тому +1


    • @aimeeprincessofpower
      @aimeeprincessofpower 3 роки тому

      @@georgebignell8351 totally checked out the videos on your channel and quite a lot of information there. Like who would send samples of unknown origin to the FBI, & expect the "man" to actually be honest about where/ what the samples were from.

  • @vanessashuttleworth4363
    @vanessashuttleworth4363 3 роки тому +10

    " I just wanted to tell u thanks for u being u." Stress will be your worst enemy..."it" will make you ill. Be safe.

  • @katmarie5935
    @katmarie5935 3 роки тому +13

    Great story... guess mama bear protecting her cubs was like the brothers protecting one another or any mother would do. Get better Steve.. stay healthy. You need to take care of you so you can take care of us. Sending love, peace, and higher energy to all💕🙏🏻🌎

  • @lopin890
    @lopin890 3 роки тому +2

    Glad the brothers made it out to tell us of their encounter!!!
    LOL:: Bear Spray=SEASONING
    (..NOT funny, but....rotflmao!!!)
    Enjoy NATURE but KNOW what you could be heading into, carry the proper "tools" and keep your head on a swivel !!!
    Safe Travels, Friend Steve!!!!!

  • @donfrancis103
    @donfrancis103 3 роки тому +7

    Only survivors get to tell the story. Imagine how much more inciteful it would be if we could get the story from those who didn't make it.

  • @mickisteele5284
    @mickisteele5284 3 роки тому +6

    Good morning ALL. Get well soon Steve!

  • @leannkennedy6568
    @leannkennedy6568 3 роки тому +2


  • @lisafox5715
    @lisafox5715 3 роки тому +1

    I thought it was awesome, it just looked like he was grazing didn't look stressed out at all.

  • @kygreenskeeper8326
    @kygreenskeeper8326 3 роки тому +4

    Thx for admitting you had your eye on bear intire time Steve..some guys would brag and say... ( I wasn't worried about it).... I'd love to see one in the wild for a distance! Lol

  • @petertremblay3725
    @petertremblay3725 3 роки тому +1

    I once was surprise by a huge grizzly bear on a trail and then without a second of hesitation i went full berserk and i jump on his back and kill it with my bare teeth. Still have one of his pawn claw as a necklace. Also the bear who kill Timothy Treadwell met me in another trail and that's the reason he change territory.

  • @EranRicos
    @EranRicos 2 роки тому +1

    Live for the Lord every day. Each day is a gift. Thank God these guys didn’t run. It’s just grace my friends.

  • @TheNecronacht
    @TheNecronacht 3 роки тому +2

    I remember seeing this on the news in 1987. Montana Fish and Game were relocating a Grizzly following livestock predation. On release from the bear trap, the bear attacked the officer. It took all 6 shots point blank with the bear on him from his .357 magnum to escape death. Here's the story if anyone cares to read:
    "Grizzly Attack Caught on Camera"

    • @bearbarre6435
      @bearbarre6435 3 роки тому +1

      I remember that article. My Dear Ol' Dad and I were up in Rifle Colorado just getting our elk hunt together with some friends that lived up there. One of them had a copy of that issue and we all read the story.

  • @bc30cal99
    @bc30cal99 3 роки тому +5

    Greetings from the south Okanagan. This story was south of Creston, BC where there's no shortage of bears in the Purcells. Thanks for the shout out to Gary Shelton, who has passed but his 3 books are still available on Kindle or as used books. Amazing story and glad the brothers were both wired to fight - well done to them both. Thanks for the story and stay well.

  • @meredithahern-tamilio4667
    @meredithahern-tamilio4667 3 роки тому +2

    Steve you are my LIGHTHOUSE,thank you for all you do, and huge thanks to all the people who send in there storys..

  • @davidwagner6055
    @davidwagner6055 3 роки тому +3

    Good video as always

  • @Justicia007
    @Justicia007 2 роки тому +1

    Would love to see a link of the video you're talking about with the bear appearing behind you in the frame. Great story, I love how the brother got angry and defensive of his brother, and thought he was going to kick the bears ass.... Reminds me of the story of the legendary guy who fought the grizzly bear and ended up killing it. Amazing

  • @grant21999
    @grant21999 3 роки тому +1

    They were very fortunate to survive and definitely have courage. Bring a sidearm holstered at your side on an archery hunt. The majority of bear attacks are from sows protecting cubs.

  • @repetemyname842
    @repetemyname842 3 роки тому +2

    The end of the vid tells the whole story for me- grizzly goes where it wants, black bear typically runs away. Ive lived in black bear country for almost 50 years now, know a few people who have been mauled and I myself have been within 8' of at least 3 different bears. Theres just something inherently dangerous about a grizzly. Black bears not so much. I feel much safer in black bear country for sure.

  • @gaylasanders1739
    @gaylasanders1739 3 роки тому +2

    This reminded me of a dream I had about Steve last night. Evidently I was still processing his video of the bear munching on grass behind him.
    It was a horrible dream. He was sitting on a rock wall close to a bridge reading emails, oblivious to a grizzlie sneaking up on him from the side behind him. The grizzlie came to the wall & stood up on his hind legs but was about 4 feet below Steve & you could see by his eyes that he wanted to kill Steve. The bear started trying to climb up the rock wall... evil, evil eyes... Steve finally heard him, jumped up, spun around and yelled, "Holy Sh*t".🤯🥵 That woke me up.😆

  • @SWPG
    @SWPG 3 роки тому +1

    Love and Light from New Mexico, Great Video ! Folks, start your Prepper Pantry NOW ! #southwestpreppergroup

  • @truettjohnson7230
    @truettjohnson7230 3 роки тому +2

    Great video,very good ending to a possible nightmare!

  • @tammyhearon3164
    @tammyhearon3164 3 роки тому +1


  • @tree356
    @tree356 3 роки тому +1

    Ho Lee Schitt!
    Glad you guys lived to tell the story.💪🏼🇺🇸

  • @karenfromva
    @karenfromva 3 роки тому +2

    Love these videos! Could listen all day😊

  • @debbielevesque-zj5ol
    @debbielevesque-zj5ol 8 місяців тому

    This is 1st story that no1 gotten hurt soo bad , great story , Em 2 guys are very Lucky , especially when momma had her fur babies wit her , I m glad the fur babies left the scene , nd Momma Bear is Still ALIVE raising her babies , thank u for sharing , Loved It❤❤❤❤❤

  • @nickgironda4002
    @nickgironda4002 3 роки тому +2

    Seasoning!!!!! You’re awesome Steve! Thank you 🙏

  • @martharobinson4072
    @martharobinson4072 3 роки тому +1

    I wonder how many of them Karen's get in the ocean with sharks???I would rather be with the grizzy. Hope your feeling better you sound better.

    • @drizler
      @drizler 3 роки тому

      I’ve got an idea , let’s start a media viral trend in that direction. “ Come on Karen I dare ya to show me you are tougher. Try swimming with Whitey🤗”. That’s cooler than eating Tide Pods

  • @jamesswain100
    @jamesswain100 3 роки тому +2

    Outstanding story man. I truly felt like I was there.

  • @tarzantheapeman7497
    @tarzantheapeman7497 3 роки тому +2

    I pack a Springfield 10 mm , 15 rounds of jacked hollow points when I'm trout fishing 🎣. You gotta be Bear aware. I'm from Northern Wisconsin, be safe everyone 🐻👍

    • @ghosty426
      @ghosty426 3 роки тому +2

      Solid, made for bear 10mm rounds are the proper bullets.. not hollow points.

    • @tarzantheapeman7497
      @tarzantheapeman7497 3 роки тому

      @@ghosty426 you are right, solid will go through a skull much better, Thanks for setting me straight , still learning ballistics, lots to learn 👍

    • @judithbeers7598
      @judithbeers7598 3 роки тому

      @@ghosty426 EXACTLY 💯

  • @terriarnold4364
    @terriarnold4364 2 роки тому

    Used to live in Sandpoint,Id. Awesome beautiful part of country!.Try bringing one of those "air horns + bear spray!" Blessed and fortunate survived a bear attack!💝

  • @yvonnebuchanan5564
    @yvonnebuchanan5564 3 роки тому +2

    Good evening round table. Hope you’re all well and happy. 💛🙏🇦🇺

  • @wiseguysoutdoors2954
    @wiseguysoutdoors2954 3 роки тому

    Had several Grizzly encounters in western Wyoming hunting mule deer, self guided. Luckily I was downwind each time. Talk about pucker factor!!!

  • @coriegause4518
    @coriegause4518 2 роки тому

    The Difference Between Hunting Bears and Being Attacked By One, is looking for one. When Youre Attacked, you Definitely Wasn't Looking For It. God Bless

  • @roymcdavid1015
    @roymcdavid1015 3 роки тому +3

    Glad you guys made it out to tell the tale.

  • @dscobellusa
    @dscobellusa 2 роки тому

    Amazing!!! Someone was watching out for those two that day! CanAm Missing 411 referred me. Looking forward to checking out your videos.

  • @raymondjones8
    @raymondjones8 3 роки тому +1

    Referring to bear spray as “seasoning,” is just brilliant! 😂

  • @lorimichellesmith8801
    @lorimichellesmith8801 3 роки тому

    That's weird, I noticed I was no longer subbed to your channel. But I've been subbed to this channel for a very , long , long, time, that's weird. I had to resub.

  • @kevinemard5370
    @kevinemard5370 3 роки тому

    Bear Attacks: The Deadly Truth
    by James Gary Shelton

  • @glen432003
    @glen432003 2 роки тому

    Lol gun in the pack unloaded ? I live in ga , no grizzlies and I carry a Glock 20 EVERYDAY!

  • @maryduff8831
    @maryduff8831 2 роки тому

    Lucky to say the least and escape with such a minimal injury. Look up Mr. Orr’s attack in Montana buy a momma grizzly.

  • @BW-sd3bk
    @BW-sd3bk 3 роки тому +1

    Re: Steve filming with the bear behind him: I find it amazing how people with little to know knowledge and/or experience are so eager to share their opinions another whT an actual expert is doing.

  • @fredfrance1495
    @fredfrance1495 3 роки тому

    Wow 2 brothers I believe i would do the same. With the arrow. Trying not to spoil. Doing nothing is called bystander syndrome.

  • @claymac7895
    @claymac7895 8 місяців тому

    An unloaded gun in your backpack is equivalent to leaving it at home. Completely useless to you in the event you need it.

  • @renaeadams7868
    @renaeadams7868 3 роки тому +1

    Peachy Mango day Steve.. Thanks for the wonderful Bear knowledge you shared. Keep safe and thanks again for the Honest knowledge.

  • @Justicia007
    @Justicia007 2 роки тому

    Great video! Thx to the author too. Is anyone else looking behind him at the mountains to make sure there's no bears creeping up on him?? 😆

  • @lbarnhill5493
    @lbarnhill5493 3 роки тому +1

    Blessed is the man or woman who escapes death. Anointed is the soul that can laugh it in the face.

  • @orlojones8004
    @orlojones8004 3 роки тому

    Maybe they were not lucky but created their own destiny / outcome. Unimaginably terrifying either way 😲

  • @brentiers
    @brentiers 2 роки тому

    War is the same way. You can be the biggest guy, the most well trained guy, but if you weren't built for it you will freeze, flee or die.

  • @soniahanley6605
    @soniahanley6605 3 роки тому

    U no I’ve wondered if bear spray worked as I see many people thinkin it will save ur life in this case it wouldn’t of I guess they were lucky there was 2 of them and that the other brother had balls of steel cause u can’t out run a bear they r both lucky to be here thanks for sharin it cause I won’t be relyin on bear spray to keep me safe if I went out in the bush with them

  • @stevebutrimas9972
    @stevebutrimas9972 3 роки тому

    These guys killed 3 bears. They had great fun And laughs out of their intrusion and survived.

  • @lucyhammon5720
    @lucyhammon5720 3 роки тому

    Bloody Hell you stay safe out there thank you 👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @christianlove420
    @christianlove420 3 роки тому

    Almost makes a good case for wilderness ATC.
    Would have saved lives last year

  • @stevenharper9066
    @stevenharper9066 2 роки тому

    More good stuff 👣👍🏻👣😎thanks Steve

  • @haleynunya7386
    @haleynunya7386 3 роки тому

    I have a very healthy fear of bear and only because I was charged by a black bear as a kid on my quad . Of course I burned off ..

  • @littleswol1
    @littleswol1 3 роки тому

    Nothing like a pissed off Grizzly! Damn!!

  • @AnticipatedDay
    @AnticipatedDay 3 роки тому +1

    Great story

  • @robertcollucci750
    @robertcollucci750 2 роки тому

    Unloaded gun. Just wow. Hello...your in Bear country..

  • @RyMac87
    @RyMac87 7 днів тому

    Oh yeah this was pack river if i remember.

  • @jonEmontana
    @jonEmontana 3 роки тому

    Always worry about that scenario hunting elk with a stick and string

  • @brunobarks6544
    @brunobarks6544 3 роки тому +1

    Good morning my brother.
    I'm listening.
    Hope your feeling better

  • @randallhardin4551
    @randallhardin4551 2 роки тому

    HOLY COW! Stabbed the sow with an arrow!😳

  • @donnyleehicks
    @donnyleehicks 3 роки тому

    The bear attack brother is ONE TRUE WARRIOR.
    To run into danger to save his brother.

  • @MD-zy9xk
    @MD-zy9xk 2 роки тому

    Really sounds to me, like a fabricated story.

  • @Keet619
    @Keet619 3 роки тому +6

    That is a fantastic story! Thanks for presenting it to us and thanks to the author!

  • @margielandrum9977
    @margielandrum9977 2 роки тому

    Please don’t hurt the bears!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜