LOST ARK - Raid Basics! Korean raid culture/rules to share

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • #Lostark #Guides
    Made this for the frustrated raiders, One day people will throw more battle items, don't worry!
    Feel Free to visit my Twitch stream for more Questions


  • @daviddavidson1450
    @daviddavidson1450 2 роки тому +352

    I explained the x3 to party members before and had a few people who were downright unable to compute the idea and refuse to do it. Hopefully someone with big influence can establish this culture, it's an awesome concept.

    • @preslim84
      @preslim84 2 роки тому +27

      i explained it to my party and #3 said, well im 3 so i go to 3. I asked if 1,2 and 4 should go to 1,2 and 4. No response, and no he did not change his mind.

    • @deice3
      @deice3 2 роки тому +55

      Yeah, unfortunately this is too complicated math for western audience 😂

    • @kfactor99
      @kfactor99 2 роки тому +10

      @@deice3 nah ppl just selfish in the west

    • @xLinksDreheRx
      @xLinksDreheRx 2 роки тому +24

      i cant even tell ppl to declare west north south or east . im going into abyss saying i do south orb please choose one. and they are like " dont make this unnecessarily hard" which is ok if they mean they all capable and quick on the reflexes easily choosing an orb on the spot acccordingly. weeeell we wiped x)

    • @razatiger22
      @razatiger22 2 роки тому +17

      give it a bit. Once players start entering harder content like Abyss Raids and Legion raids, this culture will quickly be adopted out of necessity. Right now everyone is just PUGing and facerolling content.

  • @plazeer832
    @plazeer832 2 роки тому +199

    x3 and x3+1 is pretty smart I hope it becomes a standard on western release

    • @boult1487
      @boult1487 2 роки тому +2

      comes with propagation. talk about it in your raids when you have the patience

    • @JulianneRegina
      @JulianneRegina 2 роки тому +24

      It's to hard for western audiences to compute. This won't catch on.

    • @strife025
      @strife025 2 роки тому +8

      My guild does 1/2/3/4 = N/E/S/W, but I like this x3 thing also. I think it's common from other MMOs in NA where 1 starts North and then you go clockwise for positioning on cardinals. It's also common to rotate CW if you need to go to intercardinals which is basically the same as the +1. I personally haven't had issues with the Cardinal N/E/S/W based on group numbers yet.

    • @Branson420
      @Branson420 2 роки тому +9

      This 100% will not stick in the western servers. Only guild runs I can see this viable.

    • @Tutorialstand
      @Tutorialstand 2 роки тому

      @@strife025 yeh played bunch of other mmos where this applies, just kr in general does things differently usually.

  • @imadmaxlol
    @imadmaxlol 2 роки тому +10

    This is great. I honestly think if someone made a cheat sheet for that it would be really easy to adopt that for EU/NA

  • @thetonypvp4951
    @thetonypvp4951 2 роки тому +21

    I feel like this wont be a thing for a while in eu/na mostly cause item usages on endgame raids like this is very rare and this might be completely new mechanic for people to understand that its valuable. I feel like the ultimate sweats will use this by themselves but more casual ones/newer players to these mechanics and calls wont for a while. People need to give it time

  • @letsboogie4538
    @letsboogie4538 2 роки тому +16

    It all makes sense, in korea, for their gaming culture.
    It's known that even in other games they adopted solutions westerners would never ever pick, due to a cultural thing.
    Some examples:
    -LoL rankeds, people opens mid in kr if the game is lost because it's pointless to "waste" time, meanwhile on eu/na players just get toxic, nervous, start trolling and what not
    -Blade and soul battlegrounds, if in kr they find out anyone in their team is abusing glitches or using hacks, they decide to afk and lose the game on purpose, in order to ensure fairness. In eu/na if anyone hacks/exploits in bg, their team is pretty happy to get an easier win.
    I'm a fresh casual on LA, but all I can say is that as long as those items will have a gold cost, pugged people wont use them, even if that means having faster or safer clears. Altho that could become a fashion between "professional" grinders, people who runs stuffs with their clan and tends to be competitive.
    In the case a raid/dungeon would give a free box at entrance with enough consumables to introduce a "free" addition in the combat system next to classical skills usage, with aswell guides related to it and certain mechs relying on such items only, then even the last random player could consider using those items, if not for other reasons, because LA skills usage is "limited", compared to other mmorpgs.

    • @DSoraK
      @DSoraK 2 роки тому +4

      absolutely this, as a f2p player i just refuse to use anything other than a potion every now and then if i know we're getting close. if the game is gonna make me have to spend real money to keep up with how much i need to use them, i just pretend they're not there and play like that

    • @foxxxooo
      @foxxxooo 2 роки тому +3

      @@DSoraK you can earn gold without using your credit card

    • @axellyann5085
      @axellyann5085 2 роки тому +2

      @@DSoraK just use your battle items bro, you can craft it easily.

  • @Velakor9150
    @Velakor9150 2 роки тому +67

    na problem with western release is people genuinely don't want to put the effort in to listen or to learn. I did the first t2 abyss dungeon, explained it over to everyone as best as i could. 2/3 of the party members understood. I checked up on the other guy as nice as i could, asked if he had any questions. he refused to accept that he was messing up and all i got was "you're explaining it like shit, i could read a guide and learn it." I told okay then go read a guide that's fine. he still didn't understand and continued to fail the mechanics over and over, leaving me and the other two to carry him. eventually we killed the boss after about 10 wipes, we all said GG and well done ect ect for putting in the effort to keep attempting it and learn the boss fight till we succeeded. but of course the one guy decides to blame it all on us, saying we are shit and should have explained it better, it's not his fault he didnt understand (we didn't say anything about it). we told him we tried to help him as much as he could, he never asked questions and he was free to watch a guide/video if he needed to and not to be rude about it.
    5min later he created a character on my server, whispers me telling me im so shit ect ect, lots of shit talk.
    western people are too used to mmos like wow, where you get basic mechanics where you just don't stand in a circle, or can 100-0 the boss, and even if you get hit it's no issue.
    people are toxic and lazy and not willing to put any effort into learning the very BASIC mechanics like stagger (got nerfed hard already lul).

    • @ShayGamerD3
      @ShayGamerD3 2 роки тому +2

      Pretty sure most ppl approach video games as entertainment, therefore, they expect video games do not require anything to learn, and they should provide mindless entertainment with no effort. At least this is what casual players think. I find very often that such ppl want to play as they wish, do whatever they like, and for them making efficient builds, following rules and mechs is totally alien concept, and negates the entertainment value. Players who are interested in learning the mechs and rules are the minority, and usually form the elite player community in each game. E.g., Blizzard games acknowledge this and are made for casual players: easy to learn, difficult to master. Lost Ark is definitely made with a totally different mindset, perhaps more natural in Korea, and is difficult to learn, even more difficult to master.

    • @kriegnes
      @kriegnes 2 роки тому +4

      i get what you mean, but tbf most people just wanna play a game. personally i dont want to watch or read a guide everytime, i prefer to learn things by doing. for example in monster hunter i never read a guide, i just fought until i got it and actually had fun while losing.
      also since the early game is that easy people dont need to learn any mechanics, so while they play the game they get used to the way they play and just keep going. many dont even know what stagger is.

    • @stainedglassliker6511
      @stainedglassliker6511 2 роки тому

      @@kriegnes t2 weekly raid isnt easy if u fail ur teams gets wiped. i did the same thing the guy in original comment did but couldnt clear that dungeon with 10 different random teams after wasting so much battle items as well and i just deleted game :) i have way less stress now

    • @kriegnes
      @kriegnes 2 роки тому +1

      T2 isnt early game tho.
      also yall have really stupid reasons to deinstall games lol
      why do people ragequit so much, its just a game.....

    • @ninojosephdelarosa8063
      @ninojosephdelarosa8063 2 роки тому

      I feel you bruh,

  • @henlolneh
    @henlolneh 2 роки тому +4

    Wow this was so helpful and succinct. Wish all guides were like this.

  • @Tutorialstand
    @Tutorialstand 2 роки тому +5

    Honestly everything here sounds completely fine. I think NA/EU should adopt most of these. Played a few other mmos and usually 1, 2, 3, 4 goes N/NE, E/SE, S/SW, W/NW respectfully, same thing would apply to 8 player content.

  • @franklinlemons8571
    @franklinlemons8571 2 роки тому

    Thank you kindly for your videos ATK. This is useful info and your delivery is much appreciated!

  • @grimm4927
    @grimm4927 2 роки тому +4

    Most mmo's I've played just do 1-2-3-4 = N/E/S/W and rotate CW once if you need to go to an intercard. So N goes NE, E goes SE, etc. I really like the x3 and x3+1 on paper, but knowing people on NA, this will most likely not become the norm.

  • @Sammysapphira
    @Sammysapphira 2 роки тому +25

    Unfortunately NA will almost never follow things like these..... It's true for so many games. In FFXIV you will ask for clock positions and people will barely even know what mechanic you're asking about when there's only 1 or 2 clock mechanics in the fight. Or they'll try to act like clock positions don't make sense or are really complicated... and then proceed to just yolo and miss everything.
    I tried going into the light sword boss (forget the name) a few weeks ago and saying "Party number is order of swords" and everyone just said "stop complicating it just grab when debuff is free" like.... what? Then they just bombed like 6 pulls in a row grabbing two swords right away or not even grabbing a sword.

    • @aaronmyle
      @aaronmyle 2 роки тому +1

      And they be liek:rAiD toO hARd, PleAsE nErV

  • @strasznieciekawe
    @strasznieciekawe 2 роки тому +85

    meanwile in EU, people instantly leave party after just 1 wipe in the guardian ;/

    • @asahelxb
      @asahelxb 2 роки тому +3

      Na too

    • @Ryukujin93
      @Ryukujin93 2 роки тому +6

      Or refuse to stand still during the X and pointers boss phase

    • @ridleyroid9060
      @ridleyroid9060 2 роки тому +1


    • @hfasoihdi1ha4
      @hfasoihdi1ha4 2 роки тому +7

      Plus no one stacks or take advantage of bards. People just run all over the map

    • @frenchdream330
      @frenchdream330 2 роки тому +2

      @@hfasoihdi1ha4 that's why i main paladin, sooo much easier to support in pugs

  • @MarikChan
    @MarikChan 2 роки тому +2

    I find that people do betterwith visual queues, so i always ask for people to just line up in the preparation circle instead of typing things in chat. So far has worked out really well! It's what I use for FFXIV pugs.
    Really good video, the partyfinder title thing was awesome. I hope some good PUG culture develops in the middle of all the toxicity that's starting to creep up

    • @gecgoodpasi1654
      @gecgoodpasi1654 2 роки тому +1

      biggest difference between RU/KR and NA/EU is our servers have a ton of languages and some may not speak english which makes visual hints way better and communication alot harder

    • @bhandos9062
      @bhandos9062 2 роки тому +1

      @@gecgoodpasi1654 also the fact that NA/EU servers keep on complaining and just want to nerf everything to the ground and steamroll the game and complain that it is soo easy afterwards.
      unlike RU/KR players who actually take the time to do mechanics and play with everything the game gives them eg. counters, staggers, battle items etc.
      the NA/EU players just want to press 1-8 without moving and be done with it especially in guardian raids and abyss dungeon.
      Like imagine alot of NA/EU players complain about vertus which is literally a lvl 1 boss and has little to no mechanics and people still complain.
      you guys just want everything to be handed to you and make everything easy.
      what's next make legion raids as easy as chaos gates?
      you guys are affecting the people that actually want a challenge in the game.

    • @gecgoodpasi1654
      @gecgoodpasi1654 2 роки тому

      @@bhandos9062 the problem with that is NA/EU is a very large audience the casual player base may struggle to do their daily guardians and abyss seems hard to them then they complain but then the tryhard playerbase doesnt have a challenge and they complain... If u like the current status ur very unlikely to say anything thats why amazon will only see the complains and if their statestic show them a low clearrate they will nerf the content honestly it isnt a big deal t1/t2 is a cakewalk u outgear the content in 1-2 days as good player anyway and it becomes trivial if they wanna nerf it to make it more accessible to the casual playerbase thats fine. If ur a player that wants a challenge then go unequip some gear if u think it is too easy xD cause t1/t2 isnt ment to be challenging content thats what legion raid is for

    • @bhandos9062
      @bhandos9062 2 роки тому

      @@gecgoodpasi1654 Its true that T1 and T2 does not really matter i am just worried that this will also happen to T3 and legion raids where these "casual players" will complain about T3 being hard. especially legion raids which is meant to be hard and they will nerf it too.

    • @gecgoodpasi1654
      @gecgoodpasi1654 2 роки тому

      @@bhandos9062 i doubt that they only nerf t1/t2 now thats a clear indicator they dont rly wanna touch t3 they just want to ease the way towards t3 especially because we dont have catchup mechanics like ru/kr

  • @Jaminskii
    @Jaminskii 2 роки тому +1

    Everyone out here talking bad on pugs.
    Teach people. Be nice. Be patient and remember it's a new game some learn faster than others some don't look up videos or check websites etc.
    If you want something like this to be normal stick at it and explain every time or direct them here. It'll happen sooner or later. For now it's a new game so chill

  • @6Fire1Fist9
    @6Fire1Fist9 2 роки тому

    This is actually pretty important and helps make the experience a lot better , I hope this becomes widely known in NA/EU.

  • @DazaTheKing
    @DazaTheKing 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent video, i love how efficient the KR community has become!

  • @KruhkGaming
    @KruhkGaming 2 роки тому

    Great video. I'll make sure to share this with my fellow discord members. What's annoying with some of our player base(not everyone) is I've had ppl that down right refuse to contribute any kind of bomb or flare when you ask at the start of the raid. Literally "Nah, I ain't staggering shit" Things like that make the raids more frustrating than they need to be. Hopefully more guides like this are welcomed and adobted.

  • @OneXPlays1XP
    @OneXPlays1XP 2 роки тому +14

    Would love to see more established raid culture/rules.
    But it boils down to players not putting in the effort to learn.

  • @TheMuSiiiicc
    @TheMuSiiiicc 2 роки тому +3

    Very very helpful! I've only used some of these, haven'"t heard about pheromone yet, but I'll definitely bring it with myself from now on. Thank you!

  • @orrthehunter
    @orrthehunter 2 роки тому

    These information are very useful so thanks as I have been curious what kind of battle items will be helpful when raiding.
    As for state of NA/EU players not learning mechanics. I believe it is the result of a serious case of FOMO. Alot of players are rushing to T3 as fast as possible and I encounter many of them that had the mind set that anything in T1 and T2 are irrelevant and they don't learn anything important endgame wise until T3. This mindset is what I believe causing the lack of learning for mechanics for certain part of the player base before reaching T3 because someone or themselves is established a mindset that they should be able to cheese through T1 and T2 with any relevant learning is when they start T3.
    Not to mention a lot of players are focusing on reaching T3 as soon as possible to maximize profit as well to store up as much gold as possible to buy all BiS gear once a certain contents are released.

  • @MrDoit187
    @MrDoit187 2 роки тому +7

    Amazing video, thanks for the input. But i highly doubt western region will develop these habbits. 3+1 positions is definitely too complicated of a system to establish for the general player base. And the Party finder will be like "need support, fast clear, go!" Or "no noobs, know mechs"
    Im happy to be proven wrong but i doubt NA/EU will put this kind of effort

  • @BuffPomsky
    @BuffPomsky 2 роки тому

    This should be a must watch

  • @unrelentingduress
    @unrelentingduress 2 роки тому

    This actually does help because there are four item loadouts so you can just generally change your loadout on the fly and get this ready

  • @Aegisfromashes
    @Aegisfromashes 2 роки тому

    That's pretty cool. I think it'll take a couple months, but it'll start to catch on

  • @icecubus1014
    @icecubus1014 2 роки тому +3

    this video should autoplay when you're stuck in login q or your in matchmaking for a raid.
    i know the game is new to na/eu but i think raids are way more chaotic than they need to be

  • @mattias6182
    @mattias6182 2 роки тому +1

    x3 sounds nice but does require awareness being spread and would probably take months for it to catch on among veterans. Personally when I join "know mechs" groups I just type "Formation" in party before boss room, ping the spots and stand in one of them. One person understands, takes a spot and then the rest of the party catches on. Works really well, especially effective on the underwater abyssal with the arrow formation safe spot. Minimal chat required and provides visual info making it pretty foolproof even for people who somehow manages to forget their assignment when given traditionally through chat.

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому

      Exactly, when i play we dont type a single chat

    • @bhandos9062
      @bhandos9062 2 роки тому

      @@NATK i just finished my underwater abyssal earlier and my raid was full of randoms and we basically made a form of communication on how to do things.
      like we were having a hard time with the yellow orbs cuz we were unorganized so we made a circle formation before where each will go in a different direction and taking care of the yellow orbs in that direction
      we also made an agreement that once the 90 seconds is close people will spam ping so alert everyone to be ready.
      ^ those guys are all random and no one knew each other and we finished the last boss raid in 4 tries
      we just had to coordinate ourselves.
      i dont see how it is so hard for other players to do this like in my stage 1 water abyss raid.

  • @Damage_Inc
    @Damage_Inc 2 роки тому +1

    Jesus Christ I'm Korean American and I feel like my Korean card is going to get pulled because Koreans take Lost Ark so fking seriously. Very helpful video. Thank you.

  • @Figorix
    @Figorix 2 роки тому +6

    Instead of *3 or *3+1 we just use NESW (north east south west) and if any mech requires you to deviate from that, go clockwise. Worked with every pug I did raid with. Essentialy same thing, but EU variant. We don't like maths in our free time XD

  • @Josh-99
    @Josh-99 2 роки тому +35

    As a reminder: you can defeat every encounter without battle items. Having them just makes the encounter go faster and more smoothly. If you are running with guildmates, you can absolutely go without battle items and just take a little longer in the fight.

    • @gecgoodpasi1654
      @gecgoodpasi1654 2 роки тому +8

      NA/EU simply doesnt use battle items XD our current content is very easy so we dont need it yet and later nobody will use it cause we all greedy fks and would rather waste a bit more time XD

    • @nopa9478
      @nopa9478 2 роки тому

      @@gecgoodpasi1654 yea i dont think iv used a single item yet

    • @murasame1450
      @murasame1450 2 роки тому +1

      @@gecgoodpasi1654 Well I wouldn't say that it's because of greed exactly. I play a lot of games like this and have difficulty to use one use items sometime because I always think "I should save it for the more difficult stuff, I can do this without it" or "Would it be a waste to use this item here". I just started Raids a couple of days ago, and apart from flares, cause they are easy to make in your base, I didn't use anything at the moment because I either didn't know what the item is used for like with the bombs or I just thought that I can clear these first Raids with them.

    • @kane-111
      @kane-111 2 роки тому +2

      @@jkim121411 It's a joke out here man, people are horrible at the game.
      Feels a bit better at T3 so far, but I dread the times I try to do content on my alts.

    • @Josh-99
      @Josh-99 2 роки тому +5

      @@jkim121411 ...Okay? I mean, players in those regions have been playing for YEARS, whereas players like me literally started a month ago. KR/RU players laughing at the new players are like adults laughing at a baby learning how to walk.
      Also, it's not like the new players have YEARS worth of consumables banked up to expend. I'm ALWAYS out of gathering energy, and my Stronghold is ALWAYS tapped out as well. I'm trying to level gathering, level my stronghold, produce consumables, make gold, send expeditions for Seals, and even make structures so I can Dress-up Darling my Stronghold a little.
      So, please understand if I don't take the down-nose looks and haughty laughter of people who have been playing the game for literal years very seriously.

  • @keselekbakiak
    @keselekbakiak 2 роки тому +1

    Either you craft those battle items or buy it from cash shop. If only it was easier to get battle items, people will surely use them for raid.

  • @hivux9944
    @hivux9944 2 роки тому

    I love your videos evrey time the gunlancer video help me a lot to find my main. And i hope the culture find the way to EU and NA soon.

  • @Ziggy_On_Top
    @Ziggy_On_Top 2 роки тому +1

    Helpful vid, I'll show it to my friends, maybe they'll stop being cheap and throw some flares

    • @Sheelahization
      @Sheelahization 2 роки тому

      This! I'm so sick of being the only one to throw flares! I've actually waited and watched players run to different corners of the map instead of using a flare -,-

  • @JJBeauregard1
    @JJBeauregard1 2 роки тому

    It would be awesome to adopt this culture in the west and I will bring this up to my friends, thank you so much for these tips!
    Unfortunately most people in pugs here are selfish, close-minded and stubborn "lone wolves" that lack common sense and if you're "lucky" enough to get randoms that are able to type in chat, 90% of the time it's just unhelpful flaming and complaining...

  • @amouutv
    @amouutv 2 роки тому

    again, we love u atk.

  • @ZeProblematicz
    @ZeProblematicz 2 роки тому +1

    I'm more used to doing cardinal and intercardinal but the x3 or x3+1 seems wonderful for random groups. . . if people follow it.

  • @kakashi710
    @kakashi710 2 роки тому

    That was so helpful I didn't know any of that

  • @hightierplayers2454
    @hightierplayers2454 2 роки тому

    Yeah... nobody in NA/EU apparently saw or comprehended this video from my experiences on the NA server so far lol.
    I've met SO many who actually think its a virtue to not use any battle items whatsoever and just floor leech once rez charges run out.

  • @Rhyhmx
    @Rhyhmx 2 роки тому +2

    Nice explanation!
    Thoug personally i heavily dislike how much of an influence the battle items have on the game because it seems like a pain to stock up on them especially if your PUG keeps failing and wiping.

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому +1

      I think its not too late start using it when general clear rates go up, because from what i heard clear rate sounds grim so it would be a waste like youve said

    • @Rhyhmx
      @Rhyhmx 2 роки тому +2

      @@NATK Yeah unfortunately i wasted 7 bobms on Achates and we only broke the wings one time.
      Its so frustrating having to pug it because even if you explain it to people it takes an hour until you get a group that somehow manages a kill.
      Abyss dungeons are infinitely more fun than T1 and T2 guardian raids so far.

    • @Hiramekiza
      @Hiramekiza 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah they're just a pain in the ass to make, and cost far too much to buy them outright.

  • @brunosilva-ed4pz
    @brunosilva-ed4pz 2 роки тому +7

    I'm definitely on the side of "not using battle items to save gold/time" ;p At least in guardian raids, since u do them 2-12x PER DAY, just the gold to buy/time to gather the materials to craft the potions is already crazy, if u include battle items too... DAMN! For weekly raid i use them, no problem.

    • @gecgoodpasi1654
      @gecgoodpasi1654 2 роки тому

      honestly even HP potions arent rly neccesary once u know how to play a fight XD and that should probably be the norm for guardians just do them raw and focus on optimizing ur party thats a way bigger advantage then battle items

    • @onefourth7421
      @onefourth7421 2 роки тому

      how are u doing guardians 12x per day?

    • @brunosilva-ed4pz
      @brunosilva-ed4pz 2 роки тому +1

      @@onefourth7421 6 characters !? o.O I have 4 characters and only do guardians with 1-2, cause i hate this monster trash hunter shitty system...

    • @brazy6491
      @brazy6491 2 роки тому

      @@brunosilva-ed4pz just say you cant counter its not hard

    • @brunosilva-ed4pz
      @brunosilva-ed4pz 2 роки тому

      @@brazy6491 wtf are u even talking about? lol

  • @MarcelloNesca
    @MarcelloNesca 2 роки тому

    totally bookmarking this video thanks!

  • @user-bf7sl3uo9p
    @user-bf7sl3uo9p 2 роки тому +2

    My only issue with the x3 and x3+1 positions... Is that for some reason, I've seen people on NA servers (not only on Lost Ark, but in other games) where they can't even read an analog clock...
    Although most of the times, I just quit the party, leave or do anything in order to not have contact with those people.
    It might be considered toxic, but I'm not dealing people who can't understand basic things, nor I'm on a mood for explaining to them how a damn clock works.

  • @dominik452221
    @dominik452221 2 роки тому

    Love it. My raid team brute force a abyss boss without listening to mechanichs at all, "if there is no wipe, there is no mechanichs needed".....so we stuck on that 1st T3 Boss for an eternity untill i solo'd it without stagger abilities at all... 2nd boss same, we were lucky i didnt got stunned and soloed halve of the 2nd and the full 3rd phase on my own(GS 1343). at least they gave me my class engraving for 50g instead of 400 afterwards.

  • @psyjinx
    @psyjinx 2 роки тому

    The thumbnail gave huge Maplestory 2 vibes with that chibi and I thought this was an old video, hahaha

  • @Filmikizmiki
    @Filmikizmiki 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this video, finally euw started implemeting *3. As soon as im joining abyssal for t3 someone says "*3,*3+1?" and mostly people either know it already of want to learn

  • @Airsoft92
    @Airsoft92 2 роки тому

    Very good video ! i was totally ignorant about

  • @lucasrfma
    @lucasrfma 2 роки тому +2

    Love your videos. Just a tip, the 'ph' is pronounced like an 'f', so 'pheromone' is 'feromone'. Your english is great, probably better than mine, which ironically makes the occasional mispronunciation harder to understand

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому +2

      Yeah this youtube recording thing is tough im def getting the hang of it little by little, thanks for not being too annoyed

  • @josephbrown9336
    @josephbrown9336 2 роки тому

    I tried to explain to a pug using cardinal direction the same concept, and I got called “NA Brain” for not doing x3(+1) because of this video lol

  • @iShion31
    @iShion31 2 роки тому

    oh nice, now i know what to do with my utility items, i'm still new on EU/NA Lost Ark, so i haven't touched my utility items yet, aside from the Instant potion that is.

  • @FenrirZengetsu
    @FenrirZengetsu 2 роки тому

    gl with that, so many people NA just toxic, they dont want to help an any way, they just want to get theirs or bounce

  • @haillenarte
    @haillenarte 2 роки тому

    thank you so much. 😊

  • @George-tv4nw
    @George-tv4nw 2 роки тому +24

    I feel like a more pending problem is how to sustain this kind of resource burning in Guardian raid for causal players. Not relying on AH of course.
    I particularly doing matchmaking, which is the majority. And I have problem even sustaining the green potion.

    • @1621lionheart
      @1621lionheart 2 роки тому +1

      use your gathering skill and stronghold crafting.

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому +17

      I sense that the developers will provide more freebies like chests through events, becuase they have always been generous with battle items in the past. Statistics wise if clear rate is too low developers will try whatever they can to help, which it seems to be the case for NA/EU right now.

    • @George-tv4nw
      @George-tv4nw 2 роки тому +14

      @@1621lionheart To clarify, I am using gathering skill. The problem is the potion consumption along with the number of failed attempts makes it hard to keep up, even for green potions.

    • @zhenyucai8688
      @zhenyucai8688 2 роки тому +1

      @@George-tv4nw don't do content while being barely ilvl ready remember t1 and t2 are farm content.

    • @Rhyhmx
      @Rhyhmx 2 роки тому +1

      @@1621lionheart I mean this is cool but it feels bad that you're low-key forced to run them just to have the requirements. There are so many things we need to do on NA/EU to catch up and the biggest one is probably farming skill points etc, but life skilling is not really appealing and feels like a waste of time with the amount of thigns to do currently.

  • @Hvrmpdnn
    @Hvrmpdnn 2 роки тому

    This video must be in-game tutorials after being up to 50

  • @shizozockt4368
    @shizozockt4368 2 роки тому

    Can we please have this as a not skiable vid after reaching lvl 50 implemented in to eu servers? 😅 thumbs up👍

  • @Katzh
    @Katzh 2 роки тому

    I know a guy that straight up says "battle item are for noobs, I don't need'em"
    and then proceed to fail stagger checks

  • @vapecat1982
    @vapecat1982 2 роки тому

    Thanks man very usefull

  • @dabaker6676
    @dabaker6676 2 роки тому

    Very nice video!

  • @idotdotdot
    @idotdotdot 2 роки тому +1

    I agree with establishing a culture but I also would like to hear about your response to this. How do you compare a region that is 5X if not 10X the size of Korea and want to influence this type of gameplay? How realistic is it given the language barrier, experience of people with mmo's in general, and the sheer number of players that are casual. Korea is a small region if not just Korea and its much easier to do said things there rather the west.

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому +3

      thats a tough question, i don't know lol, but i assumed it's good to share and start somewhere

  • @MrDankDro
    @MrDankDro 2 роки тому

    Wish NA was this organized. But seems about 50% of the players you pug with don't use any items, they'll stay silent and leave a match early at first sign of adversity and refuse to try to do mechanics properly.
    But still early in our launch and over time the casual players that came from things like WoW and New World will eventually either get better or leave and hopefully our raid culture will improve.

  • @UndoubtablySo
    @UndoubtablySo 2 роки тому

    nice dude great info

  • @alexbrestowski4131
    @alexbrestowski4131 2 роки тому +2

    Not sure how people are running out of battle items already? I don’t have nearly as much as ATK here but I have like 50+ boxes and I’m definitely not using them conservatively. Always have dest and whirlwind bombs handy, I’m the only one flaring 90% of my guardian raids and I have no problem chugging pots. Green pots for content I’m confident with and blue pots in new encounters/encounters I’m floor pov

  • @JC5481
    @JC5481 2 роки тому +3

    To be fair I am playing as a paladin, so I have a cleanse basically whenever I want or need for the group, but I honestly thought Sacred Charm was the most useless battle items in the game

    • @MinFaeLK
      @MinFaeLK 2 роки тому +2

      You grasp its value when you fight a boss that has multiple debuffs and you need to remove a specific one and your cleanse only removes the most recent one, happens a good bit in sea of insolence final fight where the boss applies the stacks then the wet screen and your cleanse doesn't remove the stacks

  • @dtroiix
    @dtroiix 2 роки тому +1

    This makes me feel bad. It looks so organized, without even talking to each other..

  • @winston8195
    @winston8195 2 роки тому

    Informative video, 👍

  • @IllustrateLawYT
    @IllustrateLawYT 2 роки тому

    God, I'm horrible at maths this seems like just another thing to overwhelm me

  • @hombregamer
    @hombregamer 2 роки тому +1

    Ot question, how can u see the front and back hitbox from the boss?

  • @seeker296
    @seeker296 2 роки тому +1

    How do you get enough materials for.potuons and flares etc?

  • @ryanbunch3965
    @ryanbunch3965 2 роки тому

    Amazing guide thank you. Also any chance the adorable thumbnail art is online somewhere?

  • @tofe655
    @tofe655 2 роки тому +1

    noone is bothering with party lobby description 😄
    all we see is "fast", "ez", "123", "alt" or whatever bs comes to mind

  • @whatisthat7874
    @whatisthat7874 2 роки тому

    Idk about trying to explaining to people about this idea, when they still wiped for the 5th times after I explained how to do the dungeons..................

  • @Kurtooo
    @Kurtooo 2 роки тому

    lol i hope the consumables thing catches on. last night I had a guy give up on the last boss of alarics sanctuary because he ran out of hp potions. we still clleared it with him afk spamming quit every chance he got

  • @Assassinss77
    @Assassinss77 2 роки тому +1

    Except in EUNA you can't trade potions not even to roster storage. So you can't keep it there

  • @paliatschiranukai1989
    @paliatschiranukai1989 2 роки тому

    I think i like this to our guild we are all pretty new to this game and overwhelmed I personol just kept every battle item how i got them since we didn't know what we need.

  • @mekkoweebmicofajardo9156
    @mekkoweebmicofajardo9156 2 роки тому +2

    How does he show which direction the boss is facing? The blue and white arrows? Are those already implemented in NA servers?

  • @robin2thek
    @robin2thek 2 роки тому

    This is very smart system

  • @Crusader050
    @Crusader050 2 роки тому

    Maybe its education standards changing but idk if the younger folks are still learning how to read analogue clocks. I think it's a brilliant idea though.

  • @Sidesody
    @Sidesody 2 роки тому +1

    Great video, personally i do most of the content with friends so flares/whirlwind grenade are a must for guardian raids/abysall dungeons. Numbers are used for positions too, so not much different. I'll look into the other stuff but for now the content (T1 - low T3) hasnt required much else besides flare pots and ww grenades.
    Also whats the emote at 1:50? just the dance emote?

    • @uhung-c9o
      @uhung-c9o 2 роки тому

      This is a dance that can be obtained from the recently appeared pvp continent.

    • @uhung-c9o
      @uhung-c9o 2 роки тому

      In korea

    • @Sidesody
      @Sidesody 2 роки тому

      thanks lenin

  • @moriyasanae8130
    @moriyasanae8130 2 роки тому

    looks very organized

  • @cg4059
    @cg4059 2 роки тому

    the idea of x3 and 3+1 is wonderful! btw is this chibi brelshaza obtainable?

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому +1

      in Korea only, gotta beat brelshaza hard 5 times and 10times (5, 10weeks)

  • @UpperMoon95
    @UpperMoon95 2 роки тому

    Give me more content!!! Its so good

  • @scope402
    @scope402 2 роки тому

    Yeah this helps alot

  • @Nahnono
    @Nahnono 2 роки тому +3

    They should give out a few battle items with expiration dates on them so people actually use them before they disappear

  • @yousoundupset
    @yousoundupset 2 роки тому +4

    this will never stick in NA unless its for the 1% type of people but for normal NA players most just want to see big numbers outside of doing big numbers they dont care

    • @pingmeep
      @pingmeep 2 роки тому

      Until their Bards and Pally's start charging them for bus service.

  • @IlluminiousSky
    @IlluminiousSky 2 роки тому

    I mean I feel like we use x3+1 in NA as well we just dont call it with number we just use words and call it clock spots and rotate clockwise when required. Also I'm fine with party finders having requirements for battle item but if its matchmaking I think ppl need to chill just let people have fun and enjoy the game. Yes they could be more efficient but if they're doing the mechanics properly and clearing whats the problem. If they're not clearing its def not cuz of the lack of battle item and they should be looking more into what mistakes they're making and fixing it instead of using battle items to cover up bad plays.

  • @SlightlyGrimGaming
    @SlightlyGrimGaming 2 роки тому +1

    So I have read a couple of guides now saying that a Shock Training Scrapper / Infighter does not need to use stagger items (whirlwind nades) because they're such a high Stagger class. My one ability hits 8 times and the stagger ratio is HIGH. which i follow up with 2 abilities that are mid-high stagger.
    We've been arguing about it for days now. I really, personally, don't see a need for it. throwing that extra nade TO ME doesnt seem to make much a difference at all when im already high stagger.
    My guild been pissed at me for a few days now hahaha

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому

      Very dependent for person, its true scrapper gives enough stagger but you can throw one for even more stagger vs i can save bombs so it depends how people take that

    • @henli-rw5dw
      @henli-rw5dw 2 роки тому

      Chain destruction fist is only average for staggering, it's not every hit doing high stagger but 8 hits combined doing high stagger. So sounds like your friend need a bomb. The way to not need a bomb is use crushing blow, which gives 20% buff to stagger damage. I pug with this cuz nobody use bombs.

    • @henli-rw5dw
      @henli-rw5dw 2 роки тому

      Critical blow I mean. One more thing, tripods change stagger damage. Roundhouse sweep say low stagger but if you do the standard double fist tripod it's actually mid-high, and it's fast.

    • @christerjakobsen8107
      @christerjakobsen8107 2 роки тому

      I'm maining taijutsu scrapper, and I rarely need whirlwind 'nades, rather shore up my class' deficiencies with other stuff.

  • @rq_itami9945
    @rq_itami9945 2 роки тому +12

    I really like battle items and how they work but most of the time I end up not using them because they ate so expensive and you cant really forsee if the group is going to success. With the 2k gold I have Im not even able to buy 100 pots and that would maybe last for a week if its a bad one... For one character. On the other hand farming the materials is also so exhausting. Gathering Herbs for an hour leads to maybe 50 blue pots. Honestly this is one of my biggest problems with the game and I have no idea what to do about it

    • @rastax123
      @rastax123 2 роки тому

      Yeah i feel like picking herbs does NOTHING for you since every potion you can craft is very expensive and also you have the 10k action bar ressource so you cant even grind mats for potions.

    • @sydorovich2532
      @sydorovich2532 2 роки тому +1

      Definitely not worth using them in t1 other than flare and pots, and in t2 using is questionable. In t3 it is pretty good idea to use them, because gold is not AS bad and needed.

    • @MrPilotans
      @MrPilotans 2 роки тому

      You can craft all battle itens in your stronghold

    • @ThePockeymaster
      @ThePockeymaster 2 роки тому +1

      @@rastax123 Not sure if this is still relevant to you, but gold -> blue crystal exchange and buying the mari shop chests should be extremely cost efficient.
      e.g 25BC for 5x healing battle item chest (for 50 blue pots)

  • @Nole2701
    @Nole2701 2 роки тому +4

    The time flares save in a raid does not justify the amount of time it takes to get the resources needed for 1 flare. So I just don't use them.
    I also don't use stagger or destruction bombs because there's always the chance that the raid will fail regardless if I did or not so I would just end up wasting precious resources.

    • @deice3
      @deice3 2 роки тому

      There's always the chance the raid will fail and be a waste of time, best to just not queue up at all.

    • @Nole2701
      @Nole2701 2 роки тому +2

      ​@@deice3 This logic does not follow. If you complete the raid, you get resources. If you complete the raid with use of a flare, you get the same resources, nothing extra. You just have a net-loss in time because you had to go and make the flare(s) to use.

    • @riadoro5014
      @riadoro5014 2 роки тому

      Aren't the Flares just like 6-8 gold or smth?

    • @Nole2701
      @Nole2701 2 роки тому

      @@riadoro5014 like 27 gold on NA East Azena. Even if it was 6 gold, I wouldn't buy them at least until I build my econ.

  • @gfish2625
    @gfish2625 2 роки тому

    holy shit so efficient

  • @hocplyr98
    @hocplyr98 2 роки тому

    Me and the people I've come across usually use cardinal directions (North/South/East/West etc) but even still people don't know their directions...

  • @Tazk
    @Tazk 2 роки тому

    That bomb stops them from running away?!?!
    Shit thank you.

  • @Exarvi
    @Exarvi 2 роки тому

    On EU we have sorc mains who pull the boss across the maps and berserkers who spin the boss around and sabotage their team

  • @KaedeHot
    @KaedeHot 2 роки тому

    This is nice and obvious in later and farm content, now just nobody want to waste shit because they just die in the first 2 min.The problem is people need to be playing perfect because not worth the consumables investment, i bet if i put on the AH the loot from one guardian dont even cover the hp pot cost...

  • @chunga689
    @chunga689 2 роки тому +1

    We should Westernize Korean raiding culture

  • @goldenducky12
    @goldenducky12 2 роки тому

    The meta in NA seems to be no-one flares and cant do basic 3x multiplication

  • @_zsebtelep8502
    @_zsebtelep8502 2 роки тому

    I feel if you go alone (I mean randoms and not friends you know) ppl tends to be greedy and assume nobody will use them, or worse they think we will lose and will not use them because they think it's a waste of resources. :(

  • @provalstar8037
    @provalstar8037 2 роки тому


  • @gnsgml11
    @gnsgml11 2 роки тому

    Played in the KR server ages ago and doing it again on NA is insane. More than half the people dont know the fight. In KR most people would have atleast watched a video of it. That's why there is the experienced party and the try party in KR. NA people are just not organized and lack understanding. Even the concept of weak attack and stagger confuses them

    • @christerjakobsen8107
      @christerjakobsen8107 2 роки тому

      To be fair, why they decided to call it both weak point and destruction baffles me. Why not just use destruction lvl 1, 2, 3, on the skills to indicate they're used for destruction mechanics?

  • @syllo137
    @syllo137 2 роки тому +2

    Quick question, what do you have so many maps in your storage for?

    • @NATK
      @NATK  2 роки тому

      I was lazy to do them lol

  • @Thanatos6669
    @Thanatos6669 2 роки тому

    See this video is great and all but the people that actually need this will never see this video never. A large majority of the player base of this game will never watch a video on this game and the community needs to realize this.

  • @Snowy123
    @Snowy123 2 роки тому

    Koreans are just on a different level of gaming, here in NA we don't know what 1x3 is

  • @axphykz1669
    @axphykz1669 2 роки тому

    feh - rah - mone pheromone ;D