  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @alpama37
    @alpama37 8 місяців тому +12

    Sparrows falls into an unfortunate niche of not quite good enough to be used in high security, but their sets are too expensive outside of some specific ones to recommend to newbies. Their products -- outside of maybe their flatbars and the heavy bars, because they really are quite cheap in the US/Canada -- leave a bad taste in my mouth.
    I find the biggest issue being that, if you look at their non-custom designed picks (so not the monstrums, the ssdev, or the monkey paw), you will find a sharp taper at about halfway down the shaft which is where about 80% of the stress for picking goes to. Guess what that does. Yep, it bends there. Worse still, it will break there. You can find out every time whether it's a Sparrows "design" or a real human design from that test. You can't win with this company, and this element has been flawed for the 15+ years that Sparrows has operated. Yet they have never fixed it. I am almost certain that they are aware of this fact, and it's likely planned for in order to make more sales. Furthermore, their so-called "double sided tensioners" are too long. That's right. The short side to be used for TOK tension are too long to be used in most locks that aren't inset like maybe the american 1100. How they managed to mess up the simplest of jig bends, I have no idea. Again, you can't win.
    But what really upsets me the most is when everyone in forums and such parrot that Sparrows is excellent goods when this is simply not the case. It hasn't been for years. Their dated designs are often ill equipped in most non-american keyways, and even if you can fit them in, the stress riser won't make them last for long. Sparrows works with the community, sure, but so do Multipick. Hell, Jimylongs and Moki *came* from the community. There are better companies to look towards where you will get more for your money.

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +3

      I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for watching, and thank you for commenting.

    • @andrewfaulkner4424
      @andrewfaulkner4424 8 місяців тому +1

      @@sandman_locksporthey man love the channel and content looking forward to more content in the future. What’s your honest opinion on Southord picks I’d love to see you do an in depth review on them. 😎👍🏻

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +2

      @@andrewfaulkner4424 they are just copies of HPC but highly polished. They work great. They are really nice and have a great selection and are known for their locksmith tools like tubular picks, electric picks, but very little innovation in the lockpicks. Some bogotas and rakes that are new but that’s it. I’ll get around to them. For the money, you’re better off with Jimy Longs, Covert Instruments, Multpick etc. cuz you’re going to spend $40-80 on a pick set from southord. They are 301 full hard too so they are not super strong.

    • @andrewfaulkner4424
      @andrewfaulkner4424 8 місяців тому +2

      @@sandman_locksport So my first ever set of lockpicks I purchased were goso cheap Chinese trash. So I upgraded to the southord c2010 as they were recommended to me at that time. This is going back about 9 years ago. I went for the c2010 model because they’re slimmer for European style locks. I’m in Ireland so there’s lots of different variations of locks from different countries mostly European but the odd American lock does show up occasionally. I find them decent for what I paid at that time €56.00 or about $61.75 at that time. I was pretty impressed in comparison to the Chinese junk which I couldn’t even pick a lock to begin with. Long story short I ended up losing that southord set when moving address. So later I went with sparrows lockpicks the European bomba royals set and found them decent but not quite the quality of the southord. Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike sparrows but I can totally understand your criticism of them and I welcome criticism on all manufacturers of picks so that way I get to know honestly what experienced pickers genuinely think and not just sugar coating. Today I have mostly sparrows picks mainly for their cost effectiveness as shipping from outside the EU is practically extortion. But I do also have another set of southord c2010 I bought a few years back and alternate between using both. But I think I’m gonna buy a decent multipick set for my next set soon as you and others recommend them highly.
      You mentioned in one of your vids that you fought in two wars for your country. I salute your courage dedication and resolve and honour your patriotism 🫡🇱🇷 did you ever have to use your picks while on active duty? And can you maybe make a vid and share some war stories you have if it’s not intruding too much? I don’t wanna offend or distress you in any way I’m just generally curious.You are free to decline it’s totally up to you no pressure or anything.
      Oh and happy Christmas🎄 hope you have a good one and god bless you and yours.

    • @alpama37
      @alpama37 7 місяців тому +1

      @@kevenquinlan sparrows certainly is cheaper, and whilst they are entirely usable for the job, this is not the context that we are discussing them in. In the context of locksport, because this channel aims at the enthusiasts who do not work on the field, despite sandman's history with working as covert entry/as a smith.
      Furthering that, whilst yes the picks individually are cheaper, I will again bring note to the fact that the designs of the picks are greatly weakened by their lack of proper reinforcement against the sharp taper at the halfway mark. I'd be willing to bet more than just a nickel and dime that most people who use sparrows' proprietary profiles (short, steep, etc) would also have some that are bent, perhaps even to an unusable degree. Whilst all tools do wear and eventually tear, or in this case snap, tools of similar pricing (jimylongs four hooks for 20 usd, similar price to four sparrows hooks with handles) are both made of steel that is roughly twice the strength, but also do not have the same issues of the shaft causing a bend at a predictable place if you're too heavy handed.
      Yes. You're right that I am not a smith. You're right that a majority of the people watching are not, and will never be, a locksmith. But that doesn't mean better tools for similar prices don't exist, and that you must be loyal to a single brand.

  • @Arkan_Hunter
    @Arkan_Hunter 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you, and I would have to agree with your tier 2 placement here. At first I thought of Sparrows as a "Harbor Freight" of lock sport tools to get a quick set for cheap, however it's not close to true on the pricing aspect as you mentioned. I bought a set to get started, but now look forward to when I can buy a better set from Jimylongs, CI, or Moki.

  • @craigslitzer4857
    @craigslitzer4857 3 місяці тому +1

    13:32 "Nobody knows what this little nub is for." ... Complete newbie here. I recently bought a Sparrows starter kit, and one thing I struggle with as a beginner, is gauging how deep into the core I have inserted the pick. I see that little nub and I 90% think it's a depth gauge (10% think it's a fulcrum point). The more experienced pickers probably see it as a blip of metal that should have been polished away. I see it as a beginner's guide to help assess if I've gone in too far. Just my 2 cents as someone who has only owned picks for 1 week. I didn't buy that sandman rake, but that's what I see when I look at it.

  • @bigbuddhayo
    @bigbuddhayo 8 місяців тому +5

    Crazy enough, the monkey paw and short hook from sparrows have gotten me through more locks than any others. Got a set of jimylongs in 19 tho flats and are stupid sharp and need to be finished.
    Sparrrows may be considered “mall ninja” grade but at least they were smooth in comparison to others. Don’t get me wrong, the jimylongs are wonderful but out of the package are ass until smoothed out and catch on pins like no tomorrow. But opinions, we all have them🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @lazylapras
    @lazylapras 8 місяців тому +3

    Congrats on almost 2k! I hope you have a great Christmas and new year.

  • @RobCrawford23
    @RobCrawford23 Місяць тому +1

    I had the misfortune of purchasing the Borax set when it came out in about 2015 as I wanted an upgrade to my Southord C2010 set.
    At the time in the UK the available selections within Ireland and the UK were quite limited, ordering from across the pond brought slow delivery, huge customers charges (often more than the original items as it is calculated including the cost of post/courier) and a UK supplier had the set so I bought it along with their wafer picks.
    I can say that as an european apart from the SSDev hooks and perhaps the hybrid they were next to useless.
    They feel horribly fat and mushy, compared with some other 25 thou picks I have (couple of Peterson's), the finish was fairly poor.
    Unless I go looking for locks with huge keyways the Sandman doesn't even go into a keyway (and don't start me about the Kraken that was a gift with the set, I would need to drill the lock first)
    The tension bars are a singularly useless thickness that have never fitted anything and topple out (use Peterson pry bars and thick music wire brazed together and filed as tensioners)
    The comb picks fit into almost none of the locks can buy (what can I say Europe loves paracentric keyways) And apart from a couple of crappy Tri-Circle and Master locks and the comb size only matches one of them (so they were useless.)
    The wafer picks were useless because they are huge and literally fit nothing you encounter in Europe
    After months of trying I went back to my original Southord set and eventually wandered away from locksport with a slight bitter taste in my mouth.
    I do still pull out the picks once in a whileas I don't want to entirely lose a skill.
    I wish your review had been available back in 2015 as it would have saved me quite a bit of money and not pushed me away from the locksport community which I was enjoying.
    Maybe it sounds overly dramatic saying they pushed me away from locksport but with only 4 or 5 of the picks being useful to me (the others just don't work well in European locks) and knowing that I had outgrown the little southord set (was buying increasingly better locks at the time) I didn't want to throw another fairly large sum at yet another set that didn't work for me, so I essentially walked away.
    Yours is the first mention where somebody has said their stuff is mediocre, the geometry isn't great (especially for European locks) and maybe the lack of feedback I seemed to have from the picks wasn't entirely down to my lack of ability.
    Anyway thanks for what I would call the first review which aligns to my personal experience of their products.
    I'm not saying they were bad but they didn't really work for me and I suspect they are much more suited to the open keyways which we don't really get over here.
    Guess I may start looking at my bank account to find some affordable picks that suit me better.

  • @r.mattlemaster4524
    @r.mattlemaster4524 7 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for this. I’m not a great lock picker. Bought my first Majestic in ‘95 and got some cheap stuff opened with it. Been slowly getting back into it and bought the Sparrows kit. Seems leaps and bounds better than my Majestic (and really - it probably is). But this is some solid info. Had my eyes on Peterson because you see it on all the different videos. Didn’t even know about some of these high-quality kits. I’ll start looking into them. Very helpful. Much appreciated.

  • @markotb
    @markotb 8 місяців тому +3

    Sandman, I totally agree with your take on the quality declining. I bought the Vorax as my first 'proper' pick set, it was great for a beginner, but those comb tensioners are rubbish, absolute rubbish.
    Later I wanted some EDC cases and Sparrows had some great options, the Creeper case (my EDC still) and the Ranger case were awesome so I ordered them and was VERY happy with both....but around 2 years later I ordered the same two cases and the quality of materials and corner cutting were obvious and disgusting. I contacted Sparrows about my dissatisfaction with the decline in quality, pointing out the differences and they flatly denied any lowering of the quality of materials and pretended to be surprised, damn liars, they know what they are doing.
    Multipick all the way for me now, until I get some Covert Instruments tools.

    • @markotb
      @markotb 8 місяців тому

      The double peak in the reflection set is ok, the others not so much. The Snake rake I call 'Jake the Snake Rake Roberts'.

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +1

      I completely agree. Thanks for watching!

  • @ieyasumcbob
    @ieyasumcbob 8 місяців тому +4

    I have some of their stuff, like the GOAT wrench, the Community DD pick, the Lebel Wrench that is a bit harder to get from other manufacturers. I've found that ok. I bought a set of Monkey Paws in varying thicknesses to let noobs try as they seem to love them for pin placement. But yeah, as a noob I stared at the Vorax thinking it was a pro-kit I'd have one day, then got suggested LLTs and never looked back.
    Watching the old LPL and Bosnian Bill videos i do wonder if there were some behind the scenes falling out with Peterson though, they seemed to push Sparrows a little hard, in hindsight.
    Sandman Drinking Game: Take a shot everytime you hear the phrase "it is what it is".

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +2

      I honestly almost made the same comment, that everytime I say "it is what it is", take a shot lol. But I don't drink. Yeah, Ken from Peterson screwed over LPL and BB, and they weren't secretly working for sparrows, they both consulted for them, and they were the only option in North America that was innovative and new and open to the locksport community. But they no longer innovate anything. Sparrows is just Chinese Mall Ninja garbage.

  • @pieincLockPicking88
    @pieincLockPicking88 8 місяців тому +2

    Great video sandman. I was and still am a bit of a sparrow’s fan boy lol, I bought the night school + wizwazzle Set after being gifted one of those cheap Chinese GOSO sets and was finally able to start getting opens instead of failures. Anyways, the first few sets I got from sparrows were like magic and because of that I kept buying more and more of their products and lately it seems like everything I buy from them is defective in one way or another which really sucks. But I guess it’s like you said “fun to collect and can be used in a pinch” sorry for the rant, but it really sucks when I have more love for sparrows then it seems the owners do anymore!!!!

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +1

      It’s OK, we still accept you. You’re still one of us! 😂

    • @pieincLockPicking88
      @pieincLockPicking88 8 місяців тому +1

      @@sandman_locksport 🤣 I do appreciate it. Actually, I just sent out my challenge lock for my blue belt submission to Lady Locks, hoping I did enough for it to count otherwise back to the drawing board Lol. But fingers crossed I’ll be a blue belt soon.🤞

  • @LadyLocks
    @LadyLocks 8 місяців тому +2

    As as they are, I like some of their profiles. I wonder if they are even 0.025. That's been a problem for me in the past. And yea, sending the wrong profiles sometimes. Idk. I like some of their stuff but their disregard for quality is truly sad. I've seen some of those beginner training locks they make, and the trash they give to new pickers is shameful. I cannot believe the mistakes they have on them. Idk why they don't care more you know. Great review! Thanks for sharing. 🥰😍😘☺❤

  • @jaceandjace1171
    @jaceandjace1171 8 місяців тому +2

    I have the dimple pick set and I’m pretty happy with it, I do wish they included a pick the was thinner to better hit the inside pins on mul T locks

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +1

      You are the first and only person I have ever met that says they like the sparrows black flags.

  • @jeremy.-.s
    @jeremy.-.s 8 місяців тому +2

    I do like sparrows but also fully agree with just about everything stated. Holding a ci pick or bare bones even just has such a better feeling to it, aswell as the lets say strange wording they use for description.

  • @dreadswizzard9142
    @dreadswizzard9142 8 місяців тому +3

    Someone needs to combine Sparrows styling marketing and co-designed tools and such with Covert Instruments quality and pricing.

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +3

      I personally would rather see a Jimy longs, covert instruments collaboration.

    • @CollateralTechMisc
      @CollateralTechMisc 8 місяців тому +1

      Be still my heart.

  • @canadafree2087
    @canadafree2087 8 місяців тому +3

    I don't like combo picks, it comes under the "master of none". When I reach for comb picks I want a good set; when I need a turning tool I need a set that is done right and don't need a comb pick when I am looking for the best turner for the lock I am working on. Combo picks/tools are for those who don't know. I asked Sparrows when their Monkey Paw set is going to have molded handles. They told me mid-October. Well 2 1/2 months later there is no molded handles. How can you not have your standard molded handles on a standard pick design you claim is made in Canada? They offer every standard handle pick with a molded handle.

  • @stephenwillis6937
    @stephenwillis6937 4 місяці тому +1

    I've been looking at Sparrow to upgrade My basic Lockpicking set I got as a gift years ago but from what you're saying their all talk it seems.

  • @Dr.Fluffles
    @Dr.Fluffles 8 місяців тому +2

    I'd assumed that Cold Max was brand-speak for some sort of "unique" cold working process, so stamping out blanks from cold rolled sheets for controlling size and shape, instead of hotter cutting processes. Would be nice to find a full diagnostic on the hardness and toughness of the various brands and their processes.

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +2

      Unfortunately, those processes are considered trade secrets. For good reason. But you’re right, 301 full hard uses that cold working and stamping process. 301 high yield is too strong to stamp on a regular basis, you would destroy your dies. That’s why it is laser cut.

  • @LockSpaz
    @LockSpaz 8 місяців тому +2

    As always, your honesty is appreciated.
    I absolutely love Sparrows' attitude, innovation (or attempts thereof) and dedication to embracing the community; but agreed, a lot of their stuff is simply very.. mediocre.
    I really don't want to disparage them, so I'll list the things of theirs that stand out to me as really good..
    The lockpick cases, like the Sherman or Comp: for $11 or so, I don't think they can be beat.
    The Worm has more gentle, rounded peaks and in some cases for me it's been an absolutely lock slayer, even better than the Bogota. It depends on the lock. As for hooks, the Attila and Tron are great too.
    I like that they put knurling on their TOK turning tools (I don't like their BOK tools tho).
    I like their (non-cutaway) progressive lock design, very easy to hold in the hand and good to learn on, with the Schlage SC1 profile.
    Their openness to work with customer requests: I asked them to put their main logo on T-shirts, and also suggested an Ironman like design, and in 2 weeks they did all that and more.
    I do wish they'd do more with their main staple though: picks and (BOK) turning tools.
    Novelty is not the same as Innovation.

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +1

      That is a very excellent assessment of their offerings and I agree completely. Thank you for watching.

  • @davisblackwelder4681
    @davisblackwelder4681 8 місяців тому +1

    How true; how true.

  • @markotb
    @markotb 8 місяців тому +2

    Good video.

  • @aarondepew6071
    @aarondepew6071 8 місяців тому +2

    Personally I just started and got a chinesium P.O.S. set, but it's biggest downside is the turning tools, they're literally useless.

  • @stevegagnon1449
    @stevegagnon1449 8 місяців тому +2

    I tried their wafer kit and was able to open nothing with it.

  • @Mr1nferno
    @Mr1nferno 8 місяців тому +2

    Whoop that imposter Sandman, he doesn't deserve your name......Ooh rah

  • @jeanpaulworrall8521
    @jeanpaulworrall8521 8 місяців тому +1

    I have that set they need to get the facts right with how its advertised most of the turning tools are a waist of time the ssdev are the ones i use the most

  • @johns.4862
    @johns.4862 8 місяців тому +1

    Question for the Sandman: did you pre-order the "Escort" from Sparrow? I did and they keep changing the shipping date. Was 12/20/23 now 12/27/23. (maybe 😶) I did buy some picks from Sparrows and have a progressive repinnable lock set from them. I also have the Covert Instruments, Peterson, Dangerfield, Multipick and Southord picks. I'm just a noob lock picker that still gets excited at every padlock I can open or other lock I can pick. I just need to work on my single picking skills!🙂

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому

      A friend of mine ordered the sparrows jackknife for me as a Christmas present so I don’t know when it will arrive.
      I used the lock picks in Iraq when applicable. 😉

  • @BrianReichert
    @BrianReichert 10 днів тому

    I have both covert instruments and sparrows picks. I compared them by bending them and they aeem very similar. I'm not a fanboy or either (well, may e a bit for CI). Maybe in got a lucky batch? When did you buy your set of sparrows?

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  10 днів тому +2

      I’ve been collecting sparrows since 2012. I have tools as recent as 2024. Forgive me if I don’t trust your “bend test”. I’ve proven my point adequately and have conferred with other manufacturers on their products. Thanks for watching.

  • @Kevlar509
    @Kevlar509 8 місяців тому +1

    Gee Ward, aren't you being a little hard on the Beav?!? LOL

  • @IsamuSushi
    @IsamuSushi 4 місяці тому +1

    @sandman after watching this I think I’ve really screwed up!
    Ive been buying mostly Sparrows getting started, I bought the sparrows Ranger kit however I’ve added the SSF dev set in .020 and .015 as well as the CI’s complete turning tool set to replace what junk sparrows gives you in that kit. Any thoughts? The ssf dev hooks are what I got my 1100 open with. I guess it’s a good thing I have that limited edition Moki set coming…

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  4 місяці тому

      It was a 36 minute video. Was that not enough thoughts for you? Lol. What more do you want from me? Don’t buy sparrows. That’s my only advice. If they work for you then be happy with them.

    • @IsamuSushi
      @IsamuSushi 4 місяці тому

      Point taken. All depends on the users preference.

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  4 місяці тому +2

      @@IsamuSushi be proud of the tools you have. Make your own opinions and use the tools often. Someday, try something else. I have 50 pick sets, but I can only pick a lock with 1 pick. Don’t sweat the little things. Enjoy the tools you have. And compare them to the tools you acquire in the future. Thank you for watching my videos.

    • @IsamuSushi
      @IsamuSushi 4 місяці тому +1

      @@sandman_locksport Thank You for all the advice! I do have my own opinion and have struggled with getting an open on the higher security padlocks and was thinking that this could be part of the problem with my consistency. The one American 1100 I got opened the other day I have memorized now and can pick in less than 30 seconds reliably. I was just thinking maybe if I moved to a better lock pick, maybe it would help with consistency in my learning curve. Anyway, sorry for the long message… Thanks again

  • @dogstarlove
    @dogstarlove 8 місяців тому +3

    Your repetition of "it is what it is" has triggered my autism to the point i can't finish this video. Sorry. However, you are hatting on sparrows here, when the first time i heard of sparrows was when you said you give out their kit on the classes you used to teach. That video was 3 months ago, video 17. What changed?

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +3

      I have purchased 3k worth of tools since then, opened 1k+ locks, tested 15 different companies, expanded my collection by 20 unique pick sets, made 50 reviews, and re evaluated my position. I still think the creeper pick set is decent, but not for $50. It’s a $25 set at most. People grow 🤷🏻‍♂️… it is what it is.

    • @dogstarlove
      @dogstarlove 8 місяців тому +3

      @@sandman_locksport thanks for the explanation. I trust your opinions.

  • @johncooper9887
    @johncooper9887 8 місяців тому +3

    Let's see, if it says sparrows it's a terrible design if it says something else it's great, kind of like politics and religion, got it. I own several different brands and when they work the lock opens, this has to be your funniest video thanks 😂

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +4

      I disagree, if it is sold and designed by sparrows and made in China, then it has been historically terrible. I’m not biased because I hate a brand name. I am biased because I own everything they have and it all sucks compared to what is on the market. The complaint isn’t about the quality as it is the price for what you’re getting. If this set was half the price, and their turning tools were better, and they didn’t lie in their marketing, then this could have been a good product. Thanks for watching.

  • @markbryant2943
    @markbryant2943 8 місяців тому

    I’m just having fun

  • @markbryant2943
    @markbryant2943 8 місяців тому +1

    He has the hands of a guy that has never worked a day in his life. Lol

    • @sandman_locksport
      @sandman_locksport  8 місяців тому +3

      Kinda true. I fought in 2 wars, 3 combat deployments, US Marines, Contractor, Welder, Woodworker, Luthier, Locksmith, and recently mowed lawns for a living, for the last 3 years in the Texas heat. But I’m now retired because I started paying into social security when I was 14. I retired at 32. Been semi retired for 7 years now, so your right, I no longer work a day in my life. I have life figured out. Life now works for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️😎

  • @JanneOksanen
    @JanneOksanen 8 місяців тому +1

    TL;DR @ 3:31 "This thing is 95 bucks and it's just not worth it."

  • @milesmccabe1340
    @milesmccabe1340 Місяць тому

    What is the set att 15:48?

  • @markbryant2943
    @markbryant2943 8 місяців тому +1

    Boy he’s sassy ain’t he?