Omg that’s terrible 😂 In the U.S. when it snows, the school issues a “Snow Day” where they cancel school and let us go out and enjoy the snow. In the north they don’t really do that because it snows often, but I live in the south so snow is extremely rare.
Nein, weil alle Deutschen technisch enorm rückständig sind und immer 5 bis 10 Jahre in de Vergangenheit stecken, du weisst ja nicht mal was Google Drive und Google Docs / Sheets ist.
Thats right, I can only tell you about what it is like in Rheinland-Pfalz, but we are not allowed to use services here, that save data on servers outside Germany. Thats why we use our own system and not google drive.
@@aloiskleinestier1848 Also meine Schule ist immer auf den neusten Stand und generell in meiner Stadt gibt es wenig Schulen bei den es nicht so ist nur die Assi Schulen haben sowas nochnicht Just Saying
Tja das schule schleißen hat ja auch super funktioniert.... Ich habe wieder Unterricht und es ist noch schlimmeres chaos als eh schon... Bin mal gespannt ob diese oder erst nächste woche wieder zu gemacht wird😜
Wir mussten jemanden im Kurs finden, der nicht gerne zur Schule gegangen ist und es gab einfach niemanden. Also es hasst sicher nicht jeder das deutsche Schulsystem.
@@timsteuerwald2207 Das amerikanische system ist sicher nicht besser. Beide schulsysteme haben ihre vor und nachteile aber keines der beiden ist optimal
@ukkr in the alps (southern Germany) it can get pretty bad, especially if you live in a remote village, where the streets will not be cleared as frequently they would in bigger city. But everywhere else in Germany it rarely gets worse than what you saw in the video. So, for most Germans it is perfectly possible and safe to go school when it is snowing. And in the southern regions they are used to it - here it is safe for the most part, too. I live near the Austrian border (the very south of Germany) at the moment, and have lived near Cologne for quite some time, so I have seen both sides - a metric shitton of snow and basicely no snow at all.
Santa Fe, NM, no school or delayed days because of snow! Pretty regularly! Because school buses need to leave the depot at a certain time and if the roads are not cleared, cannot be cleared or will get worse during the day , school is cancelled! Theses snow days are an equivalent to hurricane days in Florida for instance! It all has to do with safety issues and the possibility of being sued for negligence! That is how it is here!
@@brainlesseren_2742 Das hab ich nur bei Zügen mitgekriegt. Ich wohne auf dem Land und meine Büsse sind noch nie ausgefallen nur manchmal ein stunde später gekommen
@@martl6115 bei mir schon aber ich komm auch aus einem 90 Einwohner Dorf und manche Busfahrer vergessen einfach bei uns abzubiegen und durch unser Dorf zu fahren. Generell ist die Busverbindung hier aber auch echt schlecht und die Busse gehen schnell kaputt. Einer davon ist mal vor meiner Haustür kaputt gegangen XD
Three inches of snow is literally nothing for us. Also, we kinda think it's ridiculous that Americans do multiple choice tests. You already have your answer on the sheet and don't have to write it down from memory, and you don't have what we call transfer tasks, what ensures that you really understood the topic and haven't just learned it by heart.
Verena Straub i really don’t mean to be disrespectful but even at universities they have multiple choice tests. For example when you study psychology and they are far from being easy. But of course I don’t know what multiple choice tests in an American Highschool look like. I just wanted to say that just because it’s a multiple choice test it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy :)
I feel like the standard in Gymnasium is higher than in american high schools. So not every kid will thrive in a Gymnasium if they are good in high school. And that's ok. A test is written to show how much you lerned an not if you can guess an answer and tick a box.
I went to school in the US for a while but I am going to university in Germany and I CAN confirm this. The American system tends to focus on a student’s interests rather than basic knowledge (at least that was my impression). A mix of both would be great. German education is definitely a much higher level!
If you look at the opportunities an Abitur offers and compare those to the ones a Highschool Diploma offers it has to be. For example not everyone with a Highschool Diploma can go to college and nobody can go to Medschool, but with Abitur you can study Medicine at a Univesity right away. Sadly, the Abitur is becoming easier and easier as years go by. I hate that, especially as a teacher. I do what I can to stop it by demanding more than I should demand by the governments plans, but one person cannot stop a flood. Interestingly, students have to do more and know more in my classes and some fellow teachers call my tests "too hard", but on average their grades do not suffer. Students just tend to work more and understand more. Many even have considerably higher grades in my classes than in the "easier" classes with lower demands. Maybe, just maybe, students are not dumb but some teachers (and parents) are very lazy and thereby hinder the learning of their students (children).
Das amerikanische Bildungssystem ist sicher nicht optimal, aber das deutsche ist eine Katastrophe! Es ist menschenrechtsverletzend (Laut einer Untersuchung weltweiter Bildungssyteme durch die Vereinten Nationen misachtet das deutsche Bildungssytem die Kinderrechte der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention), sozial hochgradig ungerecht (sehr undurchlässig und Schulerfolg ist stark abhängig von Bildungshintergrund und finanziellen Möglichkeiten der Eltern), mitellaterlich (das dreigliedrige Schulsystem basiert auf mittelaterlichem Kastendenken: Gymnasium für die Eliten; Volksschule (Grund- und Hauptschule) für das einfache Volk, welches nur auf das "Schuften" vorbereitet werden soll) und erziehungswissenschaftlich betrachtet ineffektiv, ineffizient und nicht nachhaltig wenn man einen mündigen vollwertigen Menschen hervorbringen möchte. Es ist jedoch großartig, wenn man angepasste, untertänige, unmündige, dressierte und halbgebildete Arbeitsmaschinen hervorbringen möchte. Zur Begründung meiner "Behauptungen" empfehle ich das lesen von PISA-Studie, TIMMS-Studie etc., ein Studium der Erziehungswissenschaften oder das lesen des Berichts des Sonderberichterstatters der United Nations, Vernor Muñoz. Darüber hinaus empfehle ich Werke von Maria Montessori, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Emmanuel Kant..., oder neuerdings von Richard David Precht ("Anna, die Schule und der Liebe Gott") und vom Neurobiologen Gerald Hüther. Wer sich mit all dem auseinandergesetzt hat und unser Bildungssystem immer noch gut oder erträglich findet, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen. Ahh... noch ein Hinweis: Der in Deutschland viel zitierte Satz: Non scholae, sed vitae discimus („Nicht für die Schule, sondern für das Leben lernen wir“) ist eine absurde Verdrehung des Originalzitats des römischen Philosophen und Senators Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Das Originalzitat lautet: Non vitae sed scholae discimus („Nicht für das Leben, sondern für die Schule lernen wir“)
I’m an exchange student from Germany in the U.S and school here is just really really easy and I feel like you never have to do anything or study for anything and I mean I love it but on the other side I feel like you don’t learn a lot of stuff and a lot of kids are not that educated.
@@msr2289 Habe gleiche Erfahrungen gemacht. Den Unterricht den ich dort kurz mitverfolgt habe war locker 1 Jahre (vielleicht auch 2) unter unserem Niveau, und war auch noch viel einfacher.
@@abrakadaniel5908 "Den Unterricht den ich dort kurz mitverfolgt habe war locker 1 Jahre (vielleicht auch 2) unter unserem Niveau, und war auch noch viel einfacher." Dasselbe Gefühl hatte ich, als ich nach meiner Flucht aus der DDR in der BRD mein Abi gemacht hatte. Naturwissenschaften war man drüben weiter. Lediglich in Gemeinschaftskunde (in Staatsbürgerkunde hatte man uns mehr Märchen als Wahrheiten erzählt) und Englisch (hatte ich in der DDR erst ab der 5. Klasse) musste ich etwas nachholen. Aber das war relativ schnell erledigt.
@@johncatty6560 Die DDR hatte auch bessere Lehrbücher und -methoden. Schade, dass die im Westen nicht übernommen wurden und das sag ich als Wessi, geboren 1984. Kenne aber viele Ossis. Man merkt einfach den Unterschied in der Bildung.
tests in germany are much better because you really have to know the stuff you learned and maybe even transfer it into other situations instead of just guessing an answer
@@Traveler-rf8ye It's about the fact that Google sells your personal data for various purposes. As a private person I can freely decide to accept their terms of service if I want to use their products but students shouldn't be forced to give away their data.
Exactly. German schools use services like Moodle. They are far less convinient than Google Drive, but we don't force the students to sell their personal Data.
Und genau das finde ich so traurig. Warum dürfen wir nicht stolz sein Deutsch zu sein und in dieser Schule zu gehen? Wegen Hitler!? Was ist dann mit den Amerikanern? Die haben einen GESAMTEN KONTINENT erobert und haben die Ureinwohner ausgelöscht. Die dürfen natürlich stolz darauf sein🤷🏻♀️
@@Midnight.Creepypastas in our school (near to the netherlands) phones are forbidden up until the 11th grade. But depending on the grade and the teacher, they're starting to loosen the rules a little
She was in Passau during February 2020 and thought 3 inches was a lot. I wonder what she would have thought in February 2019 lol. Back then Bavaria actually used to get a lot of snow. Btw, this is what every Bavarian I've met on the Internet has told me. I'm not German
ts Google very secure and what are they going to steal if there is a breach your essay LMFAO. We use it because its helpful and the best way for schooling and collaborative projects
@@vop4813 You get a choice it literally ask you would you like t0 share data with Google. Such as search history app crashing etc. People are just scared of useful technology its okay
google drive is an American cloud service. It doesn’t conform to European data protection rules. So no official school stuff would be allowed there. You can use it privately but not for school work. Also social life for kids is outside of school (sports clubs, music lessons etc, not so much at school, ergo school is not as important re teams, colors)
@@peterkoma5808 Yes, there are schools that use Office 365, but it is a grey area. Google Drive is not. It is absolutely not allowed to use Google Drive at schools because of the privacy settings or lack thereof. And although at my school (I am a teacher) we are using Office 365, we must always be prepared that a court case against Office 365 will rule it illegal and we will have to comply with that.
@@peterkoma5808 but Office 365 isn't allowed at German schools (
@@peterkoma5808 Microsoft is a different story... they have been working hard to make their services DSGVO conform and are in general more trustworthy because of the very different business model they use. Google has to sell your data, otherwise they are not making money and they are openly telling everybody about it in their reports. Microsoft is using a paid service model and has a lot of business customers which both makes it more trustworthy.
I don't know where you come from, but my whole time in Gymnasium I used drive and all of my friends did too, even in Abitur 5 PK i used drive although I had to bring my presentation on a stick, so im not depending on the internet.
There are no sports teams at school, as we have "Vereine". There you can train the sport you like (or make music, etc.). I found this a better solution than to stay all the day with other kids I did not like.
I feel so too. I really like being in a Verein, I really love the others in my group. But I do nit like my classmates. I am glad that school ends at 15.35, just because of my class mates, I enjoy the lessons
Wahlpflichtfächer? Also ich hab während der Schule Fußball und Tischtennis gespielt, ein Jahr lang Chor, ein Jahr haben wir Filme auf historische Genauigkeit analysiert... Da da ein paar Sportarten dabei sind, meine Frage: zählt das???
I honestly agree with you on all the points apart from the German class test. Because you could literally just guess an answer at a multiple choice test and still get a decent grade, which doesn’t seem to be fair to me. Btw. we complain a lot about our school system here in Germany 😜
Also wir haben Wlan,dass alle ab der Oberstufe bekommen und wir dürfen unser Handy auch benutzen,aber halt nur im anderen Haus wird uns das auch weggenommen 😂
Also ich bin im Moment in Virginia und mache dort ein Austauschjahr. Ich stimme ihr echt zu was die Technologie angeht, aber in einigen Punkten lerne ich hier in den US auch wirklich das deutsche Schulsystem schätzen. Montana, du gehst vermutlich auf eine Privatschule in den USA, basierend auf deine Erzählungen. Selbst wenn sie öffentlich war, ist Richmond relativ wohlhabend. Der Fakt, das Universitäten und Schulen in Deutschland umsonst sind und die Gelder nicht von dem Gehalt des Landkreises basieren ist wirklich großartig, und vergrößert Soziale Gerechtigkeit. Was die mündlichen Noten angeht: aus meiner persönlichen Erfahrung heraus kann ich sagen, dass es die Beteiligung im Unterricht verbessert. Gerade in den social studies hier, wie Geschichte, ist die Klasse oftmals ein bisschen tot, einfach weil der Antrieb sich zu melden und zu beteiligen fehlt. Okay, das waren nur Sachen die mir im Vergleich aufgefallen sind - super interessant die Thematik aus der ganz entgegengesetzten Perspektive zu sehen :)
Ich muss Montana tatsächlich in fast allen kritisierten Punkten zustimmen - allerdings sind gleichzeitig fast alle anderen Dinge was die Schule betrifft in Deutschland besser. ^^ Sowohl die USA als auch Deutschland sollten sich aber z. B. mal einiges von Finnland abschauen. Wo ich nicht mit ihrer Kritik übereinstimme sind die Sportmannschaften. In Deutschland geht man da halt nachmittags in Vereine und ich finde das besser, weil dort oft jung und alt organisiert sind. Ich bin z. B. Musiker in einem Orchester und da sind Leute vom Grundschulalter bis über 70 dabei. Es gibt zwar Untergruppierungen: Bläserklassen für die 3.- und 4.-Klässler (die sogar in Kooperation mit der Schule sind), ein Nachwuchsorchester für die nächsten Jahre nach der 4. Klasse und dann ein Orchester für alle anderen, welches das Hauptorchester ist. Bei Vereinsfeiern und Vereinsausflügen sind aber oft alle Generationen zusammen (ab und zu gibt es auch mal Ausflüge nur für eine bestimmte Altersgruppe) und ich finde das schön so. Auch sind dort von den Kindern Grundschüler, Mittelschüler, Realschüler und Gymnasiasten alle in einem Verein. Das wirkt der Bildung von Parallelgesellschaften entgegen, wie sie in den USA zwischen den verschiedenen Schichten sehr ausgeprägt sind.
@@drchtct Bei mir damals Mo bis Do von 8 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr und Fr 8 Uhr bis 12 Uhr tote Vorlesungen zum Einschlafen und dann sollte man aber, wenn man den ganzen Tag müde gemacht wurde, noch Versuche machen und den runtergeleierten Stoff wortwörtlich auswendig lernen, weil man sonst gleich Punktabzug bekam. Die Krönung wer der Chemieprofessor, der völlig sinnfrei verlangt hat, dass wir das Periodensystem auswendig lernen - mit allen dazugehörigen Zahlen zu den Atomen auf ein paar Nachkommastellen. Hab den Quatsch nach 2 Semestern abgebrochen und würde nie mehr in Deutschland studieren.
dia98 Für einen fairen Vergleich sollte man aber auch die Hörerzahlen vergleichen. Die sind in Deutschland oft drastisch viel höher, und das fördert weder die Bereitschaft der einzelnen zur aktiven Mitarbeit noch die echte Chance, „alle“ (oder zumindest „relevant viele“) aktiv einzubeziehen...
seriously. never was so happy about leaving school 🤣 Why should I be proud beeing on some specific school. Maybe we would think differently if our school system would be like theirs. can't tell, never was on an American high school, but I can imagine it beeing more fun that our schools.
Ich bin auch introvertiert, hab aber kein Problem damit, mich zu melden und was zu sagen. Abgesehen davon wird nicht bewertet, wie oft du dich meldest, sondern wie deine Antwort ausfällt, wenn du etwas sagst. Wie oft man sich meldet hängt natürlich auch davon ab, wie schüchtern man ist, aber diese Schüchternheit zu überwinden, kann man lernen.
I failed one course in university because I knew I would have to present my work to the rest of the class for 10 minutes or something like that. Still have massive stage fright but I'm getting a tiny bit more confident for every year. The good thing with working is you can just avoid jobs that include talking in front of people.
Erik But presentations are part of so many jobs out there and in the job interviews you have to introduce yourself too, so it‘s very important to work on it.
When teachers create a test they pay attention that like only 20% are factual questions where you'd only have to write the answer you learned down. The rest should be about combining your knowledge and then even proving that you can handle new information. For example a reading comprehension. So yeah.. it is hard to get good grades :D
The US High School Diploma is recognized in Germany as a „Realschulabschluss“, which you get normally after 10 years of school. The Abitur is way ahead of the High School Diploma from the US. For example, you are not allowed to study at an university in Germany with a High School Diploma.
To finish the Gymnasium is equivalent to finishing college. High school is Realschule. They should require college degrees for going to university. Then again they should help with the costs as well and the most obvious solution to that is to stop privatization.
5:20 "so much snow" I remember the good old days when we've had up to 30cm and more. The buses were still going and everything was wonderful. School would even be at minus 20 degree Celsius. But the last two years there wasn't any snow where I life. Just one time when there was 2cm at most for only three days. I'm crying. I love snow.
I wanted to say that, this snow is nothing but a bad joke from what I remember when I was like 7-10 years old, hier in großen Teilen des Odenwalds haben wir seit Jahren keinen richtigen Schnee mehr,...
When Busses and Trams get stuck in the snow, then and only then the school MAYBE will let their students stay at home xD Blizzards, Monsun-like rain, Hurricane wind.....schooltime ;o
Back when i went to school, we never had free days just because of snow. The only reason for a free day was if the bus was literally unable to drive and you had an excuse like for example if ur parrents are working and you can not be driven to school
Bei uns in Dezember san 2 Meter Schnee glegen und wir hom trotzdem ind schui Hälfte der Klasse is eh ned kuma oba wast und sie beschwert sie über 20cm
students in germany a lot of the times don't agree with their "Mündliche" grade. And they start discussions over their grade trying to get extra assignments and stuff. And sometimes to parents involve themselves especially when it come to the final two years of gymnasium
Oral marks just aren‘t fair at all and some people just can‘t stand up for themselves if they think they deserve a better grade and then they have to live with that while others can argue their way up. It‘s all about how the teacher views you. + some people have too much anxiety to raise their hand, even if they do everything and know a lot get really good grades in exams it won‘t be enough. F u c k Abitur Junge
Ja Na In der Oberstufe ist es 50/50. Ist deine mündliche Note 5 und deine schriftliche 2 steht man 3- und wenn der Lehrer dich dann auch nicht leiden kann wirds aufm Zeugnis eine 4.
Why would anyone take pride in a German school? Noone has any reason to, at all. Plus: As Germans, we tend to view unjustified pride a bit critically. The last time a lot of Germans were proud of something... some stuff happened.
well but aren't we pride in our school graduation ??? Ich glaube ich muss hier niemanden erzählen das so manche Gymnasiasten etwas zu viel von sich halten, weil sie aufm Gymnasium sind ^^ Trifft zum Glück nicht auf alle zu und deutscher Gangster rap schaltet alle jugendliche gleich lol
@@anblueboot5364 Naja, der Unterschied ist, dass man schon etwas stolz sein kann auf's Gymnasium zu gehen, immerhin muss man (oder musste man früher) eine gewisse Leistung erbringen. Auf welches Gymnasium man dann genau kommt hängt halt nicht mehr von der eigenen Leistung ab, sondern bloß noch vom Wohnort
@@hanshorstjoachim9498 na ja das Gymnasium hat nicht annähernd die gleiche Qualität die es mal hatte um meinen Mathelehrer von vor ein par Jahren zu zitieren : "Auf das Niveau des Abiturs lasse ich mich nicht herab, deswegen werden meine Klausuren schwerer sein als das was ihr zur Abiturprüfung bekommt, also nicht wundern.", und tadaaaa er hatte recht behalten. Als ich angefangen habe Informatik zu studieren hatten die wenigsten irgendein Verständnis für Mathe geschweige denn wie man die Binomische Formeln einzusetzen hat/kann. Und da befinden wir uns auf dem Niveau der Realschule. Also klar ist Abitur noch immer eine gewisse Leistung aber die Sachen werden zu oft Auswendig gelernt und ausgekotzt anstelle das sie Verstanden werden. Darauf braucht keiner Stolz zu sein. (Und nein dieses Problem liegt nicht nur am Schulsystem sondern genau so am ungesunden Lernverhalten von Schülern, die es oftmals nicht anders wollen als alles auf dem letzten Drücker zu lernen. Da kann kein Lehrer was dafür das haben sich die Schüler fälschlicherweise selbst so beigebracht da es ja immer funktioniert hat. ) Wie heißt's so schön nicht für die Schule sondern für's Leben lernen wir. ^^
@@anblueboot5364 bei den Abi Prüfungen kommt es aber auch auf das Bundesland an (leider) Aber ja, soweit ich mitbekommen habe wurden die Prüfungen leichter als die Vorjahre
For your last point about the high school spirit: I think the main reason for that in Germany is, that we do sports independently from school in our free time. We can't connect through sports that are extracurricular activities at school because there are only few, at least at my school
@@pst5345 shit mate this level of constructiveness and intellect is missing from contemporary academics, do humanity a favour and let Harvard welcome you.
So I am a German (of course) and I would be happy if there was snow because we almost never have snow. And why would you not have school if there is snow? School is inside anyways!
So about the tests (or all grades) in Germany: teachers want you to not only know the facts, but actually understand all of it and be able to use the knowledge in a different context. At least in a gymnasium, having multiple choice questions is only ever a concept in the lower years, because it is just “too easy” to answer and to guess. In general in years 10-12, you won’t find many questions that are just about giving facts, but it’s all about understanding and being able to use your knowledge (which sometimes means you also need a lot of general knowledge from other subjects to be able to get full marks on a question). And yes, the “Mitarbeitsnoten” are not always completely subjective, but to be honest I think it’s a good thing, because many teachers give out good grades, even tho you didn’t actually participate that much and it’s quite difficult to get a teacher to hate you that much, that he gives you a bad grade! :)
no. just no. Mitarbeitsnoten are a whole mess. I´m black and I have never had a 1 in any class, even tho I was the best in class. I even asked my teacher how I could improve myself to get that 1 and he couldn´t really give me an answere. I don´t think I did sth bad to him so he doesn´t nessecerly needed to give me such a bad grade. But I think you are used to be loved from the teacher and can´t understand how it´s like being discriminated without even realizing at first
@@misabitxh Es gibt immer die Möglichkeit Einspruch zu erheben. Dann muss der Lehrer die Noten schriftlich nachweisen und begründen und das für jede einzelne Stunde.
MrsStark wie läuft sowas ab?und wo beschwer ich mich? Außerdem denkst du nicht es würde alle anderen Lehrer dazu bringen mir genau so schlechte noten zu geben weil ich Ihnen unsympathisch bin. Ich weis nicht ob ich das bei jedem Lehrer einzeln machen würde. ich weis nicht ob das langfristig ejne gute lösung ist
@@misabitxh, ich studiere Lehramt und arbeite schon nebenher als Aushilfelehrkraft. Was du schreibst, finde ich richtig gruselig! Es war gut von dir die Benotung zu hinterfragen und das in einem Gespräch anzusprechen. Eine gute Lehrkraft kommuniziert ganz offen unter welchen Kriterien sie ihre Noten festlegt. Wenn sie dies nicht kann, dann stimmt da etwas nicht. Ich würde dir folgendes empfehlen: Auch wenn du dich ungerecht behandelt fühlst, kann ich dir nur raten erstmal freundlich zu bleiben. Damit machst du dich nicht angreifbar und es macht einen erfolgreichen Ausgang für dich wahrscheinlicher. Hast du eine Lehrkraft an der Schule, zu der du ein gutes Verhältnis hast? Oder gibt es einen/eine sozialen Mitarbeiter*in? Mit dieser Person würde ich darüber sprechen. Davor solltest du mal mit deinen Klassenkamerad*innen reden, um deine Leistung richtig einzuschätzen. So sicherst du dich ab. Klingt doof, aber wenn dir eine falsche Selbsteinschätzung vorgeworfen wird, dann kann sich die Lehrkraft, die dich unfair benotet, sehr leicht rausreden und du stehst dumm da. Du solltest auch mit deinen Erziehungsberechtigten sprechen. Die können jederzeit um ein Gespräch mit der Lehrkraft bitten. Das sind nur die ersten, allgemeinen Schritte, die du einleiten kannst. Du kannst auch gerichtlich klagen. Ich arbeite an einer Brennpunktschule und hatte auch schon sehr, sehr krasse Auseinandersetzungen mit Schüler*innen, was mangelhafte Mitarbeit und schlechte Noten zur Folge hatte. Die allermeisten dieser Fälle haben sich aber durch ein offenes, ehrliches und freundliches Gespräch klären lassen. Also lass dich nicht einschüchtern, hol dir die nötige Unterstützung und klär diese ominöse Benotung auf.
Elutreth danke für die Aufklärungen. Ich mach bald meine Prüfungen und muss mich gerade auch mit dem Zeugnis, das ich demnächst bekomme bewerben. Da sind mir die Noten ziemlich wichtig geworden. Die Tipps können mir beim nächsten mal hoffentlich helfen. Aber viel Hoffnungen mache ich mir da nicht. Ich hab bis jetzt noch nie eine nachträgliche Notenänderung erlebt. Trotzdem danke
In my entire 14 years of school I had two days called off: One because of Cyclone Kyrill in January 2007 and the second because of the flood in 2013 😅 so don't expect school getting called off
Wir haben geschlagene 2 mal Hitzefrei bekommem weil in unseren tollen Altbau unter Bauschutz keine Klimaanlagen installiert werden durften und es dann gegen 14 Uhr doch zu heiß im 3. Stock wurde 😂.. Das andere mal, als wir den restlichen Schultag freigestellt bekommen haben war, als es bei uns eine Amok Warnung gab und dann nach 2 qualvollen schulstunden die Polizei angerückt kam.
Ich hatte genau einmal schulfrei, und das ist heute wegen Sturm Sabine. Sonst hatte ich noch nie frei, selbst bei 40 Grad im Schatten. Mein Klassenzimmer ist by the way nach Süden ausgerichtet alsooo ist es im Sommer ein Backofen 😐
Sophia H It’s Even more unfair there. I went from a Realschule to a gymnasium und da wird mal wirklich mit Herz unterrichtet und fair benotet. In der Realschule war das schrecklich
@@monstam8439 I just thought like the level of difficulty in classes from high schools is more up to Realschule standards... At least the regular non AP ones... They take the rest of math in college while we finish in 12th grade in gymnasium for example
@@monstam8439 ich habe es leider genau andersrum erlebt. Auf der rs haben die Lehrer einem immer geholfen und sachen auch zum 3. mal erklärt. Auf dem gym schien es meinen Lehrern ziemlich egal zu sein, wenn man etwas nicht versteht. 😅
Kassy96 ja Same ich bin von Gymnasium auf Realschule gewechselt und allein bei Mathe find ich ist bei mir ein großer Unterschied. Mein Mathe Lehrer im Gymnasium war immer "ja erklärt euch das untereinander" usw während mein Lehrer auf Realschule sich die Mühe gibt es jedem zu erklären. Ist mir aber im allgemeinen bei vielen Lehrern aufgefallen das die auf Gymnasium immer so waren "ja holt das Zuhause nach, erklärt euch das untereinander" usw und auf rs die Lehrer sich zumindest versuchen Mühe zugeben es jedem zu erklären. Maybe liegt das einfach an den unterschiedlichen Standarts (weil meine Klassenlehrerin auf Gymnasium meinte das man ab mind 8. Klasse mehr Selbstständigkeit beim lernen haben soll, vor allem auf Gymnasium) but idk
Wir hatten i meienr Schulzeit oft Lehrer wo selbst ich er ich auklauich lesen kann echt masive Probeme hatte Mein Vater hatte und hat as alter Lehrer eine sehr klare Handschrift auch jetzt im hohen Alter von 88 Jahren..
@@dilucsdeaddaddy While I would suggest you go ahead and get yourself some glasses or something I can tell you the classrooms aren´t that big. You´ll be able to read the characters on the board just fine from the back, and if you can´t most teachers are fine with you coming to the front real quick and taking a picture of the board.
Speaking of "German Highschool" as a general term is difficult to impossible. TL-DR: I am a teacher, trust me. Long version: I am a teacher from Northrhine Westphalia, with teaching permit 27 (that is no joke, the German word is "Lehramt für Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (LA 27)") which is a very specific thing and only for NRW. My internships while I was at university were all in "Gymnasiums", my practical training ("2. Staatsexamen") was at a "Gesamtschule". I worked at three different schools as a sustitute teacher (all "Realschule"), whereI was allowed to grade final examns at the end of year ten because my training qualified me to do so, but was paid as "Lehrer mit unpassendem Lehramt" which roughly means teacher with a wrong permit. Now I am working at a Berufskolleg, and although this should require teaching permit 35 I was accepted as fitting and with full pay because there were to few people with the appropirate permit, so everyone's permit was extended by handwaving if they were trained for LA 27 or LA 29 and had subjects that were needed at "Berufskolleg". Does that sound complicated? Well, sure, because it very much is. But things are even worse. I work as a teacher in secondary school and I do not know which secondary schools exist in my state (Bundesland). It changes like every two or three years. I had to look up the current situation. Currently there are five types of school that offer a regular "Sekundarstufe I" (years 5-10), namely "Gymnasium" (in two different froms, one of them only years 5-9), "Gesamtschule", "Sekundarschule" (each of which has to cooperate with a Gymnasium or Berufskolleg), "Realschule" (which can offer some Hauptschul-classes but does not have to) and "Hauptschule". Besides that there is "Förderschule" for children with special needs. For "Sekundarstufe II" (years 11 to 13) there are only three types of school, namely "Gymnasium", "Gesamtschule" and "Berufskolleg". But what about certificates? Is there something like a Highschool Diploma? Well, no. The types of school mentioned can offer a wide variety of certificates. Let me try to rank those: - "Förderschulabschluss", a certificate for completing Förderschule, basically worthless - "Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 9" or simply HS9, the most basic actual certificate, still mostly worthless - "Hautpschulabschluss" or HA10, the basic certificate in the German secondary education - "Fachoberschulreife" or FOR, often called "Realschulabschluss", the certificate most employers with office jobs ask for - "Fachoberschulreife mit Qualifikation für die Gymnasiale Oberstufe" or FOR-Q, basically the same as FOR, but with the opportunity to go into Gymnasiale Oberstufe, i.e. years 10-13. - "Fachoberschulreife mit Qualifikation für die Qualifikationsphase der Gymnasialen Oberstufe" or FOR-QQ, which not only allows the student to enter Gymnasiale Oberstufe but also to skip a year. This one is extremely rare, many teachers have never seen one of these. - "Schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife", which is also called "Fachabi". This one allows the student to study at some colleges (Fachhochschulen) with more practice oriented subjects, if they complete some practical internship or apprenticeship. - "Fachhochschulreife", like above but with a certificate that no extra work is needed. - "Allgemeine Hochschulreife" or "Abitur", which allows you to study at University. Great, isn't it? But it does not stop there. There are always some strange and quirky ways that are possible to get other certificates than one might expect and sometimes special classes get special certificates that are slightly different than the main ones. An example would be "Internationale Förderklasse", a special class for people new to Germany who do not speak German and are 16 years old or older at Berufskolleg, which does only award a certificate slightly below HS9. Moreover you can get different certificates at differnt schools: Förderschule: Förderschulabschluss Hauptschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ Realschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ Sekundarschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ Gesamtschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ, schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife, Abitur Gymnasium: HS9, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ, schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife, Abitur (although the main goals are only the last two) Berufskolleg: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ, schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife, Abitur; additionally ways to upgrade HS9 to HA10 or HA10 to FOR I have personally taught students who got the special refugee version of HS9, HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, "schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife mit erweiterten praktischen Kenntnissen" and "Fachhochschulreife" in the last year alone, because a Berufskolleg just offers a wide variety of certificates. Additionally, I have worked in the vocational training part of the Berufskolleg. If I look at my whole career, I have literally workes with students who received any of the nine basic certificates at the end of their time at school, including "Förderschulabschluss" and some special forms. Oh, and there are 15 other Bundesländer, so more confusion is just around the corner. I will not get into that here. Are all schools of the same kind the same? No, not even remotely. In NRW, all schools need to work out a profile for themselves. Moreover, different teaching styles are encouraged to a certain extend and tolerated in a much broader extend. The constant lecture style is somewhat oldfashioned in NRW nowadays but sometimes it is efficient and sometimes it is the only available option for anything like teaching, e.g. in very big classes (37 was the maximum I had to deal with, and yes, that was illegal but there were no other options the headteacher had, so everyone put up with it until we could split the class). But for me this is as boring as it is for the students. Depending on subject and class I do groupworks, presentations, self organized working phases and what not. But it has to fit subject and class, otherwise it is only some decorative fireworks. Sadly, preparing good groupworks is very hard, when you want it to run smoothly. Just a few months ago I had to prepare a groupwork for a class which I could not be present in to introduce integral calculus. The 45 minute period went extremly well, but I had to prepare the material for something like 75 minutes. Despite what some people say that would have been absolutely impossible to do (for a class without any teacher present), if the class had not been extremly good. Sorry, for the long commentary. I hope sombody reads it and can draw some information from it.
Read it :-) Very interesting information, especially about the certificate zoo. I didn't know most of these despite being German and generally rather well-informed.
Sinnvoll wäre es, ein einheitliches System für alle Bundesländer zu schaffen, aber das wollen die Kultusminister ja nicht... Die "Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten" finde ich gut..
@@sisasickletter I absolutely agree. On both points actually, but stronger on the latter. Currently I am the "Klassenlehrer" (teacher responsible for a class) in a class that is using the Breufskolleg to extend their training from a qualified worker to "Staatlich geprüfter Techniker" (like an engineer, EQF 6) and, if they have not already got it, their Fachabitur. In a few months many of them will be earning more than I do and I think that is great. None of them had the opportunity to go to university but despite having a qualification for a highly sought after blue collar job they will have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree, simply through hard work and a system that gives everyone fair chances, if it works correctly.
8:06 Well, it's a gymnasium, which is usually geared towards getting people into university. Being able to write coherent sentences is part of that. Not ideal for people who don't speak the language, that's true. Oral participation grades kind of suck when you're quiet, I had to rely on my written work. Truly awful in subjects where oral participation counted more than the written tests towards the final grade.
USB Stick ist die Kurzform des USB Speicher Sticks und die heißen auch im englischen Sprachraum USB Memory Stick, im Ursprung tatsächlich Disk-On-Key oder auch Thumb Drive. Das Pen Drive gab es auch noch. Wobei Flash Drive überwiegt, aber prinzipiell genau so falsch ist wie USB Stick. Ein USB Stick muss kein Speicher-Stick sein, genau wie Flash Drive ohne vorgesetztes USB keines für diesem Port sein muss. Lustiger sind eh SSDs oder die deutsche Bezeichnung für diese: Festkörperspeicher ^^
@@Thowe0815 hab das schon 1 - 2 Mal in einem youtube video gehört, dass im englischsprachigen Raum der Ausdruck USB-Stick nicht gebräuchlich ist. War glaub ich auch ein englischsprachiger Expat der jetzt in Deutschland lebt
@@starryk79 ist er auch nicht, es setzt sich immer das durch, was sich am leichtesten spricht. Im Deutschen ist ja auch nur der Begriff Stick schon recht häufig. Googelt (was sich ja auch für Suchen durchgesetzt hat) man nachen USB Memory Stick und nach USB Flash Drive, ist auch hier es so, dass sich Flash Drive häufiger findet. Sprache ist halt lebendig.
Most students in Germany really hate their schools. Its really weird for most students if someone likes school because they don't get why they would like it.
Kommt halt immer drauf an. Ich geh z.b gern zu Schule weil ich ne Ausbildung hab und somit mega motiviert bin zu lernen. Und das sieht man in meinem Zeugnis und Arbeiten die voller Einsen ist. Aber dann gibt es halt die anderen Typen die nichts machen, scheiße bauen und auf die Fresse fallen und dann sagen es lag an der Schule etc.
Alexander stimmt oft auch aber nur weil man gut is heißt des ja nich das man die schule mag und andersrum genau so ich bin auch nich so übel dabei aber feier schule halt nich (meine schule) weil die Lehrer halt Extrems unorganisiert sin was bei meiner schule dazu geführt hat dass die Schüler/innen darunter leiden und des ausbaden müssen in dem sie nen teil vom job der Lehrer übernehmen kann sein das des nur an meiner schule so is aber von solchen Situationen hab ich schon oft von schüler/innen von anderen schulen gehört
@@gamingminecraft6535 Ich hab da z.B nicht das Problem. Bei meiner Schule sind es halt die Schüler die die Schuld tragen da viele Lehrer da motiviert und guten Unterricht machen.
The thing is also, that a gymnasium is a really high standard high school, even compared to the other forms of high school in Germany or Austria. It basically prepares you for university. So it's very strict and kinda formal too. Also for the "mündlich" part: it may seem like it's just an opinion, but they have to write down whether or how much you have participated like how often you raised hand, answered correctly or at least tried, and so on. And although it's not like in America (cause it's basically very difficult to prove that what the teacher wrote is incorrect if you don't have your classes support) they have to document your activity. And also, that way they don't just grade you by success or failure, but that way they also include by whether you tried or not (I am not sure about Germany, since I live in Austria, but it should be kinda same)
Well, as for the writing part you cant really criticize that because the schools are made for Germans who speak German. If you write a lot you get smarter.
It depends on where you live. Most of the southern states don’t invest in snow moving equipment, so, when it snows, life stops. Up north and in mountainous areas, they have snow plows and life doesn’t stop.
die buse in der us werden von den schulen gestellt also wenn die net fahren keine schule wenn hier die db nicht faahrt juckt des die schule null .. und es kommt halt nur die die von mammy und daddy gefahren werden
To me the whole "taking pride in your school thing" is about the most toxic thing in american schools. If they had something like during my time in the school system I think I might have lost it. Some people just want to go to school, learn their stuff and not deal with people. Same reason I really hate whenever american fraternities and sororities are brought up, I just can‘t get behind that kind of thinking.
"The most toxic thing" lmfao what? If you dont have school pride then dont sing the chants or show up to the school football games, no one is forcing you. Seek help
@@duckcluck123 Firstly I am European. Secondly my comment should have made it very clear that the schools I attended did not have anything "school pride" related as stated that I would have probably gone somewhat mad if that were the case. There were no chants to not sing or games to not visit. I just stated my opinion that for some people the very existence of a school culture including "school pride" to an extend American schools do would be a huge problem. (I include myself here) I am not going to divulge my exact reasons for that in a UA-cam comment of course but suffice to say I was going through some rough times during my time in the school system and I just really would not have wanted to have to deal with such stuff additionally. You may find that while some activities or ways of thinking seem "normal" / "fun" / "okay" to certain people to others they are very uncomfortable at the very least.
The thing, that American School System is very shit makes this Video Even More funny. In America they really Dont work in Highschool, when I Went there. I was one of the best students in America. Soooo easy
"When there's snow on the ground, you still have to go to school!" Imagine that :-O It's just that "3+ inches of snow" is really not that uncommon in many parts of Europe and certainly nothing that would upset us very much...
The school system per say is not the problem. The curriculum and the size of the classes are really the problem. I really like that you can choose some of your subjects. You still have to take maths, english, science and history and a language but you can do sports or go to choir or economics class and I am really sad that Jn Austria we dont have many subjects to choose from even though the level of Physics dont help me anymore because I know I will never use it again.
@@cameronrosemorgan7510 my teacher (he is american) graduated from high school with only ONE academic subject. Imagine?! The rest was fun stuff like year book, sports and arts. Like YEAR BOOK was credited. He was our science teacher and told us that we were learning in grade 11 what he learned in his college year 2 or 3. So maybe we are better off. I graduated in germany and i think our school systems aren't so diffrent from austria?
A E i think pur school systems are almost the same. I dont really want to have the same system as in amerika, but maybe an adaption. In my gymnasium you have to choose between Drawing and Music but have to take Physics, Biology and Chemistry. I understand that these are maybe “more important” but at the level we are at right now I should be able to choose some subjects since i know what i will do after high school ( I am in graduation year) and none of the science subjects help me. Idk if that makes sence but yea
@@cameronrosemorgan7510 i agree that arts and even sports should be equally important to academic subjects. By no means do I think our scho system is perfect or even great. Its simply higher than the american.
The "mündlichen Noten" are honestly hell. It's where you actually get to feel the still existing racism and discrimination. You'd have a blonde classmate with glasses on that has the ultimate nerd hypocrite vibe but never really participates in class and she'd just get the best grade. Then you compare it to yourself and some of your other foreign classmate and just because we dont seem like the perfect intelligent student we suddenly get rly bad grades. And you can't even complain to the teacher because it's just their personal opinion and you can't change that. I wish they'd get rid of that form of grading and evaluating a student's knowledge as those marks can really affect my future.
I am a girl with blonde hair and glasses but i never got good grades. But a friend of mine with the same hair color and glasses got good grades and nearly never participated in class while I was
Reminds me of my Class. Everyone who actually talks doesn't get a good note. Talk and say something *fitting* then you get good Notes. But sometimes i have the feeling people forget that.
Hi! I couldn't agree more when you say that working with a cloud is much easier than working with USB sticks. But Germans are very concerned what happens to their data and thus their privacy. Therefore many Germans still don't use clouds. More importantly at schools you are not allowed to use them since they are connected to private companies and the rules in most "Bundesländer" are very strict and thus we have to use USB sticks to share data at school.
Chris W exactly, it’s a big deal and teachers must be afraid of uploading data in clouds because they could be reported if they sin against the copyright 🤦🏻♀️
I just used my whole schooltime drive, it was no Problem, nearly all of us. I personally hear it for the first time that drive is not allowed in most Gymnasiums
@@Micha-li3pe Poland: schools can be non-mandatory for students when there is below -15 C (5 F) outside - but decision lays in hands of local authorities for every school separately (usually they don't close untill it is -25 C [-15 F]). Or if there would be more than 0,5 meter (2 feet) deep of freshly fallen snow on the roads then you also have an excuse for not attending school. Students who live in the city usually arrive eben then, by public transport, but those who live outside the city often cannt arrive then.
"test are really hard" yeah bc we don't do multiple choice tests. in my history lesson we wrote a normal test (90min) and i wrote 7 pages. i didn't look up once haha and in my school we don't get grades on how much we participate in class bc for exactly your reasons BUT i have a class which actually prepare you for your later life especially job interviews ect. quit often there are assessment center where you sometimes have to present something without enough time prepare
about the whole "I am sitting and listening the entire day": you have to keep in mind, that there are 3 major types of high school in Germany: Hauptschule (more geared towards practical stuff), Realschule (a kind of middle ground) and Gymnasium (more geared towards theoretical stuff). Hauptschule is much more "hands on" with labs and workshops and less theoretical classes, while Gymnasiums mainly focus on theoretical classes to make sure the students are prepared for University. The kids going to Hauptschule rarely end up in University, but instead end up working in the industrial sectors. Don't get me wrong, it is not impossible to switch later on, it is just a way to filter out the "learners" from the "doers" early on. I for example went to Hauptschule, upgraded to "Werk-Realschule" (basically an addon to get the higher grade) and ended up in University anyway (or "Fachhochschule" to be precise, which is a more practical oriented University).
See this is why I don't understand why people want to get rid of Hauptschulen. They want to take these doers and put them in the same environment with the learners and expect both parties to thrive. which just theoretically sounds illogical. and practically it doesn't work that much better either. you can't force the doers to suddenly adapt new learning skills and vice versa. Hauptschule is not a bad thing and you are the perfect example that there are still a lot of opportunities even when you don't force your kids to somehow get that Abitur just because. Tl;dr Gesamtschule war ne nette Idee, aber sollte besser nicht die Norm werden.
@@sanablue I think people want to get rid of Hauptschule, because they typically catch the "undesirables" - students who are to lazy or stubborn to be *either* doers *or* learners. But what these people don't get, is that you just move those "undesirables" somewhere else if you get rid of Hauptschule... Don't get me wrong, I don't consider the students undesirables... they just need a different treatment than what they are getting or maybe have issues outside of school, that need to be treated first.
@@m.h.6470 Exactly. why would they do any better just because we shove them into another school. they'd probably only feel more pressed because there's even higher expectations...
I went to a Gymnasium and it probably is still very different to Hauptschule, but we constantly had to do group work, presentations and discussions. So it really depends
Nach ww2 war süddeutschland von amerika besetzt. Deshalb haben viele amerikaner heute das bild von lederhosen, weisswurst und bier im kopf wenn es um deutschland geht.
ist auch schätze ich die beliebteste "Tourismus" Gegend also wenn man schon ein Jahr in Deutschland verbringt, will man denke ich auch in ner "schönen" Region leben
My reaction as a German (18 years) 1. Yes! , none of my friends think of Google drive, I love it, it's so comfortable 2. USB sticks are annoying 🙄 3. We don't have even wifi for the students in school which is OK, we have many Computers 4. At a specific age or class (fe. At the 11th class) you have to have to go to school, doesn't care which weather or if the busses don't come (than you need an excuse, which you get only from a doctor or you can excuse yourself twice a year, in my region) 5. Most old teachers here are just doing inactive things. But my experience is, that teacher until the age of 45 do many active things. Btw, time of lessons are different, in my school it's about 90 minutes 6. Tests are hard. 7. Well, the teacher needs to say how active you are in school and your attitude, that's the reason we need to be very active 8. It's an art reading their style of writing 9. Yeah, I'd wish more school spirit here, you're right Well, that's my point of view of these things :)
I'm from Germany and in July I will fly to the US for an exchange year and it's really interesting to get to know what Americans think about our school and lifestyle. Thanks for your videos ❤️😘
No Google Drive? But how do German students get to experience that one person in the class changing the formatting for the document the whole class is working on?
There are Not realy class Projekts, most of the time the groups consider of 3-6 Students and than everybody works on one Part of the project and after He has finished He will send it via Email to one Person who collect and put everything together
D. Angel Oftentimes it’s still useful to be able to quickly see or edit what someone else is doing. That and the other benefits of having documents on the cloud, like when the person with the file is sick on the day of the presentation.
Your points are definitely valid, here are a few explanations/opinions You don't get off school because there is this thing called duty of supervision and since parent's can't just leave their kids at home alone because they'd breach their duty of supervision they have to be able to rely that school is happening no matter the weather Also about the google drive thing I think when doing a project you should just meet in person anyways and put a presentation together as a group. About transferring documents, we had a school server that you could access at home too so there was never a need for USB sticks. And the wifi is bad because most school buildings are old and the walls are thick but my school had all the school computers on wired internet which was never a problem. The lacking school spirit and group projects in my opinion is not that bad because introverted kids or kids with anxiety really dislike any sort of event or group projects. Also during school projects you don't get anything done anyways. Gymnasium is very goal oriented it that's good or bad now is very subjective.
the whole snow thing is not a german american thing. If you would come from a very northern us state and went to germanies north coast (that has very little snow in general) it would be the other way around. Virginia is simply not used to snow, bavaria is.
Ich spreche als Mutter eines Abiturienten: nüchtern betrachtet, wenn ihr Schüler alles hättet, was ihr wollt, müssten eure Eltern für die Schule bezahlen, das würde dann bedeuten, dass manche Kinder auf der Strecke bleiben, denn der Staat könnte nicht ALLE Schüler finanzieren, also besser mit dem zufrieden sein, was man hat, ODER???
My school is the reason i constantly feel like a lazy peace of shit that can’t do anything.The teachers expect way to much from us and some of them are even disrespectful to the students.I feel myself getting stressed out about things i shouldn’t worry about that much.But there’s just so much pressure on me especially because my teachers called me ‘gifted’ in elementary school.So,if I’m not immediately good at something I loose motivation and give up,which causes bad grades.There’s also almost no time for fun activities or free time for meeting friends or just doing something else but learning.We’ve got like at least 1 exam per week in addition to tests.Some of our teachers should’ve really been fired earlier but nobody cares about that.In conclusion: I fuckin hate having to go to my school and the only thing that’s fun about it are my friends(who are also pretty depressed because of it) sry in advance for any grammatical errors
Hi, mir ging es damals ähnlich! Wenn es zu schlimm wird mit dem Druck, dann lass ein paar Dinge einfach mal weg und tu etwas was dir Spaß macht und dich auf andere Gedanken bringt. Lass dich nicht von irgendjemandem fertig machen!
I go to school over 15 years ago an there wasnt any grades for participation in class. Back in the day a teacher take you in front of class and do a oral exam, if he thought youre somewhere else with your mind.
Sri Chiku Nope. I go to university now and I am GLAD that my uni doesn‘t grade oral participatipation. I only had to write term papers and exams. I jumped from a 2,7 in Abitur to a 1,8 on my bachelor‘s degree just because there are no oral grades.
6:40 I think it really depends on the teacher, bc some teacher prefer more group work (I have many) or some like to discuss more with the class for example
title: german schools
me: hold my overheadprojektor
Lilly 😂😂😂👌
I'll never not have nightmares about the Overheadprojektors. Or even worse: the 1 teacher that still taught with VHS in 2016.
@@alinac5512 all of us have this ONE teacher
@@lilly-ld9hm yeah, sighn, I guess so 🙄😂
We are having those too in germany😬😂 and not everywhere wifi
I see GERMAN in the title
I scroll down to the comments and know that my Brüder and Schwestern will welcome me with open arms.
BeaR 😂😂😂
Ist einfache so 😂😂👌🏻
Natürlich kamerad!
Legende xD
Haha immer
"In Germany, when there is snow on the ground, you still have to go to school!" - I laughed so hard. :D
Mee too
Cuz snow is smth normal in Germany
8 cm Schnee 😂😂 da macht keiner dicht!
why should they close ?
Omg that’s terrible 😂 In the U.S. when it snows, the school issues a “Snow Day” where they cancel school and let us go out and enjoy the snow. In the north they don’t really do that because it snows often, but I live in the south so snow is extremely rare.
What I dislike about Germany: you still have to go to school even if it’s snowing
Yasss we had a big thunderstorm last week and we still had to go to still
I even didn't have last year or this year snow
Space beane we didn’t have to go to school
@@spacebeane7599 hahaha Opfer wir nicht
I live in Germany and last week I didn't have to go on Monday because of Sabine
I think the reason most schools don't use google drive is because of the good old "Datenschutz"
Nein, weil alle Deutschen technisch enorm rückständig sind und immer 5 bis 10 Jahre in de Vergangenheit stecken, du weisst ja nicht mal was Google Drive und Google Docs / Sheets ist.
@@aloiskleinestier1848 wir hatten das tatsächlich für einen Monat und dann wurde es wegen Datenschutz wieder gesperrt XD
Wenn man wollte, könnte man einen eigenen fileserver aufsetzen. Opencloud zum Beispiel.
Thats right,
I can only tell you about what it is like in Rheinland-Pfalz, but we are not allowed to use services here, that save data on servers outside Germany. Thats why we use our own system and not google drive.
@@aloiskleinestier1848 Also meine Schule ist immer auf den neusten Stand und generell in meiner Stadt gibt es wenig Schulen bei den es nicht so ist nur die Assi Schulen haben sowas nochnicht Just Saying
Wir müssen auch zur Schule, wenn Sturm Sabine uns um die Ohren weht. Gut, dass die wenigstens bei Corona dicht machen
ha bei uns ist die schule einen tag ausgefallen bei Sabine!
Tja das schule schleißen hat ja auch super funktioniert.... Ich habe wieder Unterricht und es ist noch schlimmeres chaos als eh schon... Bin mal gespannt ob diese oder erst nächste woche wieder zu gemacht wird😜
de Moritz z in NRW wurde ja eine Schule schon wieder wegen einem Coronafall geschlossen
@@linuslsc6346 ich sag ja... Absolut lachhaft und null durchdacht
Sabine hat stark geblasen
Why should we roast u literally half of the German kids hate our school system
Nur die Hälfte? Zeig mir 1 Person die das Schulsystem liebt...
Herr _Teekanne ja du hast recht.
Niemand mag das Schulsystem
Wir mussten jemanden im Kurs finden, der nicht gerne zur Schule gegangen ist und es gab einfach niemanden. Also es hasst sicher nicht jeder das deutsche Schulsystem.
@Hauke Holst Nein, Schule wäre mit dem Amerikanischen Schulsystem viel viel besser.
@@timsteuerwald2207 Das amerikanische system ist sicher nicht besser. Beide schulsysteme haben ihre vor und nachteile aber keines der beiden ist optimal
@ukkr in the alps (southern Germany) it can get pretty bad, especially if you live in a remote village, where the streets will not be cleared as frequently they would in bigger city. But everywhere else in Germany it rarely gets worse than what you saw in the video. So, for most Germans it is perfectly possible and safe to go school when it is snowing. And in the southern regions they are used to it - here it is safe for the most part, too.
I live near the Austrian border (the very south of Germany) at the moment, and have lived near Cologne for quite some time, so I have seen both sides - a metric shitton of snow and basicely no snow at all.
Yeah, my English is shit. I just realized - I forgot to write down half of the words. I hope you understand me anyway.
I'm pretty sure in the US it varies from state to state or even cities. Just imagine this being the case in Alaska... :D
Like in Austria if we didnt have school when there's ANY snow i would pretty much not have school all winter
Santa Fe, NM, no school or delayed days because of snow! Pretty regularly! Because school buses need to leave the depot at a certain time and if the roads are not cleared, cannot be cleared or will get worse during the day , school is cancelled! Theses snow days are an equivalent to hurricane days in Florida for instance! It all has to do with safety issues and the possibility of being sued for negligence! That is how it is here!
Busses don’t get called of in Germany, they just run late sometimes 😂
they dont run late sometimes. they are sometimes on time
"sometimes" hahaha
Manchmal kommen sie aber einfach auch nicht. Auch im Sommer, besonders in den ländlichen Regionen
@@brainlesseren_2742 Das hab ich nur bei Zügen mitgekriegt. Ich wohne auf dem Land und meine Büsse sind noch nie ausgefallen nur manchmal ein stunde später gekommen
@@martl6115 bei mir schon aber ich komm auch aus einem 90 Einwohner Dorf und manche Busfahrer vergessen einfach bei uns abzubiegen und durch unser Dorf zu fahren. Generell ist die Busverbindung hier aber auch echt schlecht und die Busse gehen schnell kaputt. Einer davon ist mal vor meiner Haustür kaputt gegangen XD
*German is in the title*
Every German: *ZUGRIFF*
Wie ich instant Karsten Stahls Stimme im Kopf hatte😂😂
Solangsam ist der gleiche Kommentar immer wieder und wieder nichtmehr witzig
hahahahaha isso😂😂😂
We got it🤦🏻♀️you are much better congrats
Three inches of snow is literally nothing for us. Also, we kinda think it's ridiculous that Americans do multiple choice tests. You already have your answer on the sheet and don't have to write it down from memory, and you don't have what we call transfer tasks, what ensures that you really understood the topic and haven't just learned it by heart.
Verena Straub i really don’t mean to be disrespectful but even at universities they have multiple choice tests. For example when you study psychology and they are far from being easy. But of course I don’t know what multiple choice tests in an American Highschool look like. I just wanted to say that just because it’s a multiple choice test it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy :)
ronja windoffer I totally agree
Haha depends on your subject. I study social Work and you have two tasks each 15 points and you have to write 2 paragraphs for it hahaha
Multiple choice tests aren’t easy. Trust me.
@@nesrinisli6921 they are way easier
This is what you call "so much snow"? That's like nothing xD
This was a exemple which means "It can be so little, school still cancle"
@@marianmohr8580 then it is still strange that school cancle just because of that minor amount of snow
Winter tires and Street service: exists
Snow: Am I a joke to you?
Murica: Impossible.
where i live in wisconsin, we need quite a bit more than 3 inches for school to get cancelled!
Sie sollte mal nach Russland gehen
Wenn alles schläft und einer spricht, Dieses nennt man Unterricht.
Bart Jansen true haha
*nennt man dies den Unterricht.^^
@@Midnight.Creepypastas *so nennt man dieses Unterricht. :P
@@silkwesir1444 Nicht "dieses".^^
We don‘t even have WiFi on my school-
Handys sind bei uns verboten :( wenn ein Lehrer das Handy auch nur durch die Hosentasche sieht, wird es konfesziert
haha unsere schule blockt überall das netz
I was shocked there is wifi in school. Even if thre was it should not be public.
@@annamtl wir kriegen einen Verweis UND es wird konfesziert
@@SERGEANTDlCK Bei eurer Rechtschreibung ist das auch gerechtfertigt.
Google Drive this is a Datenschutz Desaster. Germans love their Datenschutz 😂😂😂😂
And also zero innovation or technology investments
I feel like the standard in Gymnasium is higher than in american high schools. So not every kid will thrive in a Gymnasium if they are good in high school. And that's ok. A test is written to show how much you lerned an not if you can guess an answer and tick a box.
Bullemielernen wie es in der Schule passiert bringt garnichts
I went to school in the US for a while but I am going to university in Germany and I CAN confirm this. The American system tends to focus on a student’s interests rather than basic knowledge (at least that was my impression). A mix of both would be great. German education is definitely a much higher level!
If you look at the opportunities an Abitur offers and compare those to the ones a Highschool Diploma offers it has to be. For example not everyone with a Highschool Diploma can go to college and nobody can go to Medschool, but with Abitur you can study Medicine at a Univesity right away.
Sadly, the Abitur is becoming easier and easier as years go by. I hate that, especially as a teacher. I do what I can to stop it by demanding more than I should demand by the governments plans, but one person cannot stop a flood.
Interestingly, students have to do more and know more in my classes and some fellow teachers call my tests "too hard", but on average their grades do not suffer. Students just tend to work more and understand more. Many even have considerably higher grades in my classes than in the "easier" classes with lower demands. Maybe, just maybe, students are not dumb but some teachers (and parents) are very lazy and thereby hinder the learning of their students (children).
Das amerikanische Bildungssystem ist sicher nicht optimal, aber das deutsche ist eine Katastrophe! Es ist menschenrechtsverletzend (Laut einer Untersuchung weltweiter Bildungssyteme durch die Vereinten Nationen misachtet das deutsche Bildungssytem die Kinderrechte der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention), sozial hochgradig ungerecht (sehr undurchlässig und Schulerfolg ist stark abhängig von Bildungshintergrund und finanziellen Möglichkeiten der Eltern), mitellaterlich (das dreigliedrige Schulsystem basiert auf mittelaterlichem Kastendenken: Gymnasium für die Eliten; Volksschule (Grund- und Hauptschule) für das einfache Volk, welches nur auf das "Schuften" vorbereitet werden soll) und erziehungswissenschaftlich betrachtet ineffektiv, ineffizient und nicht nachhaltig wenn man einen mündigen vollwertigen Menschen hervorbringen möchte. Es ist jedoch großartig, wenn man angepasste, untertänige, unmündige, dressierte und halbgebildete Arbeitsmaschinen hervorbringen möchte. Zur Begründung meiner "Behauptungen" empfehle ich das lesen von PISA-Studie, TIMMS-Studie etc., ein Studium der Erziehungswissenschaften oder das lesen des Berichts des Sonderberichterstatters der United Nations, Vernor Muñoz. Darüber hinaus empfehle ich Werke von Maria Montessori, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Emmanuel Kant..., oder neuerdings von Richard David Precht ("Anna, die Schule und der Liebe Gott") und vom Neurobiologen Gerald Hüther. Wer sich mit all dem auseinandergesetzt hat und unser Bildungssystem immer noch gut oder erträglich findet, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen. Ahh... noch ein Hinweis: Der in Deutschland viel zitierte Satz: Non scholae, sed vitae discimus („Nicht für die Schule, sondern für das Leben lernen wir“) ist eine absurde Verdrehung des Originalzitats des römischen Philosophen und Senators Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Das Originalzitat lautet: Non vitae sed scholae discimus („Nicht für das Leben, sondern für die Schule lernen wir“)
@@timpheiffer7094 Yeah, like that is what the German system is like, no exceptions.
Sorry, but you are painting with a much too broad stroke,.
Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland.
Damn😂😂 very fair
-Angela Merkel
The good old Overheadprojector with the messy writing 😂
I’m an exchange student from Germany in the U.S and school here is just really really easy and I feel like you never have to do anything or study for anything and I mean I love it but on the other side I feel like you don’t learn a lot of stuff and a lot of kids are not that educated.
Der High school Abschluss ist in Deutschland auch ungefähr auf Real Schul Niveau daher könnte das kommen
Ja ich war auch da das ist richtig einfach
Wo bist du in den usa
@@msr2289 Habe gleiche Erfahrungen gemacht. Den Unterricht den ich dort kurz mitverfolgt habe war locker 1 Jahre (vielleicht auch 2) unter unserem Niveau, und war auch noch viel einfacher.
@@abrakadaniel5908 "Den Unterricht den ich dort kurz mitverfolgt habe war locker 1 Jahre (vielleicht auch 2) unter unserem Niveau, und war auch noch viel einfacher."
Dasselbe Gefühl hatte ich, als ich nach meiner Flucht aus der DDR in der BRD mein Abi gemacht hatte. Naturwissenschaften war man drüben weiter. Lediglich in Gemeinschaftskunde (in Staatsbürgerkunde hatte man uns mehr Märchen als Wahrheiten erzählt) und Englisch (hatte ich in der DDR erst ab der 5. Klasse) musste ich etwas nachholen. Aber das war relativ schnell erledigt.
@@johncatty6560 Die DDR hatte auch bessere Lehrbücher und -methoden. Schade, dass die im Westen nicht übernommen wurden und das sag ich als Wessi, geboren 1984. Kenne aber viele Ossis. Man merkt einfach den Unterschied in der Bildung.
tests in germany are much better because you really have to know the stuff you learned and maybe even transfer it into other situations instead of just guessing an answer
Google Drive isn't used in school because of Data Security. Students shouldn't be forced to create an account, just to be able to get schooled.
You could create an account for school where you only keep school things. Don't think anyone cares to get into some school project?
@@Traveler-rf8ye It's about the fact that Google sells your personal data for various purposes. As a private person I can freely decide to accept their terms of service if I want to use their products but students shouldn't be forced to give away their data.
Exactly. German schools use services like Moodle. They are far less convinient than Google Drive, but we don't force the students to sell their personal Data.
Was ist das denn fürn Name du
Das ist die beste
Talking about pride in Germany always is tricky because of historic events. We usually try to avoid it in all forms
"Städte-Patriotismus" gibt's schon.^^
@@Midnight.Creepypastas Und Fussball-patriotismus
Und genau das finde ich so traurig. Warum dürfen wir nicht stolz sein Deutsch zu sein und in dieser Schule zu gehen? Wegen Hitler!? Was ist dann mit den Amerikanern? Die haben einen GESAMTEN KONTINENT erobert und haben die Ureinwohner ausgelöscht. Die dürfen natürlich stolz darauf sein🤷🏻♀️
@@monstam8439 isso ich bin stolzer Deutscher 🇩🇪
@@monstam8439 Schuluniformen sind absolut übertrieben.
Wifi in school? The problem is that phones are often Not allowed
In higher schools they are allowed (at least here in the North), just not in class, of course.
@@Midnight.Creepypastas in our school (near to the netherlands) phones are forbidden up until the 11th grade. But depending on the grade and the teacher, they're starting to loosen the rules a little
Bei uns schon :) (Wirtschaftsgymnasium)
@@Midnight.Creepypastas Bei mir waren die selbst für die Oberstufe verboten...
@@deedit4666 Das klingt, als wärst du schon länger aus der Schule raus?
ok but WHERE IN GERMANY IS STILL SNOW??? winter in berlin felt like autumn this year
bayern .. in bayern schneits noch ...
sie sagte doch Passau
Bei uns im Schwarzwald auf dem feldberg wars auch krank am schneien❄️❄️
In Nordniedersachsen schneit es schon seit Jahren nicht mehr. Nur Matsch.
She was in Passau during February 2020 and thought 3 inches was a lot. I wonder what she would have thought in February 2019 lol. Back then Bavaria actually used to get a lot of snow. Btw, this is what every Bavarian I've met on the Internet has told me. I'm not German
German School Color is concrete grey mixed with a sprinkle of Asbestos grey.
Suburp212 i would say something against this but its too true😪
You forgot the 80s yellow
No it isn't....
As a German who attended a high school in the US, I hated the whole “school spirit” hype. What a silly waste of time!
nah we had red brick walls
Am I the only American here?😅
HAHA VERARSCHT natürlich bin ich Deutscher
Made my day.
The problem with Google drive is the unsafetyness. We Germans are really paranoid with our security online. So we use more usb
Kami Amaterasu und unser Internet funktioniert nie haha^^ zumindest in stgt
@@monikaeisele9994 immerhin habt ihr internet 🙄also wenn du von WLAN für Schüler sprichst
ts Google very secure and what are they going to steal if there is a breach your essay LMFAO. We use it because its helpful and the best way for schooling and collaborative projects
@@UCallMeChef google collect all your info from your computer and what you are searching
@@vop4813 You get a choice it literally ask you would you like t0 share data with Google. Such as search history app crashing etc. People are just scared of useful technology its okay
" much snow..." lol...
*laughs in Canadian*
In Bremen gibs gar kein lol
Arnco uelzen auch nicht lol
Lmao Hamburg auch nicht.. Regen gibt's dafür genug :)
Torsten Breswald *laughs in Austrian*
google drive is an American cloud service. It doesn’t conform to European data protection rules. So no official school stuff would be allowed there. You can use it privately but not for school work. Also social life for kids is outside of school (sports clubs, music lessons etc, not so much at school, ergo school is not as important re teams, colors)
im pretty sure thats not true. There are schools that use Office 365 which is also a cloud service.
@@peterkoma5808 Yes, there are schools that use Office 365, but it is a grey area. Google Drive is not. It is absolutely not allowed to use Google Drive at schools because of the privacy settings or lack thereof.
And although at my school (I am a teacher) we are using Office 365, we must always be prepared that a court case against Office 365 will rule it illegal and we will have to comply with that.
@@peterkoma5808 but Office 365 isn't allowed at German schools (
@@peterkoma5808 Microsoft is a different story... they have been working hard to make their services DSGVO conform and are in general more trustworthy because of the very different business model they use. Google has to sell your data, otherwise they are not making money and they are openly telling everybody about it in their reports. Microsoft is using a paid service model and has a lot of business customers which both makes it more trustworthy.
I don't know where you come from, but my whole time in Gymnasium I used drive and all of my friends did too, even in Abitur 5 PK i used drive although I had to bring my presentation on a stick, so im not depending on the internet.
There are no sports teams at school, as we have "Vereine". There you can train the sport you like (or make music, etc.). I found this a better solution than to stay all the day with other kids I did not like.
I feel so too. I really like being in a Verein, I really love the others in my group. But I do nit like my classmates. I am glad that school ends at 15.35, just because of my class mates, I enjoy the lessons
Wahlpflichtfächer? Also ich hab während der Schule Fußball und Tischtennis gespielt, ein Jahr lang Chor, ein Jahr haben wir Filme auf historische Genauigkeit analysiert... Da da ein paar Sportarten dabei sind, meine Frage: zählt das???
I honestly agree with you on all the points apart from the German class test. Because you could literally just guess an answer at a multiple choice test and still get a decent grade, which doesn’t seem to be fair to me.
Btw. we complain a lot about our school system here in Germany 😜
ponzopa wtf in welchen bundesland
u have wifi at your school??? We aren’t even allowed to touch our phones and if we do it gets taken away immediately nervt
Ist halt so. Tut mir leid, aber sie erwartet Luxus von uns. Man sollte dankbar dafür sein, was man hat.
Also wir haben Wlan,dass alle ab der Oberstufe bekommen und wir dürfen unser Handy auch benutzen,aber halt nur im anderen Haus wird uns das auch weggenommen 😂
Auf meiner Schule dürfen wir unsere handy's benutzen LOL
wir haben auch wlan an der schule, man darf nicht ans handy aber es geht trz jeder dran
Also ich bin im Moment in Virginia und mache dort ein Austauschjahr. Ich stimme ihr echt zu was die Technologie angeht, aber in einigen Punkten lerne ich hier in den US auch wirklich das deutsche Schulsystem schätzen. Montana, du gehst vermutlich auf eine Privatschule in den USA, basierend auf deine Erzählungen. Selbst wenn sie öffentlich war, ist Richmond relativ wohlhabend. Der Fakt, das Universitäten und Schulen in Deutschland umsonst sind und die Gelder nicht von dem Gehalt des Landkreises basieren ist wirklich großartig, und vergrößert Soziale Gerechtigkeit.
Was die mündlichen Noten angeht: aus meiner persönlichen Erfahrung heraus kann ich sagen, dass es die Beteiligung im Unterricht verbessert. Gerade in den social studies hier, wie Geschichte, ist die Klasse oftmals ein bisschen tot, einfach weil der Antrieb sich zu melden und zu beteiligen fehlt. Okay, das waren nur Sachen die mir im Vergleich aufgefallen sind - super interessant die Thematik aus der ganz entgegengesetzten Perspektive zu sehen :)
Wobei ja trotzdem gravierende Unterschiede in den schulen in reicheren und den Schulen in ärmeren gegenden exestiert.
Ich muss Montana tatsächlich in fast allen kritisierten Punkten zustimmen - allerdings sind gleichzeitig fast alle anderen Dinge was die Schule betrifft in Deutschland besser. ^^ Sowohl die USA als auch Deutschland sollten sich aber z. B. mal einiges von Finnland abschauen. Wo ich nicht mit ihrer Kritik übereinstimme sind die Sportmannschaften. In Deutschland geht man da halt nachmittags in Vereine und ich finde das besser, weil dort oft jung und alt organisiert sind. Ich bin z. B. Musiker in einem Orchester und da sind Leute vom Grundschulalter bis über 70 dabei. Es gibt zwar Untergruppierungen: Bläserklassen für die 3.- und 4.-Klässler (die sogar in Kooperation mit der Schule sind), ein Nachwuchsorchester für die nächsten Jahre nach der 4. Klasse und dann ein Orchester für alle anderen, welches das Hauptorchester ist. Bei Vereinsfeiern und Vereinsausflügen sind aber oft alle Generationen zusammen (ab und zu gibt es auch mal Ausflüge nur für eine bestimmte Altersgruppe) und ich finde das schön so. Auch sind dort von den Kindern Grundschüler, Mittelschüler, Realschüler und Gymnasiasten alle in einem Verein. Das wirkt der Bildung von Parallelgesellschaften entgegen, wie sie in den USA zwischen den verschiedenen Schichten sehr ausgeprägt sind.
Witzig, dass es bei den Unis genau umgekehrt ist.
US = Mitarbeit
DE = tote Vorlesung
@@drchtct Bei mir damals Mo bis Do von 8 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr und Fr 8 Uhr bis 12 Uhr tote Vorlesungen zum Einschlafen und dann sollte man aber, wenn man den ganzen Tag müde gemacht wurde, noch Versuche machen und den runtergeleierten Stoff wortwörtlich auswendig lernen, weil man sonst gleich Punktabzug bekam. Die Krönung wer der Chemieprofessor, der völlig sinnfrei verlangt hat, dass wir das Periodensystem auswendig lernen - mit allen dazugehörigen Zahlen zu den Atomen auf ein paar Nachkommastellen. Hab den Quatsch nach 2 Semestern abgebrochen und würde nie mehr in Deutschland studieren.
dia98 Für einen fairen Vergleich sollte man aber auch die Hörerzahlen vergleichen. Die sind in Deutschland oft drastisch viel höher, und das fördert weder die Bereitschaft der einzelnen zur aktiven Mitarbeit noch die echte Chance, „alle“ (oder zumindest „relevant viele“) aktiv einzubeziehen...
So much snow.
Snow: not even 10 centimeters 🤣
“People don’t really take pride in their own school”
yeah bc we hate it
Ich glaube wenn wir das so wie in Amerika hätten, wäre es ausnahmsweise mal spannend zur Schule zu gehen hahahaha
Was heißt das eig haha
seriously. never was so happy about leaving school 🤣 Why should I be proud beeing on some specific school. Maybe we would think differently if our school system would be like theirs. can't tell, never was on an American high school, but I can imagine it beeing more fun that our schools.
For me as an introvert "mündliche Noten" are the true horror, I would be easily one grade better in every Subjekt if they would just grade my work
Ich bin auch introvertiert, hab aber kein Problem damit, mich zu melden und was zu sagen. Abgesehen davon wird nicht bewertet, wie oft du dich meldest, sondern wie deine Antwort ausfällt, wenn du etwas sagst. Wie oft man sich meldet hängt natürlich auch davon ab, wie schüchtern man ist, aber diese Schüchternheit zu überwinden, kann man lernen.
I failed one course in university because I knew I would have to present my work to the rest of the class for 10 minutes or something like that. Still have massive stage fright but I'm getting a tiny bit more confident for every year. The good thing with working is you can just avoid jobs that include talking in front of people.
Erik But presentations are part of so many jobs out there and in the job interviews you have to introduce yourself too, so it‘s very important to work on it.
@@lnvr46 Sure, but it's never been a problem for me. I'm a developer / mechanical engineer.
Erik Yeah that‘s probably one of these jobs, which needs other skills haha
When teachers create a test they pay attention that like only 20% are factual questions where you'd only have to write the answer you learned down. The rest should be about combining your knowledge and then even proving that you can handle new information. For example a reading comprehension. So yeah.. it is hard to get good grades :D
High School isnt the same like a „Gymnasium“ in germany
Yeah...but it's still the most comparable school. The Abitur is kind of in the middle of college and high school.
The US High School Diploma is recognized in Germany as a „Realschulabschluss“, which you get normally after 10 years of school.
The Abitur is way ahead of the High School Diploma from the US.
For example, you are not allowed to study at an university in Germany with a High School Diploma.
To finish the Gymnasium is equivalent to finishing college.
High school is Realschule.
They should require college degrees for going to university. Then again they should help with the costs as well and the most obvious solution to that is to stop privatization.
@@lemphl in the US college == university. there is no difference
@@TehStormOG that is the problem, when u finish college, u r far less educated than when u finish university
5:20 "so much snow"
I remember the good old days when we've had up to 30cm and more. The buses were still going and everything was wonderful.
School would even be at minus 20 degree Celsius.
But the last two years there wasn't any snow where I life. Just one time when there was 2cm at most for only three days.
I'm crying. I love snow.
I wanted to say that, this snow is nothing but a bad joke from what I remember when I was like 7-10 years old, hier in großen Teilen des Odenwalds haben wir seit Jahren keinen richtigen Schnee mehr,...
As a Finnish person, I’ve come to marvel about “snow days”. 😂 Glad to hear Germans also go to school during winter.
Lol of course we do😂😂😉
It was 3 inches lol thats like nothing😂
When Busses and Trams get stuck in the snow, then and only then the school MAYBE will let their students stay at home xD
Blizzards, Monsun-like rain, Hurricane wind.....schooltime ;o
Fun fact about that: we don’t get snow here really often. It mostly just rains... and Rains...and Rains!
Back when i went to school, we never had free days just because of snow. The only reason for a free day was if the bus was literally unable to drive and you had an excuse like for example if ur parrents are working and you can not be driven to school
Oh, that's cute. In Austria they may cancel school at about one and a half meters of snow.
Bei uns in Dezember san 2 Meter Schnee glegen und wir hom trotzdem ind schui Hälfte der Klasse is eh ned kuma oba wast und sie beschwert sie über 20cm
“If your friends make it to your house you can hang out together” bro we make it to school when there‘s a snowstorm but still think it‘s normal
But that’s basically no snow? Like it’s not a lot
students in germany a lot of the times don't agree with their "Mündliche" grade. And they start discussions over their grade trying to get extra assignments and stuff. And sometimes to parents involve themselves especially when it come to the final two years of gymnasium
*oral mark
*grammar school
Oral marks just aren‘t fair at all and some people just can‘t stand up for themselves if they think they deserve a better grade and then they have to live with that while others can argue their way up. It‘s all about how the teacher views you.
+ some people have too much anxiety to raise their hand, even if they do everything and know a lot get really good grades in exams it won‘t be enough.
F u c k Abitur Junge
Ja Na In der Oberstufe ist es 50/50. Ist deine mündliche Note 5 und deine schriftliche 2 steht man 3- und wenn der Lehrer dich dann auch nicht leiden kann wirds aufm Zeugnis eine 4.
@@ezzfy1 Ohne Witz, bin grade kurz vor Abi und der struggle mit der mündlichen Note ist zu real.
@@ezzfy1 50/50? Bei mir war die mündliche Note 70% und die schriftliche Note 30%. Wo gehst du zur Schule, dass es 50/50 ist?
Why would anyone take pride in a German school? Noone has any reason to, at all.
Plus: As Germans, we tend to view unjustified pride a bit critically. The last time a lot of Germans were proud of something... some stuff happened.
Like the way u put that 😂😂 “some stuff happend.” Sehr kreativ, wirklich. 😂🙌🏼
well but aren't we pride in our school graduation ??? Ich glaube ich muss hier niemanden erzählen das so manche Gymnasiasten etwas zu viel von sich halten, weil sie aufm Gymnasium sind ^^
Trifft zum Glück nicht auf alle zu und deutscher Gangster rap schaltet alle jugendliche gleich lol
@@anblueboot5364 Naja, der Unterschied ist, dass man schon etwas stolz sein kann auf's Gymnasium zu gehen, immerhin muss man (oder musste man früher) eine gewisse Leistung erbringen. Auf welches Gymnasium man dann genau kommt hängt halt nicht mehr von der eigenen Leistung ab, sondern bloß noch vom Wohnort
@@hanshorstjoachim9498 na ja das Gymnasium hat nicht annähernd die gleiche Qualität die es mal hatte um meinen Mathelehrer von vor ein par Jahren zu zitieren : "Auf das Niveau des Abiturs lasse ich mich nicht herab, deswegen werden meine Klausuren schwerer sein als das was ihr zur Abiturprüfung bekommt, also nicht wundern.", und tadaaaa er hatte recht behalten.
Als ich angefangen habe Informatik zu studieren hatten die wenigsten irgendein Verständnis für Mathe geschweige denn wie man die Binomische Formeln einzusetzen hat/kann. Und da befinden wir uns auf dem Niveau der Realschule.
Also klar ist Abitur noch immer eine gewisse Leistung aber die Sachen werden zu oft Auswendig gelernt und ausgekotzt anstelle das sie Verstanden werden. Darauf braucht keiner Stolz zu sein.
(Und nein dieses Problem liegt nicht nur am Schulsystem sondern genau so am ungesunden Lernverhalten von Schülern, die es oftmals nicht anders wollen als alles auf dem letzten Drücker zu lernen. Da kann kein Lehrer was dafür das haben sich die Schüler fälschlicherweise selbst so beigebracht da es ja immer funktioniert hat. )
Wie heißt's so schön nicht für die Schule sondern für's Leben lernen wir. ^^
@@anblueboot5364 bei den Abi Prüfungen kommt es aber auch auf das Bundesland an (leider)
Aber ja, soweit ich mitbekommen habe wurden die Prüfungen leichter als die Vorjahre
For your last point about the high school spirit: I think the main reason for that in Germany is, that we do sports independently from school in our free time. We can't connect through sports that are extracurricular activities at school because there are only few, at least at my school
Things I hate about my German school:
Rasiermesserscharfe Klinge.
Heinz Kohl kuhl
exactly, people 😩
Go to another country then. Problem solved. 🤗
@@pst5345 shit mate this level of constructiveness and intellect is missing from contemporary academics, do humanity a favour and let Harvard welcome you.
So I am a German (of course) and I would be happy if there was snow because we almost never have snow.
And why would you not have school if there is snow? School is inside anyways!
Up To Tech in Amerika haben die immer schulfrei wenn Schnee liegt
Zwei Wörter: Feueralarm Sportunterricht
Me, a german, watching the video: What the f*** is google drive?!
Ich benutzte Google für jede Präsentation 💀
Natsu loser
Hab mir genau das gleiche gedacht 😂😂
Same lol
So about the tests (or all grades) in Germany: teachers want you to not only know the facts, but actually understand all of it and be able to use the knowledge in a different context. At least in a gymnasium, having multiple choice questions is only ever a concept in the lower years, because it is just “too easy” to answer and to guess. In general in years 10-12, you won’t find many questions that are just about giving facts, but it’s all about understanding and being able to use your knowledge (which sometimes means you also need a lot of general knowledge from other subjects to be able to get full marks on a question).
And yes, the “Mitarbeitsnoten” are not always completely subjective, but to be honest I think it’s a good thing, because many teachers give out good grades, even tho you didn’t actually participate that much and it’s quite difficult to get a teacher to hate you that much, that he gives you a bad grade! :)
no. just no. Mitarbeitsnoten are a whole mess. I´m black and I have never had a 1 in any class, even tho I was the best in class. I even asked my teacher how I could improve myself to get that 1 and he couldn´t really give me an answere. I don´t think I did sth bad to him so he doesn´t nessecerly needed to give me such a bad grade. But I think you are used to be loved from the teacher and can´t understand how it´s like being discriminated without even realizing at first
@@misabitxh Es gibt immer die Möglichkeit Einspruch zu erheben. Dann muss der Lehrer die Noten schriftlich nachweisen und begründen und das für jede einzelne Stunde.
MrsStark wie läuft sowas ab?und wo beschwer ich mich? Außerdem denkst du nicht es würde alle anderen Lehrer dazu bringen mir genau so schlechte noten zu geben weil ich Ihnen unsympathisch bin. Ich weis nicht ob ich das bei jedem Lehrer einzeln machen würde. ich weis nicht ob das langfristig ejne gute lösung ist
@@misabitxh, ich studiere Lehramt und arbeite schon nebenher als Aushilfelehrkraft. Was du schreibst, finde ich richtig gruselig! Es war gut von dir die Benotung zu hinterfragen und das in einem Gespräch anzusprechen. Eine gute Lehrkraft kommuniziert ganz offen unter welchen Kriterien sie ihre Noten festlegt. Wenn sie dies nicht kann, dann stimmt da etwas nicht. Ich würde dir folgendes empfehlen: Auch wenn du dich ungerecht behandelt fühlst, kann ich dir nur raten erstmal freundlich zu bleiben. Damit machst du dich nicht angreifbar und es macht einen erfolgreichen Ausgang für dich wahrscheinlicher. Hast du eine Lehrkraft an der Schule, zu der du ein gutes Verhältnis hast? Oder gibt es einen/eine sozialen Mitarbeiter*in? Mit dieser Person würde ich darüber sprechen. Davor solltest du mal mit deinen Klassenkamerad*innen reden, um deine Leistung richtig einzuschätzen. So sicherst du dich ab. Klingt doof, aber wenn dir eine falsche Selbsteinschätzung vorgeworfen wird, dann kann sich die Lehrkraft, die dich unfair benotet, sehr leicht rausreden und du stehst dumm da. Du solltest auch mit deinen Erziehungsberechtigten sprechen. Die können jederzeit um ein Gespräch mit der Lehrkraft bitten. Das sind nur die ersten, allgemeinen Schritte, die du einleiten kannst. Du kannst auch gerichtlich klagen. Ich arbeite an einer Brennpunktschule und hatte auch schon sehr, sehr krasse Auseinandersetzungen mit Schüler*innen, was mangelhafte Mitarbeit und schlechte Noten zur Folge hatte. Die allermeisten dieser Fälle haben sich aber durch ein offenes, ehrliches und freundliches Gespräch klären lassen. Also lass dich nicht einschüchtern, hol dir die nötige Unterstützung und klär diese ominöse Benotung auf.
Elutreth danke für die Aufklärungen. Ich mach bald meine Prüfungen und muss mich gerade auch mit dem Zeugnis, das ich demnächst bekomme bewerben. Da sind mir die Noten ziemlich wichtig geworden. Die Tipps können mir beim nächsten mal hoffentlich helfen. Aber viel Hoffnungen mache ich mir da nicht. Ich hab bis jetzt noch nie eine nachträgliche Notenänderung erlebt. Trotzdem danke
"you don't use Google Drive"
Corona: hold my Hefeweizen
In my entire 14 years of school I had two days called off: One because of Cyclone Kyrill in January 2007 and the second because of the flood in 2013 😅 so don't expect school getting called off
FormulaManuel Na, auch Passauer? 😉
FormulaManuel never had it ever 😭😭
Wir haben geschlagene 2 mal Hitzefrei bekommem weil in unseren tollen Altbau unter Bauschutz keine Klimaanlagen installiert werden durften und es dann gegen 14 Uhr doch zu heiß im 3. Stock wurde 😂.. Das andere mal, als wir den restlichen Schultag freigestellt bekommen haben war, als es bei uns eine Amok Warnung gab und dann nach 2 qualvollen schulstunden die Polizei angerückt kam.
Mia Laura wir haben auch keine wegen denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude und so 🤦🏼♀️
Ich hatte genau einmal schulfrei, und das ist heute wegen Sturm Sabine. Sonst hatte ich noch nie frei, selbst bei 40 Grad im Schatten. Mein Klassenzimmer ist by the way nach Süden ausgerichtet alsooo ist es im Sommer ein Backofen 😐
Why do us exchange students go to the gymnasium I think Realschule would be a better fit.
Sophia H It’s Even more unfair there. I went from a Realschule to a gymnasium und da wird mal wirklich mit Herz unterrichtet und fair benotet. In der Realschule war das schrecklich
@@monstam8439 I just thought like the level of difficulty in classes from high schools is more up to Realschule standards... At least the regular non AP ones... They take the rest of math in college while we finish in 12th grade in gymnasium for example
@@monstam8439 das kommt aber echt nur auf die schule an
@@monstam8439 ich habe es leider genau andersrum erlebt. Auf der rs haben die Lehrer einem immer geholfen und sachen auch zum 3. mal erklärt. Auf dem gym schien es meinen Lehrern ziemlich egal zu sein, wenn man etwas nicht versteht. 😅
Kassy96 ja Same ich bin von Gymnasium auf Realschule gewechselt und allein bei Mathe find ich ist bei mir ein großer Unterschied. Mein Mathe Lehrer im Gymnasium war immer "ja erklärt euch das untereinander" usw während mein Lehrer auf Realschule sich die Mühe gibt es jedem zu erklären. Ist mir aber im allgemeinen bei vielen Lehrern aufgefallen das die auf Gymnasium immer so waren "ja holt das Zuhause nach, erklärt euch das untereinander" usw und auf rs die Lehrer sich zumindest versuchen Mühe zugeben es jedem zu erklären. Maybe liegt das einfach an den unterschiedlichen Standarts (weil meine Klassenlehrerin auf Gymnasium meinte das man ab mind 8. Klasse mehr Selbstständigkeit beim lernen haben soll, vor allem auf Gymnasium) but idk
Does it help, that we can‘t read the teacher’s handwriting either?
Wir hatten i meienr Schulzeit oft Lehrer wo selbst ich er ich auklauich lesen kann echt masive Probeme hatte
Mein Vater hatte und hat as alter Lehrer eine sehr klare Handschrift auch jetzt im hohen Alter von 88 Jahren..
@@dilucsdeaddaddy While I would suggest you go ahead and get yourself some glasses or something I can tell you the classrooms aren´t that big. You´ll be able to read the characters on the board just fine from the back, and if you can´t most teachers are fine with you coming to the front real quick and taking a picture of the board.
Speaking of "German Highschool" as a general term is difficult to impossible.
TL-DR: I am a teacher, trust me.
Long version:
I am a teacher from Northrhine Westphalia, with teaching permit 27 (that is no joke, the German word is "Lehramt für Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (LA 27)") which is a very specific thing and only for NRW. My internships while I was at university were all in "Gymnasiums", my practical training ("2. Staatsexamen") was at a "Gesamtschule". I worked at three different schools as a sustitute teacher (all "Realschule"), whereI was allowed to grade final examns at the end of year ten because my training qualified me to do so, but was paid as "Lehrer mit unpassendem Lehramt" which roughly means teacher with a wrong permit. Now I am working at a Berufskolleg, and although this should require teaching permit 35 I was accepted as fitting and with full pay because there were to few people with the appropirate permit, so everyone's permit was extended by handwaving if they were trained for LA 27 or LA 29 and had subjects that were needed at "Berufskolleg".
Does that sound complicated? Well, sure, because it very much is. But things are even worse.
I work as a teacher in secondary school and I do not know which secondary schools exist in my state (Bundesland). It changes like every two or three years. I had to look up the current situation. Currently there are five types of school that offer a regular "Sekundarstufe I" (years 5-10), namely "Gymnasium" (in two different froms, one of them only years 5-9), "Gesamtschule", "Sekundarschule" (each of which has to cooperate with a Gymnasium or Berufskolleg), "Realschule" (which can offer some Hauptschul-classes but does not have to) and "Hauptschule". Besides that there is "Förderschule" for children with special needs.
For "Sekundarstufe II" (years 11 to 13) there are only three types of school, namely "Gymnasium", "Gesamtschule" and "Berufskolleg".
But what about certificates? Is there something like a Highschool Diploma? Well, no. The types of school mentioned can offer a wide variety of certificates. Let me try to rank those:
- "Förderschulabschluss", a certificate for completing Förderschule, basically worthless
- "Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 9" or simply HS9, the most basic actual certificate, still mostly worthless
- "Hautpschulabschluss" or HA10, the basic certificate in the German secondary education
- "Fachoberschulreife" or FOR, often called "Realschulabschluss", the certificate most employers with office jobs ask for
- "Fachoberschulreife mit Qualifikation für die Gymnasiale Oberstufe" or FOR-Q, basically the same as FOR, but with the opportunity to go into Gymnasiale Oberstufe, i.e. years 10-13.
- "Fachoberschulreife mit Qualifikation für die Qualifikationsphase der Gymnasialen Oberstufe" or FOR-QQ, which not only allows the student to enter Gymnasiale Oberstufe but also to skip a year. This one is extremely rare, many teachers have never seen one of these.
- "Schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife", which is also called "Fachabi". This one allows the student to study at some colleges (Fachhochschulen) with more practice oriented subjects, if they complete some practical internship or apprenticeship.
- "Fachhochschulreife", like above but with a certificate that no extra work is needed.
- "Allgemeine Hochschulreife" or "Abitur", which allows you to study at University.
Great, isn't it? But it does not stop there. There are always some strange and quirky ways that are possible to get other certificates than one might expect and sometimes special classes get special certificates that are slightly different than the main ones. An example would be "Internationale Förderklasse", a special class for people new to Germany who do not speak German and are 16 years old or older at Berufskolleg, which does only award a certificate slightly below HS9.
Moreover you can get different certificates at differnt schools:
Förderschule: Förderschulabschluss
Hauptschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ
Realschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ
Sekundarschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ
Gesamtschule: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ, schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife, Abitur
Gymnasium: HS9, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ, schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife, Abitur (although the main goals are only the last two)
Berufskolleg: HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, FOR-QQ, schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife, Abitur; additionally ways to upgrade HS9 to HA10 or HA10 to FOR
I have personally taught students who got the special refugee version of HS9, HS9, HA10, FOR, FOR-Q, "schulischer Teil der Fachhochschulreife mit erweiterten praktischen Kenntnissen" and "Fachhochschulreife" in the last year alone, because a Berufskolleg just offers a wide variety of certificates. Additionally, I have worked in the vocational training part of the Berufskolleg.
If I look at my whole career, I have literally workes with students who received any of the nine basic certificates at the end of their time at school, including "Förderschulabschluss" and some special forms.
Oh, and there are 15 other Bundesländer, so more confusion is just around the corner. I will not get into that here.
Are all schools of the same kind the same? No, not even remotely. In NRW, all schools need to work out a profile for themselves. Moreover, different teaching styles are encouraged to a certain extend and tolerated in a much broader extend.
The constant lecture style is somewhat oldfashioned in NRW nowadays but sometimes it is efficient and sometimes it is the only available option for anything like teaching, e.g. in very big classes (37 was the maximum I had to deal with, and yes, that was illegal but there were no other options the headteacher had, so everyone put up with it until we could split the class). But for me this is as boring as it is for the students. Depending on subject and class I do groupworks, presentations, self organized working phases and what not. But it has to fit subject and class, otherwise it is only some decorative fireworks.
Sadly, preparing good groupworks is very hard, when you want it to run smoothly. Just a few months ago I had to prepare a groupwork for a class which I could not be present in to introduce integral calculus. The 45 minute period went extremly well, but I had to prepare the material for something like 75 minutes. Despite what some people say that would have been absolutely impossible to do (for a class without any teacher present), if the class had not been extremly good.
Sorry, for the long commentary. I hope sombody reads it and can draw some information from it.
Read it :-) Very interesting information, especially about the certificate zoo. I didn't know most of these despite being German and generally rather well-informed.
Die Antwort ist sowas von ausführlich, dass sie niemand liest. Aber was das allein aussagt, weiß jeder sofort 🤣
Sinnvoll wäre es, ein einheitliches System für alle Bundesländer zu schaffen, aber das wollen die Kultusminister ja nicht... Die "Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten" finde ich gut..
@@sisasickletter I absolutely agree. On both points actually, but stronger on the latter.
Currently I am the "Klassenlehrer" (teacher responsible for a class) in a class that is using the Breufskolleg to extend their training from a qualified worker to "Staatlich geprüfter Techniker" (like an engineer, EQF 6) and, if they have not already got it, their Fachabitur. In a few months many of them will be earning more than I do and I think that is great. None of them had the opportunity to go to university but despite having a qualification for a highly sought after blue collar job they will have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree, simply through hard work and a system that gives everyone fair chances, if it works correctly.
8:06 Well, it's a gymnasium, which is usually geared towards getting people into university. Being able to write coherent sentences is part of that. Not ideal for people who don't speak the language, that's true. Oral participation grades kind of suck when you're quiet, I had to rely on my written work. Truly awful in subjects where oral participation counted more than the written tests towards the final grade.
Ich hasse die Mündlichen Noten 😫
Ich finde das so geil wie einfach alles hier deutsch ist in den Kommentaren.
Ja welchen Amerikaner juckt das
Haha ne
you are already germanized calling it usb stick instead of flash drive:-)
USB Stick ist die Kurzform des USB Speicher Sticks und die heißen auch im englischen Sprachraum USB Memory Stick, im Ursprung tatsächlich Disk-On-Key oder auch Thumb Drive. Das Pen Drive gab es auch noch. Wobei Flash Drive überwiegt, aber prinzipiell genau so falsch ist wie USB Stick. Ein USB Stick muss kein Speicher-Stick sein, genau wie Flash Drive ohne vorgesetztes USB keines für diesem Port sein muss. Lustiger sind eh SSDs oder die deutsche Bezeichnung für diese: Festkörperspeicher ^^
@@Thowe0815 hab das schon 1 - 2 Mal in einem youtube video gehört, dass im englischsprachigen Raum der Ausdruck USB-Stick nicht gebräuchlich ist. War glaub ich auch ein englischsprachiger Expat der jetzt in Deutschland lebt
@@starryk79 ist er auch nicht, es setzt sich immer das durch, was sich am leichtesten spricht. Im Deutschen ist ja auch nur der Begriff Stick schon recht häufig. Googelt (was sich ja auch für Suchen durchgesetzt hat) man nachen USB Memory Stick und nach USB Flash Drive, ist auch hier es so, dass sich Flash Drive häufiger findet. Sprache ist halt lebendig.
Most students in Germany really hate their schools. Its really weird for most students if someone likes school because they don't get why they would like it.
Natürlich hat man als Schüler keinen Bock auf Schule, aber später erinnert man sich trotzdem gerne zurück. Ist meistens trotzdem eine echt coole Zeit.
Kommt halt immer drauf an. Ich geh z.b gern zu Schule weil ich ne Ausbildung hab und somit mega motiviert bin zu lernen.
Und das sieht man in meinem Zeugnis und Arbeiten die voller Einsen ist. Aber dann gibt es halt die anderen Typen die nichts machen, scheiße bauen und auf die Fresse fallen und dann sagen es lag an der Schule etc.
Alexander stimmt oft auch aber nur weil man gut is heißt des ja nich das man die schule mag und andersrum genau so ich bin auch nich so übel dabei aber feier schule halt nich (meine schule) weil die Lehrer halt Extrems unorganisiert sin was bei meiner schule dazu geführt hat dass die Schüler/innen darunter leiden und des ausbaden müssen in dem sie nen teil vom job der Lehrer übernehmen kann sein das des nur an meiner schule so is aber von solchen Situationen hab ich schon oft von schüler/innen von anderen schulen gehört
@@gamingminecraft6535 Ich hab da z.B nicht das Problem. Bei meiner Schule sind es halt die Schüler die die Schuld tragen da viele Lehrer da motiviert und guten Unterricht machen.
@@mate5791 Nee, war keine coole Zeit. Scheißschule. Bin froh dass ich da raus bin, will auch nie wieder zurück.
The thing is also, that a gymnasium is a really high standard high school, even compared to the other forms of high school in Germany or Austria. It basically prepares you for university. So it's very strict and kinda formal too.
Also for the "mündlich" part: it may seem like it's just an opinion, but they have to write down whether or how much you have participated like how often you raised hand, answered correctly or at least tried, and so on. And although it's not like in America (cause it's basically very difficult to prove that what the teacher wrote is incorrect if you don't have your classes support) they have to document your activity. And also, that way they don't just grade you by success or failure, but that way they also include by whether you tried or not (I am not sure about Germany, since I live in Austria, but it should be kinda same)
Well, as for the writing part you cant really criticize that because the schools are made for Germans who speak German. If you write a lot you get smarter.
Just writing is definitely the standard way of testing. I never heard of a school in Germany or Austria where they don't do this. You get used to it.
The others: USB-sticks are so annoying
Me: I'm on a waldorfshool... WE USE PAPER😂
Kannst du deinen Namen tanzen?😂
Der Allerechte Es geht um Amerika du Schlaumeier
It depends on where you live. Most of the southern states don’t invest in snow moving equipment, so, when it snows, life stops. Up north and in mountainous areas, they have snow plows and life doesn’t stop.
@@Jan3101__ Melanie hat nicht mit dir gesprochen
You do have to go to school. It depends on the state and on how much snow there is.
die buse in der us werden von den schulen gestellt also wenn die net fahren keine schule
wenn hier die db nicht faahrt juckt des die schule null .. und es kommt halt nur die die von mammy und daddy gefahren werden
German in title
Germans: Its free *Grundbesitz*
To me the whole "taking pride in your school thing" is about the most toxic thing in american schools. If they had something like during my time in the school system I think I might have lost it. Some people just want to go to school, learn their stuff and not deal with people. Same reason I really hate whenever american fraternities and sororities are brought up, I just can‘t get behind that kind of thinking.
Mustafa Salem Same
"The most toxic thing" lmfao what?
If you dont have school pride then dont sing the chants or show up to the school football games, no one is forcing you. Seek help
@@duckcluck123 Firstly I am European. Secondly my comment should have made it very clear that the schools I attended did not have anything "school pride" related as stated that I would have probably gone somewhat mad if that were the case. There were no chants to not sing or games to not visit. I just stated my opinion that for some people the very existence of a school culture including "school pride" to an extend American schools do would be a huge problem. (I include myself here) I am not going to divulge my exact reasons for that in a UA-cam comment of course but suffice to say I was going through some rough times during my time in the school system and I just really would not have wanted to have to deal with such stuff additionally. You may find that while some activities or ways of thinking seem "normal" / "fun" / "okay" to certain people to others they are very uncomfortable at the very least.
The thing, that American School System is very shit makes this Video Even More funny. In America they really Dont work in Highschool, when I Went there. I was one of the best students in America. Soooo easy
Real bavarians: boarish
Normal germans: bairish
normal germans: ....speak normal german goddammit Ôo
@@smaragdwolf1 NEIN!
@@j.h.2085 DOCH!
@@smaragdwolf1 Nah, du Zipfiklatscher
@@j.h.2085 sprich deutsch du Nase ;)
(aber nichtmehr jetzt...ich muss schlafen)
Girl the footage that you showed did NOT have a lot of snow 💀 How does school have anything to do with that and why should you not go lmao
Bc school is shit and nobody likes school
"When there's snow on the ground, you still have to go to school!" Imagine that :-O It's just that "3+ inches of snow" is really not that uncommon in many parts of Europe and certainly nothing that would upset us very much...
Title: Something with Germany
Germans: Hippity Hoppity this Comment section is now my property
@@lawrenceorsmth Nö
Atleast German kids are more educated than Americans.. the American school system sucks.
There is no ,,American school system", education in the US is very different from state to state.
The school system per say is not the problem. The curriculum and the size of the classes are really the problem. I really like that you can choose some of your subjects. You still have to take maths, english, science and history and a language but you can do sports or go to choir or economics class and I am really sad that Jn Austria we dont have many subjects to choose from even though the level of Physics dont help me anymore because I know I will never use it again.
@@cameronrosemorgan7510 my teacher (he is american) graduated from high school with only ONE academic subject. Imagine?! The rest was fun stuff like year book, sports and arts. Like YEAR BOOK was credited. He was our science teacher and told us that we were learning in grade 11 what he learned in his college year 2 or 3. So maybe we are better off. I graduated in germany and i think our school systems aren't so diffrent from austria?
A E i think pur school systems are almost the same. I dont really want to have the same system as in amerika, but maybe an adaption. In my gymnasium you have to choose between Drawing and Music but have to take Physics, Biology and Chemistry. I understand that these are maybe “more important” but at the level we are at right now I should be able to choose some subjects since i know what i will do after high school ( I am in graduation year) and none of the science subjects help me.
Idk if that makes sence but yea
@@cameronrosemorgan7510 i agree that arts and even sports should be equally important to academic subjects. By no means do I think our scho system is perfect or even great. Its simply higher than the american.
The "mündlichen Noten" are honestly hell. It's where you actually get to feel the still existing racism and discrimination. You'd have a blonde classmate with glasses on that has the ultimate nerd hypocrite vibe but never really participates in class and she'd just get the best grade. Then you compare it to yourself and some of your other foreign classmate and just because we dont seem like the perfect intelligent student we suddenly get rly bad grades. And you can't even complain to the teacher because it's just their personal opinion and you can't change that. I wish they'd get rid of that form of grading and evaluating a student's knowledge as those marks can really affect my future.
Fr this comment needs more recognition
Chiara A Yea my politics teachers once said to a girl who always sleeps in his class that she is one of the best students here and gave her a 2+ haha
So true
I am a girl with blonde hair and glasses but i never got good grades. But a friend of mine with the same hair color and glasses got good grades and nearly never participated in class while I was
Reminds me of my Class. Everyone who actually talks doesn't get a good note. Talk and say something *fitting* then you get good Notes.
But sometimes i have the feeling people forget that.
I couldn't agree more when you say that working with a cloud is much easier than working with USB sticks. But Germans are very concerned what happens to their data and thus their privacy. Therefore many Germans still don't use clouds. More importantly at schools you are not allowed to use them since they are connected to private companies and the rules in most "Bundesländer" are very strict and thus we have to use USB sticks to share data at school.
Chris W exactly, it’s a big deal and teachers must be afraid of uploading data in clouds because they could be reported if they sin against the copyright 🤦🏻♀️
well mainly they could just use a fileserver on scools premises, add a VPN server for external use and tada u are good to go.
In our school everyone got office 365 accounts to work with. Was pretty convenient
I just used my whole schooltime drive, it was no Problem, nearly all of us. I personally hear it for the first time that drive is not allowed in most Gymnasiums
What???? Not going to school because of the snow?? In Russia we don't have to go there only if there's like -30C outside((
In russia you drive with a panzer to school so if you think is normal to go with a pazer at 50 cm to school
@@Micha-li3pe Poland: schools can be non-mandatory for students when there is below -15 C (5 F) outside - but decision lays in hands of local authorities for every school separately (usually they don't close untill it is -25 C [-15 F]).
Or if there would be more than 0,5 meter (2 feet) deep of freshly fallen snow on the roads then you also have an excuse for not attending school.
Students who live in the city usually arrive eben then, by public transport, but those who live outside the city often cannt arrive then.
it depends completely on the teacher whether you have "active" lessons or not. a lot of younger teachers do that (not only ofc)
"test are really hard"
yeah bc we don't do multiple choice tests.
in my history lesson we wrote a normal test (90min) and i wrote 7 pages. i didn't look up once haha
and in my school we don't get grades on how much we participate in class bc for exactly your reasons
BUT i have a class which actually prepare you for your later life especially job interviews ect. quit often there are assessment center where you sometimes have to present something without enough time prepare
Its off topic but I just have to stay that: your voice is so soft and beautiful!! Grüße aus Bayern ❤❤
about the whole "I am sitting and listening the entire day": you have to keep in mind, that there are 3 major types of high school in Germany: Hauptschule (more geared towards practical stuff), Realschule (a kind of middle ground) and Gymnasium (more geared towards theoretical stuff). Hauptschule is much more "hands on" with labs and workshops and less theoretical classes, while Gymnasiums mainly focus on theoretical classes to make sure the students are prepared for University. The kids going to Hauptschule rarely end up in University, but instead end up working in the industrial sectors.
Don't get me wrong, it is not impossible to switch later on, it is just a way to filter out the "learners" from the "doers" early on.
I for example went to Hauptschule, upgraded to "Werk-Realschule" (basically an addon to get the higher grade) and ended up in University anyway (or "Fachhochschule" to be precise, which is a more practical oriented University).
Fachhochschule in English is called University of Applied Sciences, just in case the question arises.
See this is why I don't understand why people want to get rid of Hauptschulen. They want to take these doers and put them in the same environment with the learners and expect both parties to thrive. which just theoretically sounds illogical. and practically it doesn't work that much better either. you can't force the doers to suddenly adapt new learning skills and vice versa. Hauptschule is not a bad thing and you are the perfect example that there are still a lot of opportunities even when you don't force your kids to somehow get that Abitur just because. Tl;dr Gesamtschule war ne nette Idee, aber sollte besser nicht die Norm werden.
@@sanablue I think people want to get rid of Hauptschule, because they typically catch the "undesirables" - students who are to lazy or stubborn to be *either* doers *or* learners. But what these people don't get, is that you just move those "undesirables" somewhere else if you get rid of Hauptschule...
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider the students undesirables... they just need a different treatment than what they are getting or maybe have issues outside of school, that need to be treated first.
@@m.h.6470 Exactly. why would they do any better just because we shove them into another school. they'd probably only feel more pressed because there's even higher expectations...
I went to a Gymnasium and it probably is still very different to Hauptschule, but we constantly had to do group work, presentations and discussions. So it really depends
Wait what? You don't have school when there's like 2cm of snow? Sometimes we have 1m of snow and still go
I love how she says "USB-Stick" like it's an actual word used outside of germany
*4:38* nur, weil Stalingrad nicht sonderlich glimpflich verlaufen ist heißt das nicht, dass wir bei ein bisschen Schnee zurückschrecken😂
Durch den Klimawandel ist der Schnee jetzt aber weg, tja blöd gelaufen 😅
@@fbiagentvonjannizockt7062 Dann können wir es in ein paar Jahren ja erneut versuchen. 🤔
Hynami wieso erst in ein paar Jahren, wenn es auch jetzt schon geht.
@@fbiagentvonjannizockt7062 Noch ist der "Klimawandel" ja kaum spürbar. ^^
Hynami Wird schon irgendwie klappen
Warum sind diese ganzen Austauschschüler auf UA-cam immer in Bayern unterwegs :/
Cihan 44 Eroglu das frag ich h mich auch immer. Vielleicht möchten sie den MiT LEdErHoSeN uNd BrEzElN erleben
Nach ww2 war süddeutschland von amerika besetzt. Deshalb haben viele amerikaner heute das bild von lederhosen, weisswurst und bier im kopf wenn es um deutschland geht.
weil es die ehemalige Besatzungszone der Amerikaner ist denke ich...
ist auch schätze ich die beliebteste "Tourismus" Gegend also wenn man schon ein Jahr in Deutschland verbringt, will man denke ich auch in ner "schönen" Region leben
Echt so, aber immer noch besser als Berlin, die Stadt hätte sie safe komplett zerstört.
I'm from Uruguay, I don't know German and I'm poor so idk what I'm doing here but I was curious
“Things I dislike about German Highschool”
*holds up Fjällräven kånken*
Girl....I know what you mean 😂😂😂💀💀
*German is in the title*
Every German: Moin Servus Moin
Ist langsam mal gut
Ein volk ein reich ein Kommentarbereich
Digga der dritte jetzt :D
German is in the title and you’re not! Get away you troll.
MaryMix was??
My reaction as a German (18 years)
1. Yes! , none of my friends think of Google drive, I love it, it's so comfortable
2. USB sticks are annoying 🙄
3. We don't have even wifi for the students in school which is OK, we have many Computers
4. At a specific age or class (fe. At the 11th class) you have to have to go to school, doesn't care which weather or if the busses don't come (than you need an excuse, which you get only from a doctor or you can excuse yourself twice a year, in my region)
5. Most old teachers here are just doing inactive things. But my experience is, that teacher until the age of 45 do many active things. Btw, time of lessons are different, in my school it's about 90 minutes
6. Tests are hard.
7. Well, the teacher needs to say how active you are in school and your attitude, that's the reason we need to be very active
8. It's an art reading their style of writing
9. Yeah, I'd wish more school spirit here, you're right
Well, that's my point of view of these things :)
I'm from Germany and in July I will fly to the US for an exchange year and it's really interesting to get to know what Americans think about our school and lifestyle. Thanks for your videos ❤️😘
I think they dont know and will not care lol
@@pinetworkcodejeanpaulmault637 exactly
Wohin in die USA gehts und welche Organisation?
Hast du Lust in unsere Insta Gruppe zu kommen. Sind auch welche drinnen die 2020/21 fliegen?💋
@wdym? @aljgroupchat
No Google Drive? But how do German students get to experience that one person in the class changing the formatting for the document the whole class is working on?
There are Not realy class Projekts, most of the time the groups consider of 3-6 Students and than everybody works on one Part of the project and after He has finished He will send it via Email to one Person who collect and put everything together
The whole education system is different
German schoosl don't need google drive
Ben H If we do group work it’s only 2-4 persons so thats the reason we don’t need it and we do it all in school
D. Angel Oftentimes it’s still useful to be able to quickly see or edit what someone else is doing. That and the other benefits of having documents on the cloud, like when the person with the file is sick on the day of the presentation.
@@HuntsmanBG for copying yeah
Just yellix: "üBeRnEhMt DiE kOmMeNtArE"
Your points are definitely valid, here are a few explanations/opinions
You don't get off school because there is this thing called duty of supervision and since parent's can't just leave their kids at home alone because they'd breach their duty of supervision they have to be able to rely that school is happening no matter the weather
Also about the google drive thing I think when doing a project you should just meet in person anyways and put a presentation together as a group. About transferring documents, we had a school server that you could access at home too so there was never a need for USB sticks. And the wifi is bad because most school buildings are old and the walls are thick but my school had all the school computers on wired internet which was never a problem.
The lacking school spirit and group projects in my opinion is not that bad because introverted kids or kids with anxiety really dislike any sort of event or group projects. Also during school projects you don't get anything done anyways. Gymnasium is very goal oriented it that's good or bad now is very subjective.
I completely lost it when you said that you were upset about having school on a snow day :D
the whole snow thing is not a german american thing. If you would come from a very northern us state and went to germanies north coast (that has very little snow in general) it would be the other way around. Virginia is simply not used to snow, bavaria is.
In Austria they call of school when the level of snow reaches 40 inch
Markus Fink But probably just for a day so they can clean the roads ✌🏿
WE DONT EVEN HAVE WIFI IN OUR SCHOOL😂😂😂 German schools are like in the 90‘s😫
Kpop fan 💫
Wir arbeiten immer mit Laptops und ipads.. Ich denke es kommt sehr auf die schule an 😂😂
Was irgendwie auch cool ist.
pinksweetyful was? Wer? Wie? Wo? Wieso? HÄÄ Magst du es das unsere Schulen 20-30 Jahre hinterherhängen?
Ich spreche als Mutter eines Abiturienten: nüchtern betrachtet, wenn ihr Schüler alles hättet, was ihr wollt, müssten eure Eltern für die Schule bezahlen, das würde dann bedeuten, dass manche Kinder auf der Strecke bleiben, denn der Staat könnte nicht ALLE Schüler finanzieren, also besser mit dem zufrieden sein, was man hat, ODER???
My school is the reason i constantly feel like a lazy peace of shit that can’t do anything.The teachers expect way to much from us and some of them are even disrespectful to the students.I feel myself getting stressed out about things i shouldn’t worry about that much.But there’s just so much pressure on me especially because my teachers called me ‘gifted’ in elementary school.So,if I’m not immediately good at something I loose motivation and give up,which causes bad grades.There’s also almost no time for fun activities or free time for meeting friends or just doing something else but learning.We’ve got like at least 1 exam per week in addition to tests.Some of our teachers should’ve really been fired earlier but nobody cares about that.In conclusion: I fuckin hate having to go to my school and the only thing that’s fun about it are my friends(who are also pretty depressed because of it)
sry in advance for any grammatical errors
Hi, mir ging es damals ähnlich! Wenn es zu schlimm wird mit dem Druck, dann lass ein paar Dinge einfach mal weg und tu etwas was dir Spaß macht und dich auf andere Gedanken bringt. Lass dich nicht von irgendjemandem fertig machen!
Omg the mündlich grade is so annoying for me
In uni you'll thank god for mündlich
I go to school over 15 years ago an there wasnt any grades for participation in class. Back in the day a teacher take you in front of class and do a oral exam, if he thought youre somewhere else with your mind.
@@larswiederify mündlich is oral exam with the professor. Not in front of everyone but it's like an interview in uni
Sri Chiku Nope. I go to university now and I am GLAD that my uni doesn‘t grade oral participatipation. I only had to write term papers and exams. I jumped from a 2,7 in Abitur to a 1,8 on my bachelor‘s degree just because there are no oral grades.
“There’s no school hype”
... why should we it sucks 😂✌🏻
6:40 I think it really depends on the teacher, bc some teacher prefer more group work (I have many) or some like to discuss more with the class for example
For example in history or religion we normally discuss like half of the time.