Charles Laughton was such a brilliant actor. He’s wonderful in every film he made, I especially enjoyed his performance in The Canterbury Ghost and even more in The Hunchback of Notredame. The don’t make movies like this anymore. No special effects, black and white, pure entertainment based on good writing, good scripts and superb acting. Maybe I’m just getting too old and fussy but I love these old classics! Thank you for posting such a great film.
@@carlb8378 Finally, someone of my age group that knows and appreciates the classics. Reprieved at last by what’s becoming a rare commodity these days…intelligence and common sense. Or perhaps I’m just turning into one of those grumpy old men I avoided like the plague when I was a kid, every neighborhood was issued one grumpy old guy that got angry when we set foot on his lawn! Take care and stay safe. Sincerely, Doc
John " Doc " Henderson : I always wear a smile and avoid negative people of which there are many. At 74 yrs. I'm blessed with very good health ,remember stress is a killer so keep smiling. I hope " Whitness for the Prosecution " gets posted, another favorite.
@@carlb8378 I forgot about that film…Marlene Dietrich, Tyrone Powers, and of course Charles Laughton were all magnificent in that one. Laughton as the defense council (Sir Wilford Robards) was outstanding. One of the best endings to any movie, caught me completely off guard the first time I saw it, and don’t forget Mutiny on the Bounty,….Hobson choice and the list goes on.Actually you already stated …He never made a bad film. I couldn’t agree more, stress is a killer and absolutely avoid negative people. Nothing worse than doom and gloom pessimistic people, they’re depressing, bad for your health and will drive you to an early grave. Life is too precious to waste. You got me beat by 8 years but my older brother is 2 years older than you. My mum loved the old classics and she’s the one that gave me my love of old movies. There used to be a show here in Ontario called Saturday Night at the Movies, hosted by a gentleman by the name of Elway Yost (my spelling may be incorrect) he hosted the program, it featured 2 classic films every Saturday Night. Unfortunately they cancelled the program, possibly because Mr. Yost past away, such a shame as it offered the hosts insights on the films and offered a great deal of information on both the movie and the actors. It has been a thorough pleasure speaking with you. I wish you continued good health but you have the right attitude, stay positive, avoid negative depressing people and stay active…seems like a good recipe for longevity and happiness. Take care my friend. PS. There’s a UA-cam Channel (you’re possibly already familiar with) called “Hollywood Graveyard “ (terrible title ) but an interesting and informative program. It seems like all the good actors I loved are gone, Bob Newhart and Dick Van Dyke seem like the only ones left!
Loved the film. Also loved the chuckle towards the end and seeing Tower Bridge...the bridge being started in 1886 and Kidd having died in 1701. Totally loved Laughton's depiction of Kidd..humorous and nasty. Wonderful.
Truly a great movie. You could not ask for a better cast. Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton & John Carradine. Wow. I first saw it in 1960 on TV. Never forgot how great the movie was and still is.
Pas de commentaires, je ne connais pas les mots suffisamment éloquent pour décrire l'émotion que provoque un film de la sorte.... Peut-être intemporel s'en approche. Merci à celui ou celle qui nous permette nous approcher du Saint-Graal avec ce plaisir... Amicalement Alain 👽
Charles Laughton, John Carradine and Randolph Scott …. That is the recipe for an outstanding film, with actors of this caliber, how can you possibly go wrong!
Laughton would play Captain Kidd again in the parody, "Abbott and Costello meet Captain Kidd". You can see how much fun Laughton is having in that movie.
Bought this CD for $1.00 in the Dollar Store, along with a plethora of other Greats! It's one of my favorite movies!!! Great cast down to the man-servant who played the Judge that sentenced Quasimido (Charles Laughton), to be tied and flogged in the movie, THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. These actors shared playing together in many movies.
A brilliant movie, what a winning and talented combination of brilliant actors with Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton & John Carradine. Laughton was brilliant at playing 'shady' characters.
El gran actor británico Charles Laughton, inolvidable y portentosa estrella hollywoodense de los 40's y 50's. En "El jorobado de Notre Dame" de 1939, demostró insuperables dotes de histrionismo. Y así, en muchas otras cintas. Por de pronto, en la presente película, "El Capitán Kidd", Laughton forjó un bribón tan atractivo y querendón, como vil, codicioso y despreciable. Fue el actor principal, por derecho propio y ciertamente, nadie más lo eclipsó. No es por menospreciar a los secundarios, pero su presencia brilló de principio a fin y su personaje era una inagotable veta, a la que le sacó el máximo de provecho. Charles Laughton fue inmortalizado por los genios franceses, Goscinny y Uderzo en 1960 en "Asterix y la hoz de oro", en el rol del prefecto romano, Gracus Astutus. Un personaje ladino, perezoso y manipulador, pero encantador... tal cual era el sello, que Laughton imprimía a los papeles que representaba. Este portentoso actor, nació en 1899 y falleció a los 63 años, en 1962, aquejado de cáncer. Gracias por subir este material tan interesante y de tan buen gusto. Realmente, hiciste un tremendo aporte. Saludos cordiales para todos, desde Concepción, Chile.- 🇨🇱
Si señor... cuando dice aquello de" q estrés,q estrés.." Y al salir del palacete,Obélix se va preguntando,.."q será eso de tres?.."😅 Esos dos gabachos eran geniales, después de leerme todos sus comix unas siete u ocho veces cada uno en estos últimos 45 años.... Aún no podría asegurar si era más bueno el dibujante o el guionista
@@pedroherrerocarreter3920 estimado... Tu comentario es muy decidor. A través de tus líneas, se puede percibir el gran nexo que tienes con estos galos majaretas. Efectivamente el segmento de "qué stress, qué stress" del prefecto Gracus Astutus, es una viñeta de encanto sublime. Hechizó, creo, a una generación completa. Y me da la impresión, que ahí estamos nosotros. Día por medio, leo Asterix y ciertamente, este es uno de mis favoritos, pues fue el primero que conocí - junto a la Hoz de Oro - en 1978 ó 1979, a lo mucho. Yo tendría 12 años, no más que eso... Y de ahí comencé a ser un fiel seguidor de los irreductibles. Hay varios números que son de antología y creo que coincidimos en que los padres creadores hicieron un trabajo inmortal e incombustible. No sabría por cuál inclinarme, si tuviera que elegir mi preferido. Asterix y los Normandos, Asterix y Cleopatra, La Cizaña, La Residencia de los Dioses, Asterix en Hispania, Asterix Legionario, Asterix en Britania, ufff... ¡¡Son demasiados!! La duda de quién era mejor, dibujante o guionista, creo que es como tratar de descubrir qué fue primero: el huevo o la gallina. Es un debate, eterno. Gracias por responder este mensaje y envío desde Concepción, Chile - ahora sin embargo en Atenas, porque vinimos de vacaciones - mis mejores deseos. (Traje conmigo, Asterix y los Juegos Olímpicos. Pediré que alguien de Grecia, me lo autografíe)... 🤭🤭🤭🇬🇷🇬🇷🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇵🇨🇵 ¡¡Hasta siempre!!... Atenas, martes 30 de mayo 2023.-
@@renatovicenziofrancesconis4476 cáspita, como te lo montas,en la vieja Atenas de vacas!! Oye,no te interesa adoptar a un huerfanito de 50 palos?😅 No... gracias a ti por tu interesante respuesta. Yo con tu permiso me veo incapaz de elegir un favorito .Me niego a cometer una o varias injusticias. Pero si no tuviera más remedio q elegir tres,me quedaría con la cizaña,el adivino y el regalo del César . La complicidad esa q nace entre el posadero de lutecia y abraracurcix a causa de sus mujeres,a pesar de su rivalidad por dirigir la aldea,es ciertamente hilarante. En fin,no te quiero dar mucha chapa,porq de estos geniales comix podría estar charlando hasta mañana,un saludo y feliz estancia en Grecia 👋
@@pedroherrerocarreter3920 ¡¡eres un crack!!... Tu comentario, genial!!... Coincido en que decantarse por un solo Asterix, uno y sólo uno, es muy difícil. Un abrazo!!... 🥳🥳 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤝🏻🤝🏻🇬🇷🇨🇱🇨🇱🇬🇷🐾🐾🐈🐈🤗🤭
I love this film but would love to see this movie updated for the modern screen. If I were to remake this film, I would handpick each and every cast and crew member to ensure that the studio sticks to the spirit of this film. Swashbuckling pirate movies need to make a comeback.
Yeah, the film quality is probably better than when the film was first released. It really is a joy to watch. Most of the time these movie are poor viewing quality. But this one is super.
35th! Just amazing Great acting The captain stole the show! What acting! Wow! He will go places! Great film Movies today cannot compare This is superior I will pray for America. Please pray for me. God Bless you. The Legendary Lee Canady is where it is at!
_Wow, my dearest Helen! Captain Kidd is ģreat! And having in it Charles Laughton, John Carradine and Randolph Scott, it Will be much more indeed! I hope to find you aboard this PIRATE ship, along the Sea, in more one great adventure from CCC! Have a wonderful day much blessed! God bless you, my dearest Helen!_ 🤩🤩🤗🤗
Oh Ship Captain ! Like my friend Grim ! Oh whenever I can see about sea and ship my memories are going to him !I misses a lot ! Anyway I am still waiting for him and my other friends also !Thanks CCC 👸 🙏
The Kidd is back! I was gonna give this one 4 maybe 4.5 stars, but the film strop broke and well, we didn't get to see the ending. CCC, glad you got this one patched up. Will be there, no Kidding! 🏴☠ P.S. Dont forget to bring your parrot, peg leg and bandana, me hardees. Arrrgh! 🦜bawk!
Auténtica película de piratas genuina como la pata de palo y el parche en el ojo. Los actores hacen un trabajo muy bueno. Y mi amigo Laughton, como siempre, un referente de la historia del cine. Al sillón con unas palomitas y un refresco, y a disfrutar como un gorrino.
"Time" magazine dubbed Lippert "The Quickie King" in 1951 in reference to the speed with which which he turned out movies. He was an executive producer on "The Fly" (1958, uncredited) and "The Baron of Arizona" (1950, uncredited) He's probably best known for his seven productions which have made it onto "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and Rifftrax: (MST3K) "Rocketship X-M" "Jungle Goddess" "Lost Continent" "King Dinosaur" "Radar Secret Service" "Last of the Wild Horses" (Rifftrax) "The Last Man on Earth" "I don't worry about what the critics say; I make pictures people want to see." - Robert L. Lippert If only Hollywood still did that.... =(
La escena de la entrada del capitán kidd por primera vez a la corte del rey William en 9:45 aproximadamente me hizo recordar la escena de la pelicula Amadeus(1984) cuando Mozart entra por primera vez a la corte del emperador José II y se burla de Salieri por su composición....
Excelente...más que actuación de este gran y eximió actor Charles Laughton en su papel protagónico del Capitán Kidd...el otro actor Randolph Scott ni sombra le hizo...una gran cinta de los 50s no cabe duda. Gracias pues a quien la subió a la red.
Cierto es Randolph Scott era un excelente actor así como también Gilbert Roland...más...Charles Laughton tenía una personalidad histrionica incomparable sobre todo en filmes épicos como lo es este film.
Gosto Muito de filmes com Enredos e Histórias produzidos no Mar, ex: caça ao Tesouro, Aventuras, Piratas, Batalhas Navais, Navegações históricas inclusive baseadas em fatos reais, e etc.. Gosto tanto dos filmes baseado nos tempos antigos com os Navios a Velas ou Caravelas como tbm eram Conhecidos, quanto nos baseado no " Presente" com Navios mais modernos de Ferro e Aço e movidos a Combustíveis. amo filmes assim que no Geral foram produzidos no mar 🚣♂️⛵⚓🛥⛵seja qual tipo de enredo ou história for. Os meus Favoritos até hoje foram 1° O Senhor dos Mares - ( 2011 ) 2° No Coração do Mar - ( 2020 ) 3° O Falcão dos Mares - ( 1951 ) 4° Mestres dos Mares - ( 2003 ) 5° A Hiena dos Mares - ( 1946 ) 6° O Pirata Dos Setes Mares - ( 1945 ) 7° Lobo do Mar - ( 2009 ) 8° O Almirante Correntes Furiosas - ( 2014 ) 9° Moby Dick - ( 1998 ) 10° O Cisne Negro - ( 1942 ) 11° Náufrago - ( 2000 ) 12° As Aventuras de Pi - ( 2012 ) 13° Até o Fim - ( 2013 ) 14° Terror a Bordo - ( 1989 ) 15° Perigo em Alto Mar - ( 2010 ) 16° Mar Aberto - ( 2003 ) 17° Pânico em Alto Mar - ( 2006 ) 18° O Gavião do Mar - ( 1940 ) 19° O Capitão Blood - ( 1935 ) 20° Um Barco e Nove Destinos - ( 1944 ) 21° Kursk - A Última Missão - ( 2018 ) 22° Maré Vermelha - ( 1995 ) 23° Alerta Vermelho - ( 1997 ) 24° A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho - ( 1990 ) 25° Titanic - ( 1997 ) 26° Tormenta - ( 1996 ) 27° Homens de Honra - ( 2000 ). OBS: mas o que poucos sabem sobre filmes assim, É que naquela época o estilo de vida das pessoas q viviam ou trabalhavam de alguma forma, e na Maior parte do tempo em Alto Mar, seja como Marujo, Soldado Naval, Marinheiro, ou Pescador, era realmente como retratado em muitos filmes, Como exe: (o estilo de vida, comidas e costumes típicos, até o modo de falar era singular deles, com expressões que Só os " homens do Mar" usavam. e etc.. ) Porfavor se não for incômodo me Indiquem mais filmes assim 🙂🙂 pois CLARO q tem alguns ou muitos que Não conheço ainda, tanto de Histórias baseados em enredos antigos, quanto Novos ou de acontecimentos mais recentes.
Yeay 😇 . Nobody writes stories like this anymore ! The thing is , this is truth as recorded in ships logs which the commanding officer is required to keep . Hopefully the commanding officer was honest .
This version is not fully restored. It is missing at least one part when after Adam Mercy's friend Bartholomew Blevins signs in and walks away, Kidd, (referring to Adam Mercy), turns toward Lorenzo and Boyle and says: "There's no mask for a treacherous heart like an honest face. You keep your eye on him". The only version I found on UA-cam that still has that part still in it is the one with German subtitles.
The original Captain Kidd was born in my home town off greenock Scotland 🏴 William Kidd, Greenock is a port on the river clyde a ship building town I think Captain Kidd would be saddened to see it now
Pretty entertaining, rather funny at times. I watched this film because I'm working on a history talk about the real Captain Kidd and was curious about how he'd been portrayed in fiction. For anyone wondering this story is almost pure fiction with isolated historical references scattered throughout. I can't help but wonder if this was originally written as a pirate adventure unrelated to the famed captain and they adapted it a bit for the sake of name recognition.
Obrigado CCC! Show a resolução em 1440! Pena que (logo aos 1:40), antes e quando aparece em chamas o galeão "The Twelve Apostles", a dublagem reporta como "O ONZE Apóstolos", porém, na Legenda em PT-BR está correto. Tks
Tis no surprise to anyone who reads this that acclaimed thespian and star of this movie Charles Laughton had written into his contract that he always have a secret stash of foie gras and picked onions down his undergarments/ pantaloons to feast upon or he would faint between takes if the foie gras and pickled onions were not upon feasted. Actors eh...🧐
But also remember , that the story may have been admonished a little for Hollywood standers . But this movie is 1940s stuff , so you can imagine all the phanagaling the producers did to present it .
Charles Laughton was such a brilliant actor. He’s wonderful in every film he made, I especially enjoyed his performance in The Canterbury Ghost and even more in The Hunchback of Notredame. The don’t make movies like this anymore. No special effects, black and white, pure entertainment based on good writing, good scripts and superb acting.
Maybe I’m just getting too old and fussy but I love these old classics!
Thank you for posting such a great film.
Pues ya somos dos los viejos y quisquillosos pero a mí también me gustan estás películas.
Rebelión a bordo con Marlon Brando es mi favorita 🤤
I agree, Charles Laughton never made a bad movie. I also love ❤ old movies, this one is slightly older than me. 😊😊
@@carlb8378 Finally, someone of my age group that knows and appreciates the classics. Reprieved at last by what’s becoming a rare commodity these days…intelligence and common sense. Or perhaps I’m just turning into one of those grumpy old men I avoided like the plague when I was a kid, every neighborhood was issued one grumpy old guy that got angry when we set foot on his lawn!
Take care and stay safe.
John " Doc " Henderson : I always wear a smile and avoid negative people of which there are many. At 74 yrs. I'm blessed with very good health ,remember stress is a killer so keep smiling. I hope " Whitness for the Prosecution " gets posted, another favorite.
@@carlb8378 I forgot about that film…Marlene Dietrich, Tyrone Powers, and of course Charles Laughton were all magnificent in that one. Laughton as the defense council (Sir Wilford Robards) was outstanding. One of the best endings to any movie, caught me completely off guard the first time I saw it, and don’t forget Mutiny on the Bounty,….Hobson choice and the list goes on.Actually you already stated …He never made a bad film.
I couldn’t agree more, stress is a killer and absolutely avoid negative people. Nothing worse than doom and gloom pessimistic people, they’re depressing, bad for your health and will drive you to an early grave. Life is too precious to waste.
You got me beat by 8 years but my older brother is 2 years older than you. My mum loved the old classics and she’s the one that gave me my love of old movies. There used to be a show here in Ontario called Saturday Night at the Movies, hosted by a gentleman by the name of Elway Yost (my spelling may be incorrect) he hosted the program, it featured 2 classic films every Saturday Night. Unfortunately they cancelled the program, possibly because Mr. Yost past away, such a shame as it offered the hosts insights on the films and offered a great deal of information on both the movie and the actors.
It has been a thorough pleasure speaking with you. I wish you continued good health but you have the right attitude, stay positive, avoid negative depressing people and stay active…seems like a good recipe for longevity and happiness.
Take care my friend.
PS. There’s a UA-cam Channel (you’re possibly already familiar with) called “Hollywood Graveyard “ (terrible title ) but an interesting and informative program. It seems like all the good actors I loved are gone, Bob Newhart and Dick Van Dyke seem like the only ones left!
فيلم مغامرات اروع مايكون ..نسخة فلم نادرة ...شكرا جزيلا لهذه النسخة الفريدة واشكر القائمين على هذا الموقع ...تحياتي
Loved the film. Also loved the chuckle towards the end and seeing Tower Bridge...the bridge being started in 1886 and Kidd having died in 1701. Totally loved Laughton's depiction of Kidd..humorous and nasty. Wonderful.
Truly a great movie. You could not ask for a better cast. Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton & John Carradine. Wow. I first saw it in 1960 on TV. Never forgot how great the movie was and still is.
Pas de commentaires,
je ne connais pas les mots suffisamment éloquent pour décrire l'émotion que provoque un film de la sorte....
Peut-être intemporel s'en approche.
Merci à celui ou celle qui nous permette nous approcher du Saint-Graal avec ce plaisir...
Amicalement Alain 👽
Charles Laughton, John Carradine and Randolph Scott …. That is the recipe for an outstanding film, with actors of this caliber, how can you possibly go wrong!
Randolph Scott, Charles laughton, could it get any better, doubt it. Stunner of a movie.
Sure is, and then some. A great cast forever more
Better? Indeed, the 1935 Mutiny On The Bounty; Laughton as Bligh, and Gable as Christian.
Normally l don't care for pirate movies but thought ld chance it since Laughton was in it. Excellent movie thumbs-up 👍
A terrific film with wonderful actors and without any computer support!
Laughton would play Captain Kidd again in the parody, "Abbott and Costello meet Captain Kidd". You can see how much fun Laughton is having in that movie.
Abbott and Costello, a great team. A once in a life time comedians.
Bought this CD for $1.00 in the Dollar Store, along with a plethora of other Greats! It's one of my favorite movies!!! Great cast down to the man-servant who played the Judge that sentenced Quasimido (Charles Laughton), to be tied and flogged in the movie, THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. These actors shared playing together in many movies.
now I have to go find it.
A lot better than some of today's movies !
The BRILLIANT Charles Laughton! Excellent! ✔⬆👍🏁
Welcome my dear Big John 👸 💋 ☕
@@helenpoornima5126 CT
@@giusepparusso5336 hai my dear Giuseppa Russo how are you?👸 🎁
Been to see where he was born Scarborough.
A brilliant movie, what a winning and talented combination of brilliant actors with Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton & John Carradine. Laughton was brilliant at playing 'shady' characters.
El gran actor británico Charles Laughton, inolvidable y portentosa estrella hollywoodense de los 40's y 50's.
En "El jorobado de Notre Dame" de 1939, demostró insuperables dotes de histrionismo. Y así, en muchas otras cintas. Por de pronto, en la presente película, "El Capitán Kidd", Laughton forjó un bribón tan atractivo y querendón, como vil, codicioso y despreciable. Fue el actor principal, por derecho propio y ciertamente, nadie más lo eclipsó. No es por menospreciar a los secundarios, pero su presencia brilló de principio a fin y su personaje era una inagotable veta, a la que le sacó el máximo de provecho.
Charles Laughton fue inmortalizado por los genios franceses, Goscinny y Uderzo en 1960 en "Asterix y la hoz de oro", en el rol del prefecto romano, Gracus Astutus. Un personaje ladino, perezoso y manipulador, pero encantador... tal cual era el sello, que Laughton imprimía a los papeles que representaba.
Este portentoso actor, nació en 1899 y falleció a los 63 años, en 1962, aquejado de cáncer.
Gracias por subir este material tan interesante y de tan buen gusto. Realmente, hiciste un tremendo aporte.
Saludos cordiales para todos, desde Concepción, Chile.-
Si señor... cuando dice aquello de" q estrés,q estrés.."
Y al salir del palacete,Obélix se va preguntando,.."q será eso de tres?.."😅
Esos dos gabachos eran geniales, después de leerme todos sus comix unas siete u ocho veces cada uno en estos últimos 45 años.... Aún no podría asegurar si era más bueno el dibujante o el guionista
@@pedroherrerocarreter3920 estimado... Tu comentario es muy decidor. A través de tus líneas, se puede percibir el gran nexo que tienes con estos galos majaretas. Efectivamente el segmento de "qué stress, qué stress" del prefecto Gracus Astutus, es una viñeta de encanto sublime. Hechizó, creo, a una generación completa. Y me da la impresión, que ahí estamos nosotros.
Día por medio, leo Asterix y ciertamente, este es uno de mis favoritos, pues fue el primero que conocí - junto a la Hoz de Oro - en 1978 ó 1979, a lo mucho. Yo tendría 12 años, no más que eso... Y de ahí comencé a ser un fiel seguidor de los irreductibles.
Hay varios números que son de antología y creo que coincidimos en que los padres creadores hicieron un trabajo inmortal e incombustible. No sabría por cuál inclinarme, si tuviera que elegir mi preferido.
Asterix y los Normandos, Asterix y Cleopatra, La Cizaña, La Residencia de los Dioses, Asterix en Hispania, Asterix Legionario, Asterix en Britania, ufff... ¡¡Son demasiados!!
La duda de quién era mejor, dibujante o guionista, creo que es como tratar de descubrir qué fue primero: el huevo o la gallina. Es un debate, eterno.
Gracias por responder este mensaje y envío desde Concepción, Chile - ahora sin embargo en Atenas, porque vinimos de vacaciones - mis mejores deseos. (Traje conmigo, Asterix y los Juegos Olímpicos. Pediré que alguien de Grecia, me lo autografíe)... 🤭🤭🤭🇬🇷🇬🇷🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇵🇨🇵
¡¡Hasta siempre!!...
Atenas, martes 30 de mayo 2023.-
@@renatovicenziofrancesconis4476 cáspita, como te lo montas,en la vieja Atenas de vacas!!
Oye,no te interesa adoptar a un huerfanito de 50 palos?😅
No... gracias a ti por tu interesante respuesta.
Yo con tu permiso me veo incapaz de elegir un favorito .Me niego a cometer una o varias injusticias.
Pero si no tuviera más remedio q elegir tres,me quedaría con la cizaña,el adivino y el regalo del César .
La complicidad esa q nace entre el posadero de lutecia y abraracurcix a causa de sus mujeres,a pesar de su rivalidad por dirigir la aldea,es ciertamente hilarante.
En fin,no te quiero dar mucha chapa,porq de estos geniales comix podría estar charlando hasta mañana,un saludo y feliz estancia en Grecia 👋
@@pedroherrerocarreter3920 ¡¡eres un crack!!...
Tu comentario, genial!!...
Coincido en que decantarse por un solo Asterix, uno y sólo uno, es muy difícil.
Un abrazo!!... 🥳🥳 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤝🏻🤝🏻🇬🇷🇨🇱🇨🇱🇬🇷🐾🐾🐈🐈🤗🤭
@@renatovicenziofrancesconis4476 no lo soy pero gracias.Desde q vivía mi pobre madre nadie me había dicho nada bonito 😅
Otro abrazo gordo para vos🫂
Excellent film. J’ai eu un plaisir immense à revoir ces acteurs particulièrement Charles Laughton.
I love this film but would love to see this movie updated for the modern screen. If I were to remake this film, I would handpick each and every cast and crew member to ensure that the studio sticks to the spirit of this film. Swashbuckling pirate movies need to make a comeback.
Thank you. Great quality.
Yeah, the film quality is probably better than when the film was first released. It really is a joy to watch.
Most of the time these movie are poor viewing quality. But this one is super.
Charles Laughton as brillant as ever. Randolph Scott as wooden as that bloody ship.
The picture and sound quality on this is STUNNING! Better than what they ran on TCM last night....
Just amazing
Great acting
The captain stole the show! What acting! Wow! He will go places!
Great film
Movies today cannot compare
This is superior
I will pray for America. Please pray for me. God Bless you.
The Legendary Lee Canady is where it is at!
Loved watching this film. Perfectly wonderful, thank you
Excellent, CCC. The oratory of Charles Laughton is unsurpassed. He could read The Cat In The Hat and give it eloquence beyond its childish language.
I was thinking more like Green Eggs and Ham, but yeah. I can hear it. Cheers!
Agreed. Laughton was such a great talent. Brilliant in everything he did.
His talents didn't end there; Laughton was also a rampant homosexual.
He was a accomplished actor. I liked hunchback of Notre Dame and mutiny on the bounty
Recht herzlichen Dank fürs hochladen.❗👍 👏 🤝
Freundlichst Willi . . . 🙋♂️
_Wow, my dearest Helen! Captain Kidd is ģreat! And having in it Charles Laughton, John Carradine and Randolph Scott, it Will be much more indeed! I hope to find you aboard this PIRATE ship, along the Sea, in more one great adventure from CCC! Have a wonderful day much blessed! God bless you, my dearest Helen!_ 🤩🤩🤗🤗
My dear Paulo !I am late today ! You and Big John and zanti are here ! Nice to see u ! I live u 👸 💋
@@helenpoornima5126 _Don't you worry, my Sweet Helen! I Love you too, my dearest!_ 🤩🤩🤗🤗💋💋
@@helenpoornima5126 hi paulo and helen 😊
@@paulodipe1343 is this gonna be like the final episode of the 1985 classic macgyver 🍩
@@mikesilva3868 _I remember those amazing episodes from McGyver, Mike Silva! They were great indeed!_
Oh Ship Captain ! Like my friend Grim ! Oh whenever I can see about sea and ship my memories are going to him !I misses a lot ! Anyway I am still waiting for him and my other friends also !Thanks CCC 👸 🙏
Helen I'm ready I'm ready 🎬
@@mikesilva3868 But I can't see u in live chat !👸
Laughton did a great job of Captain Kidd’s Scottish accent lol
Absolutely my favorite movie ever, untouchable
Yep, it sure is. I can't add more. You said it all.
Showing off with your surname there I see John.
This channel,is maybe the best in youtube.
The Kidd is back! I was gonna give this one 4 maybe 4.5 stars, but the film strop broke and well, we didn't get to see the ending. CCC, glad you got this one patched up. Will be there, no Kidding! 🏴☠ P.S. Dont forget to bring your parrot, peg leg and bandana, me hardees. Arrrgh! 🦜bawk!
@@RealBigBadJohn I like ur writings Big John 👸 💋
Nice zanti 👸 🎁
Erstklassige Qualität, nicht synchronisierte Szenen sind in Originalsprache dabei und vollständig ist er auch. Vielen Dank für diesen Up!!
Just finished watching "Jamaica Inn", now this. Thanks, Yutube algo.
😂 All hail the algorithm 🙏
This is a way better print than Amazon Prime has.
super good pirate movie🤩
Very good movie, Laughton is always amazing and fascinating !
Super Qualität, danke fürs Reinstellen👍
MIR GEFÄLLT ER PERFEKT FÜR MICH :-) 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩😃😃😃😃😃😃
Auténtica película de piratas genuina como la pata de palo y el parche en el ojo. Los actores hacen un trabajo muy bueno. Y mi amigo Laughton, como siempre, un referente de la historia del cine. Al sillón con unas palomitas y un refresco, y a disfrutar como un gorrino.
Ein guter Film, Charles Laughton in einer Paraderolle, danke fürs hochladen ❣️ ❣️
"Time" magazine dubbed Lippert "The Quickie King" in 1951 in reference to the speed with which which he turned out movies.
He was an executive producer on "The Fly" (1958, uncredited) and "The Baron of Arizona" (1950, uncredited)
He's probably best known for his seven productions which have made it onto "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and Rifftrax:
"Rocketship X-M"
"Jungle Goddess"
"Lost Continent"
"King Dinosaur"
"Radar Secret Service"
"Last of the Wild Horses"
"The Last Man on Earth"
"I don't worry about what the critics say; I make pictures people want to see."
- Robert L. Lippert
If only Hollywood still did that.... =(
That's what Time magazine would want you to think.. However kind sir my Grandma would tell you otherwise 😉
Un filme clásico con muy buenas actuaciones. Gracias por compartirlo. Saludos desde Santiago de Chile.
The ship seldom moves to the waves but its a great movie with actors who feel like close family.
Brilliant movie.
Todo filme com Randolph Scott é um ótimo filme , ele foi um magnífico ator 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Thx for this masterpiece!
fantastic film indeed.. no conversation with f...., cool actors, superb story
Why anyone would want to watch colourised versions of these films is beyond me. b/w rules 🎥🎥🎥🥂
Great film!
très beau film,merci beaucoup
Maravilhoso que filme épico magnífico parabéns obrigado FILMAÇAO qualidade fantástica 😊😊😊😊😊
La escena de la entrada del capitán kidd por primera vez a la corte del rey William en 9:45 aproximadamente me hizo recordar la escena de la pelicula Amadeus(1984) cuando Mozart entra por primera vez a la corte del emperador José II y se burla de Salieri por su composición....
Love Charles Laughton!
An English Gentleman with an American accent. Fascinating!
A Scottish pirate captain with an English accent.Speechless.
We don’t know what he did, but we’re down with Captain Kidd! 😜
Great movie 🎬
"You'd do it for Randolph Scott!"
-- Blazing Saddles
Great movie, thank you. Whoever did the captions was pretty high, looks like.
Nice Ship.
Tall Ceilings, Quiet, so many Berths and Quarters, and Rest Rooms. And Steady as a Rock.
Grandi interpreti. Bella trama…. Molto fantastica
Magistral Charles Laugthon😊❤
34:31 What huge sails! 1:22:13 London bridge was built nearly 200years later😅
Charles Laughton was a great actor!
Excelente...más que actuación de este gran y eximió actor Charles Laughton en su papel protagónico del Capitán Kidd...el otro actor Randolph Scott ni sombra le hizo...una gran cinta de los 50s no cabe duda. Gracias pues a quien la subió a la red.
Primeiro, não é dos anos 50, e sim dos anos 40 (1945). Segundo, Randolph Scott também é um excelente ator.
Cierto es Randolph Scott era un excelente actor así como también Gilbert Roland...más...Charles Laughton tenía una personalidad histrionica incomparable sobre todo en filmes épicos como lo es este film.
Gosto Muito de filmes com Enredos e Histórias produzidos no Mar, ex: caça ao Tesouro, Aventuras, Piratas, Batalhas Navais, Navegações históricas inclusive baseadas em fatos reais, e etc.. Gosto tanto dos filmes baseado nos tempos antigos com os Navios a Velas ou Caravelas como tbm eram Conhecidos, quanto nos baseado no " Presente" com Navios mais modernos de Ferro e Aço e movidos a Combustíveis. amo filmes assim que no Geral foram produzidos no mar 🚣♂️⛵⚓🛥⛵seja qual tipo de enredo ou história for. Os meus Favoritos até hoje foram 1° O Senhor dos Mares - ( 2011 ) 2° No Coração do Mar - ( 2020 ) 3° O Falcão dos Mares - ( 1951 ) 4° Mestres dos Mares - ( 2003 ) 5° A Hiena dos Mares - ( 1946 ) 6° O Pirata Dos Setes Mares - ( 1945 ) 7° Lobo do Mar - ( 2009 ) 8° O Almirante Correntes Furiosas - ( 2014 ) 9° Moby Dick - ( 1998 ) 10° O Cisne Negro - ( 1942 ) 11° Náufrago - ( 2000 ) 12° As Aventuras de Pi - ( 2012 ) 13° Até o Fim - ( 2013 ) 14° Terror a Bordo - ( 1989 ) 15° Perigo em Alto Mar - ( 2010 ) 16° Mar Aberto - ( 2003 ) 17° Pânico em Alto Mar - ( 2006 ) 18° O Gavião do Mar - ( 1940 ) 19° O Capitão Blood - ( 1935 ) 20° Um Barco e Nove Destinos - ( 1944 ) 21° Kursk - A Última Missão - ( 2018 ) 22° Maré Vermelha - ( 1995 ) 23° Alerta Vermelho - ( 1997 ) 24° A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho - ( 1990 ) 25° Titanic - ( 1997 ) 26° Tormenta - ( 1996 ) 27° Homens de Honra - ( 2000 ). OBS: mas o que poucos sabem sobre filmes assim, É que naquela época o estilo de vida das pessoas q viviam ou trabalhavam de alguma forma, e na Maior parte do tempo em Alto Mar, seja como Marujo, Soldado Naval, Marinheiro, ou Pescador, era realmente como retratado em muitos filmes, Como exe: (o estilo de vida, comidas e costumes típicos, até o modo de falar era singular deles, com expressões que Só os " homens do Mar" usavam. e etc.. ) Porfavor se não for incômodo me Indiquem mais filmes assim 🙂🙂 pois CLARO q tem alguns ou muitos que Não conheço ainda, tanto de Histórias baseados em enredos antigos, quanto Novos ou de acontecimentos mais recentes.
Thank you🤗😊
Charles Laughton is not woke....great generation actor!
Are you a child? What a stupid thing to say. You do realise Laughton was at the very least bisexual if not gay. Is that sole enough for you?
So nice the them tune scottish by mendleson lol captain kidd born bonnie dundee not greenock, some day they will find his treasure 😊😊
They sure knew how to make a good movie in those days!
¡Buena película con excelentes Actores...Charles, Randolph y John. #Gracias#
Laughton alone is outstanding
At 54:50 (and on) - magnificent sky! I'll hire the painter for my next film...
Hey, wait, I don't see Helen here! Get me a flashlight and I'll go searching for her! 🔦♥😎
Hahahahaha! My dear Big John !I live u because of ur humour !!!!! 👸 💋 💋
Filme sensacional maravilhoso muito obrigado.0
Yeay 😇 . Nobody writes stories like this anymore !
The thing is , this is truth as recorded in ships logs which the commanding officer is required to keep . Hopefully the commanding officer was honest .
Excelente 👍👏👏
There are cuts in this version.
Does anyone know who did the restoration on this version? I'm looking to purchase the best copy I can. Thanks.
This version is not fully restored. It is missing at least one part when after Adam Mercy's friend Bartholomew Blevins signs in and walks away, Kidd, (referring to Adam Mercy), turns toward Lorenzo and Boyle and says: "There's no mask for a treacherous heart like an honest face. You keep your eye on him". The only version I found on UA-cam that still has that part still in it is the one with German subtitles.
The original Captain Kidd was born in my home town off greenock Scotland 🏴 William Kidd, Greenock is a port on the river clyde a ship building town I think Captain Kidd would be saddened to see it now
Pretty entertaining, rather funny at times. I watched this film because I'm working on a history talk about the real Captain Kidd and was curious about how he'd been portrayed in fiction. For anyone wondering this story is almost pure fiction with isolated historical references scattered throughout. I can't help but wonder if this was originally written as a pirate adventure unrelated to the famed captain and they adapted it a bit for the sake of name recognition.
Hola. Excelente. Gracias.
Obrigado CCC! Show a resolução em 1440! Pena que (logo aos 1:40), antes e quando aparece em chamas o galeão "The Twelve Apostles", a dublagem reporta como "O ONZE Apóstolos", porém, na Legenda em PT-BR está correto. Tks
Great film, thanks for posting it; but where in the world did the closed captions come from!! Absolutely pitiful.
Tis no surprise to anyone who reads this that acclaimed thespian and star of this movie Charles Laughton had written into his contract that he always have a secret stash of foie gras and picked onions down his undergarments/ pantaloons to feast upon or he would faint between takes if the foie gras and pickled onions were not upon feasted.
Actors eh...🧐
Charles Laughton ❤
I loved Jon candy
But also remember , that the story may have been admonished a little for Hollywood standers . But this movie is 1940s stuff , so you can imagine all the phanagaling the producers did to present it .
Muito bom filme obrigado
captain Kidd a real english gentleman
Captain Kidd was Scottish.
Scottish gentleman.😊
Precioso tío gracias
Excelente filme, gostei.
DARN if I see RS without a cowboy hat!
no hay una sola pelicula de piratas que este buena
"El capitán Blood" (1935). Aunque el libro de Rafael Sabatini es mejor, por supuesto.
I’m takeing notice that ships are floating castles .
This is a good portrait of the British of that time pirates disguised us gentlemen.Too many of those captains ask the Spaniards 😂😂
Oh Captain mein Captain !
gosto muito de filme de piratas . valeu
Boa tarde ,os filmes apresentados terão legendas em português ?
Ecelente pelicula, como me gustan los clasicos
Otimo fime.