This video has English subtitles. Are you willing to translate it into your language? Kindly let us know ( Press the CC button to switch the subtitles on or off. Watch this quick-guide on how to turn on captions on your mobile device:
"We have a lot to learn from the donkeys...they work and don't complain...and when they fall they get back up again..." Great wisdom indeed. Glory to Christ. ☦️
There 632 monasteries in Romania. The county of Valcea where I live, has the most monasteries in the country, 19, most notably Frasinei Monastery, which has the same regime as in Mount Athos, namely women aren't allowed.
Thank you for this. The powers of distraction are so technologically advanced and all-pervasive nowadays. Lord, have mercy on us, help us, and save us. Amen.
Yes we are. One of our romanian patriarchs, Patriarch Justinian, went to Ethiopia to meet with the emperor Haile Selassie I. May Christ be with you, orthodox brother! 🇪🇹☦🇷🇴
I'm wishing to see more orthodox fathers and monks in everywhere. In the old times there were so many churches and monasteries in Cappadocia, my hometown. Please pray for rising orthodoxy here again.
Călugări plini de sfințenie, pătrunși de o credință nelimitată și puternică. Oameni sfințiți de Dumnezeu, doar cu Dumnezeu în suflet și- n inimă ! Oameni curați sufletește, care trăiesc doar în rugăciune neîncetată și în sfințenie. Sfinți părinți care ajung să cunoască Raiul de aici, de pe pământ ! Plecăciune în fața lor !
toti monahii si monahiile care au intrerupt comuniunea cu ierarhii eretici si cu pseudo patriarhul eretic, au fost alungati din manastiri, dupa sinodul talharesc din Creta, iunie 2016 ! Au ramas in manastiri numai vrajmasii lui Dumnezeu, dupa Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur !
Amazing! What a beautiful video, inspiring words, a visual hopefulness of monastics hidden & praying for us. Pls pray for my island. Very few Orthodox here, but our new Bishop is keen to start a monastery. Glory to God! 2019 1st time I'd ever felt isolated when us non-Greek speakers had to do confession by telephone to priest 1000s km away. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner 💖🙏
Tanrı her bir insanı bu sevgiyi bu tatlılığı tatmasına nasip olsun Kutsal ruhuyla kalplerimize ışık olsun biz onsuz birşey yapamayız en küçük şeytanla bile mücadele edemeyiz 🙏
Holy Nation and a Holy Church of Christ... All Her children are Saints interceeding for us in front of Christ... Christos A Inviate...Χριστός Ανέστη... ΧPICTOC BOCKPECE..المسيح قام.. From an unworthy Greek Orthodox ψάλτη Αβραάμ in Beirut Lebanon...
De-n fiecare casă ar mai crede câte unu', Ne-ar fi precum era-n pruncie-Ajunul, Dar cum în nepăsare și-n păcat ședem, Ne vine tare greu pe Domnul să vedem... Și ne mințim că tare ne iubim, Când daruri materiale împărțim, Și-n sânge curg doar seruri reci, În loc de nouă ceruri, să-ntâmpine pe Cel din veci. Ce mult ai fi putut, dar n-ai ce Este, Să nu simți tu prezentu-n veșnicii, Căci iadul nu-i poveste, Nici Raiul vechi zapis de teorii. De cazi precum nisipul de pe creste, Pierdut pe drumul larg făr' de copii, Există încă suflete nădejde, Căci Fiul face apa-n vin, iar Tatăl, numai bucurii... Hristos iarăși S-a născut, Pentru cin' La cunoscut, Dar și pentru cei străini Că S-a mângâiat de spini. 'colo sus pe Sfânta-i Cruce Pe care iarăși O duce, Pentru mare, pentru mic, Omul neputând nimic Fără Duh și fără Tată, Fără Fiu și Sfânta-i Maică! Praznic Luminat, În toți vecii închinat Până-n Ceruri înălțat, Ultimii să fim în Rai, Decât primii, jos la vai! Sfântul și Bunul Dumnezeu să vă ocrotească până la sfârșitul pelerinajului pe acest pământ (plin de Irozi vicleni, împresurat cu peșteri reci și întunecate) însă totuși binecuvântat de rugăciunea celor care mai cred, mai iubesc și încă mai nădăjduiesc la mântuirea aproapelui, asemenea magilor care îndelung au călătorit pentru a găsi pe Cel ce Este și Va fi... Slavă întru cei de sus Lui Dumnezeu și pe pământ pace, între oameni bunăvoire!
@@otelders Doamne ajuta! Mi-e rușine că nu am recunoscut locul și nu mi-am adus aminte de măgărușii cu care părinții își duc alimente din vale. Am fost acolo. Dacă nu mă înșel, spre răsărit este schitul Iezer.
Has anyone heard this idea from a known saint? This idea of one of the monks is that we cannot be empty of mind but are either influenced by God or the devil, never neither.
@@otelders WOW! What a terrific article. It feels like trying to read the Ladder of St John Climacus - how can I even struggle onto the 1st rung? How can I lookout on 8 sides??? All I can do is struggle to remember the Jesus Prayer as often as possible. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner.
Merhabalar Ben 35 yaşındayım. Ben müslüman bir ailede doğdum fakat ben 2017 yılında Kazakistan'da çalıştığım zaman vaftiz oldum. Ben keşiş olmak istiyorum beni kabul edebilecek bir manastır arıyorum. Lütfen benimle ile iletişime geçin
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 from the Bible ❤❤❤❤
In Orthodoxy there are two main ways through which one can achieve salvation: 1. Ascetism - if you are in a monastery, then try doing your best out there; or, 2. In society: by marriage - do a good job there as well (have kids, respect your family and teach them to be good - moral people, with strong characters). Of course, there may be other ways too, but these two sums it up pretty well. And in the words of a holy man, Arsenia Boca: " - Not all of the ascets/monks will find salvation in monastery, while is not necessary that all those from society will find their peril." --> This meaning that it's not necessary for one to be absolutely saved just because is a monk; and in the same time the people from society are not automatically "doomed", just because they don't live a monastic life. Marriage and all the problems in society are somehow equated here with the life of the monks because: - A monk doesn't have as many distractions, therefore has time to pray and read scriptures, etc., so this is their "cross" . "Cross", in the meaning of responsibilities. - While the people in society (assuming that most majority are married, with kids) have a lot of distractions and problems associated with raising the kids into good adults, work, etc. (and less time for praying, etc..) - this is considered to be their "cross". I hope this had answered your question. God bless! :)
La voi ie iarna si gurile voastre va cer asandha picioatele voastre va cer obdiele dar voi aveti ciorapi de plastic a pomenit fotbal si dushman Nu se primeste intro casa pe cineva care ghalceveste pe altcineva arucand si trimițând .
This is the Pătrunsa monastery. I had been for almost 3 months and stayed as brother monk in this monastery. It isn't like in the video. The monks are really sinners, not saints at all, only mediocre people!
If they want God's approval, they first need to do some prayerful thought on the scriptures. he says " Nothing in the world rivals salvation". wrong! The sanctification of God's holy name and his right to rule is the single most important thing in the world and universe. it's why God's own son Jesus made it first in the LORDS prayer " ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified." Mathew 6:9" NWT " Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." KJV. That name is JEHOVAH. Psalm 83:18" May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth". they will have to stop bowing to the image of Jesus too, as Jehovah and Jesus both made it clear it's Jehovah GOD that is to be worshiped exclusively. Exodus 20:4-5 " You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. 5 You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion," Mathew 4:10 " Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”. so no crosses, no images nothing as it says in John 4:24 " God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”. so nothing man makes will ever represent the True God Jehovah, but reading his word in the bible daily and doing it truthfully will.
On Christ's icon, you'll see the phrase Ο ΩΝ, that translates to Jehovah. Christ told us he is Jehovah in all the "ΕΓΩ ΕΙΜΙ" statements. We simply can do icons of Christ and venerate them, because He was incarnated. He walked among us, we saw Him...
@@TropicalGardeningCyprus Thank you for your reply and explanation. researching ΕΓΩ ΕΙΜΙ, i see it means "I am", "I exist", (Wikipedia) and is consistent with other translations of the name Jehovah, YHWH, Yahweh all meaning "he causes to become " that is he becomes what he needs to be to do he will. but Jesus never said he was Jehovah. the meaning of Jesus means""God is salvation" "Yah saves." pointing to Jehovah as the one that saves, not Jesus, because otherwise the meaning of Jesus would be "i am salvation". but moving on from that, even if Jesus and Jehovah were the same person/God. He still does not want to be worshiped and venerated in such a way, because the bible sets the standard for pure worship, giving examples of whats right and whats is wrong (Romans 15:4). Exodus 32 shows us the wrong way to worship . Exodus 32 :5 " When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it. Then Aaron called out: “There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow." it was not just the fact it's a statue of a calf, but the fact that they called it Jehovah as representing him that was disgusting. likewise today, we need to avoid anything that is idolatry. you say" "He walked among us, we saw Him" . did you see him yourself? Jesus lived 2000 years ago, are you that old? how accurate do you think your image of Jesus is? i have never seen Jesus, but i know he did not have long hair as seen in this video, because the scriptures says at 1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man". remember Jesus was a man on earth at that time setting the model for all Christians ( 1 Peter 2:21). don't get me wrong, i am not trying to be a pain, just love GOD and people as Matthew 22:36-40 shows us to do, so want to share scripture truth where i can.
In Romania nu mai exista niciun ierarh si niciun preot care este in Adevar ! Niciunul nu mai este cu Hristos ! Toti nevrednici s-au facut ! Probabil ca mai traiesc cativa credinciosi care au fost botezati de catre preotii hirotoniti pe calendarul vechi, dupa 1924. Numai acestia au ramas in Biserica lui Hristos ! Restul...fereasca Dumnezeu !
Iată, acu' ca tot ai judecat TU (și pecetluit pentru iad peste 10 milioane de români), Bunul Dumnezeu va avea mai puțin de lucru căci la Judecata finală Te va întreba pe 'mneata: ia zi, ,,sfinte''' Mircea, sufletul ăsta unde să-l trimitem?
This video has English subtitles. Are you willing to translate it into your language? Kindly let us know ( Press the CC button to switch the subtitles on or off. Watch this quick-guide on how to turn on captions on your mobile device:
Prayers 🌷🦋from Greek Orthodox 🇬🇷🕊in Australia 🇦🇺God bless you all🙏
"We have a lot to learn from the donkeys...they work and don't complain...and when they fall they get back up again..."
Great wisdom indeed. Glory to Christ. ☦️
Romanian monasteries are so many and so mysterious. Only God knows how many saints they have produced. Glory to God.
There 632 monasteries in Romania. The county of Valcea where I live, has the most monasteries in the country, 19, most notably Frasinei Monastery, which has the same regime as in Mount Athos, namely women aren't allowed.
@@papastratos99 wow… thank you for sharing that.
The Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) has more monasteries, metochs and sketes than all other Orthodoxo Churches / Entities together.
@@ppn194 Glory to God!
Or how many souls their daily sufferings and prayers have saved!
Υπέροχοι άνθρωποι γεμάτοι αγάπη , την ευχή τους να έχουμε
Thank you for this. The powers of distraction are so technologically advanced and all-pervasive nowadays. Lord, have mercy on us, help us, and save us. Amen.
I am Orthodox from Ethiopia, we are brothers.
Yes we are. One of our romanian patriarchs, Patriarch Justinian, went to Ethiopia to meet with the emperor Haile Selassie I. May Christ be with you, orthodox brother! 🇪🇹☦🇷🇴
Yes brother.
We are not, unless you are Eastern orthodox. Orientals are heretics.
God bless them and all other Orthodox monks !!!
Doamne ai milă!
Dumnezeu sa va ajute dragi părinți
I'm wishing to see more orthodox fathers and monks in everywhere. In the old times there were so many churches and monasteries in Cappadocia, my hometown. Please pray for rising orthodoxy here again.
Lord, have mercy!
Браво! Живи и здрави да са още дълги години!
A beautiful spiritual place, thanks for sharing
This was a very refreshing thing to watch after a long nap
Great video! more from the romanian elders please!
They picked a beautiful snowy day
to record this .
They picked a beautiful snowy day
to record this .
Călugări plini de sfințenie, pătrunși de o credință nelimitată și puternică. Oameni sfințiți de Dumnezeu, doar cu Dumnezeu în suflet și- n inimă ! Oameni curați sufletește, care trăiesc doar în rugăciune neîncetată și în sfințenie. Sfinți părinți care ajung să cunoască Raiul de aici, de pe pământ ! Plecăciune în fața lor !
Numai sfinți nu sunt...
toti monahii si monahiile care au intrerupt comuniunea cu ierarhii eretici si cu pseudo patriarhul eretic, au fost alungati din manastiri, dupa sinodul talharesc din Creta, iunie 2016 ! Au ramas in manastiri numai vrajmasii lui Dumnezeu, dupa Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur !
my Orthodox fathers, may your blessing reach to me.
This piece is beautifully done, wonderful, went straight to my heart. Thank you so much!
God bless!
Amazing! What a beautiful video, inspiring words, a visual hopefulness of monastics hidden & praying for us. Pls pray for my island. Very few Orthodox here, but our new Bishop is keen to start a monastery. Glory to God! 2019 1st time I'd ever felt isolated when us non-Greek speakers had to do confession by telephone to priest 1000s km away. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner 💖🙏
What is your island ?
@@ppn194 Tasmania
@@mrsnkg7904 👏
@@ppn194 (👏?) Where are you? 😊
@@mrsnkg7904 In an old Orthodox country in Europe.
Tanrı her bir insanı bu sevgiyi bu tatlılığı tatmasına nasip olsun Kutsal ruhuyla kalplerimize ışık olsun biz onsuz birşey yapamayız en küçük şeytanla bile mücadele edemeyiz 🙏
Beautiful 🙏❤
I needed this thank you!
Same .
Cat Adevar! multumesc
Very very timely message. I just want to say thank you for sharing this. God bless you.
Thank you
Thank you.
Glory to the Father in Heaven! Now i understand and respect them, was a time i couldn't.
Pure beauty. Glory to the God!
Tis a gift to be simple .
God's Blessings to you all!
Holy Nation and a Holy Church of Christ... All Her children are Saints interceeding for us in front of Christ... Christos A Inviate...Χριστός Ανέστη... ΧPICTOC BOCKPECE..المسيح قام.. From an unworthy Greek Orthodox ψάλτη Αβραάμ in Beirut Lebanon...
την ευχη σας να εχουμε
Beautiful. Many thanks and glory be to God Almighty!
More of these please.... Ty for the vids!!
Doamne ajută!
Great is our Lord GOD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST forever and ever Amen!
Beaucoup de sagesse et de savoir. On n'entend pas assez de tels gens, quelque soit leur religion. Merci. Belle vidéo.
God bless
Glory to Good God! May the blessings of God to the whole world!
De-n fiecare casă ar mai crede câte unu',
Ne-ar fi precum era-n pruncie-Ajunul,
Dar cum în nepăsare și-n păcat ședem,
Ne vine tare greu pe Domnul să vedem...
Și ne mințim că tare ne iubim,
Când daruri materiale împărțim,
Și-n sânge curg doar seruri reci,
În loc de nouă ceruri, să-ntâmpine pe Cel din veci.
Ce mult ai fi putut, dar n-ai ce Este,
Să nu simți tu prezentu-n veșnicii,
Căci iadul nu-i poveste,
Nici Raiul vechi zapis de teorii.
De cazi precum nisipul de pe creste,
Pierdut pe drumul larg făr' de copii,
Există încă suflete nădejde,
Căci Fiul face apa-n vin, iar Tatăl, numai bucurii...
Hristos iarăși S-a născut,
Pentru cin' La cunoscut,
Dar și pentru cei străini
Că S-a mângâiat de spini.
'colo sus pe Sfânta-i Cruce
Pe care iarăși O duce,
Pentru mare, pentru mic,
Omul neputând nimic
Fără Duh și fără Tată,
Fără Fiu și Sfânta-i Maică!
Praznic Luminat,
În toți vecii închinat
Până-n Ceruri înălțat,
Ultimii să fim în Rai,
Decât primii, jos la vai!
Sfântul și Bunul Dumnezeu să vă ocrotească până la sfârșitul pelerinajului pe acest pământ (plin de Irozi vicleni, împresurat cu peșteri reci și întunecate) însă totuși binecuvântat de rugăciunea celor care mai cred, mai iubesc și încă mai nădăjduiesc la mântuirea aproapelui, asemenea magilor care îndelung au călătorit pentru a găsi pe Cel ce Este și Va fi... Slavă întru cei de sus Lui Dumnezeu și pe pământ pace, între oameni bunăvoire!
got frost on my nose just watching this
( Lol ).
Minunate sunt lucrurile Tale Doamne! Oare despre ce mănăstire este vorba?
Patrunsa, Valcea.
@@otelders Doamne ajuta! Mi-e rușine că nu am recunoscut locul și nu mi-am adus aminte de măgărușii cu care părinții își duc alimente din vale. Am fost acolo. Dacă nu mă înșel, spre răsărit este schitul Iezer.
Gospodi Isuse Hriste sine bozji pomiluj ne
Amen Amen Amen
Has anyone heard this idea from a known saint? This idea of one of the monks is that we cannot be empty of mind but are either influenced by God or the devil, never neither.
There is a nice article that might shed some light on this:
@@otelders WOW! What a terrific article. It feels like trying to read the Ladder of St John Climacus - how can I even struggle onto the 1st rung? How can I lookout on 8 sides??? All I can do is struggle to remember the Jesus Prayer as often as possible. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner.
Thanks for the info, brothers.
yo he is almost as old as the camera used to film this
Ben 35 yaşındayım. Ben müslüman bir ailede doğdum fakat ben 2017 yılında Kazakistan'da çalıştığım zaman vaftiz oldum. Ben keşiş olmak istiyorum beni kabul edebilecek bir manastır arıyorum. Lütfen benimle ile iletişime geçin
Dumnezeu să te ajute frate...!
Ask God for the right guidance, He will guide you the most correctly
Ce manastire este?
Ai in ce an e filmat
Patrunsa, Valcea, 2009
➕Through the prayers of our➕Holy Father's➕LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR GOD have mercy on us and save us Amen.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 from the Bible ❤❤❤❤
🧡 O h ❣ 💜
So according to him we can't marry and raise families because this will affect our relationship with God right?
No... The Sacrament of Marriage is blessed by the Church.
In Orthodoxy there are two main ways through which one can achieve salvation:
1. Ascetism - if you are in a monastery, then try doing your best out there;
2. In society: by marriage - do a good job there as well (have kids, respect your family and teach them to be good - moral people, with strong characters).
Of course, there may be other ways too, but these two sums it up pretty well.
And in the words of a holy man, Arsenia Boca:
" - Not all of the ascets/monks will find salvation in monastery, while is not necessary that all those from society will find their peril."
--> This meaning that it's not necessary for one to be absolutely saved just because is a monk; and in the same time the people from society are not automatically "doomed", just because they don't live a monastic life. Marriage and all the problems in society are somehow equated here with the life of the monks because:
- A monk doesn't have as many distractions, therefore has time to pray and read scriptures, etc., so this is their "cross" . "Cross", in the meaning of responsibilities.
- While the people in society (assuming that most majority are married, with kids) have a lot of distractions and problems associated with raising the kids into good adults, work, etc. (and less time for praying, etc..) - this is considered to be their "cross".
I hope this had answered your question. God bless! :)
@@IgregorioArsenie Boca este eretic
@@GabrielPetric-tp9wx Asta e tot ce ai inteles din mesajul meu?! :)
@@Igregorio nu dar am văzut că iei de bun un eretic
Nu mai traduceți în engleză suntem romini
Traducerea în engleză este pentru ca mesajele acestea să ajungă să fie înțelese de cât mai mulți, nu doar de români.
Sunt foarte multi ortodocsi din alte tari, care cerceteaza parintii si sfi tii romani
La voi ie iarna si gurile voastre va cer asandha picioatele voastre va cer obdiele dar voi aveti ciorapi de plastic a pomenit fotbal si dushman
Nu se primeste intro casa pe cineva care ghalceveste pe altcineva arucand si trimițând
This is the Pătrunsa monastery. I had been for almost 3 months and stayed as brother monk in this monastery. It isn't like in the video. The monks are really sinners, not saints at all, only mediocre people!
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. 1 Timothy 1:15
Orbii nu au ochi sa vada....pierdeti mult....
If they want God's approval, they first need to do some prayerful thought on the scriptures. he says " Nothing in the world rivals salvation". wrong! The sanctification of God's holy name and his right to rule is the single most important thing in the world and universe. it's why God's own son Jesus made it first in the LORDS prayer " ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified." Mathew 6:9" NWT " Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." KJV. That name is JEHOVAH. Psalm 83:18" May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth". they will have to stop bowing to the image of Jesus too, as Jehovah and Jesus both made it clear it's Jehovah GOD that is to be worshiped exclusively. Exodus 20:4-5 " You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. 5 You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion," Mathew 4:10 " Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”. so no crosses, no images nothing as it says in John 4:24 " God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”. so nothing man makes will ever represent the True God Jehovah, but reading his word in the bible daily and doing it truthfully will.
On Christ's icon, you'll see the phrase Ο ΩΝ, that translates to Jehovah. Christ told us he is Jehovah in all the "ΕΓΩ ΕΙΜΙ" statements.
We simply can do icons of Christ and venerate them, because He was incarnated. He walked among us, we saw Him...
@@TropicalGardeningCyprus Thank you for your reply and explanation. researching ΕΓΩ ΕΙΜΙ, i see it means "I am", "I exist", (Wikipedia) and is consistent with other translations of the name Jehovah, YHWH, Yahweh all meaning "he causes to become " that is he becomes what he needs to be to do he will. but Jesus never said he was Jehovah. the meaning of Jesus means""God is salvation" "Yah saves." pointing to Jehovah as the one that saves, not Jesus, because otherwise the meaning of Jesus would be "i am salvation". but moving on from that, even if Jesus and Jehovah were the same person/God. He still does not want to be worshiped and venerated in such a way, because the bible sets the standard for pure worship, giving examples of whats right and whats is wrong (Romans 15:4). Exodus 32 shows us the wrong way to worship . Exodus 32 :5 " When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it. Then Aaron called out: “There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow." it was not just the fact it's a statue of a calf, but the fact that they called it Jehovah as representing him that was disgusting. likewise today, we need to avoid anything that is idolatry. you say" "He walked among us, we saw Him" . did you see him yourself? Jesus lived 2000 years ago, are you that old? how accurate do you think your image of Jesus is? i have never seen Jesus, but i know he did not have long hair as seen in this video, because the scriptures says at 1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man". remember Jesus was a man on earth at that time setting the model for all Christians ( 1 Peter 2:21). don't get me wrong, i am not trying to be a pain, just love GOD and people as Matthew 22:36-40 shows us to do, so want to share scripture truth where i can.
@@43PR50 bro, are you part of Jehovah's witnesses group?
@@TropicalGardeningCyprus i have studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses yes, but i am here to highlight bible truth and represent Jehovah.
@@43PR50 I thought so, very disappointing, sorry for wasting your time
In Romania nu mai exista niciun ierarh si niciun preot care este in Adevar ! Niciunul nu mai este cu Hristos ! Toti nevrednici s-au facut ! Probabil ca mai traiesc cativa credinciosi care au fost botezati de catre preotii hirotoniti pe calendarul vechi, dupa 1924. Numai acestia au ramas in Biserica lui Hristos ! Restul...fereasca Dumnezeu !
Tati, ai luat-o pe arătură
Ce prostii spui! Mi-e mila de tine daca traiesti asa o minciuna! Dumnezeu sa te ierte si sa te ajute!
Iată, acu' ca tot ai judecat TU (și pecetluit pentru iad peste 10 milioane de români), Bunul Dumnezeu va avea mai puțin de lucru căci la Judecata finală Te va întreba pe 'mneata: ia zi, ,,sfinte''' Mircea, sufletul ăsta unde să-l trimitem?