Every helicopter armed with a anti tank missile is deadly. What makes the ka52 stand out is its amazing features.. its less prone to a crash and has ejection. Other helicopter will certainly crash if the tail is hit.. and pilots are probably dead! This helicopter increases survivality
and majority still dies. That ejection effectiveness is under question. And in lots of cases broken in order do not let pilots get captured. Those are very valuable prisoners.
@@Dede_Stepas if you think that your army will fight without losses, then either you are stupid for the whole head, or this army will fight only with savages. Any war is statistics and economics of losses. Whoever has this economy is not more profitable, he loses
@@Dede_Stepas Of course most people die, because very often missiles hit the cockpit, even if the shrapnel does not kill these pilots, it will cause "Panic". Like any human being, then they get lost or they die. But this is not an argument, because there is a chance to survive, I heard about one case of ejection, and the second case when Ka-52 flew to the airfield without tail. That's already 2 crews rescued.
Lol, murica lost 10 000 (!!!) aircraft in Vietnam, fighting peasants without shoes ! Russia lost a few dozens of choppers so far, in almost 2 years fighting THE BEST NATO could throw at.... The numbers are the real story here.
And funnily enough if you were to swap out all of the Russian tanks, helicopters, and 4th gen jets with their American counterparts? Losses would be pretty comparable. Tanks would have far less total hull and crew losses from enemy fire, but *much* worse overall performance since they'd always be getting stuck in the mud.
I mean thinking about vietnam as just as rice farmers is wrong. They were incredibly sofisticated, Hanoi, at one point was the best AA fortified city in the world and they get aid from China and USSR (very new) that would dwarf anything we sent to Ukraine…so, yea Vietnam was an empire ending disaster on catastrophic scale, but so is Ukraine for Russia. No reason to pretend otherwise
@@michaldvorak2501 - Vienam received some aid from China and the ex-URSS . Uke is receiving MORE - a lot MORE aid from ALL NATO ! - AND from all EU. This is just one big difference. The other, is the fact US lost OVER 10 000 aircraft there - when Russians lost less than 100 , lol. So, please, be a man and stop comparing the two things, they are so much different ! I not even comment about the carpet bombing, napalm, Agent Orange and the atrocious war crimes committed by US animals like My Lai massacre....
@@michaldvorak2501 У России не было и нет причин уничтожать украинцев и их земли в отличии от тех кто в кладывает в руки украинцев ядовитые вещи и отправляют на встречу оперативникам на гибель.
as a russian main, i can assure u that u should not worry, we have less competent players at top tier than gun depression on our mbts. We aint as bad as the autistic german mains tho.
а почему всего сорок? берите больше, украинские "эксперты" рассказывают о сотнях сбитых КА 52. Напоминаю, что украине при распаде СССР досталась ТРЕТЬЯ АРМИЯ В МИРЕ по количеству наземного вооружения. Восемь лет обстреливая Донбасс натовские силы готовили украинских и натовских боевиков, строили бетонные сооружения и собрали более 600 тысяч боевиков, чтобы смести две маленькие республики. Россия их опередила буквально на несколько дней. Зашел корпус из 120 тысяч человек, и перемололи украинскую армию меньше чем за пять месяцев СВО. Далее в расход пустили технику стран варшавского договора, которая буквально реками стекалась на украину, а сегодня уже утилизируют западный хлам. Хватит распространять ложь. Поверьте, если бы натовцы на украине уничтожили хотя бы штук десять КА 52 , они бы кадры сбитых вертолётов крутили 24/7. А это реальность, которую приносит западная демократия. ----> Shocking losses of Ukraine. Час украинских кладбищ.
@@Алекс3м Ну расскажи из какой ты дурки. Почему ты стыдишься или презираешь свою страну? Я из России. Откуда ты, " не раб"? Сравним. Истина познаётся в сравнении. Смелее, мыколка.
The Oryx is one of the top Ukraine propagandist, he uses the same Russian destroyed tanks over and over again from different angles making it seem Russian lost multiple tanks but in reality, it's just one, He even count destroy Soviet Ukrainian tanks as Russian but he can't do that now that they're using western vehicles that's we've seen countless NATO armored vehicles and tanks completely destroyed by Russia
The losses numbers are exaggerated by oryx that besides westners no one take them seriously specially when they stopped the counting when the counter offensive started because all Ukrainian gears become western so you can't make Ukrainian losses looks and counted Russian 😂
@@clapper3530 The Oryx site is part of the Western propaganda machine and a mechanism of psychological war against the Russians, which until recently was financed by the CIA, and now that site has been permanently closed because the CIA concluded that the results achieved by that site did not justify the invested funds! We can probably soon expect a new "neutral and objective source" of information about "catastrophic" Russian losses and little to no Ukrainian/NATO losses, and you will instantly wholeheartedly accept that "information" because it pleases you!
@@clapper3530Oryx is one of the top Ukraine propagandist, he makes one Russian tanks and armored vehicles loss seem like dozen by uploading the same tank with different angles and he even post many destroyed Ukrainian Soviet tanks as Russian losses All that changed when Ukraine started using western vehicles and we see the uncountable destroyed western tanks and vehicles lying on the battlefield
Мы русские Казахстана за Россию и спецоперацию! Пусть земля горит под украинскими бандформированиями. Украина должна быть ликвидирована как субъект международного права. Михаил и Лада из Алматы.
Почему для такого крутого вертолета ваши любимые власти не хотят строить бронированные ангары? Так что любой квадрокоптер может его уничтожить? Подскажите вашим любимым властям, что это похоже на предательство
Magnificent piece of Western components that make up this helicopter. russia cannot produce even simple electronics. and they are also magnificent burning fall down 😂😂
@@russiansarefilthyapes1660приведи пожалуйста пример какие там западные компоненты? Электроника там тоже российская. Ах да я забыл он же вертолёт не полетит без электроники из стиральных машин😂😂😂
@@Retroromancer$Ка-50 это ударный боевой вертолет, работающий по целеуказания с командирского Ка-52. Изначально боевая эскадрилья комплектовалась, по замыслу, одним-двумя Аллигаторами с возможностью сетевого целеуказания, обнаружения и разведки, тогда как непосредственно огневое воздействие оказывали звенья из ка-50. Но не вывезли по деньгам и электронике, и , по итогу, заменили одно на другое. Поэтому Ка-52 менее живучий, по сравнению с 50. Бронекапсулы от су-25 им уже не досталось, в силу компановки.
Многие курят в сторонке наблюдая, на этот ,по истине гениальный проект инженерной мысли, и кстати ещё далеко не конечная стадия его развития . Думаю скоро увидим новые версии этих вертолетов ,которые долбят оголтелых русофобов
С момента начала войны существует сайт Oryx. Который ведет отчётность потерь боевой техники с фото или видео фиксацией оной. на него можно зайти и увидеть сколько, когда и как было потеряно боевой техники. И я почему то более чем уверен что читающий это узкий уже слышал про этот сайт. Но его закостенелое догматическое мышление просто проигнорировало что то новое и "не наше". Ведь так хочется увидеть правду от своих. Они то врать не будут.
When American-Ukrainian propaganda talks about 40 shot down helicopters, it means you can confidently divide this figure by ten, or remove the 0 at the end.
Yeah thanks to those Ukranian washing machines they were able to embarrassed The US & NATO on their proxy war against Russia failing miserably while the whole world laughs at them lol😂
Before launching these birds Russians better send their drones both surveillance and attack drones just to make sure man pads and other air defences are not around . Because not every mission is safe in highly contested air space.Loosing a drone or two is one thing. Loosing a million dollar chopper with pilots is another.
У Украины ничего своего нет, а западный хлам полное дерьмо, никогда ни США ,ни НАТО не умели делать ПВО, лепят дерьмо для продажи ,сами себя обманывая!
They do that always, notice in Telegram how are always stealth drones recording missiles strikes in Kiev ! The russian drone production dwarfs NATO countries, since they do not waste resources in big, heavy drones, but instead, cheap small and stealth ones. And they produce them in big numbers now. The fact they have eyes over Kiev 24/7 are a sign of that.
@@mirandela777 Back in the days of Georgian war when most countries using serviliance drones for military operations Russia had NONE. Even at beginning of Ukraine conflict they were far behind to Ukrainians.Had they had sufficient drone force outcome would be much different . Sad to see Russian draftees some injured are dying in trenches due to Ukrainians dropping bombs with no cover from top whatsoever. What Russia needs a capable long range drone force which can independently guide the projectiles to their designated target since they cannot match the accuracy and lethality of western made systems like HIMARS. Russians must realize this is no longer Russo Ukraine war. But Russo NATO war and should treat as such.
@@nandanap9225украинскую ПВО взломали с помощью дронов которые имитировали сигнатуры ударных самотетов и крылатых ракет! Вы до сих пор думаете что Россия чипы из стиральных машин достаёт? 😂😂😂
Seharusnya Pemerintah RI mengakuisisi helikopter Aligator K.52 utk menambah kekuatan tempur TNI. Pengadaan alutsista tdk hanya bertumpu pd amerika atau blok barat semata, tp bs juga mengambil dari Russia. Agar kedepannya keseimbangan hubungan militer ttp berimbang antara blok barat dgn Russia, juga bila terkena embargo dr amerika/blok barat, kekuatan militer TNI akan ttp berjalan.
@@maximfreeman6747 у Аллигатора способность нести 10 тонн боевой нагрузки при скорости 300 км в час на высоте 11 км и самая живучая защита от ПЗРК ракет (17 ракет не смогли сбить Ка 52) и всё это никому Не смешно......
How is the rotor system redundant if there is no tail rotor to stabilize the loss of one of the main rotors? The reason it doesn't need a tail rotor is because a main rotor is spinning in the opposite direction of the other one. A loss of one of the rotors would be a catastrophic failure.
The Ka-52 loss statistics were compiled with a number of errors. Both sides suffer from this problem. Those Ka-52s that just landed and then were taken out for repairs are temporary losses, there were a few such losses hull losses were at the initial stage of this military conflict, which is also typical for US military operations and this is due to deep operations in an environment very heavily saturated with air defense at the beginning of a military conflict After this, losses decreased sharply, just as it happens in the case of US military operations (which is not surprising, Russia around 2010 simply copied the US doctrine, slightly reworking it to suit local conditions, so the loss profile over time is very similar)
@@struvrim7637 Also specially during 2022 the Ka 52 used was the first version, once they started using their latest versions real hell began for Ukrainian troops and Ka 52 losses dropped even when its use skyrocketed.
not to mention the K/D ration the probably have against enemy armor. besides, recently they've lost very little to none I belief since they adapted it to the battlefield better?
This helicopter 🚁 it’s the bombastic machine. When in Ukraine the tanks and soldiers can hear the engines they all hide like a rabbits in the holes and in the bushes otherwise he ain’t even come close to them,- with in 2-3 km he can destroy them with antitank missiles and rockets .
It will be nice to see how many of these heli's Ukraine will recieve when the russian army shits its pants and runs back to russia... Then take them to the skies in russia and see how you like getting invaded?
Each military group sizes of 10+ in Ukrainian has anti-air means . ka52 engage targets at relatively far distances, 5-9 km. Rising up just above trees or landscape, shoot, hold beam, hide
Российские ВС набираются опыта на войне с самым современным вооружением применяемым с обеих сторон. И у Русских это получается успешно. Западный мир не в силах что то противопоставить и это в условиях тотальной экономической блокады и всевозможных санкций. 🇷🇺💪
В том-то и прикол, что на Украину отправляют либо старье из восьмидесятых, либо кастрированные версии современной техники. Чтобы, мол, русским в руки не попали западные технологии. А украинцы всё думают, что танки им сам Тони Старк клепает.
at least its not wasted if the tail gets damaged unlike tail rotors plus it can also eject to save pilots pilots are more expensive than helicopters ngl
Yep according to ukranian sources... who had already claimed total destruction of russian ground forces... twice 🤣 So no worries, last of those helis will go down within two or three weeks and problem will solve itself. We also know that Putin's factories are running low on western microwaves and washers, so no more advanced tech for those orcs 😜
"Product 305" - they use this ammunition. But, not on equipment, but on Engineering structures and buildings with the enemy. But I agree, this helicopter lacks SPIKE.
Платфоома есть, а ракеты у нас умеют делать, вопрос обозримого будущего. Чтобы ракетыы были дешевы и технологичгы, вопрос стоит имено в этом, Неинтересно снаряжать кассеты по 40 ракет стоимостью по пол миллиона долларов каждая., полагаю.
The LMUR (Izdeliye 305) is BVR @ 14km! It is the Russian equivalent of a Hellfire missile but much better. It's twice heavier than Hellfire 104 kg vs 45 kg but has a 3X more powerful warhead 25 kg vs 8 kg and also longer range 14 km vs 11 km. LMUR uses modern optical/thermal imaging seeker while Hellfire is laser/radio guided. Come to think of it the Hellfire is actually more similar to the 9K121 Vikhr which has 45kg weight, 12km range, 12kg warhead, also has a laser beam riding guidance like the Hellfire and they were both introduced in the 80's.
And just recently, the Ukrainians “shot down 74 out of 75 Russian drones” in one attack. But after this attack, half of Kyiv was left without electricity, and in many areas around Kyiv the electricity was lost. Was it all done by one remaining drone? Drone - Rambo. You are such clowns...
Most of the ones that were downed were from the ARMA game. Real ones are a bit more challenging to down.😂 Some of these were hit with a number of handhelds, and just flew away after releasing their payload like nothing happened. Ukrainian "Gen-Z's" call it "the shields". They're definitely not invincible. Just very resilient, with pretty smart jammers and provide better survival chances for the pilot in the event they are hit. If the Russians rapidly lost as large a percentage of pilots as claimed, - I have serious doubts they'd continue flying them like nothing happened, without first ascertaining what went wrong and correcting it. Helicopters can be speedily built back. Talented pilots take a much longer time to locate and train. I'd love to experience a direct, vertical liftoff at 14m/s though, (and not be involved in any wars at the same time). Must be like the free fall when chuting from a plane only backwards.
Can the ejection seat operate without any pilot/copilot pulling the ejection handle? IOW is there an automatic ejection sequence if engines die or vibrations exceed a limit?
Highly unlikely. Even if the engines die, the helicopter can still land quite easily using autorotation, it won’t just drop like a brick. This allows the helicopter to possibly be repaired and saves the crew from back pains
@@Idklmao1502he’s calling you a bot because apparently being on UA-cam for 3-4 years is still considered too little time to be considered an actual human being
@@lucks4fools978 that's ridiculous I have an original account which dates back in 2011 but in 2019 I forgot my password so I had to start a new account again
In high intensity of war such is in Ukraine now ,no weapon system is secured from been destroyed, this war prove that no game changer weapon can prevail, troops on ground with all surrounding waepon system is wining, this is not Yugo,Avgan ,Iraqi or Syria campaign this is full scale war not seen from 2world war. K52 is awesome machine but still can be shot down , only matter how fast can Russian make them fast and prep pilots for them
In Vietnam the propaganda of US f4 phantom jets defeating mig 17 were all lies,hundreads of phantom jets were eliminated by russian powerful surface to air missiles and the mig 17 dominated the sky 😂😂😂
Awww, You didn't even show its amazing prey-and-spray guns ! Those things shake so much while firing, you'd think they're afraid of flying and desperately trying to get away from the from the Helicopter as soon as possible.
Silly commenters, trying to play the numbers game comparing American losses in wars compared to Russia in Ukraine… 50 Ka-52M are to be delivered and 5 confirmed shot down already, 10% of the total units 😂
you rarely hear about KA-52s getting shot down. we hear about T-90s and Leopards more than KA-52s hell even planes, i haven't seen or heard anything about putin's Su-35, i mean yeah they are but rarely
The Anti -Tank missile requires the Helicopter to stay in position. I can task the missiles to top drop 💧 and never expose my aircraft. All Eight of them.
Ka-52 helicopters are desighnated for anti tank fight and are expendable goods that Russia can make in thousends. Best attack helicopter in the world and cost afective war machine. Best pilot protection in the helo world with ejection seats so there is not much killed pilots
Propaganda THE video of shot helicopter show MI-28 NOT KA-52 complitly diferent. And Ukraine all most went to the Krim. They take 2 km from 600km- NICE
you can't say it's not cool af... but.... sadly it's getting fragged by FPV drones.... so they need to equip these with hammers at least so the drones lose signal 1000m or do away from them. of course something like that can also be targeted by a home on jam missile... but that's always the problem with measure and counter measure, and I'd say immunity to £1000 done is better than hiding from a £200, 000 amraam or similar.
Jammers lol.... if it has an AESA radar BTW that is agile enough to be used to jam FPV drones, but is highly directional of course.... so dunno. Simple cell phone jamming type tech added (and also with frequency switching so it's not a shining beacon for any loitering munitions!)
Украина должна быть ликвидирована как субъект международного права. Мы русские Казахстана за Россию и спецоперацию. Пусть земля горит под украинскими бандформированиями. Ждём продолжения сериала про ракетные удары по Киеву. Михаил и Лада из Алматы.
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Why are you lying?
Every helicopter armed with a anti tank missile is deadly. What makes the ka52 stand out is its amazing features.. its less prone to a crash and has ejection. Other helicopter will certainly crash if the tail is hit.. and pilots are probably dead! This helicopter increases survivality
and majority still dies. That ejection effectiveness is under question. And in lots of cases broken in order do not let pilots get captured. Those are very valuable prisoners.
Stupid counter argument @@Dede_Stepas
@@Dede_Stepas if you think that your army will fight without losses, then either you are stupid for the whole head, or this army will fight only with savages. Any war is statistics and economics of losses. Whoever has this economy is not more profitable, he loses
Ukraine is blowing these pieces of trash out of the sky
@@Dede_Stepas Of course most people die, because very often missiles hit the cockpit, even if the shrapnel does not kill these pilots, it will cause "Panic". Like any human being, then they get lost or they die. But this is not an argument, because there is a chance to survive, I heard about one case of ejection, and the second case when Ka-52 flew to the airfield without tail. That's already 2 crews rescued.
The best combat helicopter in the world.
Better be wearing your Depends.
Ukrainian air defences: Are you sure about that?
@@Goc4everу украины есть пво?
Well that's debatable there rubbish
Lol, murica lost 10 000 (!!!) aircraft in Vietnam, fighting peasants without shoes ! Russia lost a few dozens of choppers so far, in almost 2 years fighting THE BEST NATO could throw at.... The numbers are the real story here.
And funnily enough if you were to swap out all of the Russian tanks, helicopters, and 4th gen jets with their American counterparts? Losses would be pretty comparable. Tanks would have far less total hull and crew losses from enemy fire, but *much* worse overall performance since they'd always be getting stuck in the mud.
I mean thinking about vietnam as just as rice farmers is wrong. They were incredibly sofisticated, Hanoi, at one point was the best AA fortified city in the world and they get aid from China and USSR (very new) that would dwarf anything we sent to Ukraine…so, yea Vietnam was an empire ending disaster on catastrophic scale, but so is Ukraine for Russia. No reason to pretend otherwise
@@michaldvorak2501 - Vienam received some aid from China and the ex-URSS . Uke is receiving MORE - a lot MORE aid from ALL NATO ! - AND from all EU.
This is just one big difference. The other, is the fact US lost OVER 10 000 aircraft there - when Russians lost less than 100 , lol. So, please, be a man and stop comparing the two things, they are so much different !
I not even comment about the carpet bombing, napalm, Agent Orange and the atrocious war crimes committed by US animals like My Lai massacre....
Лучшим из ведра со скрапом.
@@michaldvorak2501 У России не было и нет причин уничтожать украинцев и их земли в отличии от тех кто в кладывает в руки украинцев ядовитые вещи и отправляют на встречу оперативникам на гибель.
Also a nightmare for War Thunder top-tier players who aren’t Russian mains.
😂 best heli in WT
So Ka-52's Russian bias comes from proven reality
you saying that like if the other nations dont have helis lol
@@vashbain3136other nations don’t get a pantsir that’s the difference
as a russian main, i can assure u that u should not worry, we have less competent players at top tier than gun depression on our mbts. We aint as bad as the autistic german mains tho.
Just a piece of art
I agree - useless art with no fighting value. But hey I can't convince marketing victims.
If i was a pilot and i had to fly heli in a war, this would be the only heli i would want to be in.
Yeah bc its the only one you can eject from if hit
Are you suicidal?
Where does the information about 40 downed helicopters come from? just don’t say that from Ukrainian official sources or the BBC and similar media))))
Yeap ... only 19 of the confirmation videos are 100 percent real...A lot of ukrainian fakes about this Aligator .....
Video evidence posted on Oryx
@@joeabraham29 40? h@H@H@H
@@joeabraham29 Who is Orix? I bet some sort of crapy analytics in GB?
Yes, according to their analytics, more KA52s have been shot down than built))
а почему всего сорок? берите больше, украинские "эксперты" рассказывают о сотнях сбитых КА 52. Напоминаю, что украине при распаде СССР досталась ТРЕТЬЯ АРМИЯ В МИРЕ по количеству наземного вооружения. Восемь лет обстреливая Донбасс натовские силы готовили украинских и натовских боевиков, строили бетонные сооружения и собрали более 600 тысяч боевиков, чтобы смести две маленькие республики. Россия их опередила буквально на несколько дней. Зашел корпус из 120 тысяч человек, и перемололи украинскую армию меньше чем за пять месяцев СВО. Далее в расход пустили технику стран варшавского договора, которая буквально реками стекалась на украину, а сегодня уже утилизируют западный хлам. Хватит распространять ложь. Поверьте, если бы натовцы на украине уничтожили хотя бы штук десять КА 52 , они бы кадры сбитых вертолётов крутили 24/7.
А это реальность, которую приносит западная демократия. ---->
Shocking losses of Ukraine. Час украинских кладбищ.
Мели, Емеля.
@@Алекс3м ты откуда, микола? не стыдись
@@ПетрПетрович777 да уж не из твоей дурки.научился бронестекло гнуть?
@@Алекс3м Ну расскажи из какой ты дурки. Почему ты стыдишься или презираешь свою страну?
Я из России. Откуда ты, " не раб"? Сравним. Истина познаётся в сравнении. Смелее, мыколка.
Oryx website account of Russian losses is a phantasy.
People forget that the US lost ten thousand aircraft over Vietnam.
That dude is literally a low tier propagandist, he used the same tanks and choppers losses over and over again, such low quality propagandist haha.
The Oryx is one of the top Ukraine propagandist, he uses the same Russian destroyed tanks over and over again from different angles making it seem Russian lost multiple tanks but in reality, it's just one,
He even count destroy Soviet Ukrainian tanks as Russian but he can't do that now that they're using western vehicles that's we've seen countless NATO armored vehicles and tanks completely destroyed by Russia
The losses numbers are exaggerated by oryx that besides westners no one take them seriously specially when they stopped the counting when the counter offensive started because all Ukrainian gears become western so you can't make Ukrainian losses looks and counted Russian 😂
If even half the Orxy numbers would be true, Ukraine wouldn't have needed a single cent from NATO.
Oryx has proven Pictures from every lost equipment so far. Why you think its fake?
@clapper3530 pictures of what? Soviet manufactured tanks and ifvs they all claim are russian despite many of then also being Ukranian?
@@clapper3530 The Oryx site is part of the Western propaganda machine and a mechanism of psychological war against the Russians, which until recently was financed by the CIA, and now that site has been permanently closed because the CIA concluded that the results achieved by that site did not justify the invested funds!
We can probably soon expect a new "neutral and objective source" of information about "catastrophic" Russian losses and little to no Ukrainian/NATO losses, and you will instantly wholeheartedly accept that "information" because it pleases you!
@@clapper3530Oryx is one of the top Ukraine propagandist, he makes one Russian tanks and armored vehicles loss seem like dozen by uploading the same tank with different angles and he even post many destroyed Ukrainian Soviet tanks as Russian losses
All that changed when Ukraine started using western vehicles and we see the uncountable destroyed western tanks and vehicles lying on the battlefield
Мы русские Казахстана за Россию и спецоперацию! Пусть земля горит под украинскими бандформированиями. Украина должна быть ликвидирована как субъект международного права.
Михаил и Лада из Алматы.
Миши,Лада---вы красавцы,целую вас
Почему для такого крутого вертолета ваши любимые власти не хотят строить бронированные ангары? Так что любой квадрокоптер может его уничтожить? Подскажите вашим любимым властям, что это похоже на предательство
@@Foyhguj ага ладно щас позвоню любимому Владимиру Владимировичу
Люблю Вас!
Lets see how the apache or any other western helicopter fares against a neer peer adversary.
You will not see that, US chose carefully only second/third rate opponents to fight against...
Καλό είναι τά " Απάτσι" να αποφεύγουν αντιπάλους με σανδάλια στα πόδια, και σαρικια στο κεφάλι.😊😊😊
Ukraine is blowing these pieces of trash out of the sky. Apache is best
@@mirandela777US would dominate Russia/China
@@joeabraham29 - sure - you must be Hunter Biden , right ? 🤣🤣🤣
Magnificent piece of engineering 🎉
Magnificent piece of Western components that make up this helicopter. russia cannot produce even simple electronics. and they are also magnificent burning fall down 😂😂
They still get those components through third parties.
@@drgreenthumb123 Why don’t they produce these components themselves? oh yes, paleolithic primates are not capable of this 😆
@@russiansarefilthyapes1660береги колени попрошайка😅
@@russiansarefilthyapes1660приведи пожалуйста пример какие там западные компоненты? Электроника там тоже российская. Ах да я забыл он же вертолёт не полетит без электроники из стиральных машин😂😂😂
It is the ONLY helicopter with ejection seats lmao
Ещё Ка 50 тоже имеет катапульту
@@zalupu i mean Ka-50 and Ka-52 are literally just the same family
@zalupu к-50 это по сути ранний прототип, а не серийная машина.
@@Retroromancer$Ка-50 это ударный боевой вертолет, работающий по целеуказания с командирского Ка-52. Изначально боевая эскадрилья комплектовалась, по замыслу, одним-двумя Аллигаторами с возможностью сетевого целеуказания, обнаружения и разведки, тогда как непосредственно огневое воздействие оказывали звенья из ка-50. Но не вывезли по деньгам и электронике, и , по итогу, заменили одно на другое. Поэтому Ка-52 менее живучий, по сравнению с 50. Бронекапсулы от су-25 им уже не досталось, в силу компановки.
Многие курят в сторонке наблюдая, на этот ,по истине гениальный проект инженерной мысли, и кстати ещё далеко не конечная стадия его развития . Думаю скоро увидим новые версии этих вертолетов ,которые долбят оголтелых русофобов
Долбятся они в землю пока что
Russia build more Alligators in last year that in last five years.
Yep, war industry regime
@@МИЛОШ-ч8и You're just jealous of them, my friend
@@МИЛОШ-ч8иjealous 😂😂😂
@@МИЛОШ-ч8и they're at war. So why you wondering?
@@МИЛОШ-ч8и Who isn't? USA? :P
А можно доказательства потери более 40 боевых единиц?))
Они себя не утруждают такими "мелочами" как доказательства....
конечно. даже два доказательства - "слово "джентельмена"" и хайли-лайкли.
В этом плане даже западчане не уверены, берут из "независимых" источников
С момента начала войны существует сайт Oryx. Который ведет отчётность потерь боевой техники с фото или видео фиксацией оной. на него можно зайти и увидеть сколько, когда и как было потеряно боевой техники.
И я почему то более чем уверен что читающий это узкий уже слышал про этот сайт. Но его закостенелое догматическое мышление просто проигнорировало что то новое и "не наше". Ведь так хочется увидеть правду от своих. Они то врать не будут.
,,- У нас, джентльменам верят на слово...,,
- Представляешь!? И, тут мне как поперла масть!
When American-Ukrainian propaganda talks about 40 shot down helicopters, it means you can confidently divide this figure by ten, or remove the 0 at the end.
Exactly yeah!
Ur not wrong there
The Russians lost all their ka 52, but thanks to a large number of washing machines and microwave ovens in Ukraine, were able to fully recover.
Yeah thanks to those Ukranian washing machines they were able to embarrassed The US & NATO on their proxy war against Russia failing miserably while the whole world laughs at them lol😂
and all jets, rocket, tanks. Washing machines is a super weapon
Только одно го,.но может это написать..говно....
Russia makes its own cars, ships, planes, tanks, missiles everything you can think of they make it.
The country is amazing.
Watching from Somalia.
From Russia with Love 🇷🇺 ❤
Before launching these birds Russians better send their drones both surveillance and attack drones just to make sure man pads and other air defences are not around . Because not every mission is safe in highly contested air space.Loosing a drone or two is one thing. Loosing a million dollar chopper with pilots is another.
У Украины ничего своего нет, а западный хлам полное дерьмо, никогда ни США ,ни НАТО не умели делать ПВО, лепят дерьмо для продажи ,сами себя обманывая!
They do that always, notice in Telegram how are always stealth drones recording missiles strikes in Kiev ! The russian drone production dwarfs NATO countries, since they do not waste resources in big, heavy drones, but instead, cheap small and stealth ones. And they produce them in big numbers now. The fact they have eyes over Kiev 24/7 are a sign of that.
@@mirandela777 Back in the days of Georgian war when most countries using serviliance drones for military operations Russia had NONE. Even at beginning of Ukraine conflict they were far behind to Ukrainians.Had they had sufficient drone force outcome would be much different . Sad to see Russian draftees some injured are dying in trenches due to Ukrainians dropping bombs with no cover from top whatsoever. What Russia needs a capable long range drone force which can independently guide the projectiles to their designated target since they cannot match the accuracy and lethality of western made systems like HIMARS. Russians must realize this is no longer Russo Ukraine war. But Russo NATO war and should treat as such.
Ukraine is blowing these pieces of trash out of the sky
@@nandanap9225украинскую ПВО взломали с помощью дронов которые имитировали сигнатуры ударных самотетов и крылатых ракет! Вы до сих пор думаете что Россия чипы из стиральных машин достаёт? 😂😂😂
best attack helicopter in the world. much better than apache.
Smerica lost 2200 helicopters in Vietnsm/cambodia war 😅
Aquíen le importa
Seharusnya Pemerintah RI mengakuisisi helikopter Aligator K.52 utk menambah kekuatan tempur TNI.
Pengadaan alutsista tdk hanya bertumpu pd amerika atau blok barat semata, tp bs juga mengambil dari Russia. Agar kedepannya keseimbangan hubungan militer ttp berimbang antara blok barat dgn Russia, juga bila terkena embargo dr amerika/blok barat, kekuatan militer TNI akan ttp berjalan.
Ка 52 лучший Российский в мире ударный вертолет
а что ни так? Пиндосовские столи лучше? Правильно он сказал российские лучше
@@maximfreeman6747 у Аллигатора способность нести 10 тонн боевой нагрузки при скорости 300 км в час на высоте 11 км и самая живучая защита от ПЗРК ракет (17 ракет не смогли сбить Ка 52) и всё это никому Не смешно......
How is the rotor system redundant if there is no tail rotor to stabilize the loss of one of the main rotors? The reason it doesn't need a tail rotor is because a main rotor is spinning in the opposite direction of the other one. A loss of one of the rotors would be a catastrophic failure.
The problem is, the favourite food for these alligators are tanks, I don't think they can starve while tanks readily available
Bro I know I'm late to the comment section but this comment takes the cake 😂
Russia may have lost 50 or so Ka-52's, but Russia has also built about 30 more in that time.
The Ka-52 loss statistics were compiled with a number of errors. Both sides suffer from this problem. Those Ka-52s that just landed and then were taken out for repairs are temporary losses, there were a few such losses
hull losses were at the initial stage of this military conflict, which is also typical for US military operations and this is due to deep operations in an environment very heavily saturated with air defense at the beginning of a military conflict
After this, losses decreased sharply, just as it happens in the case of US military operations (which is not surprising, Russia around 2010 simply copied the US doctrine, slightly reworking it to suit local conditions, so the loss profile over time is very similar)
Russians are thankfull for western components. Without these components Ka-52 production would be impossible.
@@struvrim7637 Also specially during 2022 the Ka 52 used was the first version, once they started using their latest versions real hell began for Ukrainian troops and Ka 52 losses dropped even when its use skyrocketed.
not to mention the K/D ration the probably have against enemy armor.
besides, recently they've lost very little to none I belief since they adapted it to the battlefield better?
Теряют твои братья из США, Россия никогда не теряла 50 машин ,все слушаешь бред укронаркоманов? Они уже всех победили по ТВ!
This helicopter 🚁 it’s the bombastic machine. When in Ukraine the tanks and soldiers can hear the engines they all hide like a rabbits in the holes and in the bushes otherwise he ain’t even come close to them,- with in 2-3 km he can destroy them with antitank missiles and rockets .
It will be nice to see how many of these heli's Ukraine will recieve when the russian army shits its pants and runs back to russia... Then take them to the skies in russia and see how you like getting invaded?
In case you forgot, that is also the operational range of stinger.
@@jeddvillaspin3379 про витебск не слыхал дурень?)))
Each military group sizes of 10+ in Ukrainian has anti-air means . ka52 engage targets at relatively far distances, 5-9 km. Rising up just above trees or landscape, shoot, hold beam, hide
from 6 to 14 km fire range increased with modern rockets.
They didnt hear when its coming.
Российские ВС набираются опыта на войне с самым современным вооружением применяемым с обеих сторон. И у Русских это получается успешно. Западный мир не в силах что то противопоставить и это в условиях тотальной экономической блокады и всевозможных санкций. 🇷🇺💪
В том-то и прикол, что на Украину отправляют либо старье из восьмидесятых, либо кастрированные версии современной техники. Чтобы, мол, русским в руки не попали западные технологии. А украинцы всё думают, что танки им сам Тони Старк клепает.
@@neongirlверно, у Американцев и Европейцев много хитрой и опасной техники, но и Росси ещё не задействовала все свои ужасные системы.
40+ lost - tales of Uncle Remus
Being coaxial, it's the bees knees!
Got the edge on most things, a winning piece of kit for sure.
Number of downed is taken for granted. And no side claims should be taken as such. Also if one rotor fails helicopter cannot fly. Both are needed.
Video evidence posted on Oryx says otherwise. Ukraine is blowing these pieces of trash out of the sky
at least its not wasted if the tail gets damaged unlike tail rotors plus it can also eject to save pilots
pilots are more expensive than helicopters ngl
Интересно, сколько бы AH-64 Apache было сбито в подобных условиях.
И сколько бы их вернулось на базу БЕЗ ХВОСТА.
Все верно , но возможно или садиться или катапульта.
i thought russians were fighting with shovels western media told us🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yep according to ukranian sources... who had already claimed total destruction of russian ground forces... twice 🤣 So no worries, last of those helis will go down within two or three weeks and problem will solve itself. We also know that Putin's factories are running low on western microwaves and washers, so no more advanced tech for those orcs 😜
How was Spring offensive or Summer offensive? When do they release movie on the beach of Crimea?
I'm leaking grease from my screen
It's amazing ❤
What it needs is Beyond Line of Sight, ground vectored munition for air to ground attack roles.
Так то есть такие ракеты "вихрь" дальсть стрельбы 14 км
When you get an education, you will learn at 10km range is well BVR ! Hell, at 3km already you cannot see / hear the chopper is at low alt !
"Product 305" - they use this ammunition. But, not on equipment, but on Engineering structures and buildings with the enemy. But I agree, this helicopter lacks SPIKE.
Платфоома есть, а ракеты у нас умеют делать, вопрос обозримого будущего. Чтобы ракетыы были дешевы и технологичгы, вопрос стоит имено в этом, Неинтересно снаряжать кассеты по 40 ракет стоимостью по пол миллиона долларов каждая., полагаю.
The LMUR (Izdeliye 305) is BVR @ 14km! It is the Russian equivalent of a Hellfire missile but much better. It's twice heavier than Hellfire 104 kg vs 45 kg but has a 3X more powerful warhead 25 kg vs 8 kg and also longer range 14 km vs 11 km. LMUR uses modern optical/thermal imaging seeker while Hellfire is laser/radio guided. Come to think of it the Hellfire is actually more similar to the 9K121 Vikhr which has 45kg weight, 12km range, 12kg warhead, also has a laser beam riding guidance like the Hellfire and they were both introduced in the 80's.
And just recently, the Ukrainians “shot down 74 out of 75 Russian drones” in one attack. But after this attack, half of Kyiv was left without electricity, and in many areas around Kyiv the electricity was lost. Was it all done by one remaining drone? Drone - Rambo.
You are such clowns...
Most of the ones that were downed were from the ARMA game. Real ones are a bit more challenging to down.😂 Some of these were hit with a number of handhelds, and just flew away after releasing their payload like nothing happened. Ukrainian "Gen-Z's" call it "the shields". They're definitely not invincible. Just very resilient, with pretty smart jammers and provide better survival chances for the pilot in the event they are hit. If the Russians rapidly lost as large a percentage of pilots as claimed, - I have serious doubts they'd continue flying them like nothing happened, without first ascertaining what went wrong and correcting it. Helicopters can be speedily built back. Talented pilots take a much longer time to locate and train. I'd love to experience a direct, vertical liftoff at 14m/s though, (and not be involved in any wars at the same time). Must be like the free fall when chuting from a plane only backwards.
Can the ejection seat operate without any pilot/copilot pulling the ejection handle? IOW is there an automatic ejection sequence if engines die or vibrations exceed a limit?
Highly unlikely. Even if the engines die, the helicopter can still land quite easily using autorotation, it won’t just drop like a brick. This allows the helicopter to possibly be repaired and saves the crew from back pains
@@Insert-Retarded-Reply-Here Good point. The pilots would not want to be ejected from an aircraft they might be able to save from total destruction.
of course, all this is taken into account.
"For Ukraine's Tanks" This phrase must be placed in quotation marks
And as of today, no KA 52 was shot down
you are completely delusional
Joined Aug 12, 2020 🤡
@@MAXlMUS what about that?
@@Idklmao1502he’s calling you a bot because apparently being on UA-cam for 3-4 years is still considered too little time to be considered an actual human being
@@lucks4fools978 that's ridiculous I have an original account which dates back in 2011 but in 2019 I forgot my password so I had to start a new account again
It’s Alligator not Fulcrum.
What a beautiful machine 😍
Them Russians made an awesome helicopter! Too bad they are on the wrong side in the Ukraine. Excellent engineering! Bravo Russian designers! Bravo!
Ukraine sided with the wrong side long before Russia joined the war.
Wrong side?, and NATO the one and only the Truth?, 😂
@@Александр-у8й6д Ukraine joined the right side, or else it'd all be under Russian occupation.
So, They should allow NATO bases and missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads 400km away from Moscow?.....In this case, They had no other choice.
@@Александр-у8й6д 🤡
Ukraine did NOT down 40 KA-52s. Quit lying!
Very nice 👍
How vulnerable are helicopters to leading edge drones?
In high intensity of war such is in Ukraine now ,no weapon system is secured from been destroyed, this war prove that no game changer weapon can prevail, troops on ground with all surrounding waepon system is wining, this is not Yugo,Avgan ,Iraqi or Syria campaign this is full scale war not seen from 2world war. K52 is awesome machine but still can be shot down , only matter how fast can Russian make them fast and prep pilots for them
and that are reason why Ukraine never ask for Apache helicopter , its to much aa defense weapons below.
Thanks for adv
0:46 Shows a Mi-24
И кстати украинский, который был сбит в районе города Николаев в самом начале войны.
This is a KA 52, you can tell by the blue nose of the helicopter
@@artemdedovich8749 one screw
@@r0mi44 One screw is visible, but the second one from the top is outside the camera area and check out the cabin collections!
0:46 this is ukrainian Mi-24 Hind, lol
does their gps use apple or google map?
Yandex Map of course😂
Hello, the KA-52 uses specialized military navigation systems, not Apple or Google Maps.
They are using Glonass system
😂😂😂😂$o a,b,c go to school 😂😂😂
Most advanced fighter helicopter in the world
You messed up the speeds/conversion stats...
In Vietnam the propaganda of US f4 phantom jets defeating mig 17 were all lies,hundreads of phantom jets were eliminated by russian powerful surface to air missiles and the mig 17 dominated the sky 😂😂😂
Awww, You didn't even show its amazing prey-and-spray guns !
Those things shake so much while firing, you'd think they're afraid of flying and desperately trying
to get away from the from the Helicopter as soon as possible.
Glory to Russia 🇷🇺
Joined Jun 15, 2019 🤡
Since the time of account making is the most important aspect of whether or not an account is consider a bit. I’ll say it. Glory to Russia.
Russia the best 👍💪💪
there a joke
@@glennhearn401sure like you😂😂😂😂
3:30 thought that was a duolingo bird for a second
Oh yeah I didn’t notice lmao
I just love the look of a Kamov KA-50 (especially the KA-52) such a beautiful design, Must be a Russian standard.
I want this too.I have a beef with one of my bad neighbour next door.
Silly commenters, trying to play the numbers game comparing American losses in wars compared to Russia in Ukraine… 50 Ka-52M are to be delivered and 5 confirmed shot down already, 10% of the total units 😂
59 confirmed.
А регулярное схлопывание лопастей? И разве можно этот вертолет сравнить по эффективности с МИ-24
is that the duolingo bird in the cockpit
can have the audio for this video
some updates, these claims are from ukraine. In reality about 5 KA52 were lost. And it has wrecked havoc on the Ukrainian army.
thats if they have any left by the time the grow the pairs needed to use them.
you rarely hear about KA-52s getting shot down. we hear about T-90s and Leopards more than KA-52s hell even planes, i haven't seen or heard anything about putin's Su-35, i mean yeah they are but rarely
@@MaxisSaratoga what? Please, lately we have been seeing these things drop out the sky like they turned into stone mid flight.
@@martinb5626 do you see it with your own eyes or in the Western media, lol? I assure you - we are fighting with shovels here 😂
Excelent aircraft much more like western capabilitis.
The Anti -Tank missile requires the Helicopter to stay in position. I can task the missiles to top drop 💧 and never expose my aircraft. All Eight of them.
Helicopter stays far enough. And the missile is quite fast. This works and makes anti-tank missiles cheaper.
Kamov, BMPT terminator and T72 surpasses western artilery in this league.
But in terms of air combat, US's F22, F15, F16 are still the best.
0:47 its mi24 or mi35? not ka52
Ka-52 helicopters are desighnated for anti tank fight and are expendable goods that Russia can make in thousends. Best attack helicopter in the world and cost afective war machine. Best pilot protection in the helo world with ejection seats so there is not much killed pilots
3:29 By curiosity: what happened to the nose of the helicopter show on this image ?
Russia producing 3 of these Ka-52s per day
It comes with a GPS!!!!? 😱
So 40 lost helis proved with Arma 3 footage as always?
Laser Beam Riding Guidance!!!??? 💀
Imagine that in warthunder vikhrs have 12km of range while irl they have 8-9 km l, wtf gaijin
They have 10km range in WT
Gunships have been virtually irrelevant in the war.
Seems the concept is obsolete.
Its the ONLY helicopter with ejection seats. Typical west media lmao
Just causally shows 2 dudes getting smoked outside the tanks within 5 seconds
Propaganda THE video of shot helicopter show MI-28 NOT KA-52 complitly diferent. And Ukraine all most went to the Krim. They take 2 km from 600km- NICE
Not a GPS, should be GLONASS
Ukranian armour? Hmm. More like Nato armour.
истребитель танков, призрак ночью, на воде как на земле, уникальный,
you can't say it's not cool af... but.... sadly it's getting fragged by FPV drones.... so they need to equip these with hammers at least so the drones lose signal 1000m or do away from them. of course something like that can also be targeted by a home on jam missile... but that's always the problem with measure and counter measure, and I'd say immunity to £1000 done is better than hiding from a £200, 000 amraam or similar.
Jammers lol.... if it has an AESA radar BTW that is agile enough to be used to jam FPV drones, but is highly directional of course.... so dunno. Simple cell phone jamming type tech added (and also with frequency switching so it's not a shining beacon for any loitering munitions!)
сша 👎
нато 👎
израил 👎
Russian's don't use gps they have their own navigation system Gliomas
Украина должна быть ликвидирована как субъект международного права. Мы русские Казахстана за Россию и спецоперацию. Пусть земля горит под украинскими бандформированиями. Ждём продолжения сериала про ракетные удары по Киеву.
Михаил и Лада из Алматы.
0:48 it's ukrainian MI-24, shot down with MANPAD
Little Stinger says hello.
Стингер полное фуфло. На вертолете установлена система предупреждения о ракетной атаке, а также отстреливаются ловушки.
Yup little like all wonderous weapons of NATO 😂😂😂But let go that story lets go to Palestine.