@Badger0fDeath yeah that sounds to have the same meaning. That is a clever way to put it, but as Dr. Phil put it sounds a bit more eloquent. Rings brilliantly true however you put it though!
He definitely downplays his brilliance on tv. I think it’s a great way to get more viewers and people to listen. A lot of the people who watch his show might not connect with someone who’s as articulate and wise as Phil. When he dumbs it down it ads drama, and it makes his message reach a broader audience. I downtalk as well. I have a high vocab and and naturally pretty intelligent, but if I talk naturally I can’t relate. I dumb myself down to appear to be more relatable and it works. I can bust out my smarty pants whenever I want
Nathan Caveney iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiibibiibiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiiibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjiiiniiiiiiiiibiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiibijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibibiiiiiiiiiibibikiiiii ok iniiiinikiiiiiiikiiiiibikiiiibbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiikjiiiiibi iinikiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiijiiikiii ikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiibiiikiiibiikiiiiiiibiibiikiiijiiiiibjiibiiii info iiiiijiiîkbiiiiiiiii in on on ikikiijiiiiiiiiîiibiiiikiiiiiiiiikiiikkiiiiiiiiiiiikiiikiibiiiiijiiiiiiiikkiikikiikiiii in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkiiiîiikiiiiiiiiiiiikkbiiiiiibiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiîkibiiiiikiiiiiiiikiiiikiiik ki iiikkiioiikkiiiikijiikiikiikiiib’ijikiiiîiiiiiiiibbbiiiiiiijjiiikikîiiiiiiii in iikkiikikkiiijjikiiiiiijkbîijiijiji in iiibbikiîikijikki ok iiiikiiikiiikiijiiiikkjiiiiiiiiiiiîkiiibjijkijiiiikiiiiiiibjiiijjbbjiiikikiiiiiikkkkiiiiiikiikiiiikiiijkikiiiiikkiiiik iiiiii je in jiîiiikkiiiiikiiiiiikiiiikikkkkkiiijjkikiikkiij’b’´´k’k’îikiokiiikikiiiiiijkkkjii in kb’kj niiiikiijiikiikkb kk k’k’nik in jkknkbj’bbkilkkkkkkkkii in ikikkkkiiiiiiiiikkbkkkknkkjjkikkkiiiiiikiiijk kknibkkkjkkkkjkjikkiiikikkkkijbkkkikiiiikiiiiiibkbbkk’k’´nbikî’iiikkik in knkkkkkkk ok biikiiijkinkkkîiiiikjkkkininiikikikikkijkijk in Nik in iiiibkkiiik in kkkk in i kill kiii ok kkkk in knkkkk’kikkjkkinkjinkkikikjkkk be lnnkkkkikkkikbibk’iknkkjîkikkkkkiiikjkjkkk’kj’hkkk’´j’´iikkjjkkk’kbkkkkkkkjjîkjjkikjkjiikikjkkiiijijiiikkii in iiiibikiiiiiiikiiiiibinki il iiib iii ikl’k’k’îî’iî’ in ‘´l’inikiiiiiikkiki il ion il klikiikkikik’iˆk’ik’kkîiikbbknkkk’ikkbkkik kkkk i kkkk kkkkkkkkkkiii ki kill in kiiibî in ‘kkinkkkii in lol il iinikiiiiik in I’ll iiikki in ki ki ki iiikk’kkinikkiiikîibkk’k ok ‘îîiibi BBB k’kk’´in’kikiikiiîbII is ik’bkiin’kk’k’kn’ is bill in kiikiijkj’kik’lin in ‘jk in I’ll knkkk’bkk’ijikkk’kiikikkkkbkk in ‘j in’kîk’iiibk’î’n’´k’k’kkbkkiinkj’iîiiiikkik’jkkijkjkijbkki ki îîikkkkjkikbkkiijbikki in ikikkkkikkiiiiiiikii in i in ikkkkiiikk ok blk’îinkik’k’´kkk boi in jn’´k’bk’kîkbik’î kn iiiiiiikkkkiikkk in jkkk’kk in iikiˆki kikkkkb’ikkkkin’´I in obj in k’´ is kinik’´kkkkibik in ikkk in i in kkkkikikikkkkikkk’bkkkkkkkkkkiiki innove n’´iikiiik’kkk’n look kk’k’kkbkkijkiii il ‘Nik’bkkkikkkkk’iikbjkj’kkjkkkk kkkk kikiikjkikkk in kikkkiii KB k’vv iiiii il iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikîiiî
@@Officiallyyzeke Or maybe they were both thinking the same thing. It happens to especially with so many like minded individuals watching this podcast.
@@Officiallyyzeke LOL... Jesus Christ! What in the Gen Z, attention needing, low self-esteem when living without social media kind of comment was that?
Incase the comment moderator see it. Please Joe get Keanu of our show. Please. I need to know his background a lot more. He is so different. It seems like a clam spirit follows him around. Okay, I am been weird but please get him.
I agree with Matthew hellard . I wasn't a fan of dr Phil till now. Please joe Invite phil back again. I probably wont watch his tv show but will keep an eye out for him on platforms like this.
as a kid in middle school, in israel. i used to come back home every day at time to watch an episode of dr. phil. wouldn't miss a single one. he was my hero back then, even though i couldn't put words on the reason, i was learning so much and understood the imporatnce of his show and message. today at the age of 30, i can appriciate his work much more and I want to thank him for making me a better person through his tv show at such crucial stage of my life. and probably for many other people around the world.
@@Sanctifires Ok so he`s not a real Dr. but he did help Oprah win a court battle when she made a comment about beef. so he must know wtf he`s talking about...maybe half the time, lol
Dr Phil is so intelligent I love seeing him in this light on a podcast. I learned so much and I’m getting sober today from alcohol for the rest of my life. Wish me luck and consistency on my journey!
The phony "Dr" Phil used to be a psychologist, now he pretends to be a "doctor" while he endorses and initiates abuse, incliding at the Turn About Ranch. He also exploits people on his show, minors don't (legally) sign waivers. The phony "Dr" Phil is an example of why I'm glad I don't have kids ( at least, I hope not). The phony "Dr" Phil is unlicensed to practice medicine and has caused damage to increase ratings.
I had always put Dr. Phil in the Oprah category. I don't watch TV. 🤷🏻♀️ But, he's actually interesting. And right! This interview has pointed out some of my issues. 🤦🏻♀️
This man literally solved my life, “At some point you have to stop focusing on why, and start focusing on what your going to do to change it.” Amen brother ❤️
AMEN. I was listening to it driving down the road and now I'm home reading your comment and that's what stood out to me! Stop the WHY and start on the SOLUTION.
What do you mean? You can chemically baby sit anyone. Slipping your kid some xanax every once in awhile aint bad. Especially when they dont shut TF up 💯💤💤💤
They both were making some very ignorant generalizations about ADHD & depression and the meds that come with it... Crazy to me how a psychiatrist can be so insensitive and misinformed
I watched Dr Phil religiously after I left home at 14 and became a teen mum on my 16th birthday. My daughter is now 14 & I’m a 3rd year Psych student. One of my earliest models of inspiration right there 🙏
16:00 - 16:44 What Dr.Phil said changed my life I went back to school. I graduate in October and it took less than a year. my life has completely turned around; my self-esteem is sky high and i'm doing great for myself. I'm pursuing my dream as a botanist and my future is bright. Little pieces of the pie make one big pie
@@FlowcastYT I believe the actual definition for major depressive disorder (which is what actual medically diagnosed depression generally is) does include a specific minimum duration. I doubt it's the only qualifier, but there does have to be some kind of longevity.
@@pangurechyx3010 in my case I fell exactly under the symptoms of Bipolar 2. I have a strong history in my family of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia so I knew what was going on with me for 10 years but was too afraid to face the truth. The depression came and went but when I cycled into a depressive state it was crippling. It would come at the drop of a hat based off of one small comment being said to me proceeded by me letting it get into my head. Once it gets in my head and I start defeating myself mentally then it's all snowballing from there I would fight to just get out of bed. It felt like my soul was sucked away and everything in me was just being crushed. I almost ruined myself professionally and my personal life became shambles. I dealt with it for a decade before I plotted my suicide. Then I knew it was time to call this disorder what it is and see a doctor. Been on medication for two months and literally have never felt better in my life. I feel like I'm finally actually starting my life now with more motivation that I have never ever had. To me that is what clinical depression is. A truly soul robbing and crushing depression no matter what goes on in that person's life. Duration doesn't matter but if it strangles you to shambles then it is clinical. It almost killed me and I wish I had taken care of this years ago.
@@FlowcastYT Severity, longevity , spontaneity , age, nutrition , environment , abuse, exposure to trauma , relationships, theres a lot to consider before a diagnosis can really be determined to be 100% treatment resistant chemical imbalance which is your life is mostly depression and it doesn't matter wtf you do for or about it.
I haven’t seen a comment like this I’m about to write here, but I hope this is not a rare one, THANK YOU for not putting adds here. I mean really, this one very expensive decision of yours is so much appreciated whether people say this or not. I need to see faces, the voice alone is not enough for me. I’m a writer so this kind of communication - all talk talk talk - is so exotic for me and I learn so much because I can use my eyes and ears without pauses. Thank you and bless you. ♥️
@@Bellax912 because of the definition of exotic, of course. Words have specific meanings. You can't just toss words around and they have the same meanings. They don't.
@@Oozywolf he just started a podcast early this year actually but im blanking on the name of it haha. the way he does it though is more of a interview/structered style to get insight into his guests life and mindset, rather than the free flowing style that JRE goes by. its still a good podcast tho nonetheless.
I really appreciated what Dr Phil said about depression and medication. When my son was a baby, he was diagnosed with cancer. The first thing my primary care doctor wanted to do was put me on an antidepressant. I took it for a week or two, and then thought to myself, why in the hell am I doing this? It’s ok to be sad right now. My freaking child has cancer. And what got me through that certainly was not a pill to make me feel fake happy.
I want to say what a perfect example of what dr Phil was saying but you can’t put perfect and cancer in the same conversation. Watching a child go through that battle is definitely a time where it’s natural to be sad and putting a bandaid over those emotions surely can’t be the healthy answer. I do hope your child is still with you 🙏 And if not , you have the strongest angel ever watching over you ❤️
@@Prometheuspredator he is fantastic! Almost 15 years now cancer free from a disease that has a median survival rate of only 3 years. He definitely beat the odds!!
It's good you had the clarity to stop the meds. You give a perfect example of inappropriate prescribing of medication! Glad your son is well and glad you are too!
I felt like Dr. Phil was talking to me during a lot of this. It's time to start helping myself out of this crippling depression and pain. "The next year is gonna go by whether you do something or not.". Thank you for this.
Rachael Harrington Thank you. I honestly think I was meant to hear that podcast, as corny as it sounds. I just really needed to hear some of what he said. I'm setting goals for myself, and I asked my husband to help keep me accountable. Medications have never really helped me, so I'm all I've got! I appreciate your words of encouragement.
a couple quotes from Dr. Phil here that I wrote down: 1) "The difference between a dream and a goal is accountability and a timeline." 2) "We generate the results in life we think we deserve." Dr. Phil is the GOAT.
It's December, and I'm waaaaaayyyyy better off than I was in February. I watched this video for the first time in Feb and it actually inspired me to change my ways so that so could share this comment 10 months later. I'm very proud of myself.
Watch very carefully. Like the greatest interviewers, Joe doesn't actually say very much; he lets the person talk, and occasionally gets them to clarify for the audience. It's like they're talking to us rather than Joe.
Since Dr. Phil and Jordan Peterson are both clinical psychologists, I think it would be interesting to hear them have a conversation about mental health.
Peterson would be a much better person to see in my opinion. Shit Peterson did help me lol he just doesn’t know it. Maybe Doctor Phil if you are young because he’s decently stern
Been sleeping in my car for 3 months. I have some anxiety issues that sort of inhibit me from having my own place. I’m nothing like the guests on his show, but I’m thinking maybe I should try to send in my story. Been documenting my journey.
@@lostandlooking even if you don't go to his show try to take the advice given in this podcast. Find the root of the problem make a list of short term goals and improve your life one step at a time.
@@Billshurwin He is; however in so many articles and video comments about him, there are always idiots posting "He's not even a real doctor".😆 Never fails.
Hell, I’m guilty of that by lumping him in with bad actors like Dr. Oz. Plus there is a bit of a stigma with daytime television among Millennials, which he is definitely a major player in. Kinda shows off the power of just shutting up and giving someone the chance to talk.
Listening to him talk about a damaged personal truth exactly what I had to overcome two on my own business. Dr. Phil really is an enlightened man spreading truth
It is pretty eye opening. Philly boy seems like a good dude. I had him pegged for some psudoscience wack that spewed bullshit on tv for money. He seems to legitimately care.
I didn’t think I could love and admire Dr Phil even more but his podcasts and this just shows what an incredible man he is!!! He’s so intelligent and inspirational!! I think the same about Joe too!!
It should be a requirement to get on the podcast you gotta smoke a blunt of kief with wax also have to eat a 1000mg eatable a hour or 2 before the show so it kicks in mid podcast lol I wanna see people fucked up beoned belief 🤣😂
This completely changed my opinion of doctor Phil. I didn't watch his show and thought he was just another talk show host. But he is actually very wise and intellectual. Great podcast.
I agree, and I am not sure why others hate him so much or call him a fraud.. All the advice he gave about depression, medicine and improving low self esteem and changing your mindset is all thigs I had to go through and everything he said I have come to the same conclusion
Daniel Sancho I think most of it is he is rumoured to be aware of how wise and intellectual he is, and it makes him a bad conversation partner for the common folk, or that he’s rude/unintentionally condescending to people on the basis of feeling “above” them. He definitely exudes the aura of a learned man, I just think his delivery hobbles his reception
@@DJEMBEMOTION nah he's actually kinda nice. His younger bro is a heroin addict. And Gordon has this whole show where he teaches prisoners cooking skills
I was impressed with Joe's skills as an interviewer when I watched is interview of Amanda Knox. Didnt get into the dirt, treated her with dignity and still gently nudged her into telling her story. Joe does deserve his success,
This ranch he talks about is demonic asf and he is a Masonic .. he been abusing these kids in these ranches a bunch of people girls are speaking out I feel bad for them ...
I literally clicked on this video, it opened, I thought to my self "I wonder if he asks him if he tried DMT... I'll check the comments to see if anyone mentions it" Third comment.
These videos are GOLD! Smart older men just having a chatt, it’s nice to learn from and listen too with everything I have going on. When I’m on the streets wondering about my next meal and next place where I’ll be living. And praying and hoping for something long term and stable so I can effectively get my routine in check. This is good stuff. Thank you so much guys for being great role models for people who inspire to be something.
Bro, doctor Phil is more legit then I've ever thought and I'm positively effected by his words. Especially regarding anxiety and depression. He puts it how it is without sugar coating it, but his words and voice defy that. I'm glad a TV screen idol is somewhat real 😊
I never realized how awesome Dr. Phil is. Kinda just lumped him in with all the other media that panders to drama queens. He is much more insightful and helpful than I thought, and I’m glad that he has a platform.
He's a MUCH cooler dude than people would think. Seriously has his head on straight. He really does his best to prevent all the drama and if you watch enough of his show you'll see that he has an enormous amount of genuine knowledge and common sense
Doctor Phil comes across infinitely more likable in this setting and also really grounded and intelligent. Joe does such a good job of bringing that out in this long format
@@yunked5907 I guess depends on person. For me, I realize how much is going on outside of my isolated life. How much oportunities, girls, awesome places etc. When your age generation grow up and u stay the same and then u "grow" with another generation and they make it and u still dont and stay still, u realize then damn. For me it's such a deep quote. It unlocks more thoughts within me that motivate me to improve...
He's certainly good at pretending that what people want to hear is solid, well-researched advice. When in reality, his bootstraps cliches only serve to keep people in their place. He's totally full of shit, in terms of actually helping people.
@@simonjohnston9488 Considering he has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Master of Arts in psychology and Doctor of Philosophy in clinical psychology, it is pretty retarded for you to come with these stupid opinions, you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. With over 45 years of experience, I have no doubt in my mind that Dr.Phil is excellent at his work!
@@simonjohnston9488 As much as i hated his TV show too and all. The guy is right about a lot of stuff. The whole over medication thing alone is so spot on that it hurts. You go into see a doctor and say you feel shit and instantly they want to put you on some SRI which has an even higher chance of making you suicidal. A good lot of what he said here on this podcast totally changed my thoughts on him really, and that its more the producers of shows which made it out that there is no real educational thought behind what he says. But the man is fucking true on most of what he says that it kind of made me mad to agree with him because i hated on him so long. Should give him a pass man. I mean he isn't saying stupid shit like the earth is flat or something. And no where here did he say anything that was against research at all.
Damn, that's some personal reflection right there. I'm not saying you have issues... you seem to be saying that. That said, the first step is admitting a problem. And you just did. So for that, I hope the best for you brother! I hope you find the healing and understand you need, and go on to great things!
When he explained pain being a motivator.. I got chills. I’ve had a serious abdominal abnormality all my life that presented symptoms when I was 10. I’m 26 and just 2 weeks ago had life changing surgery. But in between that I’ve been on a pharmacy of drugs, and have been dependent on opioids for the last five years. I’m still healing and going through withdrawals, but I feel the best I ever have in my life physically and mentally, because I’m choosing to use this moment in my life as a driving force. I feel like I was meant to see this video today. Thank you 🙏
I thought it was somewhat entertaining, but I think the main value was just in the useful information itself. They covered a ton of valuable life topics.
Unfortunately, too many people have addictions and those of us with severe chronic pain cant get the medication that we need to be productive members of society... sad but true its hurting both sides of the coin
“Some day ain’t a day of the week.”
- Dr. Phil
Such a simple, but powerful statement 👏🏼
tell this to the french
He has that southern way of phrasing things.
@@paulinotou yea inbred
@@davidschwartz9853 damn you're stupid
@@spinosaurus27gaming34 why do you say that?
"Someday ain't a day of the week."- Dr. Phil. This one hit home
It's like in Westworld when Delores says, "Someday sounds an awful like what people say when they really mean never."
Old dr Phil dropping them knowledge bombs
It's a day of the weak
@ryan it's just experience as a recovering procrastinator
Yeh I liked this. I'm going to use this one in future for sure
"You compare your personal truth to everyone else's social mask"
That's a great observation.
@Badger0fDeath yeah that sounds to have the same meaning. That is a clever way to put it, but as Dr. Phil put it sounds a bit more eloquent. Rings brilliantly true however you put it though!
Great bit of advice. One of many given in this
"Contradiction Squared"
@@KimberClosson what are you talking about?
Also along that line is "Comparing your inside to others' outside."
Dr phil cursing not even 10 seconds into the interview was the biggest curve ball i’ve ever had thrown at me 😂
Well he cusses in scary movie had me rolling
I feel like Dr. Phils own show doesn't fully (or even close to fully)) portray how wise he actually is. Good job.
Lana Blakely you’re hot af lemme hit
That's because TV manages to dumb down everything.
He definitely downplays his brilliance on tv.
I think it’s a great way to get more viewers and people to listen. A lot of the people who watch his show might not connect with someone who’s as articulate and wise as Phil. When he dumbs it down it ads drama, and it makes his message reach a broader audience.
I downtalk as well. I have a high vocab and and naturally pretty intelligent, but if I talk naturally I can’t relate. I dumb myself down to appear to be more relatable and it works. I can bust out my smarty pants whenever I want
@@NotAFanMan88 And sticking to what you're good at, not to mention the money.
Lana Blakely If you actually watch his show long enough, it actually does. He’s said all of these things many times over in many different ways.
not even 30 seconds in and Dr. Phil says "Oh Shit" this is gonna be good lol
StevenMO Guzman I said the exact same thing lol so there’s ur 200th like lol
Easily was the greatest statement I’ve heard for the year
Nathan Caveney iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiibibiibiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiiibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjiiiniiiiiiiiibiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiibijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibibiiiiiiiiiibibikiiiii ok iniiiinikiiiiiiikiiiiibikiiiibbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiikjiiiiibi iinikiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiijiiikiii ikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiibiiikiiibiikiiiiiiibiibiikiiijiiiiibjiibiiii info iiiiijiiîkbiiiiiiiii in on on ikikiijiiiiiiiiîiibiiiikiiiiiiiiikiiikkiiiiiiiiiiiikiiikiibiiiiijiiiiiiiikkiikikiikiiii in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkiiiîiikiiiiiiiiiiiikkbiiiiiibiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiîkibiiiiikiiiiiiiikiiiikiiik ki iiikkiioiikkiiiikijiikiikiikiiib’ijikiiiîiiiiiiiibbbiiiiiiijjiiikikîiiiiiiii in iikkiikikkiiijjikiiiiiijkbîijiijiji in iiibbikiîikijikki ok iiiikiiikiiikiijiiiikkjiiiiiiiiiiiîkiiibjijkijiiiikiiiiiiibjiiijjbbjiiikikiiiiiikkkkiiiiiikiikiiiikiiijkikiiiiikkiiiik iiiiii je in jiîiiikkiiiiikiiiiiikiiiikikkkkkiiijjkikiikkiij’b’´´k’k’îikiokiiikikiiiiiijkkkjii in kb’kj niiiikiijiikiikkb kk k’k’nik in jkknkbj’bbkilkkkkkkkkii in ikikkkkiiiiiiiiikkbkkkknkkjjkikkkiiiiiikiiijk kknibkkkjkkkkjkjikkiiikikkkkijbkkkikiiiikiiiiiibkbbkk’k’´nbikî’iiikkik in knkkkkkkk ok biikiiijkinkkkîiiiikjkkkininiikikikikkijkijk in Nik in iiiibkkiiik in kkkk in i kill kiii ok kkkk in knkkkk’kikkjkkinkjinkkikikjkkk be lnnkkkkikkkikbibk’iknkkjîkikkkkkiiikjkjkkk’kj’hkkk’´j’´iikkjjkkk’kbkkkkkkkjjîkjjkikjkjiikikjkkiiijijiiikkii in iiiibikiiiiiiikiiiiibinki il iiib iii ikl’k’k’îî’iî’ in ‘´l’inikiiiiiikkiki il ion il klikiikkikik’iˆk’ik’kkîiikbbknkkk’ikkbkkik kkkk i kkkk kkkkkkkkkkiii ki kill in kiiibî in ‘kkinkkkii in lol il iinikiiiiik in I’ll iiikki in ki ki ki iiikk’kkinikkiiikîibkk’k ok ‘îîiibi BBB k’kk’´in’kikiikiiîbII is ik’bkiin’kk’k’kn’ is bill in kiikiijkj’kik’lin in ‘jk in I’ll knkkk’bkk’ijikkk’kiikikkkkbkk in ‘j in’kîk’iiibk’î’n’´k’k’kkbkkiinkj’iîiiiikkik’jkkijkjkijbkki ki îîikkkkjkikbkkiijbikki in ikikkkkikkiiiiiiikii in i in ikkkkiiikk ok blk’îinkik’k’´kkk boi in jn’´k’bk’kîkbik’î kn iiiiiiikkkkiikkk in jkkk’kk in iikiˆki kikkkkb’ikkkkin’´I in obj in k’´ is kinik’´kkkkibik in ikkk in i in kkkkikikikkkkikkk’bkkkkkkkkkkiiki innove n’´iikiiik’kkk’n look kk’k’kkbkkijkiii il ‘Nik’bkkkikkkkk’iikbjkj’kkjkkkk kkkk kikiikjkikkk in kikkkiii KB k’vv iiiii il iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikîiiî
@@aero3637 nope.. Definitely something wrong with that one... Either that or he passed out asleep on the keyboard
@@slicedbread5692 mid reply just....😂...😴....💀
The day has finally come. I get to hear Joe Rogan explain 12-6 elbows to Dr Phil. What a time to be alive.
Wonder if they did DMT?
That's funny shit right there!! Holy fuck 😂🤣
I cracked up hard when he actually showed him the motions of if like 3 times lol
Dr Phil is so much easier to digest and appreciate when he can sit down and have a conversation without TV.
you jus plagiarized the top comment & put it in different words 🤦🏽 that’s why u only got 40likes and he has over 11k❕ nice try tho buddy ole pal 😂
dude, he's so awesome as just a normal guy chatting.
@@Officiallyyzeke Or maybe they were both thinking the same thing. It happens to especially with so many like minded individuals watching this podcast.
Agree! I was thinking the same thing
@@Officiallyyzeke LOL... Jesus Christ! What in the Gen Z, attention needing, low self-esteem when living without social media kind of comment was that?
Yo Joe, get Keanu Reeves on your show already.
That would be awesome.
He's like Tom Cruise famous so it's unlikely but it would be an awesome podcast if it ever happens
Butthead hes actually a really cool guy. My buddy is his motorcycle stunt man. He acts like he broke just like the rest of us
@@Zorrostunts Does riding the subway voluntarily instead of insisting on participating in NY traffic really count as acting broke?
Incase the comment moderator see it.
Please Joe get Keanu of our show. Please. I need to know his background a lot more. He is so different. It seems like a clam spirit follows him around. Okay, I am been weird but please get him.
1st Question:
Joe: "How did this cash me outside girl, how did this happen"?
Dr.Phil: "Oh God"
Hahahah priceless
Probably gets asked about it all the time still
The disgust in his voice when he said it 😂
joe didn't waste any time and went straight to the discussion we all want to hear...lol
@@javi7602 gotta get it out of the way so they can move on and discuss interesting things
"The next year of your life is going to go on if you're doing something about it or not."
That's a powerful line.
what about people with two weeks to live?
Stephen Grigg the next two weeks of your life are going to go on if you’re doing something about it or not.
The only really helpful thing my dad has ever said is "i was gonna be 30 no matter what so I figured I should be a lawyer instead of doing nothing"
Is it really that powerful?! Lol I got a whole mess of inspirational shit to tell you then if you guys thought that was deep lmao
19oz just like Dr. Phil said, find out why you want to do it, and try to fix that.
Dr Phil on depression is bang on.
Joe: catch me outside girl...how did this happen
Dr.Phil: * Vietnam flashbacks *
*"oh god"*
Ha thats funny 👏
I call bullshit on him trying to remember her name, "Danielle Buglia something?" He knows exactly what her name is.
"The Charlies were everywhere..."
Dr.Phil: The Phantom Pain
It's not that serious
Just seeing Dr Phil being his casual self really makes me like him
Matthew Hellard right? It was very intriguing to see him able to just talk 1 on 1 with someone and discuss things he wanted to discuss.
I agree with Matthew hellard . I wasn't a fan of dr Phil till now. Please joe Invite phil back again. I probably wont watch his tv show but will keep an eye out for him on platforms like this.
He is high bro
Facts not really a fan of him but this has made me warm up to him
“You compare your personal truth to everyone else’s Social Mask” so much wisdom in this quote!
That hit me like a dump truck.
Couldn't agree more!
Brian Smith Some day I want to grow up and be like you! Someday! It’s Fakebook...
Four agreement.Google!!
Don't make assumptions.
Cindy Whittaker ❤️👍🏼
as a kid in middle school, in israel. i used to come back home every day at time to watch an episode of dr. phil. wouldn't miss a single one. he was my hero back then, even though i couldn't put words on the reason, i was learning so much and understood the imporatnce of his show and message. today at the age of 30, i can appriciate his work much more and I want to thank him for making me a better person through his tv show at such crucial stage of my life. and probably for many other people around the world.
Free Palestine
@@wayermane5069 sorry, I can't.
@@alancamjalli8547 israel is bad mmkay?
@@evanreed2294 usa bad mmmkayy
@@sit-insforsithis1568 110 in your future
Dr. Phil is so much cooler when he's not talking to stupid people on television.
Micah Bell I’m going to have to disagree. Cool and dr Phil aren’t two words that belong in the same sentence
*NUDE TAYNE* *HATWOBBLE* thanks for the input hatwobble
Phoebe Beckley you’re welcome
I used to detest his show but this has opened my eyes
Man I hate micah hes a rat bro
Wow. My perception of Doctor phil has changed. Thank you. Great guest.
Me too. I never thought I would see the day that Dr. Phil gave me solid advice that speaks to me. Great episode!
He just does what he has to do. We are all trying to get paid..
Exactly guys. I was quite surprised to see this today. He seems way more cool than I thought he would be.
NOVA longclaw agreed was never a fan of his show, but I think I would who’d podcasts
same here
Definitely did not see this one coming. I am pleasantly surprised.
Dr. Phil is a piece of shit, wtf is wrong with you people? I don't care what he's said here, he's always manipulating people for his own gain.
@@Sanctifires Half of the people that come on his show are trolling lol
@@Sanctifires Ok so he`s not a real Dr. but he did help Oprah win a court battle when she made a comment about beef. so he must know wtf he`s talking about...maybe half the time, lol
@@Sanctifires Your comment would carry more weight if it weren't copy pasted like 5 times on other threads lol.
@@Sanctifires So is every boss in every job in history.
Dr Phil is so intelligent I love seeing him in this light on a podcast. I learned so much and I’m getting sober today from alcohol for the rest of my life. Wish me luck and consistency on my journey!
Same here got sober 2 years ago but only works if you work it. Brother it's get better believe me it's worth it. 😊
I love how it immediately started out with Dr. Phil saying "Oh shit."
John Moore I haven’t seen your profile picture in a long time
AttackOnGamer I know, I’m too nostalgic to let go
ivy2000100 😭💔
@@johnmoore1495 soon to be #ripcowchop 😣
Hearing Dr. Phil swear is something I didn't know that I needed, but I absolutely did.
you need to time stamp that! lol
health is in the shitter
I think he said sumbitch
As someone who has had depression for a long time, it was refreshing to hear his take on it.
Only 0:57 seconds in and Dr. Phil already talking about sending them to the ranch. Epic.
The north remembers
Ok....this is epic
Send them to the Ranch!!!!
all it took was for her to go to her single mothers house then it all went to shit lol single mothers are fucking cancer
This is a really good conversation- I haven’t heard dr. Phil in this kind of light . He’s amazing
They did another one recently on Spotify
He us more laid back now because he doesn't have to worry about Oprah eating him alive for not agreeing. 👹lol!
The phony "Dr" Phil used to be a psychologist, now he pretends to be a "doctor" while he endorses and initiates abuse, incliding at the Turn About Ranch.
He also exploits people on his show, minors don't (legally) sign waivers.
The phony "Dr" Phil is an example of why I'm glad I don't have kids ( at least, I hope not).
The phony "Dr" Phil is unlicensed to practice medicine and has caused damage to increase ratings.
I had always put Dr. Phil in the Oprah category. I don't watch TV. 🤷🏻♀️ But, he's actually interesting. And right! This interview has pointed out some of my issues. 🤦🏻♀️
This man literally solved my life, “At some point you have to stop focusing on why, and start focusing on what your going to do to change it.” Amen brother ❤️
Okay...the second i saw/read your comment is when he said it in the episode that was so weird
AMEN. I was listening to it driving down the road and now I'm home reading your comment and that's what stood out to me! Stop the WHY and start on the SOLUTION.
"You cannot chemically babysit your children." ....Phil droppin' some one-liners left and right! lol
Dude im actually on the toilet taking a shit lol.
What do you mean? You can chemically baby sit anyone. Slipping your kid some xanax every once in awhile aint bad. Especially when they dont shut TF up 💯💤💤💤
They both were making some very ignorant generalizations about ADHD & depression and the meds that come with it... Crazy to me how a psychiatrist can be so insensitive and misinformed
@@alexteagle9782 Blame med companies that have pushed the agenda that everyone has ADHD and depression.
Yea u cant, u babysit your kids with iphones / ipads / television / youtube you silly fucks learn how to properly ruin the next generation
I never thought I would take Dr. Phil seriously. This interview changed my mind
Dr. Phil is a piece of shit, wtf is wrong with you people? I don't care what he's said here, he's always manipulating people for his own gain.
It's the platform. People dont come to Joe's podcast to put on their tv personas
Don't. He's a scam artist just like all these fake TV doctors. He's been fucking people over his whole life.
@@Rem694u2 sip that juice
@@Rem694u2 He's not fake.
I watched Dr Phil religiously after I left home at 14 and became a teen mum on my 16th birthday. My daughter is now 14 & I’m a 3rd year Psych student. One of my earliest models of inspiration right there 🙏
16:00 - 16:44 What Dr.Phil said changed my life I went back to school. I graduate in October and it took less than a year. my life has completely turned around; my self-esteem is sky high and i'm doing great for myself. I'm pursuing my dream as a botanist and my future is bright. Little pieces of the pie make one big pie
Rascon5 Congrats!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hats off
I graduated with a biochem degree making 13 and a quarter an hour. Might go back to school
@@Tony-yn5rr keep grinding one way or the other brother keep at it!
That's really awesome! 🤗 Congrats!
There is a phrase I always use "Being depressed doesn't mean you have depression." It's nice to hear Dr Phil agree with that.
Right but the question is longevity then. The longevity diagnoses the disorder?
Why are you always using that phrase? sounds like the person you say that to is actually depressed lmao
@@FlowcastYT I believe the actual definition for major depressive disorder (which is what actual medically diagnosed depression generally is) does include a specific minimum duration. I doubt it's the only qualifier, but there does have to be some kind of longevity.
@@pangurechyx3010 in my case I fell exactly under the symptoms of Bipolar 2. I have a strong history in my family of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia so I knew what was going on with me for 10 years but was too afraid to face the truth. The depression came and went but when I cycled into a depressive state it was crippling. It would come at the drop of a hat based off of one small comment being said to me proceeded by me letting it get into my head. Once it gets in my head and I start defeating myself mentally then it's all snowballing from there I would fight to just get out of bed. It felt like my soul was sucked away and everything in me was just being crushed. I almost ruined myself professionally and my personal life became shambles. I dealt with it for a decade before I plotted my suicide. Then I knew it was time to call this disorder what it is and see a doctor. Been on medication for two months and literally have never felt better in my life. I feel like I'm finally actually starting my life now with more motivation that I have never ever had. To me that is what clinical depression is. A truly soul robbing and crushing depression no matter what goes on in that person's life. Duration doesn't matter but if it strangles you to shambles then it is clinical. It almost killed me and I wish I had taken care of this years ago.
@@FlowcastYT Severity, longevity , spontaneity , age, nutrition , environment , abuse, exposure to trauma , relationships, theres a lot to consider before a diagnosis can really be determined to be 100% treatment resistant chemical imbalance which is your life is mostly depression and it doesn't matter wtf you do for or about it.
All these years... I've judged this man and didn't take him seriously. Podcast totally changed my life.
Brandon Covington same, makes me realize I shouldn’t make assumptions on a persons character.
That's the value of Podcasting. Those TV settings are far too scripted.
I could never understand why people don't like Dr. Phil
@@v4sdude191 another asshole
I haven’t seen a comment like this I’m about to write here, but I hope this is not a rare one, THANK YOU for not putting adds here. I mean really, this one very expensive decision of yours is so much appreciated whether people say this or not. I need to see faces, the voice alone is not enough for me. I’m a writer so this kind of communication - all talk talk talk - is so exotic for me and I learn so much because I can use my eyes and ears without pauses. Thank you and bless you. ♥️
@@aquastu I tried it, but the adds keep running never the less. 🤲🏻
Did you mean to use exotic here? Because it doesn't make sense to use it in that sentence.
@@blam9360why would that be?
@@Bellax912 because of the definition of exotic, of course. Words have specific meanings. You can't just toss words around and they have the same meanings. They don't.
I told you JRE was Oprah for dudes...
Joe sold out to Hollywood and is now part of the establishment
ansuz you sold out your life when you became a conspiracy theorist. Rogan didn’t make it easy he’s been working for like 30 years. Tf are you on
@@vulgarjninjaracz7266 He asks softball question against people that deserve heavy critique thats what people mean with he is a sellout
I like Joe 1000 times more than Oprah. Not even close.
Dr. Phill is cool AF. Far more chill than I thought.
100% agree.
"Dr" Phil is supposed to be in jail.
U could tel hes hip to the game
@@kedricktheheadtripMusic "dr" phil has a phd
@@CSideBeats he does but he's not a licenced psychologist. While he's technically a doctor he's not one in practice.
Long form conversations suit Dr. Phil better than the show.
Dr Phil should just retire and have a podcast lol
Long form conversations are better than any show!! lol
I think they suit any human better
@@Patso44 They meet different needs.
@@Oozywolf he just started a podcast early this year actually but im blanking on the name of it haha. the way he does it though is more of a interview/structered style to get insight into his guests life and mindset, rather than the free flowing style that JRE goes by. its still a good podcast tho nonetheless.
I really appreciated what Dr Phil said about depression and medication. When my son was a baby, he was diagnosed with cancer. The first thing my primary care doctor wanted to do was put me on an antidepressant. I took it for a week or two, and then thought to myself, why in the hell am I doing this? It’s ok to be sad right now. My freaking child has cancer. And what got me through that certainly was not a pill to make me feel fake happy.
I want to say what a perfect example of what dr Phil was saying but you can’t put perfect and cancer in the same conversation.
Watching a child go through that battle is definitely a time where it’s natural to be sad and putting a bandaid over those emotions surely can’t be the healthy answer.
I do hope your child is still with you 🙏
And if not , you have the strongest angel ever watching over you ❤️
How is your son doing now? Blessings to son, you, and your family.
@@Prometheuspredator he is fantastic! Almost 15 years now cancer free from a disease that has a median survival rate of only 3 years. He definitely beat the odds!!
@@crazeekids9744, Wonderful. I am so glad to hear that.
It's good you had the clarity to stop the meds. You give a perfect example of inappropriate prescribing of medication! Glad your son is well and glad you are too!
I felt like Dr. Phil was talking to me during a lot of this. It's time to start helping myself out of this crippling depression and pain. "The next year is gonna go by whether you do something or not.". Thank you for this.
JR B Thank you!
You can do it, Nicole. You are worth way more than you may think. Your happiness matters. Please don't give up on yourself.
Rachael Harrington Thank you. I honestly think I was meant to hear that podcast, as corny as it sounds. I just really needed to hear some of what he said. I'm setting goals for myself, and I asked my husband to help keep me accountable. Medications have never really helped me, so I'm all I've got! I appreciate your words of encouragement.
Just take one step every day. Lay one brick every day. Just keep moving forward.
That's great advice...thank you. I always see the big picture and get overwhelmed. I think your philosophy is exactly what I need. @@iLikeMyOwnPosts
a couple quotes from Dr. Phil here that I wrote down:
1) "The difference between a dream and a goal is accountability and a timeline."
2) "We generate the results in life we think we deserve."
Dr. Phil is the GOAT.
Your thoughts literally create your reality
"Dr" Phil ruins lives. Phil in kids with drugs.
"What happens to you doesn't determine who you are."
Jake5555 Filio5555 I was just about to put this one
In one of his books, he said,
"You teach people how to treat you".
It's December, and I'm waaaaaayyyyy better off than I was in February. I watched this video for the first time in Feb and it actually inspired me to change my ways so that so could share this comment 10 months later. I'm very proud of myself.
kiwihaze congrats man good for you
Proud of you man. Same here
Awesome dude!
Good shit. I thought I hit rock bottom in February 2019, then December came and I really hit rock bottom. Maybe this year will be different
Dr Phil is such a level headed, wise and pragmatic blessing to society. Love his shows and I learn a lot.
Half way through Phil started interviewing joe, he can’t help himself
TomDH 🤣😂🤣😂
Haha brilliant
Joe’s not an interviewer, he’s a conversationalist.
Love that.
true, i like the mind virus technique i will use it
I wish Robin Williams was still alive. Would love to see him on the podcast. Rip
omg that would have been amazing
he should get a big comedian though anyone really any of the greats
Fuck the podcast, i just wish he was alive.
Thomas Torrance His daughter Zelda would be perfect for this show, I saw her on another podcast and she is incredibly charming, funny and intelligent.
George Carlin...
There was a certain calmness to this conversation between two men that this world needs more of.
One day later... Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo. Calmness goes out the window. What a diverse show
Nathanial Paz Hahaha the world also can use some balance
Joe has a gift of calming people.
@@NPazable bro it's tough even seeing that Eddie and Alex we're on the same podcast. Chaos.
@@whitenoise3447 Perfectly balanced... as all things should be.
Dr. Phil, you became popular around the time my alcoholic dad finally left. You pulled me out of so much darkness, thank you ❤️
Joe Rogan is the only person who I know of that can have good deep conversations with all types of people and make it interesting.
Watch very carefully. Like the greatest interviewers, Joe doesn't actually say very much; he lets the person talk, and occasionally gets them to clarify for the audience. It's like they're talking to us rather than Joe.
And that's exactly why people love his show.
Jack of all trades and a master of interviewing
You haven't met me
After he roasts them too lol
Since Dr. Phil and Jordan Peterson are both clinical psychologists, I think it would be interesting to hear them have a conversation about mental health.
Peterson would be a much better person to see in my opinion. Shit Peterson did help me lol he just doesn’t know it. Maybe Doctor Phil if you are young because he’s decently stern
As interesting as vagina juice
I'm sure they'll both agree antiSemitism is a mental illness but gender dysphoria isn't.
@@gratuitous1 I didn't understood your comment, can you elaborate ?
@@gratuitous1 It isn't.
To the guy who always gets to work 15 minutes early and always has a pot of coffee ready...
His name is BOB ..and he is a saint
Not all heroes wear capes.
And a psycho whose keeping the office alive by a thread by taking his anti depressants
That'd be me lol
Enlightened Perry About to pop some Kratom on lunch break rn, haha...I hate my job
Thank you Joe and Dr.. Phil for bringing the awareness for the need of Mental Health.
I never realized how chill Dr. Phil was... way more low key than I expected, nice to listen to.
“you can’t chemically babysit your children”
My parents did this, it fucked me up really bad, this is one great podcast, nothing but the truth.
@@jordanhanson4777 no meds
@@lollic307 is this a question?
@@jordanhanson4777 just.agreeing
Phoebe Beckley hold my Benadryl lol
"The difference between a dream and a goal is a timeline and accountability." -Dr. Phil 16:55
The difference between winners and losers is winners do things losers dont want to do. Something like that.
Been sleeping in my car for 3 months. I have some anxiety issues that sort of inhibit me from having my own place. I’m nothing like the guests on his show, but I’m thinking maybe I should try to send in my story. Been documenting my journey.
@@lostandlooking even if you don't go to his show try to take the advice given in this podcast. Find the root of the problem make a list of short term goals and improve your life one step at a time.
@@giobat8994 Thank you for your advice. Thanks for being kind.
@@lostandlookingBest of luck to you, friend.
I like that “ a lot of people are realistically reacting to what’s happening in their life “
Dr Phil is lowkey hilarious. He's intellectual comedy gold at times.
Same level as rick and morty
chriss790 Some people forget that Dr Phil was in the Scary Movie comedies
Right?! The time he called Romo a champion was hysterical!
Funny how everyone makes fun of Dr Phil, then he comes on Joe Rogans show and people realize he's actually pretty good at what he does.
He is a doctor
@@Billshurwin He is; however in so many articles and video comments about him, there are always idiots posting "He's not even a real doctor".😆 Never fails.
@@ironman2326 He is not a licensed psychologist, which I think is where the confusion comes from, he does have his doctorate in psychology though.
Hell, I’m guilty of that by lumping him in with bad actors like Dr. Oz.
Plus there is a bit of a stigma with daytime television among Millennials, which he is definitely a major player in.
Kinda shows off the power of just shutting up and giving someone the chance to talk.
@Ashvin Vaidyanathan who said I was a boomer?
Now this was an impressive podcast. I have definitely underestimated Dr.Phil
Ya, this was pretty good. I always thought Dr. Phil stated the obvious on his shows, but this was a pretty good conversation here
Couldn't agree more.
@@RobertWadlow292 They have to dumb everything down and sensationalise it for TV. But he obviously is an intelligent enough guy.
pretty sure he's a board certified clinical psychologist.
Listening to him talk about a damaged personal truth exactly what I had to overcome two on my own business. Dr. Phil really is an enlightened man spreading truth
“we generate the results in life we think we deserve”
Jackson Hollister hit you in the feels too, huh
Makes me wanna try harder lol
Its the law of attraction
Similar advice to " You become what you think about most" and its true
So true...
Ok this TOTALLY changed my opinion of Dr. Phil. Thanks Joe.
It is pretty eye opening. Philly boy seems like a good dude. I had him pegged for some psudoscience wack that spewed bullshit on tv for money. He seems to legitimately care.
@@Aresrobot lol nah he still is about the psudoscience bs
There’s been a few people whom I changed my opinion about because of this show. Jesse Ventura comes to mind.
From what to what?
you lot believe anything you're told don't you?
I never really had an opinion on Dr. Phil before, but after hearing him on the podcast, I like the guy.
You're hot
@@Nacho42069 whale, but would fugg :DD
@@Sean27007 Tig O' Bitties
@@codypowers8601 Dehydrated
@@Nacho42069 lmfao
I didn’t think I could love and admire Dr Phil even more but his podcasts and this just shows what an incredible man he is!!! He’s so intelligent and inspirational!! I think the same about Joe too!!
Well that was unexpected....DR PHIL!!!
Joe should get on Dr. Phil with Alex Jones
Walter Botelho lmao send them both to the ranch
Omfg only in a perfect world 😂
Elon Musk Lol!
Came for good quality JRE laughs...
Left with new ways to fix my life...
Same here, I am dumbfonded how wise he is.
Go watch the Sunday special he did with Ben Shapiro, so good. Not a political show.
Dr. Phil, the man who got made into a laughing stock by Dick Masterson and the bumfights guy, Jesus no wonder why people are so broken nowadays.
Definately better than a commercial every 2 minutes on Dr. Phil show.
Send Rogan to the ranch
Jesika Vocisano Ram Ranch
NC Ridd
Really Rocks
He'll get everyone high.
haha ya tell him no more psychedelics
DMT ranch
Just watching in the hope of seeing Dr Phil hittin a Blunt with Joe......
It should be a requirement to get on the podcast you gotta smoke a blunt of kief with wax also have to eat a 1000mg eatable a hour or 2 before the show so it kicks in mid podcast lol I wanna see people fucked up beoned belief 🤣😂
@Cellphone Dave You're fun at parties, aren't you?
@Cellphone Dave fuck yeah !! Sounds like you could benefit from a blunt right now lol
@@EUTOPIATTV come on you really think this dude gets invited to parties 🤣😊
If they don't hit the blunt then he hits them with the fog machine
Dr P looks great for almost being 70, what a legend
Right?! Man has looked nearly the same age the last 25 years lol
Holy shit he's 70? Damn he looks better than a lot of 50 year Olds I know
It helps to be uber wealthy.. and probably wearing makeup for this show.
For a fake doctor sure he's great
TJ Yates and you are??? A real doctor I presume?? Moron lmfao
100% disabled veteran and 25-50mg Hydroxyzine (histamine) changed my life. Our body react to Anxiety like an allergic reaction.
This completely changed my opinion of doctor Phil. I didn't watch his show and thought he was just another talk show host. But he is actually very wise and intellectual. Great podcast.
Death Ward agreed
I agree, and I am not sure why others hate him so much or call him a fraud.. All the advice he gave about depression, medicine and improving low self esteem and changing your mindset is all thigs I had to go through and everything he said I have come to the same conclusion
Typical douche bag
Daniel Sancho I think most of it is he is rumoured to be aware of how wise and intellectual he is, and it makes him a bad conversation partner for the common folk, or that he’s rude/unintentionally condescending to people on the basis of feeling “above” them. He definitely exudes the aura of a learned man, I just think his delivery hobbles his reception
Ya brah...hes a Dr.
It would be cool to see Gordon Ramsey on the podcast
@@DJEMBEMOTION nah he's actually kinda nice. His younger bro is a heroin addict. And Gordon has this whole show where he teaches prisoners cooking skills
Fuck that Twat
Fuck Gordon Ramsey
I'm so here for this
him and joe are about the same age and both charismatic it would be a great show
The amount of power forehead in this single video is overwhelming.
Spare me for i am just a mortal.
If they refract the light off their bald heads into a single beam It's power level would be incredible!
hahahah aw thanks for that laugh lol
OMFG 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 This comment cures depression.
That's the funniest shit i've read all day!
I was impressed with Joe's skills as an interviewer when I watched is interview of Amanda Knox. Didnt get into the dirt, treated her with dignity and still gently nudged her into telling her story. Joe does deserve his success,
“Situations do not make heroes. Situations expose heroes.”
What a theory Dr. Phil 🙌🏾 thanks man 🙏🏾
I`m a hero. I just haven`t been presented with my heromaking situation yet. But i AM a hero,my mom said so and she don`t lie
This ranch he talks about is demonic asf and he is a Masonic .. he been abusing these kids in these ranches a bunch of people girls are speaking out I feel bad for them ...
@@rsyoutube9252 I bet you got it up the pooshute many a time too huh....
Oprah longtime buddy. Friends like this you won’t need enemies!!
He didn't ask him if he tried DMT...
@Roland Deschain If the episode was like 30 minutes longer. Too short
@@avannas4016 😂🤣
I literally clicked on this video, it opened, I thought to my self "I wonder if he asks him if he tried DMT... I'll check the comments to see if anyone mentions it"
Third comment.
I think we all know if Dr.Phil did DMT 😉
Because doc Phil turned him On
I never thought that I would hear Dr. Phil cuss, let alone within the first 30 seconds of this podcast.
Yeah I thought it would at least take an hour to loosen him up like what happened with Elon musk.
I am a adult so I don't notice such mundane things.
I think that was calculated to break down our walls and invite the good ol docta Phil in our heart
@@verynice126 yes
These videos are GOLD! Smart older men just having a chatt, it’s nice to learn from and listen too with everything I have going on. When I’m on the streets wondering about my next meal and next place where I’ll be living. And praying and hoping for something long term and stable so I can effectively get my routine in check. This is good stuff. Thank you so much guys for being great role models for people who inspire to be something.
Sending love and positivity you got this! ✌🏼❤️🙏
"It seems like people have comfort in their patterns"
It was at that moment, that Joe Rogan discovered what a habit was...
Joe "who knows where these kids are" Rogan
This comment is way more hilarious than it should be. :D
@@connorrothbard9689 agreed.
"Some day isn't even a day!" great quote Dr Phil
Hello Mr. House
Could be tomorrow! 🤣
It’s in between Sunday and Monday 🤣
That one kicked me in the ass during a somber night drive home after achieving nothing over the weekend... lol I needed that
During first 30 secs, I hear Dr. Phil say *shit* for the first time ever, so this is gonna be good. We're not in Kansas anymore.
Deathshuck watch Scary movie 4 he's on there at the beginning with Shaq and he says "bullshit" it's hilarious😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"I'm not a therapist... I'm really an electrician. I failed you Shaq. I failed you."
short chubby neckbeard when he cuts off the wrong foot....😂😂😂😂😂
I'm still in Kansas
no, he planned on doing that just to get everyone to react the way you just did. way to take the bait.
Bro, doctor Phil is more legit then I've ever thought and I'm positively effected by his words. Especially regarding anxiety and depression. He puts it how it is without sugar coating it, but his words and voice defy that. I'm glad a TV screen idol is somewhat real 😊
‘Someday ain’t a day of the week’ 😂😂😂 love it
Same here. lol In fact, I randomly thought of that today as I was going through my day and it motivated me to get things done.
Dr Phil is always good with his insightful one liners!
I never realized how awesome Dr. Phil is. Kinda just lumped him in with all the other media that panders to drama queens. He is much more insightful and helpful than I thought, and I’m glad that he has a platform.
54ND3RS glad u gave him a chance sanders
He's a MUCH cooler dude than people would think. Seriously has his head on straight. He really does his best to prevent all the drama and if you watch enough of his show you'll see that he has an enormous amount of genuine knowledge and common sense
You should watch his shows. They can get real cringey but very insightful
54ND3RS he is a psychiatrist after all
Charles Psychologist
1254 episodes and we still don’t know when we’re live
3...2...1....are we live? No? We are? What happened?
Jaime is really bad at his job sometimes.
We missed 2 hours of the Dave Foley podcast allegedly
Doctor Phil comes across infinitely more likable in this setting and also really grounded and intelligent. Joe does such a good job of bringing that out in this long format
Everyone hates on Dr. Phil
Today I learned he is an intelligent insightful dude
Just by his show you can tell he's intelligent....
I think he's intelligent and well intentioned. His editors and producers make him look bad on his show often.
@@freegadflyathome Bad.... or hilarious your choice
Michael Roma no one really hates dr phil
no1 hates dr.phil wtf are u on about
Aw this show would be perfect for Steve Irwin. Imagine the conversations. RIP crocodile hunter.
That just means an opportunity for both of his kids!
The only celebrity or artist death I've actually got sad about. Great man
@@mith2946 Same here
Fuckkk, the podcast everyone deserves and needs. Unfortunately we were robbed
Wow. No kiddin'...
"The next year is going to go by whether you're doing something about your life or not." - this is powerful.
Vojtěch Pavlíček nahh
@@yunked5907 I guess depends on person. For me, I realize how much is going on outside of my isolated life. How much oportunities, girls, awesome places etc.
When your age generation grow up and u stay the same and then u "grow" with another generation and they make it and u still dont and stay still, u realize then damn.
For me it's such a deep quote. It unlocks more thoughts within me that motivate me to improve...
@@vojtechpavlicek9658 I feel the same bro.
Yes I felt that big time!
Now i know why they say the truth hurts
One of your finest interviews - both sides
Thoroughly enjoyed this thankyou
He's certainly good at pretending that what people want to hear is solid, well-researched advice. When in reality, his bootstraps cliches only serve to keep people in their place. He's totally full of shit, in terms of actually helping people.
@@simonjohnston9488 thats just like ... your opinion, man.
@@simonjohnston9488 Considering he has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Master of Arts in psychology and Doctor of Philosophy in clinical psychology, it is pretty retarded for you to come with these stupid opinions, you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. With over 45 years of experience, I have no doubt in my mind that Dr.Phil is excellent at his work!
@@simonjohnston9488 I agree. And as a guest, I'd give him a C-. Everything he said seemed fairly superficial.
@@simonjohnston9488 As much as i hated his TV show too and all. The guy is right about a lot of stuff. The whole over medication thing alone is so spot on that it hurts. You go into see a doctor and say you feel shit and instantly they want to put you on some SRI which has an even higher chance of making you suicidal. A good lot of what he said here on this podcast totally changed my thoughts on him really, and that its more the producers of shows which made it out that there is no real educational thought behind what he says. But the man is fucking true on most of what he says that it kind of made me mad to agree with him because i hated on him so long.
Should give him a pass man. I mean he isn't saying stupid shit like the earth is flat or something. And no where here did he say anything that was against research at all.
Dr. Phil NEEDS to host meme review next
Then Joe Rogan
Next meme
Phil time
I am so grateful for this specific podcast. It opened my eyes about my shitty behavior and my procrastination.
Good, stay hydrated homie!
Damn, that's some personal reflection right there.
I'm not saying you have issues... you seem to be saying that. That said, the first step is admitting a problem. And you just did.
So for that, I hope the best for you brother! I hope you find the healing and understand you need, and go on to great things!
@@theclimbto1 stfu
Dr. Phil’s is just so profound and charismatic. This guy really knows what he’s talking about.
"you compare your personal truth to everybody else's social mask" hmm
So true, but we don't see things that way. We always compare ourselves to others.
That was really strong
Waguih Hicham Waguih start @ 13:00 👍🏻
When he explained pain being a motivator.. I got chills. I’ve had a serious abdominal abnormality all my life that presented symptoms when I was 10. I’m 26 and just 2 weeks ago had life changing surgery. But in between that I’ve been on a pharmacy of drugs, and have been dependent on opioids for the last five years. I’m still healing and going through withdrawals, but I feel the best I ever have in my life physically and mentally, because I’m choosing to use this moment in my life as a driving force. I feel like I was meant to see this video today. Thank you 🙏
qween-zee thanks for sharing your story. Bless you and I hope everything continues to work out for you
This is very motivating! Thank you
Damn, this needed to be much longer than it was. Enjoyed this one
Agreed. Hope they make another one.
Seriously, i have such a deeper respect for Dr. Phil after this episode. If he is doing podcasts, i will look forward to listening.
Really? I found it to be one of the least entertaining as of late.
I thought it was somewhat entertaining, but I think the main value was just in the useful information itself. They covered a ton of valuable life topics.
“Someday is not a day of the week” 👏🏽😂
Dr Phil is way cooler when he can swear.
Texuss , y'all
You’re not wrong
Dr. Phuck yo bitch
he actually swears a lot on his show
E W actually Joe Rogan's podcast is way better than watching the breakfast club.
I think of Dr. Phil’s voice as half of his success.
Leah Powell Haha he is the wise grandpa people need.
1/4 his way with words and his wisdom is too great
For sure, he’s got the smarts, the drive, and the marketability
He sounds like the “mmmmmKay” guy from South Park
He sounds like mr Mackey from South Park
Get Gloria Borger on the podcast.
@@Adrian-ws6xw wow dude you are so cool, you are now apart of the cool guy club 😎 grats cool guy.
Nah, poppy harlow please
@nymersic 😂😂😂
For real!!! Get Lord pewds on here already!!!
Unfortunately, too many people have addictions and those of us with severe chronic pain cant get the medication that we need to be productive members of society... sad but true its hurting both sides of the coin