Presidential Election in Finland 2024. Let's go. Life in Finland //Ilona_ke

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Election in Finland is very much peaceful and silent. Gotten a chance to practice patriotism through voting.
    #finland #election #immigration #kenyanyoutuber
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  • @Iam_MajackTV
    @Iam_MajackTV 2 місяці тому +1

    I love the snow in your area

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    Those Fischer skis in you video and you living in Lahti reminded me about the times when Järvinen was the largest Finnish ski manufacturer and brand. That was a long time ago. I briefly lived next to their factory in Lahti.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +2

    Perhaps because I am not a native English speaker I tend to think about the nuances of different English expressions and terminology. These things are culture sensitive and tricky to translate between cultures and different languages.
    I would simply call voting in national elections as a civic duty, though it isn't mandatory. It is just highly desirable in order to support the democratic process and society, citizens need to care, make up their mind, and participate in elections.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    Vaalilaki sisältää säädöksen järjestyksestä äänestyspaikalla, joka osaltaan selittää miksi äänestyspaikalla on aina rauhallista:
    Äänestyspaikalla taikka sen välittömässä läheisyydessä ei saa äänestysaikana pitää puheita, julkipanna tai jakaa painettuja tai kirjoitettuja kehotuksia eikä muutoinkaan vaikuttaa tai yrittää vaikuttaa äänestäjien vaalivapauteen.
    Äänestys on järjestettävä siten, että vaalisalaisuus säilyy. Saapuvilla olevien on noudatettava vaalilautakunnan järjestyksen ylläpitämiseksi ja äänestyksen häiriöttömän kulun turvaamiseksi antamia määräyksiä.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    Ehkä tämän tiedätkin, mutta mainitsen kuitenkin:
    Kuvaamiseen kysyttävä lupa
    Huolimatta siitä, että yhä useammalla kansalaisella on taskussaan kameran sisältämä puhelin, äänestyspaikoilla on kuvaaminen kielletty. Tämä koskee myös mediaa, jonka on pyydettävä kuvauslupa jokaiseen äänestyspaikkaan erikseen.
    Siellä voi kuvata, jos vaalilautakunnan puheenjohtaja antaa siihen luvan ja hän voi antaa luvan ainoastaan siinä tapauksessa, että kuvaaminen ei häiritse sitä vaalitoimitusta millään tavoin, eikä vaaranna vaalisalaisuutta.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    Many countries have the legal requirement that to be eligible for presidency candidates need to be native citizens. That is the case also in Finland.
    But there is no official role nor requirements for the spouse.
    For the first time, the spouse of Finland's next president has a foreign background.
    The spouses of the coalition's candidate Alexander Stubb, who reached the second round, and Pekka Haavisto, supported by the citizens' movement and the greens, were both born abroad.
    Stubb's spouse, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, is English. She was born in Solihull. Haavisto's spouse Antonio Flores is Ecuadorian. He was born in Esmeraldas.

  • @heymanotADMASE-qm6iv
    @heymanotADMASE-qm6iv 5 місяців тому


  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    All kinds of unfortunate things in life are of course possible. But having to have police presence at a school yard or a election voting site would mean something exceptionally miserable would be taking place.
    As far as I know, there where no disturbances in any voting site in Finland. It's not really to be expected in Finland to have such behavior.
    There are people at each site monitoring that all the rules are respected.
    No police is needed for that.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    About 60 percent of the total votes had been given before the election day. Meaning that only 40% did as you did, waited until the election day.
    Many people prefer to go give their vote on some day of their own choosing, which is more convenient for them.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 6 місяців тому +1

    For the obvious reason thought about this video today. Will you have something to say about the election process today and will you make a video about it.
    Since you where so eager to be at the voting site so early the previous time, I could imagine you where there even earlier to be the first one today.

  • @vincentkipkogei7554
    @vincentkipkogei7554 7 місяців тому +1

    I like how they do campaigns and elections its so silent you can't even see them on public

    • @just42tube
      @just42tube 7 місяців тому

      Of course campaigning gets done in public.
      But the places are carefully selected so that campaigns are effective.
      You just haven't attended any, if you haven't noticed.
      Social media and TV also have big, perhaps bigger, roles in campaigns.

    • @just42tube
      @just42tube 7 місяців тому

      I would like to ask, how and where have you followed these 9 presidential candidates campaigns?
      Have you followed these in the order of something like 40 debates they had before the first election day.
      Many of these were on national TV channels and all major news media had their own too.
      They also had their own road shows meeting people all over the country.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    President and the spouse or significant other..
    President Halonen would likely have something to say about your comment about a wife..😊

  • @davidw.4524
    @davidw.4524 6 місяців тому +1

    Place looks extremely cold and white...mna survive aje huko?

    • @Ilona_Ke
      @Ilona_Ke  5 місяців тому

      It is very cold but we dress well. That is the only and best way to keep warm.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому

    I suspect the building you call the new school is a temporary building just for the duration of the renovation of the old building. Is it so?

    • @Ilona_Ke
      @Ilona_Ke  7 місяців тому

      For now no renovation on the old building.

    • @just42tube
      @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

      Lahti, like many other municipalities, has so many school building projects that budget restrictions force the use of temporary facilities in some cases for longer periods. I looked at the school's introduction text. I got the impression that the plan is to replace the old building with a new one and not to renovate it. But no year was mentioned.

  • @just42tube
    @just42tube 7 місяців тому +1

    I would prefer you not to translate presidentinlinnan as white house.
    It's color is not white and it's unlike any of the White Houses I know of.
    The Presidential Palace (Finnish: Presidentinlinna, Swedish: Presidentens slott) is one of the three official residences of the President of the Republic of Finland.