Brian May & Chris Packham: Hen Harriers

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Sign the petition to ban driven grouse shooting:


  • @Animal-Watch
    @Animal-Watch 8 років тому +17

    Nice one Chris & Brian :) Needs to be discussed as much as possible

  • @eminemisdogshit4626
    @eminemisdogshit4626 4 роки тому +8

    Despise the scum that kill our birds of prey. Names and addresses of those that are guilty should become public knowledge along with a complete firearm ban on the estates involved

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 2 роки тому

      You didn't tell the names of the antis who were killing birds of prey and fined in Dornoch Sherriff Court.

    @PATTERDALE78 7 років тому +4

    You are so wrong why don't you get the facts right.
    I worked for the Scottish wild life trust to carry out my work I would go to grouse shoots because the wild life had a Bigger population and balanced. Compared with a moor or wood land that was not managed by shooting.
    The wool gamekeepers do is a must in our countryside stop been one sided and look at the facts. It's so sad that they can get away with this.

    • @darkshaman7087
      @darkshaman7087 5 років тому +1

      PATTERDALE78 these people not got a clue about anything, they protect the badgers then wonder why the hedgehog and ground nesting birds are in decline, I know badgers kill and eat hedgehogs it’s a fact and now Chris have stopped the pest species of birds and also the pigeons being managed by the shooters, but now he have caused a bigger decline in the smaller species of birds and also the pigeons will wipe out crops but I hope the veg farmers will be composition for their losses and also the sheep farmers as the crows damages the lambs

    • @peregrinepete
      @peregrinepete 4 роки тому +1

      PATTERDALE78 the wool what a fanny

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@peregrinepete What a plonker you are !

    • @theotheseaeagle
      @theotheseaeagle 2 роки тому +1

      @@darkshaman7087 what a load of complete utter tripe. There’s *no* evidence that corvids or badgers are causing the declines in bird populations. We know the primary reason we are loosing many of our songbirds, particularly migratory ones is because of hunting in the Mediterranean. It’s always easy to lay the blame on corvids and badgers whilst ignoring the real culprits which is poachers in the Mediterranean. As for hedgehogs, once again that’s a complete lie. Do badgers hunt hedgehogs? Yes. Are they directly causing the decline in hedgehogs? No. I live in the countryside and have a large badger population where I live, and I see hedgehogs almost on a weekly basis. I’ve rescued 3 of them after they fell down holes in the ground and couldn’t get out. The main culprits for their declines are pesticides that kill all their natural prey like slugs and worms, as well as being ran over on roads and being unable to find each other to breed because they can’t get over garden fences in urban areas.

    • @darkshaman7087
      @darkshaman7087 2 роки тому

      @@theotheseaeagle I’m telling you badgers do eat hedgehogs and that’s a fact also foxes will eat them, I’m guessing you not from the countryside as you don’t seem to know anything about wildlife, I used to shoot foxes by night using lamp and I have witnessed myself badgers killing hedgehogs as it’s an easy meal for them and the screams that comes from those hedgehogs are awful but I have not been to close as not aloud to disturb the badgers but that’s the type of thing we come across while out hunting by night, also read up about badgers having hedgehogs for food I’m sure you will find it on google somewhere… Also foxes and badgers do kill ground nesting chicks and also eat their eggs it’s obvious as it’s a meal in front of them, also as badgers do not have anything that kills them naturally and they was protected until they did a cull on them the badgers population was so high they was destroying everything, but going back many years when there was bears etc living in Britain they most probably kept the badgers population down by feeding off the younger badgers… It’s all common sense but some people like you have not got.

  • @nopretribrapture2318
    @nopretribrapture2318 3 роки тому +1

    Well ,most humans are the problem, there's a few good rare gems in life, Brian and Chris are two of them😊 hence even in the bible God will cull the human race>> Isaiah 13:12 😂 what does that tell you ,most humans are $#@!

  • @huntinternational8836
    @huntinternational8836 8 років тому +3

    What about the wind turbines? Also don't the transmitters fall off after a time, so you couldn't track them anyway.

    • @cb6013
      @cb6013 8 років тому +3

      Yes, wind turbines are also a problem. I'm sure Packham is well aware of that. But it's the frequency that transmitters 'fall off' over and around grouse moors that leads us to realise they are being illegally killed in the interest of increased grouse numbers.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@cb6013 LOL LOL LOL You'll never make a detective that's for sure.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@cb6013 LOL LOL LOL So it doesn't show how unreliable their reliable trackers are ?

  • @normanmurray3659
    @normanmurray3659 5 років тому +2

    Makes you sick listening to lie after lie coming from Chris's mouth!!!

    • @peregrinepete
      @peregrinepete 4 роки тому

      Norman Murray god your a cretin

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 4 роки тому +1

      @@peregrinepete Don't be a twit, what's your argument ? Or is that it cheek,LOL

    • @shakeybeatz
      @shakeybeatz 3 роки тому

      Behave yourself.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@peregrinepete Good god your ignorant

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@shakeybeatz How what have I done ?

  • @normanmurray3659
    @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому +4

    First lie there should be 300 hen harriers, he first quoted 500 but thought better and down graded to 300. 300 is the maximum carrying capacity, a more realistic number is 60. Second lie they are persecuted on driven grouse moors , this is where most hen harriers live and feed, the fact that their dead on a grouse moror comes as no surprise as 65-70 % die in their first year, due to natural mortality. the fact that a tracker stops is to be expected with their poor reliability, a stopped tracker doesn't mean they are dead with birds turning up regularily with trackers attached but not operating. Reliability of trackers has been found to be between 25- and 75 % failure. And another lie, cool burning does not affect peat, but makes it easier to control wildfires, burning the heather helps the spagnum moss by releasing potash which allows for more retension of water. The ditches were put in to increase crops after the war, it is being repaired by keepers and contractors to retain water which is needed for insect life to feed ground nesting birds chicks, a dry hill is no use to anyone. And again the gamekeepers are benefiting all birds on the moors. He can't help himself lying. Snaring does not kill an animal, it is held by the snare which does not harm them any bycatch can be released to carry on with their lives. And another no subsides go to grouse shooting as he very well knows, it is an agricultural subsidy, which by the way the RSPB receive for producing nothing in the way of food . What reserve is he talking about that eradicated the mountain hares I wonder which one he is on about ? Well i can say I have never heard so many untruths by two fools.

    • @shakeybeatz
      @shakeybeatz 3 роки тому +1

      Excuses mate.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@shakeybeatz Can't take the truth? Poor you !!!

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому +1

      @@shakeybeatz Lies I'm afraid, Packhams an expert at lying, twisting the truth and misinforming, leaving out vital information, he's been a long time at it, but his time is running out, his failed campaigns his fraud is all catching up on him, more and more become aware of his true colours, I have managed to change two minds today about him, how he has cheated them out of money made them look fools, the walls are closing in on Packham. How come you don't see him for what he is, do you not want too see ?

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@shakeybeatz What excuses ?

    • @shakeybeatz
      @shakeybeatz 3 роки тому +1

      @@normanmurray3659 Go away norm, you really are boring. Good luck chris.

  • @alanroddis126
    @alanroddis126 7 років тому +4

    Killing wild animals purely for fun demeans us as human beings, if you want to show your prowess at shooting what's wrong with clay pigeon shooting.

    • @admiralackbar9307
      @admiralackbar9307 4 роки тому +1

      Killing wild animals at all is not what human beings are biologically designed to do, but I've got no problem with shooting fraternity's taking up other gun activities among themselves...... like Russian Roulette for instance.

  • @kevinturner5857
    @kevinturner5857 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you to two wonderful kind inteligent human beings full of empathy , concern & passion for our wildlife , it saddens me that the people who mercilessly terrorise , torment & cruelly kill innocent harmless wildlife that is just trying to share & survive on this planet , these people have lived amongst death for all theyr lives , soulless anachronism 🙄thanks for all you do Bri n Chris ❤

  • @jacklemon8973
    @jacklemon8973 6 років тому +9

    two of my favourite people in a conversation

  • @markharris5771
    @markharris5771 6 років тому +13

    I live half an hour away from the Trough of Bowland where we have lost birds in mysterious circumstances, heart breaking, absolutely heart breaking.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому +1

      They are not mysterious, predators go off with a lot of them sometimes other bop kill and eat them, disturbance is a big problem in your area with monitors, artists and photographers along with hill walkers and bird botherers.

    • @shakeybeatz
      @shakeybeatz 3 роки тому +1

      @@normanmurray3659 You chat shit. I've heard enough of your pathetic excuses.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@shakeybeatz There, there now have a cry to yourself.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@shakeybeatz What excuses ?

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@shakeybeatz We keep hearing you say excuses, better start naming these excuses that are in your head.

  • @mikes8917
    @mikes8917 6 років тому +3

    2018 was the most successful hen harrier breeding season in over a decade with 34 chicks fledging and nine nests and 60 per cent of these from land managed for grouse shooting. Explain that away Packham, oh I forgot that you only use statistics that suit your prejudice views and ignore the rest.

    • @bradleywoods3742
      @bradleywoods3742 5 років тому +1

      Years of hard campaigning has finally paid off, this is exactly the kind of statistic Chris was looking for as it shows a change in attitude within the grouse keeping industry to try to conserve instead of eradicate these birds. The only reason there is a change in attitude is because of huge public pressure ( which Chris has helped to instigate) to enforce the laws and more criminals (people who persecute birds of prey in general, including hen harriers) are finally being convicted.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      @@bradleywoods3742 Sorry to disappoint you but Chris had nothing to do with the lowering of persecution, it was the keepers themselves who were sick of being wrongfully accused, it had been dropping for years as the old school died or retired, 2014 was the nontolerance among keepers, remember that date and see how persecution dropped of the chart.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 2 роки тому

      @@bradleywoods3742 Chris is spitting feathers at the news,LOL LOL LOL

  • @karlwalker6648
    @karlwalker6648 7 років тому +8

    totally agree chris keep up the good work mate.

  • @jane9875
    @jane9875 5 років тому +4

    fed up of these shooting fraternity my dad is afermer he admires packham and doesnt feel the need to shoot everything that moce

    • @jane9875
      @jane9875 5 років тому

      @audrey pard that is english you idiot

    • @eminemisdogshit4626
      @eminemisdogshit4626 5 років тому

      What is afermer?

    • @kevinturner5857
      @kevinturner5857 2 роки тому

      This is warming news ,sad that some people see no beauty in the natural world & all wildlife just tryin to survive

    • @kevinturner5857
      @kevinturner5857 2 роки тому

      Do you think humans r vermin n needs snaring , caging n controlling !?

  • @admiralackbar9307
    @admiralackbar9307 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you Chris and Brian for explaining this, thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing to help are wildlife.

    • @normanmurray3659
      @normanmurray3659 3 роки тому

      Chris is doing a brilliant job of killing off wildlife, the biggest danger to wildlife in the UK.

  • @davideddy2672
    @davideddy2672 2 роки тому +1

    Total bollocks - Chris tells all too many blatant lies! Shameful …

    • @kevinturner5857
      @kevinturner5857 2 роки тому

      Can you give me 10 flora & fauna plant associations please ,!? there's a gold star if you can !

  • @challengechaz3722
    @challengechaz3722 7 років тому +7

    All I see is 2 attention seekers

    • @andy-the-gardener
      @andy-the-gardener 6 років тому +6

      Two people speaking against your business interests and beliefs more like.

    • @catwoman8861
      @catwoman8861 5 років тому +1

      The field sports and cooking channel You are a tit

    • @eminemisdogshit4626
      @eminemisdogshit4626 5 років тому +3

      😂😂😂😂 yeah because Brian may isnt famous enough

    • @shakeybeatz
      @shakeybeatz 3 роки тому

      You are special.

    • @kevinturner5857
      @kevinturner5857 2 роки тому +2

      2 good guys Bri n Chris 👍

  • @timkirsten6184
    @timkirsten6184 5 років тому +3

    Awesome interview. Thanks Chris for explaining it so well and clearly.

  • @MKChase-uj9vx
    @MKChase-uj9vx 5 років тому

    Hmmmm... that was a balanced discussion... not at all one sided and self-serving.

  • @dominickelly6259
    @dominickelly6259 8 років тому +2

    lovely red jackets, could easily be mistaken for a fox!

  • @garywilson6382
    @garywilson6382 8 років тому +3

    Ive been shooting all my life and i will never stop and you wont change my mind you might call me cruel but i was raised in a shooting/hunting family.

    • @jg9752
      @jg9752 8 років тому +4

      Viper - listen to what is being said. Not against all shooting but against shooting that degrades the environment. Shooters 'can' support conservation (real conservation, not the sham being perpetrated on the grouse moors) - take a look at the work done on the Norfolk estate on the South Downs. If you eat what you shoot, do it sustainably, do it with minimum cruelty and improve the environment for all wildlife and the rest of us while you are at it I will be content to put up with your shooting and hunting, and pay to help you properly manage the environment through my taxes even though I find the notion of killing any other living animal for fun increasingly hard to get my head around.

    • @garywilson6382
      @garywilson6382 8 років тому +1

      +Joan G but would like to know how bruning heather cause flooding

    • @jg9752
      @jg9752 8 років тому +3

      My understanding is that removing vegetative cover results in rain water moving too fast to sink into the ground so it runs off the moor. On the moors this is also made worse by the digging of drainage ditches. The people of the Calder Valley are very upset about this because of the excessive flooding it has caused to towns and villages. There is no reason why you should believe me or anyone else against driven grouse shooting so I am including a link to an Environment Agency web page which describes how Pickering has prevented flooding, and a link to some research by Leeds University

    • @garywilson6382
      @garywilson6382 8 років тому +1

      +Joan G but if you leave it will no nureants for birds sheep and so on so thats why we burn heather and the peat underneath not be burnt its only the heather above but in wildfire it all gets burnt

    • @jg9752
      @jg9752 8 років тому +2

      Well, I am finding answers by just searching the Web. The peat is affected - it dries out and then gets washed away. How about this on the feasibility of cutting the heather At the end of the day, burning is just too destructive for the environment and the consequences are too expensive in many ways. OK there may be an occasional natural wildfire but I bet that if the moorland soil was healthy these fires would not be very intense or the impact too severe because the ground would be wetter to start with. I would have thought that the enjoyment of grouse shooting would be in developing the high level of skill required to track down and shoot a wild bird. Surely if hundreds of birds are being driven towards you the level of skill required is far less than for walked up grouse shooting. If it is a matter of number killed rather than the difficulty of the hunt that strikes me as sad. Life, regardless of what type of life, needs to be respected more.