The NDCs MPs must be serious in parliament. They over power the NPP two times and if they'll behave in this way, Ghanains will loose interest in them. They were not voted to be doing what they want, they were voted to represent their constituents in parliament. WATCH OUT
Ghanaians have elected MPs yet they don't go to WORK and no nobody has the right to question that.
The NDCs MPs must be serious in parliament. They over power the NPP two times and if they'll behave in this way, Ghanains will loose interest in them. They were not voted to be doing what they want, they were voted to represent their constituents in parliament. WATCH OUT
NPP government were serious in parliament than the current NDC Administration. What is really happening in the parliament house of Ghana?
The parliament that we elected you to serve us is now an empty parliament or a ghost parliament. What a shame to you all the parliamentarians
Masa seat down the work is done out side parliament 😂😂😂
What is this,ndc ?