What an encouraging talk! Virtuous friendship is so essential to growing in Christ and living a fulfilling life. Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for more Godly brothers and sisters in our lives to walk alongside us and bring each other closer to you
*God, I ask you for the happiness of all the peoples of the world, that everyone can enjoy the beautiful gifts that the universe offers us! And that they can feel this joy of having been in this world for a purpose of life, I ask you to give us all this abundance and prosperity that we deserve, thank you Lord for all that you give us day after day without ask nothing in return and just see a smile on our face I love you I love you with all my being and I hope you will always be by my side*
What an encouraging talk! Virtuous friendship is so essential to growing in Christ and living a fulfilling life. Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for more Godly brothers and sisters in our lives to walk alongside us and bring each other closer to you
*God, I ask you for the happiness of all the peoples of the world, that everyone can enjoy the beautiful gifts that the universe offers us! And that they can feel this joy of having been in this world for a purpose of life, I ask you to give us all this abundance and prosperity that we deserve, thank you Lord for all that you give us day after day without ask nothing in return and just see a smile on our face I love you I love you with all my being and I hope you will always be by my side*
No yet 4 minutes... got my like.
God bless the reader
Thank you so much for this inspiring talk.