Age doesn’t define you - Global Campaign to Combat Ageism -

  • Опубліковано 18 бер 2021
  • This film takes you on a journey through experiences of ageism across the life course, showing how ageism affects everyone, everywhere. The film encourages us to reflect on our own thoughts, feelings, and actions towards age and ageing, and aims to spark conversations and actions to eliminate ageism and create #AWorld4AllAges​.
    To find out more and join the movement, visit:


  • @Green2Red2
    @Green2Red2 7 місяців тому +7

    I look younger than my chronological age. No one has an issue until they realize how old I am. Then the trouble begins. I'm tired of always hiding my age.

  • @RobinBarnett-m2b
    @RobinBarnett-m2b 11 днів тому

    I totally agree. Age does not define us! I'm 55 and still do and act like I'm in my 30's. Life is a journey and one that we are destined to take. Live, be happy with your age and don't let it define you.

  • @debramackillop950
    @debramackillop950 3 роки тому +28

    Thank you, this is excellent in encompassing all aspects of ageism. I want to join the movement. When it comes to discrimination against older people, I often read, "Discriminating against older adults is discriminating against your future self, if you are lucky to reach that age."

    • @doublec3
      @doublec3 7 місяців тому +1

      Just because someone is 50 or over shouldn’t make younger people shy away, not bother talking to them just because of that, which is totally ageist.

  • @blueroses7935
    @blueroses7935 11 місяців тому +11

    Ageism is still so overlooked and implicitly accepted. It's not seen as a 'thing' and no attention is directed towards it, yet ageing is one of the things that every single human being has in common. It's weird that in a time where people are supposedly so accepting, progressive etc., ageism is still alive and well. It doesn't have the stigma that, IMO, it should have given that it's no more acceptable than any other form of discrimination.

    • @ed-pf1wl
      @ed-pf1wl 6 місяців тому

      OMG 20 years old and he still plays video games? OMG 50 years old, you're an old man!

  • @ReneeLeeRosenberg
    @ReneeLeeRosenberg 2 роки тому +21

    Clearly ageism stereotyping can affects us all no matter our age. We need to fight being defined by a number. We must stop defining people by their chronological age but define people on how they function. A number does not define us!

    • @doublec3
      @doublec3 10 місяців тому +2

      Damn right! Nobody should be treated differently because of the number of years they been alive. That’s just plain shitty. Being sexist is bad enough, but now ageism seems to be another discrimination some people in our society hold. I treat everyone the same, hang out with others regardless of their age. This has got to stop by society!!

  • @OlegShapkin
    @OlegShapkin Рік тому +10

    Why the world is so concerned about transphobia, homophobia when ageism is the rampant issue?

  • @doublec3
    @doublec3 10 місяців тому +4

    I always thought it was middle aged folks and older who get discriminated against for their age, but apparently teens can get treated bad because of their age too. Some people are just plain ageist against anyone that’s not close to their age number. What has the cruel world come to?!

  • @Noitisnt-ns7mo
    @Noitisnt-ns7mo Рік тому +1

    If no comments, move on./ First make yourself your best ally. Getting old is a great victory, not everyone can do it.

  • @guillermoelnino
    @guillermoelnino 6 місяців тому

    remember these 2 phrases
    "Age is just a number"
    "Love is Love"
    Now find the ultimate conclusion of these within the same ideology.

  • @ni9ward222
    @ni9ward222 8 місяців тому

    A fact of life is that over 60% of the people you meet will see you for who you are. . . About 10 of those people will see you as a person they want to see. . . At about 30 of those people will see you as something that they want you to be. . .
    Be yourself. . .
    in the grand scheme of things, age is only the clock that hangs on the wall reminding you what time it is. . .

  • @koyelrakshit186
    @koyelrakshit186 3 роки тому +2

    Yeah. I agree with it. Thanks to WHO for this video & the topic.

  • @beckylivingston7873
    @beckylivingston7873 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you. Wonderful and poignant

  • @zandervolker3439
    @zandervolker3439 3 роки тому +10

    Great video. I’m very pleased to see it covered both sides, young and old.👍🏻

  • @sunnycriti9809
    @sunnycriti9809 9 місяців тому

    yes you can, and together we are a great force in the world, financiale and politcbally. Cooperate

  • @gowine504
    @gowine504 3 місяці тому

    The problem is that companies need to understand this is not the 1950s where you could keep one job and keep moving up. Jobs are unstable and entire industries and careers disappear rapidly. So people will be changing careers and companies at an older age.

  • @LemonySnicket98
    @LemonySnicket98 3 роки тому +3

    Wonderful video. We have to be able to acknowledge but see past ones age versus their attributes.

    • @valerieobrien5521
      @valerieobrien5521 2 роки тому +2

      When I was 47 I went for a job which had a few stairs to climb , I was extremely fit and a long distance cyclist, the lady who interviewed me asked me if I would be able to manage the fifteen steps to the upper floor stockroom. I have always been extremely energetic and looked ten years younger than I am . I didn't get the job because she said " We want someone young enough to cope with the steps.
      I didn't bother contesting her opinion, but just walked out !

    • @rc1952
      @rc1952 5 місяців тому

      @@valerieobrien5521 Hi Valerie, A similar thing happened to my sister years ago when she was well ABLE to meet what was needed in work.
      She applied to be a gardener. She was a fully trained gardener and had built garden structures with her own hands. She was young, strong and skilled. She was trained to build dry stone walls. She is very talented and will get the job done.
      The person interviewing asked have you built dry stone walls? She said yes. Can you do this or that? Yes. But she did not get the job. Why not? Prejudice.
      Then you think why would anyone want to work at a place that’s riddled soaking saturated drowning in prejudice, nepotism, corruption???? Jobs for their mates and their mates’ mates. Jobs for the boys.
      How do you stop it- legislate. Investigate.
      It’s about ABLE and are you a RESOURCE to them. It’s mercenary. It’s impersonal. Like assessing a machine for size and capacity or a slave for muscle, height, hand size, weight, brawn, teeth, eyes, health, seaworthiness even. That has been portrayed in a few historical movies and is shocking to see. The cruelty of the owners towards human beings treated like cattle.
      How did the slave traders view, assess, select thousands of slaves many years ago herded onto boats, to ship to America, Queensland, UK and everywhere? As a number not a NAME.
      The Bible says God knows each of us by NAME and every hair on our head!!!!! When we get up and lie down, our going out and our coming in, the number of our days, our thoughts and the desires of our heart. The infinite patience of God to see the cruelty of mankind to its own, is immense; to be so aware and allow us to continue on earth with all His infinite daily provision and manifold blessings- sun, rain, food.
      How cruel man is.
      To callously USE another or DISCARD them as rubbish.
      But I’m going for a job soon and if I get the look of disappointment when the boss first meets me, I’ll know I have zero to no chance of getting that job, regardless of the WHO and what’s FAIR, because I might not fit the desired image, profile, selfie, cover page, thumbnail, mix or viable commodity they are after.
      Too little or too much age or gender or whatever attribute, is subjectively deemed to be not the right FIT.
      Employers still get away with saying ‘the right fit’ but it really means- we don’t like you.
      Because of some pre-text, pre-conceived idea of usefulness.
      It’s not about the stairs you can’t climb.
      It’s about prejudice, pre-judgements of:
      attributes that accompany
      age, gender, race, colour, weight, height or whatever is being judged.
      It is the boss’s personal biases coming in.
      I don’t like old staff.
      I don’t want female staff.
      A black person is not a good fit here.
      A teen won’t know stuff.
      An older person won’t know computing.
      A Jewish person won’t fit in.
      A tall person will stand out.
      A fat person will spoil image.
      What will they judge me on?
      Will they give me a chance?
      Will I be subject to unwarranted hatred or overlooking?
      At the wire- decisions are made.
      A boss said to me:
      I know what I DON’T WANT!
      That told me before a person even goes there, they a pile of prejudices are locked in for sifting candidates OUT.
      Hoops to jump through, to enter that organisation. And callous dismissal of you don’t fit in.
      This is what people are up against going for a job or joining things.
      You can get the well-concealed cold shoulder or rejection, based on you AGE, shape, clothes, gender, race, skin colour, presentation, speech, or something that you cannot change that is an integral part of who you are!!
      So when I go for the job I will be observing whether I get the look on first meeting. The look of you are older than I (or my mates here) will tolerate?!?!?
      Be very mindful- one attribute in a boss is being able to conceal prejudices behind a polite poker face. That’s why Lady Gaga sang that song.
      Poker Face- calm but judging.
      Poker Face- brutal assessment.
      Poker Face- cunning concealment.
      It’s about their preferred FIT.
      It takes courage and strength to face job enquiries KNOWING the biases about age.
      It is still legal for certain professions to state in their guidelines that they want staff to retire at 55!!!!!!!!!!!!
      It should be made a crime to write such a thing.
      Why is a person washed up at 55?
      People retire, then go straight back to work!
      It’s a joke!
      It’s outdated rules.
      It’s outrageous prejudice.
      Don’t get me started..
      They can’t dismiss you easily these days so the decision to hire you is so loaded with fries that it’s ruthless.
      Only someone very ignorant and innocent and unaware will think the thought-:
      I JUST want to be given the CHANCE.
      Baby, honey, darl, schweetie, pet, luv… don’t have the goods….and you walk in there and you get
      THE LOOKs …….you are dreamin’
      So…wish me luck. I’m going IN! 😉

  • @revcc1
    @revcc1 2 місяці тому

    Nobody thinks about ageism as an issue until they wake up one day and they are told by an HR recruiter that they are "overqualified" for a job. It is the one form of discrimination that everyone will one day face.

  • @karlbrenneman5095
    @karlbrenneman5095 2 роки тому

    Awesomeness ✌️🥰🙏🤩👍

  • @NinjaFlame156
    @NinjaFlame156 3 роки тому +1

    very good vid

  • @LiLLL39
    @LiLLL39 9 місяців тому

    Super vidéo bonne année 2016 !!!

  • @rubygutierrez7274
    @rubygutierrez7274 3 роки тому +1

    ¿Por qué no colocan subtítulos?

  • @olaqeen
    @olaqeen 10 місяців тому +2

    In Morocco the government don't allow people who have 30 years old or older to be Teachers. It is one of the worst forms of age discrimination.

  • @IlliaTonkohlas
    @IlliaTonkohlas 3 роки тому

    Я не понимаю по английски, где русский перевод? Я так и не понял о чём ролик... Ноу андэстэнд...

  • @williamwhite3774
    @williamwhite3774 4 місяці тому

    I moved to NZ and ageism in this dump is off the charts. Couple that with astonishingly low wages and zero expectations and it’s not the place to be. All I ever hear is “diversity” this and “diversity” that and people screaming about discrimination based on gender or blah blah but never the cancer that is ageism.
    When you get to a certain age you are dead in the water in this country.
    I have extensive global exp in the Middle East however at 55 I am invisible.
    Far easier to hire a wet back and pay them peanuts.
    New Zealand employers are a disgrace.

  • @havanadaurcy1321
    @havanadaurcy1321 11 місяців тому +2

    I'm sick of the millennial Zoomer old=insane logic on Reddit. Do they not know they too are going to get old

    • @emkay2756
      @emkay2756 6 місяців тому

      Zoomers think millennials are old too.

  • @vthilton
    @vthilton 3 роки тому +1

    Unity in Diversity

    • @guillermoelnino
      @guillermoelnino 6 місяців тому

      how's that working out for the west?

  • @olaqeen
    @olaqeen 10 місяців тому


  • @IbizaPlay
    @IbizaPlay 3 роки тому +4

    This medical fascist state must end.

  • @Etendard1708
    @Etendard1708 6 місяців тому

    Meanwhile in our backward country called Indonesia: maximum 25 years old to apply this position.

  • @ferbsol2334
    @ferbsol2334 3 роки тому +1

    Child soldiers time

  • @bouthaynadebach8236
    @bouthaynadebach8236 3 роки тому

    Bonjour merci de mecontacter .je mapelle bouthayna dabech tunisiane malamd de corona virus covid 19 group 21 nemiro 7569 Age 55 ans Anniversaire 13/8/1965/ maman pour 5 anfant . Adress Gafsa Elmadina tunis post 2100 je vous remci de votre eaid

  • @mackn9649
    @mackn9649 4 місяці тому

    Now, do the same for heightism. Because that is way worse when you are a guy. Trust me 😅

  • @mistermetokur218
    @mistermetokur218 3 роки тому +3

    What does this even mean?

    • @varunsingh9945
      @varunsingh9945 3 роки тому +3

      If you are good with inventing victimhood, you can never run out of topics

  • @soullessgoul9206
    @soullessgoul9206 6 місяців тому

    Ageism affects all ages

  • @nickgonzalez8591
    @nickgonzalez8591 3 роки тому +3

    Yeaaah something fishy about this man. I don't even know what you guys are trying to say here

    • @ed-pf1wl
      @ed-pf1wl 6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah you don't know because you're blinded by your own ignorance and short-sightedness, to see that age does not define maturity or responsibility.

  • @ChristopherJohnDotCom
    @ChristopherJohnDotCom 5 місяців тому

    The most powerful people in the world are senior citizens. The lack of ageism in important roles is the reason we’re living with failed ideas from the past.

  • @franciscogarza
    @franciscogarza 2 роки тому +2

    age actually define us, life is not lineal

    • @prettyboyterianoabioye4833
      @prettyboyterianoabioye4833 Рік тому +8

      No it doesn’t how can an number be you or define you as an person, even I tho I’m 19 I don’t call anybody old and etc , if God doesn’t have an age and he is an spirit how can you define an human who has an spirit by an number as well ? Make it make sense.

    • @franciscogarza
      @franciscogarza Рік тому

      @@prettyboyterianoabioye4833 you can deny it, it's ok 4 me, I don't give a shit

    • @guillermoelnino
      @guillermoelnino 6 місяців тому

      @@prettyboyterianoabioye4833 ok pe do

  • @KingMinionDemon
    @KingMinionDemon 3 роки тому +1

    Instead of combating age and trying to promote minors with the right to consent, just spark a question about the generational age group you were born in and attempt to understand one another without getting outrage over common real life phrases.
    otherwise continue to scroll your phone screen.

  • @rhettlibby2219
    @rhettlibby2219 2 роки тому +1

    Lol this is comedy

  • @davidpar2
    @davidpar2 2 місяці тому

    Defund the who