I’m just speculating but the grunts and sounds coming from the monster attacking the mercenaries sounds like Aiden’s sounds whenever he’s in that zombie mode and I’m thinking the beast is Aiden and maybe after Kyle Crain got away from the gre in the attempts to relocate Crain they came across Aiden or maybe even Waltz was still in contact with the gre and informed them of Aiden but the gre is now after both of them we’ve seen Aiden in an npc role before with the tolga fatin mission and it was good. I also have a feeling that spike is gonna play a role in this two in contacting Crain and them two working together to help Aiden and take down the gre for good
Honestly you could be right cuz it would seem like a waste to not even mention or have Aiden in this new game, also spike will never die that man will survive any apocalypse
What a missed opportunitie to drop the line it's hard to stay human when pushed
Its set after dying light 2 events
No 2025 is not release date
I’m just speculating but the grunts and sounds coming from the monster attacking the mercenaries sounds like Aiden’s sounds whenever he’s in that zombie mode and I’m thinking the beast is Aiden and maybe after Kyle Crain got away from the gre in the attempts to relocate Crain they came across Aiden or maybe even Waltz was still in contact with the gre and informed them of Aiden but the gre is now after both of them we’ve seen Aiden in an npc role before with the tolga fatin mission and it was good. I also have a feeling that spike is gonna play a role in this two in contacting Crain and them two working together to help Aiden and take down the gre for good
Honestly you could be right cuz it would seem like a waste to not even mention or have Aiden in this new game, also spike will never die that man will survive any apocalypse