BSA A50 Part 26 Wassell (Vape) Micro MK1 Electronic Ignition - Also fits BSA A65

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @darrinmalone6800
    @darrinmalone6800 Рік тому +1

    Thank you

  • @retromechanicalengineer
    @retromechanicalengineer Рік тому +1

    Nice compact unit Ian, I like it. The Vape systems have a very good reputation.
    Best wishes, Dean.

  • @a65builder67
    @a65builder67 Рік тому +1

    hi you've made a great choice with the vape electronic ignition its far more robust then all the others out there, as they are encapsulated not like pod/ sparx and the others Etcetera etcetera, but having said that all my bikes still run points, but all looking very nice, kind regards Adrian

    • @InTheShedUK
      @InTheShedUK  Рік тому

      I have retained the AAU and points plate, just in case!

  • @J_Creek54
    @J_Creek54 9 місяців тому +1

    Why did you try to align it three times - even before the bolts were ready?

    • @InTheShedUK
      @InTheShedUK  9 місяців тому

      You need to first get the rotor roughly in position, check the pickup is roughly in a position centre of available adjustment, remove the pickup to hold the rotor in position, tighten rotor bolt then align and fix the pickup.
      Or you could just slap it on and hope for the best!