LIES OF P - Final Boss Fight Simon Manus (4K 60FPS)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TonyBomboozled
    @TonyBomboozled Рік тому +140

    Simon imprisoned Geppetto during the climax of the story, his second phase design includes what looks like a human arm desperately reaching out of a sharp-toothed maw, and his middle name is "Pistris" (a word for "sea monster"). For those wondering where the Monstro-themed boss fight is, there's your answer.

    • @Pleasestoptalkingthanks
      @Pleasestoptalkingthanks Рік тому +12

      I guess its also an interesting allusion to Moby Dick and how the whale itself is seen as "God", in a sense.

    • @KrimzonFlygon1
      @KrimzonFlygon1 Рік тому +21

      He also duped desperate people to serve him by promising their heart’s desires, only to spirit them away to an island where they lose their humanity and made into beings that exist only to serve the Alchemist’s ends.
      He’s one part Monstro, one part Coachman.

    • @pippywondergirl
      @pippywondergirl 11 місяців тому +8

      i thought the whale was supposed to be the submarine

    • @Liamzilla4777
      @Liamzilla4777 8 місяців тому +2

      I think the Submarine is Monstro, because the sub got grounded like Monstro grounded himself in the Disney film, while Simon represents the shark from the original telling. I say this because just as the Submarine brought Pinocchio to his destination, Disney tries to be as kid friendly as possible nowadays. I say this because we meet characters in the game that weren't in the Disney movie.

    • @jeremytewari3346
      @jeremytewari3346 6 місяців тому +2

      It’s kinda interesting to me that Coachman + Monstro (two most iconic villains from Pinocchio after the fox and the cat) get sorta smashed together instead of some sorta unique fight.

  • @johannessmith1369
    @johannessmith1369 Рік тому +390

    He may have the power of a god, but his downfall was that he skipped leg day.

  • @JonoBogano
    @JonoBogano Рік тому +121

    This guy’s second phase cutscene was SO EPIC. Haven’t felt this hype for a second phase in a while.

    • @rinny4915
      @rinny4915 6 місяців тому +3

      actin like beast clergyman to maliketh isnt the coldest transition of all time

  • @tricon6778
    @tricon6778 11 місяців тому +68

    Man really became Mahito in that phase transition

    • @dethmettle9236
      @dethmettle9236 11 місяців тому +15

      Literally pulled out the Self-Embodiment of Perfection 😂

  • @tristanlau1213
    @tristanlau1213 11 місяців тому +46

    4:35 Mahito's Domain Expansion

    • @heh...blissinidiocy
      @heh...blissinidiocy 10 місяців тому +6

      Ryoiki Tenkai: Jihei Endonka! *( Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment Of Perfection )*

    • @WeirdTroll666
      @WeirdTroll666 5 місяців тому


  • @SCP--oz6oz
    @SCP--oz6oz Рік тому +107

    So Simon MANUS has one obscenely large arm? I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere…
    He is also intertwined with a deity-like hand entity. Almost like the hand of god hovering above

    • @Nyx-AvatarHOTF
      @Nyx-AvatarHOTF Рік тому +28

      Manus means hand clearly inspired from dark souls

    • @EthanGamingHere
      @EthanGamingHere Рік тому +38

      He's clearly inspired by Glenn quagmire when he discovered orange UA-cam

    • @williammorrison4292
      @williammorrison4292 10 місяців тому +4

      You're all wrong its a smash brothers reference.
      Jk lmao

  • @salutations6370
    @salutations6370 Рік тому +79

    The hardest part from the second phase is the camera angles

    • @moctezumadenaranja2245
      @moctezumadenaranja2245 Рік тому +8

      Is a dark souls reference

    • @Grey-The-Skeleton
      @Grey-The-Skeleton Рік тому +3

      That's the only comment that's actually fair in this comment section.
      That red attack that unlocks the cam is more of a problem than the high health and damage of a FINAL BOSS

  • @crumplepunch312
    @crumplepunch312 9 місяців тому +8

    I think I'm detecting some sort of subtle hand motif here.

  • @jordan1371
    @jordan1371 Рік тому +50

    Simon has the designs of a one piece character 😂

  • @senhorpanela3720
    @senhorpanela3720 Рік тому +41

    I have a feeling that most of people here never played a souls like before and now cant handle a final boss like this one

    • @a.w_.
      @a.w_. Рік тому +8

      He’s only the final boss of one out of 3 endings so I’d consider Nameless Puppet the “true” final boss. And in my opinion, NP is a far better fight than this one. More challenging and fun to learn.

    • @EarthwormShandy
      @EarthwormShandy 11 місяців тому +2

      You say that like it's a bad thing

    • @senhorpanela3720
      @senhorpanela3720 11 місяців тому

      @@EarthwormShandy It isn't, even me struggle alot in the game, but ppl use to complain about the game just because the boss is hard

    • @t-real9054
      @t-real9054 5 місяців тому

      @@a.w_. NP was easier than Simon.

    • @a.w_.
      @a.w_. 5 місяців тому +1

      @@t-real9054 I had a way harder time on NP, but I think how different people consider different bosses harder is part of what makes these kind of games so interesting

  • @Kaleb._
    @Kaleb._ Рік тому +49

    This is the third best boss fight in the game! I loved it so much. Neowiz did an amazing job on a game. I'd go as far to say that this game is perfect. It's my favorite game of all time 10/10. I've been recommending this to everyone.

    • @user-bg1ls5cd1h
      @user-bg1ls5cd1h Рік тому +3

      10/10??? I mean it’s a good game but damn

    • @ahmadalghamdi4425
      @ahmadalghamdi4425 Рік тому

      I loved the game very much and every single boss but this one and 2nd rabbits encounter

    • @markgarza3815
      @markgarza3815 8 місяців тому +2

      @@user-bg1ls5cd1hI give it 10/10 as well. Game was executed perfectly

    • @AntiSocialismo50
      @AntiSocialismo50 5 місяців тому

      They drooped the balls pretty hard with these final bosses

    • @AntiSocialismo50
      @AntiSocialismo50 5 місяців тому

      These final bosses sucks so much ass

  • @Freed.eric1994
    @Freed.eric1994 Рік тому +29

    Even if he has the power of god, he is still mortal

  • @Novelist1029
    @Novelist1029 Рік тому +35

    Simon Manus is Godrick’s OG.

    • @Sizzllllnn
      @Sizzllllnn 10 місяців тому +1

      You got that backwards

    • @Novelist1029
      @Novelist1029 10 місяців тому +2

      @@Sizzllllnn nope, he’s much harder than Godrick. But I get your point

    • @mr.trouble827
      @mr.trouble827 7 місяців тому

      What would happen if Godrick had The Left Arm Of God? Awakening of his hidden powers or something different? (In a crossover that is.)

  • @alienguardian
    @alienguardian 5 місяців тому +4

    05:01 I think this is the best way I've seen The Creation of Adam referenced. Everything the game is trying to say can be summed up in this one frame: creating in one's own image, and the drive to recreate oneself to achieve self-determination

  • @Willzb-xk4ew
    @Willzb-xk4ew Рік тому +15

    Well..... A lowly tarnished..... Playing as a lord

  • @LucasDimoveo
    @LucasDimoveo Рік тому +24

    RE4 vibes on this one

  • @KarizmaXD_YT
    @KarizmaXD_YT Рік тому +14

    My brother looking like a circus atraction!

  • @KrimzonFlygon1
    @KrimzonFlygon1 Рік тому +6

    _And now do you understand what the Little Man's profession was?_
    _This horrid little being, whose face shone with kindness, went about the world looking for boys. Lazy boys, boys who hated books, boys who wanted to run away from home, boys who were tired of school--all these were his joy and his fortune._
    _He took them with him to the Land of Toys and let them enjoy themselves to their heart's content. When, after months of all play and no work, they became little donkeys, he sold them on the market place. In a few years, he had become a millionaire._

  • @DragonsScarletScythe
    @DragonsScarletScythe 5 місяців тому +3

    This man has forever messed with my pronunciation of 'evolution'

  • @yunggu4405
    @yunggu4405 Рік тому +17

    Tbh the movesets are fine but damn these late game bosses have SO MUCH HEALTH. Even with S skilling weapons it’s gonna take like 50 hits or more to finish a boss like this.

    • @DaddyLogic
      @DaddyLogic 11 місяців тому +3

      Challenges make for better game play. Plus, another guy killed him in less time in another video 😂 bullied him bad.

    • @AntiSocialismo50
      @AntiSocialismo50 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@DaddyLogicmaybe, but they overtuned these bosses,

    • @DaddyLogic
      @DaddyLogic 5 місяців тому

      @@AntiSocialismo50 No, you just need some "GitGud" 😂😂😂😂

    • @AntiSocialismo50
      @AntiSocialismo50 5 місяців тому +1

      @@DaddyLogic why i have to got gut eating garbage bosses?

  • @DTOLL9000
    @DTOLL9000 Рік тому +33

    I was so pissed after this fight that I gave Geppetto my heart and got the bad ending because I couldn't be arsed for another boss fight

    • @Swayde1994
      @Swayde1994 Рік тому +2

      I plan on doing all endings anyway. Plus you have to give geppetto your heart if you want the acheivment for playing a perfect tune on the piano as being turned human is the only way to do it. However I always try to get all the achievements in games, but that’s just me.

    • @nathanway1550
      @nathanway1550 Рік тому +8

      I was the opposite I was ecstatic I finally beat him, but I was hesitant to do the final boss fight because it was so tiring. I ended up doing it anyways and you’ll be happy to know for me anyways it was much easier than Simon only took me 6 or so tries.

    • @halleyvalentine
      @halleyvalentine Рік тому +1

      Sammeee! But im glad I got the achievement either way and saw the credits. Plus can always go back on NG+ !

    • @Dubaikiwi
      @Dubaikiwi 10 місяців тому +1

      @@nathanway1550 Wait, really? I spend 2 hours on the Knight Lady, beat this guy on my 2nd try (just dodge well) and then spent a good hour on the true final boss.

    • @nathanway1550
      @nathanway1550 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Dubaikiwi they nerfed Simon since this whole discussion happened. Quite a bit actually

  • @AyoKiyoshi
    @AyoKiyoshi Рік тому +8

    I’m on this fight and I’m struggling on his second phase smh it’s too overwhelming

  • @jblasutavario9549
    @jblasutavario9549 10 місяців тому +2

    Trading 212 advert played as soon as the fingers touched 😂

  • @zanderbeasley5868
    @zanderbeasley5868 Рік тому +9

    Unpopular opinion: this boss was easy. I played through most of the bosses with the spirt summon because I was trash at parrying, but everytime I started a boss I went in without one. I didn't need a summon for Simon, I beat him in two tries only because I got unlucky the first time. Anyone who says this boss is hard is suffering from serious skill issues.

  • @JareGraphics2013
    @JareGraphics2013 Рік тому +16

    I honestly don't get where all of the salt is coming from. This boss was the most manageable of the bunch, including the one after it. I dread having to fight the thunder lady or Romeo again in NG+, but maybe it'll be easier this time around.

  • @fawlz
    @fawlz Рік тому +2

    Sério que você tem um canal tão grande? hahaha genial!
    Vídeo top demais 😁

  • @danielandersson3067
    @danielandersson3067 Рік тому +15

    A lot of people here that have to git gud.

  • @Grey-The-Skeleton
    @Grey-The-Skeleton Рік тому +21

    You can READ the skill issues in here

  • @jhenrynj
    @jhenrynj 11 місяців тому +3

    This boss was super refreshing for me after Laxasia, spent hours fighting her but downed this guy in a few tries

  • @BossSoulsgamer123
    @BossSoulsgamer123 Місяць тому

    great game and final boss

  • @mystermothman3092
    @mystermothman3092 Рік тому +7

    This is a good fight, but THIS is the power of a God...?

    • @mikewade1604
      @mikewade1604 Рік тому +3

      No, this is the power of delusion.

    • @trydodis690
      @trydodis690 Рік тому +1

      Simon seemed convinced that harnessing ergo would allow him to manifest as god but all he really possessed was the life essence, memories and time of everyone in Krat.

    • @Neonkong0500
      @Neonkong0500 11 місяців тому +1

      Sounds like you can be in front of him in real life doing something useful 😂

  • @PopADoseYo
    @PopADoseYo 10 місяців тому +2

    2nd Phase took you that long? I just finished my first playthrough and went strictly advanced. Used the acidic spear handle with the acidic tip. Took this guy out fast af. Just parried and charged my weapon for attacks.

  • @Kaleb._
    @Kaleb._ Рік тому +7


  • @N_Wah_
    @N_Wah_ Рік тому +36

    Loved the game up to the point where you fight the green swamp monster. Everything after that felt cheap to me for boss fights excluding the boss previous to simon. If they balanced the game id rate it higher, but the balancing with bosses and even other things they should have worked out before release has me mixed on wither the game is good or not. Definitely enjoyed most of it compared to the endgame stuff though.

    • @landonmartin8259
      @landonmartin8259 Рік тому +9

      I think that this is one of the best souls-like games aside from the Nioh games, and I have to agree with you somewhat. The difficulty increases for this game are insane and random. You’ll go form a boss 2-3 shorting you to the next one having an 8 attack chain that also one shots you 😅😅

    • @danniarias2403
      @danniarias2403 Рік тому +15

      Skill issue I’m afraid

    • @landonmartin8259
      @landonmartin8259 Рік тому

      @@danniarias2403 I’m gonna lick you

    • @nathanway1550
      @nathanway1550 Рік тому +3

      You’re complaining because a boss is hard? So what that’s the point of these games some bosses you get stuck on some you don’t. The swamp boss took me 10ish tries and Simon took me 15-20 they were hard and it was rewarding to finally beat them. This has been the formula for many from software games.

    • @nathanway1550
      @nathanway1550 Рік тому +2

      @@danniarias2403I’m afraid I agree with you

  • @buttertoast1146
    @buttertoast1146 Рік тому +1

    Why spoil it?

  • @tek512
    @tek512 10 місяців тому +2

    So much easier than Elden Ring bosses.

  • @MrSnitz
    @MrSnitz Рік тому +2

    What weapon is this

  • @Nyx-AvatarHOTF
    @Nyx-AvatarHOTF Рік тому +11

    Literaly manus from ds1

  • @LeandroMartinscg
    @LeandroMartinscg 9 місяців тому +1

    the transformation to the second form of him is a clear reference to the end of Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/ Fullmetal Brotherhood

  • @maniacalmurderer4123
    @maniacalmurderer4123 Рік тому +59

    I don’t quite remember a Simon Manus seeking the power of god in original telling of Pinocchio

    • @kitelanford
      @kitelanford Рік тому +27

      Nope, although the Alchemists and other beasts are more behind the story’s Veil
      Simon Manus is the Whale Monstro’s beast role of being the wall between P and Geppetto

    • @PopADoseYo
      @PopADoseYo 9 місяців тому +5

      ​@kitelanford Submarine has Monstro the Shark on it. The submarine that takes you to alchemists island. The way to Gepetto. Monstro was a shark in the original story of Pinocchio which Lies of P is situated around. Disney's was a whale.

    • @sirgrantelton1081
      @sirgrantelton1081 3 місяці тому

      Simon is supposed to be a combo of the Coachman and the Terrible Dogfish

  • @hitchofnyc
    @hitchofnyc 4 місяці тому +1

    I’m so tired of people complaining that Souls-Like games are too hard. “GIT GUD” or go play something else. These games aren’t for the faint of heart or casual gamers so instead of trying to change them, go elsewhere

    • @-_-ligma
      @-_-ligma 2 місяці тому +1

      there’s a difference between being hard and being BS

    • @hitchofnyc
      @hitchofnyc 2 місяці тому

      @@-_-ligma Hey man what can I say? Just don’t play it then. Everything isn’t for everybody.

  • @Ty-wf6mg
    @Ty-wf6mg Рік тому +47

    These devs don’t realize making a final boss that’s just completely unrelenting, massive damage and range with almost zero windows of attacking is not difficult, it’s just fucking annoying.

    • @-Taerar-
      @-Taerar- Рік тому +20

      Agreed 100%. It’s pure fucking trash. They should be embarrassed. I would have given the game a 9/10 but the boss fights bring it to a 6/10.

    • @fortunefiderikumo
      @fortunefiderikumo Рік тому +31

      git gud? ive finished the game and this boss was extremely fun and has plenty of openings to deal damage even in this video he exploited them, like sorry the boss doesn't just stand there staring at you for 5 to 10 seconds watching you hit them like every braindead bossfight in most games

    • @davidhumphrey2557
      @davidhumphrey2557 Рік тому +22

      Tired of ppl saying git gud its not a skill issue its the balancing of the enemys and bosses no reason to get stun locked cause of stupid hitboxs and bs attacks

    • @Iparryallresponsibillities
      @Iparryallresponsibillities Рік тому +1

      Lol just Parry and dodge lmao.

    • @spence0238
      @spence0238 Рік тому

      ​@fortunefiderikumo9129 Beating this boss wasn't particularly hard, it was as this person said annoying. Besides ripping of from (elden beast) they tried to hard in this design. So *getting irrelevant to it being annoying.

  • @N1k4_Gr1v
    @N1k4_Gr1v Рік тому +7

    Lavate las manus

  • @kodymcgrath6975
    @kodymcgrath6975 Рік тому +3

    He has way to many attacks man no window to hit anything its just relentless

    • @Amearie
      @Amearie Рік тому


    • @EifiE
      @EifiE Рік тому

      @@Amearieparrying doesn’t open a window or effect enemy attack timing in any way though

    • @gamemaster1608
      @gamemaster1608 Рік тому

      Just stay close to him and bonk the shit out of him

    • @FGame2star
      @FGame2star 8 місяців тому

      @@EifiE you need a faster weapon for this fight

  • @kevinguzman9642
    @kevinguzman9642 Рік тому +3

    Why is the thumbnail pic n description a complete spoiler 🙄 Those 2 elements could of been handled differently on ur part to respect ppl that don’t have an instant gratification mindset n are actively playing such as myself. Not watching, gets a thumbs down.

    • @armapillow7341
      @armapillow7341 Рік тому +4

      Why are you watching a video on the final boss if u didn’t wanna be spoiled

    • @sad_sword
      @sad_sword Рік тому +1

      you do realize that you don't have to watch a video to see its thumbnail right?@@armapillow7341

  • @cheesebased
    @cheesebased Рік тому +2

    So is there a reason you’re not using your legion arm? Kind of a core mechanic of fluid gameplay.. this is kinda lame without it, lmao.

  • @pandaell1029
    @pandaell1029 11 місяців тому +2

    I fucking hated this boss

  • @chasebrammer851
    @chasebrammer851 Рік тому +1

    They need to nerf a lot of these damn bosses Way too bullshit And also make your specters stronger They we’re an absolute joke Horrible glitch ai too

    • @badrbattioui
      @badrbattioui Рік тому

      Specters? You are a weak bastard

    • @FGame2star
      @FGame2star 8 місяців тому +1

      if you're using a spectre you FAIL

    • @germanrud9904
      @germanrud9904 15 днів тому

      "Make specters stronger" 💀💀💀 killed me

  • @StortNejTak
    @StortNejTak 11 місяців тому +2

    Worst boss in the game

  • @beowulfforce
    @beowulfforce Рік тому +1

    Music is also similar to FROMSOFTWARE games. Is not a bad game, but lack completly of almost something original.

  • @Ih8theleft-q8x
    @Ih8theleft-q8x Рік тому +6

    Parry mechanic and double boss health bars, already refunded

    • @KenshuTheGreat
      @KenshuTheGreat Рік тому +38

      Sounds like a skill issue

    • @Swayde1994
      @Swayde1994 Рік тому +14

      Just say you’re bad at the game lol.

    • @moctezumadenaranja2245
      @moctezumadenaranja2245 Рік тому +11

      I hope you never know genchiro and ishin xD

    • @lost4945
      @lost4945 Рік тому

      @@moctezumadenaranja2245Genchiro nor Isshin don’t hold a candle to these bosses😂 Laxasia was straight up stupid as fuck.

    • @kang7348
      @kang7348 Рік тому +5

      I’ve killed most Sekiro bosses within 5 tries. This game has two bosses that I’ve had 20+ attempts. Laxasia and this one. Bullshit spongy bosses. No skill.

  • @yungvinnii
    @yungvinnii 10 місяців тому

    worst boss in any game ever