The UK Is Bringing Back Blasphemy Laws | Guest: Daniel Hannan | Ep 293

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @johnl5316
    @johnl5316 22 дні тому +4

    Private clubs should discriminate based on ANY basis

  • @DanHannanMEP
    @DanHannanMEP 19 днів тому +4

    Many thanks for the comments, guys. I do read them.

  • @stevenw5013
    @stevenw5013 21 день тому +4

    Can't believe what's happening in Britain 😔

  • @Trapphausmusic
    @Trapphausmusic 22 дні тому +4

    The Islamic Caliphate of Englandistan does not allow blasphemy against sharia and all Christian men are to be imprisoned.

    • @davideaken5239
      @davideaken5239 16 днів тому

      I really can't believe any Brit is wasting time with this trivial crap while your country is in real danger of being Overrun!

  • @baigandinel7956
    @baigandinel7956 21 день тому +4

    If the UK can extradite in that manner, it would basically mean any country could control the speech of the rest of the world. Perhaps in response the U.S. could pass a law making it a crime to prosecute such cases and haul some of the Brits over here for trial.

    • @utah_koidragon7117
      @utah_koidragon7117 20 днів тому +1

      What exactly makes you think the US government wouldn't support the UK in this endeavor? They are already coordinating to suppress speech.

  • @dotsthots
    @dotsthots 22 дні тому +1

    The descent of the police from consent to force has been going on for far longer than Daniel articulates. An object in motion stays in motion unless it's resisted... and the UK populace has forgotten our ancient English principles and liberties that established and enriched it. The lockdowns may have kicked it up a gear but the seeds of it were well-established and already growing like hydroponic bamboo... watered and fed by pandering to the terminally offended.
    Daniel's book "How We Invented Freedom & Why It Matters" is a must read; it nurtured my soul somewhat as a person who laments the total non-defence of liberty we have now. He does make the case passionately and I hope he can rekindle that love-affair in the people who read it. It is still there I think but familiarity really has bred contempt and apathy.
    I'm not a monarchist by any means but the UK is supposed to be a constitutional monarchy and for that to function we need a monarch who does its lawful duty... which it doesn't. The house of lords is gelded and stuffed to the gills with political appointments rather than heredity peers who are meant to represent the shires more evenly rather than in a mob rule fashion. And worst of all, the commons seem to think they can pass any statute they like and its legality somehow overrules its lawfulness. The statute rolls stand at 50 million words now and change by 100 thousand words a month... that tells you all you need to know. I'd take a chainsaw to most of that.
    Until we care again... until we really do believe in liberty and have confidence in the wealth and peace that flows from that instead of empowering a state more and more with every crisis, self-inflicted or otherwise and believing that prosperity comes from centralised interfering, we can only be described as a once great nation fallen into a managed decline of mediocrity and ever increasing poverty.

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat 19 днів тому +5

    Today I might get arrested for this comment.
    Tomorrow you might get arrested for reading it.
    UK, are you okay?

    • @DanHannanMEP
      @DanHannanMEP 19 днів тому

      The worst thing about censorship is █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

  • @bobtuiliga8691
    @bobtuiliga8691 22 дні тому +2

    Wow what a smart and articulate guy. Im British and never heard of him

    • @DanHannanMEP
      @DanHannanMEP 22 дні тому +2

      You're far too kind. It's really just - don't tell the Cousins this - our accent.

    • @Devlin48
      @Devlin48 16 днів тому

      I’ve been following Dan Hannan for years! He’s a spectacular intellectual.

  • @steverowe8785
    @steverowe8785 8 днів тому

    Not all the arrests after Southport were known criminals but ordinary law-abiding people frustrated with inequality to native Britains. Some were arrested and jailed for their post on line. 😮‍💨

  • @Devlin48
    @Devlin48 16 днів тому

    I love seeing more Daniel Hannan! He doesn’t update his YT as often as he used to, which is unfortunate. However, he’s a spectacular intellectual and I love to hearing him whenever I can.

    • @DanHannanMEP
      @DanHannanMEP 16 днів тому

      Thank you, Devlin, that's kind. August lull. Regular updating sill start again soon.

  • @johnl5316
    @johnl5316 22 дні тому +2

    there was more segregation in the North, actually.

  • @gloriathomas3245
    @gloriathomas3245 22 дні тому +1

    Given the fact the UK is a very secular country where religious affiliation has off the cliff add the fact European Muslims tends to very secular there's no way Blasphemy Laws are coming back. Interestingly only a small number of European muslims are actually observant.

  • @robertdshannon5155
    @robertdshannon5155 20 днів тому

    Boris was never a serious politician.

  • @robertdshannon5155
    @robertdshannon5155 20 днів тому +1

    Fog in the Channel; Europe cut off.

  • @cliffdariff74
    @cliffdariff74 16 днів тому

    Please do video on What is a Woman.. ?

  • @johnl5316
    @johnl5316 22 дні тому +1

    R Ay sist things are necessary

  • @TimedNonTides
    @TimedNonTides 19 днів тому

    Anarchist Dave Smith calls anyone advocating violence, "a fed". Would he have said the same thing to our founders calling for a violent revolution?
    Then Smith, whom in the main I agree with & appreciate, crows about his choice to pursue a great career as he desribes (which includes submitting to censors inorder to keep his media) while others took positions which would bring them harm. Let me be clear, the problem here is libertarians lacking the principle of making a stand & selling out instead.
    Again, it is nice to see Smith winning debates against tyrants, but I had a youtube channel, Facebook pages, groups, a blog, etc... & it was taken just like others on the "Fighting Right" were taken, but peacenik libertarian's weren't; libertarians who wouldn't bust a grape, wouldn't defend this land, who were willing to sell out instead to Trump or public private partnerships, like Dave Smith or Nick Gilespie, respectively, are still here ie Manufactured Consent, Agents of the State, but we both believe in freedom, right...
    Wrong; Agorists, Ancaps, & libertarians have been undermining Americans' willingness to fight for their Republic. Please self deport to Argentina & advocate not "fighting" for freedom there
    Libertarians do not have the same American philosophy as our forefathers, & those who constantly conflate are guilty of Stolen Valor.
    Neither Objectivists, Libertarians, nor Anarchists, philosophically have any answer for the Fascist Covid, Censorship, Climate Agendas Americans just sufferered. You all said remain peaceful, Anarchists said option out, libertarians said comply, & Objectivists pretend like they don't notice. Americans are supposed to pick up arms and dissolve a tyrannical government, but your philosophies don't. Your philosophies provide nothing our govt fears. Become better Americans, leave those weak ideas behind.
    The problem w/ libertarians & the woke movement is your excusing the "force market" behind it. Similiarly, the problem w/ Argentine president & libertarian Milei to start is he threatened pro-palestinian protesters against slowing down commerce, then flew to Israel to kiss the wall.
    More to the point, we all saw that libertarian, Anarchists, & objectivists were too conflicted during the covid agenda, confused by what amounted to public private partnerships, so much so that they failed to mount serious resistance thus leaving Americans to suffer.
    You see, libertarians weren't willing to figuratively & literally take to the streets, to claim public back from govt encroachment both in public & private.
    Simply put, I could see a scenario where libertarians & their ideas develop in opposition to the Trucker movement protesting the covid & the Farmer one protesting the climate agenda; I could see Melei shutting down protesters against the New World Order, threatening protesters against slowing down commerce even if that commerce is fascist or otherwise funded by force.
    There are two things we need to confront if we're to survive this:
    1st, To the extent funds obtained from activities (from criminal thieving to govt taxing to fed reserve printing ) other than the free market, that funding is defined as force, it's effect on the market, on people, is force; meaning, such censorship, propaganda, boycotts, advertisers, donors, etc. are forcing their own "will" on others, i.e., criminally taking both free choice & "freewill".
    2nd, "Agent of the State", legal term, refers to those supposed private entities who are supported by the govt (force) in carrying out said "State's" agenda ie govt run UA-cam publishers tailoring their govt approved messages, censoring their comment sections, what's the difference between them & the establishment media, misleading & selling us out for their govt pay.
    A note about Ancaps: Ancap bitcoiners self censored their comment sections for covid & climate Agendas to keep making money on social media platforms, so forget those fascist sellouts too.
    In furtherance, Robbie Soave (libertarian) & The Rising gave Fauci a softball interview when people needed answers to the hard questions. That interview was a lie. Kim Iverson left in protest over it. It was a big controversy.
    (Kim Iverson btw, supported Democrat Trump on the Right, Trump forced his Covid Agenda, Kim is responsible for the Covid Agenda. She did it because she wanted two Lefts in America. Everyone say thanks, Kim)
    Interesting that Soave the lie is invited to further his career on many youtube channels while Iverson the truth teller is not. Why do you think that is; why is the "lying media" being promoted here when we ought be supporting our "champions of truth"?
    Bottom line, don't comply; don't become Manufactured Consent, Agents of the State, limiting the hangout, selling out.
    We need the freedom to speak. Trumpsters are as violent as they come. Trump, thus his supporters & enforcers, forced lockdowns, facemasking, & medical experiments. It wasn't constitutional either, which means it was criminal.
    Trump did use public heallth to institute totalitarian control in the US which he used to force medical experiments & and more, resulting in a worldwide genocide greater than the world has ever known.
    Do you think Trump wasn't calling for political violence when he bribed & bullied states to apply force against anyone resisting his, Trump, his supporters & enforcers, Covid Agenda?
    The European Labor Right is not the Small govt Right.
    Did i mention that leading Mises libertarian Tom Woods is now endorsing Trump... How is that nonagression; how does that support the constitution...
    "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
    Samuel Adams
    Debating libertarians: @LibertarianGalt lol, yeah & while I'm at it grow a p*s*y since you're not willing. Simply put, you don't know what I've done or do, so don't act like you do.
    Would you have smarted off the same way to Ben Franklin, when he said, "join or die", or other founders or great men who did, under constant threat, articulate what must be done?
    Moreover, what do you think that does to Americans when you call them spineless for speaking their mind, for daring to threaten power, for standing against those who will not fight?
    "Men should not petition for rights, but take them"
    by Thomas Paine who wrote Common Sense which helped to set off the revolution, the fruits of which Americans enjoyed for centuries.
    "THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated"
    No, not by Rothbard, but another from Thomas Paine.
    Paine was a man whose actions amounted to something great indeed, something libertarians have either allowed to be taken or worse, are selling out from under us.

  • @robertholland7558
    @robertholland7558 22 дні тому

    What on earth is “blasphemy”?
    Criticism of God, something that does not exist?

    • @StvRdhll
      @StvRdhll 22 дні тому

      Yes, a victimless crime.

    • @robertholland7558
      @robertholland7558 22 дні тому

      @@StvRdhll no victim, no crime, no blasphemy!

    • @DanHannanMEP
      @DanHannanMEP 22 дні тому

      @@robertholland7558 The point is that it's treated as something abominable in itself, not because of presumed public order consequences.

    • @robertholland7558
      @robertholland7558 21 день тому

      @@DanHannanMEP treated by whom? For me it is all utter nonsense. In other words it is gaslighting!

    • @DanHannanMEP
      @DanHannanMEP 21 день тому

      @@robertholland7558 Tell me you didn't watch the interview without telling me you didn't watch the interview.