As a person that has fixed many electronic devices found at the dump, the odds of this being real are EXTREMELY slim. The amount of water damage/corrosion was excessive, and the type of tester you used(analog), as well as how you were testing the IC's, and that horrible soldering iron, said enough. He probably swapped internal parts from a used unit purchased on Ebay to give the illusion it was repaired.
@@electronicsNmore I work with electronics too, and I've seen plenty of crazy impossible restorations. Surely this board needed to be re-capped, but I didn't see that happen. Maybe it was done behind the scenes.
@@JerryDodge You had no problem with the way he probed those ic's using that analog meter?? I don't know any experienced electronic technician that would fall for that one. Like I said, total fraud.
Absolutely impossible!!! Anyways, there's no possibility at all that the magnetic heads could survive at weather conditions, water and corrosion!!! By the way, The soldering iron tells the story...
Like "animal rescue" videos. "...I just happened to be walking along in the middle of nowhere one day when I stumbled upon this bag of starving puppies" At 20 + million views a pop, nice little earner.
for real. this one is laughably this rate we're only a couple of months away from these channels pulling CJ5's or some such out of dirt mounds in the forest and electrolyzing the rust off of them in a total restoration. haha. "I restored this forgotten 1st gen bronco"
For me, there are 2 major points to be taken from this video. Firstly, my absolute respect for all the designers and engineers, all of them, from this Kenwood through to Nakamichi, who were able to make these intricate, precision machines, and on a mass scale. A truly great achievement. Secondly, what is it in a person’s mind that makes them want to take so much time and effort, to produce such a fake video? That worries me. Anyone with any knowledge of restoration or electronics (especially tape machines) can see straight through this.
reason is the video has 2.3 mil views, it earned thousands of dollars of profit and will keep earning more while the guy sleeps for many years, worth the effort for him
@@ChillToMusic87 you’re right! he definitely did not film this in reverse. The final reveal was definitely not filmed first and then he definitely did not slap mud all over it or smash it up himself and there’s no way he planted it in the mud. It’s legit 😂 😂
I've restored vintage audio equipment for the last 15 years or so, TT's, RTR's, tuners, amplifiers and so on. And I can tell you: a cassettedeck (even in undamaged state) is the most difficult piece of equipment to get running properly. IF salt water has gone into the heads, the motors, and the capstans, bearings, etcetera like shown in this video, it's IMPOSSIBLE that it runs and plays like it does at the end of the video. 1 example why this video can't possibly be legit: Inside the heads there are copper wires (the coils) which are absolutely destroyed when exposed to (salt) water. Another one? trimmers. (aka VR's, Variable Resistors) IF they corrode, they make (worst case) a dead short or do nothing at all and serve as pass through (zero ohm) (when in audiopath) resulting in dsitortion beyond belief. Another one? ok.. the powersupply. SHOULD be totally corroded in this scenario, leaving a dead short when plugged in, thus: going up in smoke. Even IF... all the components were salvaged and restored, a cassettedeck operates within tight tolerances, if ONE thing is off (if it's a capstansize, a belttension, one small spot inside a trimmer or whatever) it doesn't perform like it should. You sir, are a fraud. There, I said it.
Good day. Your comments on this video seem to be well informed and experienced. At the end of your commentary on the difficulty of restoring analog era electronics, you stated: “You, sir, are a fraud. There, I said it.” That seems bold. But maybe you speak with authority. In any case, you seem to have the sort of expertise that I need. I have a LASONiC DTS-98. It is an apparently rare, dual-cassette-deck boombox with a digital tuner that tunes shortwave. (Scores of boomboxes were designed and built in the late 1970s through the early or mid 1990s that could tune shortwave. But they were almost always analog-tuner models that often had no more than two shortwave bands for at best passable shortwave-tuning ability. The relative rarity of digital tuner boomboxes that can tune shortwave is part of what drew me to the LASONiC DTS-98.) The trouble is, this vintage machine arrived from its eBay seller in Russia with what seems like significant internal damage to its electronics. There is a scary thump heard and felt when one tilts the centre block of the boombox far enough forward or backwards. It seems that the entire assemblage of electronics were completely jarred loose during shipment from Russia to America or from JFK Airport in New York City to our home here in the southeastern United States. There was NO “FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE” warning sticker anywhere on the shipping carton. The description of the contents of the carton was the same as the eBay listing of the item. The limited English of the seller probably couldn’t be understood by the Russian cargo handlers. And the lack of globally recognized red warning stickers did not instantly caution the Russian or American handlers. The boombox worked in all the videos that the seller filmed of the boombox in use after I started communicating with him on eBay. But the stereo did not work at all when I got it here in our home in December 2019. So something happened to the boombox between the filming of the last video of the working LASONiC DTS-98 and when the seller shipped the boombox to me last November. I had wanted to examine the interior of the boombox with an Android USB inspection borescope that I bought from China on Amazon. But after repeated failure to order the correct connectors, I don’t think that such a device can attach to my BLU VIVO smartphone. (Maybe I need a more expensive smartphone.)(SIGH) I don’t know if that seller will find this comment and jump in to defend himself. But let me ask: can you open my LASONiC DTS-98 and reattach the loose parts and get it working again? I don’t want to try any repair work myself. I’m not “technically inclined”; the “lead balloon” success of my trying to repair the jammed cassette-deck mechanism of my Aiwa CS-600U has made that clear LOL. (I must also say that there are no schematics for repair work.) I wonder, though: do you live in Germany or elsewhere in Europe? (I somehow have that feeling …) If the answer is “yes,” I probably can’t use your expertise; the shipping costs would be too high. (SIGH) I already suspect that you might say: “No, I don’t do repair work for various customers.” If that is the case, do you know of anyone here in America who can repair this stereo for me at a cost I can afford? Repairers of these electronics are so hard to find nowadays. Hobbyists on boombox websites won’t necessarily be able (or willing) to help. Well, this message is already SO long. Have a good day.
Absolutely spot on! This guy is not restoring anything here! The videos you see here are produced in reverse, ie he takes s good working unit and films the final scenes you see in this video, then he basically destroys it, to film.the beginning scenes you see where he 'finds' the unit and pretends to 'restore' it, just clever editing does the rest. ...⚠️😮😊
@@hohlovin Yeah if he has god powers and can reverse rust, release seized motors, mend deep scratches back to stock with no sign of repair and reverse water damage and recalibrate sensitive electronics with stunningly accurate results without using the correct equipment just using his godly powers! C'mon, there's more chance man landed on the moon back in 1969 than this was a genuine restore! ⚠️😁😯
At the 03:11 when being cleaned with water, the backplate looks pretty good, no painture defects. At 04:05 it suddenly looks bad. At 30:20 it's still in bad condition, when he's alreading mounting everything together. At 32:37 the backplate is in almost perfect condition again. There are definitely some continuity errors in this video... 🙂
Как делается, берешь старый прибор рабочий, снимаешь с ним концовочку типа восстановленным, потом тащишь на поля, притапливаешь на недельку другую, потом снимаешь как достаешь, восстанавливаешь, а в конце видео с начально рабочей вставляешь, и вот у тебя куча восхищенных подписчиков.
Похоже на то, не могла в таком состоянии сохраниться плата электроники. В ноутах детали сгнивают после залития чаем, а не таким гавном за пару - тройку месяцев. Тут железо старое, а платы в идеале. Скорее всего просто взяты с другого исправного магнитафона донора.
Не обязательно целые две недели топить в болоте, можно соляной кислотой обрызгать, на следующее утро рыжим мхом все покроется, а медь зелёными лохмотьями зацветёт.
Some comments: a) No one who has serviced a tape deck ever, would use the kind of tools shown in this video. b) No one who has worked with modern electronics, would use a soldering gun, nor a cheap and badly calibrated Sangwa analog multimeter. They are of no value. c) The way the tape transports were disassembled would make then very hard to make them work again. At 14:27 the "restorer" confuses the cassette shell sensors with PCB retainers and try to remove them, also at 16:11 you see the "restorer" is using a hammer to remove the capstans, without even noticing the circlips retainers for each one. He just removed them by brute force. That´s not the way an electronics technician would disassembly the tape transports. d) After all that disassembly, the deck would require a full alignment of both transports. How was that done? How I think this video was produced: The end part of the video, were the deck is performing, was recorded *before* it was dumped on the river. After that, the video producer just removed the top cover, drove to the river, and left the deck abandoned there for several weeks to make it rust away. Then he recovered it, and just recorded the part about cleaning, dissasembly, and so on. That´s why the video doesn´t show the step by step process of reassembling and calibrating the deck, because that part was never performed, nor was intended to be done.
Also, what you didn't mention: how did he actually cleaned the motor? As much as I believe that electronic components can survive being exposed to elements, I have a hard time believing that the motor needed only on exterior cleaning. Maybe he cleaned it inside too but video doesn't show it. Nevertheless, although the guy knows his thing, he could definitely improve his skill by investing in proper tools. I've restored a number of decks in the past however, none were with this much mud inside.Also, there are a number of components as part or the transport mechanism that would definitely not survive covered in mud. But the real question here is: the top cover is held in place by at least 4 screws, sometimes 6, so i don't understand why would someone take off the top cover and dump the deck in one spot then the cover few meters away? I you don't need something, you just dump it, end of story. And the cover shows no damage either.
I have long noticed that they are engaged in banal editing, when garbage is taken, and then in the process of shooting a video, it turns into a new thing )))
@@deanfarr3249 Except it's not real. You can even see the damage and corrosion on the exterior at 4:37 that disappeared at 32:42 that was plainly obvious after he cleaned the unit, and no he didn't paint anything, since that would have obliterated the labels on the rear panel. There are people posting here who do professional restorations for a living or hobby (self included) that actually know what goes into a REAL restoration. The amount of work required to restore a 30 or 40 year old piece of equipment can be extensive even if it's been safely tucked away on a closet shelf for years much less sitting for months in muddy water. The whole video is BS. Yea using an old analog meter probing random spots on the circuit board is just SO convincing. The transport was completely trashed from all the corrosion, those motors would never spin up properly again, the tape heads would be destroyed from this abuse not to mention the solenoid for the reverse mechanism on the head. Cleaning all the electronics with tap water? What a joke. Unlike milspec parts (which we use in the aerospace industry) that are hermetically sealed, consumer grade parts aren't and the minerals in the water will most certainly cause issues with ICs and semiconductors. You CAN clean using water but it has to be distilled or de-ionized water and would require a 4 hour bake-out at 60C (140F) for at least 4 hours. Pure isopropyl alcohol is the preferred cleaner and STILL requires a bake-out. Why doesn't he test any of his projects before putting the cover on? Who in there right mind wouldn't test a unit before throwing it all back together? A BS artist that's who! Yea, just worked perfectly with no adjustments or parts replacement the first time. Riiiiiiiight!
Ни какое это не восстановление - это есть подделка. Движки в таком состоянии только на выброс.. Контактные группы на платах ЛПМ толком не прочищены и не проверены.. Ни одна кнопка режимов не проверена и не заменена, а они в таком состоянии со 100%-й гарантией дохлые (внутри зеленой разлохмаченной окисленной пленкой покрыты) и вэдешка прыснутая снаружи полная херня.. Потенциометры (подстроечники), те которые на основной плате так же убиты (в лучшем случае плавающий нестабильный контакт после такой свалочной лежанки будет точняк) - не проверены и не заменены. Далее идут хаотичные, бессмысленные "тыкания" мультиметром куда попало 28:05 .. из "показанного", автор не знает даже простейшего - где находится +- VCC у восьминогих операциоников... Чего уж говорить о том, чего он там анализирует, тыкая в микроконтроллер..). Обозвать этот шедевр восстановлением как-то очень громко... Смахивает на фальшивую постановку. Показывает работу магнитофона только с закрытой крышкой. Глубокие царапины с пластика каким-то чудесным образом исчезли вообще (ни какая полировка от этого не спасет).. Или был донор такой-же аппарат и целые платы автор тупо переставил.. Или и того все проще, в конце показан целый аппарат, который был выброшен на свалку на время, а дальше вся эта постановка с чисткой металла и не более того..
Поэтому он восстанавливает порой старую не нужную технику, ибо один магнитофон нашел на помойке, а второй на рынке, волшебным взмахом монтажа восстановил магнитофон.
Oh FFS.. Not this guy again. I saw the "restoration" on that guitar a while back, which was a total joke. Now, a tape deck? If you think this guy actually restored this, then you must be high. 😑
I thought I would just cringe and fall asleep at that guitar restoration video, until he started spray painting over the frets. Then I just started laughing like hell. I know nothing about constructing or repairing guitars, but being able to play one at least once in your life you would know it's a hack job right then and there.
What a crock of shit edited out of sequence ....random disassembly without recording where everything goes Take parts off and throw them on the table corrosion under the PCB Random checking with multimeter You are doing real restorers a disservice
I just love the way you got rid of the scratches and even put the nice new labels on the back. The paint job on the top is excellent. And those doors, that buffing job is miraculous. It's almost as if you took video footage of the unit before you accidentally found it. But I'm sure your followers and anyone who liked this vid would say it's not totally fake.
@@jimi272 I wouldn't go so far as to ban him, good for him if he can get so many followers from making this type of content. Just makes me giggle at the amount of people who actually think it's for real.
FAKE! The cassette player at the end is not even the same one he was "working" on. You can tell because when he was brushing the rear panel off all the white lettering was almost gone. He scratched it off. There is no was in hell he silk screened all the manufacturer information back on to make it look factory fresh again. He swapped out the one he supposedly found for another player one.
Take a perfectly working Kenwood Cassette Deck - film its deconstruction. Then film it being put it back together and then dump it in a river for 3 months - hoping it's still there when you go back - then wash the totally wrecked cassette deck and edit in the previous footage. Et Voila. Thousands of people duped. Got to give it to you bro - it's had 1.6 million views not bad for faking it till you make it.
Q: Who would invest all that time trying to restore something that in all probability would have been tossed out because it was beyond repair? A: Probably nobody, unless the video was a hoax.
Tape lives. Good tape sounds as good as FLAC (and DAT tapes can be better than CDs), and it is material. People like to interact with real things, not virtual.
Чудеса да и только )) После разборки пассик натянул не правильно, головы никак не настраивал, рандомно потыкал мультиметром - вот и вся проверка электроники )) И после этого всё заработало )))
I don't know how he will take out so many pieces and when it comes to putting it together, don't be wrong hahahaha. blessings you do a good job. greetings from Lima, Peru
Тот кто хоть раз подымал технику с улицы сразу поймет, что видео гнилая подделка, степень повреждение плат и элементов ... А как он на обум тыкает тестором на плате вообще умора )))
This tape deck video is also faked? Look at when he removed the alignment screws for the heads, you would have to do a full alignment and not something you can do with just a analog meter he shows. Dead giveaway is bottom casing taken from a different deck and not the one he pretended to grind away at. Notice he edits the video at that point. PCB board is also from another deck and not the same one he pulled. Ask any tech in your area and show them video and they will tell you it is faked. Watch his Acer laptop video and if you know anything about computers you know it is fake as he did a poor job faking that one to the point a lot of people in comments called him out on it and any tech will tell you it fake. He likely bought another exact model off eBay, or somewhere and switch it and showed the rusty transport and etc to make it look real and then put the good parts back in the end and showed it working and cleaned up. He screw up as you can clearly see he used a different bottom casing and main PCB logic board is different, he had to do that to make it look like he restored it. I hate guys like this as they take away from real techs and engineers that do this for a living. Yes I am a engineer and work on complex stuff regularly. No I not going to work on a rusted tape deck, or laptop that not worth anything just to get views off it look rusted and magically like new again. Any tech savvy friends you happen to know just show them the video and they will hopefully tell you it is faked as well as point out his mistake and reason it will never work. Better just watch his Restoration a damaged Acer Laptop video.
@@thetechgenie7374 He didn't use 2 identical units, just one and some clever editing! He filmed the 'restore' and rebuild first then junked it in the river, left for a week or so then filmed the recovery and 'cleanup', then just swaped the scenes around to look like the junked unit was filmed first! 😁⚠️
@@thetechgenie7374 Yeah seems to be a recurring technique on this channel. Just have a look at the Acer laptop restore lol 😁⚠️ The first few minutes was enough for me, the mud on the screen has clearly been 'painted' on with a dirty finger! 😁⚠️
Just wow! Words can't express the elation I had when at 34:28 that music came right off that magnetic tape strip out of the tape player into your video recording through this youtube video out of my own speakers and straight into my ears. I mean... Brain explosion time. I definitely attribute it to the song choice. Though it's quite impressive the work involved... not a single technical manual consulted or required. And no F's given. This dude had no doubt about the outcome here. Your Technical abilities skill tree has gotta be nearly maxed out. If I find a wrecked alien spacecraft in my local swamp anytime soon you definitely know who I'll be giving a call. The way he went at this I'm sure it wouldn't take more then a weekend before it's flying good as new. That was outstanding!
FAKE! The cassette player at the end is not even the same one he was "working" on. You can tell because when he was brushing the rear panel off all the white lettering was almost gone. He scratched it off. There is no was in hell he silk screened all the manufacturer information back on to make it look factory fresh again. He swapped out the one he supposedly found for another player one.
@@ryotaryuu FAKE! LOL I know I'm kinda being facetious. You may not grasp it... But when were so many words said in a youtube comment in all seriousness? Why would I bother!😂 LOL FAKE!!! But that music... that was real! CHIKI BRIKI COMRADE!!!
@@cerberus50caldawg If you look you can even see that the serial numbers on the one he found, and the one he showed at the end don't even match. So do you have enough words to explain that? Nope? Thought so.
I repair and restore 2-way radios and yeah this was edited to look as it does.. Magic of the 4th wall. I watched a video from another similar person that "restored" a marine radios and that hurt.. He was transmitting with no antenna or dummy load.. painful stuff to watch but useful to teach people getting started in ham radio what NOT to do..
Hello, Terry Southwood. I live in the southeastern U.S. I’ve got this vintage LASONiC DTS-98, a big, pretty rare dual-deck boombox with a digital tuner and detachable speakers that I got from Russia on eBay. It worked in UA-cam videos that the seller made, but it doesn’t turn on at all when you plug it in. It looks decent on the outside, but it’s probably got pretty bad damage inside: components jarred loose, maybe an ICB or two broken. (There’s a scary, heavy thump you hear and feel when you tilt the centre block.) There are NO schematics. And you said in your January 2020 comment: “I’ve repaired such stuff for a living.” So maybe you’ve quit that line of work: the long hours, tough to find spare parts, etc. But maybe you know someone else who can help me out…?
3rd those who fake UA-cam videos by showing video from a working tape deck that they then throw into native wetlands for a month before pretending to "revive it"
Funny you said that. Watch this video, he starts to discuss the tech @ 37:15. Apparently it's real and coming to the public sector within the next 10 or so years... Also check out/sub/monitor x22report, sgtreport, and also (very important!) watch/share
I sat and watched your electronic skills working, and I smiled as I watched you through the entire process and the wonderful end results. Oh to have your talents. I was so proud. Shane
Yes as someone who works as engineer for last 15 years and have several restorations behind me would to want to have the courage and share cash to fuck up perfectly functional kenwood player to make restoration video 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
И вы хотите сказать, что после подобного залития у вас нигде ни следа окислов? И двигла две штуки остались рабочими? ХЕРНЮ НЕ НЕСИТЕ, ПАНЕ! Постановка 100%
The chances of this getting fixed is extremely rare. Almost 90% of components have to be replaced there was too much corrosion and there are some components that you can't buy or just extremely rare and the casset door opened and closed finely leading me to believe that he took a new unit make it look damaged while in reality it wasn't than damaged
The funny thing is that everytime we remark this dude's mistakes when recording this fake video, we're teaching him or telling him how to do this fake videos right, so that he keeps doing it even more and even "better". While we are all sitting here watching and critizising his video, he's gaining money on UA-cam, and even more with us talking about it.
I guess it depends on what you're talking about. Here in FL a car qualifies for the special antique license plate at 30 years old. Either way, that thing was a mess and I did not expect the mechanical parts to work again!
This video shows no actual "restoration" of any part. It features cleaning and disassembly, but all footage of any renewal or replacement of any parts is missing. I wonder why? Maybe it's because he filmed the working deck and "re-assembly" first, then threw it in the mud for a week? Over 2 million views. I guess fooling stupid people pays well.
@@NickGiant127 ...possibly, but with my take on it, he wouldn't have to buy anything. He wouldn't need to if he just edited his video clips out of order. In any case, it's still just a scam for UA-cam clicks.
Yeah, in time people will catch on, still don't know how someone will subscribe to this shit, I mean I get that one video could be funny if is the first one you have seen but then is just painful to see more of this bullshit.
Я всё таки до самого конца надеялся что он поставит кассету и зазвучит Сектор газа....Сигарета мелькает во тьме Ветер пепел в лицо швырнул мне И обугленный фильтр на пальцах мне Оставил ожог. Скрипнув сталью, открылася дверь Ты идёшь, ты моя теперь Я приятную дрожь ощущаю С головы до ног.
Now this is master-class bottom up restoration, this I'm sure took many many hours to restore. What a rare craftsman who's perfected his art of deception.
I don't know why everyone is saying that the video is fake .. it looks real enough to me and all adds up. This is part of a midi system which is why it has no transformer inside it. The perfect looking case (which was rusted) was cleaned and then sprayed so that's why it looks OK. The plastic front wasn't badly scratched up, just very dirty .. however the partly erased Kenwood logo at the beginning of the video is still there on the final finished deck. Everything indicates this is genuine.
I restore antique cassette decks for a living and in my opinion this video is fake. The electronic parts can survive in the wild but I have my doubts that the mechanics would return to normal without replacing several parts that are very, very hard to find. I think what he did was to the opposite, he found a working cassette deck and covered it with dust to say he restored it. My excuses if I am wrong, but that is my professional oppinion only by watching the video.
The extent of the corrosion looks like salt water, who knows some one could had accelerated the process further with battery acid. I can imagine how those trim pots will be very noisy and yet it was not replaced in the video. It would of made it more believable if he showed actual testing not fake testing, that is not my way of testing diodes. Have no idea why at the ending he needed a volt check with the lid closed 33m 11s when I expect a fully restore unit, seeing he went to that much trouble, where is the passion? (Yes, I can see the PSU is missing originally). If he was genuine you would seen his workshop and commentary on all the fault finding dramas together with a service manual explanation. This guy certain know how to create click baits to cause controversy.
Honestly I think that one was not too damaged, the capacitors are looking way too good for something that have been in salty water for a while. There is not even a scratch on the front panel, which is surprising. Maybe you just threw a good one into the mud for one month ?
HyperMario agree it’s a fake. There are scratches on the back of the case that went through into the metal that are gone. I think he filmed edited this in reverse he started with a good one and staged it backwards or he had more than one of the same player.
@@DavidFilskov I am pretty sure they recorded the cassette deck in working condition first, then threw it out in the muck to pick it up one month later, fiddle a bit with the circuits and cleaning/repainting it. Most likely didnt even work after he "restored" it lmao... Fakest restoration video ive seen in a while.
@@ThordunnHeat YT is full of fake ass restoration videos. It kind of devalues the point of making them in the first place. You could say the same of any category of videos I guess... lifehacks, recipes, science, most of it's bullshit now. The crazy thing is that people upvote them and subscribe anyway. You can pretty much upload anything and monetize it now.
No chance are this electrolytic capacitors working after being in there, they break down just from being damp, let alone wet through. The insides of the motors would be corroded to hell too, as well as the transformer windings.
30 лет назад они ездили на рисовые поля, на велосипедах, чтобы прокормить семью Прошло 30 лет и они уже на новых кроссоверах ездят на свалку, чтобы собрать японский магнитофон А у нас стабильность
As a person that has fixed many electronic devices found at the dump, the odds of this being real are EXTREMELY slim. The amount of water damage/corrosion was excessive, and the type of tester you used(analog), as well as how you were testing the IC's, and that horrible soldering iron, said enough. He probably swapped internal parts from a used unit purchased on Ebay to give the illusion it was repaired.
There's surely parts of the process which weren't included in this video, such as cleaning the motors. However, WD-40 does wonders.
@Jerry Dodge 100% certain the video was a scam. I would know, I've been working with electronics for decades.
@@electronicsNmore I work with electronics too, and I've seen plenty of crazy impossible restorations. Surely this board needed to be re-capped, but I didn't see that happen. Maybe it was done behind the scenes.
@@JerryDodge You had no problem with the way he probed those ic's using that analog meter?? I don't know any experienced electronic technician that would fall for that one. Like I said, total fraud.
@Osw719 True. So many scams on YT.
Absolutely impossible!!!
Anyways, there's no possibility at all that the magnetic heads could survive at weather conditions, water and corrosion!!!
By the way, The soldering iron tells the story...
That and the black electrical tape
Oh and don't forget the fact they'd now be completely out of alignment.
i agree with that!
I would say he probably snagged parts from a donor tape deck to restore this one
I'm really surprised some one cleanly removed the lid and evenly covered it in mud by hand then gently placed it in a ditch.
Yes bro i agree
Like "animal rescue" videos. "...I just happened to be walking along in the middle of nowhere one day when I stumbled upon this bag of starving puppies" At 20 + million views a pop, nice little earner.
Jealousy and laziness. Why don't you take the time to produce a good video like this and see what happens?@@johndanher7392
Much respect to this guy! He is a faker of incredible ability! Over two million views to something proves he has the skills. At fraud!!!!
Yes his knowledge how to use words for YT algorithm is unparalleled 🤣🤣🤣🤣
for real. this one is laughably this rate we're only a couple of months away from these channels pulling CJ5's or some such out of dirt mounds in the forest and electrolyzing the rust off of them in a total restoration. haha. "I restored this forgotten 1st gen bronco"
For me, there are 2 major points to be taken from this video.
Firstly, my absolute respect for all the designers and engineers, all of them, from this Kenwood through to Nakamichi, who were able to make these intricate, precision machines, and on a mass scale. A truly great achievement.
Secondly, what is it in a person’s mind that makes them want to take so much time and effort, to produce such a fake video? That worries me. Anyone with any knowledge of restoration or electronics (especially tape machines) can see straight through this.
reason is the video has 2.3 mil views, it earned thousands of dollars of profit and will keep earning more while the guy sleeps for many years, worth the effort for him
This video is 100% real
@@ChillToMusic87 Put down the crack pipe and step away.
@@Gilmore74 😂 The video is proof that it's legit, you can clearly see him restoring it.
@@ChillToMusic87 you’re right! he definitely did not film this in reverse. The final reveal was definitely not filmed first and then he definitely did not slap mud all over it or smash it up himself and there’s no way he planted it in the mud. It’s legit 😂 😂
I've restored vintage audio equipment for the last 15 years or so, TT's, RTR's, tuners, amplifiers and so on.
And I can tell you: a cassettedeck (even in undamaged state) is the most difficult piece of equipment to get running properly.
IF salt water has gone into the heads, the motors, and the capstans, bearings, etcetera like shown in this video, it's IMPOSSIBLE that it runs and plays like it does at the end of the video.
1 example why this video can't possibly be legit: Inside the heads there are copper wires (the coils) which are absolutely destroyed when exposed to (salt) water. Another one? trimmers. (aka VR's, Variable Resistors) IF they corrode, they make (worst case) a dead short or do nothing at all and serve as pass through (zero ohm) (when in audiopath) resulting in dsitortion beyond belief. Another one? ok.. the powersupply. SHOULD be totally corroded in this scenario, leaving a dead short when plugged in, thus: going up in smoke.
Even IF... all the components were salvaged and restored, a cassettedeck operates within tight tolerances, if ONE thing is off (if it's a capstansize, a belttension, one small spot inside a trimmer or whatever) it doesn't perform like it should.
You sir, are a fraud. There, I said it.
Good day. Your comments on this video seem to be well informed and experienced. At the end of your commentary on the difficulty of restoring analog era electronics, you stated: “You, sir, are a fraud. There, I said it.” That seems bold. But maybe you speak with authority.
In any case, you seem to have the sort of expertise that I need. I have a LASONiC DTS-98. It is an apparently rare, dual-cassette-deck boombox with a digital tuner that tunes shortwave. (Scores of boomboxes were designed and built in the late 1970s through the early or mid 1990s that could tune shortwave. But they were almost always analog-tuner models that often had no more than two shortwave bands for at best passable shortwave-tuning ability. The relative rarity of digital tuner boomboxes that can tune shortwave is part of what drew me to the LASONiC DTS-98.)
The trouble is, this vintage machine arrived from its eBay seller in Russia with what seems like significant internal damage to its electronics. There is a scary thump heard and felt when one tilts the centre block of the boombox far enough forward or backwards. It seems that the entire assemblage of electronics were completely jarred loose during shipment from Russia to America or from JFK Airport in New York City to our home here in the southeastern United States. There was NO “FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE” warning sticker anywhere on the shipping carton. The description of the contents of the carton was the same as the eBay listing of the item. The limited English of the seller probably couldn’t be understood by the Russian cargo handlers. And the lack of globally recognized red warning stickers did not instantly caution the Russian or American handlers.
The boombox worked in all the videos that the seller filmed of the boombox in use after I started communicating with him on eBay. But the stereo did not work at all when I got it here in our home in December 2019. So something happened to the boombox between the filming of the last video of the working LASONiC DTS-98 and when the seller shipped the boombox to me last November. I had wanted to examine the interior of the boombox with an Android USB inspection borescope that I bought from China on Amazon. But after repeated failure to order the correct connectors, I don’t think that such a device can attach to my BLU VIVO smartphone. (Maybe I need a more expensive smartphone.)(SIGH)
I don’t know if that seller will find this comment and jump in to defend himself. But let me ask: can you open my LASONiC DTS-98 and reattach the loose parts and get it working again? I don’t want to try any repair work myself. I’m not “technically inclined”; the “lead balloon” success of my trying to repair the jammed cassette-deck mechanism of my Aiwa CS-600U has made that clear LOL. (I must also say that there are no schematics for repair work.)
I wonder, though: do you live in Germany or elsewhere in Europe? (I somehow have that feeling …) If the answer is “yes,” I probably can’t use your expertise; the shipping costs would be too high. (SIGH)
I already suspect that you might say: “No, I don’t do repair work for various customers.” If that is the case, do you know of anyone here in America who can repair this stereo for me at a cost I can afford? Repairers of these electronics are so hard to find nowadays. Hobbyists on boombox websites won’t necessarily be able (or willing) to help.
Well, this message is already SO long. Have a good day.
@@uzodinman358 No! ⚠️😁
Absolutely spot on! This guy is not restoring anything here! The videos you see here are produced in reverse, ie he takes s good working unit and films the final scenes you see in this video, then he basically destroys it, to film.the beginning scenes you see where he 'finds' the unit and pretends to 'restore' it, just clever editing does the rest. ...⚠️😮😊
Oh come on! Maybe he is just a lucky guy!!
@@hohlovin Yeah if he has god powers and can reverse rust, release seized motors, mend deep scratches back to stock with no sign of repair and reverse water damage and recalibrate sensitive electronics with stunningly accurate results without using the correct equipment just using his godly powers!
C'mon, there's more chance man landed on the moon back in 1969 than this was a genuine restore! ⚠️😁😯
At the 03:11 when being cleaned with water, the backplate looks pretty good, no painture defects. At 04:05 it suddenly looks bad. At 30:20 it's still in bad condition, when he's alreading mounting everything together. At 32:37 the backplate is in almost perfect condition again. There are definitely some continuity errors in this video... 🙂
25:50.. what are you watching?
this guy is scum to make more views wtf
Как делается, берешь старый прибор рабочий, снимаешь с ним концовочку типа восстановленным, потом тащишь на поля, притапливаешь на недельку другую, потом снимаешь как достаешь, восстанавливаешь, а в конце видео с начально рабочей вставляешь, и вот у тебя куча восхищенных подписчиков.
А так можно?
@@ВесельчакУармагедон нужно
Дью говорит, что так оно и есть. А кто мы такие, чтобы не верить плоду своего собственного воображения)
Похоже на то, не могла в таком состоянии сохраниться плата электроники. В ноутах детали сгнивают после залития чаем, а не таким гавном за пару - тройку месяцев. Тут железо старое, а платы в идеале. Скорее всего просто взяты с другого исправного магнитафона донора.
Не обязательно целые две недели топить в болоте, можно соляной кислотой обрызгать, на следующее утро рыжим мхом все покроется, а медь зелёными лохмотьями зацветёт.
If you watch this in reverse, it's about a guy who destroys a perfectly good cassette deck and dumps it onto a beach shore
And that is what normally happens! Most people don't look after stuff!
Gabe lmfao dude 🤣
Love how all the scratches magically disappear. roflmao
Just after he puts the cover on (an entirely different one) LOL
@@G-ra-ha-m not different one. He filmed working deck at first (but showed it to us at the end of video) and then broke it
Some comments:
a) No one who has serviced a tape deck ever, would use the kind of tools shown in this video.
b) No one who has worked with modern electronics, would use a soldering gun, nor a cheap and badly calibrated Sangwa analog multimeter. They are of no value.
c) The way the tape transports were disassembled would make then very hard to make them work again. At 14:27 the "restorer" confuses the cassette shell sensors with PCB retainers and try to remove them, also at 16:11 you see the "restorer" is using a hammer to remove the capstans, without even noticing the circlips retainers for each one. He just removed them by brute force. That´s not the way an electronics technician would disassembly the tape transports.
d) After all that disassembly, the deck would require a full alignment of both transports. How was that done?
How I think this video was produced:
The end part of the video, were the deck is performing, was recorded *before* it was dumped on the river. After that, the video producer just removed the top cover, drove to the river, and left the deck abandoned there for several weeks to make it rust away. Then he recovered it, and just recorded the part about cleaning, dissasembly, and so on. That´s why the video doesn´t show the step by step process of reassembling and calibrating the deck, because that part was never performed, nor was intended to be done.
I gave it a like. But after reading so many of the "faker" comments..... :(
Intersting. I had a feeling. Like showing up to the exact spot where the exact tape deck is .. and the mud doesnt even look 1 week old lol.
Luis Martino (
Yeah. The scratches on the clear plastic also magically disappear near the end
Also, what you didn't mention: how did he actually cleaned the motor? As much as I believe that electronic components can survive being exposed to elements, I have a hard time believing that the motor needed only on exterior cleaning. Maybe he cleaned it inside too but video doesn't show it. Nevertheless, although the guy knows his thing, he could definitely improve his skill by investing in proper tools. I've restored a number of decks in the past however, none were with this much mud inside.Also, there are a number of components as part or the transport mechanism that would definitely not survive covered in mud. But the real question here is: the top cover is held in place by at least 4 screws, sometimes 6, so i don't understand why would someone take off the top cover and dump the deck in one spot then the cover few meters away? I you don't need something, you just dump it, end of story. And the cover shows no damage either.
As a electronic component designer I call "Bullshitte".
I have long noticed that they are engaged in banal editing, when garbage is taken, and then in the process of shooting a video, it turns into a new thing )))
It's real you just gotta be smart and know what you're doing
@@deanfarr3249 Except it's not real. You can even see the damage and corrosion on the exterior at 4:37 that disappeared at 32:42 that was plainly obvious after he cleaned the unit, and no he didn't paint anything, since that would have obliterated the labels on the rear panel. There are people posting here who do professional restorations for a living or hobby (self included) that actually know what goes into a REAL restoration. The amount of work required to restore a 30 or 40 year old piece of equipment can be extensive even if it's been safely tucked away on a closet shelf for years much less sitting for months in muddy water.
The whole video is BS. Yea using an old analog meter probing random spots on the circuit board is just SO convincing. The transport was completely trashed from all the corrosion, those motors would never spin up properly again, the tape heads would be destroyed from this abuse not to mention the solenoid for the reverse mechanism on the head. Cleaning all the electronics with tap water? What a joke. Unlike milspec parts (which we use in the aerospace industry) that are hermetically sealed, consumer grade parts aren't and the minerals in the water will most certainly cause issues with ICs and semiconductors. You CAN clean using water but it has to be distilled or de-ionized water and would require a 4 hour bake-out at 60C (140F) for at least 4 hours. Pure isopropyl alcohol is the preferred cleaner and STILL requires a bake-out. Why doesn't he test any of his projects before putting the cover on? Who in there right mind wouldn't test a unit before throwing it all back together? A BS artist that's who! Yea, just worked perfectly with no adjustments or parts replacement the first time. Riiiiiiiight!
This is about as real as microsoft calling me from india.
lmao that dude doesnt understand sarcasm. he hearted your comment
Denver Morgan now the real question is why he heart this comment lol
truly spinach perhaps he’s laughing along with us??
@@galenmarek8287 could be, but i doubt it since he doesnt know good english
Oh look! A tape deck on the side of the road, right where I left it.
i think the owner of the channel not understand sarcasm, he like your comet hahaha
then why did you leave it you have sold for$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
What next? he finds a 747 someone left by the road and restores it??
@@hifijohn you won't believe the job he did on MH370
What next... you're probably gonna say he didnt fix it he ordered a new one from china right.
Сообщение всем кто от доктора дью-
"Выгружай фуру и иди на следующий видос"
@@MAXIM_23_08. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👍
Дью дерьма не скажет)))
Ни какое это не восстановление - это есть подделка. Движки в таком состоянии только на выброс.. Контактные группы на платах ЛПМ толком не прочищены и не проверены.. Ни одна кнопка режимов не проверена и не заменена, а они в таком состоянии со 100%-й гарантией дохлые (внутри зеленой разлохмаченной окисленной пленкой покрыты) и вэдешка прыснутая снаружи полная херня.. Потенциометры (подстроечники), те которые на основной плате так же убиты (в лучшем случае плавающий нестабильный контакт после такой свалочной лежанки будет точняк) - не проверены и не заменены. Далее идут хаотичные, бессмысленные "тыкания" мультиметром куда попало 28:05 .. из "показанного", автор не знает даже простейшего - где находится +- VCC у восьминогих операциоников... Чего уж говорить о том, чего он там анализирует, тыкая в микроконтроллер..). Обозвать этот шедевр восстановлением как-то очень громко... Смахивает на фальшивую постановку. Показывает работу магнитофона только с закрытой крышкой. Глубокие царапины с пластика каким-то чудесным образом исчезли вообще (ни какая полировка от этого не спасет).. Или был донор такой-же аппарат и целые платы автор тупо переставил.. Или и того все проще, в конце показан целый аппарат, который был выброшен на свалку на время, а дальше вся эта постановка с чисткой металла и не более того..
Сам занимаюсь небольшой реставрацией аудиотехники, полностью с вами согласен))
Хитрожопые мексиканцы
Поэтому он восстанавливает порой старую не нужную технику, ибо один магнитофон нашел на помойке, а второй на рынке, волшебным взмахом монтажа восстановил магнитофон.
@@ReYDeR2k и срубил бабла на просмотрах.
Скорость открытия подкасетника при сборке и вставлении касеты !!!! Развод чистой воды!!!!!
The most unusual thing about this video was the music at the end.
Even Siri and Sound Hound can’t recognize/find it. Must be from a Carnaval or some Circus clown act or something.
Eileen Dover My thought! Love it 😂
Made me want to KALINKA, comrade!
That music was the sh*t!!
totally worth watching till the end
Oh FFS.. Not this guy again. I saw the "restoration" on that guitar a while back, which was a total joke. Now, a tape deck? If you think this guy actually restored this, then you must be high. 😑
I thought I would just cringe and fall asleep at that guitar restoration video, until he started spray painting over the frets. Then I just started laughing like hell. I know nothing about constructing or repairing guitars, but being able to play one at least once in your life you would know it's a hack job right then and there.
I was wondering how he found the top of the case in a separate spot... lol
What a crock of shit edited out of sequence ....random disassembly without recording where everything goes Take parts off and throw them on the table corrosion under the PCB Random checking with multimeter You are doing real restorers a disservice
@@breezyjr and a cameraman already positioned there to record his discovery.
IKR I need my fucking brain restored after watching that video..
You are the best sir ❤❤❤❤
I just love the way you got rid of the scratches and even put the nice new labels on the back. The paint job on the top is excellent. And those doors, that buffing job is miraculous. It's almost as if you took video footage of the unit before you accidentally found it. But I'm sure your followers and anyone who liked this vid would say it's not totally fake.
Just Playing Bass hey it’s not fake you dumb hater
Just Playing Bass just kidding haha the level of stupidity he is spreading is kinda reasonable to Bann him haha
@@jimi272 I wouldn't go so far as to ban him, good for him if he can get so many followers from making this type of content. Just makes me giggle at the amount of people who actually think it's for real.
@@JustPlayingBass What??? This isn't real??? Damn, and I was waiting for his video of pigs flying!
there's no way this is a real restoration. with all the damage to the back. What did you do repaint all the labels by hand?
the tape deck survived the dirt and water, but will die soon with this music 🤣 good job 👍
could not have said it better xD
The cassette player at the end is not even the same one he was "working" on. You can tell because when he was brushing the rear panel off all the white lettering was almost gone. He scratched it off. There is no was in hell he silk screened all the manufacturer information back on to make it look factory fresh again. He swapped out the one he supposedly found for another player one.
How do people just *not get it* that this is fake?
@@cydonia9342 Because kids eat Tide Pods, and snort condoms.
Wow rinsing electrical components with water!
Волшебник!!! Ждем следуюший ролик где аффторр из вчерашнего говна сделает конфету которую сожрал позавчера...
It's ironic that the only thing that doesn't need replacing is the belts.
Nothing needed replacing before he fake destroyed it.
хахахахахахахах я упал от смеха ))))))))) я лет 15 ремонтировал кассетные магнитолы , но такого ремонта в первый раз вижу .
I just looked for this video again after two years just to hear that song so it can comfort me!
Take a perfectly working Kenwood Cassette Deck - film its deconstruction. Then film it being put it back together and then dump it in a river for 3 months - hoping it's still there when you go back - then wash the totally wrecked cassette deck and edit in the previous footage. Et Voila. Thousands of people duped. Got to give it to you bro - it's had 1.6 million views not bad for faking it till you make it.
Q: Who would invest all that time trying to restore something that in all probability would have been tossed out because it was beyond repair? A: Probably nobody, unless the video was a hoax.
Создаётся впечатление, что он, его разбирает и собирает, каждый день. Как конструктор ЛЕГО. 😊
Видимо в Малайзии там каждый второй минимум лет 10 отработал на заводе по сборке дек. Может с закрытыми глазами разобрать и собрать. 🤣
Wow, this is "literally" unbelievable.
Antique is the new Vintage... :D
The cassette has been revived. thank you
oh yes thanks you
Tape lives. Good tape sounds as good as FLAC (and DAT tapes can be better than CDs), and it is material. People like to interact with real things, not virtual.
Чудеса да и только )) После разборки пассик натянул не правильно, головы никак не настраивал, рандомно потыкал мультиметром - вот и вся проверка электроники )) И после этого всё заработало )))
amazing from how you go to rusted playheads and deck parts to suddenly working perfectly fine
I don't know how he will take out so many pieces and when it comes to putting it together, don't be wrong hahahaha. blessings you do a good job. greetings from Lima, Peru
Yeah, he couldn't believe it either. Love that guy.
Haha yes... "Of course this is his jam!"
He da man!
Who is he??
My God, this is Unbelievable !!, as you remembered all the screws and small parts !!
you are very smart, congratulations
na mate lots of picture's and a video will do the trick
Мне в этом ролике больше всего понравилось - читать комментарии)) Но лайк поставил за творческий подход к видеомонтажу))
And yet. Here we all are watching it.
Тот кто хоть раз подымал технику с улицы сразу поймет, что видео гнилая подделка, степень повреждение плат и элементов ... А как он на обум тыкает тестором на плате вообще умора )))
Юрий Колмыков грязью замазал , помыл и вот видос))
Кино и Немцы! Он бы и с "ТИТАНИКА" радиоаборудование отреставрировал, но нету Ласт и маски?
Да клоун
Да відео херня зразу видно з першого кадру))))))
I thought this one was impossible. You've certainly got some skills...
This tape deck video is also faked? Look at when he removed the alignment screws for the heads, you would have to do a full alignment and not something you can do with just a analog meter he shows. Dead giveaway is bottom casing taken from a different deck and not the one he pretended to grind away at. Notice he edits the video at that point. PCB board is also from another deck and not the same one he pulled. Ask any tech in your area and show them video and they will tell you it is faked. Watch his Acer laptop video and if you know anything about computers you know it is fake as he did a poor job faking that one to the point a lot of people in comments called him out on it and any tech will tell you it fake.
He likely bought another exact model off eBay, or somewhere and switch it and showed the rusty transport and etc to make it look real and then put the good parts back in the end and showed it working and cleaned up. He screw up as you can clearly see he used a different bottom casing and main PCB logic board is different, he had to do that to make it look like he restored it.
I hate guys like this as they take away from real techs and engineers that do this for a living. Yes I am a engineer and work on complex stuff regularly. No I not going to work on a rusted tape deck, or laptop that not worth anything just to get views off it look rusted and magically like new again. Any tech savvy friends you happen to know just show them the video and they will hopefully tell you it is faked as well as point out his mistake and reason it will never work. Better just watch his Restoration a damaged Acer Laptop video.
@@thetechgenie7374 I feel sorry for the naive viewers who will start hosing down their PC to clean them after watching this.
@@thetechgenie7374 He didn't use 2 identical units, just one and some clever editing! He filmed the 'restore' and rebuild first then junked it in the river, left for a week or so then filmed the recovery and 'cleanup', then just swaped the scenes around to look like the junked unit was filmed first! 😁⚠️
@@pdtech4524 I can see them doing that and will save them the cost of having to buy a second one?LOL
@@thetechgenie7374 Yeah seems to be a recurring technique on this channel. Just have a look at the Acer laptop restore lol 😁⚠️ The first few minutes was enough for me, the mud on the screen has clearly been 'painted' on with a dirty finger! 😁⚠️
Just wow! Words can't express the elation I had when at 34:28 that music came right off that magnetic tape strip out of the tape player into your video recording through this youtube video out of my own speakers and straight into my ears. I mean... Brain explosion time.
I definitely attribute it to the song choice.
Though it's quite impressive the work involved... not a single technical manual consulted or required. And no F's given. This dude had no doubt about the outcome here.
Your Technical abilities skill tree has gotta be nearly maxed out.
If I find a wrecked alien spacecraft in my local swamp anytime soon you definitely know who I'll be giving a call. The way he went at this I'm sure it wouldn't take more then a weekend before it's flying good as new.
That was outstanding!
The cassette player at the end is not even the same one he was "working" on. You can tell because when he was brushing the rear panel off all the white lettering was almost gone. He scratched it off. There is no was in hell he silk screened all the manufacturer information back on to make it look factory fresh again. He swapped out the one he supposedly found for another player one.
@@ryotaryuu FAKE! LOL
I know I'm kinda being facetious. You may not grasp it... But when were so many words said in a youtube comment in all seriousness? Why would I bother!😂
But that music... that was real!
@@cerberus50caldawg If you look you can even see that the serial numbers on the one he found, and the one he showed at the end don't even match. So do you have enough words to explain that? Nope? Thought so.
And I thought the funniest thing here was the music... 😰
Amazing job, so much work, but I guess it was worth it in the end! Great that all the chips were undamaged!
name of teh song please
That cassette track is slammin 🔥
Wow. Praises. You brought cassette deck back to life. Resurrection. 🫂❤️👏🙏🤗
name of teh song please
Fake! I've repaired such stuff for a living. It's fake.
I repair and restore 2-way radios and yeah this was edited to look as it does.. Magic of the 4th wall.
I watched a video from another similar person that "restored" a marine radios and that hurt.. He was transmitting with no antenna or dummy load.. painful stuff to watch but useful to teach people getting started in ham radio what NOT to do..
Get out of here. it's obviously real
Hello, Terry Southwood. I live in the southeastern U.S. I’ve got this vintage LASONiC DTS-98, a big, pretty rare dual-deck boombox with a digital tuner and detachable speakers that I got from Russia on eBay. It worked in UA-cam videos that the seller made, but it doesn’t turn on at all when you plug it in. It looks decent on the outside, but it’s probably got pretty bad damage inside: components jarred loose, maybe an ICB or two broken. (There’s a scary, heavy thump you hear and feel when you tilt the centre block.)
There are NO schematics. And you said in your January 2020 comment: “I’ve repaired such stuff for a living.” So maybe you’ve quit that line of work: the long hours, tough to find spare parts, etc. But maybe you know someone else who can help me out…?
Actually, this video, was shooted backwards.
shut up you bellend
As a Japanese, I will give you generous compliments for your great work.
Poor old items broken, it needs restoration
The music 34:34
There are two types of people in this world :
1s who throw good stuff in trash.
2nds those who bring out the good stuff from the trash.
Prince Sharma “2nds”
More than 2, Prince: another is those who throw BAD things in the trash where they belong.
3rd those who fake UA-cam videos by showing video from a working tape deck that they then throw into native wetlands for a month before pretending to "revive it"
This is the third type: entertaining people@youtube with fake videos ;)
If I had the skill and resources to repair broken electronics, I would NEVER throw stuff away.
If you can restore this you should get a Nobel Prize... greetings from Poland :)
there is nothing more ecologically friendly than restoration of old things..
Once I heard that epic song at the end, I no longer gave a shit whether it was real or fake, I just want that music.
Me too, what the hell is the name? :-D
Next video: restoring a human body to life
Fake bull crap. What a joke.
Funny you said that. Watch this video, he starts to discuss the tech @ 37:15. Apparently it's real and coming to the public sector within the next 10 or so years...
Also check out/sub/monitor x22report, sgtreport, and also (very important!) watch/share
Don't encourage him. He will just kill a dude and edit it backwards again.
From Tuthankhamon to Brad Pitt.
The music at the end is great! So unusual, what's it called?
Wow,,,, Amazing 👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉
The reason why this guy knows this machine so well is because he was the one who originally built it as a child.
He doesn't know shit about this, clearly.
@@cydonia9342 It's a joke about child labor.
I sat and watched your electronic skills working, and I smiled as I watched you through the entire process and the wonderful end results. Oh to have your talents. I was so proud. Shane
Yes as someone who works as engineer for last 15 years and have several restorations behind me would to want to have the courage and share cash to fuck up perfectly functional kenwood player to make restoration video 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
И вы хотите сказать, что после подобного залития у вас нигде ни следа окислов? И двигла две штуки остались рабочими? ХЕРНЮ НЕ НЕСИТЕ, ПАНЕ! Постановка 100%
Это товар для Али экспрес 😀
Да там сгнило всё к чертям.
Ohhh the cover is just right over there! How convenient!
The cassette deck playing at the end of the video is another of the same model.
It's the same deck. He filmed it "restored" first, then threw it in the mud for a week.
The chances of this getting fixed is extremely rare. Almost 90% of components have to be replaced there was too much corrosion and there are some components that you can't buy or just extremely rare and the casset door opened and closed finely leading me to believe that he took a new unit make it look damaged while in reality it wasn't than damaged
The funny thing is that everytime we remark this dude's mistakes when recording this fake video, we're teaching him or telling him how to do this fake videos right, so that he keeps doing it even more and even "better". While we are all sitting here watching and critizising his video, he's gaining money on UA-cam, and even more with us talking about it.
¿By Being dishonest? Screw you and this guy.
Lol he hearted your comment. What a guy. Basically admitting you're right.
bobos245 lmfao he's trolling us all
*laughs in adblock*
He agrees, wholeheartedly! Cha-ching!
and it all ends with the most wonderful music hahaha 😂🤣
Antique is over 100 years old, this is vintage.
Both terms seem odd to me, since I'm 33 and used to use these.
not even vintage, looks like a mid to late 90's model.. its just plain old. good, but old.
I guess it depends on what you're talking about. Here in FL a car qualifies for the special antique license plate at 30 years old. Either way, that thing was a mess and I did not expect the mechanical parts to work again!
I consider stuff from like 1985 and before vintage, but that’s my take on it.
Nice music, stranger 😍
This video shows no actual "restoration" of any part. It features cleaning and disassembly, but all footage of any renewal or replacement of any parts is missing. I wonder why?
Maybe it's because he filmed the working deck and "re-assembly" first, then threw it in the mud for a week?
Over 2 million views. I guess fooling stupid people pays well.
He just buys two identical items, trashes one then magically turns it into the untouched double.
@@NickGiant127 ...possibly, but with my take on it, he wouldn't have to buy anything. He wouldn't need to if he just edited his video clips out of order.
In any case, it's still just a scam for UA-cam clicks.
Very very good work Brother. I am very happy see this Vadio 👍👍
I'm surprised there wasn't a wallet full of money inside.
or a bunch of puppies :D
@@Crossfire44 A wallet full of puppies... maybe a puppy full of wallets is more realistic. Cute little bastards do eat everything.
@@Crossfire44 Damnit I was going to say that LOL
Just get over it...
it’s fake, we all, the men and women with logical thinking, know that so let’s not watch this channel again.....
Yeah, in time people will catch on, still don't know how someone will subscribe to this shit, I mean I get that one video could be funny if is the first one you have seen but then is just painful to see more of this bullshit.
Mika Schwarzer yeah exactly.
Or do it but using Adblock
Tolles Auto das der Typ da fährt…😂😂😂👍
name of teh song please
Я всё таки до самого конца надеялся что он поставит кассету и зазвучит Сектор газа....Сигарета мелькает во тьме
Ветер пепел в лицо швырнул мне
И обугленный фильтр на пальцах мне
Оставил ожог.
Скрипнув сталью, открылася дверь
Ты идёшь, ты моя теперь
Я приятную дрожь ощущаю
С головы до ног.
эротичный лунный пёс, на тебя не взглянет без слёз))
Но он поставил одесские наигрыши. Видать пацан с Ланжерона родом.
The most difficult part of this is find a cassette to play
I got a box full of cassettes. They arent that hard to find.
Go to thrift ships. Good will. Antiques. Flee market
A lot of artists also sell their music on tape as a novelty, even Justin Bieber did that
@@gmodderr xactly ninja. It just got its market smaller did not disappear. Also imma record hip hop to a cassette this year so i blast that shit.
I just threw our 3 shoeboxes full. 🙆♂️😲🖐😀🖕😊
In my eyes aou are a genius. If you can fix that, you can fix all !
Briliant job !
Nice idol I love video
All that work just to hear that music? What an achievement!
Exelente Restauracion Hermano Te Felicito Obrastes Un Milagro !!!!!! que Grande !!!!!!!
the big issue is not the fake restoration, is wth is that music?
Awesome work and Kenwood is the most popular and very good quality system in electronics 👌👌👏👏
Now this is master-class bottom up restoration, this I'm sure took many many hours to restore. What a rare craftsman who's perfected his art of deception.
Yeah it’s obviously fake
What did you think of his guitar 'restoration' Mister Bot/Puppet Account?
worth watching just for the song at 34:39
This music is Korea old pop. It's s bbong-jjack. Song name,s. " Sarang heasun andel saramel. "
Wauow! Kenwood cassette deck x 76 💚💜💖👍👍👍👍
I don't know why everyone is saying that the video is fake .. it looks real enough to me and all adds up. This is part of a midi system which is why it has no transformer inside it. The perfect looking case (which was rusted) was cleaned and then sprayed so that's why it looks OK. The plastic front wasn't badly scratched up, just very dirty .. however the partly erased Kenwood logo at the beginning of the video is still there on the final finished deck. Everything indicates this is genuine.
The completely random way he probes the board with a multimeter reveals he has absolutely no clue what he is doing.
@@Lamster66 Serial number can be seen at 04:06 it just didn't show up because of the light glare of the camera while washing
oooh, a hundred year old tape deck - that must be rare!
And hearted again 😂
@@FoxSock they're being ironic about the fact that there's "antique" in the title and the condition of the product
I love the good music at the end of the video
Thank you it is classical music....
You must be ZRussian.
Restoration And Metal whats
the name of the music at the end?
very cool, good job.
34:48 this music rocks! Next Hit around the World!
Hope he can give us the name of this hot fire
@0.2uikorraM Good work but gay sound.....
774 thumb down because of this
Музыка козырная в конце)
parabéns vovô é um gênio sempre acompanho seus restauração nota 10👏👏👏👏👏👍
I restore antique cassette decks for a living and in my opinion this video is fake. The electronic parts can survive in the wild but I have my doubts that the mechanics would return to normal without replacing several parts that are very, very hard to find. I think what he did was to the opposite, he found a working cassette deck and covered it with dust to say he restored it. My excuses if I am wrong, but that is my professional oppinion only by watching the video.
The extent of the corrosion looks like salt water, who knows some one could had accelerated the process further with battery acid. I can imagine how those trim pots will be very noisy and yet it was not replaced in the video. It would of made it more believable if he showed actual testing not fake testing, that is not my way of testing diodes. Have no idea why at the ending he needed a volt check with the lid closed 33m 11s when I expect a fully restore unit, seeing he went to that much trouble, where is the passion? (Yes, I can see the PSU is missing originally). If he was genuine you would seen his workshop and commentary on all the fault finding dramas together with a service manual explanation. This guy certain know how to create click baits to cause controversy.
I gree
I tip my hat to you sir. Very Well done..
Oh your comments are wonderful, God bless you...
Hay quá người ae HP👍
это волшебник ХА-ХА
Honestly I think that one was not too damaged, the capacitors are looking way too good for something that have been in salty water for a while.
There is not even a scratch on the front panel, which is surprising.
Maybe you just threw a good one into the mud for one month ?
HyperMario agree it’s a fake. There are scratches on the back of the case that went through into the metal that are gone. I think he filmed edited this in reverse he started with a good one and staged it backwards or he had more than one of the same player.
The case was obviously not repaired (I recon they bought a new case) - or at least they left out the sanding and painting of it.
@@DavidFilskov I am pretty sure they recorded the cassette deck in working condition first, then threw it out in the muck to pick it up one month later, fiddle a bit with the circuits and cleaning/repainting it. Most likely didnt even work after he "restored" it lmao... Fakest restoration video ive seen in a while.
@@ThordunnHeat YT is full of fake ass restoration videos. It kind of devalues the point of making them in the first place. You could say the same of any category of videos I guess... lifehacks, recipes, science, most of it's bullshit now.
The crazy thing is that people upvote them and subscribe anyway. You can pretty much upload anything and monetize it now.
At least the music on the cassette tape is pretty cool :D
No chance are this electrolytic capacitors working after being in there, they break down just from being damp, let alone wet through. The insides of the motors would be corroded to hell too, as well as the transformer windings.
And what about the capstan, the audioheads (they are not of stainless material..) they have to be perfectly polished and adjusted to play the tapes.
Thomas Külpmann exactly
Yep soooo fake! Just the reverse mech alone would be impossible to fix! Plus under the board was perfect while the rest was rotted?! Hahaha too funny!
Very good 👍🏻❤️
Magnifique 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
like comment
30 лет назад они ездили на рисовые поля, на велосипедах, чтобы прокормить семью
Прошло 30 лет и они уже на новых кроссоверах ездят на свалку, чтобы собрать японский магнитофон
А у нас стабильность
А ты все ноешь 30 лет!)
легковую машину свою, он вытащил из океана и тоже восстановил.
Cool music bro.