Dimash clearly demonstrates the "Power of Visualization": since he was a kid he SAW himself singing on the big stage. And he has! Hold onto that dream, beloved Dimash. We are your committed listeners and supporters. Thanks Gloria Wu for this excellent video: editing, pictures, translations. Bravo!
Смотрим и смотрим и никак невозможно оторваться от Димаша. Просто волшебство какое-то. Весь мир в шоке от него. Такого исполнителя больше нет на земле. Сам Волтэр Афанасьев, известный композитор и продюсер, сказал, что такого в мире больше нет и для него большая честь принимать Димаша у себя. То, что делает Димаш - это произведения искусства, причем новый вид искусства!!!
I simply cannot seem to tune into ANY other playlist/channel on UA-cam except the one’s featuring Dimash~he gives the major ‘chill factor’ that is heaven sent! He is such a special spirit! Thanks Gloria for all your work in translating. 💕
Wow, this is incredible. In addition to his remarkable singing talent he is also a gifted song writer. This melody, and the words, are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for translating and sharing this story!
This is my favorite songs of dimash... I loved it... thank you Gloria Wu translating it.... ILOVEYOU DIMASH.... I love your music all your songs I loved them all...
Magnifique Dimash 😀 💓 💋 petit prince à la voix d'or.😀 💕 Incroyable voix. Une étoile filante 🌠venue nous faire oublier la méchanceté de ce monde grâce à ses magnifiques chansons 💟💜
This is my favorite song not only because it was written by Dimash but also because it is a masterpiece! Such a beautiful song, lyrics and music are just art!
When I read the lyrics I feel as if this could be a love song to his future bride. It's very beautiful and makes me wonder who she will be. We have yet to know who but all I know is she will be very lucky.
Thank you Gloria❣Dimash is the embodiment of all universal laws in action. And every word of the song Unforgettable Day corresponds to Dears' feelings towards him. Every virtual, and especially real encounter with him is an unforgettable experience. Dimash, we, the mothers and grandmothers from this planet, are proud of you and love you as we are proud of and love our own children... We love you because you are who you are, and we simply know who you really are!! You radiate the truth from yourself, which we love. We love those rays of yours that reveal your insides. It can be compared to an animal's infallible instinct... we "sniff" your soul miles away from all directions. This is just an inexplicable energy level... and there is no salvation for you from our love ♾
Gloria Wu, thank you very much for incredible work you've done! Truth to tell, that's my favorite song and I took a liking to it immediately, from the very beginning... There are many D songs I like , but ,,Unforgettable Day" is so special... 👍🙌🔝
When I was watching this I remind my child hood days like him on the video you've made. And yes when I was a child I like singing in front of my relatives especially when my birthday has come. Gloria thanks for his wonderful video you've made it really inspire me so much but I felt emotional when I'm watching this.
Thank you so much Gloria Wu for sharing this beautiful compilation of this original work by Dimash. It is a pleasure to have you open up a beautiful world of music to all!
Wow Gloria Wu... just WOW. I'm blown away. The passion he has for his craft... something only the great have. Thanks so much. I get excited every time I see notifications from you! 😙
Some how the melody of this song is really sad to me, and this video is definitely touch my heart. Thank you for making such a wonderful and meaningful video, telling us Dimash’s story that I’ve never known. I will forever love and support Dimash with all my heart ❤️
Gloria Wu, thank you once again, for your beautiful work. It illustrates that Dimash has always wanted to be a singer, singing as if he were a professional at age four and five-years old at his music school and loading cassettes on to his truck to drive to his dream stage. How telling! "Unforgettable Day" illustrates his full potential and musical genius. He has composed a song that shows the range of his vocal capabilities from soft as a whisper to those long, strong sustained high notes. It's thrilling to hear and even more exciting with your perfect framing and background story. Love it! Wow!
Colleen M thank you Colleen! Yes the story behind this song is the story of Dimash- his talent, determination, hard work....and not giving up on his dream!❤️
Gloria, you did an excellent job once again! Thank you for bridging that language barrier and setting Prince D FREE to communicate his thoughts. God bless!
I fell in love with this man more and more how adorable he is how much he cared about music how much he is passionate about it ❤️ he's inspiration for all of us I don't have a words I'm speechless 😭
i'd like to say thank you so much for the translation, i love his song even though i don't understand, i can fell the vibe, i rarely heard this kind of voice... now since i read the translation, i love the song so much... thank you once again
Thank you so much Gloria! It is more touching to have those flashbacks, I can feel how Dimash pursue his dream as a soul singer. You are such a wonderful storyteller, love it 😍
Don't ever do anything else with your life Dimash. You were born with a gift, and purpose. You were also blessed with a humble nature, and handsome face. Your songs are always perfection, but you keep trying to do better. Never give up on that! Your a natural on the stage, and I enjoy watching your audience gently weep, and feel every note.
The most amazing voice in the world and the most stunning performances on earth. The ‘unforgettable day, is my number ONE favorite songs in my life. Good Jobs Dimash and super well done!!🤗👏🏻🎈🎊
Paldies, Gloria Wu, Hunan TV, Assyi TV, Luena Autumn! I love to watch through this video many times! Thank you, Dimash! Unforgettable Day! Neaizmirstama diena! 08.06.2020.
song is so much emotional,passionate & beautiful thank you for this amazing video .He is so habdsome even without makeup & with simple comfy clothes.When watching about his childhood &all he said here how inspiring,he made his dream come true , Its so amazing that he is adored by people of different nationalities,age(not like some stars who are mostly just loved by teen & young girls mainly for looks) ,gender .how much he love his carreer how humble & intelligent Im amazed by him more & more.He is a gem, I wish oneday kids who want to become artists will say he is my hero. Well I hope he ll be more famous, but save his charming personality & become most influencial artist that inspire people(even now he is such an influence).
This masterpiece is truly a love anthem! Thanks Gloria for this beautiful translation! Thanks Dimash for your touching performance, as usual! God bless you and your voice!
Love Dimash, his voice, personality, the way he is. Wonderfull human been❣❣❣Thank you Gloria Wu, each one of your videos are a treasure, the explanation is been transformed into a beautiful tribute to Dimash🎤🎼👑🏆💐🌎🇻🇪 4.10.17
I finally got around to watching this. Such a beautiful song. Now he needs a truck to drive onto a stage at one of his concerts. That would be another amazing dream come true.
Conmovida escuchando una y otra vez, así como me ha ayudado a sanar a mí, espero esté sanando a muchos, su voz estremece y se hace parte de mi sangre, amo a este ángel como a mis propios hijos y nietos, mis lágrimas fluyen de felicidad , agradezco haber coincidido con él en esta vida , a mis 56 años mi deseo es poder ir a un concierto suyo, Dios proteja siempre a nuestro príncipe Dimash, saludos a tod@s l@s Dears desde Chile 🇨🇱🎵🎶🎼❤❤🇰🇿🙏🌟✨
I was watching this video over and over I don't know how many times but whenever I come back it's like first time and I am crying again..what a beautiful story, so touching and emotional...Dimash was born to sing and he knew that since he was a little boy...I just love him talking about his truck and tapes...this melts my heart...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you Gloria for translation 😘😘😘
Tomislava, puno pozdrava od relativno nove Dear iz Zagreba 💕 Pretpostavljam da razumiješ jezik... Otkrila sam Dimaša na ytb sasvim slučajno, u rujnu '19. prvo sa Sinful Passion, SOS... i gotovo. Dimašitis. Nikad u životu nisam nikome bila ovakav fan. Volim raznovrsnu dobru glazbu i pjevače, ali Dimaš je... sve u 1! Obožavam njegovo pjevanje i divnu narav. Voljela bih da i nama jednom dođe ovo prekrasno stvorenje. Lijep pozdrav 🖐
@@Silva-qasqirsmile pozdrav i tebi...koje lijepo iznenađenje :)....inače sam i ja iz Zg ali trenutno živim u Irskoj. Dimaša pratim još od 2017 od natjecanja na Singeru i također nikad nisam bila za nikim toliko zaluđena kao za njim. Nema dana da ne slušam njegove pjesme i ne gledam sve moguće nove i stare reakcije na YT. Trebala sam ići ove godine u Ožujku u Stuttgart na koncert ali nažalost je koncert odgođen zbog korone tako da sam zamijenila kartu za sl godinu za Dusseldorf isto u ožujku i jedva čekam da ga vidim uživo...Imam u planu otići u Kazakhstan ali to ovisi o situaciji kako će biti sl godine sa tim virusom. Ne znam jel imaš fejs, ako imaš ima jako puno grupa iz cijelog svijeta koje prate Dimasha pa se pridruži, ja sam skoro u svima hahahha....Eto nadam se da ćeš i ti moći doći na koncert bilo bi lijepo da imam nekog svog među tolikim Dearsima hehe...lijepi pozdrav i nastavi uživati u najljepšem glasu na svijetu :)))))))))))))
@@feniks310368 Strašno me razveseli kad vidim nekog našeg na kanalima... naišla sam i na Snježanu Rugani koja živi u Minhenu i isto je uključena u fan klubove, možda se i znate. Ja nemam fejs, malo sam starija, imam 2 sina od kojih mi je mlađi godinu stariji od Dimasha, a stariji već ima obitelj, baka sam 2 preslatka unučića. Još uvijek radim, u smjenama (logoped) i nekako, baš nemam prostora za putovanja, nažalost... Fejs nemam jer se bojim da onda više uopće neću spavati 😁 jer noću visim na ytb, praćenje Dimasha i dopisivanje na kanalima mi je postao noćni hobi (tad sam jedino skroz na miru). Ovdje u Zagrebu ljudi na kapaljku znaju za Dimasha i to mi je žao. Naši ljudi su uglavnom u mainstreamu, ne tragaju baš po ytb-u, tek radio i tv medij bi možda pokrenuli zanimanje za njega. Možda bih zaista trebala izaći iz komfor zone i povezati se s fan klubovima... Možda, ipak... Dimash je fenomen. Tko ga zavoli, voli ga snažno, duboko i trajno. On nije samo pjevač (najbolji na planeti!). On je utjelovljenje neke više svrhe, putem umjetnosti. On je čista ljubav. Stara i mudra duša, to se osjeća dok pjeva. A pjeva svakim mišićem svog tijela i cijelom svojom velikom dušom. On zrači svjetlošću i liječi ljudima emocije, doslovno. A lijepe emocije su baza zdravlja. Eh, pišem već esej 😆... Javljam se na dosta kanala (redovito pratim ruski Alga Peterburg, dečki su odlični i informativni, engl. subs, a već sam dosta počela razumijevati ruski, a nisam ga nikad učila, a ćirilicu znam jer sam stara škola 😁), možda se prepoznamo negdje 🤗 Želim da uspiješ otići na koncert koji je u planu i uživaj punim plućima i srca i za mene! Puuuno pozdrava 💖💛
@@Silva-qasqirsmile i ja sam Snježanu upoznala komentirajući Dimasha tu na YT i baš mi je drago da ima naših uglavnom žena koje su prepoznale Dimasha ne samo kao pjevača bez konkurencije već i njegove ljudske vrijednosti koje u današnje vrijeme je teško vidjeti pogotovo kod javnih osoba i to u tim godinama. On je oličenje humanosti, dobrote, ljubavi itd. i zbog toga ga obožavaju milioni u cijelom svijetu, a on je pored svega toga ostao jednostavan i ponizan...Inače i ja pratim Alga Peterburg i Crazy Maxa i iako nisam učila ruski dosta toga razumijem...Kažete stara škola...pa ni ja nisam više pupoljak hahahha...moja kćer će za manje od mjesec dana napuniti 30, a sin ima 28, tako da i ja dugo pamtim hahahha.....mislim da zbog nekog tako posebnog vrijedi izaći iz komfort zone i napraviti nešto ludo...kad ćemo ako ne sad hahahha...zato je fejs dobar, toliko različitih ljudi a svi imaju istu temu za razgovor - Dimasha....ja se znam toliko nasmijati njihovim komentarima a ujedno se učim i toleranciji i poštivanju različitih mišljenja i stavova, a sve to zahvaljujući Dimashu...on je uspio što nijedan političar dosada nije, ujediniti ljude različitih vjera i nacija i držati ih zajedno šireći ljubav i pozitivne vibracije...nešto nevjerojatno....nisam nikad mogla ni zamisliti da će sa nekim iz Argentine, Čilea, Amerike, Rusije, Kazakhstana itd. uopće doći u kontakt, a sada se razgovaramo kao stari prijatelji. To je ono najljepše u cijeloj priči oko Dimasha i što me veseli iz dana u dan, posebno kad vidim kako se broj Dearsa povećava iz dana u dan i kako ta lijepa priča traje i dalje. Osjećam se kao član jedne velike i posebne obitelji gdje svi brinu oko našeg mezimca i drže ga kao kap vode na dlanu sa puno ljubavi i poštovanje prema njemu i njegovoj obitelji i prijateljima. Eto ja nisam napisala esej nego knjigu hahahhaha...hvala na lijepim željama i nastavite uživati u Dimashevim pjesmama koje se kao melem za dušu :))))
Greetings of Peace Dimash…! And to all the personnel’s who worked with you, to Ma’am Gloria Wu and all others who did the translation, produced videos and uploaded it on line. I still browse your music videos from time to time to see what still store in there. I’m just wondering how much effort and strength you have invested into it and to reach such a powerful voice and the many other talents that you have. Indeed it is really a great work. How you were able to develop such a heights of your talents is really admirable and worth learning. And it is much more beautiful because you sing it by heart, naturally and at your heart’s content with joyful disposition. The discipline, courage, dedication and high ideals in pursuing your singing career to the best of your ability the best you can is worth imitating not only in our individual professional fields but also in living our day to day life. Hope your listeners around the world especially the young will learn something from your optimistic views in pursuing your career, your persistency, courage, creativity and perseverance. Your labors are now indeed bearing fruits in abundance. And so my heartfelt congratulations to you, to your family and all others who supported you all the way through as a musician. For me as a listener, it counts a lot the personal disposition of the singer and the content of its music. My other concerns whenever I listen to music is that, I usually ask: WHAT MESSAGE THIS MUSIC BRINGS ..? TO THE WORLD..? TO PEOPLE..? Although all your music are very good, full of content and meaning but I like most this music, because for me it speaks a message of truth, values and realities of human life. I feel that, it is not just enough to give my thumbs up to like this music, but I’m deeply moved to share something more about the richness and deeper meaning of it. Actually I have enumerated 10 of your songs with my personal commentary and reflection on it and posted it in UA-cam each of it in different phases because it’s quite lengthy my reflection on it. Of course with due respect to the composers, writers and singers of these music for whatever their purpose and intention would be, will always take precedence. The thoughts that I will be sharing below about these music is only the fruits of my personal reflections based on the things that I highly valued and on how I perceived it myself and the message of this song that reaches out to me. For all those who read these reflections and commentaries of mine about this piece of music mostly performed by Dimash. If you think it is helpful for you, for your family and friends you can share it to them as you please, and I do really appreciate it. Or maybe you might have a different reflection experience of this music than mine; you can always revisit this music or other music of Dimash on line. Your own personal comments and critics to this commentary and reflection of mine is very much welcome and highly appreciated too. Song of Dimash “UNFORGETTABLE DAY” (Ester Rabi’s Commentary & Reflection on this song: I like this music because it reminds me to be grateful & appreciate the beauty of our individual Gifts & Talents received) I believed everyone is called for something to do in life. Some are called to be in the business field; others to be an educator, still others are called to be in the medical profession, engineers, and artists, or to be parents in a family. Each one of us received and was given a particular gifts and talents in our life. This is one way of showing, how generous God is, in bestowing his blessings to each one of us. These talents and gifts could also mean everything we have both internal and external gifts. When God gave something, it is always together with His grace so that it will nourish and strengthen us to pursue with courage and to overcome any difficulties in developing it to the fullest. However these blessings are not given to us, as finished product, but rather it has still to be cultivated, develop and taken care of. Our lifetime is a chance given to us for its fullest development. Expect that the heavenly owner will search a fruits of those gifts later. The more time and effort we gave or invest into it, the more it bears fruits in abundance. We are not alone in the whole development process of these gifts; many people are involved with it to help us go through towards its fulfillment. Whatever gifts and talents we received whether many or few great or small it is always for service and for the greater glory of the one who gave it to us. We are only stewards of these gifts, not the owner, and it is given to us to help ourselves and to help others too. Greater gifts and talents we received, greater also are the responsibilities expected from it. We don’t really understand everything how these seed of gifts and talents implanted to us from the very beginning but we know and feel that it is there within us, as hidden treasures of great price to discover. Indeed, those days are really unforgettable and joyful too, the moment we received such gifts and talents in our life. When we try to look back at it, in our life’s journey we can’t just contained the joys and the gratitude in our heart, the richness of those various experiences had brought something into our life while we are on process of developing it. Those joys, pains, struggles, difficulties and challenges contributed a lot to educate, discipline and strengthen us in so many ways, and it is in these experiences, that we’ve grown up, mature and become a person of what we are now. It cause us a great joy indeed and cherished every memories that we have gone through in pursuing and beautifying the love object of our dreams in life and the desires of our heart. Though the journey is tough, happiness always consoled us because at lasts, the sweat of our labors is indeed bearing fruits. And I supposed fruits are indeed sweet, when it is a product of hard work, patience and perseverance. In all these …! It comes also to my mind that…, How can I repay God of all the wonderful things and good gifts He has given me…? Surely I can’t, but with grateful hearts to Him, I can only show it the way i live my life serving wholeheartedly the gifts He has given me the best I could. Since artists too are also beneficiaries of these talents and gifts and are public personalities, we cannot deny that many people look up to them and that is why it really matters to me their dignity, integrity and identity. Because for me, an artist reflects God’s splendor and beauty and their works give the world hope, joy and inspiration. Like any other professionals, surely artists too deserved a worthy honor of praise for their years of service to the people, to the country and most especially in promoting, protecting and preserving the countries cultural heritage. That is why; it saddened me most if they ended up their lives sadly for whatever reasons and circumstances. And so I really hope and pray that artists too or any other professionals may be given wisdom from above to discern, to live life temperately and to take care of their body and spirit also, so that they will have the graces needed to strengthen themselves and to resists at all costs worldly temptations and desires that might be endanger their health, life and credibility. Lastly, I hope that Dimash would find time to take a rest sometime, to recharge himself physically and spiritually. “Health is wealth you know”… so that he can start afresh to serve the people around the world thru his music this coming New Year 2019 with new energy and renewed spirit. Looking forward to it. Once again, thank you for your music and service to us. Rest assured of my support with you. God Bless..!. With Gratitude, Ester Rabi, Philippines
Wow! you hand picked and translated so many clips of his, it's a lot of hard work! Thanks for this. I've only just discovered Dimash and this helps a lot
Definitivamente mi favorita. Amo esa canción, aunque no fué la primera que escuche, fué la que me transportó fuera de esta Dimensión, la que me hizo reír, llorar y dar gracias a Dios por estar aquí y coincidir en esta vida con éste Ángel. Así la escuché mil veces siempre siento lo mismo!! Me gustaría saber que se dice en la introducción del vídeo. Gracias
I know Dimash has a very different repertoire, but this story reminds me so much of another great natural singing talent.. George Michael whom I also greatly admire! He too wrote his first song at the age of seventeen “Careless Whisper” it too was a perfect love song!.... He too knew from childhood that he would be a successful singer songwriter!..... and he too had the same presence and charisma on stage! Two of the worlds greatest performers with a God given gift! We are fortunate to be alive in their lifetimes to be able to appreciate these two amazing performers! Heather 💕🎶
Its so easy to get addicted to him.
Dimash clearly demonstrates the "Power of Visualization": since he was a kid he SAW himself singing on the big stage. And he has! Hold onto that dream, beloved Dimash. We are your committed listeners and supporters.
Thanks Gloria Wu for this excellent video: editing, pictures, translations. Bravo!
Glad you like it:)
What a talent! Love the lyrics and music. Dimash is very mature and deep. The girl who he marries will be very lucky.
He is married to the stage...so incredible voice and talent could not be married to another one but the music!
@@valentinaatanasova5049 that is very possible, Valentina! That would have to be an exceptional woman that would capture his heart!
Oh my goodness !! What ?? That was just so very beautiful. I am once again left stunned by that performance ! Thank you Gloria. Thank you Dimash.
He is beautiful inside and outside,unique Dimash for me the best singer of the world.God bless you Dimash.💖
Born to sing....
Смотрим и смотрим и никак невозможно оторваться от Димаша. Просто волшебство какое-то. Весь мир в шоке от него. Такого исполнителя больше нет на земле. Сам Волтэр Афанасьев, известный композитор и продюсер, сказал, что такого в мире больше нет и для него большая честь принимать Димаша у себя. То, что делает Димаш - это произведения искусства, причем новый вид искусства!!!
What else that he doesn't have?! He is full talent! Full package! This young man is very blessed.
This masterpiece of Dimash deserved a video like this! This is so well done, so emotional. Can't thank you enough, Gloria.
Thank you so much, Chelsea! I only want the best for our Dimash!
Every time I listen to this I love it more ... just wish I didn’t cry ....Bravo
Such a beautiful video! Love the flashback image when Dimash was younger!
Corrinna Pang Thank you Corrinna ❤️
Very beautiful work about beautiful song, Gloria, Thnx a lot. Dimash is No 1. 💐💐
Elvira Ibrayeva Thank you Elvira😊😊
Definitely your video work is the best around the world about Dimash
Islambek Arystanbekov what a compliment ❤️Thank you!
I simply cannot seem to tune into ANY other playlist/channel on UA-cam except the one’s featuring Dimash~he gives the major ‘chill factor’ that is heaven sent! He is such a special spirit!
Thanks Gloria for all your work in translating. 💕
Wow, this is incredible. In addition to his remarkable singing talent he is also a gifted song writer. This melody, and the words, are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for translating and sharing this story!
Это что!!!!!+ Б если сконечно люблю!!!!!
Merci Gloria Wu, magnifique vidéo, magnifique chanson, magnifique chanteur......j'ai tellement hâte de le voir sur scène .
This song makes me cry and gives me goose bumps at the same time. Thank you so much for the English subtitles. With love from Canada ! :)
Brenda Penny You are welcome:)
This is my favorite songs of dimash... I loved it... thank you Gloria Wu translating it.... ILOVEYOU DIMASH.... I love your music all your songs I loved them all...
Енбениниз кандай Глория, рахмет сизге!!
Magnifique Dimash 😀 💓 💋 petit prince à la voix d'or.😀 💕 Incroyable voix. Une étoile filante 🌠venue nous faire oublier la méchanceté de ce monde grâce à ses magnifiques chansons 💟💜
Corinne Cazorla a bon, moi aussi
How wonderful...the Unforgettable Day!!!
Thank you Gloria for translating these sweet lyrics , you are the best 🙌🏻
This is my favorite song not only because it was written by Dimash but also because it is a masterpiece! Such a beautiful song, lyrics and music are just art!
When I read the lyrics I feel as if this could be a love song to his future bride. It's very beautiful and makes me wonder who she will be. We have yet to know who but all I know is she will be very lucky.
This is rather a story about his first love) and the memories of her
Gauhar A his first love was a fraud
J O why do you say that? Hopefully she didn’t break his heart.
Dimash composed the music, but author of lyrics is Oral Baissengir, so I doubt it's about Dimash's first love. 😉
Can watch it many many times....... Thank you, Gloria! You're just amazing!
Thank you Gloria ...this is my favourite song , to think D could write this at 19 is just amazing x
shaaron Mackie my favorite too:)
Gloria Wu ❤️
Can’t stop watching this ....that song really pulls at the heart thank u again my friend ❤️❤️
This is awesome Gloria. Can't believe I haven't seen it before this. Dimash had a dream and went for it. Boy did he succeed.....
Yes, what an inspirational story!
Thanks again !..,Miss Gloria Wu.We love you!From💞 Dimash Fans Philippines!
Thank you Gloria❣Dimash is the embodiment of all universal laws in action. And every word of the song Unforgettable Day corresponds to Dears' feelings towards him. Every virtual, and especially real encounter with him is an unforgettable experience. Dimash, we, the mothers and grandmothers from this planet, are proud of you and love you as we are proud of and love our own children... We love you because you are who you are, and we simply know who you really are!! You radiate the truth from yourself, which we love. We love those rays of yours that reveal your insides. It can be compared to an animal's infallible instinct... we "sniff" your soul miles away from all directions. This is just an inexplicable energy level... and there is no salvation for you from our love ♾
Gloria Wu, thank you very much for incredible work you've done! Truth to tell, that's my favorite song and I took a liking to it immediately, from the very beginning... There are many D songs I like , but ,,Unforgettable Day" is so special... 👍🙌🔝
Rahat Dzhumagulov Thank you Rabat! It's my favorite too😊
Wow what a passionate love song. Love it
thank you so mutch dear gloria ,love
Gloria, you are very talented. just like writer. you can tell stories very well👍
beautiful video
Awesome job Gloria another great video
medic999 thank you for your support ❤️❤️
Gloria Wu if you need a volunteer, I can help you....
When I was watching this I remind my child hood days like him on the video you've made. And yes when I was a child I like singing in front of my relatives especially when my birthday has come. Gloria thanks for his wonderful video you've made it really inspire me so much but I felt emotional when I'm watching this.
Thank you so much Gloria Wu for sharing this beautiful compilation of this original work by Dimash. It is a pleasure to have you open up a beautiful world of music to all!
Dan M you are welcome ☺️
Bravo,Bravoooooooo! Magical......
He was indeed born to sign . Is like music choose him and he didn't let go. Like a pair of lovers. Sublime.
Wow Gloria Wu... just WOW. I'm blown away. The passion he has for his craft... something only the great have. Thanks so much. I get excited every time I see notifications from you! 😙
JRod Thank you! So happy to hear that😊
I was waiting for this :)
Thank you Gloria! Love the song love Dimash and love Gloria!!! Looking forward for more updates 😘
Lizz Bod I hope this video lives up to your expectations ❤️
Gloria Wu ...looooved it!!!!
Thanks 🙏🏻
Some how the melody of this song is really sad to me, and this video is definitely touch my heart.
Thank you for making such a wonderful and meaningful video, telling us Dimash’s story that I’ve never known. I will forever love and support Dimash with all my heart ❤️
You are welcome Jian! I absolutely love this song, especially since he wrote it:)
And can I ask where was he at 5:57 ?
That's one of his TV performances in Kazakhstan. I don't have more detailed info....
Wow. This video is simply amazing!!! Greetings from Florida.
Obrigado pelo emocionante video aqui no BRASIL TEM A TRADUCAO DESSA MUSICA E LINDA OBRIGADO DIMASH 💗💗👏👏
Thank you so much for the English translation Gloria. I adore this song & Dimash!!
Sam Seton you are welcome 😊
Gloria Wu, thank you once again, for your beautiful work. It illustrates that Dimash has always wanted to be a singer, singing as if he were a professional at age four and five-years old at his music school and loading cassettes on to his truck to drive to his dream stage. How telling! "Unforgettable Day" illustrates his full potential and musical genius. He has composed a song that shows the range of his vocal capabilities from soft as a whisper to those long, strong sustained high notes. It's thrilling to hear and even more exciting with your perfect framing and background story. Love it! Wow!
Colleen M thank you Colleen! Yes the story behind this song is the story of Dimash- his talent, determination, hard work....and not giving up on his dream!❤️
Gloria, you did an excellent job once again! Thank you for bridging that language barrier and setting Prince D FREE to communicate his thoughts. God bless!
This song is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you Gloria for the beautiful translation. I am so happy to have found your clip.
You are welcome:) Glad you like it
Wow i am so impressed. Bravo 😊Dimash s voice, songs are perfect 💖 and a wonderfull man as well
Hello from France
Gloria thank u so much! I always wait for your videos!!! Thank u for reliving those wonderful moments))))
Elena Nur Thank you Elena:)
I fell in love with this man more and more how adorable he is how much he cared about music how much he is passionate about it ❤️ he's inspiration for all of us
I don't have a words I'm speechless 😭
Such a beautiful heartfelt song he wrote and sang. Diamash is just so amazingly talented and with a beautiful soul inside and out.
i'd like to say thank you so much for the translation, i love his song even though i don't understand, i can fell the vibe, i rarely heard this kind of voice... now since i read the translation, i love the song so much... thank you once again
Feri Rezakarna Putra You are very welcome!!
Bravo dear Gloria
I thanked you on FB but does not hurt to say once more:) Thank u dear!
You are welcome Gulnara! So glad you like the video!
Thank you so much Gloria! It is more touching to have those flashbacks, I can feel how Dimash pursue his dream as a soul singer. You are such a wonderful storyteller, love it 😍
vanessa chow thank you Vanessa:)
What a talented and gentle man he is! I can't get enough of him. He truly captivates every heart who hears him sing 😍💕
Don't ever do anything else with your life Dimash. You were born with a gift, and purpose. You were also blessed with a humble nature, and handsome face. Your songs are always perfection, but you keep trying to do better. Never give up on that! Your a natural on the stage, and I enjoy watching your audience gently weep, and feel every note.
The most amazing voice in the world and the most stunning performances on earth. The ‘unforgettable day, is my number ONE favorite songs in my life. Good Jobs Dimash and super well done!!🤗👏🏻🎈🎊
Paldies, Gloria Wu, Hunan TV, Assyi TV, Luena Autumn! I love to watch through this video many times! Thank you, Dimash! Unforgettable Day! Neaizmirstama diena! 08.06.2020.
I adore this song especially in Kazakh💕💕💕
Well done Gloria Wu, the time and effort you put into making these video's for us Dimash fans to watch is really appreciated xxx
Thank you so much Colleen:)
song is so much emotional,passionate & beautiful thank you for this amazing video .He is so habdsome even without makeup & with simple comfy clothes.When watching about his childhood &all he said here how inspiring,he made his dream come true , Its so amazing that he is adored by people of different nationalities,age(not like some stars who are mostly just loved by teen & young girls mainly for looks) ,gender .how much he love his carreer how humble & intelligent Im amazed by him more & more.He is a gem, I wish oneday kids who want to become artists will say he is my hero. Well I hope he ll be more famous, but save his charming personality & become most influencial artist that inspire people(even now he is such an influence).
Thank you Gloria!
You are welcome:)
I may have already thanked you for the subtitles, but just in case...THANK YOU GLORIA WU!💖💕
Keri Stevenson you are welcome:)
Merci encore Gloria. Tu es une magicienne qui transforme un lapin noir (la langue chinoise) en un fluffy lapin blanc (langue anglaise)!
This masterpiece is truly a love anthem! Thanks Gloria for this beautiful translation! Thanks Dimash for your touching performance, as usual! God bless you and your voice!
You are very welcome Pham!
This song is lways amazing me again!
Love Dimash, his voice, personality, the way he is. Wonderfull human been❣❣❣Thank you Gloria Wu, each one of your videos are a treasure, the explanation is been transformed into a beautiful tribute to Dimash🎤🎼👑🏆💐🌎🇻🇪 4.10.17
I've heard this before, never thought it was a Dimash's song
Thank you very much Gloria I really love this song. 👏👏👏👍👍👍💜💜💜
I finally got around to watching this. Such a beautiful song. Now he needs a truck to drive onto a stage at one of his concerts. That would be another amazing dream come true.
Thank you again, I really appreciate your work!
Marija Črnčec thank you so much Marija:)
beautifully filmed.. love the images overlapping each other and in sync .. he is amazing..
Conmovida escuchando una y otra vez, así como me ha ayudado a sanar a mí, espero esté sanando a muchos, su voz estremece y se hace parte de mi sangre, amo a este ángel como a mis propios hijos y nietos, mis lágrimas fluyen de felicidad , agradezco haber coincidido con él en esta vida , a mis 56 años mi deseo es poder ir a un concierto suyo, Dios proteja siempre a nuestro príncipe Dimash, saludos a tod@s l@s Dears desde Chile 🇨🇱🎵🎶🎼❤❤🇰🇿🙏🌟✨
Отличная работа .Thank you! !!!
Thank you so much for this video, I appreciate your job. I love you
Thank Gloria Wu and wonderful Dimash
Thank you very very much for this video! I, of course, really love each and every Dimash's songs but Unforgatable Day has allways been my favorite!
September 17th, 2018. My Unforgettable Day...The day I met Dimash...💕
Gloria, thanks a lot for your great work!!!👏👏👏❤❤❤
So glad his dreams came true....
Thank you mbak gloria. You are the best!
Dimash is talented and very moving :) Moreover i really love this song. One of my favourite.
I was watching this video over and over I don't know how many times but whenever I come back it's like first time and I am crying again..what a beautiful story, so touching and emotional...Dimash was born to sing and he knew that since he was a little boy...I just love him talking about his truck and tapes...this melts my heart...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Gloria for translation 😘😘😘
You are very welcome!
Tomislava, puno pozdrava od relativno nove Dear iz Zagreba 💕 Pretpostavljam da razumiješ jezik... Otkrila sam Dimaša na ytb sasvim slučajno, u rujnu '19. prvo sa Sinful Passion, SOS... i gotovo. Dimašitis. Nikad u životu nisam nikome bila ovakav fan. Volim raznovrsnu dobru glazbu i pjevače, ali Dimaš je... sve u 1! Obožavam njegovo pjevanje i divnu narav. Voljela bih da i nama jednom dođe ovo prekrasno stvorenje. Lijep pozdrav 🖐
@@Silva-qasqirsmile pozdrav i tebi...koje lijepo iznenađenje :)....inače sam i ja iz Zg ali trenutno živim u Irskoj. Dimaša pratim još od 2017 od natjecanja na Singeru i također nikad nisam bila za nikim toliko zaluđena kao za njim. Nema dana da ne slušam njegove pjesme i ne gledam sve moguće nove i stare reakcije na YT. Trebala sam ići ove godine u Ožujku u Stuttgart na koncert ali nažalost je koncert odgođen zbog korone tako da sam zamijenila kartu za sl godinu za Dusseldorf isto u ožujku i jedva čekam da ga vidim uživo...Imam u planu otići u Kazakhstan ali to ovisi o situaciji kako će biti sl godine sa tim virusom. Ne znam jel imaš fejs, ako imaš ima jako puno grupa iz cijelog svijeta koje prate Dimasha pa se pridruži, ja sam skoro u svima hahahha....Eto nadam se da ćeš i ti moći doći na koncert bilo bi lijepo da imam nekog svog među tolikim Dearsima hehe...lijepi pozdrav i nastavi uživati u najljepšem glasu na svijetu :)))))))))))))
@@feniks310368 Strašno me razveseli kad vidim nekog našeg na kanalima... naišla sam i na Snježanu Rugani koja živi u Minhenu i isto je uključena u fan klubove, možda se i znate. Ja nemam fejs, malo sam starija, imam 2 sina od kojih mi je mlađi godinu stariji od Dimasha, a stariji već ima obitelj, baka sam 2 preslatka unučića. Još uvijek radim, u smjenama (logoped) i nekako, baš nemam prostora za putovanja, nažalost... Fejs nemam jer se bojim da onda više uopće neću spavati 😁 jer noću visim na ytb, praćenje Dimasha i dopisivanje na kanalima mi je postao noćni hobi (tad sam jedino skroz na miru). Ovdje u Zagrebu ljudi na kapaljku znaju za Dimasha i to mi je žao. Naši ljudi su uglavnom u mainstreamu, ne tragaju baš po ytb-u, tek radio i tv medij bi možda pokrenuli zanimanje za njega. Možda bih zaista trebala izaći iz komfor zone i povezati se s fan klubovima... Možda, ipak... Dimash je fenomen. Tko ga zavoli, voli ga snažno, duboko i trajno. On nije samo pjevač (najbolji na planeti!). On je utjelovljenje neke više svrhe, putem umjetnosti. On je čista ljubav. Stara i mudra duša, to se osjeća dok pjeva. A pjeva svakim mišićem svog tijela i cijelom svojom velikom dušom. On zrači svjetlošću i liječi ljudima emocije, doslovno. A lijepe emocije su baza zdravlja. Eh, pišem već esej 😆... Javljam se na dosta kanala (redovito pratim ruski Alga Peterburg, dečki su odlični i informativni, engl. subs, a već sam dosta počela razumijevati ruski, a nisam ga nikad učila, a ćirilicu znam jer sam stara škola 😁), možda se prepoznamo negdje 🤗 Želim da uspiješ otići na koncert koji je u planu i uživaj punim plućima i srca i za mene! Puuuno pozdrava 💖💛
@@Silva-qasqirsmile i ja sam Snježanu upoznala komentirajući Dimasha tu na YT i baš mi je drago da ima naših uglavnom žena koje su prepoznale Dimasha ne samo kao pjevača bez konkurencije već i njegove ljudske vrijednosti koje u današnje vrijeme je teško vidjeti pogotovo kod javnih osoba i to u tim godinama. On je oličenje humanosti, dobrote, ljubavi itd. i zbog toga ga obožavaju milioni u cijelom svijetu, a on je pored svega toga ostao jednostavan i ponizan...Inače i ja pratim Alga Peterburg i Crazy Maxa i iako nisam učila ruski dosta toga razumijem...Kažete stara škola...pa ni ja nisam više pupoljak hahahha...moja kćer će za manje od mjesec dana napuniti 30, a sin ima 28, tako da i ja dugo pamtim hahahha.....mislim da zbog nekog tako posebnog vrijedi izaći iz komfort zone i napraviti nešto ludo...kad ćemo ako ne sad hahahha...zato je fejs dobar, toliko različitih ljudi a svi imaju istu temu za razgovor - Dimasha....ja se znam toliko nasmijati njihovim komentarima a ujedno se učim i toleranciji i poštivanju različitih mišljenja i stavova, a sve to zahvaljujući Dimashu...on je uspio što nijedan političar dosada nije, ujediniti ljude različitih vjera i nacija i držati ih zajedno šireći ljubav i pozitivne vibracije...nešto nevjerojatno....nisam nikad mogla ni zamisliti da će sa nekim iz Argentine, Čilea, Amerike, Rusije, Kazakhstana itd. uopće doći u kontakt, a sada se razgovaramo kao stari prijatelji. To je ono najljepše u cijeloj priči oko Dimasha i što me veseli iz dana u dan, posebno kad vidim kako se broj Dearsa povećava iz dana u dan i kako ta lijepa priča traje i dalje. Osjećam se kao član jedne velike i posebne obitelji gdje svi brinu oko našeg mezimca i drže ga kao kap vode na dlanu sa puno ljubavi i poštovanje prema njemu i njegovoj obitelji i prijateljima. Eto ja nisam napisala esej nego knjigu hahahhaha...hvala na lijepim željama i nastavite uživati u Dimashevim pjesmama koje se kao melem za dušu :))))
Greetings of Peace Dimash…! And to all the personnel’s who worked with you, to Ma’am Gloria Wu and all others who did the translation, produced videos and uploaded it on line.
I still browse your music videos from time to time to see what still store in there. I’m just wondering how much effort and strength you have invested into it and to reach such a powerful voice and the many other talents that you have. Indeed it is really a great work. How you were able to develop such a heights of your talents is really admirable and worth learning. And it is much more beautiful because you sing it by heart, naturally and at your heart’s content with joyful disposition.
The discipline, courage, dedication and high ideals in pursuing your singing career to the best of your ability the best you can is worth imitating not only in our individual professional fields but also in living our day to day life. Hope your listeners around the world especially the young will learn something from your optimistic views in pursuing your career, your persistency, courage, creativity and perseverance. Your labors are now indeed bearing fruits in abundance. And so my heartfelt congratulations to you, to your family and all others who supported you all the way through as a musician. For me as a listener, it counts a lot the personal disposition of the singer and the content of its music.
My other concerns whenever I listen to music is that, I usually ask: WHAT MESSAGE THIS MUSIC BRINGS ..? TO THE WORLD..? TO PEOPLE..?
Although all your music are very good, full of content and meaning but I like most this music, because for me it speaks a message of truth, values and realities of human life. I feel that, it is not just enough to give my thumbs up to like this music, but I’m deeply moved to share something more about the richness and deeper meaning of it. Actually I have enumerated 10 of your songs with my personal commentary and reflection on it and posted it in UA-cam each of it in different phases because it’s quite lengthy my reflection on it.
Of course with due respect to the composers, writers and singers of these music for whatever their purpose and intention would be, will always take precedence. The thoughts that I will be sharing below about these music is only the fruits of my personal reflections based on the things that I highly valued and on how I perceived it myself and the message of this song that reaches out to me.
For all those who read these reflections and commentaries of mine about this piece of music mostly performed by Dimash. If you think it is helpful for you, for your family and friends you can share it to them as you please, and I do really appreciate it. Or maybe you might have a different reflection experience of this music than mine; you can always revisit this music or other music of Dimash on line. Your own personal comments and critics to this commentary and reflection of mine is very much welcome and highly appreciated too.
Song of Dimash “UNFORGETTABLE DAY” (Ester Rabi’s Commentary & Reflection on this song: I like this music because it reminds me to be grateful & appreciate the beauty of our individual Gifts & Talents received)
I believed everyone is called for something to do in life. Some are called to be in the business field; others to be an educator, still others are called to be in the medical profession, engineers, and artists, or to be parents in a family. Each one of us received and was given a particular gifts and talents in our life. This is one way of showing, how generous God is, in bestowing his blessings to each one of us. These talents and gifts could also mean everything we have both internal and external gifts. When God gave something, it is always together with His grace so that it will nourish and strengthen us to pursue with courage and to overcome any difficulties in developing it to the fullest. However these blessings are not given to us, as finished product, but rather it has still to be cultivated, develop and taken care of.
Our lifetime is a chance given to us for its fullest development. Expect that the heavenly owner will search a fruits of those gifts later. The more time and effort we gave or invest into it, the more it bears fruits in abundance. We are not alone in the whole development process of these gifts; many people are involved with it to help us go through towards its fulfillment. Whatever gifts and talents we received whether many or few great or small it is always for service and for the greater glory of the one who gave it to us. We are only stewards of these gifts, not the owner, and it is given to us to help ourselves and to help others too. Greater gifts and talents we received, greater also are the responsibilities expected from it. We don’t really understand everything how these seed of gifts and talents implanted to us from the very beginning but we know and feel that it is there within us, as hidden treasures of great price to discover.
Indeed, those days are really unforgettable and joyful too, the moment we received such gifts and talents in our life. When we try to look back at it, in our life’s journey we can’t just contained the joys and the gratitude in our heart, the richness of those various experiences had brought something into our life while we are on process of developing it. Those joys, pains, struggles, difficulties and challenges contributed a lot to educate, discipline and strengthen us in so many ways, and it is in these experiences, that we’ve grown up, mature and become a person of what we are now.
It cause us a great joy indeed and cherished every memories that we have gone through in pursuing and beautifying the love object of our dreams in life and the desires of our heart. Though the journey is tough, happiness always consoled us because at lasts, the sweat of our labors is indeed bearing fruits. And I supposed fruits are indeed sweet, when it is a product of hard work, patience and perseverance. In all these …! It comes also to my mind that…, How can I repay God of all the wonderful things and good gifts He has given me…? Surely I can’t, but with grateful hearts to Him, I can only show it the way i live my life serving wholeheartedly the gifts He has given me the best I could.
Since artists too are also beneficiaries of these talents and gifts and are public personalities, we cannot deny that many people look up to them and that is why it really matters to me their dignity, integrity and identity. Because for me, an artist reflects God’s splendor and beauty and their works give the world hope, joy and inspiration. Like any other professionals, surely artists too deserved a worthy honor of praise for their years of service to the people, to the country and most especially in promoting, protecting and preserving the countries cultural heritage. That is why; it saddened me most if they ended up their lives sadly for whatever reasons and circumstances. And so I really hope and pray that artists too or any other professionals may be given wisdom from above to discern, to live life temperately and to take care of their body and spirit also, so that they will have the graces needed to strengthen themselves and to resists at all costs worldly temptations and desires that might be endanger their health, life and credibility.
Lastly, I hope that Dimash would find time to take a rest sometime, to recharge himself physically and spiritually. “Health is wealth you know”… so that he can start afresh to serve the people around the world thru his music this coming New Year 2019 with new energy and renewed spirit. Looking forward to it. Once again, thank you for your music and service to us. Rest assured of my support with you. God Bless..!.
With Gratitude, Ester Rabi, Philippines
Wow! you hand picked and translated so many clips of his, it's a lot of hard work! Thanks for this. I've only just discovered Dimash and this helps a lot
Simplemente hermoso un verdadero ángel se cayó del cielo y ahora nos da la alegría de escuchar su esquicita voz lo amo cada que escucho sus canciones
Inolvidable Dimash😚
Love you Gloria hope you'll meet out dimash one day because you deserves it
But u don't yet but I will achieve this one day
Gloria thank you so much 🌹🌹🌹😘
You are most welcome!
j'adore son androgynie, sa voix, ses mots
..................sometimes dreams do come true xx Jean from Scotland.
Definitivamente mi favorita. Amo esa canción, aunque no fué la primera que escuche, fué la que me transportó fuera de esta Dimensión, la que me hizo reír, llorar y dar gracias a Dios por estar aquí y coincidir en esta vida con éste Ángel. Así la escuché mil veces siempre siento lo mismo!! Me gustaría saber que se dice en la introducción del vídeo. Gracias
One thing I wan't to say to you who shared this video, Thank You So Much!
RENLY YOHANIS RAMPI You are welcome 😊
Que delícia é ouvir Dimash! ❤
I know Dimash has a very different repertoire, but this story reminds me so much of another great natural singing talent.. George Michael whom I also greatly admire! He too wrote his first song at the age of seventeen “Careless Whisper” it too was a perfect love song!.... He too knew from childhood that he would be a successful singer songwriter!..... and he too had the same presence and charisma on stage! Two of the worlds greatest performers with a God given gift! We are fortunate to be alive in their lifetimes to be able to appreciate these two amazing performers! Heather 💕🎶
Mind blowing!
Most amazing singer and person ❤
Gloria, you did an absolute wonderful job putting this video together. Thank you so very much!