Cyprus: "Not all Turks are evil"

  • Опубліковано 30 гру 2014
  • "You're learning from a very early age that every Turk is an enemy." A Nicosia Greek Cypriot and friend from Greece discuss the role of the Church, education, politicians and Greek Cypriot culture in fostering anti-Turkish, anti-immigrant sentiment. Filmed in Nicosia, July 2004.
    Copyright © Mel Yiasemide 2014. All rights reserved.


  • @Ozgur72
    @Ozgur72 5 років тому +5

    I am not arguing against the education and nationwide manipulations as a whole. However, partly the original question refers to the mentality of the communities (not just greek or turkish) that are living in islands. They tend to develop a sense of solidarity based on fear against foreigners. 1- Small island communities have no great degree of blending with other communities so their sense of life style is very crucial for their ethnic identity. 2- Generally islands are exposed to foreign invasions & immigrations they tend to defend their cultural independence 3- islands are generally short on resources and that creates a very unhospitable climate to welcome other communities that want a share through time. All those ethnological aspects coupled with national education and political aspiration can turn an island into a ticking bomb as we saw in cyprus.

  • @UltimateMoralizer
    @UltimateMoralizer 5 років тому +3

    Χαιρετίσματα από το Λονδίνο. Πολύ ενδιαφέρον και διαφωτιστικό βίντεο. Οι δύο τύποι έχουν διαμορφώσει πολλές εύστοχες επισημάνσεις. Όλα αυτά που είπαν ισχύουν. Η θρησκεία, το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα και οι πολιτικοί ευθύνονται για την μισαλλοδοξία και για την διαίρεση. Εγώ είμαι γέννημα-θρέμμα Βρετανός της κυπριακής καταγωγής 3ης γενιάς ... και μέχρι στιγμής δεν βίωσα ποτέ ρατσισμό στην Κύπρο. Σχετικά, ταιριάζω με τους Κύπριους. Για την ακρίβεια, το βρίσκω πολύ πιο εύκολο να κάνω φίλους στην Κύπρο παρά στην Βρετανία. Στην Βρετανία, βάση εμπειρίας, ο περισσότερος κόσμος είναι ψυχρός, απρόσιτος, απομονωμένος και κοινωνικά δυσλειτουργικός, ιδίως στο Λονδίνο. Δεν υπάρχει καν επικοινωνία εδώ. Είναι πιο ζεστός λαός οι Κύπριοι. Πριν λίγο καιρό, πήγα σε μια διάλεξη στο κέντρο του Λονδίνου αναφορικά με τα σπαστά ελληνικά και με τα σωστά, και ο καθηγητής εκεί έχει πει ότι στην Κύπρο, αν ο Αγγλοκύπριος μιλάει αγγλικά, θεωρείται φιγουρατζής και υπερόπτης, και αν μιλάει ελληνικά με την κυπριακή διάλεκτο, θεωρείται χωριάτης και αγράμματος ... και γενικά λίγο πιο ευγενική προφορά να έχει κάποιος, είναι αμέσως εκατό τοις εκατό ''καλαμαράς''. Μερικοί Κύπριοι φωνάζουν τους Αγγλοκύπριους ''τσάρλιδες'', και τους υποτιμούν εν πολλοίς εξαιτίας του τρόπου που μιλάνε. Αυτός ο όρος χρησιμοποιούνταν τον παλιό καιρό για όσους Αγγλοκύπριους δεν μίλαγαν ούτε καλά ελληνικά ούτε καλά αγγλικά και ήταν αμόρφωτοι, επομένως κατ' ουσίαν είναι πολύ προσβλητική λέξη. Κάποιοι με φωνάζουν καλαμαρά αλλά όχι απαξιωτικά ούτε υποτιμητικά. Το κάνουν για πλάκα. Στο κάτω-κάτω της γραφής, ο καθένας μιλάει σύμφωνα με τις δικές του εμπειρίες, και οι ρατσιστές υπάρχουνε παντού. Όπου και να βρίσκεσαι, υπάρχουνε άνθρωποι ειδών και ποιοτήτων. Αυτό είναι πασιφανές.

  • @chaq777
    @chaq777 8 років тому +7

    Very true and this is same in North, the only difference is fewer people is interested in religion in North hence they are less affected by the mosque.
    It is sad to separate asTurkish / Greek Cypriot. I think we are all the same, we just need to wake up and stop living in the past.

  • @monkey_ona_donkey6272
    @monkey_ona_donkey6272 5 років тому +3

    This guy just pissing me off ... i mean ok education and stuff makes us racist but is it true ... you invade an greek speacking island and the turkish were 12% ... no problem by then and then you invade again and we fought back ... sorry for not forgeting my history and sorry if it breaks your feelings but you are unwelcome.. sorry but not sorry

    • @yiasemide
      @yiasemide  5 років тому +13

      Who is the "you" that you are addressing? The man in the video is a refugee of the Turkish invasion. Where in this video does he say the Turkish invasion is OK? Clearly, he doesn't say that. Your wilful misrepresentation is helping no one. You heard what he did say, and you made light of it: "i mean ok education and stuff makes us racist ..." It's one of the root causes of the Cyprus problem and the longstanding division, and you talk as if it's nothing.
      "the turkish were 12% ..." No, they were 18% in 1974. And I suspect you put that line in so that you could pre-empt a challenge regarding the Greek coup of 1974. Language and ethnic heritage don't make an invasion more right or more wrong. We are Cypriots, and this is Cyprus. You talking like Turkish Cypriots have no rights doesn't make it true.
      "sorry for not forgeting my history ..." Regarding the marginalization of our Turkish compatriots for decades before 1974 by extremist Greek Cypriots: that's history too. Lives were destroyed because of nationalist hatreds. People were killed just for being Greek, and just for being Turkish.
      "sorry but not sorry" Someone calls out racism in Cyprus and you take it personally. Why?
      Edited March 22, 2021 to add: Wow. Just wow. You're subscribed to Golden Dawn.

    • @demispano
      @demispano 5 років тому +3

      Monkey_ONa_Donkey for as long as you keep victimizing yourself as the Greek who was just “planted” in this land and everybody else is an invader of yours, as long as you are picky with your history and not realistic, you are always gonna be a hater, a divider, a racist a... and usually people with these mindset are just in their comfort zone because they want to belong to the “powerful” side! If they don’t feel they are controlled by a “powerful “ system they feel like they don’t exist. You just insist to call this place as a Greek island while in the meantime it’s become an Armenian, a Turkish, a Latin, a Maronite, an Arabic, a Russian island etc etc etc... if you wanna dream on and be romantic that’s just your problem, it’s not gonna become these people’s problem! Sorry but sorry