Basically the main sound source with the After Later Audio Pixie(Plaits Clone) that goes into the Zlob Modular F3DB filterbank and into the Microcell(clouds clone). The Aux out on the Pixie also goes to the Zoia Empress where it goes thru more granular processing and also a ping pong delay. Both of those are modulated by an envelope follower in the Zoia and also pitch detection in the Zoia. The first pathway is modulated by an After Later Audio Benjolin and it's optional expanders using gates to trigger and modulated on top of the triangle and pulse outs of the benjolin. The benjolin is also modulating itself. The Microcell is being modulated by the benjolin, chaos apps from an OnC and NLC hyperchaos deluxe and possibly the Intellijel Planar2. I think that's it. Basing this all from memory while at work haha.
Basically the main sound source with the After Later Audio Pixie(Plaits Clone) that goes into the Zlob Modular F3DB filterbank and into the Microcell(clouds clone). The Aux out on the Pixie also goes to the Zoia Empress where it goes thru more granular processing and also a ping pong delay. Both of those are modulated by an envelope follower in the Zoia and also pitch detection in the Zoia. The first pathway is modulated by an After Later Audio Benjolin and it's optional expanders using gates to trigger and modulated on top of the triangle and pulse outs of the benjolin. The benjolin is also modulating itself. The Microcell is being modulated by the benjolin, chaos apps from an OnC and NLC hyperchaos deluxe and possibly the Intellijel Planar2. I think that's it. Basing this all from memory while at work haha.
The Zlob F3db is sending envelopes to a various things in the Pixie and the benjolin is also triggering envelopes, one controls a vca.
Care to tell us what you're doing there?