Solo Red is a lot of fun and you can use an oversight by equipping Peace Bell and using Howling Moon to give him beserk and haste, but then keep control of his actions.
Cloud gets the Yoshiyuki sword at Rocket town. It doubles Clouds power when a party membet is K.O'd. And triples when the two people are k.o'd. Missed opportunity. 😁
Imagine if you do the marching minigame in the remake, you screwing up actually increases ratings because it’s more sporadic and exciting to the populace since Shinra is big bad evil corporation But the reward is still sucky, but everyone watching has more fun. On the flip side, you do the minigame well, but everyone who matters is just very cynical and eye rolling, as they really don’t care But your reward is greater
FF7 is so easy that if EXP was distributed by a "split" mechanic I would argue that solo-Cloud would be easier than running with 3 party members. The game drip feeds you imba equipment throughout the game, so putting all of that on one character makes most fights (even bosses) "hold circle to win" affairs, particularly if that character were getting 3x exp. My favorite abuse is to give RedXIII the father's weapon, Gigas Armlet (more ATK) and berserk ring (more ATK/DEF). Even in disc 1 he'll be doing like 4k damage per hit. It's stupid. Alternatively, you can configure weapons/armor/materia for element/status attack/defense
Fury is not the opposite of Sadness; when you are inflicted with Fury, it means that you miss 30% more often with both standard physical and magical attacks. The damage taken is not affected.
@@stephentrader9142 Yes it does, in that aspect it is the opposite of Sadness and is useful for leveling up Limit Breaks. It definitely does not cause the player to take more damage, though; the amount inflicted remains the same. It is the Limit Fill rate that is directly affected. The same goes for Sadness; while Sadness does reduce the amount of damage taken, that is not the direct reason that the Limit Gauge fills more slowly. The Limit fill rate itself is modified by Sadness
@@dynagamerproductions8249 I never realized Sadness decreased damage taken. That's...oddly potentially useful? I just kept my party in Fury (once I realized what it was) for most of my first (and subsequent) playthroughs because...well...I like Limit Breaks. And LBs don't miss. And I don't miss ENOUGH with standard attacks to make it suck. And you learn bigger and stronger LB's faster using the weaker ones more often. It's pretty much a win-win.
@@SubduedRadical Yeah, Sadness is very useful in certain situations. I would use Sadness for learning Beta from the Midgar Zolom to help survive the attack, along with the Talisman, Elemental + Fire etc. I agree with using Fury to learn the second part of the Limit Break level, but I would tend to stop using Fury once I'd unlocked it (the Limit Break). The thing is, I always used to do the same; keep my characters inflicted with Fury at all times, until I learned that it does actually significantly reduce your accuracy (physical and magical attacks). 30% reduction is a fair amount, but I strangely only started to notice it once I became aware of this affect. the "Once you see it you can't unsee it" effect. Character's Limit Break gauges take longer to fill the higher the Limit Break Level, so I normally stick to Lv2 or Lv3 Limit Breaks; even though they are weaker, I get to use them more often. One thing to note; the Mystile HUGELY improves your physical accuracy, so using Fury on a character with the Mystile will be absolutely fine. This also applies to the few weapons in the game that have a Hit% of 255 (one for Vincent and two for Tifa iirc).
I gotta say I was a liiiittle iffy about coming into this video because it was 34 mins long but man I'm glad I did. You're so entertaining! I watched the entire video in one go and laughed quite a bit. Subscribed all all that good stuff, now I'm gonna go watch the IX and X solo hero videos.
I want to give credit where credit is due. I applaud the fact that you stuck with saying their renamed-names (Magikarp, Alive, etc) for so long without any issue. I expected you to give up within a few minutes but damn. LOL
Thanks! Let’s trade! Your next one can be in a dirty American accent. I do fear that psychically, though, such an artistic choice will cause MASSIVE DAMAGE.
@@veghesther3204 Its a monster weapon on solo playthrough, it boosts clouds attack by 3 or 4 times when 2 other party members are down. Thats the gimmick of the weapon. I hope this clarifies why i mentioned it
I briefly caught this challenge stream, and I waited all this time just to chuckle to the party members (not friends!) names 🤭 Amazing challenge as always, and I'm looking forward to the cotton candy tadpole one 💕 (Also, I love that you started streaming some challenges and uploading the vods, best all-nighter/cooking/gaming/shiny hunting company ever!)
Um excuse me, Tantacles, I _did_ warn you that Lost Number was going to wreck you. I didn't specify how, but you most certainly were not surprised by it.
Great run! I can think of a few ways it would have been easier though. Picking up the big guard enemy skill which casts barrier, mbarrier, and haste all in one turn would have made this run a lot easier. Also in rocket town you can grab the Yoshiyuki weapon for cloud that boosts his damage for every dead ally would have also made the temple of the ancients up until Clouds comatose much easier too. Love these videos, can't wait to see what's next!
@@veghesther3204 1. Sprint shoes vs ribbon, ribbon wins 2. Oh, goodluck getting KoTR in disc 1 3. Red's a limit break, big guard you can cast as long as you have the MP. not to mention you favored this limit than the strongest ones after this. dude, get a life. you don't make sense.
Sephiroth cannot control anyone with Jenova cells in them. Only Jenova can. They just happen to be more or less working together, though the exact details of their internal dynamic are unknown.
One thing I've wondered for a while is if Sephiroth is working with Jenova or if he's actually controlled by her/it. Keep in mind he was basically infected with it as a fetus, and if Jenova has mind control powers, she could control him for his entire life. For all we know, she always HAS done so. While that's not clear and PROBABLY not true (he was, by all accounts, a good soldier until his mental breakdown, where first was in abject rage before moving on into liking the whole thing - seems odd that Jenova would mind control Sephiroth to fake a mental break down and all the steps and stages of it). I remember reading a theory someone had once that the Sephiroth you fight (all interactions with him, in fact) after his death by Zack and Cloud's hands in Nibelheim was a Jenova mind-controlled puppet. But I really don't know. And then we have Remake's Sephiroth, who seems to be Sephiroth AFTER Advent Children, as if his soul went back in time to try to change things somehow where he wants (or needs) Cloud's help. This is kind of supported by Aerith also seemingly knowing events that haven't happened, even while seeing them and the timeline change. I think it's probably more correct to see that Sephrioth was a "perfect bonding" with Jenova cells like the T-Virus perfectly bonding with the one Human lady (was it Jill or...?) such that, for all intents and purposes, they're basically one entity at that point in some ways. That is, it's likely Sephiroth has access to all of Jenova's powers through her somehow.
@@SubduedRadical I'll just poke 2 holes in this real fast. 1. If she was controlling him there'd be no need for him to be in the Nibel Mansion basement reading up on the Ancients nor would that information make him so angry. 2. If she controlled him it would've ended when you killed her before getting to him.
@@chozengaming8547 1. That was my point about "faking a mental breakdown". :) 2. This one not really. Jenova is basically indestructible. Every time we kill a Jenova, it doesn't die. It breaks apart into cells. Jenova cells are the Black Materia. Recall when we beat the Jenova at the Northern Crater (the first time you go there when you find Sephiroth's true body in the crystal), when you beat that Jenova, you "Received the Black Materia" when Cloud and the party decide/realize that the Black Materia is just coalesced Jenova cells. As Hojo proved with the Reunion theory (though only Cloud made it), when Jenova is destroyed, it doesn't die. She breaks up into parts that scatter, but then are drawn back to each other like magnets. Apparently, the fragmented bits will possess hosts and stuff just to bring them back (like that one parasite that grows in cat bowels, comes out in their poop, then has to get back into cats to breed, so if it infects mice, it will rewire their brains to be less fearful and even like the smell of cats and cat urine so it will more likely be eaten by a cat; or the "zombie ant" parasites). So it's possible they possess animals (or even people) to try and journey back to the largest extant collection of Jenova cells that are on the planet. If we beat that, what's more likely is that those cells, too, spread, and whatever is currently the largest collection (unironically, that may be Cloud, who knows?) they will be drawn to over time, attempting to recombine again and again. And in addition to mind control, Jenova had powers of mimicry, able to take on forms, voices, and even personalities of people. That's how she infiltrated the Ancients' communities, posing as one of their people to worm her way into their various cities and communities. Even the Ancients didn't kill Jenova. They sealed her, possibly because they realized this. So this SPECIFIC point I don't think actually is a valid counter. Especially since Sephiroty, after we killed Jenova, would LIKELY have been the most concentrated Jenova cell cluster on the planet, and where her consciousness could have transferred to. ...which is altogether creepy to think about. Cat/ant parasites + Lavos + shapeshifting + effective immortality. Jenova is a menace, lol
The whole Jenova+Sephiroth thing is kinda vague in the OG. I personally believe it is more like synthesis thing where Sephiroth is frontal picture and mouthpiece also carrying the "license" to Jenova's powers. Jenova is eldrich space-parasite which just takes forms of people imitating the loved ones of its prey but doesn't really have any deeper spiritual aspects in it, just base insticts. After Ancients beat it, it was left stagnant and unable to do much. Sephiroth with his power somewhat kickstarted new planet-contamination routine where Sephiroth's human desires mixtured with Jenova's primitive desires. Before Cloud throwing Sephy down, Sephy was still somewhat human, perhaps Jenova doing some small nudging behind his brain. When Sephiroth fell into lifestream, Jenova cells gained once again access to lifestream and were able to continue their shenaningas. In the end it doesn't really matter which one is in control cause their goals are aligned. Even if Sephy still controls Jenova, his goal is still to spread his "mother's" influence over everything. Something which would fit for Jenova anyway.
Haven't watched the video yet, but its a question I can answer very easily: Yes, you can. I know because I've done it before (as I'm sure many others have too), and its surprisingly easy. Not just because FF7 isn't particularly hard, but also because Cloud's stats are all high with no weaknesses, he's good with both physical attacks and magic, and his Limits are all powerful. This only goes for the main game though. Haven't tried to beat the optional bosses (Emerald and Ruby Weapon) with only one character. I imagine its possible, but considerably hard.
So you’re (mostly) right. But as always, these challenges aren’t really meant to be the hardest possible. Just an interesting new way to play the game that tricks people into watching a retrospective they otherwise might click away from. Oh shit, the secret’s out
@@tantacles Ah, I wasn't trying to imply the question or the video were pointless. Sorry if it seemed that way. I only mentioned my experience because its one I could answer myself since its a game I'm very familiar with, which isn't always the case.
@@jackjacques7495 Actually, as long as you don't shy away from your feathery friends and get the Mime materia, solo Cloud runs are a walk in the park abusing the Counter-Mime Omnislash. *Edit: I meant the Weapon fights.
@@veghesther3204 well, yea, but the animation is soooo long it takes ages. I always took the time to morph triceratop tanks in Gongaga reactor for strength sources and luck sources in somewhere I don't remember anyways, so all my Cloud's hits were 9999. 😁 Except with Ruby, but there I just Counter-Mimed Hero Drinks first and then let hell loose.
You can get all Chocobo types without racing. It is very specific breeding, nuts, and greens but easily doable and much faster than racing. Also, I get Cloud's 3rd Limit Break before I get to the Mek Scorpion. It definitely helps throughout the whole run!
So, uh, you can actually put characters on the back row, which reduces the damage they take from attacks, except for when you're ambushed or stuck in a pincer attack. I don't know how to do it in battle, but outside of battle, you can do it by just selecting the character on the menu, which will shift the character portrait to the right a bit. Selecting them again will put them back on the front row, and shift their portrait to the left.
Yup, found this out. If you get caught by the snake, you can beat it in battle, but it still boots you back out of the sand into the grass. The only way to do it is walk at kind of a diagonal angle since somehow that's slightly faster. Found this out when I did a no-Materia run once. (Chocobo Lure being a Materia, I had to go through the game without even it.)
wow, i never knew that about the carry armor grab odds...every time i've ever done a solo run, i just had to destroy the arms as fast as possible and hope i didn't get grabbed before they went down
Fun fact, it is possible to outpace the midgar serpent without a chocobo, at least on speed up on the ps4 version. Back in 2020 when I played it for the first time after playing remake, I didn’t put 2 and 2 together to go ride a chocobo to outpace the serpent. I thought I was just getting unlucky when I tried running across. It’s pretty rng based, but if you hug the right wall and get lucky with the speed up, you can make it over albeit with your cheeks clenched
Chat didn't tell you about the Yoshiyuki? You can get it as soon as you arrive at Rocket Town. 56 attack, two unlinked slots, bonus damage if you have dead party members. Basically tailor made for a Cloud solo run.
In continuation for a skies of arcadia legends run with only vise I mention before that most of the ships you get are not vise's (the first is his father's, the second dragma, the third your other team member and finally the delphinus) now for the last one you think is vise since Enrique says that vise is the new capitán of the delphinus but being a captain those not mean you own a boat like being a truck driver you control the truck but your a not the owner and the other thing is that the flag you can give the ship (that includes the boat at the end of the game) can be either vise, aika or fina and if we go by pírate code the owner of the flag is the owner of the ship
I'm commenting at the 21 second mark right now, my prediction is that Cloud is able to absolutely decimate MOST of the game solo, but I think he will have hiccups at certain points, especially when it comes to staying healed.... let's find out!
@@veghesther3204 I know, I'm saying I forgot they flagged you as dead, so it would be harder in the early game, as those are 2/3 that do that, the last being THE CLAW xD
This video got you a new subscriber. It looks like the UA-cam algorithm is on your side with videos, so I hope to see your channel grow! Best ofl uck to you.
Reminding me of Heidi leaving AS8 was cruel and unusual punishment. She’s such a sweetheart, my favorite conversation I had with a queen at DragCon was with her.
I'd suggest "Chrono Trigger with only Crono," but having played it for almost 30 years myself and beaten it numerous times the true fun of that game is the combo system.
@@tantacles I love CT and it's a great game, I'm just worried that using only one character throughout a game that has a battle system built to promote creative dual- and triple-tech use is gonna be...uninteresting? Not fun? I've only personally ever done one solo run of it myself, and that was the single time I beat Lavos on New Game Plus with only Crono at the Telepod before going to 600 AD the first time at the beginning of the game to get the Developer's Room ending. I didn't feel satisfied at all, especially since I just spent hours before experiencing the game with a full party and using combos. On subsequent playthroughs (especially the PSX version) I would just beat Lavos at the unwinnable Ocean Palace battle with an OP party during a NG+ playthrough whenever I wanted the Dev Room ending instead.
@@veghesther3204 Then it'll be his choice how much he wants to power level after Ocean Palace before finishing Death's Peak for the video. The Blackbird portion at least should be fine with Ayla in the party even if the rest of the party's a bit underpowered for most of it, and getting Magus right after should carry most of the rest of the Crono-less section.
In 1998,my friend asked for help with some end game boss in the 3rd cd.. i whent to the menu to see his gear and you should see his face when i swaped items 😂 the guy was playing with starting gear,barely touched the materias 😂 the guy was the father of chalenge runs without knowing it. I remember he had the party almost max lv. 😅
Your limit break fills faster because you take more damage. Limit break fills based on the level of limit break and damage to max health ratio. Low health and high damage taken will fill your limit break quickly.
I heard sephiroth likes mudkipz
Corrections: fury (anger) status does NOT increase damage taken. It decreases accuracy.
I heard he also pernounces jenova differently as well
Wow, someone watched Lueroi
@@Blighted_Ashesi have never heard lueroi yet i have heard this "i heard you like mudkip" meme several times. Can i get context?
Solo Red is a lot of fun and you can use an oversight by equipping Peace Bell and using Howling Moon to give him beserk and haste, but then keep control of his actions.
Or is it ozempic
"She's so full of life" You made my entire month
She only gets a week, though.
heh, not even...@@tantacles
Cloud gets the Yoshiyuki sword at Rocket town. It doubles Clouds power when a party membet is K.O'd. And triples when the two people are k.o'd.
Missed opportunity. 😁
Definitely a missed opportunity. But hey, more suffering is good for the channel. XD
Ohhh snap.
Yeah this would be the perfect run for that sword
@@sir.raphimrevelator8644 i did It that way 🤣
@@tantacles i didnt know you like that 🥹🤣🤣🤣
4-8production did a run of FF7 with Solo Cloud, but with the necrosis mod... NO healing EVER! it was madness
Wasn't expecting the skillshare bait and switch. Top tier sponsor! Lol
Free book for the first 1,000 people to reply to this comment.
Spoiler: it’s Colleen ballinger’s pirated ebook
@@tantacleshahahahaha😂 honestly so sadge that she’s being so weird about it. I enjoyed her when she got started
Short answer: No.... As "Spoiler" he goes into a coma
The ad read fake-outs got me good lmao
Imagine if you do the marching minigame in the remake, you screwing up actually increases ratings because it’s more sporadic and exciting to the populace since Shinra is big bad evil corporation
But the reward is still sucky, but everyone watching has more fun.
On the flip side, you do the minigame well, but everyone who matters is just very cynical and eye rolling, as they really don’t care
But your reward is greater
FF7 is so easy that if EXP was distributed by a "split" mechanic I would argue that solo-Cloud would be easier than running with 3 party members.
The game drip feeds you imba equipment throughout the game, so putting all of that on one character makes most fights (even bosses) "hold circle to win" affairs, particularly if that character were getting 3x exp.
My favorite abuse is to give RedXIII the father's weapon, Gigas Armlet (more ATK) and berserk ring (more ATK/DEF). Even in disc 1 he'll be doing like 4k damage per hit. It's stupid.
Alternatively, you can configure weapons/armor/materia for element/status attack/defense
Fury is not the opposite of Sadness; when you are inflicted with Fury, it means that you miss 30% more often with both standard physical and magical attacks. The damage taken is not affected.
Thank you!
Limit guage fills up faster in fury though
@@stephentrader9142 Yes it does, in that aspect it is the opposite of Sadness and is useful for leveling up Limit Breaks.
It definitely does not cause the player to take more damage, though; the amount inflicted remains the same. It is the Limit Fill rate that is directly affected.
The same goes for Sadness; while Sadness does reduce the amount of damage taken, that is not the direct reason that the Limit Gauge fills more slowly. The Limit fill rate itself is modified by Sadness
@@dynagamerproductions8249 I never realized Sadness decreased damage taken. That's...oddly potentially useful?
I just kept my party in Fury (once I realized what it was) for most of my first (and subsequent) playthroughs because...well...I like Limit Breaks. And LBs don't miss. And I don't miss ENOUGH with standard attacks to make it suck. And you learn bigger and stronger LB's faster using the weaker ones more often. It's pretty much a win-win.
@@SubduedRadical Yeah, Sadness is very useful in certain situations. I would use Sadness for learning Beta from the Midgar Zolom to help survive the attack, along with the Talisman, Elemental + Fire etc.
I agree with using Fury to learn the second part of the Limit Break level, but I would tend to stop using Fury once I'd unlocked it (the Limit Break). The thing is, I always used to do the same; keep my characters inflicted with Fury at all times, until I learned that it does actually significantly reduce your accuracy (physical and magical attacks). 30% reduction is a fair amount, but I strangely only started to notice it once I became aware of this affect. the "Once you see it you can't unsee it" effect.
Character's Limit Break gauges take longer to fill the higher the Limit Break Level, so I normally stick to Lv2 or Lv3 Limit Breaks; even though they are weaker, I get to use them more often.
One thing to note; the Mystile HUGELY improves your physical accuracy, so using Fury on a character with the Mystile will be absolutely fine. This also applies to the few weapons in the game that have a Hit% of 255 (one for Vincent and two for Tifa iirc).
I gotta say I was a liiiittle iffy about coming into this video because it was 34 mins long but man I'm glad I did. You're so entertaining! I watched the entire video in one go and laughed quite a bit. Subscribed all all that good stuff, now I'm gonna go watch the IX and X solo hero videos.
Don’t miss the 8 one either. It’s a lot of fun.
BACKFLIP!? Cloud clearly did a mctwist off the train. Alluding to the snowboarding part later
A McFlurry off the train
I want to give credit where credit is due. I applaud the fact that you stuck with saying their renamed-names (Magikarp, Alive, etc) for so long without any issue. I expected you to give up within a few minutes but damn. LOL
Well, all I can say is I hope you play dead or alive.
11:36 completely caught me off guard. Well done
I don’t even remember what I did anymore
It was your ad drop during the cpr spot of game.
OHHHHHHHH That was fun. 😜
21:33 "Alive is dead" 🤣
I love your channel so much
Worked really hard for that one, MY STREAM WAS NOT INVOLVED
You made me laugh a few times 😆 Your runs and your commentary are amazing 😁
Thank you!
My body was not ready for the Heidi N Closet departure meme! Keep up the amazing work Tantacles… Your suffering is sustaining us all 🤣
I love her and I miss her.
I was genuinely saying "oh,man, I don't want to hear a Skillshare ad," then busted up, you got me good😂
Love it!!
Next challenge: a full video using your fabulous posh British accent at 00:00! :)
Thanks! Let’s trade! Your next one can be in a dirty American accent.
I do fear that psychically, though, such an artistic choice will cause MASSIVE DAMAGE.
Yoshiyuki would have saved you a lot of trouble from rocket town onwards. Still you did it and its all that matters
I’m the winner. And we’re going to state.
Did someone say triple damage? :O definitely a highlight of a solo cloud run.
@@veghesther3204 Its a monster weapon on solo playthrough, it boosts clouds attack by 3 or 4 times when 2 other party members are down. Thats the gimmick of the weapon. I hope this clarifies why i mentioned it
@@veghesther3204 hahaha it's been a decade and the Veghesther meme is still going.
Jokingly avoiding spoiling FF7 by spoiling TotK. Epic.
Wait, Ded is Alive, Ellone is Ded, Ellone is not alone... The script in Reno's fight got me 😵
"that's rights, no Knights of the round"
*VeghEsther will remember that
I briefly caught this challenge stream, and I waited all this time just to chuckle to the party members (not friends!) names 🤭 Amazing challenge as always, and I'm looking forward to the cotton candy tadpole one 💕 (Also, I love that you started streaming some challenges and uploading the vods, best all-nighter/cooking/gaming/shiny hunting company ever!)
Come hang in the next one this wednesday!
"party members"? Are you sure they're not just pack mules to carry Cloud's excess inventory for him?
Instead of spoiling a well seen, overly talked about scene from 26 years ago you choose to spoil a two month old scene? What? Rip those that care.
I only see sephiroth, Cloud, and Aerith. iono wutchu tock aboot
Not like TOTK has a good plot
I won’t express my opinion but I will say this. 🍿🍿🍿
Every Zelda game is basically the same it’s fine lmfao
@@Galexiieso because someone played multiple Zelda games they know what happens in every other one? Be serious
Sephiroth: *Is about to kill Aerith*
Aerith, and the entire party: 💀
Cloud: Sup.
Um excuse me, Tantacles, I _did_ warn you that Lost Number was going to wreck you. I didn't specify how, but you most certainly were not surprised by it.
I feel very attacked
That Skillshare bait was amazing 🤣
The Jennifer Project
I love Casp's items only runs, I found both of your channels like days apart from Legend of Dragoon videos
I’m crying laughing at The names… Tifa being Magikarp and Aerith is Alive. 😂😂
And the fact that he actually named Cait Sith "Keanu"...
Great run! I can think of a few ways it would have been easier though. Picking up the big guard enemy skill which casts barrier, mbarrier, and haste all in one turn would have made this run a lot easier.
Also in rocket town you can grab the Yoshiyuki weapon for cloud that boosts his damage for every dead ally would have also made the temple of the ancients up until Clouds comatose much easier too.
Love these videos, can't wait to see what's next!
@@veghesther3204 what do you mean? the most imprtant buff from it is the haste-all. it doesn't suck
1. Sprint shoes vs ribbon, ribbon wins
2. Oh, goodluck getting KoTR in disc 1
3. Red's a limit break, big guard you can cast as long as you have the MP. not to mention you favored this limit than the strongest ones after this.
dude, get a life. you don't make sense.
@@veghesther3204he stated in his solo run that other characters and summons aren’t allowed. Big guard would have helped a lot.
The joke at 11:40 got me LMAO, you earned yourself a sub
Keep up the good work! ❤
Thank you for all of your hard work!😊
Thst was really entertaining, subbed
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!
Was really fun watching the stream!
Sephiroth cannot control anyone with Jenova cells in them. Only Jenova can. They just happen to be more or less working together, though the exact details of their internal dynamic are unknown.
Pretty sure Sephiroth can control Jenova cells because he spent time in the lifestream and gained the necessary knowledge to control Jenova
One thing I've wondered for a while is if Sephiroth is working with Jenova or if he's actually controlled by her/it. Keep in mind he was basically infected with it as a fetus, and if Jenova has mind control powers, she could control him for his entire life. For all we know, she always HAS done so. While that's not clear and PROBABLY not true (he was, by all accounts, a good soldier until his mental breakdown, where first was in abject rage before moving on into liking the whole thing - seems odd that Jenova would mind control Sephiroth to fake a mental break down and all the steps and stages of it).
I remember reading a theory someone had once that the Sephiroth you fight (all interactions with him, in fact) after his death by Zack and Cloud's hands in Nibelheim was a Jenova mind-controlled puppet. But I really don't know.
And then we have Remake's Sephiroth, who seems to be Sephiroth AFTER Advent Children, as if his soul went back in time to try to change things somehow where he wants (or needs) Cloud's help. This is kind of supported by Aerith also seemingly knowing events that haven't happened, even while seeing them and the timeline change.
I think it's probably more correct to see that Sephrioth was a "perfect bonding" with Jenova cells like the T-Virus perfectly bonding with the one Human lady (was it Jill or...?) such that, for all intents and purposes, they're basically one entity at that point in some ways. That is, it's likely Sephiroth has access to all of Jenova's powers through her somehow.
@@SubduedRadical I'll just poke 2 holes in this real fast.
1. If she was controlling him there'd be no need for him to be in the Nibel Mansion basement reading up on the Ancients nor would that information make him so angry.
2. If she controlled him it would've ended when you killed her before getting to him.
1. That was my point about "faking a mental breakdown". :)
2. This one not really. Jenova is basically indestructible. Every time we kill a Jenova, it doesn't die. It breaks apart into cells. Jenova cells are the Black Materia. Recall when we beat the Jenova at the Northern Crater (the first time you go there when you find Sephiroth's true body in the crystal), when you beat that Jenova, you "Received the Black Materia" when Cloud and the party decide/realize that the Black Materia is just coalesced Jenova cells.
As Hojo proved with the Reunion theory (though only Cloud made it), when Jenova is destroyed, it doesn't die. She breaks up into parts that scatter, but then are drawn back to each other like magnets. Apparently, the fragmented bits will possess hosts and stuff just to bring them back (like that one parasite that grows in cat bowels, comes out in their poop, then has to get back into cats to breed, so if it infects mice, it will rewire their brains to be less fearful and even like the smell of cats and cat urine so it will more likely be eaten by a cat; or the "zombie ant" parasites). So it's possible they possess animals (or even people) to try and journey back to the largest extant collection of Jenova cells that are on the planet.
If we beat that, what's more likely is that those cells, too, spread, and whatever is currently the largest collection (unironically, that may be Cloud, who knows?) they will be drawn to over time, attempting to recombine again and again.
And in addition to mind control, Jenova had powers of mimicry, able to take on forms, voices, and even personalities of people. That's how she infiltrated the Ancients' communities, posing as one of their people to worm her way into their various cities and communities.
Even the Ancients didn't kill Jenova. They sealed her, possibly because they realized this.
So this SPECIFIC point I don't think actually is a valid counter. Especially since Sephiroty, after we killed Jenova, would LIKELY have been the most concentrated Jenova cell cluster on the planet, and where her consciousness could have transferred to.
...which is altogether creepy to think about. Cat/ant parasites + Lavos + shapeshifting + effective immortality. Jenova is a menace, lol
The whole Jenova+Sephiroth thing is kinda vague in the OG. I personally believe it is more like synthesis thing where Sephiroth is frontal picture and mouthpiece also carrying the "license" to Jenova's powers. Jenova is eldrich space-parasite which just takes forms of people imitating the loved ones of its prey but doesn't really have any deeper spiritual aspects in it, just base insticts. After Ancients beat it, it was left stagnant and unable to do much. Sephiroth with his power somewhat kickstarted new planet-contamination routine where Sephiroth's human desires mixtured with Jenova's primitive desires. Before Cloud throwing Sephy down, Sephy was still somewhat human, perhaps Jenova doing some small nudging behind his brain. When Sephiroth fell into lifestream, Jenova cells gained once again access to lifestream and were able to continue their shenaningas.
In the end it doesn't really matter which one is in control cause their goals are aligned. Even if Sephy still controls Jenova, his goal is still to spread his "mother's" influence over everything. Something which would fit for Jenova anyway.
The answer is yes! Now let's see a real challenge. Not a single player has ever beaten the game with only Aerith.
Your channel keeps getting better. Love these longer type vids!! Plus, your comedy is awesome🤣🤣💯
Thank you!
All the in-ur-end-os?
@@Forgelock3d 🤣🤣
Haven't watched the video yet, but its a question I can answer very easily: Yes, you can.
I know because I've done it before (as I'm sure many others have too), and its surprisingly easy. Not just because FF7 isn't particularly hard, but also because Cloud's stats are all high with no weaknesses, he's good with both physical attacks and magic, and his Limits are all powerful.
This only goes for the main game though. Haven't tried to beat the optional bosses (Emerald and Ruby Weapon) with only one character. I imagine its possible, but considerably hard.
So you’re (mostly) right.
But as always, these challenges aren’t really meant to be the hardest possible. Just an interesting new way to play the game that tricks people into watching a retrospective they otherwise might click away from.
Oh shit, the secret’s out
@@tantacles Ah, I wasn't trying to imply the question or the video were pointless. Sorry if it seemed that way. I only mentioned my experience because its one I could answer myself since its a game I'm very familiar with, which isn't always the case.
Maybe I’m slightly oversensitive lately! 🥸
@@jackjacques7495 Actually, as long as you don't shy away from your feathery friends and get the Mime materia, solo Cloud runs are a walk in the park abusing the Counter-Mime Omnislash.
*Edit: I meant the Weapon fights.
@@veghesther3204 well, yea, but the animation is soooo long it takes ages. I always took the time to morph triceratop tanks in Gongaga reactor for strength sources and luck sources in somewhere I don't remember anyways, so all my Cloud's hits were 9999. 😁
Except with Ruby, but there I just Counter-Mimed Hero Drinks first and then let hell loose.
I loved the names, always a great moment when you looking at the names for the few games you can name all characters
I also just realized after checking twice you never got yuffie, lol
I love how he always referred to them by there joke names 😂
Those are the real names how dare you
oh man that mystic quest music hits hard in the nostalgia.
Cloud's friends are chilling around the background.
And one wing angel as same.
The ff6 battle music during the first fight of the run really threw me off 🤣
You almost got me with the sponsor fake out! Well done ;)
Edit: the first one 😂
Second one was too obvious? 😇😇
Dude, my I love the FF7R Rufus fight.
Yeah. It's actually challenging, especially on hard difficulty
You can get all Chocobo types without racing. It is very specific breeding, nuts, and greens but easily doable and much faster than racing. Also, I get Cloud's 3rd Limit Break before I get to the Mek Scorpion. It definitely helps throughout the whole run!
Well at least at the end of disk 1, wont have to worry about Aerith being alive in party anymore.........*Cries*
*knows fully well in the story that this isn't possible*
So, uh, you can actually put characters on the back row, which reduces the damage they take from attacks, except for when you're ambushed or stuck in a pincer attack. I don't know how to do it in battle, but outside of battle, you can do it by just selecting the character on the menu, which will shift the character portrait to the right a bit. Selecting them again will put them back on the front row, and shift their portrait to the left.
I like how you take the piss out of these commercials many youtubers do in the middle of the video
JSYK, chocobos eat longer if you feed them cheaper greens. It's backwards
Lesson learned.
Makes sense though (not in rpg but real life). If something's really good, you tend to eat it much faster!
@@QuintBlitzor higher end meals have smaller portions
I've noticed curiel greens last ages. I think it's just the mimett greens that are bugged.
"...a couple shots of tequila and some hateful expletives" 🤣
Good video, you can also get trough the midgar swamp without a chocobo and without trigger the midgar snake 😊
Yup, found this out.
If you get caught by the snake, you can beat it in battle, but it still boots you back out of the sand into the grass. The only way to do it is walk at kind of a diagonal angle since somehow that's slightly faster.
Found this out when I did a no-Materia run once. (Chocobo Lure being a Materia, I had to go through the game without even it.)
Ah yes, the Jenna-Va project. The word that definitely doesn't have an O in it anywhere.
I misheard Jenova as Jennifer and it made me so happy :)
Loving your videos as always do. ❤
"Just because you ride someone, doesn't mean they're your friend."
So true.
wow, i never knew that about the carry armor grab odds...every time i've ever done a solo run, i just had to destroy the arms as fast as possible and hope i didn't get grabbed before they went down
Hyper status (not anger) does not increase damage taken. It significantly lowers accuracy, while increasing limit break. Just an FYI
Edit, fury status... hyper is the item to inflict it. My mistake
Man you deserved more subs for that work
Thank you.
Fun fact, it is possible to outpace the midgar serpent without a chocobo, at least on speed up on the ps4 version. Back in 2020 when I played it for the first time after playing remake, I didn’t put 2 and 2 together to go ride a chocobo to outpace the serpent. I thought I was just getting unlucky when I tried running across. It’s pretty rng based, but if you hug the right wall and get lucky with the speed up, you can make it over albeit with your cheeks clenched
this was a strategy with original ff7 as well. you just gotta time it and hug a certain part of the mountain and you gucci.
Chat didn't tell you about the Yoshiyuki? You can get it as soon as you arrive at Rocket Town. 56 attack, two unlinked slots, bonus damage if you have dead party members. Basically tailor made for a Cloud solo run.
Chat is only there to troll me. And since I don’t use guides for these runs unless completely stuck, I didn’t stand a chance!
I thought that was the wutai weapon
I love your comedic injection edits.
Thank you! I learned about that technique from the free clinic.
I forgot Sephiroth T-Posing over Alive's corpse like a fookin boss!!
very good video
Watched this to see how far i am in the game. thankfully its almost over. This game starts to drag on after a while
That’s kind of true. 😅
And also thank you!
In continuation for a skies of arcadia legends run with only vise I mention before that most of the ships you get are not vise's (the first is his father's, the second dragma, the third your other team member and finally the delphinus) now for the last one you think is vise since Enrique says that vise is the new capitán of the delphinus but being a captain those not mean you own a boat like being a truck driver you control the truck but your a not the owner and the other thing is that the flag you can give the ship (that includes the boat at the end of the game) can be either vise, aika or fina and if we go by pírate code the owner of the flag is the owner of the ship
Double comment for skies of Arcadia is based please delete neither
I'm commenting at the 21 second mark right now, my prediction is that Cloud is able to absolutely decimate MOST of the game solo, but I think he will have hiccups at certain points, especially when it comes to staying healed.... let's find out!
I think I was close, I forgot about the Flagged as DEAD abilities that don't actually KILL the character, like Renos Pyramid and THE CLAW! xD
I think Cloud can do most of the game solo, but I can think of a few spots he'd utterly fail by story restriction.
@@veghesther3204 I know, I'm saying I forgot they flagged you as dead, so it would be harder in the early game, as those are 2/3 that do that, the last being THE CLAW xD
Finally another one!
RIP run at Goldsaucer, I reject your rule that he is unavailable. Combat Carl never gives up, Combat Carl finds a way
Ok that’s not the worst part of this run. The worst part is that I didn’t go on the date with Barrett. 😭😭😭
@@tantacles Hersey!!!
Great video Jake
Thank you!
These are so fun! Great work
Thank you!
There's a joke about the black side character dying immediately, but I think I'm going to hell if I think about it any longer
This video got you a new subscriber. It looks like the UA-cam algorithm is on your side with videos, so I hope to see your channel grow! Best ofl uck to you.
Thank you!
I was wondering what jokes you'd put in here. Just buy the cargo ship. You know you want it.
20:58 the teacher when you don't do your homework:
You know what'd be cool. FF3 with only onion knights
I think that's the best Aerith death seen.
Legend of aerith: skyward cloud
What? Alive dies? What a twist!
Reminding me of Heidi leaving AS8 was cruel and unusual punishment. She’s such a sweetheart, my favorite conversation I had with a queen at DragCon was with her.
I love her.
you should try a run with red only , once you give him ribbon one of his limits breaks and can be stacked 3 times to increase his damage
Best way to begin a Saturday ❤
I usually bake a cake but this works too.
That was funny. Great video.
Ah yes the Jennova region - what pokemon will be found here
I challenged myself using only buster sword only start til end. It was tough. Casual play tho.
Was there some kind of debate about the pronunciation with Midgar that I missed?
It's spoken in every FFVII based media with spoken script.
After FF7, I began a tradition of naming every main girl in FF parties "Aerith" hoping she'd survive a game for once
I'd suggest "Chrono Trigger with only Crono," but having played it for almost 30 years myself and beaten it numerous times the true fun of that game is the combo system.
I’m gonna do that one eventually. Guaranteed.
@@tantacles I love CT and it's a great game, I'm just worried that using only one character throughout a game that has a battle system built to promote creative dual- and triple-tech use is gonna be...uninteresting? Not fun? I've only personally ever done one solo run of it myself, and that was the single time I beat Lavos on New Game Plus with only Crono at the Telepod before going to 600 AD the first time at the beginning of the game to get the Developer's Room ending. I didn't feel satisfied at all, especially since I just spent hours before experiencing the game with a full party and using combos. On subsequent playthroughs (especially the PSX version) I would just beat Lavos at the unwinnable Ocean Palace battle with an OP party during a NG+ playthrough whenever I wanted the Dev Room ending instead.
I promise ill make the video as fun as this one.
Many of the battles in this game were boring, and you only saw 5 seconds of them.
@@veghesther3204 Did you not watch this FF7 video? He has rules for the times when the game forces the character in question to be absent.
@@veghesther3204 Then it'll be his choice how much he wants to power level after Ocean Palace before finishing Death's Peak for the video. The Blackbird portion at least should be fine with Ayla in the party even if the rest of the party's a bit underpowered for most of it, and getting Magus right after should carry most of the rest of the Crono-less section.
I have never once loved the incorrect pronunciation of a name as much as I loved Buggin-Huggin
"Midgar is pronounced *how everyone has been saying it for 20 years*" but hey bro you almost pronounced genova correctly
Jean novai, the newest X-men
Next run is stealth only pacifist
This is the pun that made me lose it. 😂😂😂😂
In 1998,my friend asked for help with some end game boss in the 3rd cd.. i whent to the menu to see his gear and you should see his face when i swaped items 😂 the guy was playing with starting gear,barely touched the materias 😂 the guy was the father of chalenge runs without knowing it. I remember he had the party almost max lv. 😅
Fury doesn't increase your damage taken, it makes you miss more.
Thank you! I added that correction to the pinned comment.
Your limit break fills faster because you take more damage. Limit break fills based on the level of limit break and damage to max health ratio. Low health and high damage taken will fill your limit break quickly.
@@veghesther3204 good ol ' Veghbot. Still haven't changed after all these years. Some of us on GameFAQS miss you, buddy.
@@supernova743 youre wrong
The Nibelheim safe boss can be cheesed by poisoning it which ensures it never goes into phase 2.
Using this tomorrow…
@@tantacles Just don't hit it or do any other damage that would bring it on to phase 2.
Just semantics but….
“Cloud cannot take any actions until they ARE dead.”
30 seconds later.
Cloud attacks Barret.
@@tantacles lol, had to do it
I don't what you're talking about. Barret is Ded. Ellone can act. Ded is not Alive.
Who’s on first?
This is amazing, thank you
Love the Final Fantasy Series ❤
20:57 unusual, but pretty words 😭
HURT #fujin
Ap's does more damage to himself because its considered a back attack gaining additional damage.
I usually grind to a high level (27+) at the ghost trainyard before fighting Reno and it makes the entire game a lot easier.