My boss and I have scrapped before. I had youth on my side. Now I'm 37. He's 46. We have been working together for 11 years. You CAN win. You just still lose.
Beating FF3's "unwinnable" Bahamut battle is worse than pointless. It actually PUNISHES you, as he won't show up in his lair later on. That means you can't get his summon spell for free, and you have to make it to the hidden magic shop in Eureka to buy it there.
When I played the PC version of FFVIII, my disc 1 was scratched and would always freeze up during the cutscene where Quistis guns down the X-ATM092. So I dedicated myself to beating it, by playing a lot of triple triad in the early game to junction Tornado (from Abyss worm cards) to Squall's Strength and Thundaga (from Blitz cards) to elemental attack. This allowed Squall to deal thousands of damage with each hit and quickly deplete the boss's HP multiple times in one fight. It was only later that I found out I could have also avoided the Quistis cutscene by hiding in cafe, but at least I had an overpowered Squall for the rest of the disk!
You could also be super OP before even beating Ifrit by grinding to draw magic from all outside enemies to 100. Then after junctioning to raise stats go and grind the T-Rex for a bit.
Slight offtopic, but when I was a kid my older brother and I rented the PSX version of FF VIII and this exact problem happened at the start of disc 2, when the prison started to rise. There was no way to skip that cutscene that we knew of... We had to wait until we could buy an original copy.
@@ppmguire It's way faster and more efficient to just Refine cards, drawing spells from enemies it's more of a clutch than the main method, FF VIII would probably have a better reputation if they pushed the Refine system more than the Draw on field. As the OP said, you could just refine abyss and junction that to ATK to break the game, and you can do that before Ifrit in a number of ways, it takes slight less than an hour to unlock everything necessary.
@ppmguire Level grinding is the worst thing in FFVIII All enemies are [party's average level] *[.8-1.2] they also gain stats at a faster rate than the heroes. Unless you really want to grind like hell for the item drips or use the tonberry money trick, so you can get max stats, it's best to wait until getting all the ___ lvl up options before grinding up so your stats actually level up near the same as them and actually be at their level
Possible video idea: "7 Most Rewarding Optional Areas". Areas, towns, etc. that the game does not direct you to through normal gameplay, that you have to find via exploration. Examples include the Omega Ruins of FFX, Daguerreo from FFIX, etc.
Baaj temple ffx, the Zartinan caverns ffxii, the crashed sub ffvii. It could be a fun list. FFXII has a bit of a weird one in the fact that a lot of the locations you got to has optional returns or are prompted by the hunt system but FFX could fill up a list on its own probably with the two we mentioned, Reminum temple, temple of the lost faith, the cactura village and probably more I can't recall at this time. Would be an intriguing list
@@beebajazz That one's a bit murky, since you do actually go to Gongaga in the main story at one point, after Aerith leaves the party following the events at the Temple of the Ancients.
I like places that expand the story/world building and also give a nice benefit for the player. FF 1-6 either don't remember or haven't played. FF7 would probably be Wutai, I have to imagine. Important to the world-building and gives a character, but you might never even enter it if you aren't exploring iirc. As far as I remember, while you're told Wutai exists and maybe its general area, you'd have to find it and nothing tells you to go there? FF8 I honestly don't remember the game enough for this. FF9 - Confession... I've never gotten past disc 1... FFX I'd actually do the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. You have to stumble upon it, and it's really cool in a bunch of ways. The crusader training ground just outside it, which is fun world building. The story for Lulu. The story for the Fayth. Yojimbo and having to hire him. Etc. As far as I can remember, nothing in the game ever directs you down there. Second to that, I would do Remiem Temple. But the story around Belgamine isn't as compelling as the one for Lulu. And the Magus sisters are cool, but Yojimbo is awesome (and can one-shot some of the hardest bosses in the game). Also, if the theme is exploration, you do get told that Remiem temple is nearby iirc, where the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth is pure exploration. FF11 - Actually most of the game would qualify for this, since it wasn't a directive game. MOST things were found through player exploration and experimentation, including unlocks for all of the jobs. Plus the prime summon enemies, I think? Etc. FF12 has a bunch of optional areas. So maybe the Necrohol of Nabudis. Very nice world building in that, and in the original it was where the Zodiac Spear was, and it's where an Esper is. But I think hunts will send you there, so depends on our classification on what directs players. FF13 has two optional areas you'd find from exploration, though you'd be led there by hunts. So same general issue as before. FF14 - nothing I can think of that really qualifies outside of just being fun world-building environments. I can't think of anything I'd really qualify, especially since quests get put on the minimap. But maybe Eureka would sorta qualify though, since you have to learn by doing/exploring in Eureka if you don't use a guide. You'd be directed to go to Eureka Anemos though. But without a guide you'd have to discover by trial/error/exploration what you need to progress further. But you are told that there's future stuff/goals, so I dunno that I'd really include this. FF15 - 95% of the game is optional, including most of the tombs, so IDK what to do with that. FF16 - I'm only 85% through it, so I dunno what comes later, but nothing really comes to mind. I enjoy exploring the maps for some world building and such, but I don't think I've really found anything "secret" that I wasn't sent to by a hunt. Or, maybe another way to put it, I've found some hidden gems that I ASSUME will be locations for future hunts because there's nothing to do there. There's a mansion in the woods near the prison fort place, for instance.
A great example of this is in ChronoTrigger where you can beat Lavos at times and places where you normally aren't supposed to, with special endings to go with each. You can, for example, use the gate in the bucket to defeat Lavos as soon as you get to the end of time, without ever dealing with Magus, meeting Ayla, or assembling the masamune for Frog. New Game+ makes this one trivially easy. Less well known is that you can defeat Lavos during the Ocean Palace disaster. It's probably the toughest time to fight Lavos, but there's a cool ending if you do it.
That's a IF since even at lv 60 on a first run with the best BUYABLE armors odds are its opening move will still hit for 999 damage before you get 1 attack off HECK AT LV 60 with the Prism Helms on the entire party its opening attack STILL hits for like 750 damage a turn but so can the REST of its moves on a NG+ run at the Ocean Palace while having 3x a much HP.
I managed an instance of beating a boss meant to be unwinnable in Nexomon, that being the very first fight with Ziegler. You can't even use items in that fight, so not only do you have to grind, but you also need to be lucky enough to stunlock him. Still didn't change the cutscene.
@@Nathan_Talisien How is he still around, cancering up random youtube comment sections? He's been ruining forums for a good 30 years now and is STILL GOING?
In FFIX its possible to farm grand dragons at the exit of Gizamaluke's Grotto just after obtaining Quina, and level well beyond the usual for disc1. I remember getting to around level 65 before I had to stop due to running out of phoenix downs/tents. The trick is to let Freya win the Festival of the Hunt to get a coral ring, which gives one of your party members immunity to thundaga (which would otherwise wipe your entire party). Grand Dragon's other attacks are completely manageable, and it's possible to deal massive damage to it too.
An honorable mention should be the shell part of the Whelk/Ymir 1st boss in Final Fantasy 6. You're only supposed to attack the head to defeat it, and if you attack the shell, it deals a nasty electrical counterattack. However, after a while it runs out of MP to cast it, and with unlimited healing from your Magitek Armor, you can use TekMissile with Terra and the different beams with Biggs/Wedge. You only get a pitiful tincture/ether for your efforts, but it's technically possible.
I actually did beat it when I played it on the SNES, I thought you were suppose to, and I was pretty apt at reading the screen prompts along with later in the fight, predicting when to not attack it because I knew it would "hide" its head in it's shell
@@MrEli768Don't lie brother. The shell has 60,000 health and you have to know it's able to run out of MP, and notice that it has done so. It takes multiple hours to kill it.
When I first played FF8, I thought you were SUPPOSE to beat that robot, and I did beat it, I didn't even know about that cut scene till WAY later when I replayed the game again a few years later and decided to just run
But I tend to FARM it for the 50 AP constantly BELOW BLOWING it up on the FINAL screen on the PS4 remaster I do NOT need LV 60+ GF's to blow it up just turn on the GOD mode cheat give Squall a high enough Str and have him LIMIT break it to death.
Based on difficulty I'd say the first Demon Wall in FFXII is much harder than Ba'gamnan's crew, given the very short time limit, Telega removing one party member from the fight, and it silencing/sleeping/blinding the party constantly, so you kinda have to be "overpowered" to punch through all that fast enough. Ba'gamnan's crew are pretty straightforward to fight, and can be silenced to prevent many of their abilities.
dude FUCK THAT DEMON WALL i almost beat it once but i know that if i had made a different choice earlier than i could... i was just too low level barely
Wait, we were supposed to run from Ba'Gamnan? I thought it was a "you have to beat this tough boss to progress" fight. He was hard, but not unreasonably so as a straight boss fight.
@@codyfranczak4493 First time you face the Boba Fett of Ivalice,you are at best at level 9 or 10 if you don't grind with the wraiths. Even if you use Protect and/or Shell,he and his mens are at level 25-30 if I remember well (the original PS2 release I'm talking). You've another opportunity far later into the game if you make the Hunts as he will put a fake one to trick you into a trap and while he and his mens does level up a little bit,you are more powerful that they at that point. The end result is that Ba'Gamnan ends up "dying" like Boba Fett,by getting eaten by a monster on the sands.
I wanted NT to be good. Instead, we got a game where you had 3-on-3 fights, no actual story mode, and you had grind out points to unlock cutscenes. It was arguably worse than FF13
@@AdiG1 dude I know! Gone were the personal one on one confrontations. None of the battles felt like there was any purpose behind them. The game felt like a grind just to get 5 seconds of a fmv sequence that you would have to purchase just to get any "story". And don’t get me started on the damn moogle. "Press square to do an hp attack, kupo!" NT had none of the soul left in dissidia. It’s a shame that they will never do another one and all we have left are the first two locked away on the psp.
8:19 that spider can be farmed for 50AP. I forget how much damage needs to be done. But it’s not awarded for specifically killing it. I got a lot of the 50ap/100ap abilities learnt this way. FF8 is the most broken if you know what you’re doing.
Its such a totally different style of game when it comes to "how to get strong". I feel like it overcomplicated things which introduced all these ways to break it. But boy was I salty as a long time ff gamer to learn that grinding to 100 is NOT, in fact, the best way to get uber powerful. Every one of these games back then was built with areas you could go to quickly farm a huge level boost or max them out. The dino head shaped forest in 6, that plain above the grotto in 9, there were tons of them, some more secret than others. 8 had iirc, the island closest to heaven/hell with one being high exp the other being high ap. Its been so long since I played I may be wrong.
@@chrishubbard64You are correct. I think that FF8 intentionally focused on GFs and magic to distribute the party "levelling" so that the game was paced differently and that it mitigated power levelling. This was done at the risk of obfuscating the process of strengthening your characters though, I guess. Also FF8 has vysage farming just outside of Timber in Lallapalooza Canyon, in a corner of the valley in the mountain range, that comes up much earlier in the game so it's more like FF9's plateau at the top of Gizamaluke's Grotto where you can farm grand dragons and garudas, although vysage farming for levelling isn't as popular or as well known.
You need to incap him, then remove his hp while downed so he instant repairs without a timer, then incap him once more and run away. That rewards you with 50 AP and you can fight him again. If you kill him, it gives you one of 4 random items, from which only 1 is really useful as i believe it's the only way to get Rinoa's ultimate weapon in disc 1.
@@RuneKatashima He has about 2k health, when you remove that he gets incapacitated and regenerates back after a x amount of time. However, if you remove that 2k health while he regenerates he instantly gets up again. With tornado on Str, str +20% and 40%, and Thundaga on Elemental Attack that is one hit.
These are the kinds of fights I love having in RPGs. Which is ironic, since the genuinely unwinnable boss fights are the ones I hate the most. Fights that seem unwinnable but you can actually succeed at I've always found extremely fun, since unless you've been really really super overleveling they're always a massive challenge.
Mine (and a friends) biggest accomplishment 25+ years ago was to beat Emerald Weapon in FF7 without knowing there was a materia that stops the timer. We tried and planned and tried and planned and tried and time we defeated it, we yelled out in joy, only to find out seconds later that during the death sequence the timer ran out and it didn't count... But at some point we did it and it felt so good ❤😊
Watching Quistis gun the black widow down was one reason I never bothered to try beating it before the beach, extra rewards or not... I loved seeing her go full 'savage' an unloading on the robot chasing her students XD
About the FF8 one, it was well-known you could beat that machine with Quetzalcoatl, and was not considered unbeatable. In fact, you get a bonus for beating it, and the timer imposed on you was no longer a factor. The very first time you fight him is "unwinnable" though because you can't destroy it fully then
Agreed. Every save I reload until I win that stacked against you game. Sure you can just score a goal and then run the ball behind enemy goalie to cheese the time but I like to actually play that one out. My 2 friends had me beat that first encounter for their saves because they hated Blitzball for some reason. There IS some reward for winning, some kind of str sphere or something it isn't much. Sigh. They both also had me do the chocobo run for tidus ultimate, and max lightning dodges. I've dodged 300 lightning strike at least 12 full counts. :(
Her derision at everyone and everything that isn't her sister automatically makes her invincible 😂 Though I've heard it said that you can calm the valkyrie's wrath if you take her to a Louie Vutton store...
I was wondering why these were all final fantasy games but then i noticed the channel name. This is a pretty good video. It makes me wanna play some ff games.
I remember killing the spider robot on my third run of FFVIII back in the day. I had a pretty good printed guide that hinted it could be destroyed and it needed quite a bit of preparation before the exam to stack enough magic through card conversion..
One of the main reasons to beat the Spider Boss in FF8 is because he has a 25% chance to drop a Force Armlet, which is the only one you can get on disc 1 if you're trying to create everybody's ultimate weapon (except Irvine's) on the first disc.
actually I NEVER used the Force Armlet even with that owned you still need at least 1 Energy Crystal for Rinoa's Ultimate besides when Always fighting Diablos AT LVS OVER 30 to Draw Flare/Holy off of it theirs only 2 CURRENT GFs that boost your MAGIC stat so that draw never fails. So in order to a 3rd PARTY member to NEVER fail to Draw Flare/Holy off of it you actually HAD to use the Force Armlet IT may drop since the 40% Magic effect WOULD be required to have all 3 party members drain Flare/Holy off of it while NOT having the Draw command FAIL to work against it.
@@veghesther3204 I think you can get an energy crystal from Elvoret if you're high enough level. If you're trying to boost magic for drawing, you should be able to get Double from Elvoret which should allow you to junction high enough to be able to draw anything, or I feel like there was a way to get at least a small amount of Demi early on before Diablos, like with cards maybe. If you have a bit of Demi junctioned to magic, you can draw the rest from Diablos and your draws will get stronger as you fill up.
@@TheReaverOfDarkness Everything can be fixed by exploiting Seifer during the SEED exam: he will drag your party's level up and let you get access to some really good draws from enemies (just kill off Squall and Zell so they don't take the EXP and your party level snaps back down). Source: Did a 100% completion full TT cards no-level run, Seifer and Edea are your only sources of good junction magic outside of replenishing field drawpoints and refining. (note that if you're also good at Triple Triad the Refine commands become your workhorse. Regen can be gotten from Mesmerize Blades from the Mesmerize cards, and Carding an enemy is a major part of no-level runs.)
I actually defeated the FF8 one and, when I was a kid trying out emulators for the first time I actually got into a stalemate against Bahamut in NES FF3. I healed enough and had enough potions to survive, but the damage output was never enough. I spent a really long time just wasting my resources until I realized I had to run so I just loaded a savestate
Midgar Zolom in FF7 is very satisfying to beat if you can level the materia enough to protect you from Beta. Elemental materia paired with Fire gives decent protection if HP is high enough and there is a way to predict when Beta is coming. If you can survive the fight and get Beta as an enemy skill, the entire rest of Disc 1 becomes a cake walk, since Beta is such a powerful magic attack.
Ah, those were the good old days. I remember when I fought constantly outside the marsh where it resided until I learned Aerith's invincibility LB (I forget the name), and everyone hit about level 20, so their stats allowed them to survive the Zolom's normal attacks
I remember Deadeye. My first time playing, I did nothing but side quests. Wanted to explore the world and got stupidly overleveled. Thinking I was 71 by Chapter 3? So by the time this fight came around, I beat him senseless. Didn't know until this video he was supposed to be unwinnable LOL
I once found a glitch In DMC 4 where when you fight Dante you can get him stuck in a corner of the room by spamming your hand guns at the perfect angle. Literally on the hardest difficulty you can take 0 damage but, it takes like 20 mins of spamming lol.
Unwinnable fights suck, but it is cool if the dev throws in a lil bonus if you happen to beat insurmountable odds. So there's this Playstation 1 game called Breath of Fire 3, fantastic jrpg by Capcom. At the end of the first Act there is an unwinnable boss battle against two recurring enemies called Bailo & Sunder. It is literally coded into the game that they have unlimited health, people have tried hex editors like Gameshark and whatever else to no avail. I remember one dude left his console on for like 2-3 weeks on auto battle (with GS cheats on his team), now that's some commitment. The problem is that the official guidebook states you can beat this boss, which then spawned this forum movement trying to get to the bottom of it. There was an extensive deep dive into the game mechanics all the way back in the early 00s. Today that translates into people making difficulty patches and edits and whatever else for it.
Gades was the case of the devs knowing that the players can beat him, since he drops overpowered sword or armor when defeated. It's the same with Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. Common sense would dictate you to run, but if you choose to fight and down him instead, the game acknowledges and rewards your efforts and skills.
I remember beating that robot spider in FF8 by learning that convert card to spell ability. Then converting one of the GF cards (I forget which one) to quake spells. Junctioned them quake spells to strength. Now that character was doing over 1k damage an attack. Won't do it nowadays though because I dig me that card game and won't sacrifice such a rare card.
FF12 had a giant t-rex that would randomly spawn DEEP in the dalmascan sands for the early game (can't remember if it was east or westersea). If you traded for max hi-potions (i think they were a rank2... thieves or mercenaries guild unlock), and grinded enough to max out your Stat license board (the one with the extra gambit slot unlocks) for your party... you could tank enough damage to hi-potion spam heal your party until you defeat the (Tyrant... Tyrannosaurus???) Big Fella. You were supposed to get a trophy for defeating it, but I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to beat it when the game has just technically opened up that area to you, because the game SAID that I received its trophy... but it never showed up in my room. I was a little bit devastated. My only consolation was the fact that everybody I could party with was a stone cold UNIT for the rest of the game (until my PS2s optical drive gave out😂).
About Ba'Gamnan fight. It is also possible to defeat him quickly with quickenings, if they have been unlocked. By chaining enough of them, Ba'Gamnan will fall with a single quickening chain.
she can't die anyways I could use the always do 9999 damage PS4 remaster cheat on and she still can't die and still will reduce the party to 1 HP left while you still won't get EXP from those battles.
I never beat the Black Widow. On my last playthrough I tried but I couldn't remember how. I figured I just needed to do enough damage while it was repairing but this video cleared it up. I'll do it next time.
That lvl 1 Lightning vs Feral Chaos feels impossible without the enhanced dodge skills that give your dodges the extra distance. All the times I've tried it, I always get caught at the end of the dodge because FC's attacks take up so much of the arena. I can do a lot of the single character challenges against him at the end of the last story where you're supposed to fight him with up to five characters, but that lvl 1 fight is something else.
In FFVIII, you can actually exploit a bug with X-ATM092 to get 60AP every fight. Go into the Dollet mission with 100 Tornadoes junctioned to squall's strength (from card-modding Lv.3 Abyss Worm cards into Windmills, and then using T-Mag Ref on them), and also learn and equip Ifrit's Str+10% and Str+20% to Squall as well. You can then use Renzokuken to deplete X-ATM092's HP entirely in one move, which the game reads as "killing" it (although it actually survives). You'll know it's worked if X-ATM instantly switches to its collapse animation, and then immediately gets back up. Then, do enough damage to it to make it collapse down normally (with regular attacks or magic), and then run away like you normally would. You'll get 60AP every time you do this. Sadly, you don't get the awesome +40% items every time, though. You can't do this completely unlimitedly because of the timer, and because every time you defeat it and run away, it moves along the map a little. However, you can do it enough times to virtually fill out the abilities list of all GFs between Quezacotl and Siren.
Honorable mention: The battle against Dark Cecil on Mount Ordeals in Final Fantasy 4. The battle is scripted to end after not attacking four turns in a row, by just blocking or healing. However it is possible to take him down by slowly whittling down his massive health pool. I tried this challenge on my second playthrough of the game, bringing plenty of healing potions, damage dealing items, and equipment to swap into after the fight started. It took me a few hours, but I finally defeated him without triggering the scripted ending.
Xenogears had two winnable "unwinnable" fights. Hammer, and Graff. Hammer gets you the trading card, which boosts drop rates to 100% and flips rare and common items, so you get rare items almost all the time, with common items showing up rarely. Graff gets you the best character armor in the game.
In star fox 64, there is a boss that is supposed to take sloppy, but if you’re fast enough you can actually manage to bread the boss and then go do the mission to save slippy…with slippy
For some reason, I have a soft spot for the Midgard Zolom from Final Fantasy VII. I was in Uni when a friend of mine showed me how he had done it the very first time he had come across the formidable snake, not having realised that he was meant to avoid this battle: first, he managed to poison the Zolom, which is hardly a feat unto itself, but made less useful in the face of the spell Beta, which the Zolom is wont to use when its HP drops below a certain percent, and the Zolom's ability to eject party members from the battle. Granted, it took a bit of luck, but he managed to keep Aerith in the battle, and her max HP was just so that he could reliably depend on Healing Wind to keep his party alive in between Beta strikes, while poison ate away at the Zolom's HP until it was dead. Nevertheless, once the party reaches the Mythril Mines, irrespective of whether or not they killed the Zolom, they're treated to the grizzly spectacle of the Zolom impaled on a tree, and comment on how powerful Sephiroth must be to have killed it.
I don't know...if a boss is only "beatable" via glitch, that's like saying ever boss is "beatable" because game genies and game sharks exist. Otherwise, interesting video! I enjoy when the devs actually give something for beating bosses that you seem to need to run from or lose to
I actually farmed Vaan to lvl 30 by buying Phoenix Downs and using them on this one rare ghost somewhere in the first desert area near Rabanastre. It did immensely trivialize the B’Gamnon fight.
I remember fighting Feral Chaos at the start of Duodecim then encountering him again in the arena and unlocking him. Then playing as him to figure out his moves so the next time I did encounter him he'd be my dance partner with the Warrior of Light.
Bravely Default 2 spoilers: My favorite "you're supposed to lose"-bossfight is at the beginning of Bravely Default 2. Because that fight is only winnable (to my knowledge), if you grind for quite a long time, take down some optional side bosses for their equipment that are also normally way too strong if you encounter them at this point, and then figure out on how to take down the boss there Spoilers for what happens when you defeat him: Not a whole lot happens - but the game acknowledges your victory and tells you "The story can not continue with this outcome". It just strikes me as a surprisingly elegant way of acknowledging the players victory, while not investing too much development/story shenanigans to make the story continue anyways
There was a main story boss in the last story, which bears recognition as it was made a spiritual sequel to final fantasy. The phoenix could only be beaten by using silence to nullify it's magic, so it feels impossible to start with, but eventually it can be beaten, but it's a very slow and difficult boss fight.
Another boss example would be Squall in Kingdom Hearts 1. When you fight him after running around in Traverse Town, he deals a shit ton of damage with every hit and you're clearly supposed to lose against him, showing a cutscene of Squall knocking Sora unconscious for story reasons. However, if you're clever enough, you can exploit some weaknesses (combo his back and he'll go flying, hit his fire spell back to stun him), and you'll get an alternate cutscene where Sora beats Squall and is utterly exhausted, falling unconscious. And later on, when you're about to leave Traverse Town, Squall gives you a bonus elixir that he wouldn't if you lost against him.
In FFX. When Tidus arrives at Bikanel Island, you fight a Zu. To keep Lulu and Auron from joining your party, you pretty much had to not get hit the entire fight. Using the expert sphere grid, you can get Wakkas' ability dark touch and slow and haste from Tidus. Unfortunately, you don't get a different cut scene, but it skips the part of Lulu and Auron coming in to save Tidus.
Final Fantasy's music is the one of the best parts of the series. I would love to see your team produce a 7 iconic music themes of the Final Fantasy series or anything to touch the musical elements. THANK YOU for all the great videos!
I always knew the FF6 glitch as the Vanish/X-Zone. Didn't know _all_ instant-loss spells worked. Also, the way you pronounce Behemoth makes me want to Van-Ban my brain
I often don't count scripted losses when it comes to these - You know, the ones where a cutscene plays after a certain turn count, like the Beatrix fights.
In World of Final Fantasy, you end up in a fight against shantotto, twice, and if you lose it continues on like nothing happened, but if you can get a mirage with Gravity, and use alot of healing items, you can beat her because gravity does percentage HP damage
Ah, the old 'vanish-doom' combo, it's been so long I'd forgotten about that. Here's a thought... can Terra use reflect to bounce the vanish off of herself onto Humbaba? Didn't realize this was going to be all about Final Fantasy games (didn't see the channel name at first) but since Chrono Trigger was was part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles compilation an argument could be made that it could technically be included for videos like this. In Chrono Trigger once you get New Game + mode you can actually beat the final boss at SEVERAL different points of the game where the fight was supposed to be unwinnable.
For me, I always think of the Gilgamesh fight in FF Type 0, which seems to be designed with you not beating it until you're on a new game plus run in mind, based on the game letting you continue if you lose. I didn't know this my first time playing, so I threw everything I had at him until I was eventually able to get into the rhythm of dodging, getting his back, and pummelling him into submission. It wasn't until after I won that I found out that no, you seem to be expected to lose to him. LOL OOPS!
Also in FF8 if you enter the bar on the street near where the XATM092 is chasing you, it will run past you and the cutscene wont be triggered. The street where it crushes the car.
So, I know it's unrelated to the video itself, but thinking of bugs in VI, my best friend was playing VI on his computer and had both Reflect and Vanish on his party thanks to summons. Then when his opponent tried to cast a spell, the immunity afforded by Reflect and the guaranteed hit from Vanish conflicted and his game crashed so hard he couldn't get it to start up again for a couple days. He never tried doing it on a cartridge of the game for fear it would somehow brick the cartridge.
In FF6, I discovered the vanish “bug” when Moog was dancing for Intangir, and the used it to kill Humbaba four times. I was kind of miffed when the later versions nerfed it.
In the first (Western) Lufia, Gades is literally unkillable when you first meet him. Even if you are using cheat codes to 1-shot-kill, the fight only ends when he hits you enough. Gades in Lufia 3 (GBC) is a high lvl boss right near the starting zone. While you aren't meant to defeat him, if you work really really long and hard at lvling up... Or just cheat, he is killable and drops gear that will benefit you quite a ways into the game.
It was cool to be able to defeat the boss that FF8 used for the “run away” tutorial battle. But not as cool as the cutscene of Quistis singlehandedly annihilating the boss with a mounted machine gun like a badass.
Not sure why the FF8 spider mech boss is even on here. That one was always an optional kill, which is why it gave good rewards for doing so. It's basically the reward for taking the time to get all available magic before that point to 100.
And tbh, a person with enough time on their hands could straight up steamroll the game anyway by magic grinding and even getting an ultimate weapon or two on disk 1
Correction on the FF8, the Black Widow gives 50 AP EACH time its is ''defeated'. If dealt enough damage to to 'kill' it, it automatically recovers and need to dropped back to 20% in order to flee..but as a reward you gained 50 AP each time, making this is the best way to grind for High-AP abilties in the early gamer.
@@feybrandt40533 My personal best was 500 but it was so close (less than 2 seconds) that it ended being too nerve wracking to worth it again. But YES! Great way to catapult your GF's to greatness in one chase scene!
In my encounter with Bagaman I got the gold armor drop from a rare monster in the mine and way late into the encounter realized that they were doing 0 damage to Vaan. 😆
I remember killing the ff VIII one by accident. I had grinded holy (I think it was holy) spells to the max on 3 characters through converting a boss card with siren, then junctioning it on my characters...
Super sad to see the developers never gave special reward for doing the impossible on most of the boss fights :( weirdly I killed the robot not understanding I was supposed to run away.
FFXII - I think the first Demon Wall was similar to the robot spider in FFVIII in that you're not really meant to beat it, but the game is scripted so that you can and you actually get a reward of the Demon Sword if you do.
A boss not in the video is Kain from Final Fantasy 4, when you first arrive in Fabul and Baron attacks to steal the Wind Crystal. I think if your insane enough to have leveled high enough the fight with Kain there is winnable, though nothing changes if you win and everything acts as if you lost.
There is absolutely nothing better than beating Feral Chaos with a level 1 character. My favorite was using a Level 1 Terra. My fastest win was like 45 seconds.
A bit sad about Feral Chaos, as I was always kind of curious as to what would happen if you won there. I mean, unlike other seemingly impossible bosses on the list Dissidia set that encounter up to deliberately troll the player, so of course some will want to Dark Souls their way through it. They could have at least given those player some kind of scripted reaction.
One common quirk of Final Fantasy games is that the developers don't put anything in to acknowledge beating battles that are intended to be unwinnable. They probably feel like it'd disrupt the flow of the story or something, idk.
I didn’t know about Black Widow until a few years ago. I actually managed to beat it fairly easily (because it’s FF8) and it felt beyond weird to not only miss out on the cool FMV, but to take down an enemy I went my entire life assuming was unbeatable. I definitely wish more games did this and had actual rewards for doing so. Closest I can think of is being able to fight Lavos at any time in the game Chrono Trigger, which did offer multiple endings based on when you defeated it.
I'm not sure how much was luck or blessings from the RNG gods, but I managed to beat Dark Knight Cecil with Paladin Cecil in the one-on-one battle in the crystal room on Mt. Ordeals in FFIV - once, but never again. 😢
I actually thought you had to since i didnt understand english at the time and didnt know what sheath your sword meant, so i bought 99 high potions in mysidia i think and just kept going.
@@MarceloOmegaAGDM Awesome! It's been so long that I can't remember completely, but I thought that fight gives a rather high amount of experience if you are able to actually beat him like that.
Deadeye is unfit for this list, though, as finding Ramuh to defeat him is the whole point of the demo. What about the catoblepas they added with the update for the demo? I'm sure there's a way to beat it, but I never found out how: Ramuh can't defeat it in one blow, unlike every other enemy, and sometimes the summon even glitched and never showed up when I fought it.
Honestly, would have been fine if they spoke about how one could beat Deadeye WITHOUT Ramuh (even better if it's possible to beat him on the first pass?)
@@meltingkeith7046 Yeah, I don’t know if it’s possible: the demo looked pretty scripted as far as I remember, but if it was possible, then it would have made more sense to be here.
"The Final Fantasy Legend" for Game Boy, in the 4th world, would throw a pumped up version of the world boss (Su-Zaku) at you as the only available random encounter on the overworld. You were supposed to run, but you actually could kill it with enough grinding - but it dropped basically no GP and the game treated it just like any other random encounter.
I actually didnt realize there was a small bridge area in FF2 so i power leveled my party like crazy using the self infliction method (FF2 levels individual stats once you reach a threshold of successful actions of certain types) Was so overpowered that i was able to breeze the guards in the first town that are meant to sweep the party early game but be moderately difficult when faced later
Star ocean second story has a fight towards the beginning against your rival/enemy in a fighting tournament. He absolutely obliterates you at the appropriate level for that part of the game. But if you grind and grind and grind the local area for a few hours worth if levels you can actually defeat him. It's pretty awesome when games actually let you do that kind of stuff.
NOT really even on earth mode AT LV 100 for Claude I still had HIM do zero damage to Dias the R version has a NG+ run where its possible that even Claude at Max lv 255 on Earth mode STILL won't do ANY damage to Dias their AT all.
He scales to your level so grinding doesn't really 'work' though you will probably still want to do some of that. The best method is to activate Talents on Claude for hundreds of free Skill points, then you can unlock certain Battle Skills (I forget which) to help give you a tiny chance of actually hitting him, then spam Head Splitter during the battle and hope to get a hit in to defeat him. His actual HP is low, he just blocks basically everything. It is awesome that you can do it, but the 'reward' is a short cutscene where the two talk a little smack and the battle restarts. I do wish there ended up being some way to 'beat' him, I know it's lore-accurate that Dias is the superior swordsman but the actual tournament win is basically never mentioned after that event, especially when (spoilers removed) starts going down. They could've just given it to ya.
At lv 100 I still had Head Splitter do 0 damage on earth mode While Dias can still hit HIM for like 3000+ damage PER hiit and still kill Claude in only 3 hits the R version has a NG+ mode too bad even AT lv 255 Claude will still likely hit Dias for no damage MOST of the time. In 2nd Story R/2nd Evolution version theirs a Claude VS Dias PA in Fun City Rena game only that's basically a WINNABLE rematch of the arena battle Dias for that PA end game you can Bloody armor Claude so that he will never die but like the must LOSE Dias battle you can't actually control Claude for the Fun City Rena game PA its a AI only fight one where at lv 255 on Earth mode Dias can still HIT him for 9999 damage WITHOUT a bloody armor/helm to make the damage be zero.
Omega Weapon in Ultimecias Castle in FF8 was a tough beast to say the least (i must admit i had to buy a magazine back in the day to prepare for the whole thing).
ill never forget playing ace combat 5 the mission were you are suposed to run from this one squadron that were the main bad guys, your squadron runs and they even make it so that you can hit anyone with misels. but if you evade atacks constantly and get close enough eith guns you can actually defeat them and they did add a cut scene if you did, presious child memory
Not from a Final Fantasy game, but does have characters from Final Fantasy: In the first Kingdom Hearts game the early fight against Leon feels impossible, but you can actually beat him - getting the block skill early makes it significantly easier.
So the intro to ff2 where you fight the soldiers as you try to escape actually is just an enemy encounter, so its built that if you beat it (based on cheating or having godlike luck lol) that you are rewarded like max gil
If you are diligent enough - you can defeat your boss irl too. You can do it!
I cast Vanish on myself all the time at work. Never thought about Vanish/X-Zone-ing my boss though. I'll let you know how that goes...
My boss and I have scrapped before. I had youth on my side. Now I'm 37. He's 46. We have been working together for 11 years.
You CAN win. You just still lose.
Technically you can defeat your boss irl, but the next scene will still play out as a scripted loss as you are then fired and arrested 😂
Use the stapler, it has an improved crit rate
The strategy is to become their boss and then fire them.
Beating FF3's "unwinnable" Bahamut battle is worse than pointless. It actually PUNISHES you, as he won't show up in his lair later on. That means you can't get his summon spell for free, and you have to make it to the hidden magic shop in Eureka to buy it there.
Neptune dragon too.
When I played the PC version of FFVIII, my disc 1 was scratched and would always freeze up during the cutscene where Quistis guns down the X-ATM092. So I dedicated myself to beating it, by playing a lot of triple triad in the early game to junction Tornado (from Abyss worm cards) to Squall's Strength and Thundaga (from Blitz cards) to elemental attack. This allowed Squall to deal thousands of damage with each hit and quickly deplete the boss's HP multiple times in one fight. It was only later that I found out I could have also avoided the Quistis cutscene by hiding in cafe, but at least I had an overpowered Squall for the rest of the disk!
You could also be super OP before even beating Ifrit by grinding to draw magic from all outside enemies to 100. Then after junctioning to raise stats go and grind the T-Rex for a bit.
Slight offtopic, but when I was a kid my older brother and I rented the PSX version of FF VIII and this exact problem happened at the start of disc 2, when the prison started to rise. There was no way to skip that cutscene that we knew of... We had to wait until we could buy an original copy.
@@ppmguire It's way faster and more efficient to just Refine cards, drawing spells from enemies it's more of a clutch than the main method, FF VIII would probably have a better reputation if they pushed the Refine system more than the Draw on field. As the OP said, you could just refine abyss and junction that to ATK to break the game, and you can do that before Ifrit in a number of ways, it takes slight less than an hour to unlock everything necessary.
Level grinding is the worst thing in FFVIII
All enemies are [party's average level] *[.8-1.2] they also gain stats at a faster rate than the heroes.
Unless you really want to grind like hell for the item drips or use the tonberry money trick, so you can get max stats, it's best to wait until getting all the ___ lvl up options before grinding up so your stats actually level up near the same as them and actually be at their level
Primal liquid did a video on this
The serpent in ffvii is such a great example of a boss meant to be unbeatable at the time, simply to force the players to get a chocobo
Tell that to young me, who really wanted that spell on my enemy skill....
@@JesseHenderson-xc2kgthe skill is "Beta" which only defeats players that are its namesake, jk
midgarsorm ?
Correct but it can truely NEVER die unlike all the bosses on this video that stay dead IF you can kill them.
Young me after seeing the Midgar Zolom impaled on a tree by Sephiroth: ummm...I'm going back to the farm 😮
Possible video idea: "7 Most Rewarding Optional Areas". Areas, towns, etc. that the game does not direct you to through normal gameplay, that you have to find via exploration. Examples include the Omega Ruins of FFX, Daguerreo from FFIX, etc.
Baaj temple ffx, the Zartinan caverns ffxii, the crashed sub ffvii. It could be a fun list. FFXII has a bit of a weird one in the fact that a lot of the locations you got to has optional returns or are prompted by the hunt system but FFX could fill up a list on its own probably with the two we mentioned, Reminum temple, temple of the lost faith, the cactura village and probably more I can't recall at this time. Would be an intriguing list
@@beebajazz That one's a bit murky, since you do actually go to Gongaga in the main story at one point, after Aerith leaves the party following the events at the Temple of the Ancients.
I like places that expand the story/world building and also give a nice benefit for the player.
FF 1-6 either don't remember or haven't played.
FF7 would probably be Wutai, I have to imagine. Important to the world-building and gives a character, but you might never even enter it if you aren't exploring iirc. As far as I remember, while you're told Wutai exists and maybe its general area, you'd have to find it and nothing tells you to go there?
FF8 I honestly don't remember the game enough for this.
FF9 - Confession... I've never gotten past disc 1...
FFX I'd actually do the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. You have to stumble upon it, and it's really cool in a bunch of ways. The crusader training ground just outside it, which is fun world building. The story for Lulu. The story for the Fayth. Yojimbo and having to hire him. Etc. As far as I can remember, nothing in the game ever directs you down there. Second to that, I would do Remiem Temple. But the story around Belgamine isn't as compelling as the one for Lulu. And the Magus sisters are cool, but Yojimbo is awesome (and can one-shot some of the hardest bosses in the game). Also, if the theme is exploration, you do get told that Remiem temple is nearby iirc, where the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth is pure exploration.
FF11 - Actually most of the game would qualify for this, since it wasn't a directive game. MOST things were found through player exploration and experimentation, including unlocks for all of the jobs. Plus the prime summon enemies, I think? Etc.
FF12 has a bunch of optional areas. So maybe the Necrohol of Nabudis. Very nice world building in that, and in the original it was where the Zodiac Spear was, and it's where an Esper is. But I think hunts will send you there, so depends on our classification on what directs players.
FF13 has two optional areas you'd find from exploration, though you'd be led there by hunts. So same general issue as before.
FF14 - nothing I can think of that really qualifies outside of just being fun world-building environments. I can't think of anything I'd really qualify, especially since quests get put on the minimap. But maybe Eureka would sorta qualify though, since you have to learn by doing/exploring in Eureka if you don't use a guide. You'd be directed to go to Eureka Anemos though. But without a guide you'd have to discover by trial/error/exploration what you need to progress further. But you are told that there's future stuff/goals, so I dunno that I'd really include this.
FF15 - 95% of the game is optional, including most of the tombs, so IDK what to do with that.
FF16 - I'm only 85% through it, so I dunno what comes later, but nothing really comes to mind. I enjoy exploring the maps for some world building and such, but I don't think I've really found anything "secret" that I wasn't sent to by a hunt. Or, maybe another way to put it, I've found some hidden gems that I ASSUME will be locations for future hunts because there's nothing to do there. There's a mansion in the woods near the prison fort place, for instance.
All I am hearing is this needs to happen
A great example of this is in ChronoTrigger where you can beat Lavos at times and places where you normally aren't supposed to, with special endings to go with each. You can, for example, use the gate in the bucket to defeat Lavos as soon as you get to the end of time, without ever dealing with Magus, meeting Ayla, or assembling the masamune for Frog. New Game+ makes this one trivially easy. Less well known is that you can defeat Lavos during the Ocean Palace disaster. It's probably the toughest time to fight Lavos, but there's a cool ending if you do it.
That's a IF since even at lv 60 on a first run with the best BUYABLE armors odds are its opening move will still hit for 999 damage before you get 1 attack off HECK AT LV 60 with the Prism Helms on the entire party its opening attack STILL hits for like 750 damage a turn but so can the REST of its moves on a NG+ run at the Ocean Palace while having 3x a much HP.
Never change, Vegh... Never change.
I managed an instance of beating a boss meant to be unwinnable in Nexomon, that being the very first fight with Ziegler. You can't even use items in that fight, so not only do you have to grind, but you also need to be lucky enough to stunlock him.
Still didn't change the cutscene.
@@Nathan_Talisien How is he still around, cancering up random youtube comment sections? He's been ruining forums for a good 30 years now and is STILL GOING?
@@Milktube To quote Babe Ruth in, "The Sandlot"...
"Legends never die, kid."
In FFIX its possible to farm grand dragons at the exit of Gizamaluke's Grotto just after obtaining Quina, and level well beyond the usual for disc1. I remember getting to around level 65 before I had to stop due to running out of phoenix downs/tents. The trick is to let Freya win the Festival of the Hunt to get a coral ring, which gives one of your party members immunity to thundaga (which would otherwise wipe your entire party). Grand Dragon's other attacks are completely manageable, and it's possible to deal massive damage to it too.
Ah, the famous early grind. The dragons got tents to steal and a rising sun.
An honorable mention should be the shell part of the Whelk/Ymir 1st boss in Final Fantasy 6. You're only supposed to attack the head to defeat it, and if you attack the shell, it deals a nasty electrical counterattack. However, after a while it runs out of MP to cast it, and with unlimited healing from your Magitek Armor, you can use TekMissile with Terra and the different beams with Biggs/Wedge. You only get a pitiful tincture/ether for your efforts, but it's technically possible.
I actually did beat it when I played it on the SNES, I thought you were suppose to, and I was pretty apt at reading the screen prompts along with later in the fight, predicting when to not attack it because I knew it would "hide" its head in it's shell
BUT that shell almost has much HP as the MAGIC Master boss at least 60,000 that its NOT worth it.
@@MrEli768Don't lie brother. The shell has 60,000 health and you have to know it's able to run out of MP, and notice that it has done so. It takes multiple hours to kill it.
Still not worth it.
You litterally just had to do nothing and wait until the boss pops his head out ^^
that FMV scene of Quistis alone worth not to destroyed the darned spider robot.
It was foundational... foundational
When I first played FF8, I thought you were SUPPOSE to beat that robot, and I did beat it, I didn't even know about that cut scene till WAY later when I replayed the game again a few years later and decided to just run
That's why she's the Queen of FF games.
But I tend to FARM it for the 50 AP constantly BELOW BLOWING it up on the FINAL screen on the PS4 remaster I do NOT need LV 60+ GF's to blow it up just turn on the GOD mode cheat give Squall a high enough Str and have him LIMIT break it to death.
@@Th3BlackLotuslol, no
Based on difficulty I'd say the first Demon Wall in FFXII is much harder than Ba'gamnan's crew, given the very short time limit, Telega removing one party member from the fight, and it silencing/sleeping/blinding the party constantly, so you kinda have to be "overpowered" to punch through all that fast enough. Ba'gamnan's crew are pretty straightforward to fight, and can be silenced to prevent many of their abilities.
dude FUCK THAT DEMON WALL i almost beat it once but i know that if i had made a different choice earlier than i could... i was just too low level barely
Quickening chain my guy. 😏 They are easy to find on the licenses board. Head for them first.
based on that answer, you're not a real gamer. It's undead 🙄 throw a fuckin Phoenix Down at it
Reflect>Target all Aero works very well, but legit is pretty hard!
Wait, we were supposed to run from Ba'Gamnan? I thought it was a "you have to beat this tough boss to progress" fight. He was hard, but not unreasonably so as a straight boss fight.
nah ur supposed to run but if u have protect and shell he's an absolute fucking joke there.
@@codyfranczak4493 First time you face the Boba Fett of Ivalice,you are at best at level 9 or 10 if you don't grind with the wraiths. Even if you use Protect and/or Shell,he and his mens are at level 25-30 if I remember well (the original PS2 release I'm talking). You've another opportunity far later into the game if you make the Hunts as he will put a fake one to trick you into a trap and while he and his mens does level up a little bit,you are more powerful that they at that point. The end result is that Ba'Gamnan ends up "dying" like Boba Fett,by getting eaten by a monster on the sands.
I always took them out, but only because i would farm a good amount on the bridge with all the skeletons to up my chain to max lol
Same! I just kicked his ass without too much trouble, but then I always grind and farm everything way too much
Maaaan they DROPPED THE BALL with Dissidia. All we wanted was Duodecim with NT's graphics.
I’m still so upset at NT. I remember pre-ordering it and being filled with so much excitement. Woe unto me once the game had released…….
I wanted NT to be good. Instead, we got a game where you had 3-on-3 fights, no actual story mode, and you had grind out points to unlock cutscenes. It was arguably worse than FF13
@@AdiG1 dude I know! Gone were the personal one on one confrontations. None of the battles felt like there was any purpose behind them. The game felt like a grind just to get 5 seconds of a fmv sequence that you would have to purchase just to get any "story". And don’t get me started on the damn moogle. "Press square to do an hp attack, kupo!"
NT had none of the soul left in dissidia. It’s a shame that they will never do another one and all we have left are the first two locked away on the psp.
My brother in Christ I share your pain.
NT sucked balls and is a tragedy we won't get a proper duodecim on console.
Admit it, that Lightning vs Feral Chaos stunt was the first time you ever wanted to rip the Pom Pom off a Moogle.
I shall not. I've wanted to do that LONG before this moment.
That feeling would reach new heights with FF7 Rebirth.
That moogle is the save moogle from ff9, just wanting retribution.
Aye, that moogle in Duodecim is a TOTAL BASTARD. Darkkefka (a lesser-known FF UA-camr) can attest to that sentiment.
8:19 that spider can be farmed for 50AP. I forget how much damage needs to be done. But it’s not awarded for specifically killing it. I got a lot of the 50ap/100ap abilities learnt this way.
FF8 is the most broken if you know what you’re doing.
Its such a totally different style of game when it comes to "how to get strong". I feel like it overcomplicated things which introduced all these ways to break it. But boy was I salty as a long time ff gamer to learn that grinding to 100 is NOT, in fact, the best way to get uber powerful. Every one of these games back then was built with areas you could go to quickly farm a huge level boost or max them out. The dino head shaped forest in 6, that plain above the grotto in 9, there were tons of them, some more secret than others. 8 had iirc, the island closest to heaven/hell with one being high exp the other being high ap. Its been so long since I played I may be wrong.
@@chrishubbard64You are correct.
I think that FF8 intentionally focused on GFs and magic to distribute the party "levelling" so that the game was paced differently and that it mitigated power levelling. This was done at the risk of obfuscating the process of strengthening your characters though, I guess.
Also FF8 has vysage farming just outside of Timber in Lallapalooza Canyon, in a corner of the valley in the mountain range, that comes up much earlier in the game so it's more like FF9's plateau at the top of Gizamaluke's Grotto where you can farm grand dragons and garudas, although vysage farming for levelling isn't as popular or as well known.
You need to incap him, then remove his hp while downed so he instant repairs without a timer, then incap him once more and run away. That rewards you with 50 AP and you can fight him again. If you kill him, it gives you one of 4 random items, from which only 1 is really useful as i believe it's the only way to get Rinoa's ultimate weapon in disc 1.
@@Patrick_The_Pure What do you mean remove his hp while downed? Actually, the whole process. Can you be more specific?
@@RuneKatashima He has about 2k health, when you remove that he gets incapacitated and regenerates back after a x amount of time. However, if you remove that 2k health while he regenerates he instantly gets up again. With tornado on Str, str +20% and 40%, and Thundaga on Elemental Attack that is one hit.
These are the kinds of fights I love having in RPGs. Which is ironic, since the genuinely unwinnable boss fights are the ones I hate the most. Fights that seem unwinnable but you can actually succeed at I've always found extremely fun, since unless you've been really really super overleveling they're always a massive challenge.
Mine (and a friends) biggest accomplishment 25+ years ago was to beat Emerald Weapon in FF7 without knowing there was a materia that stops the timer.
We tried and planned and tried and planned and tried and time we defeated it, we yelled out in joy, only to find out seconds later that during the death sequence the timer ran out and it didn't count...
But at some point we did it and it felt so good ❤😊
Watching Quistis gun the black widow down was one reason I never bothered to try beating it before the beach, extra rewards or not... I loved seeing her go full 'savage' an unloading on the robot chasing her students XD
Quistis was best girl squall chose wrong that and the whole teacher thing is hot
I don’t usually beat a lv130 Feral Chaos with a lv1 Lightning. But when I do, I f**king celebrate
About the FF8 one, it was well-known you could beat that machine with Quetzalcoatl, and was not considered unbeatable. In fact, you get a bonus for beating it, and the timer imposed on you was no longer a factor. The very first time you fight him is "unwinnable" though because you can't destroy it fully then
I consider the Luca Goers as a boss fight in that initial Luca visit
Agreed. Every save I reload until I win that stacked against you game. Sure you can just score a goal and then run the ball behind enemy goalie to cheese the time but I like to actually play that one out.
My 2 friends had me beat that first encounter for their saves because they hated Blitzball for some reason. There IS some reward for winning, some kind of str sphere or something it isn't much. Sigh. They both also had me do the chocobo run for tidus ultimate, and max lightning dodges. I've dodged 300 lightning strike at least 12 full counts. :(
One does not simply beat a lv130 Feral Chaos with a lv1 Lightning.
Not with that attitude
It's incredibly hard it seems unbelievable, but it's possible.
Of course not simply. There's nothing simple about it.
I had a roommate who did it once after an all nighter--there is evil there that does not sleep.
Her derision at everyone and everything that isn't her sister automatically makes her invincible 😂
Though I've heard it said that you can calm the valkyrie's wrath if you take her to a Louie Vutton store...
I was wondering why these were all final fantasy games but then i noticed the channel name. This is a pretty good video. It makes me wanna play some ff games.
I remember killing the spider robot on my third run of FFVIII back in the day. I had a pretty good printed guide that hinted it could be destroyed and it needed quite a bit of preparation before the exam to stack enough magic through card conversion..
One of the main reasons to beat the Spider Boss in FF8 is because he has a 25% chance to drop a Force Armlet, which is the only one you can get on disc 1 if you're trying to create everybody's ultimate weapon (except Irvine's) on the first disc.
actually I NEVER used the Force Armlet even with that owned you still need at least 1 Energy Crystal for Rinoa's Ultimate besides when Always fighting Diablos AT LVS OVER 30 to Draw Flare/Holy off of it theirs only 2 CURRENT GFs that boost your MAGIC stat so that draw never fails.
So in order to a 3rd PARTY member to NEVER fail to Draw Flare/Holy off of it you actually HAD to use the Force Armlet IT may drop since the 40% Magic effect WOULD be required to have all 3 party members drain Flare/Holy off of it while NOT having the Draw command FAIL to work against it.
@@veghesther3204 I think you can get an energy crystal from Elvoret if you're high enough level. If you're trying to boost magic for drawing, you should be able to get Double from Elvoret which should allow you to junction high enough to be able to draw anything, or I feel like there was a way to get at least a small amount of Demi early on before Diablos, like with cards maybe. If you have a bit of Demi junctioned to magic, you can draw the rest from Diablos and your draws will get stronger as you fill up.
@@TheReaverOfDarkness idk about before diablos because i think you need to learn junction time magic on him to do it
@@gametender1 You just need Mag-J in order to junction any spells to the magic attribute.
@@TheReaverOfDarkness Everything can be fixed by exploiting Seifer during the SEED exam: he will drag your party's level up and let you get access to some really good draws from enemies (just kill off Squall and Zell so they don't take the EXP and your party level snaps back down).
Source: Did a 100% completion full TT cards no-level run, Seifer and Edea are your only sources of good junction magic outside of replenishing field drawpoints and refining. (note that if you're also good at Triple Triad the Refine commands become your workhorse. Regen can be gotten from Mesmerize Blades from the Mesmerize cards, and Carding an enemy is a major part of no-level runs.)
I've never lost the Ba'gamnan encounter, not once, it took me searching a guide on the internet to learn most people struggled with them
That Bahamut clip was hilarious 7 hits one death everyone scattered 😂😂
I actually defeated the FF8 one and, when I was a kid trying out emulators for the first time I actually got into a stalemate against Bahamut in NES FF3. I healed enough and had enough potions to survive, but the damage output was never enough. I spent a really long time just wasting my resources until I realized I had to run so I just loaded a savestate
Midgar Zolom in FF7 is very satisfying to beat if you can level the materia enough to protect you from Beta. Elemental materia paired with Fire gives decent protection if HP is high enough and there is a way to predict when Beta is coming. If you can survive the fight and get Beta as an enemy skill, the entire rest of Disc 1 becomes a cake walk, since Beta is such a powerful magic attack.
Except in FF7 it can't truely die it still is reappears on screen after you KILL it.
@@veghesther3204 Half-true. If you beat it, it will not appear until you change locations (e.g. Mithril Mines)
Ah, those were the good old days. I remember when I fought constantly outside the marsh where it resided until I learned Aerith's invincibility LB (I forget the name), and everyone hit about level 20, so their stats allowed them to survive the Zolom's normal attacks
Exactly FF7 really only has 2 enemies that can't really DIE Midgar Zolem and Any chocobo's you hit when NOT summoning Odin.
I remember Deadeye. My first time playing, I did nothing but side quests. Wanted to explore the world and got stupidly overleveled.
Thinking I was 71 by Chapter 3? So by the time this fight came around, I beat him senseless. Didn't know until this video he was supposed to be unwinnable LOL
I once found a glitch In DMC 4 where when you fight Dante you can get him stuck in a corner of the room by spamming your hand guns at the perfect angle. Literally on the hardest difficulty you can take 0 damage but, it takes like 20 mins of spamming lol.
Thank you so much for all of your awesome videos!!!!
The one from FF8 I actually learned from an old strategy guide showing the bonuses you got from beating it if you stood your ground.
I've literally never run from Bagamnan in 12. I kind of have a habit of overleveling.
Unwinnable fights suck, but it is cool if the dev throws in a lil bonus if you happen to beat insurmountable odds. So there's this Playstation 1 game called Breath of Fire 3, fantastic jrpg by Capcom. At the end of the first Act there is an unwinnable boss battle against two recurring enemies called Bailo & Sunder. It is literally coded into the game that they have unlimited health, people have tried hex editors like Gameshark and whatever else to no avail. I remember one dude left his console on for like 2-3 weeks on auto battle (with GS cheats on his team), now that's some commitment.
The problem is that the official guidebook states you can beat this boss, which then spawned this forum movement trying to get to the bottom of it. There was an extensive deep dive into the game mechanics all the way back in the early 00s. Today that translates into people making difficulty patches and edits and whatever else for it.
Not Final Fantasy, but I immediately thought of Gades in his first encounter with the Player in Lufia 2. It took a lot of grinding to defeat him.
Gades was the case of the devs knowing that the players can beat him, since he drops overpowered sword or armor when defeated. It's the same with Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. Common sense would dictate you to run, but if you choose to fight and down him instead, the game acknowledges and rewards your efforts and skills.
I remember beating that robot spider in FF8 by learning that convert card to spell ability. Then converting one of the GF cards (I forget which one) to quake spells. Junctioned them quake spells to strength. Now that character was doing over 1k damage an attack. Won't do it nowadays though because I dig me that card game and won't sacrifice such a rare card.
Enjoyed this video, whenever I encountered one, I always wondered if an “unwinnable” fight was truly unwinnable.
FF12 had a giant t-rex that would randomly spawn DEEP in the dalmascan sands for the early game (can't remember if it was east or westersea). If you traded for max hi-potions (i think they were a rank2... thieves or mercenaries guild unlock), and grinded enough to max out your Stat license board (the one with the extra gambit slot unlocks) for your party...
you could tank enough damage to hi-potion spam heal your party until you defeat the (Tyrant... Tyrannosaurus???) Big Fella.
You were supposed to get a trophy for defeating it, but I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to beat it when the game has just technically opened up that area to you, because the game SAID that I received its trophy... but it never showed up in my room.
I was a little bit devastated. My only consolation was the fact that everybody I could party with was a stone cold UNIT for the rest of the game (until my PS2s optical drive gave out😂).
The ff8 one is the one I distinctly remember doing as a kid. It felt like too much of a failure of a mission if you didn't beat it.
About Ba'Gamnan fight. It is also possible to defeat him quickly with quickenings, if they have been unlocked. By chaining enough of them, Ba'Gamnan will fall with a single quickening chain.
I remember getting stubborn and defeating the mechanical spider on final fantasy VIII
Notice how Beatrix was mentioned, but not on the list. She's just that good.
she can't die anyways I could use the always do 9999 damage PS4 remaster cheat on and she still can't die and still will reduce the party to 1 HP left while you still won't get EXP from those battles.
@@veghesther3204 That's Beatrix for you. Not even cheats could put her down.
Correct and that applies to EVERY fight where the always do 9999 damage cheat still can't KILL her for exp including the DISC 2 fights against her.
@@veghesther3204 shes just that good. She could probably solo the final boss.
well i mean, the video is about bosses you can actually kill so...
I never beat the Black Widow. On my last playthrough I tried but I couldn't remember how. I figured I just needed to do enough damage while it was repairing but this video cleared it up. I'll do it next time.
That lvl 1 Lightning vs Feral Chaos feels impossible without the enhanced dodge skills that give your dodges the extra distance. All the times I've tried it, I always get caught at the end of the dodge because FC's attacks take up so much of the arena. I can do a lot of the single character challenges against him at the end of the last story where you're supposed to fight him with up to five characters, but that lvl 1 fight is something else.
In FFVIII, you can actually exploit a bug with X-ATM092 to get 60AP every fight. Go into the Dollet mission with 100 Tornadoes junctioned to squall's strength (from card-modding Lv.3 Abyss Worm cards into Windmills, and then using T-Mag Ref on them), and also learn and equip Ifrit's Str+10% and Str+20% to Squall as well. You can then use Renzokuken to deplete X-ATM092's HP entirely in one move, which the game reads as "killing" it (although it actually survives). You'll know it's worked if X-ATM instantly switches to its collapse animation, and then immediately gets back up. Then, do enough damage to it to make it collapse down normally (with regular attacks or magic), and then run away like you normally would. You'll get 60AP every time you do this. Sadly, you don't get the awesome +40% items every time, though.
You can't do this completely unlimitedly because of the timer, and because every time you defeat it and run away, it moves along the map a little. However, you can do it enough times to virtually fill out the abilities list of all GFs between Quezacotl and Siren.
Honorable mention: The battle against Dark Cecil on Mount Ordeals in Final Fantasy 4.
The battle is scripted to end after not attacking four turns in a row, by just blocking or healing.
However it is possible to take him down by slowly whittling down his massive health pool.
I tried this challenge on my second playthrough of the game, bringing plenty of healing potions, damage dealing items, and equipment to swap into after the fight started.
It took me a few hours, but I finally defeated him without triggering the scripted ending.
Xenogears had two winnable "unwinnable" fights. Hammer, and Graff. Hammer gets you the trading card, which boosts drop rates to 100% and flips rare and common items, so you get rare items almost all the time, with common items showing up rarely. Graff gets you the best character armor in the game.
Grandia 2, first battle against Melfice is winnable if you're persistent and have the right supers learned.
In star fox 64, there is a boss that is supposed to take sloppy, but if you’re fast enough you can actually manage to bread the boss and then go do the mission to save slippy…with slippy
The spider one isn't difficult on it's own, the difficulty is with the timer.
For some reason, I have a soft spot for the Midgard Zolom from Final Fantasy VII. I was in Uni when a friend of mine showed me how he had done it the very first time he had come across the formidable snake, not having realised that he was meant to avoid this battle: first, he managed to poison the Zolom, which is hardly a feat unto itself, but made less useful in the face of the spell Beta, which the Zolom is wont to use when its HP drops below a certain percent, and the Zolom's ability to eject party members from the battle. Granted, it took a bit of luck, but he managed to keep Aerith in the battle, and her max HP was just so that he could reliably depend on Healing Wind to keep his party alive in between Beta strikes, while poison ate away at the Zolom's HP until it was dead. Nevertheless, once the party reaches the Mythril Mines, irrespective of whether or not they killed the Zolom, they're treated to the grizzly spectacle of the Zolom impaled on a tree, and comment on how powerful Sephiroth must be to have killed it.
I don't know...if a boss is only "beatable" via glitch, that's like saying ever boss is "beatable" because game genies and game sharks exist.
Otherwise, interesting video! I enjoy when the devs actually give something for beating bosses that you seem to need to run from or lose to
I actually farmed Vaan to lvl 30 by buying Phoenix Downs and using them on this one rare ghost somewhere in the first desert area near Rabanastre. It did immensely trivialize the B’Gamnon fight.
I remember fighting Feral Chaos at the start of Duodecim then encountering him again in the arena and unlocking him. Then playing as him to figure out his moves so the next time I did encounter him he'd be my dance partner with the Warrior of Light.
Bravely Default 2 spoilers:
My favorite "you're supposed to lose"-bossfight is at the beginning of Bravely Default 2. Because that fight is only winnable (to my knowledge), if you grind for quite a long time, take down some optional side bosses for their equipment that are also normally way too strong if you encounter them at this point, and then figure out on how to take down the boss there
Spoilers for what happens when you defeat him:
Not a whole lot happens - but the game acknowledges your victory and tells you "The story can not continue with this outcome". It just strikes me as a surprisingly elegant way of acknowledging the players victory, while not investing too much development/story shenanigans to make the story continue anyways
There was a main story boss in the last story, which bears recognition as it was made a spiritual sequel to final fantasy. The phoenix could only be beaten by using silence to nullify it's magic, so it feels impossible to start with, but eventually it can be beaten, but it's a very slow and difficult boss fight.
Another boss example would be Squall in Kingdom Hearts 1. When you fight him after running around in Traverse Town, he deals a shit ton of damage with every hit and you're clearly supposed to lose against him, showing a cutscene of Squall knocking Sora unconscious for story reasons.
However, if you're clever enough, you can exploit some weaknesses (combo his back and he'll go flying, hit his fire spell back to stun him), and you'll get an alternate cutscene where Sora beats Squall and is utterly exhausted, falling unconscious. And later on, when you're about to leave Traverse Town, Squall gives you a bonus elixir that he wouldn't if you lost against him.
In FFX. When Tidus arrives at Bikanel Island, you fight a Zu. To keep Lulu and Auron from joining your party, you pretty much had to not get hit the entire fight. Using the expert sphere grid, you can get Wakkas' ability dark touch and slow and haste from Tidus. Unfortunately, you don't get a different cut scene, but it skips the part of Lulu and Auron coming in to save Tidus.
Final Fantasy's music is the one of the best parts of the series. I would love to see your team produce a 7 iconic music themes of the Final Fantasy series or anything to touch the musical elements.
THANK YOU for all the great videos!
Tough list, because there's so many of them.
What are you on about? This video is a travesty filled with countless pieces of mis information.
I always knew the FF6 glitch as the Vanish/X-Zone. Didn't know _all_ instant-loss spells worked.
Also, the way you pronounce Behemoth makes me want to Van-Ban my brain
I often don't count scripted losses when it comes to these - You know, the ones where a cutscene plays after a certain turn count, like the Beatrix fights.
In World of Final Fantasy, you end up in a fight against shantotto, twice, and if you lose it continues on like nothing happened, but if you can get a mirage with Gravity, and use alot of healing items, you can beat her because gravity does percentage HP damage
Ah, the old 'vanish-doom' combo, it's been so long I'd forgotten about that. Here's a thought... can Terra use reflect to bounce the vanish off of herself onto Humbaba?
Didn't realize this was going to be all about Final Fantasy games (didn't see the channel name at first) but since Chrono Trigger was was part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles compilation an argument could be made that it could technically be included for videos like this. In Chrono Trigger once you get New Game + mode you can actually beat the final boss at SEVERAL different points of the game where the fight was supposed to be unwinnable.
For me, I always think of the Gilgamesh fight in FF Type 0, which seems to be designed with you not beating it until you're on a new game plus run in mind, based on the game letting you continue if you lose. I didn't know this my first time playing, so I threw everything I had at him until I was eventually able to get into the rhythm of dodging, getting his back, and pummelling him into submission. It wasn't until after I won that I found out that no, you seem to be expected to lose to him. LOL OOPS!
Also in FF8 if you enter the bar on the street near where the XATM092 is chasing you, it will run past you and the cutscene wont be triggered. The street where it crushes the car.
So, I know it's unrelated to the video itself, but thinking of bugs in VI, my best friend was playing VI on his computer and had both Reflect and Vanish on his party thanks to summons. Then when his opponent tried to cast a spell, the immunity afforded by Reflect and the guaranteed hit from Vanish conflicted and his game crashed so hard he couldn't get it to start up again for a couple days.
He never tried doing it on a cartridge of the game for fear it would somehow brick the cartridge.
...Beating Feral Chaos at the very start of Dissidia Duodecim should just take you straight to the credits AT THE VERY LEAST :P
In FF6, I discovered the vanish “bug” when Moog was dancing for Intangir, and the used it to kill Humbaba four times. I was kind of miffed when the later versions nerfed it.
In the first (Western) Lufia, Gades is literally unkillable when you first meet him. Even if you are using cheat codes to 1-shot-kill, the fight only ends when he hits you enough. Gades in Lufia 3 (GBC) is a high lvl boss right near the starting zone. While you aren't meant to defeat him, if you work really really long and hard at lvling up... Or just cheat, he is killable and drops gear that will benefit you quite a ways into the game.
gadas sword in lufia 2 was very rewarding tho .
It was cool to be able to defeat the boss that FF8 used for the “run away” tutorial battle. But not as cool as the cutscene of Quistis singlehandedly annihilating the boss with a mounted machine gun like a badass.
Not sure why the FF8 spider mech boss is even on here. That one was always an optional kill, which is why it gave good rewards for doing so. It's basically the reward for taking the time to get all available magic before that point to 100.
And tbh, a person with enough time on their hands could straight up steamroll the game anyway by magic grinding and even getting an ultimate weapon or two on disk 1
Cards? Lol. @@DarkFrozenDepths
@@xaby996 you have to grind quite a bit of points just to unlock card mod but yeah, cards are the fastest way
Me: *grinds Seifer to level 100 to get access to -aga spells without relying on Card Mod*
I won't even do THAT I'll lv up Squal/Quistis BOTH to lvs over 30 BEFORE fighting Ifrite to do that AND do the same for Zell/Selphie as well.
BA-HEE-MYTH this isn't a interpretation thing. The name is 100's of years old.
Correction on the FF8, the Black Widow gives 50 AP EACH time its is ''defeated'. If dealt enough damage to to 'kill' it, it automatically recovers and need to dropped back to 20% in order to flee..but as a reward you gained 50 AP each time, making this is the best way to grind for High-AP abilties in the early gamer.
400 AP was the highest i could farm off with it, good boost
@@feybrandt40533 My personal best was 500 but it was so close (less than 2 seconds) that it ended being too nerve wracking to worth it again.
But YES! Great way to catapult your GF's to greatness in one chase scene!
@@RallasterAsuremen a win's a win! 500 is mighty respect
In my encounter with Bagaman I got the gold armor drop from a rare monster in the mine and way late into the encounter realized that they were doing 0 damage to Vaan. 😆
When I saw FF12, I thought you were going to talk about the first version of the Demon Wall which would also fit this video
I remember killing the ff VIII one by accident. I had grinded holy (I think it was holy) spells to the max on 3 characters through converting a boss card with siren, then junctioning it on my characters...
Beating the Robospider with Quetzacotl is relatively trivial, and can be done with minimal planning.
Super sad to see the developers never gave special reward for doing the impossible on most of the boss fights :( weirdly I killed the robot not understanding I was supposed to run away.
I actually think this happened with me too. I don't even remember the scene of Quistis with the machine gun, lol.
I did the Episode Duscae one. I thought that summoning Ramuh was what was supposed to happen 😂.
There is a Video of it on my channel.
I just learned the same thing and now I wonder what we were supposed to do In a normal run.
The Ramuh way felt like the obvious way to do it
You're not wrong. This video is cringe
FFXII - I think the first Demon Wall was similar to the robot spider in FFVIII in that you're not really meant to beat it, but the game is scripted so that you can and you actually get a reward of the Demon Sword if you do.
A boss not in the video is Kain from Final Fantasy 4, when you first arrive in Fabul and Baron attacks to steal the Wind Crystal. I think if your insane enough to have leveled high enough the fight with Kain there is winnable, though nothing changes if you win and everything acts as if you lost.
Though not a Final Fantasy game, I would say pretty much every Luc/Yubar fight in Suikoden III fits as an honorable mention as well.
There is absolutely nothing better than beating Feral Chaos with a level 1 character. My favorite was using a Level 1 Terra. My fastest win was like 45 seconds.
ID from Xenogears.
You need very particular setup, but you can beat him.
Does anything different happen if you beat him or do you get a reward?
Only one i defeated was the FF8 boss. But, only because that boss was designed to actually be beaten.
I leave the Black Widow alive, I hate missing out on Quistis on the gun.
A bit sad about Feral Chaos, as I was always kind of curious as to what would happen if you won there. I mean, unlike other seemingly impossible bosses on the list Dissidia set that encounter up to deliberately troll the player, so of course some will want to Dark Souls their way through it. They could have at least given those player some kind of scripted reaction.
One common quirk of Final Fantasy games is that the developers don't put anything in to acknowledge beating battles that are intended to be unwinnable. They probably feel like it'd disrupt the flow of the story or something, idk.
@@qactustick same issue in Valkyrie Profile, you still get a game over after beating Freya.
I didn’t know about Black Widow until a few years ago. I actually managed to beat it fairly easily (because it’s FF8) and it felt beyond weird to not only miss out on the cool FMV, but to take down an enemy I went my entire life assuming was unbeatable. I definitely wish more games did this and had actual rewards for doing so. Closest I can think of is being able to fight Lavos at any time in the game Chrono Trigger, which did offer multiple endings based on when you defeated it.
I still think one of the best "reward you for beating the "unbeatable" boss" moments is beating the first encounter with Gades in Lufia II
I'm not sure how much was luck or blessings from the RNG gods, but I managed to beat Dark Knight Cecil with Paladin Cecil in the one-on-one battle in the crystal room on Mt. Ordeals in FFIV - once, but never again. 😢
I actually thought you had to since i didnt understand english at the time and didnt know what sheath your sword meant, so i bought 99 high potions in mysidia i think and just kept going.
@@MarceloOmegaAGDM Awesome! It's been so long that I can't remember completely, but I thought that fight gives a rather high amount of experience if you are able to actually beat him like that.
Deadeye is unfit for this list, though, as finding Ramuh to defeat him is the whole point of the demo.
What about the catoblepas they added with the update for the demo? I'm sure there's a way to beat it, but I never found out how: Ramuh can't defeat it in one blow, unlike every other enemy, and sometimes the summon even glitched and never showed up when I fought it.
Honestly, would have been fine if they spoke about how one could beat Deadeye WITHOUT Ramuh (even better if it's possible to beat him on the first pass?)
Yeah, I don’t know if it’s possible: the demo looked pretty scripted as far as I remember, but if it was possible, then it would have made more sense to be here.
"The Final Fantasy Legend" for Game Boy, in the 4th world, would throw a pumped up version of the world boss (Su-Zaku) at you as the only available random encounter on the overworld. You were supposed to run, but you actually could kill it with enough grinding - but it dropped basically no GP and the game treated it just like any other random encounter.
I actually didnt realize there was a small bridge area in FF2 so i power leveled my party like crazy using the self infliction method (FF2 levels individual stats once you reach a threshold of successful actions of certain types)
Was so overpowered that i was able to breeze the guards in the first town that are meant to sweep the party early game but be moderately difficult when faced later
Star ocean second story has a fight towards the beginning against your rival/enemy in a fighting tournament. He absolutely obliterates you at the appropriate level for that part of the game. But if you grind and grind and grind the local area for a few hours worth if levels you can actually defeat him. It's pretty awesome when games actually let you do that kind of stuff.
Wow, I thought it was absolute that you lose that fight. When I played that part before, I got one-shotted so quick
NOT really even on earth mode AT LV 100 for Claude I still had HIM do zero damage to Dias the R version has a NG+ run where its possible that even Claude at Max lv 255 on Earth mode STILL won't do ANY damage to Dias their AT all.
He scales to your level so grinding doesn't really 'work' though you will probably still want to do some of that. The best method is to activate Talents on Claude for hundreds of free Skill points, then you can unlock certain Battle Skills (I forget which) to help give you a tiny chance of actually hitting him, then spam Head Splitter during the battle and hope to get a hit in to defeat him. His actual HP is low, he just blocks basically everything.
It is awesome that you can do it, but the 'reward' is a short cutscene where the two talk a little smack and the battle restarts. I do wish there ended up being some way to 'beat' him, I know it's lore-accurate that Dias is the superior swordsman but the actual tournament win is basically never mentioned after that event, especially when (spoilers removed) starts going down. They could've just given it to ya.
At lv 100 I still had Head Splitter do 0 damage on earth mode While Dias can still hit HIM for like 3000+ damage PER hiit and still kill Claude in only 3 hits the R version has a NG+ mode too bad even AT lv 255 Claude will still likely hit Dias for no damage MOST of the time.
In 2nd Story R/2nd Evolution version theirs a Claude VS Dias PA in Fun City Rena game only that's basically a WINNABLE rematch of the arena battle Dias for that PA end game you can Bloody armor Claude so that he will never die but like the must LOSE Dias battle you can't actually control Claude for the Fun City Rena game PA its a AI only fight one where at lv 255 on Earth mode Dias can still HIT him for 9999 damage WITHOUT a bloody armor/helm to make the damage be zero.
Omega Weapon in Ultimecias Castle in FF8 was a tough beast to say the least (i must admit i had to buy a magazine back in the day to prepare for the whole thing).
ill never forget playing ace combat 5 the mission were you are suposed to run from this one squadron that were the main bad guys, your squadron runs and they even make it so that you can hit anyone with misels. but if you evade atacks constantly and get close enough eith guns you can actually defeat them and they did add a cut scene if you did, presious child memory
The fact that the spider robot had elaborate death animation meant the dev knew someone will try to beat it instead of running
Not from a Final Fantasy game, but does have characters from Final Fantasy:
In the first Kingdom Hearts game the early fight against Leon feels impossible, but you can actually beat him - getting the block skill early makes it significantly easier.
1:20 when the video actually starts.
Dumb comment
So the intro to ff2 where you fight the soldiers as you try to escape actually is just an enemy encounter, so its built that if you beat it (based on cheating or having godlike luck lol) that you are rewarded like max gil