Years ago I had a friend who was legally blind with a condition for which there was no cure and it would only get worse ... I can't think of what it was called but he was totally blind in one eye and had severely limited tunnel vision in the other . He went out on some kind of early retirement from Boeing when he was 54 . But once a year he had to go through a bunch of BS and testing and visiting doctors and paperwork to prove his vision had not gotten any better .
@@powerofanime1 Rusty you might want to scroll down to the thread started by bookieworm17 for some info on all natural healers especially brain healers and things that slow down aging of the brain and make us smarter . I put those responses in there to help people so you might want to see what I have to say there
@@pseudonayme7717 Americans of every political orientation, can be too stupid for an American NHS to be a good idea. Old ladies feeding wild alligators chickens, levels of stupid. Drunk drugged up driving worse than Europe, and that's before we add firearms into the mix. I think it would do you all good, but I try look at it from the perspective of the USA Rightwing and try to speak their language to them about it. Also even if you go for it, it will take time to build it via sensible forms of Nationalisation. It took us in Britain 75 years to build our NHS into what it is today. Americans could probably pull it off within 25 years with an additional dollar a week tax on anyone earning above-average incomes and more on the wealthy. Leftists agitating to seize assets do not understand basic economics and how it will cause massive Capital Flight and heavily damage the USA economy. Sensible Nationalisation is buying assets at a *huge* mark-up, for long term savings later. The economic argument to make to Righty over such things is along the lines of: People secure they can get single-payer healthcare and full coverage for everyone, will have more free cash to spend on your domestic economy. Until or unless the american NHS ever arrives, the best solution I've seen for y'all yet, is the Japanese Universal Health Insurance system. There, they pay only 30% of all healthcare costs. This gives Righty 'muh free market always more effective than the gubment' (even when it isn't) and gives Liberal to Left range some logical kindness from one of the world's richest nations in terms of primary industries like mining and agriculture, secondary like manufacturing, and tertiary such as the financial sector, programming, inventions, technology design etc.
I'm a RN living with metastatic breast cancer....I shit you not....the palliative care doc at UTSW actually told me she could see no reason for my pain according to my scans...I was trying to get my shortness of breath blood clots wouldn't be found for 6 more months. Healthcare in America is a joke...
Health care worldwide is a joke. I'm from trinidad 🇹🇹, free Healthcare, but that irrelevant because the doctors are a bunch of jacka$$es. Maybe medical care would be Health CARE when they stop paying doctors so much to write a note!
40 minutes of laughter and head-nodding in agreement. The British lady was my fave ~ her perspective on our crazy non-system was spot-on and hilarious. Also, great editing on this video ~ seamless and connected. Thanks for putting it together!
I am Canadian, and at one point, i fell down a flight of stairs. My friends, Americains, were concerned about, not my health, but my inssurance policy. It took me 2 WHOLE minutes to understand what they meant: I ckuld get in a hospital, pay for the room, be there for a while, come out and pay about 500 bucks for the room. Everything else is covered. I am so sorry for what y'all have to go through, really am.
Mines free, paid by taxes really so ours feels pretty good since I can walk in to my local Dr and get checked out and leave without needing to pay a dime in like 30 or so minutes.
Yeah I'm a 62 year old nurse at a large urban hospital in the US and I can guarantee you that we have the WORST fucken health insurance-industrial complex on the planet. Over 30 years I've seen more people than I can count go bankrupt or die due to lack of health insurance in this fucked up country, and STILL the corporate whores run everything!
Wanda Sykes skit on opioids is sadly spot on - a friend’s 15 year old son was prescribed Fentanyl after sinus surgery and became addicted. Two years later he put himself into rehab and hopefully is on the road to a brighter future, but his story was scary. What kind of doctor would do that to a child? I recently had a serious accident resulting in dislocated ribs, dislocated wrist, 30 stitches around my eye and lips and brain bleeding and bruises - all I got was a shot of morphine when leaving the ER and Cataflam every 6 hours: the nurses woke me up every time I finally dozed off to give me my pills and I’m 54…..
many, many years ago I tripped over & banged my head. After 48 hrs I still had quite the headache so went to a Dr. After a 5 minute consultation she prescribed Endone with x2 repeats (60 tablets in total). I had actually sustained a moderate concussion. Now they won't even prescribe codeine after major surgery.
Not a doctor but i do have medical studies and fentanyl is really strong. I'm honestly shocked they would give this after surgery, really unnecessary and as you said, addictive. I hope your friend's kid stays well.
@@rebeccamcroberts5486 yeah exactly, americans think we have good healthcare when it's just free - and it being free means they're stingy as hell about it. most docs won't even make the referral for tests. lots of stuff isn't treated here at all, and if your condition is chronic you'll probably give up and save up for private tests and treatment or use crowdfunding anyway.
@@rebeccamcroberts5486 that's a lie, it doesn't take years to get a procedure done in places that have universal Healthcare. It takes bout the same amount of time as it does here. The difference in those places is that EVERYONE gets Healthcare. In the US, you will die unless you can either pay for insurance or are lucky enough to be covered through your job. Idk who lied to you, but universal Healthcare is far superior to the current US system, which is neither humane nor cost efficient.
@@rebeccamcroberts5486 I cant believe you believe that bs. You should watch some of those many many many videos titled like: If you are an american - when did you realize that america missed you up. Bc you are missed up.
I am also Canadian and I tried to get a family doctor for 5 years before moving to the US. Impossible. I had to tell a new doctor about my depression every month at the walk in clinic after waiting for 5 hours, hoping they would give me the medication I needed. Let’s not do as it’s all unicorns and rainbows there either.
People here in America have gone into poverty some have lost everything because of catastrophic health problems . Decades ago I knew someone who was an anesthesiologist in the surgical unit at University of Pennsylvania Hospital and he was stricken with a rare form of leukemia that usually kills you within a short amount of time . It didn't take long before his quarter million dollars worth of coverage on his health insurance was blown through . And then he lost his job there because he could go into seizures . And then he lost his health insurance ... because he had not died when he was supposed to . He sold his car to help keep up with his mortgage payments and then lost his house anyway . This was a grown man in his 30s or 40s when he had to move into his mom's house because he had lost everything and was still very ill with leukemia
@@mac-iq9hj Yes you are right indeed. Our system is not perfect. Here we sort patients by gravity of their physical state (yes, the system tends to forget about mental illnesses, unfortunately) while in the US the system tends to sort patients by who's got money/insurance. I still prefer the Canadian system, as I just find it unacceptable that people go bankrupt over medical bills.
To americans: the folowing is a joke! Two doctors meet in the street. A - "Why do you look so sad ?" B - "I lost a patient !" A - " What happend ?" B - "He got cured !"
That is the truth . I don't go to big pharma doctors and I have been begging other people to open their eyes . I try to explain to them about synthetic medicine only mimicking healing and can only heal you partially and then you relapse . It's not about healing it's about keeping you on those prescriptions
I lived in France. It must be hard for French people to imagine that things could be so bad in the US. It's not that the French system is particularly stellar. (When I lived there, only 2/3 of dental was covered, compared with 100% in the UK.) It's that the American system is really, truly, unimaginably awful. (0% dental coverage, though the steps Mr. Obama took have lightened the burden somewhat for the very poorest residents.)
@@RobMacKendrick yea it sucks, in most cases dental and eye related doctor visits are separate. u have to pay more insurance for them to be covered if they even get covered at all.
Wanda Sykes has a point about black and brown people getting prescribed less opioids than white people. After my cesarean section, I was prescribed Advil.
Watched those things destroy a lot of people. The push of this medication on whites and how easily it can be prescribed is actually terrible imo. I'll take an advil over some opioids anyday
Don't feel bad, more white peor ven killing themselves with opoiods these last ten years than in the previous 50 combined. When they prescribed me some pain pill after a cesarean, I traded my pills to them for weed lol they were serious addicts created by the hospitals and the hospitals have the nerve to call that an epidemic when They keep giving it out! It's a plot too
Im with Wanda Sykes. Thank God for me I had little fiesty Jewish PCP that order me the oxy after my surgery. She was like this some bs. Love her. And that pain aint no joke.
8:29 Jim is so right, I deal with this all the time. You stand there waiting for someone to help you and everyone's ignoring you pretending they're busy... Especially CVS
1. Had a kidney stone, kidney infection, bladder infection while 5 months pregnant and I got tylenol. 2. Had surgery and was given the equivalent of aspirin. I talked to the doctor and she said it's normal to feel a little pain after surgery but you'll be ok. 3. Had severe chest pains and wan't seen in over 3 hrs and sent home with no treatment or tests. I wholeheartedly believe American physicians hate young black people and would rather watch us in pain and suffering than treat.
They are insane when it comes to pain with everyone. I’m in chronic pain, and they didn’t give me my pain medicine my pain specialist gave me for surgery, and I suffered like hell. I have been screaming for years about this, and I can’t get anyone to fight for it and organize so we can get good pain treatment. My medical records are crazy, and serious with injuries and serious illness. I just was also diagnosed with a brain lesion and you should read the rest of what is wrong with me. Years ago my old dr who was a cancer doc said my pain was as bad as end stage cancer patients, he wrote this down so other drs see what he wrote. We have to change pain care in the USA for people in real pain. And I’m so sorry you went through that, I often say they are trying to not just kill us, but make sure we suffer a horrible death. If I do a petition I am coming back to get your signature. They are cruel, and this dr that testified said one day we will look back and say what a dark time this was because of the way we treated our suffering patients. I have been living it for over 30 years. And they always have made it difficult and tried to humiliate and harass you if you need pain relief! My tough marine father died because they gave him a bad weak pain medication that didn’t work, and he had a heart attack because he was in so much pain, AND because the crap drug he got had been taken off the market because…. it caused heart attacks.
@@bookieworm17 thank you so much. I just had surgery, and by the way I have Kidney stones, and I had a UTI too, plus kidney infection, plus the damn brain lesion, and this crap called hypocalcemia and hypokalemia (lack of potassium) because they messed up my calcium levels which made me pass out and crash into my night stand and hit my head and get more injured and have seizures, because when they took my thyroid out, cause they thought I had cancer they took my parathyroids out and lymph nodes out, so I had 2 emergency hospital stays just weeks apart and just got out Sunday.! It was like being in a prison! They treat everyone like shit! Although I did have two roommates who had sickle cell and they did get good pain treatment because I heard the drs give them strong opiates, although they both told me they have had previous issues, with some drs. I understand that because that great cancer specialist I used to have as my pain dr was also a sickle cell blood dr and wrote papers about how drs need to treat sickle cell patients seriously about their pain! I have the same kind of intensity with my own pain! So trust me I have nothing but empathy for you, but I have seen them treat men, women, young and old and black, and white like utter shit. It just has to change. We have to organize and demand we get treated for our pain! Its got to be like civil rights when you get in pain, you must be treated! And we are all adults so if some person abuses medications that’s on them! I don’t abuse my medicine and am allergic to so many things it’s crazy. And we need ketamine available which is a miracle drug for big pain to be covered by insurance. They use that for sickle cell and big pain like mine and it’s a damn miracle drug! And it’s cheap. My old doc gave me numbing injections after this Mac truck hit me and herniated my disc and I had knee surgery, and it stopped the damn pain! I only had to have him give it every 2 months, and didn’t have to take anything so now they say it could work for my disease pain and want me to try it through an IV! That’s how sickle cell patients get it. You get in bad pain, ask to have that and I promise you, you will be amazed. I am worn out from fighting this shit and I damn near died the 2nd emergency hospital stay my fiancé said baby we nearly lost you, because my oxygen was at 50 percent and they said I had a stroke and heart attack and I was like whaaaaaaaaat? Because my vitals and stuff were all screwed up. I had a heart cath and it looked ok, but I had chest pain and jaw and ear pain that only nitro glycerin would help. And by the way the first hospital was mean as shit. It was a teaching hospital. Now “some” people were really nice, and I’m grateful for them, but most mean as utter shit. And understaffed and lazy. And this witch dr cut my pain medicine down to nothing! Because she screwed up and gave me something that I couldn’t take. So she just takes me off my pain medication my dr ordered, after they said only my pain dr could order it, they monkeyed around with my meds and nearly killed me! This is why I am in this mess, mistake after mistake. I went to a better hospital, this last time and the nurses were great but I was really sweet to them as well. I am easy going and I will always be nice if you are nice to me. That’s the way my maman raised me. I’m Louisiana Cajun French by the way. So I understand how you feel. I am again so sorry you suffered, and I am angry that you did! I wish I could run for office just on this one platform and that would be fixing this shit so one one suffers anymore!
My father-in-law went to urgent care where they told him to go to the emergency room right away as he was having a stroke. They said he needs to get a certain medication withing a few hours in order to not get a full blown stroke, I guess. And they called the emergency room to say he's coming and needs that medication. He did drive himself to the emergency room. And they made him wait for 8 hours before anybody was able to see him. My mother-in-law was raising hell there but was told - people with even worse conditions wait so he can wait as well. Needless to say he did not get the medication because it was too late for it. The doctor said he needed to come in sooner. I suppose before he got the symptoms of a stroke.
My father was a general practitioner for about 30 years until he passed from lung cancer at a relatively young age. My dad loved helping people and especially loved working with sick children. He collapsed on the first day of his retirement and roughly 6 months later he died. He always treated people with the utmost dignity, and was one of the last doctors I know of who actually made house calls. When he became hospitalized he had to flown by fixed wing aircraft to a hospital in a large city because he had already died once that night but was resuscitated, and was in such a weakened state the ER doctors said he would never survive being transported by helicopter. In that sux months, most of his time was spent in the ICU and on the medical floor if that big city hospital before being transferred back to the hospital where he had worked, andxthen home for the last few weeks of his life. In all that time, I have never witnessed as much abuse by nursing staff and other medical support staff as I did then. The nurses would talk to him like he had an IQ of 10, when he had a genius IQ, but during his initial collapse his brain was deprived of oxygen and his short term memory was shot. So, when he finally regained consciousness 3 weeks later, my dad had no recollection of what had happened to him, why he was in the hospital, nothing. As he seemed to be regaining at least some of his health, we had to explain things to him so he would understand why he had to be on a ventilator, why all the IV and other tunes were necessary. But the nurses continued to treat him like he was stupid, instead of with dignity. One nurse even went so far as to say, "well, he's going to die anyway" in front if me and my mom. My mom proceeded to hunt down the hospital administrator, chief of staff and head nurse, because this just happened to be on a weekday, and I do believe that nurse may have been pounding the pavement looking for a new job. My dad was in a medically induced coma at the time, so you never know what a patient might actually hear or how they will react. And you absolutely NEVER make such an ignorant careless statement as that nurse did.. EVER. My dad was a veteran, but had to go to the big city hospital because (1) there was no VA hospital in the area, and (2) the VA would not have had the technology to treat my dad at the time. So, after my dad was discharged and transferred back to the smaller hospital, the larger hospital started harrassing my mother with hate mail, phone calls, and of course a bill for in excess of $250k. Of course that bill would be many times today what it was then. The doctors were OK, but the nurses were lacking in empathy, compassion, and any other terms you can think of to describe the situation. And the financial department should have been sued for what they put my mother through. They didnt care whether my dad actually got the treatment he needed, they just wanted their money! VA paid a little of the bill, but until the day she died 11 years later, my mom was still being harassed by that hospital, and by then she was on SS.
That's so terrible, I'm sorry to hear about this injustice. It always sucks loosing someone to cancer, but the fact you also had to go thru the other stuff is saddening
afaik, legally they cant take shit from you after the patient dies. they can go after his life insurance policy and any inheritance he might have left behind but they cant go after family for the money since its not their debt. ofc there are exceptions to this but at the same time hospitals are known to illegally go after people even tho if the estate cant even remotely cover the cost then u dont even need to try to pay it off in some cases.
@@cooltjh4 In the US they can go after anyone who is legally connected. If there isn't a corporation, which was the case with my father, the next target is the wife, and she was targeted, between 250k and 300k. My mother was hospitalized a few years before my father fell ill and received letters from the finance dept threatening her life if she didn't pay up. That's what happens when hospitals are snapped up by huge corporations with legal departments that can keep litigation tied up in the courts basically bankrupting the people who are challenging the charges, or dont have the money to pay exorbitant bills. So YES, they can and do go after family members, and it IS legal.
@@cooltjh4 The spouse is different than other family members. They are jointly responsible for medical bills in the U.S., but other family members aren't liable for medical or other bills after a person's death unless there are extenuating circumstances.
I actually take a medication where death is a side effect, but when the choice is extreme pain with no quality of life as your body attacks itself or being able to function somewhat normally, death isn’t so big a risk.
Any day I will (well, do) take the very high risk of infections turning severe and inability to fight it off over crippling pain that makes me unable to walk without being hunched (on swollen feet with swollen knees, too, arthritis and connective tissue inflammation both part of my hell). Masks and alcohol 2-ply prep pads have been with me for decades. The only time I ever got a cold (someone-a healthcare worker!-sneezed at me right at my face, swearing it was allergies-zero contact after that minute, and I believe she got sacked for not following protocol), I was in the respiratory ICU for 5.5 days as it proved the perfect stormy opportunity for a nasty strain of pneumonia not in the vaccination shot I've had. I was already diligent but that hellish week and the P/T I required to regain strength and balance after it made me far more aggressive about telling everyone to stay away if they've been near anyone sneezing coughing running a fever etc (went 15 years without any infectious anything til her and it has been 8 years since, cold/flu/pneumonia free).
I know someone who chooses to live with IBS instead of whatever the hell the drugs are going to do. It’s sad that healthcare isn’t people getting better so much as its choosing which problem you can live with.
They list adverse reactions on all medications, the last one being death on all my prescriptions, they have to cover all bases, just like surgeries. They don’t know how it’s going to effect a lot of people, you see how many they put in the market, the next thing you know they take it off. Then you see these attorneys saying if you took this medicine and this happened call us. I’ve gotten a few letters saying we understand you took this medication type letter. We don’t know. Always look at color and shape too.
What you have to remember is that the USA is run for the benefit of big business and that other countries including all EU member states are run for the benefit of their citizens.
When my cousin said kidney stones are worse than childbirth…that was an understatement. I cursed out the whole ward until they gave me 2 doses of morphine.
Dude I had to get my gallbladder taken out and they weren’t taking me seriously. Had to get there by ambulance and they just had me sit in the waiting room. For HOURS. I was vomiting in a bucket in front of everyone. 😂 I was like “For real. Something isn’t right guys.” I literally started taking off my clothes because A) I was hot asf and B) To get their attention 😂 Im like “I’ll take ALL my clothes off. DONT. TEST. ME.” 😂 I was down to my bra and shorts lol. 30 minutes later, I had morphine and dilaudid and I was HAAAAAPPYYYYYYYY 👏👏👏
yea when she was acting like a kidneystone was a walk in the park compared to cramps im like...... lady u obviously never had a kidney stone, ive heard from women who gave birth 5 times say kidney stones are hell.
There are 3 times or more healthcare industry lobbyists than there are people in congress. They can tag team every member in the house and senate and all get paid VERY VERY well. And things stay the same in america (well, they do get worse, so some things change)
The American health insurance industry is working exactly as it was planned to, i.e. make as much money as it possibly can while providing as little actual healthcare as it can get away with and leave the poor suckers broke and/or bankrupt along the way...see works juuuust fine...
its not that they cant, they just choose not to. just like how ambulances are privately owned and therefore are not covered by insurance. its all to make more money for the private person who owns both the hospital and the ambulance but seperates them so he gets double the money. even in canada ambulances are privately owned.
It's a plot I'm telling you!!! I'm not kidding the government doesn't want us healthy here they put toxic crap in Literally Everything they're even forcing the farmers to grow poison/ cancerous food
I was in the e.r.waiting room because my brother was having to have his appendix removed. I had to clean blood of the floor cuz no one was "certified" to do it as toddlers were crawling around. This was 20 years ago. So very pre-pandemic.
okay, for the anti-depressant thing [with suicidal thoughts as a side effect], it's actually a side effect that occurs in about 10% of people [don't quote me on this exact number], who react badly with it. if you do have such side effects, bring it up with your doctor, or go to the ER immediately.
It happens a lot, even if not considered a side effect. When you're super depressed you can be too low to do anything, but the antidepressants can 'fluff you up' enough that you have energy to carry out a plan. Meds, especially new ones, should be heavily supervised
@@JazzyMamaInAK Meds are great, but we still haven't even admitted the cause of depression, which is that people suck. So, like you say, some folks take the meds, regain enough energy to act, and do that, because this place still sucks. What needed is for people to stop being allowed to use each other as punching bags. Especially children and young adults, since that's where depressive tendencies get rooted. Meds help to make the condition bearable, but it's not going away until society grows the hell up.
I gashed the back of my hand open and nicked a vein where blood was gushing pretty badly to the point I got dizzy from the blood loss. After driving myself to the ER of my local small town hospital, I was sat in a room for like an hour and a half and had 3 DIFFERENT nurses come in and ask me the SAME barrage of questions then leave without doing anything. My hand had actually stopped bleeding on its own before someone actually came in to slather my hand in liquid stitch. They weren't busy, small town means like 600 people, the ER WAS EMPTY WHEN I GOT THERE, and somehow people who came there AFTER me, got treated first. Their condition also wasn't life threatening. One nurse was surprised I was even in the room, they tried to bring someone else in there. For all they did for me, I could've gone to a grocery store and purchased a jar of liquid bandage my fucking self and saved the time.
As a European I am 100% baffled that you need to wait at a pharmacy. I mean - what?! I never waited more than 3 minutes at a pharmacy, mid covid pandemic insanity included.
Europe? Nah, to wait over there is not something we could expect. Now, I'm from freaking Mexico, yes, Mexico, that place where the withies of the world think we don't have running water or internet and still never in my life I have waited at a pharmacy, my sister's kidney stones were checked and removed immediately (in hours). My dad's gallbladder was removed in a couple of days (a little bit more of what I'd like to say) but still he got admitted to the hospital in minutes while the company where he worked was paying 100% of his salary while he was at the hospital waiting for his surgery. All of this with public healthcare. So, maybe it's not really that bad to live in a socialist "3rd world shithole" for once...
Waiting!?! 😂 I wish that’s all it took! I can’t even remember how many times I had to go from pharmacy to pharmacy because they never seemed to have my meds in stock. Or the attitude I would get for just being prescribed certain meds. I’ve become so discouraged with this medical system that I’ve just given up.
Same. Quad tendon repair. Cast from my ankle to my hip. They gave me Ibuprofen. Every time I asked for pain meds even the day after the surgery there was an issue. Long story short I have a high pain tolerance and none of my injuries have healed fully. Did phys, occupational therapy for years. In pain the whole time. Yup Dr.s withhold pain meds from those of us brown in down.
Kidney Stones. I'm a great grandmother. Back in college, my best friend was just out of Special Forces (a male, obviously). I saw him break his arm, visibly obviously broken (a forearm is not supposed to have a bend in the middle). He finished helping my friend move, and then went to the hospital. This is 45+ years ago, "Toxic Masculinity" was just standard expectations for any male over the age of 6. My friend, was popping handfuls of Percocet's, washed down with booze (neither of which he had much experience with, body is a temple sh_t)......and even after all that......he was still genuinely sobbing in pain. I'm like.....I pray to the Lord to be good for the rest of my life as long as I never have a Kidney Stone. (FYI - It worked).
That Jeff Foxworthy bit always cracks me up. As I’m watching Anjelah, I’m thinking aww her poor hubby wants some sympathy. Then in my mind I go “You can find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphilis!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
32:30 I had a brain surgery and a stroke at only 43 years old and I can sadly relate to this. I was not only cleaned after I went to the restroom but I also was showered. Worse time if my life.
7 appointments with 3 different Dr's and none of them realised I had kidney stones. I didn't know what was causing the pain. I guess I didn't complain loud enough?
I went to the doctor. I had a quite painful condition while I was pregnant that you've never heard of probably, but the point is they blew me off the first time too. I was just pregnant and whiny, basically. I have a high tolerance for pain like you I guess. Meaning i dont necessarily cry or scream i suffer in silence too. So I go home and call my mom. She's a nurse. She said, how did you...ACT when you told them about the pain? I said, I was just real calm and tried to explain it civil-like. And she said, oh no! You gotta go again, and this time you go in there and be dramatic, honey! "The squeaky wheel gets the grease!" I said, even in a healthcare situation!? She said yes! Go in there and express the pain and be "dramatic". So I did. They figured out the problem real fast when I was crying and screaming so loud the entire hospital floor could hear me. Funny how that works...
I tell all the youngins I work with when I see they have an injury that's bothering them, "You complain and tell them it's horrible. You don't let them tell you you're too young to have pain, you make it seem like the worst thing ever." However, there are times when someone is kicked in the shin and they're like, "The pain is 9 out of 10," and I'm like, "Really? You sure about that? I think you need to try again."
tbf, unless u went to a urologist or ur doctors were mentally retarded and never did a urine test, not many would know. i found out about mine when i went for a check up at my general practitioner and took a urine test, said i had microscopic hematuria which basically means i had a small amount of blood in my urine. and they said off the top of their heads 2 things could be the issue. kidney stone or bladder cancer. but they had me take a CT scan at another place to be sure and found the stones in my ureter. i just stopped going after i found out and like 2 weeks later im sitting in bed and im like *bAM!* WHOOOOOOOA TIME TO NOT MOVE. drank water for like an hour while in pain but thankfully mine was small, like 3mm. had an inlaw with a 10 mm one and he was out for a month.
Love that guy Hari - the one with the black and glasses. he’s not only funny, he’s absolutely right :) 🚑⚕️ Give me me more of the lady in the purple, she’s freakin’ hilarious :) Actually, if i start listing everyone who’s really great, i’d be here all night. Brilliant compilation of health care in amurica - which is a joke all by itself! :|
I had both menstrual cramps and kidney stones. I'd pick menstrual cramps over kidney stones any day, woman! Don't laugh at kidney stones, they're seriously, seriously hurts! And this is from a woman who've had experience hepatitis C/liver diseases (3 doctor 3 different diagnoses), acute and then chronic gastroenteritis, miscarriage and curettage, and lost both ovaries to cysts. But all of them is still a wee bit better than migraines, oh man...that is the worst thing ever. Good thing they put Tracy and Kevin afterwards because the comedienne who made fun at her husband's kidney stones pain almost killed the joy of this video for me. And the end with "Jenny the specific fetish nurse" was great, LoL. Seems like she'll make an unforgettable sitcom character!!! Too adorable I keep replaying Jenny's parts several times! 🤣🤣🤣👍
Cramps suck, no doubt. The fact many women have to go through that in a regular basis is bs. And let's be honest, if it were men suffering from that, there would probably be an assortment of efficient medication to do something about it. That being said, if I had a wife who treated me like that, she better not get pregnant, because if she was ever in labour pains, I'd get her to the hospital on a wheelbarrow.
my god! you have been through so much. i do hope it’s all over and you are well. my problems are bad, but yours are so very hard. 😁 be well 🌿🌼🌺🌱. i didn’t like her either. any bad pain needs medical attention. the only funny part was her on Nyquil (which shows she really didn’t care about her own husband! - not funny). 😐
Menstrual cramps come every month and vary a lot between individuals. You tell her to not laugh at kidney stones, you dont know her pain, or her pain threshold, neither of which we are in control of
i understood it as she was treating the husband like he treated her for her own pains. women are mocked and belittled a lot for mentrual pains which can be debilitating and unlike kidney stones they will not be taken seriously and just get told it's normal by family and doctors alike. and you get that every month, and some women go through decades of that until someone takes them seriously and they discover pcos or endometriosis.... i feel like that clip needed a bit more context though, because it does seem like she's mocking him.
It’s a fact that it’s cheaper to fly home. Australian friend flew home - that’s a long flight & kinda pricey. As a Canadian, unless you are in a coma you head home, your family transfer you to Canada if you’re comatose. Friend broke his leg skiing- it was cheaper for his dad to fly to him then fly them both back to Canada.
This is not hyperbole & his femoral artery was severed he wore the cast for the compound fracture for a long long time. He walks & skates & skis perfectly still now years later? Just like before he broke his leg on the slopes in Jackson Hole, Colorado. Both side of our border have great medical care. Canadians rarely loose homes or go bankrupt from medical bills. The few that have were injured outside of their province without extra travel Insurance, I am an insurance expert. Not here selling anything but an idea. Not all Canadians qualify for this type of coverage & even here people are ignorant of the coverage they should buy & others gambling their lives & financial security because they are young & invincible or whatever it is just cheap, this coverage can seem to be too expensive. Yet it too is a fraction of what an emergency will cost, most especially when they have to seek medical attention from the USA system. Our closest destination($). In most cases exceptions Greenland, Iceland, Russia & a couple French (France’s) territory near Newfoundland or, Canada’s East coast. (Colonial vestiges from NEW FRANCE) 1534 -1763. [Isn’t reading educational? ] although this info is likely available on video- here in UA-cam. Just sayin’
I scrolled through the comments to find that out, too. If you rewatch the video, it shows his name - Tom Papa - in the bottom left corner at the start of his skit. It's so small, we missed it.
I clicked on this cause I handle prior authorizations and assistance program approvals-- that “you must think hmo stands for ‘help me out ‘“ -- My spirit sank and yet I still laughed omg 😆 we are not mean by nature - we know half our day consist of disappointing people 😫
Yeah true. Thanks guys. Hopefully, I’ll be able to quit this year. It’ll be my Christmas present to myself. Or they’ll find out I try to help people that really need it and fire me then I’ll get unemployment and reinvest my 401k into something else
Seriously though. This country is so backward and they kept buying into this, we have the most open and free democracy in the world. A free nation provides free healthcare, a great education, a minimum wage high enough so you don't have humour some unsavoury customer. A free nation gives you options to live your life, without those three things you have no options.
It’s legal for health insurance companies and pharmaceutical corps to “lobby” (bribe) politicians. What people want and what the government says that we want are two very big different things! nobody I know is happy with their ins.
I have to live with extreme pain 24/7 in my legs and lower back because nothing can be done for the sciatica that I have had for years. This condition also comes with side effects like numbness and incontinence. My legs have also become deformed around the knee. Along with this, I have the pain of arthritis. I take ibuprofen all day/night long but it is not strong enough to dull the pain I have whenever my legs are used for standing, walking, etc. Even turning over in bed, the pain can be extreme. I was told that surgery may cure it but it also may have no effect on it. I refuse to believe that there is nothing that can be done for the pain except medications that can become addictive, which I naturally do not want. I go to the doctor as little as possible because of the copays that Medicare bills you for; I literally cannot go into medical bankruptcy and lose the money I am living on.
I had to get my gallbladder taken out and they weren't taking me seriously. Had to get there by ambulance and they just had me sit in the waiting room. For HOURS. I was vomiting in a bucket in front of everyone. 😂 I was like "For real. Something isn't right guys." I literally started taking off my clothes because A) I was hot asf and B) To get their attention 🙌 I’m like "I'll take ALL my clothes off. DONT. TEST. ME." 😂 I was down to my bra and shorts lol. 30 minutes later, I had morphine and dilaudid and I was HAAAAAAPPPPPPPYYYYYY 🤣
You have to do what you have to do in that ER room to get seen! I was 5 minutes away from giving birth. My contractions were about 5 seconds apart. I walk as fast as I can into the hospital and sit/collapse down in front of the check-in desk. Someone brings me a wheelchair I crawl into it pausing for 2 contraction on the way up. The clerk behind the desk starts asking questions like name? weight? date of birth? insurance card? I've been to this hospital before. I gave them my name. They have everything else on file. But she's asking date of birth as if its changed. I just gritted my teeth and growled/shrieked in pain. A stranger waiting in the waiting room gets up and hands me my wallet out of my purse because she wants to see my drivers license. Again. Contraction hits me and I cant reach out to even grab my wallet all I can do is grip the arms of the wheelchair as hard as I possibly can to keep from flying out and going completely crazy and having the baby right there. I was at the point where I couldn't help but start to push. This kid is coming one way or the other. I was trying to be so calm and patient though. So this woman gets up as slow as she can possibly go and walks me up to the delivery room on 3rd floor and on the way, mind you, you can probably see my daughter's head at this point she was 2-3 good pushes away, and I shrieked at a contraction on her leisurely stroll up to delivery ward and this woman turned around and gave me the "shut up" look. I swear to god. My husband was pushing me. For some reason she took her purse. She was just the clerk she wasn't staying for the birth or to do anything but she's dragging her huge purse anyway. I get in there the LPN has to deliver my daughter because the doctor doesn't have time to come up to my room in time! She was GREAT though. You could tell she wasn't happy to be responsible for a birth but she quickly rose to the challenge and she did everything perfect. My baby girl was perfect. I remember I kept telling her, "I need an epidural!" (lol!!!)"oh please something for the pain?!" She says, "oh no honey the baby will be here before we could even get an epidural inserted IF I had the anaesthetist here RIGHT NOW!" None of this was in the "Birth Plan".
My husband went through kidney stones. Never saw him crying and yelling so much! I felt sorry for him, but also a bit of pay back for him finally realizing what I went through w childbirth.
Something tells me you've never had them. I REALLY love me some dark and offensive humor but even though I'm a man I've never found a woman screaming during childbirth funny. I've never had kidney stones but if I get them I'm getting my affairs in order and will be asking for hospice.
I remember when my dad had kidney stones... heard him crying in the washroom for a few nights... thought something terrible was going on... One day he was on so many painkillers and in so much pain he couldn't get on the seat and ended up making a mess... when I found out what it was I was actually so relieved lmao But it is a terrible thing to go through
@@jaybee8862 nope. My husband is going through them again. He took his prescription pain meds this morning. And it didn't even touch it. Kidney stones are absolutely the worst pain, any man could go through. My veteran husband, who never cries, never tells anyone he's having any pain, until it is severe, was literally shaking today from the pain of passing the stone! Even his pain pills, didn't touch how much agony he was in! The Emergency room even gave him morphine today. He said it felt a tiny bit better, but was still hurting.
also a black woman, back to back doctors to help with my menstrual cramps. it was the severe i cant physically walk, throw up my entire digestive system type severe. it hurts bc it really makes me not wanna have kids. 1 bc of the pain, 2 i might die bc they neglect us, 3 i dont want my kids going through it
Jokes aside, I'm not even American so I wouldn't know, but why does it take so long. Around here they just print out a label and give you the meds in like 40 seconds.
@@KarlMySuitcase im a pharmacy tech. i work at a really busy 24 hour walgreens and realistically it only takes about 10-15 minutes to fill a script. other places like a non retail pharmacy prolly like 5 lol. so to answer your questions these comedians are exaggerating the inconvenience in of itself
@@juffs. Thank you! I knew he was exaggerating, but 10 minutes is still wild to me. Is it maybe because of filling those orange bottles I see in American media? Here you just get the original package of the shelf, they print a label with your name and your doctors name on it. Put it on the package and done!
@@KarlMySuitcase well in american pharmacies there are a lot of protocols in place to protect controlled substances and also patient information cuz people go nuts over that. so the process for instance is you get ur slip/escript, you have to type it out select the medication put in the doctors NPI/DEA #, bill the patients insurace (american pharmacy plans like to give u a lot of issues here) you then have to go to pharmacist have him/her verify its all right, print it, from there you find the medication of the maze or pills, fill it, take it to the pharmacist to reverify it, bag it, and then finally page the patient
@@KarlMySuitcase if there is ever a dummy long wait its usually cuz there are several insurace rejects that require corrent billing info (numbers on their insurance card, 4 different codes) overrides, or even a literal different fucking drug because their whack ass plan doesnt cover basic LIFE SAVING meds. all n all it can be rlly stressful especially when its busy.
I broken my ankle in 3 places and ended with 16 screws and 3 steel plates. They sent me home with ibuprofen and Panadol. I looked at the discharge nurse and said “uh uh, no. I’m going to need something stronger for the first 3-4 days please”. So she gave me panadine forte. Asshole’s
At 9:50 "you give your slip to the pharmacist"... ?? A slip? A SLIP? No! In Europe I hand the pharmacist my ID, they scan it, they f*** of for about ten second and return with what ever I need. IF I need to pay, I scan my debit card in the air and off I go!
That was great - very clever & very funny people! Every one of them were great value - very talented comedians! Thanks for a really good belly-laugh guys! Love ur work! 👏👏💘👍🥳🍻😂🎯🤣🥂🍾👌🙏🌞🤞💘👏👏
Remember your health is our business not our concern😂
Truest statement ever
That's the sadest truth I have heard in a long time.
True that
And that was 40 yrs ago. Its only gotten worse since.
"Being blind is a pre-existing condition. Well you should have read the fine print!" I AM DEAD!
Years ago I had a friend who was legally blind with a condition for which there was no cure and it would only get worse ... I can't think of what it was called but he was totally blind in one eye and had severely limited tunnel vision in the other .
He went out on some kind of early retirement from Boeing when he was 54 .
But once a year he had to go through a bunch of BS and testing and visiting doctors and paperwork to prove his vision had not gotten any better .
@@gardensofthegods Thanks for sharing!
@@powerofanime1 you're welcome .
@@powerofanime1 Rusty you might want to scroll down to the thread started by bookieworm17 for some info on all natural healers especially brain healers and things that slow down aging of the brain and make us smarter .
I put those responses in there to help people so you might want to see what I have to say there
@@gardensofthegods Well thanks for the info.
"now that you know your health is our business, not our concern..." and then you know that 40 minutes ain't enough.
That was the saddest and truest sentence
Yes, that was a great line!
America has 'healthcare' the same way the Third Reich had a 'relocation program'😛
@@pseudonayme7717 Americans of every political orientation, can be too stupid for an American NHS to be a good idea. Old ladies feeding wild alligators chickens, levels of stupid. Drunk drugged up driving worse than Europe, and that's before we add firearms into the mix. I think it would do you all good, but I try look at it from the perspective of the USA Rightwing and try to speak their language to them about it.
Also even if you go for it, it will take time to build it via sensible forms of Nationalisation. It took us in Britain 75 years to build our NHS into what it is today. Americans could probably pull it off within 25 years with an additional dollar a week tax on anyone earning above-average incomes and more on the wealthy.
Leftists agitating to seize assets do not understand basic economics and how it will cause massive Capital Flight and heavily damage the USA economy. Sensible Nationalisation is buying assets at a *huge* mark-up, for long term savings later. The economic argument to make to Righty over such things is along the lines of:
People secure they can get single-payer healthcare and full coverage for everyone, will have more free cash to spend on your domestic economy. Until or unless the american NHS ever arrives, the best solution I've seen for y'all yet, is the Japanese Universal Health Insurance system. There, they pay only 30% of all healthcare costs.
This gives Righty 'muh free market always more effective than the gubment' (even when it isn't) and gives Liberal to Left range some logical kindness from one of the world's richest nations in terms of primary industries like mining and agriculture, secondary like manufacturing, and tertiary such as the financial sector, programming, inventions, technology design etc.
Can’t stop laughing…. ‘So they won’t give me health insurance because.. I might need health insurance’😂
“They had no Tums! No Tums. You ate, got gassy, and exploded.” 🤣 I am crying right now.
"You were shot in a subway? Next time, eat at Quiznos". This killed me 😆
"Why does it take five hours to put 6 pills in an orange cup? Are they trying to hit it from ten feet away??" Freaking genius 🤣😂🤣
Your health is our business, not our concern.... that says it all 💯
“Free range rich people” 😂 🤣😆
I'm a RN living with metastatic breast cancer....I shit you not....the palliative care doc at UTSW actually told me she could see no reason for my pain according to my scans...I was trying to get my shortness of breath blood clots wouldn't be found for 6 more months.
Healthcare in America is a joke...
Health care worldwide is a joke. I'm from trinidad 🇹🇹, free Healthcare, but that irrelevant because the doctors are a bunch of jacka$$es. Maybe medical care would be Health CARE when they stop paying doctors so much to write a note!
Wow that is crazy. Hope you are getting th care you need now.
Sorry you're going thru that...USA really need to do better #fellowRN
The unfunniest joke ever told. Sometimes the jokes just kill you...literally.
40 minutes of laughter and head-nodding in agreement. The British lady was my fave ~ her perspective on our crazy non-system was spot-on and hilarious. Also, great editing on this video ~ seamless and connected. Thanks for putting it together!
Exactly! Gina Yashere's comedic timing was spot on! Especially the flight tickets for myself, and one for the leg joke🤣
" you must think HMO means help me out" , ahhahahaha
I am Canadian, and at one point, i fell down a flight of stairs. My friends, Americains, were concerned about, not my health, but my inssurance policy. It took me 2 WHOLE minutes to understand what they meant:
I ckuld get in a hospital, pay for the room, be there for a while, come out and pay about 500 bucks for the room. Everything else is covered.
I am so sorry for what y'all have to go through, really am.
The fact that there's over 40 minutes of jokes proves there's something wrong with our healthcare
You can make 40 minutes of jokes about anything. It proves dick.
Mines free, paid by taxes really so ours feels pretty good since I can walk in to my local Dr and get checked out and leave without needing to pay a dime in like 30 or so minutes.
It shouldn’t take 40 minutes of jokes to convince anyone that our healthcare system is problematic 😅
Yeah I'm a 62 year old nurse at a large urban hospital in the US and I can guarantee you that we have the WORST fucken health insurance-industrial complex on the planet. Over 30 years I've seen more people than I can count go bankrupt or die due to lack of health insurance in this fucked up country, and STILL the corporate whores run everything!
One Movie...John Q.
Wanda Sykes skit on opioids is sadly spot on - a friend’s 15 year old son was prescribed Fentanyl after sinus surgery and became addicted. Two years later he put himself into rehab and hopefully is on the road to a brighter future, but his story was scary.
What kind of doctor would do that to a child? I recently had a serious accident resulting in dislocated ribs, dislocated wrist, 30 stitches around my eye and lips and brain bleeding and bruises - all I got was a shot of morphine when leaving the ER and Cataflam every 6 hours: the nurses woke me up every time I finally dozed off to give me my pills and I’m 54…..
many, many years ago I tripped over & banged my head. After 48 hrs I still had quite the headache so went to a Dr. After a 5 minute consultation she prescribed Endone with x2 repeats (60 tablets in total). I had actually sustained a moderate concussion. Now they won't even prescribe codeine after major surgery.
They use to prescribe cocaine and morphine up to the 1920s
Mmmm Morphine
Not a doctor but i do have medical studies and fentanyl is really strong. I'm honestly shocked they would give this after surgery, really unnecessary and as you said, addictive.
I hope your friend's kid stays well.
My adult autistic child was given opioids after a hip surgery and became addicted. It's been awful.
The fact that 2 first class tickets to Britain and get it fixed over there is still 1000 times more cheaper than going to the hospital in America lmao
The problem is you wait 4 years to get the procedure in Britain, 3 weeks in u.s.
@@rebeccamcroberts5486 yeah exactly, americans think we have good healthcare when it's just free - and it being free means they're stingy as hell about it. most docs won't even make the referral for tests. lots of stuff isn't treated here at all, and if your condition is chronic you'll probably give up and save up for private tests and treatment or use crowdfunding anyway.
@@rebeccamcroberts5486 that's a lie, it doesn't take years to get a procedure done in places that have universal Healthcare. It takes bout the same amount of time as it does here. The difference in those places is that EVERYONE gets Healthcare. In the US, you will die unless you can either pay for insurance or are lucky enough to be covered through your job. Idk who lied to you, but universal Healthcare is far superior to the current US system, which is neither humane nor cost efficient.
@@rebeccamcroberts5486 I cant believe you believe that bs.
You should watch some of those many many many videos titled like:
If you are an american - when did you realize that america missed you up.
Bc you are missed up.
@@haveabanana2930 Sounds like they got their universal healthcare info from Republicans, who don't want to fix our healthcare system! Lol
I'm Canadian and I find these jokes very funny but so sad at the same time.
US citizen and I feel the same.
I am also Canadian and I tried to get a family doctor for 5 years before moving to the US. Impossible. I had to tell a new doctor about my depression every month at the walk in clinic after waiting for 5 hours, hoping they would give me the medication I needed. Let’s not do as it’s all unicorns and rainbows there either.
People here in America have gone into poverty some have lost everything because of catastrophic health problems .
Decades ago I knew someone who was an anesthesiologist in the surgical unit at University of Pennsylvania Hospital and he was stricken with a rare form of leukemia that usually kills you within a short amount of time .
It didn't take long before his quarter million dollars worth of coverage on his health insurance was blown through .
And then he lost his job there because he could go into seizures .
And then he lost his health insurance ... because he had not died when he was supposed to .
He sold his car to help keep up with his mortgage payments and then lost his house anyway .
This was a grown man in his 30s or 40s when he had to move into his mom's house because he had lost everything and was still very ill with leukemia
@@mac-iq9hj Yes you are right indeed. Our system is not perfect. Here we sort patients by gravity of their physical state (yes, the system tends to forget about mental illnesses, unfortunately) while in the US the system tends to sort patients by who's got money/insurance. I still prefer the Canadian system, as I just find it unacceptable that people go bankrupt over medical bills.
@@gardensofthegods Man, what a sad story.
To americans: the folowing is a joke!
Two doctors meet in the street.
A - "Why do you look so sad ?"
B - "I lost a patient !"
A - " What happend ?"
B - "He got cured !"
LMAO crazy
That is the truth . I don't go to big pharma doctors and I have been begging other people to open their eyes .
I try to explain to them about synthetic medicine only mimicking healing and can only heal you partially and then you relapse .
It's not about healing it's about keeping you on those prescriptions
That's a joke in every country, health is a business
A very lucrative business
Not so much the Doctor but very much the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Someone with skill put this together -- the skits flow from one to the next like a good DJ matching beats
Yes! Great job who ever 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Except for the stupid woman comparing mens kidney stones with period pain.. and the idiot audience laughing.
He knew he was making an important contribution to society. This video matters. More than, I dare say, all the others.
I had a choice of moving to the USA or France and I'm so happy i chose France when I see anything about us healthcare
I lived in France. It must be hard for French people to imagine that things could be so bad in the US. It's not that the French system is particularly stellar. (When I lived there, only 2/3 of dental was covered, compared with 100% in the UK.) It's that the American system is really, truly, unimaginably awful. (0% dental coverage, though the steps Mr. Obama took have lightened the burden somewhat for the very poorest residents.)
@@RobMacKendrick For only some of the very poorest. Millions of people, including children, are still without healthcare.
@@stephaniecarrow4898 Straight up.
You dodged a bullet there..... metaphorically speaking and possibly literally speaking.
@@RobMacKendrick yea it sucks, in most cases dental and eye related doctor visits are separate. u have to pay more insurance for them to be covered if they even get covered at all.
"You walked in, you hopped back out." Exactly! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"You must think HMO means Help Me Out", Priceless!
Holy hell this was packed full of gold.
Wanda Sykes has a point about black and brown people getting prescribed less opioids than white people. After my cesarean section, I was prescribed Advil.
Yep, I’ve been given advil and Tylenol. While friends have gotten stronger stuff. But I see it as a blessing too. Some people get addicted to opioids
Girl, I was given Tylenol! Like whaaaaaat.
Watched those things destroy a lot of people. The push of this medication on whites and how easily it can be prescribed is actually terrible imo. I'll take an advil over some opioids anyday
It definitely happens to white ppl just at a lower rate obviously. My mom had knee surgery and was given only Tylenol and she's white.
Don't feel bad, more white peor ven killing themselves with opoiods these last ten years than in the previous 50 combined. When they prescribed me some pain pill after a cesarean, I traded my pills to them for weed lol they were serious addicts created by the hospitals and the hospitals have the nerve to call that an epidemic when They keep giving it out! It's a plot too
Im with Wanda Sykes. Thank God for me I had little fiesty Jewish PCP that order me the oxy after my surgery. She was like this some bs. Love her. And that pain aint no joke.
8:29 Jim is so right, I deal with this all the time. You stand there waiting for someone to help you and everyone's ignoring you pretending they're busy... Especially CVS
I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals! This cracked me up beyond belief. Couldn’t stop laughing!!!! Love it!!!
I broke a rib laughing at all this and got charged $40,000 by a doctor to tell me to go home and rest.
1. Had a kidney stone, kidney infection, bladder infection while 5 months pregnant and I got tylenol.
2. Had surgery and was given the equivalent of aspirin. I talked to the doctor and she said it's normal to feel a little pain after surgery but you'll be ok.
3. Had severe chest pains and wan't seen in over 3 hrs and sent home with no treatment or tests.
I wholeheartedly believe American physicians hate young black people and would rather watch us in pain and suffering than treat.
They hate all people. Stop with the black victim fantasy, you'll be happier.
They are insane when it comes to pain with everyone. I’m in chronic pain, and they didn’t give me my pain medicine my pain specialist gave me for surgery, and I suffered like hell. I have been screaming for years about this, and I can’t get anyone to fight for it and organize so we can get good pain treatment. My medical records are crazy, and serious with injuries and serious illness. I just was also diagnosed with a brain lesion and you should read the rest of what is wrong with me. Years ago my old dr who was a cancer doc said my pain was as bad as end stage cancer patients, he wrote this down so other drs see what he wrote. We have to change pain care in the USA for people in real pain. And I’m so sorry you went through that, I often say they are trying to not just kill us, but make sure we suffer a horrible death. If I do a petition I am coming back to get your signature. They are cruel, and this dr that testified said one day we will look back and say what a dark time this was because of the way we treated our suffering patients. I have been living it for over 30 years. And they always have made it difficult and tried to humiliate and harass you if you need pain relief! My tough marine father died because they gave him a bad weak pain medication that didn’t work, and he had a heart attack because he was in so much pain, AND because the crap drug he got had been taken off the market because….
it caused heart attacks.
@@foxibot I'm so sorry you've been going through this for years. I sincerely hope something changes for the better soon.
@@bookieworm17 thank you so much. I just had surgery, and by the way I have Kidney stones, and I had a UTI too, plus kidney infection, plus the damn brain lesion, and this crap called hypocalcemia and hypokalemia (lack of potassium) because they messed up my calcium levels which made me pass out and crash into my night stand and hit my head and get more injured and have seizures, because when they took my thyroid out, cause they thought I had cancer they took my parathyroids out and lymph nodes out, so I had 2 emergency hospital stays just weeks apart and just got out Sunday.! It was like being in a prison!
They treat everyone like shit! Although I did have two roommates who had sickle cell and they did get good pain treatment because I heard the drs give them strong opiates, although they both told me they have had previous issues, with some drs. I understand that because that great cancer specialist I used to have as my pain dr was also a sickle cell blood dr and wrote papers about how drs need to treat sickle cell patients seriously about their pain!
I have the same kind of intensity with my own pain! So trust me I have nothing but empathy for you, but I have seen them treat men, women, young and old and black, and white like utter shit. It just has to change. We have to organize and demand we get treated for our pain! Its got to be like civil rights when you get in pain, you must be treated! And we are all adults so if some person abuses medications that’s on them!
I don’t abuse my medicine and am allergic to so many things it’s crazy. And we need ketamine available which is a miracle drug for big pain to be covered by insurance. They use that for sickle cell and big pain like mine and it’s a damn miracle drug! And it’s cheap. My old doc gave me numbing injections after this Mac truck hit me and herniated my disc and I had knee surgery, and it stopped the damn pain! I only had to have him give it every 2 months, and didn’t have to take anything so now they say it could work for my disease pain and want me to try it through an IV!
That’s how sickle cell patients get it. You get in bad pain, ask to have that and I promise you, you will be amazed. I am worn out from fighting this shit and I damn near died the 2nd emergency hospital stay my fiancé said baby we nearly lost you, because my oxygen was at 50 percent and they said I had a stroke and heart attack and I was like whaaaaaaaaat? Because my vitals and stuff were all screwed up. I had a heart cath and it looked ok, but I had chest pain and jaw and ear pain that only nitro glycerin would help. And by the way the first hospital was mean as shit. It was a teaching hospital. Now “some” people were really nice, and I’m grateful for them, but most mean as utter shit. And understaffed and lazy.
And this witch dr cut my pain medicine down to nothing! Because she screwed up and gave me something that I couldn’t take. So she just takes me off my pain medication my dr ordered, after they said only my pain dr could order it, they monkeyed around with my meds and nearly killed me! This is why I am in this mess, mistake after mistake. I went to a better hospital, this last time and the nurses were great but I was really sweet to them as well. I am easy going and I will always be nice if you are nice to me. That’s the way my maman raised me. I’m Louisiana Cajun French by the way. So I understand how you feel. I am again so sorry you suffered, and I am angry that you did! I wish I could run for office just on this one platform and that would be fixing this shit so one one suffers anymore!
My father-in-law went to urgent care where they told him to go to the emergency room right away as he was having a stroke. They said he needs to get a certain medication withing a few hours in order to not get a full blown stroke, I guess. And they called the emergency room to say he's coming and needs that medication. He did drive himself to the emergency room. And they made him wait for 8 hours before anybody was able to see him. My mother-in-law was raising hell there but was told - people with even worse conditions wait so he can wait as well. Needless to say he did not get the medication because it was too late for it. The doctor said he needed to come in sooner. I suppose before he got the symptoms of a stroke.
My father was a general practitioner for about 30 years until he passed from lung cancer at a relatively young age.
My dad loved helping people and especially loved working with sick children.
He collapsed on the first day of his retirement and roughly 6 months later he died.
He always treated people with the utmost dignity, and was one of the last doctors I know of who actually made house calls.
When he became hospitalized he had to flown by fixed wing aircraft to a hospital in a large city because he had already died once that night but was resuscitated, and was in such a weakened state the ER doctors said he would never survive being transported by helicopter.
In that sux months, most of his time was spent in the ICU and on the medical floor if that big city hospital before being transferred back to the hospital where he had worked, andxthen home for the last few weeks of his life.
In all that time, I have never witnessed as much abuse by nursing staff and other medical support staff as I did then.
The nurses would talk to him like he had an IQ of 10, when he had a genius IQ, but during his initial collapse his brain was deprived of oxygen and his short term memory was shot. So, when he finally regained consciousness 3 weeks later, my dad had no recollection of what had happened to him, why he was in the hospital, nothing. As he seemed to be regaining at least some of his health, we had to explain things to him so he would understand why he had to be on a ventilator, why all the IV and other tunes were necessary. But the nurses continued to treat him like he was stupid, instead of with dignity.
One nurse even went so far as to say, "well, he's going to die anyway" in front if me and my mom. My mom proceeded to hunt down the hospital administrator, chief of staff and head nurse, because this just happened to be on a weekday, and I do believe that nurse may have been pounding the pavement looking for a new job.
My dad was in a medically induced coma at the time, so you never know what a patient might actually hear or how they will react. And you absolutely NEVER make such an ignorant careless statement as that nurse did.. EVER.
My dad was a veteran, but had to go to the big city hospital because (1) there was no VA hospital in the area, and (2) the VA would not have had the technology to treat my dad at the time.
So, after my dad was discharged and transferred back to the smaller hospital, the larger hospital started harrassing my mother with hate mail, phone calls, and of course a bill for in excess of $250k. Of course that bill would be many times today what it was then.
The doctors were OK, but the nurses were lacking in empathy, compassion, and any other terms you can think of to describe the situation. And the financial department should have been sued for what they put my mother through. They didnt care whether my dad actually got the treatment he needed, they just wanted their money!
VA paid a little of the bill, but until the day she died 11 years later, my mom was still being harassed by that hospital, and by then she was on SS.
I'm so sorry your family had to endure this injustice.
That's so terrible, I'm sorry to hear about this injustice. It always sucks loosing someone to cancer, but the fact you also had to go thru the other stuff is saddening
afaik, legally they cant take shit from you after the patient dies. they can go after his life insurance policy and any inheritance he might have left behind but they cant go after family for the money since its not their debt. ofc there are exceptions to this but at the same time hospitals are known to illegally go after people even tho if the estate cant even remotely cover the cost then u dont even need to try to pay it off in some cases.
@@cooltjh4 In the US they can go after anyone who is legally connected. If there isn't a corporation, which was the case with my father, the next target is the wife, and she was targeted, between 250k and 300k. My mother was hospitalized a few years before my father fell ill and received letters from the finance dept threatening her life if she didn't pay up. That's what happens when hospitals are snapped up by huge corporations with legal departments that can keep litigation tied up in the courts basically bankrupting the people who are challenging the charges, or dont have the money to pay exorbitant bills.
So YES, they can and do go after family members, and it IS legal.
@@cooltjh4 The spouse is different than other family members. They are jointly responsible for medical bills in the U.S., but other family members aren't liable for medical or other bills after a person's death unless there are extenuating circumstances.
I actually take a medication where death is a side effect, but when the choice is extreme pain with no quality of life as your body attacks itself or being able to function somewhat normally, death isn’t so big a risk.
So true..death is inevitable for everyone but suffering while alive shouldn't be guaranteed
Any day I will (well, do) take the very high risk of infections turning severe and inability to fight it off over crippling pain that makes me unable to walk without being hunched (on swollen feet with swollen knees, too, arthritis and connective tissue inflammation both part of my hell). Masks and alcohol 2-ply prep pads have been with me for decades. The only time I ever got a cold (someone-a healthcare worker!-sneezed at me right at my face, swearing it was allergies-zero contact after that minute, and I believe she got sacked for not following protocol), I was in the respiratory ICU for 5.5 days as it proved the perfect stormy opportunity for a nasty strain of pneumonia not in the vaccination shot I've had. I was already diligent but that hellish week and the P/T I required to regain strength and balance after it made me far more aggressive about telling everyone to stay away if they've been near anyone sneezing coughing running a fever etc (went 15 years without any infectious anything til her and it has been 8 years since, cold/flu/pneumonia free).
I know someone who chooses to live with IBS instead of whatever the hell the drugs are going to do. It’s sad that healthcare isn’t people getting better so much as its choosing which problem you can live with.
You are correct and so many certain political parties do not want to have the conversation of quality over quantity when it comes to life. 💓
They list adverse reactions on all medications, the last one being death on all my prescriptions, they have to cover all bases, just like surgeries. They don’t know how it’s going to effect a lot of people, you see how many they put in the market, the next thing you know they take it off. Then you see these attorneys saying if you took this medicine and this happened call us. I’ve gotten a few letters saying we understand you took this medication type letter. We don’t know. Always look at color and shape too.
just spent a week in the hospital and even had heart surgery, i was laughing so hard at these i thought i was gonna pop a stitch😂
Kevin's story about Jose was somehow hilarious, wholesome and awkward all at the same time
Kevin Hart was the funniest skit ever. 😆
American healthcare? Is that not an oxymoron?
Theres certainly enough Oxy and morons involved.
That's just oxy.
😂😂😂😂😂no fr itvreally is😂
Maybe a paradox? 🤔😁
Omg Gina Yashere killed it, 100%!!! Diet coke for me, and a bucket of ice for the leg pls🤣😂😭😂
The US is so painfully backward in so many ways - mainly in respecting the imprescriptible needs of people
The corporate plantations of america give not one sh*t about the people.
The jokes about nurse"Jenny"💀💀💀😂😂😂
What you have to remember is that the USA is run for the benefit of big business and that other countries including all EU member states are run for the benefit of their citizens.
Exactly correct.
When my cousin said kidney stones are worse than childbirth…that was an understatement. I cursed out the whole ward until they gave me 2 doses of morphine.
Dude I had to get my gallbladder taken out and they weren’t taking me seriously. Had to get there by ambulance and they just had me sit in the waiting room. For HOURS. I was vomiting in a bucket in front of everyone. 😂
I was like “For real. Something isn’t right guys.”
I literally started taking off my clothes because A) I was hot asf and B) To get their attention 😂
Im like “I’ll take ALL my clothes off. DONT. TEST. ME.” 😂 I was down to my bra and shorts lol.
30 minutes later, I had morphine and dilaudid and I was HAAAAAPPYYYYYYYY 👏👏👏
yea when she was acting like a kidneystone was a walk in the park compared to cramps im like...... lady u obviously never had a kidney stone, ive heard from women who gave birth 5 times say kidney stones are hell.
Had both and I will say kidney stones hurt less and were easier to recover from. My last child put me in a coma after I started to bleed out.
You can’t compare an irregular birth like the one you’re describing to a kidney stone and then conclude it’s generally worse.
@@ShelleHolley I hope you're doing well, but that last sentence is acting as my birth control for this month
It's unbelievable that a country like America can't get a grip on health insurance! In the meantime, it's ridiculous!
There are 3 times or more healthcare industry lobbyists than there are people in congress. They can tag team every member in the house and senate and all get paid VERY VERY well. And things stay the same in america (well, they do get worse, so some things change)
The American health insurance industry is working exactly as it was planned to, i.e. make as much money as it possibly can while providing as little actual healthcare as it can get away with and leave the poor suckers broke and/or bankrupt along the way...see works juuuust fine...
its not that they cant, they just choose not to. just like how ambulances are privately owned and therefore are not covered by insurance. its all to make more money for the private person who owns both the hospital and the ambulance but seperates them so he gets double the money. even in canada ambulances are privately owned.
If you could only dress up healthcare as expediture on military hardware, you'd get whatever you need in minutes.
It's a plot I'm telling you!!! I'm not kidding the government doesn't want us healthy here they put toxic crap in Literally Everything they're even forcing the farmers to grow poison/ cancerous food
Kevin Hart does a FANTASTIC Mexican accent!!!
Neither you nor K,
Know what a Mxn accent sounds like
Currently watching this while in the hospital from having my first seizure. These comedians made me laugh. :)
I was in the e.r.waiting room because my brother was having to have his appendix removed. I had to clean blood of the floor cuz no one was "certified" to do it as toddlers were crawling around. This was 20 years ago. So very pre-pandemic.
This is one of the best compilations so far. Love it . Thanks to all of u .
I love Ms. Ernestine (Lily Tomlin) 😁
The fact that she was telling us those many years ago is very telling.
They not lying about the meds. I was never sent home with the good shit 😂
okay, for the anti-depressant thing [with suicidal thoughts as a side effect], it's actually a side effect that occurs in about 10% of people [don't quote me on this exact number], who react badly with it. if you do have such side effects, bring it up with your doctor, or go to the ER immediately.
It happens a lot, even if not considered a side effect. When you're super depressed you can be too low to do anything, but the antidepressants can 'fluff you up' enough that you have energy to carry out a plan. Meds, especially new ones, should be heavily supervised
@@JazzyMamaInAK Meds are great, but we still haven't even admitted the cause of depression, which is that people suck. So, like you say, some folks take the meds, regain enough energy to act, and do that, because this place still sucks. What needed is for people to stop being allowed to use each other as punching bags. Especially children and young adults, since that's where depressive tendencies get rooted. Meds help to make the condition bearable, but it's not going away until society grows the hell up.
I gashed the back of my hand open and nicked a vein where blood was gushing pretty badly to the point I got dizzy from the blood loss. After driving myself to the ER of my local small town hospital, I was sat in a room for like an hour and a half and had 3 DIFFERENT nurses come in and ask me the SAME barrage of questions then leave without doing anything. My hand had actually stopped bleeding on its own before someone actually came in to slather my hand in liquid stitch. They weren't busy, small town means like 600 people, the ER WAS EMPTY WHEN I GOT THERE, and somehow people who came there AFTER me, got treated first. Their condition also wasn't life threatening. One nurse was surprised I was even in the room, they tried to bring someone else in there. For all they did for me, I could've gone to a grocery store and purchased a jar of liquid bandage my fucking self and saved the time.
As a European I am 100% baffled that you need to wait at a pharmacy.
I mean - what?!
I never waited more than 3 minutes at a pharmacy, mid covid pandemic insanity included.
20 minute or more wait is fairly common, depending. Less common than it used to be though.
Europe? Nah, to wait over there is not something we could expect.
Now, I'm from freaking Mexico, yes, Mexico, that place where the withies of the world think we don't have running water or internet and still never in my life I have waited at a pharmacy, my sister's kidney stones were checked and removed immediately (in hours). My dad's gallbladder was removed in a couple of days (a little bit more of what I'd like to say) but still he got admitted to the hospital in minutes while the company where he worked was paying 100% of his salary while he was at the hospital waiting for his surgery. All of this with public healthcare.
So, maybe it's not really that bad to live in a socialist "3rd world shithole" for once...
Waiting!?! 😂 I wish that’s all it took! I can’t even remember how many times I had to go from pharmacy to pharmacy because they never seemed to have my meds in stock. Or the attitude I would get for just being prescribed certain meds. I’ve become so discouraged with this medical system that I’ve just given up.
Last time I walked around Walgreens for more than hour.
Stop bragging!
Same. Quad tendon repair. Cast from my ankle to my hip. They gave me Ibuprofen. Every time I asked for pain meds even the day after the surgery there was an issue.
Long story short I have a high pain tolerance and none of my injuries have healed fully. Did phys, occupational therapy for years. In pain the whole time. Yup Dr.s withhold pain meds from those of us brown in down.
This video is just facts in funny ways😂
Kidney Stones. I'm a great grandmother. Back in college, my best friend was just out of Special Forces (a male, obviously). I saw him break his arm, visibly obviously broken (a forearm is not supposed to have a bend in the middle). He finished helping my friend move, and then went to the hospital. This is 45+ years ago, "Toxic Masculinity" was just standard expectations for any male over the age of 6. My friend, was popping handfuls of Percocet's, washed down with booze (neither of which he had much experience with, body is a temple sh_t)......and even after all that......he was still genuinely sobbing in pain. I'm like.....I pray to the Lord to be good for the rest of my life as long as I never have a Kidney Stone. (FYI - It worked).
I've had nurses tell me when I had kidney stones that they had given birth and had kidney stones and giving birth was less painful.
IPad with a heart monitor app 😂
These comics were hilarious!!! Thanks to whoever put the compilation together!
It is so sad , but so true and i can't help but laugh at the stupidity of our insurance companies !
That's not stupidity, that's greed.
This was seriously concerning to hear as a non American. It's just so immensely messed up
They really aren't even exaggerating either
That Jeff Foxworthy bit always cracks me up. As I’m watching Anjelah, I’m thinking aww her poor hubby wants some sympathy. Then in my mind I go “You can find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphilis!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think José diserves an applause 😂😂
What kills me about lidocaine shots is that you can rub lidocaine cream into the injection site so the shot doesn't hurt!
topical lidocaine doesn't really work well or quickly, unless you're talking about the inside of your mouth.
32:30 I had a brain surgery and a stroke at only 43 years old and I can sadly relate to this. I was not only cleaned after I went to the restroom but I also was showered. Worse time if my life.
The nurse that heated up the wipes before she helped me ... I wanted to give her a raise; made a bad situation more tolerable
I was 30 when I had a hemorrhagic stroke and a craniotomy I feel your pain
Nicole is fricking hilarious lmao. This is why I watch nailed it lol
7 appointments with 3 different Dr's and none of them realised I had kidney stones. I didn't know what was causing the pain. I guess I didn't complain loud enough?
I went to the doctor. I had a quite painful condition while I was pregnant that you've never heard of probably, but the point is they blew me off the first time too. I was just pregnant and whiny, basically. I have a high tolerance for pain like you I guess. Meaning i dont necessarily cry or scream i suffer in silence too. So I go home and call my mom. She's a nurse. She said, how did you...ACT when you told them about the pain? I said, I was just real calm and tried to explain it civil-like. And she said, oh no! You gotta go again, and this time you go in there and be dramatic, honey! "The squeaky wheel gets the grease!" I said, even in a healthcare situation!? She said yes! Go in there and express the pain and be "dramatic". So I did. They figured out the problem real fast when I was crying and screaming so loud the entire hospital floor could hear me. Funny how that works...
I tell all the youngins I work with when I see they have an injury that's bothering them, "You complain and tell them it's horrible. You don't let them tell you you're too young to have pain, you make it seem like the worst thing ever."
However, there are times when someone is kicked in the shin and they're like, "The pain is 9 out of 10," and I'm like, "Really? You sure about that? I think you need to try again."
tbf, unless u went to a urologist or ur doctors were mentally retarded and never did a urine test, not many would know. i found out about mine when i went for a check up at my general practitioner and took a urine test, said i had microscopic hematuria which basically means i had a small amount of blood in my urine. and they said off the top of their heads 2 things could be the issue. kidney stone or bladder cancer. but they had me take a CT scan at another place to be sure and found the stones in my ureter. i just stopped going after i found out and like 2 weeks later im sitting in bed and im like *bAM!* WHOOOOOOOA TIME TO NOT MOVE. drank water for like an hour while in pain but thankfully mine was small, like 3mm. had an inlaw with a 10 mm one and he was out for a month.
Love that guy Hari - the one with the black and glasses. he’s not only funny, he’s absolutely right :) 🚑⚕️
Give me me more of the lady in the purple, she’s freakin’ hilarious :)
Actually, if i start listing everyone who’s really great, i’d be here all night. Brilliant compilation of health care in amurica - which is a joke all by itself! :|
Hari was my favorite, too !
With the black? 😂😂😂😂
A doctor charged me $400 to tell me to go and soak my Athletes feet in the ocean salt water.
Yeah I was told same then got a doctor he told me when you in shower piss on your feet so yeah it works !
The past 40 minutes is the HARDEST I have ever laughed; I kid you not! Every single joke and every single comedian was EPIC!😂😂😂😂
Same here! Every one was great!
I loved the Ernestine skit!
@23:22 Best bit about Kidney Stones EVER! LOL!
So dang true and sadly hilarious
I had both menstrual cramps and kidney stones. I'd pick menstrual cramps over kidney stones any day, woman! Don't laugh at kidney stones, they're seriously, seriously hurts! And this is from a woman who've had experience hepatitis C/liver diseases (3 doctor 3 different diagnoses), acute and then chronic gastroenteritis, miscarriage and curettage, and lost both ovaries to cysts. But all of them is still a wee bit better than migraines, oh man...that is the worst thing ever.
Good thing they put Tracy and Kevin afterwards because the comedienne who made fun at her husband's kidney stones pain almost killed the joy of this video for me.
And the end with "Jenny the specific fetish nurse" was great, LoL. Seems like she'll make an unforgettable sitcom character!!! Too adorable I keep replaying Jenny's parts several times! 🤣🤣🤣👍
Cramps suck, no doubt. The fact many women have to go through that in a regular basis is bs. And let's be honest, if it were men suffering from that, there would probably be an assortment of efficient medication to do something about it.
That being said, if I had a wife who treated me like that, she better not get pregnant, because if she was ever in labour pains, I'd get her to the hospital on a wheelbarrow.
my god! you have been through so much. i do hope it’s all over and you are well. my problems are bad, but yours are so very hard. 😁 be well 🌿🌼🌺🌱.
i didn’t like her either. any bad pain needs medical attention. the only funny part was her on Nyquil (which shows she really didn’t care about her own husband! - not funny). 😐
Menstrual cramps come every month and vary a lot between individuals. You tell her to not laugh at kidney stones, you dont know her pain, or her pain threshold, neither of which we are in control of
i understood it as she was treating the husband like he treated her for her own pains. women are mocked and belittled a lot for mentrual pains which can be debilitating and unlike kidney stones they will not be taken seriously and just get told it's normal by family and doctors alike. and you get that every month, and some women go through decades of that until someone takes them seriously and they discover pcos or endometriosis....
i feel like that clip needed a bit more context though, because it does seem like she's mocking him.
They have lithotrypters now to treat kidney stones.
It’s a fact that it’s cheaper to fly home. Australian friend flew home - that’s a long flight & kinda pricey. As a Canadian, unless you are in a coma you head home, your family transfer you to Canada if you’re comatose. Friend broke his leg skiing- it was cheaper for his dad to fly to him then fly them both back to Canada.
No bankruptcy afterwards? Clearly not american.
This is not hyperbole & his femoral artery was severed he wore the cast for the compound fracture for a long long time. He walks & skates & skis perfectly still now years later? Just like before he broke his leg on the slopes in Jackson Hole, Colorado. Both side of our border have great medical care. Canadians rarely loose homes or go bankrupt from medical bills. The few that have were injured outside of their province without extra travel Insurance, I am an insurance expert. Not here selling anything but an idea. Not all Canadians qualify for this type of coverage & even here people are ignorant of the coverage they should buy & others gambling their lives & financial security because they are young & invincible or whatever it is just cheap, this coverage can seem to be too expensive. Yet it too is a fraction of what an emergency will cost, most especially when they have to seek medical attention from the USA system. Our closest destination($). In most cases exceptions Greenland, Iceland, Russia & a couple French (France’s) territory near Newfoundland or, Canada’s East coast. (Colonial vestiges from NEW FRANCE) 1534 -1763. [Isn’t reading educational? ] although this info is likely available on video- here in UA-cam. Just sayin’
Who's the comedian doing the first bicycle ever made jokes? Lol I really enjoyed his comedy 😂 😂 😂
I scrolled through the comments to find that out, too. If you rewatch the video, it shows his name - Tom Papa - in the bottom left corner at the start of his skit. It's so small, we missed it.
@@Mach1neGunBetty Omg you're right I just saw it! You're very kind thank you 😁
@@pedrobanuelos1014 Glad to help!
I clicked on this cause I handle prior authorizations and assistance program approvals-- that “you must think hmo stands for ‘help me out ‘“ -- My spirit sank and yet I still laughed omg 😆 we are not mean by nature - we know half our day consist of disappointing people 😫
It's not your fault. That lies with the execs at the top who make the rules.
what can you do, ur company is there to make money not pay out lol.
Yeah true. Thanks guys. Hopefully, I’ll be able to quit this year. It’ll be my Christmas present to myself. Or they’ll find out I try to help people that really need it and fire me then I’ll get unemployment and reinvest my 401k into something else
Gees , that 40 minutes went bloody quick haha :)
Seriously though. This country is so backward and they kept buying into this, we have the most open and free democracy in the world. A free nation provides free healthcare, a great education, a minimum wage high enough so you don't have humour some unsavoury customer. A free nation gives you options to live your life, without those three things you have no options.
We do not have the most open and free democracy in the world. Maybe once, but not now. Stop kidding yourself.
No no no I'm a black woman in recovery and my doctor got me hooked at 15 years old..... For migraines and depression O.o.
Give yourself all the patience in world, accept the suck when it arises and you're gonna make it :)
To think that ignorant fools refused to have better health care in this country.
It's not that they're ignorant, it's just that your (bad) health is their business not their concern...
It’s legal for health insurance companies and pharmaceutical corps to “lobby” (bribe) politicians. What people want and what the government says that we want are two very big different things! nobody I know is happy with their ins.
I have to live with extreme pain 24/7 in my legs and lower back because nothing can be done for the sciatica that I have had for years. This condition also comes with side effects like numbness and incontinence. My legs have also become deformed around the knee. Along with this, I have the pain of arthritis. I take ibuprofen all day/night long but it is not strong enough to dull the pain I have whenever my legs are used for standing, walking, etc. Even turning over in bed, the pain can be extreme. I was told that surgery may cure it but it also may have no effect on it. I refuse to believe that there is nothing that can be done for the pain except medications that can become addictive, which I naturally do not want. I go to the doctor as little as possible because of the copays that Medicare bills you for; I literally cannot go into medical bankruptcy and lose the money I am living on.
I had to get my gallbladder taken out and
they weren't taking me seriously. Had to get
there by ambulance and they just had me sit in
the waiting room. For HOURS. I was vomiting in a bucket in front of everyone. 😂
I was like "For real. Something isn't right guys."
I literally started taking off my clothes because
A) I was hot asf and B) To get their attention 🙌
I’m like "I'll take ALL my clothes off. DONT. TEST.
ME." 😂 I was down to my bra and shorts lol.
30 minutes later, I had morphine and dilaudid and I was HAAAAAAPPPPPPPYYYYYY 🤣
Wow That had to be the worst So sorry you had to go through that & wait in agony😩💔
You have to do what you have to do in that ER room to get seen! I was 5 minutes away from giving birth. My contractions were about 5 seconds apart. I walk as fast as I can into the hospital and sit/collapse down in front of the check-in desk. Someone brings me a wheelchair I crawl into it pausing for 2 contraction on the way up. The clerk behind the desk starts asking questions like name? weight? date of birth? insurance card? I've been to this hospital before. I gave them my name. They have everything else on file. But she's asking date of birth as if its changed. I just gritted my teeth and growled/shrieked in pain. A stranger waiting in the waiting room gets up and hands me my wallet out of my purse because she wants to see my drivers license. Again. Contraction hits me and I cant reach out to even grab my wallet all I can do is grip the arms of the wheelchair as hard as I possibly can to keep from flying out and going completely crazy and having the baby right there. I was at the point where I couldn't help but start to push. This kid is coming one way or the other. I was trying to be so calm and patient though. So this woman gets up as slow as she can possibly go and walks me up to the delivery room on 3rd floor and on the way, mind you, you can probably see my daughter's head at this point she was 2-3 good pushes away, and I shrieked at a contraction on her leisurely stroll up to delivery ward and this woman turned around and gave me the "shut up" look. I swear to god. My husband was pushing me. For some reason she took her purse. She was just the clerk she wasn't staying for the birth or to do anything but she's dragging her huge purse anyway. I get in there the LPN has to deliver my daughter because the doctor doesn't have time to come up to my room in time! She was GREAT though. You could tell she wasn't happy to be responsible for a birth but she quickly rose to the challenge and she did everything perfect. My baby girl was perfect. I remember I kept telling her, "I need an epidural!" (lol!!!)"oh please something for the pain?!" She says, "oh no honey the baby will be here before we could even get an epidural inserted IF I had the anaesthetist here RIGHT NOW!"
None of this was in the "Birth Plan".
You be crackin me up😂😂😂 I'm sorry you had to go through that B.S. It's too bad that America doesn't have a proper healthcare system.
My wife went through the same situation. No vomiting but she would rather have been going through labour again.
You just wanted the drugs
My husband went through kidney stones. Never saw him crying and yelling so much! I felt sorry for him, but also a bit of pay back for him finally realizing what I went through w childbirth.
Something tells me you've never had them. I REALLY love me some dark and offensive humor but even though I'm a man I've never found a woman screaming during childbirth funny. I've never had kidney stones but if I get them I'm getting my affairs in order and will be asking for hospice.
I remember when my dad had kidney stones... heard him crying in the washroom for a few nights... thought something terrible was going on...
One day he was on so many painkillers and in so much pain he couldn't get on the seat and ended up making a mess... when I found out what it was I was actually so relieved lmao
But it is a terrible thing to go through
men, please try natural childbirth and then come back and tell us all about it
@@gracemunich1476 meh... that's what drugs r for
@@jaybee8862 nope. My husband is going through them again. He took his prescription pain meds this morning. And it didn't even touch it. Kidney stones are absolutely the worst pain, any man could go through. My veteran husband, who never cries, never tells anyone he's having any pain, until it is severe, was literally shaking today from the pain of passing the stone! Even his pain pills, didn't touch how much agony he was in! The Emergency room even gave him morphine today. He said it felt a tiny bit better, but was still hurting.
Me, a black woman, getting a concussion and a heat stroke:
The prescription: a pill bottle of Tylenol
also a black woman, back to back doctors to help with my menstrual cramps. it was the severe i cant physically walk, throw up my entire digestive system type severe. it hurts bc it really makes me not wanna have kids. 1 bc of the pain, 2 i might die bc they neglect us, 3 i dont want my kids going through it
American Healthcare is a pay to win game.
Healthcare is a racket and El Chapo would be envious of Healthcare if he was a CEO.
12:41 I couldn't stop laughing for 6 minutes 😂😂😂😂
*Yeah...her whole set was hilarious!* 🤣
Oh, well they sure made us laugh at some of the hardest things we go through.thanks Yall..
“A SPATULA, Lotrimin and a Hand Mirror” 😂😂😂😂😂
HAH! I had a coworker who became a nurse named Jenny.
Take two doctors every four hours and call a hippopotamus in the morning...
I can't believe we vote for politicians that don't even try to lower prices of health care. How did Bernie not win?
💯 👍 👍 👍
Bc your vote is just a hox
He never would have.
The system is so beyond corrupt.
Both parties are corrupt and only care about what is profitable for them and their rich friends so they sabotaged Bernie twice, it's a fact
From a European point of view, this is terrifying. AND I just read Josh Bazell's "Beat the Reaper". You Americans can relax - l shan't be coming over.
Lmao 🤣 on the jokes on pharmacy. I'm a pharmacist.
Jokes aside, I'm not even American so I wouldn't know, but why does it take so long. Around here they just print out a label and give you the meds in like 40 seconds.
@@KarlMySuitcase im a pharmacy tech. i work at a really busy 24 hour walgreens and realistically it only takes about 10-15 minutes to fill a script. other places like a non retail pharmacy prolly like 5 lol. so to answer your questions these comedians are exaggerating the inconvenience in of itself
@@juffs. Thank you! I knew he was exaggerating, but 10 minutes is still wild to me. Is it maybe because of filling those orange bottles I see in American media? Here you just get the original package of the shelf, they print a label with your name and your doctors name on it. Put it on the package and done!
@@KarlMySuitcase well in american pharmacies there are a lot of protocols in place to protect controlled substances and also patient information cuz people go nuts over that. so the process for instance is you get ur slip/escript, you have to type it out select the medication put in the doctors NPI/DEA #, bill the patients insurace (american pharmacy plans like to give u a lot of issues here) you then have to go to pharmacist have him/her verify its all right, print it, from there you find the medication of the maze or pills, fill it, take it to the pharmacist to reverify it, bag it, and then finally page the patient
@@KarlMySuitcase if there is ever a dummy long wait its usually cuz there are several insurace rejects that require corrent billing info (numbers on their insurance card, 4 different codes) overrides, or even a literal different fucking drug because their whack ass plan doesnt cover basic LIFE SAVING meds. all n all it can be rlly stressful especially when its busy.
I broken my ankle in 3 places and ended with 16 screws and 3 steel plates. They sent me home with ibuprofen and Panadol. I looked at the discharge nurse and said “uh uh, no. I’m going to need something stronger for the first 3-4 days please”. So she gave me panadine forte. Asshole’s
As a woman kidney stones ain't no joke 😂😂😂😂
At 9:50 "you give your slip to the pharmacist"... ?? A slip? A SLIP?
No! In Europe I hand the pharmacist my ID, they scan it, they f*** of for about ten second and return with what ever I need. IF I need to pay, I scan my debit card in the air and off I go!
this is such a reflection on the pathetic inhumane-ness of the situation in the richest democracy in the whole world.
Try inhumanity.
@@samsteve1000 thanks. still the 2 words are slightly different!
@@ytadltspv I disagree, The hyphenated one (-ness) is superfluous!
I don’t see a democracy here. I see big business giving our so called officials big pay outs, but I don’t see democracy.
These comics can never tell a bad joke😆
That was great - very clever & very funny people! Every one of them were great value - very talented comedians!
Thanks for a really good belly-laugh guys! Love ur work!
Omg 😂 how did I miss most of these? This is awesome. Woooot!
I'm white and even with insurance I get minimal treatment for any pain/injury. They don't even bother to take x-rays or anything anymore.
i love lily lol shes amazing such good jokes! shes hilarious
Tracy Morgan 😂
God bless him
This joking of health care is like Nero and the fiddle 🦠.