Dzulijan je uspeo da sabije mentalitet cele Srbije u 41min i to je objasnio bolje nego što bi mi uradili! Svaka čast! Nadam se da će nastaviti da uživa u svom životu i da će ga policija manje smarati!
Wonderful. Every time I have a Croat start telling me all the many reasons why they are not a Serb, I'll be able to tell them confidently they only wish they were Serbian.
@@dt6822 They are Serbian, just want to name it differently. Serbia is about integration, but the surrounding nations are afraid of losing their identity...
@@Commentator541 I think they are absolutely tediously insufferable incredibly insecure and perpetually anal-retentive people - I can't stand to be around them. I have met many people from Yugoslavia in Canada. I went to a school in the late 90's when many refugees from there came and became great friends with many. And what I observed both then and up to now is that every time I meet a Croat, without fail, every single one of them, within 15 minutes of meeting you, proceeds to tell you all the many ways - whether you asked or not - he will always bring it up - Croats are not Serbs, and how much better they are, and how Serbs are just Eastern uncivilized orientals, while they are central Europeans of sophisticated elevated kind. It's so painful because it is so obviously a tedious inner insecurity which invariably makes you conclude that all of the many things that they are bringing up as the reasons why they are not Serbs suggests actually that that's exactly what they are! And the Slovenes - my god I'm sorry - I can't stand them! They are EVEN worse. Within 5 minutes, they do the same exact thing, but telling you all the many ways that they are not Croats. I have never had a Serbian person say anything negative about either group. I will literally stay physically away from a person if I know they're Croatian or Slovene. I can't do it. Just can't. They're so infantile and insecure I just don't want that negativity around me. Bosnians and Serbs are totally cool. The other two are insufferable.
@@Commentator541 It's very much like the Germans and their hatred of everything and anything. There's a reason why people around the world don't like the Germans. And the croats don't seem to get that. Within 15 minutes of meeting a German, if he feels confident, he will tell you all the many ways he hates the Poles and just how unlike the Germans the Poles are. But it's actually dialectical - an intelligent Observer recognizes that the thing that is making the German argue about how different the poles are is only psychological projection and emerges precisely because dialectically the German feels he might actually be very similar to a Pole.
Ovaj lik je odlično ukapirao život u Srbiji a vrlo dobro je uporedio sa Zapadom i njegovom Kanadom. Bravo za potez, odlazak iz Beograda u selo. To ti je najbolji potez. Sve najbolje
Kapiram da ljudi vole grad i mogucnosti u njemu, ali meni je pomisao da izgubim sat, dva u jednom pravcu samo da odem na posao totalno nenormalna, zelim svoje slobodno vreme da koristim za sebe ne na gluposti koje mogu bolje da organizujem, selo pored nekog grada je najbolje resenje, ali ne tipa BG jer ce ti opet trebati jos vise vremena za osnovne stvari.
@@nenadpopov3601 upravo tako. Ja sam sa porodicom otišao iz Beograda, jer na Dorćolu parkirati auto je postala nemoguća misija. Prešli smo u Šumadiju, u blizini Kragujevca i prava stvar. Dete oduševljeno školom , sve pet. Volim Beograd ali imam i ja dušu.
@@Raaaaaaaa82 Pravi potez, i to jos prelepa Sumadija, zao mi je ljudi koji ne skontaju te stvari, da je zivot jedan i ako se ovaj sjebe nema popravnog i vreme se ne moze vratiti, bice u gradu sve ludje, narocito u BG-u, nicu zgrade na sve strane a infrastruktura cista 0, mislim da ce tek poceti ljudi da beze iz gradova u narednih 10 godina.
True that place has gone to absolute shit. But there are plenty of negatives to living in Serbia too though. Would've been nice for him to go over certain things for people that are considering that transition. Especially since he chose the village over city life(it has its challenges) In short its dirty, unorganized and air is polluted.
@@stefanfreestylez I know nothing about Serbia. But Canada is socially absolutely awful. Everyone is lonely, alienated, hopeless. We live in natural torture 9 months out of the year, and then get 3 months of decent weather in the summer. We used to justify it in our minds because of our standard of living, but today, nobody can quite understand why we all live here given the cost, the terrible educational system, the total imbecility of most people, the lack of courage, really high taxes, poor opportunities, ridiculous over regulation - last summer, the cops were closing down beaches at 10:00 p.m. enforcing a curfew because what if something happens and somebody gets attacked. Become such a fucking insane society. We don't even know what we're afraid of. The kids don't go outside to play anymore, paranoid mothers run every aspect of our society
@@stefanfreestylez Air in villages, specially mountains is way better. Like air in Toronto or Vancouver is good. Usually bigger villages are very close to cities. So maybe if you live in suburbs in the city can be way bigger mileage than going from village to city center. And Food is way better than most of the worlds countries.
Mala ispravka, kaže se prizemljen, a ne prizeman. Ovo nije zlonamerno, već više zbog stranaca koji bi mogli pogrešno protumačiti rečenicu. Proverite šta zapravo znači rečenica prizeman, to je negativna osobina, a prizemljen je pozitivna.
@@govorimsrpski Slažem se, ali to sam napisao upravo iz razloga jer mnogi ljudi brkaju rečenicu prizemljen sa prizeman, koje nemaju isto značenje. Prizemljen znači neko ko je veoma stvaran u svojim pogledima i postupcima, trezven, realan, objektivan, smiren, hladokrvan, priseban ili staložen, a u zavisnosti od konteksta može da znači i za avion da je prizemljen.
brat moj u mojoj zemlji sa 22 i dvoje dece, nek si mi ziv i zdrav, dace bog da svi idemo tvojim stopama, da volimo nasu zemlju i da imamo srecne i velike porodice!
Dragi prijatelju. U duhu ovog naroda je da volimo ljude. Mnogo puta u istoriji nam se to obilo o glavu, kada smo od sigurne smrti spasavali i svoje protivnike a oni nam to kasnije vracali nasiljem i gruboscu. Dosao si u podrucje gde ti niko nece nauditi i ako moze bilo ko, tvoje prve komsije ce pomoci tebi i tvojoj porodici, vrlo cesto i na svoju stetu, ne stedeci ni sebe ni svoje resurse. Ziv bio sa svojom porodicom. Uzivaj u Srbiji, pozdrav iz Sremskih Karlovaca.
Kakav bre pravi Srbin? Nemam nista protiv lika, ali on zaradjuje pare u Kanadi ili nekoj drugoj jacoj zemlji [online] i lagano zivi i boli ga uvo. Drugo da izbije neko sranje eto njega preko grane.
@@arizonad8012 Ovisi koliko gd. je njegova fm. u Kanadi. Oni vide da Canada pripada drugoj sekti I svi ce biti prevareni. Sretni su koji se vrate na vrijeme.
I live in a village in serbia, very near to belgrade (in fact my village is part of an "opstina" of belgrade, but on the periphery). I bought a house, thee stories, paid 25.5K euro for it. Cash, no hassle. Invested another 15K to renovate and make it as we wish (this sum includes a new roof with terracotta shingles). Got some land, grow lots of stuff on it. School for the kids is close, busses come on time, there is zero crime, prices are acceptable on the most part, air is fresh, weather is nice, life is pretty good. Not even gonna mention the level of freedom I have here. Highly recommend.
Ja sam odrastao u selu Jarak, gde Džulijan sada živi. Upoznao sam ga i posetio kod njega kući. Mogu da kažem da je čovek gostoprimljiv, druželjubiv, skroz lagan lik kao i svi naši ljudi poznati po svom gostoprimstvu. Mora mu se odati poštovanje za to što je se opredelio da živi u Srbiji i počne maltene od nule, a za to treba imati petlju. Na neki način Džulijan je ambasador naše države i prikazuje je onakvom kakva jeste, bez okolišanja. Kupio je jedan kućerak u Sremu i započeo novi život prilagođavajući se svim faktorima srpske svakodnevice. Usput, za ljude koji nisu čuli za selo Jarak, nalazi se na oko 15km od Sremske Mitrovice, pripada toj opštini, a kroz selo prolazi i magistralni put između Rume i Šapca. Ima par zanimljivih stvari da se vidi, pogotovo na reci Savi, koja tiho teče pored Jarka i za koju stariji pričaju da je tu najdublja celim svojim tokom. Živeo Jarak ❤
Oh, this was such a great video, such a great guy, man, I'm speachless. And he's only 22!!! The balls you need to do everything he did...just wow! Djux, brate, ako citas ovo, zelim ti svu srecu ovog sveta! I tebi i tvojoj porodici! Sad vas ne damo, cak i kad biste zeleli da odete! Nasi ste! Govna neka idu gde zele, ali kada vidimo dobre ljude (a to se lako prepozna), mi ne zelimo da odu, jer gubimo i deo sebe! Ostajte ovde!! There was a Serbian poet named Aleksa Šantić, who wrote a poem named "Ostajte ovdje" and I'd recommend you to read it. Ask someone to translate the parts you don't understand or Google itself couldn't translate. Stay here, brother! Much love!
@@alexdelarge1074 A zašto se pravoslavlje “primilo” baš ovde, i da li vera oblikuje mentalitet ili narod modifikuje veru? Kako god i posle svega, volim što smo i što sam takva kakva sam, bilo to od pravoslavlja ili mame i tate ili od mog ličnog izbora. Ipak, kraj svega našeg ‘dobrodošli’ “oduševljava” me ta selektivna savest i selektivna memorija, pogotovo Amera kad dodju ovde- eee pa gadjali su nas i biraju bez blama gde im je bolje,to im je valjda fazon još iz doba kad su istrebljivali Indijance
Don't forget his first words that he said. What do you appreciate the most? His answer was short and to the point. The freedom. Don't forget that word because in a few years Freedom will be the most demanded thing in the whole world because it is disappearing.
Aha. You have forgotten the part where you tell us who will save us. The one where you bash parlamentary democracy. And start speaking about how the system is corrupt and xyz will save us.
APSOLUTNA DOBRONAMERNA PORUKA..... SLOBODA !!!!! ovaj momak treba da preispita gene...jer mu se jednostavno organizam pobunio protiv zapadnog načina življenja.... ROĐEN DA BUDE SLOBODAN !!!
He explained it so simple: Serbian people live to enjoy time with friends and family. They don't care for material things, just for people. If you don't have someone to be happy together, than life have no meaning. Ljubav nije u parama nego u drugarima. ❤
This Canadian accurately describes most Americans too. Fear everyone, so keep their distance from neighbors, etc. Also, they feel a need to be aggressive to intimidate people. Class divides are very big in the U.S. That's why Americans always ask what your job is/do for work, to find out if they are supporting a freeloader through their taxes, and to learn your personal financial worth. Having lived in the Balkans for 13yrs now, absolutely no regrets!😊
I agree with you completely. I sat on a condo council for a while. And the entire condo board spent all their time trying to figure out different ways, how to put more locks, more security and more control of everyone so that nobody has any access to anyone else. These people are obsessed with their fears and their obsessive control of other people and their rules and their bylaws and their bylaw police and their parking regulations and their care and behavior + their passive aggressive hatred of everybody while pretending superficially to be just and fair
My very conservative father, starting telling me in the 1950's, 'You can't have people running around doing what they want'. I just rolled my eyes at that blanket statement to take freedoms away!
This young man is self-made, adorable, brave, practical, life-wise, easy-going, curious, fearless, common sense, down-to-earth, full of life, intuitive, non-aspiring, with good humour... Welcome to Serbia!
Bravo za obojicu, divna životna priča. I hvala vama da ste ga snimali. I dalje sam iznenađena da oni imaju samo 22 godine. Ovakvu zrelosti i mudrosti sa toliko malo godina, odavno nisam čula. Predivno. Bog vas blagoslovio 🙏♥️
How the hell is this guy so smart at only 22 years old? I was a prick at his age 😂 Imagine moving to Serbia with your wife from Canada when you're only 17 years old. He also looks older than he is 😁
Odličan klip, sviđa mi se što je duži. A posebno je zanimljivo ovo na početku o slozi sa komšijama pošto se kosi sa onom frazom koju depresivni ljudi nameću kao model življenja u Srbiji a to je "da komšiji crkne krava".
Love this guy. Very honest, and he is 100% right about Canada . Life sucks here in Canada. People who are smart are leaving and finding much better places and countries that offer a great lifestyle. I am dying to leave Canada, and Serbia is on my 3 top spots.
@@MS-dl5rf I've yet to find a 'thinking person' anywhere in the world, been to 40+ countries, lived in a few for extended periods, that likes political systems/their leaders. Foreigners that run off to toxic America expecting something much better are usually very disappointed after awhile. Many return home!
A very good episode. Keep up the good work and quality!! I say once again, this is what Serbia does to people. You just transform and start to see things from a totally different angle. Once again, keep up the good work....🙂
Pazi, i mi u Srbiji da radimo 12-16h dnevno imali bi puno više u materijalnom smislu ali ne bi imali život van posla. Ljudi često greše kad stavljaju zapad i blagostanje u istu ravan jer to nema veze sa društvenim uređenjem već sa životnom filozofijom. Džabe ti vila sa bazenom ako nemaš vremena da u tome uživaš. Svako može u svakoj zemlji na svetu da nađe svoj zapad, samo treba usvojiti sistem od 16h rada i 8 spavanja, i tako ceo radni vek. Mnogi će radije da imaju platu 6.000€ mesečno i troškove 6.500€ nego da rade za 80.000 dinara i imaju svoju nekretninu samo da bi se hvalili većom platom. Naravno, ne može se živeti bez imalo novca, ali ni novac ne vredi ako 40 godina provedeš na radnom mestu i u krevetu kada spavaš.
Ja ne znam odakle vama da se na zapadu radi 12 sati. Ima ljudi koji čiste ili rade nangradjevini ali Srbi su dosta školovani i verujte mi da su veoma cenjeni i dobro plaćeni i rade mnogo manje nego kod nas sto se radi.
@@Danchy082 Verujem da je tako i znam slične primere. Nisu sve firme iste. Ja sam recimo u Slovačkoj radio 72h nedeljno od čega mi je trećina bila plaćena 50% više na satnicu, tj. 8+4, 6 dana u nedelji. Moj cimer je radio u firmi nedaleko od moje na 40h nedeljno, 8h 5 dana. Moja plata je bila preko 3 puta veća ali žrtva u takvom radnom režimu je slobodno vreme. I ono malo što imaš budeš slomljen i nisi ni za šta. Kasnije sam se prebacio u drugu firmu na granici sa Austrijom i tu sam radio 40h ali osim što sam imao mnogo više vremena za sebe, i manju platu, imao sam i više vremena da trošim. Ne valja ni jedno ni drugo, treba da se nađe neki balans. Ako nisi u preskupoj kiriji ili ne otplaćuješ kredite za stan, auto i šta već, onda sa 40h u nekoj solidnoj firmi može lepo da se živi. Ne luksuzno, ali ništa da ti ne fali. Ako imaš banku za vratom ili jednostavno želiš da se bahatiš, onda takav radni režim ne pije vodu, osim u slučaju da si sam preduzetnik pa da radnici rade umesto tebe.
Julian's interview is the best. The funnies thing is when he said 'i live in fear everyday of going to jail'. To succeed in happily living here when u come from a western country is by being a humble person, who does not compare and expect the same level of 'perfection' that u get in the west. By that i mean don't expect an organised simple system in gov institutions, modern new houses, modern hospitals, modern schools, huge supermarkets and malls, new or fixed up roads. I lived in Sydney Australia for 20 yrs and come back 12 yrs ago. I find it hard not to complain about the disorganised Gov institutions. The hospital in Sabac is the worst in the country everyone in this city thinks so and the roads should be batter. Other then that I am happy here. I would not go back to Australia. I agree with everything Julian said, Ausralins have the same mentality as Canadiens. Jarak is close to Sabac. I would love to meet him and his wife and kids. I wish them all the best. Thank u Alex for doing all those videos and sharing them with us. God bless. ❤
Mala ispravka, kaže se prizemljen, a ne prizeman. Ovo nije zlonamerno, već više zbog stranaca koji bi mogli pogrešno protumačiti rečenicu. Proverite šta zapravo znači rečenica prizeman, to je negativna osobina, a prizemljen je pozitivna.
Приземан је увијек најнижи тип човјека. Момак је трезвен и разуман. Није ми јасно како је придјев приземан преузео добра значења. Вјероватно због приземног школства.
@@zoranmarkovic1123Ипак, иако су реалност и трезвеност цењене особине, за оне који су стабилни и постојани, који стоје на чврстом тлу нећемо казати да су приземљени (нпр. погрешно је: Радује ме што је он приземљен момак, место трезвен, реалан и сл.), јер тако говоримо, пре свега, о летелицама (Авион је безбедно приземљен). Мада глагол приземљити се у српском језику има више значења: спојити са земљом (о електричној струји): приземљити фрижидер, а у складу са изразом спустити се на земљу (= ослободити се илузија, схватити стварност каква јест) развија и фигуративно значење спустити се на земљу, опаметити, уразумити, нпр. Отац га је коначно приземљио - осим у шали или када саговорнику отворено дајемо до знања да се играмо речима - никада нећемо рећи да поменути отац сада има приземљеног сина.  Гајим узвишена осећања према Србији Др Драгана Вељковић Станковић Професор Филолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду Подели ову вест       Коментари0  This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Почетна / Повезане Теме језик     Од Долине ружа до Долине јоргована  У Дому Народне скупштине свечаност поводом изложбе „Србија у…  Момо Копривица: Захтев да се српски језик уведе као службени у Црној…  Ник Ђељошај: Покушаји да се промени национална структура Црне Горе…  Гајим узвишена осећања према Србији  Часно и лирски о колективној трауми  Данас се завршава 67. Међународни београдски сајам књига: више од…  Конструисање синтетичких нација Прочитајте још:  Друштво Између Србије и Албаније усаглашен текст споразума о социјалном осигурању  Друштво Реконструкција Института „Дедиње 1” почиње следеће године  Хроника Дикић и Јовановић спремили листе за одстрел политичких противника - тражи се извршилац  Регион Бјело Поље: Основна школа у Томашеву неће радити док траје потрага за убицом  Свет Суђење у Француској које је шокирало цео свет  Тенис Даниловићева се за 105 дана на ВТА ранг-листи напредовала за 100 места  Свет Боливија: На аутомобила Ева Моралеса испаљено 14 хитаца  Свет Русија прави мали ракетни брод који ће носити до 20 крстарећих ракета „калибар” 
@@zoranmarkovic1123Ипак, иако су реалност и трезвеност цењене особине, за оне који су стабилни и постојани, који стоје на чврстом тлу нећемо казати да су приземљени (нпр. погрешно је: Радује ме што је он приземљен момак, место трезвен, реалан и сл.), јер тако говоримо, пре свега, о летелицама (Авион је безбедно приземљен). Мада глагол приземљити се у српском језику има више значења: спојити са земљом (о електричној струји): приземљити фрижидер, а у складу са изразом спустити се на земљу (= ослободити се илузија, схватити стварност каква јест) развија и фигуративно значење спустити се на земљу, опаметити, уразумити, нпр. Отац га је коначно приземљио - осим у шали или када саговорнику отворено дајемо до знања да се играмо речима - никада нећемо рећи да поменути отац сада има приземљеног сина.
Hi Alex, I'm your follower since the day one, and I must say that each and every video of yours is precious to me as a Serbian because it gives me another perspective of my country and the mentality of my people. It's a different angle from what I might feel and think about my country, but as I said before, your work is inspirational to me to dig deeper into social trends and recognition of a current zeitgeist not just here in Serbia, but world wide as well. I would like to meet you one day and to have a proper chat with you regarding your experiences here and to share my own experience as an ex-expat (I lived abroad for 5 years) that came back to Serbia. So yeah, I'm inviting you for a cup of coffee if you're fancy to !!! Stay well brate, and keep doing excellent work!!!
dakle SAVRŠENO REZONOVANJE sa 20 godina. SVATIO SUŠTINU ŽIVLJENJA...ovako logično razmišljanje nisam doživeo ni od ljudi sa 50 god . Ja inače sam došao u Srbiju sa 43 god.i to 98 god. ali na selo... imam sve što mi je potrebno a naročito zeleni ambijent...a krletke,buka, saobraćaj ..ludilo u gradu ?..hvala lepo. OVAJ INTERVJU SA OVIM MLADIM ČOVEKOM APSOLUTNO PUN POGODAK !!! mene je oduševio..želim njemu i njegovoj porodici dobro zdravlje i sve najbolje u životu . pozdrav
I do not want to sound ignorant. Just wanted to explain, there are two Mitrovicas in Serbia, Kosovska Mitreovica in AP Kosovo, And Sremska Mitrovica, The Hospital picture is from Kosovo one cause it is written in Albanian... Btw I was amazed by how smart and well tought this guy is at 22... All the best. Pozdrav
I can only speak about Americans because I'm one. Born, lived, worked there for 60yrs. People like this intelligent, well spoken Canadian are almost non-existent in the U.S. The so-called intelligent ones, are making money anyway they can, legal, and illegal. That's as deep as it gets with them. Their job, beside family, becomes their identity. So, when they lose it, retire, they become lost, even more soulless. Most, dumb as a rock outside their job, zero common-sense! Either you leave when you have enough money too, or you stay there until you die, bored and miserable, as that system is very toxic, mentally draining, very stressful, which most Americans think is the only way to live, normal.
My Balkan friends also wondered why I moved here. They think, based on American TV shows, movies, everyone has a oil well in the backyard, money grows on trees for easy picking, streets are paved in gold, just grab a chunk. Why would anyone want to leave wonderful America where everyone has a big house, expensive vehicles, malls, theme parks, sport stadiums on every block, and NYC, Las Vegas, LA, and Miami. Woo-hoo! USA, USA!😅
Ne mesam se nikome u zivot ali ovo je zivotni promasaj. Doduse...ko ima para lepo mu je svuda. Mada zivot u Srbiji trenutno nije nesto cemu treba mladi i obrazovani da se okrenu. Ne znam zaista. Ovo mi lici na botovanje vucicevaca pre nego na neku svesnu orijentaciju
Dragi Dzulijan upamti da ceo svet misli mozgom a mi srbi srcem...Zato uvek i dobijemo po tamburi..Drago mi je da si u Jarku i da uzivas jos dgooooooooo dugoo..!
Welcome to friendly Serbia. What you're saying is very realistic. It's not perfect in Serbia, as you say, but people are, generally speaking, friendly and hospitable.
Every word you said is right on point. As I child I grew up in Canada and my family saved up money to come back. Later on I was going back and forth trying to make some money and that was the most misserable part of my life having to go back to Canada. I haven't been back to Canada since 2017 and life is good. Lots of my friends moved to Serbia the past couple of years, I can't believe how bad it got since I was there last time. Enjoy your serbian life and raise your kids to live life the way it was supposed to be lived!! Cheers!!
I live in western country (came here from Serbia 30 years ago), and here you literally live to work, work and that's it. In Serbia you work to live, and you work as much as much you want to get something, or to buy or whatever you like in your life....much easier and with lots of freedom. Here (Melbourne), you have to go home after work at 5 or 7 in the afternoon, no walking on the streets, special not at night by yourself. The crime rate is very high.
Covjek je u pravu za zdravstvo u Kanadi. Uvijek se hvale da imaju 'besplatno' zdravstvo, a mozes umrijeti dok dodjes do doktora na hitnoj, a specijalistu, ili radiologa ili tehnicara za ultra zvuk cekas godinama.
Bro has experienced life! I was planning to move to Canada for a long time, for the "American dream" and other stuff, but fate brought me to Serbia ♥ Ja sam iz Rusiji. Hvala!
Brate ti jesi Srbin shvatio si delimično šta je to biti Srbin i kako to funkcioniše i šta je najvažnije u životu. Veruj mi većina Srba to ne zna! Bićeš ti 100%Srbin za jos jedno 15godina ,a verovatno i pre.😅❤
Nije jedini Kanađanin koji se preselio ovde i priča istu priču. Znam ih još dvojicu. Jedan mi je spomenuo da ih ima još koji, kada su ih posetili ovde i videli sve, ozbiljno planiraju preseljenje. Lepo je rekao, nigde nije idealno, pitanje je gde ti više odgovara za život u odnosu na tvoj senzibilitet i onog šta je tebi bitno u životu. Drago mi je da se on pronašao ovde kod nas.
"Moja zena ne voli selo, zivot na selu " ... "Pa nadji neku koja voli " ... hahahahahahahahahah Jedina zemlja u kojoj bih volela da zivim osim moje Srbije je Grcka . Zivela sam godinu dana , Grci znaju da uzivaju .
U Grčkoj sam zbog posla proveo nepunih godinu ipo i mogu reći da je bilo super. Ipak, ne bih mogao tu da živim - mnogo mi je suv vazduh, čak i na severu u kontinentalnom delu. Mađarska mi je idealna zemlja ali me jezik ubija u pojam i to je glavna prepreka mnogima. Ipak, veće flegme od nas i grka, barem što se tiče posla su slovaci i poljaci. U poljskoj sam proveo 4 godine u Slovačkoj živim sada. Ako im se ne radi, ne odu na posao... dan, dva, tri, sedam.... popiju otkaz, traže drugi posao, naravno to traje 2 meseca... pa opet u krug, hahahhahaah. U normalnim zemljama ljudi traže odmor od posla, a ovi posao jer ih smori izležavanje :D
Dobro došao u Srbiju dobri čoveče. Voleli bi smo da više tako divnih ljudi dođe i nađe svoj krov nad glavom i sa svojom porodicom i da žive sa nama. ❤❤❤❤❤
Hahaha, my grandma is from Jarak, half of my family lives there. It's a wonderful, beautiful village. It's a shame that many people are leaving; there are a lot of empty properties. However, the Sava and Jarcina rivers are great for fishing and enjoying in the summer. It's a really lovely life story.
@@galluzzojulian My grandmother passed away 11 years ago, unfortunately, but anyway, as soon as I get the chance to go fishing, I’ll let you know - and if you're free, we’ll go together.
@@todorsamardzhiev144 Da,da ne poverujes kako se sve vrti u krug.Ali mislim da je "liberalni"kapitalizam doziveo vrhunac i postao mainstream,nema dalje,sto se tice globalnog zapada.Kod nas jos nije na vrhuncu niti ce ikada biti kao kod njih.Razlog je to sto su ljudi drugaciji.Ne uklapaju se toliko u pravila,uvek je nesto prece,ali opet postoje neka pravila.Za 10ak godina,Srbija,Grcka,Crna Gora,bice raj za strance...
The way he described Canada is exactly what it's like in Australia. I like to think Canada is the Australia of the Northern Hemisphere. Serbia sounds wonderful though despite the issues it may have, but in the West it's terrible.
No, the thing is Serbs are for some strange reason suckers for what others think of them. Be in Serbia long enough and you will find out that they don’t really like you.
@@odvedokikrema your bitterness over isolated incidents which does not represent the true nature of the entire Serbian nation, is beyond comprehension.. Learn to judge fairly and not with anger and hatred on unfounded grounds
If you want this freedom to continue, Serbia must not join the EU. Our freedoms are shrinking like nothing else in France. Everything is decided in Brussels by people that no one has elected. Ana from Paris.
Bro already looks very much like Serb, and he also has the Serbian mentality.
He's one of us ❤🇷🇸
go slow buddy these cunts can change in a second
He's Italian dissent. Southern mentality.
@@stenxxso that's explains why he is adapted so fast 😊
Dzulijan je uspeo da sabije mentalitet cele Srbije u 41min i to je objasnio bolje nego što bi mi uradili! Svaka čast! Nadam se da će nastaviti da uživa u svom životu i da će ga policija manje smarati!
Један од ретких странаца који је представио Србију баш како јесте са свим врлинама и манама. Свака му част.
Nije sve mane ni otkrio sigurno, olakšavajuće mu je što očigledno nije znao puno o zemlji pre nego što je došao.
Vidi se da pripadaš Srbiji! Dobrodošao dobri čoveče, nisi stranac ti si naš! Daj Bože da sve više ovakvih ljudi dolaze!❤
Wonderful. Every time I have a Croat start telling me all the many reasons why they are not a Serb, I'll be able to tell them confidently they only wish they were Serbian.
@@dt6822 They are Serbian, just want to name it differently. Serbia is about integration, but the surrounding nations are afraid of losing their identity...
@@Commentator541 I think they are absolutely tediously insufferable incredibly insecure and perpetually anal-retentive people - I can't stand to be around them. I have met many people from Yugoslavia in Canada. I went to a school in the late 90's when many refugees from there came and became great friends with many. And what I observed both then and up to now is that every time I meet a Croat, without fail, every single one of them, within 15 minutes of meeting you, proceeds to tell you all the many ways - whether you asked or not - he will always bring it up - Croats are not Serbs, and how much better they are, and how Serbs are just Eastern uncivilized orientals, while they are central Europeans of sophisticated elevated kind. It's so painful because it is so obviously a tedious inner insecurity which invariably makes you conclude that all of the many things that they are bringing up as the reasons why they are not Serbs suggests actually that that's exactly what they are! And the Slovenes - my god I'm sorry - I can't stand them! They are EVEN worse. Within 5 minutes, they do the same exact thing, but telling you all the many ways that they are not Croats. I have never had a Serbian person say anything negative about either group. I will literally stay physically away from a person if I know they're Croatian or Slovene. I can't do it. Just can't. They're so infantile and insecure I just don't want that negativity around me. Bosnians and Serbs are totally cool. The other two are insufferable.
@@Commentator541 It's very much like the Germans and their hatred of everything and anything. There's a reason why people around the world don't like the Germans. And the croats don't seem to get that. Within 15 minutes of meeting a German, if he feels confident, he will tell you all the many ways he hates the Poles and just how unlike the Germans the Poles are. But it's actually dialectical - an intelligent Observer recognizes that the thing that is making the German argue about how different the poles are is only psychological projection and emerges precisely because dialectically the German feels he might actually be very similar to a Pole.
Mnogo kenjate.
I’m deeply impressed by how smart and mature this 22-year-old man is. I had no idea about life at that age.
Fr, I was dumb af at that age 😅
@@MikeArg-hp9ho I was thinking the same, when I was 22 I was completely ignorant....
He is very intelligent.
Same here....maybe even dumber than you 😂
@@nenadpopov3601meni je lepše kad priča srpski greškice su baš simpatične ne moram da čitam sitna slova.
Ovaj lik je odlično ukapirao život u Srbiji a vrlo dobro je uporedio sa Zapadom i njegovom Kanadom.
Bravo za potez, odlazak iz Beograda u selo. To ti je najbolji potez.
Sve najbolje
Kapiram da ljudi vole grad i mogucnosti u njemu, ali meni je pomisao da izgubim sat, dva u jednom pravcu samo da odem na posao totalno nenormalna, zelim svoje slobodno vreme da koristim za sebe ne na gluposti koje mogu bolje da organizujem, selo pored nekog grada je najbolje resenje, ali ne tipa BG jer ce ti opet trebati jos vise vremena za osnovne stvari.
@@nenadpopov3601 upravo tako. Ja sam sa porodicom otišao iz Beograda, jer na Dorćolu parkirati auto je postala nemoguća misija. Prešli smo u Šumadiju, u blizini Kragujevca i prava stvar. Dete oduševljeno školom , sve pet.
Volim Beograd ali imam i ja dušu.
@@Raaaaaaaa82 Pravi potez, i to jos prelepa Sumadija, zao mi je ljudi koji ne skontaju te stvari, da je zivot jedan i ako se ovaj sjebe nema popravnog i vreme se ne moze vratiti, bice u gradu sve ludje, narocito u BG-u, nicu zgrade na sve strane a infrastruktura cista 0, mislim da ce tek poceti ljudi da beze iz gradova u narednih 10 godina.
As another Canadian, I can confirm everything he is saying is true.
True that place has gone to absolute shit. But there are plenty of negatives to living in Serbia too though. Would've been nice for him to go over certain things for people that are considering that transition. Especially since he chose the village over city life(it has its challenges) In short its dirty, unorganized and air is polluted.
I agree !
@@stefanfreestylez I know nothing about Serbia. But Canada is socially absolutely awful. Everyone is lonely, alienated, hopeless. We live in natural torture 9 months out of the year, and then get 3 months of decent weather in the summer. We used to justify it in our minds because of our standard of living, but today, nobody can quite understand why we all live here given the cost, the terrible educational system, the total imbecility of most people, the lack of courage, really high taxes, poor opportunities, ridiculous over regulation - last summer, the cops were closing down beaches at 10:00 p.m. enforcing a curfew because what if something happens and somebody gets attacked. Become such a fucking insane society. We don't even know what we're afraid of. The kids don't go outside to play anymore, paranoid mothers run every aspect of our society
See you in Serbia 😂🤣😂
@@stefanfreestylez Air in villages, specially mountains is way better. Like air in Toronto or Vancouver is good. Usually bigger villages are very close to cities. So maybe if you live in suburbs in the city can be way bigger mileage than going from village to city center. And Food is way better than most of the worlds countries.
Ovo je najbolja emisija - barem za sada.
Čovek je 100% prizeman i sve što govori je iz ličnog iskustva i tačno.
Još i liči na Srbina 😉.
Pozdrav 👋🏻
Mala ispravka, kaže se prizemljen, a ne prizeman. Ovo nije zlonamerno, već više zbog stranaca koji bi mogli pogrešno protumačiti rečenicu. Proverite šta zapravo znači rečenica prizeman, to je negativna osobina, a prizemljen je pozitivna.
@@zoranmarkovic1123заправо је боље рећи трезвен, у праву сте да прземан није ништа лијепо, напротив, а приземљен је ипак нешто другачије.
@@govorimsrpski Slažem se, ali to sam napisao upravo iz razloga jer mnogi ljudi brkaju rečenicu prizemljen sa prizeman, koje nemaju isto značenje. Prizemljen znači neko ko je veoma stvaran u svojim pogledima i postupcima, trezven, realan, objektivan, smiren, hladokrvan, priseban ili staložen, a u zavisnosti od konteksta može da znači i za avion da je prizemljen.
@@zoranmarkovic1123 наш јунак је трезвен смирен, Зрео 😊лијепо је видјети да још има писмених и умних људи који се брину о језику. ❤️
@@zoranmarkovic1123 najbitnije je da nije uzemljen 😉 👋🏻
This dude is spot on 100%. Welcome brother, Serbia is Lucy to have you.
brat moj u mojoj zemlji sa 22 i dvoje dece, nek si mi ziv i zdrav, dace bog da svi idemo tvojim stopama, da volimo nasu zemlju i da imamo srecne i velike porodice!
Oduševio me je zato što je odmah shvatio da je život na selu mnogo jednostavniji i ljepši nego u gradu.
He looks like Serbian, Balkan type of face, skin color, behaving. Everyone who loves and respect Serbia is Serbian indeed. 😊
Even Nigerians and Ghanians?🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@neoreignthat’s going too far
nisu srbi tako tamnog puta ne seri bas toliko.
serbs are not that dark they are much lighter especially in the nord they look like czechs or so. greeks are brown small and with a hairy back.
@@neoreign Yes, if they accept, love and respect Serbia like their own country. Why is the color important? It's the CULTURE that's relevant.
This man is speaking the facts about Canada 100%
Canada was not like that before.....
@@keepcreationprocess Not before turdeau took over.
@@CoreyForman Trudeau ruined a great country - through it all started way before him, truth be told
Dragi prijatelju. U duhu ovog naroda je da volimo ljude. Mnogo puta u istoriji nam se to obilo o glavu, kada smo od sigurne smrti spasavali i svoje protivnike a oni nam to kasnije vracali nasiljem i gruboscu. Dosao si u podrucje gde ti niko nece nauditi i ako moze bilo ko, tvoje prve komsije ce pomoci tebi i tvojoj porodici, vrlo cesto i na svoju stetu, ne stedeci ni sebe ni svoje resurse. Ziv bio sa svojom porodicom. Uzivaj u Srbiji, pozdrav iz Sremskih Karlovaca.
Ako ekonomija ode u kurac ja imam zemlju.Ovaj je pravi Srbin.
kako je krenula i otice u k.
izuzetno zrelo razmisljanje za jednog mladog coveka...
Apsolutno je u pravu.
Kakav bre pravi Srbin? Nemam nista protiv lika, ali on zaradjuje pare u Kanadi ili nekoj drugoj jacoj zemlji [online] i lagano zivi i boli ga uvo. Drugo da izbije neko sranje eto njega preko grane.
@@arizonad8012 svi oni rade on line sa strancima. Gde mogu da zarade vise vise para.
Ovisi koliko gd. je njegova fm.
u Kanadi. Oni vide da Canada pripada drugoj sekti I svi ce biti prevareni. Sretni su koji se vrate na vrijeme.
I live in a village in serbia, very near to belgrade (in fact my village is part of an "opstina" of belgrade, but on the periphery). I bought a house, thee stories, paid 25.5K euro for it. Cash, no hassle. Invested another 15K to renovate and make it as we wish (this sum includes a new roof with terracotta shingles). Got some land, grow lots of stuff on it. School for the kids is close, busses come on time, there is zero crime, prices are acceptable on the most part, air is fresh, weather is nice, life is pretty good. Not even gonna mention the level of freedom I have here. Highly recommend.
Које је то село на периферији Београда с чистим ваздухом, да се одмах преселим? 😄
@@poluksr3 Verovatno Sremcica ili okolina, obzirom da je tamo Lipovacka suma.
thanks for being honest, from Serbian living in Canada
Ja sam odrastao u selu Jarak, gde Džulijan sada živi. Upoznao sam ga i posetio kod njega kući. Mogu da kažem da je čovek gostoprimljiv, druželjubiv, skroz lagan lik kao i svi naši ljudi poznati po svom gostoprimstvu. Mora mu se odati poštovanje za to što je se opredelio da živi u Srbiji i počne maltene od nule, a za to treba imati petlju. Na neki način Džulijan je ambasador naše države i prikazuje je onakvom kakva jeste, bez okolišanja. Kupio je jedan kućerak u Sremu i započeo novi život prilagođavajući se svim faktorima srpske svakodnevice. Usput, za ljude koji nisu čuli za selo Jarak, nalazi se na oko 15km od Sremske Mitrovice, pripada toj opštini, a kroz selo prolazi i magistralni put između Rume i Šapca. Ima par zanimljivih stvari da se vidi, pogotovo na reci Savi, koja tiho teče pored Jarka i za koju stariji pričaju da je tu najdublja celim svojim tokom. Živeo Jarak ❤
Hvala bata Dare na finim informacijama.
Živi bili i ti i Džulijan.
Pozdrav iz Niša...
@@dusanninic5372 Hvala bato, takođe, pozdrav za Niš 😊
Da li mu je supruga nasa?
Kako ga pronaći na UA-cam
@@alohallo2879 Nije, rekao je to i u ovom videu
Serbia is great,I am from Croatia but my auntie is married and lives in Novi Sad ,great people and so cool to have rakija with
Sjajan intervju.Julijan je pravi Srbin❤
Živim u Jarku, momka znam iz vidjenja, čuo sam o njemu sve najbolje, dobrodošao je u naše selo , on i njegova porodica.
Hvala brate dođi kod mene na kafu nekad 🙂
Prijatelju dobrodošao i dobro nam ostao!❤
Oh, this was such a great video, such a great guy, man, I'm speachless. And he's only 22!!! The balls you need to do everything he did...just wow!
Djux, brate, ako citas ovo, zelim ti svu srecu ovog sveta! I tebi i tvojoj porodici! Sad vas ne damo, cak i kad biste zeleli da odete! Nasi ste! Govna neka idu gde zele, ali kada vidimo dobre ljude (a to se lako prepozna), mi ne zelimo da odu, jer gubimo i deo sebe! Ostajte ovde!!
There was a Serbian poet named Aleksa Šantić, who wrote a poem named "Ostajte ovdje" and I'd recommend you to read it. Ask someone to translate the parts you don't understand or Google itself couldn't translate.
Stay here, brother! Much love!
Hvala puno brate a ne idemo nigde 🙌😁
Nije ostalo od komunizma, nego od pravoslavlja❤ Pozdrav super si
Bravo Boko,istina živa
Bravo Boko,istina živa
Tako je! Srbi su pravi domaćini i Pravoslavci vera nas je održala njojzi hvala 🙏
@predrag21022 Управо ово. Нема везе ни с комунизмом ни с православљем.
@@alexdelarge1074 A zašto se pravoslavlje “primilo” baš ovde, i da li vera oblikuje mentalitet ili narod modifikuje veru? Kako god i posle svega, volim što smo i što sam takva kakva sam, bilo to od pravoslavlja ili mame i tate ili od mog ličnog izbora. Ipak, kraj svega našeg ‘dobrodošli’ “oduševljava” me ta selektivna savest i selektivna memorija, pogotovo Amera kad dodju ovde- eee pa gadjali su nas i biraju bez blama gde im je bolje,to im je valjda fazon još iz doba kad su istrebljivali Indijance
Don't forget his first words that he said. What do you appreciate the most? His answer was short and to the point. The freedom. Don't forget that word because in a few years Freedom will be the most demanded thing in the whole world because it is disappearing.
Spot on. Unfortunately not many people know what's coming
Aha. You have forgotten the part where you tell us who will save us. The one where you bash parlamentary democracy. And start speaking about how the system is corrupt and xyz will save us.
APSOLUTNA DOBRONAMERNA PORUKA..... SLOBODA !!!!! ovaj momak treba da preispita gene...jer mu se jednostavno organizam pobunio protiv zapadnog načina življenja.... ROĐEN DA BUDE SLOBODAN !!!
He explained it so simple: Serbian people live to enjoy time with friends and family. They don't care for material things, just for people.
If you don't have someone to be happy together, than life have no meaning.
Ljubav nije u parama nego u drugarima. ❤
Someone to be happy with, in a stressfree, laid-back, eye appealing, environment (natural and man-made), around friendly, kind, helpful people!😊
Bravo. Correct I can confirm that.
Koliko dobar kontent. U svakom vasem videu uzivam. Svaka cast I samo napred
Da ti pomognem. Kontent se na srpskom kaze sadrzaj. Nema na cemu.
@@visi_inspektor_besevicDa, i meni para usi. Pricajmo srpski! Zbog nas!
Hvala dobrim ljudima Jarka sto su prihvatili coveka. I mala napomena: Voznja "manuelca" je prava draz ljudima koji stvarno vole da voze.
This Canadian accurately describes most Americans too. Fear everyone, so keep their distance from neighbors, etc. Also, they feel a need to be aggressive to intimidate people. Class divides are very big in the U.S. That's why Americans always ask what your job is/do for work, to find out if they are supporting a freeloader through their taxes, and to learn your personal financial worth. Having lived in the Balkans for 13yrs now, absolutely no regrets!😊
A Balkan friend said to me, 'You have always been one of us. You just didn't know it!'. I took that as a compliment as it was meant to be.😊
I agree with you completely. I sat on a condo council for a while. And the entire condo board spent all their time trying to figure out different ways, how to put more locks, more security and more control of everyone so that nobody has any access to anyone else. These people are obsessed with their fears and their obsessive control of other people and their rules and their bylaws and their bylaw police and their parking regulations and their care and behavior + their passive aggressive hatred of everybody while pretending superficially to be just and fair
OMG , you described condo boards perfectly . Sooo true .
@@dt6822 Americans love rules, regulations, restrictions to feel cozy and safe. Government is very happy to comply!
My very conservative father, starting telling me in the 1950's, 'You can't have people running around doing what they want'. I just rolled my eyes at that blanket statement to take freedoms away!
This young man is self-made, adorable, brave, practical, life-wise, easy-going, curious, fearless, common sense, down-to-earth, full of life, intuitive, non-aspiring, with good humour... Welcome to Serbia!
Tip je legenda. Jako lijep smisao za humor i sve sto je rekao je istina. Rekao mi je i neke stvari o meni kojih nisam bio ni svijestan.
Bravo za obojicu, divna životna priča. I hvala vama da ste ga snimali.
I dalje sam iznenađena da oni imaju samo 22 godine. Ovakvu zrelosti i mudrosti sa toliko malo godina, odavno nisam čula. Predivno. Bog vas blagoslovio 🙏♥️
Welcome to Serbia😊😊😊
How the hell is this guy so smart at only 22 years old? I was a prick at his age 😂 Imagine moving to Serbia with your wife from Canada when you're only 17 years old. He also looks older than he is 😁
Amazing guy
Was my though also. You could say i was borderline retarded 😅
Keep thinking about that the whole day, the expression old soul? this guy is like eons old lol.
Odličan klip, sviđa mi se što je duži.
A posebno je zanimljivo ovo na početku o slozi sa komšijama pošto se kosi sa onom frazom koju depresivni ljudi nameću kao model življenja u Srbiji a to je "da komšiji crkne krava".
Bravo brate Srbine, Bog blagoslovio tvoju porodicu i tebe 🙏💕💕💖
Serbia sounds very nice. Great quality of life there in Serbia. Much to admire about the country, the people, and the food.
Love this guy. Very honest, and he is 100% right about Canada . Life sucks here in Canada. People who are smart are leaving and finding much better places and countries that offer a great lifestyle. I am dying to leave Canada, and Serbia is on my 3 top spots.
It's no wonder that many Yanks (and maybe even Canadians) like to retire in Mexico. I guess it is driven by cost of living....
Many Americans want to leave the U.S. too, but, so afraid of the world, they don't.
@@MS-dl5rf I've yet to find a 'thinking person' anywhere in the world, been to 40+ countries, lived in a few for extended periods, that likes political systems/their leaders. Foreigners that run off to toxic America expecting something much better are usually very disappointed after awhile. Many return home!
We’ ll be soon there as well ❤️
A very good episode. Keep up the good work and quality!!
I say once again, this is what Serbia does to people. You just transform and start to see things from a totally different angle.
Once again, keep up the good work....🙂
Koji bre crni Montenegro i Crna Gora! Dečko izgleda kao Srbin pravi vredan radan i pametan.
Did you answer on my comment????? 🫨🫨🫨
Man feels so nice to hear that I’m visiting this winter to recon, thanks man🤙🏽
Excellent assessment of Canada. Spot on!
Pametan dečko. Život na zapadu je maltretiranje zdravog razuma. Ako budeš čitao ovo, svako dobro tebi i tvojoj porodici,brate naš .
Pazi, i mi u Srbiji da radimo 12-16h dnevno imali bi puno više u materijalnom smislu ali ne bi imali život van posla. Ljudi često greše kad stavljaju zapad i blagostanje u istu ravan jer to nema veze sa društvenim uređenjem već sa životnom filozofijom. Džabe ti vila sa bazenom ako nemaš vremena da u tome uživaš. Svako može u svakoj zemlji na svetu da nađe svoj zapad, samo treba usvojiti sistem od 16h rada i 8 spavanja, i tako ceo radni vek. Mnogi će radije da imaju platu 6.000€ mesečno i troškove 6.500€ nego da rade za 80.000 dinara i imaju svoju nekretninu samo da bi se hvalili većom platom. Naravno, ne može se živeti bez imalo novca, ali ni novac ne vredi ako 40 godina provedeš na radnom mestu i u krevetu kada spavaš.
Ja ne znam odakle vama da se na zapadu radi 12 sati. Ima ljudi koji čiste ili rade nangradjevini ali Srbi su dosta školovani i verujte mi da su veoma cenjeni i dobro plaćeni i rade mnogo manje nego kod nas sto se radi.
@@biostarsteparadna sedmica u Austriji npr. je 38.5h, petak skraceno radno vreme, 14 punih plata godisnje 😉.
@@Danchy082 Verujem da je tako i znam slične primere. Nisu sve firme iste. Ja sam recimo u Slovačkoj radio 72h nedeljno od čega mi je trećina bila plaćena 50% više na satnicu, tj. 8+4, 6 dana u nedelji. Moj cimer je radio u firmi nedaleko od moje na 40h nedeljno, 8h 5 dana. Moja plata je bila preko 3 puta veća ali žrtva u takvom radnom režimu je slobodno vreme. I ono malo što imaš budeš slomljen i nisi ni za šta. Kasnije sam se prebacio u drugu firmu na granici sa Austrijom i tu sam radio 40h ali osim što sam imao mnogo više vremena za sebe, i manju platu, imao sam i više vremena da trošim. Ne valja ni jedno ni drugo, treba da se nađe neki balans. Ako nisi u preskupoj kiriji ili ne otplaćuješ kredite za stan, auto i šta već, onda sa 40h u nekoj solidnoj firmi može lepo da se živi. Ne luksuzno, ali ništa da ti ne fali. Ako imaš banku za vratom ili jednostavno želiš da se bahatiš, onda takav radni režim ne pije vodu, osim u slučaju da si sam preduzetnik pa da radnici rade umesto tebe.
Zato je 4 miliona srba van Srbije. Pobegli od lepote
Ova bratina je unphatomably based. 🙌
Julian's interview is the best. The funnies thing is when he said 'i live in fear everyday of going to jail'. To succeed in happily living here when u come from a western country is by being a humble person, who does not compare and expect the same level of 'perfection' that u get in the west. By that i mean don't expect an organised simple system in gov institutions, modern new houses, modern hospitals, modern schools, huge supermarkets and malls, new or fixed up roads. I lived in Sydney Australia for 20 yrs and come back 12 yrs ago. I find it hard not to complain about the disorganised Gov institutions. The hospital in Sabac is the worst in the country everyone in this city thinks so and the roads should be batter. Other then that I am happy here. I would not go back to Australia. I agree with everything Julian said, Ausralins have the same mentality as Canadiens. Jarak is close to Sabac. I would love to meet him and his wife and kids. I wish them all the best. Thank u Alex for doing all those videos and sharing them with us. God bless. ❤
I ran into two Australian couples in Thailand on different occasions, they said, their country is a mini America, so no desire to return.
@@wanderingwarrior5626 after the way ppl were treated during c19, namy have moved over seas.
Bravo. Prizeman i mudar covek koji zna sta hoce u zivotu i oseca dah slobode koji mi podrazumevamo ovde
Mala ispravka, kaže se prizemljen, a ne prizeman. Ovo nije zlonamerno, već više zbog stranaca koji bi mogli pogrešno protumačiti rečenicu. Proverite šta zapravo znači rečenica prizeman, to je negativna osobina, a prizemljen je pozitivna.
Приземан је увијек најнижи тип човјека. Момак је трезвен и разуман. Није ми јасно како је придјев приземан преузео добра значења. Вјероватно због приземног школства.
Ok, slažem se, na zemlji je trebalo reći, prizemljen ipak zvuči rogobatno
@@zoranmarkovic1123Ипак, иако су реалност и трезвеност цењене особине, за оне који су стабилни и постојани, који стоје на чврстом тлу нећемо казати да су приземљени (нпр. погрешно је: Радује ме што је он приземљен момак, место трезвен, реалан и сл.), јер тако говоримо, пре свега, о летелицама (Авион је безбедно приземљен). Мада глагол приземљити се у српском језику има више значења: спојити са земљом (о електричној струји): приземљити фрижидер, а у складу са изразом спустити се на земљу (= ослободити се илузија, схватити стварност каква јест) развија и фигуративно значење спустити се на земљу, опаметити, уразумити, нпр. Отац га је коначно приземљио - осим у шали или када саговорнику отворено дајемо до знања да се играмо речима - никада нећемо рећи да поменути отац сада има приземљеног сина. 
Гајим узвишена осећања према Србији
Др Драгана Вељковић Станковић
Професор Филолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду
Подели ову вест


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@@zoranmarkovic1123Ипак, иако су реалност и трезвеност цењене особине, за оне који су стабилни и постојани, који стоје на чврстом тлу нећемо казати да су приземљени (нпр. погрешно је: Радује ме што је он приземљен момак, место трезвен, реалан и сл.), јер тако говоримо, пре свега, о летелицама (Авион је безбедно приземљен). Мада глагол приземљити се у српском језику има више значења: спојити са земљом (о електричној струји): приземљити фрижидер, а у складу са изразом спустити се на земљу (= ослободити се илузија, схватити стварност каква јест) развија и фигуративно значење спустити се на земљу, опаметити, уразумити, нпр. Отац га је коначно приземљио - осим у шали или када саговорнику отворено дајемо до знања да се играмо речима - никада нећемо рећи да поменути отац сада има приземљеног сина.
Dajte pre svega "čoveku" državljanstvo, napišite neku peticiju nešto i zadržimo ovakve ljude...
Ja to uvek razmisljam dok gledam ovakav kontent. To je tip ljudi koje treba da dovodimo, a ne vozace autobusa iz bangladesa
All the best in future. I am an Serbian guy from Toronto!
wth are you doing in Canada?
❤ hajde kući!
Super pricas, svaka cast !
Such a positive young man . All the best in Serbia . You are surrounded among good people there , God bless !
12:35 Bravo! 👏👏👏
One of us! Funny how I really like all these people that you interview... You got such an awesome channel with an awesome content!
Young and very smart guy 🥂
at 15:07 is a picture of bolnica from Kosovska Mitrovica, not Sremska Mitrovica, but overall nice video, we are glad to have another Sremac around :)
Hi Alex, I'm your follower since the day one, and I must say that each and every video of yours is precious to me as a Serbian because it gives me another perspective of my country and the mentality of my people. It's a different angle from what I might feel and think about my country, but as I said before, your work is inspirational to me to dig deeper into social trends and recognition of a current zeitgeist not just here in Serbia, but world wide as well. I would like to meet you one day and to have a proper chat with you regarding your experiences here and to share my own experience as an ex-expat (I lived abroad for 5 years) that came back to Serbia. So yeah, I'm inviting you for a cup of coffee if you're fancy to !!! Stay well brate, and keep doing excellent work!!!
Thank you for fantastic episodes, perfect spirit! Fantastic rhythm, sound, meaning ... and wonderful interlocutors!
thank you brother! ❤from sister! 🍀
dakle SAVRŠENO REZONOVANJE sa 20 godina. SVATIO SUŠTINU ŽIVLJENJA...ovako logično razmišljanje nisam doživeo ni od ljudi sa 50 god . Ja inače sam došao u Srbiju sa 43 god.i to 98 god. ali na selo... imam sve što mi je potrebno a naročito zeleni ambijent...a krletke,buka, saobraćaj ..ludilo u gradu ?..hvala lepo. OVAJ INTERVJU SA OVIM MLADIM ČOVEKOM APSOLUTNO PUN POGODAK !!! mene je oduševio..želim njemu i njegovoj porodici dobro zdravlje i sve najbolje u životu . pozdrav
I do not want to sound ignorant. Just wanted to explain, there are two Mitrovicas in Serbia, Kosovska Mitreovica in AP Kosovo, And Sremska Mitrovica, The Hospital picture is from Kosovo one cause it is written in Albanian... Btw I was amazed by how smart and well tought this guy is at 22... All the best. Pozdrav
Oh, my fault. Completely missed it. Hvala vam na obaveštenju i izvinjavam se zbog ovoga.
I can only speak about Americans because I'm one. Born, lived, worked there for 60yrs. People like this intelligent, well spoken Canadian are almost non-existent in the U.S. The so-called intelligent ones, are making money anyway they can, legal, and illegal. That's as deep as it gets with them. Their job, beside family, becomes their identity. So, when they lose it, retire, they become lost, even more soulless. Most, dumb as a rock outside their job, zero common-sense! Either you leave when you have enough money too, or you stay there until you die, bored and miserable, as that system is very toxic, mentally draining, very stressful, which most Americans think is the only way to live, normal.
My Balkan friends also wondered why I moved here. They think, based on American TV shows, movies, everyone has a oil well in the backyard, money grows on trees for easy picking, streets are paved in gold, just grab a chunk. Why would anyone want to leave wonderful America where everyone has a big house, expensive vehicles, malls, theme parks, sport stadiums on every block, and NYC, Las Vegas, LA, and Miami. Woo-hoo! USA, USA!😅
@@wanderingwarrior5626Oh, you're already here. WELCOME 🤗!!!
Ne mesam se nikome u zivot ali ovo je zivotni promasaj. Doduse...ko ima para lepo mu je svuda. Mada zivot u Srbiji trenutno nije nesto cemu treba mladi i obrazovani da se okrenu. Ne znam zaista. Ovo mi lici na botovanje vucicevaca pre nego na neku svesnu orijentaciju
Bog ti svako dobro dao mladi čoveče! Tako mlad a razmišlja kao pravi domaćin! Dobar primer za svoje vršnjake i sa zapada i iz Srbije. Sa srećom!
OMG I love the kitty! 😻
Dragi Dzulijan upamti da ceo svet misli mozgom a mi srbi srcem...Zato uvek i dobijemo po tamburi..Drago mi je da si u Jarku i da uzivas jos dgooooooooo dugoo..!
Welcome to friendly Serbia. What you're saying is very realistic. It's not perfect in Serbia, as you say, but people are, generally speaking, friendly and hospitable.
Great human being.God bless you.Ziv bio!
Kunenm se u sebe da je ovaj Kanađanin veći Srbin od dosta Srba.
Extra prica.
"ako ekonomija ide do kurac, imamo zemlja" Svaka mu čast, zdrav razum! Nek nam je dobrodošao! 🤣🥳
A Serb reincarnated Canadian came home 😆
Ja basch volim Serbiju ... but they drive as hell! 😁😀🥰
Yes, but, good drivers! 😊
Every word you said is right on point. As I child I grew up in Canada and my family saved up money to come back. Later on I was going back and forth trying to make some money and that was the most misserable part of my life having to go back to Canada. I haven't been back to Canada since 2017 and life is good. Lots of my friends moved to Serbia the past couple of years, I can't believe how bad it got since I was there last time. Enjoy your serbian life and raise your kids to live life the way it was supposed to be lived!! Cheers!!
Do you and your friends have jobs/income in Serbia?
I live in western country (came here from Serbia 30 years ago), and here you literally live to work, work and that's it. In Serbia you work to live, and you work as much as much you want to get something, or to buy or whatever you like in your life....much easier and with lots of freedom. Here (Melbourne), you have to go home after work at 5 or 7 in the afternoon, no walking on the streets, special not at night by yourself. The crime rate is very high.
But people leave Serbia because they are not paid well and some weren't paid at all - like construction workers. So many of the best went abroad.
Covjek je u pravu za zdravstvo u Kanadi. Uvijek se hvale da imaju 'besplatno' zdravstvo, a mozes umrijeti dok dodjes do doktora na hitnoj, a specijalistu, ili radiologa ili tehnicara za ultra zvuk cekas godinama.
This guy looks very Serbian.
Bro has experienced life! I was planning to move to Canada for a long time, for the "American dream" and other stuff, but fate brought me to Serbia ♥ Ja sam iz Rusiji. Hvala!
Brate ti jesi Srbin shvatio si delimično šta je to biti Srbin i kako to funkcioniše i šta je najvažnije u životu. Veruj mi većina Srba to ne zna! Bićeš ti 100%Srbin za jos jedno 15godina ,a verovatno i pre.😅❤
Gledam drugi put ovaj klip i poslao sam ga prijateljici u Kanadi. Mozda i ona sledi isti put,kao ovaj momak?!
Congratulations...well done...greetings from Poland.
Nije jedini Kanađanin koji se preselio ovde i priča istu priču. Znam ih još dvojicu. Jedan mi je spomenuo da ih ima još koji, kada su ih posetili ovde i videli sve, ozbiljno planiraju preseljenje. Lepo je rekao, nigde nije idealno, pitanje je gde ti više odgovara za život u odnosu na tvoj senzibilitet i onog šta je tebi bitno u životu. Drago mi je da se on pronašao ovde kod nas.
Covek u pravu, kao Neko ko je otisao iz Srbije da zivi u inostranstvu zivot kuci je finansijski losiji Ali ljudi su mnogo mnogo prijatniji I humaniji
"Moja zena ne voli selo, zivot na selu " ... "Pa nadji neku koja voli " ... hahahahahahahahahah
Jedina zemlja u kojoj bih volela da zivim osim moje Srbije je Grcka . Zivela sam godinu dana , Grci znaju da uzivaju .
Tacno, ja zivim u Grckoj!
U Grčkoj sam zbog posla proveo nepunih godinu ipo i mogu reći da je bilo super. Ipak, ne bih mogao tu da živim - mnogo mi je suv vazduh, čak i na severu u kontinentalnom delu. Mađarska mi je idealna zemlja ali me jezik ubija u pojam i to je glavna prepreka mnogima. Ipak, veće flegme od nas i grka, barem što se tiče posla su slovaci i poljaci. U poljskoj sam proveo 4 godine u Slovačkoj živim sada. Ako im se ne radi, ne odu na posao... dan, dva, tri, sedam.... popiju otkaz, traže drugi posao, naravno to traje 2 meseca... pa opet u krug, hahahhahaah. U normalnim zemljama ljudi traže odmor od posla, a ovi posao jer ih smori izležavanje :D
Eh da - zivio sam u Elladi 6 godina 😢
Grcka je Italija za balkansku bedu...dolce vita elada fazon..gomila teskih neradnika
AMAZING!!! Cheers from Canada.
Jedna Webflow legenda 😁 Ko razume, shvatiće
Sve najbolje u životu tebi i tvojoj porodici! 👍
Dobro došao u Srbiju dobri čoveče. Voleli bi smo da više tako divnih ljudi dođe i nađe svoj krov nad glavom i sa svojom porodicom i da žive sa nama. ❤❤❤❤❤
As a Canadian-born girl with Serbian roots, spot on. Serbia is a very special place ❤
In Serbia when you play loud music, neighbors will come to you to join party and have a good time with you
this guy is now my life example
I did the same as he did.
@@energyconcept6944 and how is it going?
Hahaha, my grandma is from Jarak, half of my family lives there. It's a wonderful, beautiful village. It's a shame that many people are leaving; there are a lot of empty properties. However, the Sava and Jarcina rivers are great for fishing and enjoying in the summer. It's a really lovely life story.
I probably know your grandma 😁 if you are ever in Jarak and want to go fishing, let me know!
@@galluzzojulian My grandmother passed away 11 years ago, unfortunately, but anyway, as soon as I get the chance to go fishing, I’ll let you know - and if you're free, we’ll go together.
Great video as always!
30 years ago we Balkaners used to emigrate to America in search for freedom. Now *they* are coming to the Balkans for the same reason. Wild!
@@todorsamardzhiev144 Da,da ne poverujes kako se sve vrti u krug.Ali mislim da je "liberalni"kapitalizam doziveo vrhunac i postao mainstream,nema dalje,sto se tice globalnog zapada.Kod nas jos nije na vrhuncu niti ce ikada biti kao kod njih.Razlog je to sto su ljudi drugaciji.Ne uklapaju se toliko u pravila,uvek je nesto prece,ali opet postoje neka pravila.Za 10ak godina,Srbija,Grcka,Crna Gora,bice raj za strance...
I have been in the states for over 50 years, a lot has changed and mostly for the worse.
What a dude! Hi from switzerland from a serbian guy
Bravo, ovo je pravi spot za reklamu nase Srbije! Divna, ljudska prica.❤
@Attic Life How in the world do you find all these amazing people?! Well done, my friend!
Welcome ❤
The way he described Canada is exactly what it's like in Australia. I like to think Canada is the Australia of the Northern Hemisphere. Serbia sounds wonderful though despite the issues it may have, but in the West it's terrible.
Great story ! Smart man who made smart decision.He realy look,think and talk like he is a Serbian.
Wise and true words by this young man. In Serbia, people are sincere, friendly and hospitable!
No, the thing is Serbs are for some strange reason suckers for what others think of them. Be in Serbia long enough and you will find out that they don’t really like you.
sincere, friendly and hospitable? Recite to porodici Brisa Tatona, Fedora Frimermana, Mateja Periša...
@@odvedokikrema your bitterness over isolated incidents which does not represent the true nature of the entire Serbian nation, is beyond comprehension.. Learn to judge fairly and not with anger and hatred on unfounded grounds
You picked up Vojvodina accent in your Serbian ❤😂❤
If you want this freedom to continue, Serbia must not join the EU. Our freedoms are shrinking like nothing else in France. Everything is decided in Brussels by people that no one has elected. Ana from Paris.
thanks for improving your subtitles