Talking Synths, Episode 86: The Novation Bass Station ll

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @FerniFF
    @FerniFF 2 роки тому +11

    I'm a bass player and have used my BS2 on a few shows. I had it connected , via midi, an expression pedal that controlled the filter sweep. I ran my bass through the external jack and used the filter as a pre amp or for effects

  • @fjfrancois
    @fjfrancois 2 роки тому +8

    Your shows are so relaxing in a good way, is kind like be on a cloud just chilling watching a full moon 🌕

  • @nickhladek
    @nickhladek Рік тому +5

    Pretty sure the acid filter is an analog 24dB diode ladder design and not a digital emulation of a TB-303 filter

  • @briandavis812
    @briandavis812 2 роки тому +4

    I love my BassStation II. I look forward to your patches!

  • @djpopcorn
    @djpopcorn 10 місяців тому

    16:20 ❤ I need this patch. Is that using the latch on with the arp, or is it the sequencer?

  • @paulbmorgan
    @paulbmorgan 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you gentlemen, very nice video. I have the BSII and hats off to Novation for the updates and keeping this little synth relevant. The 2.5 update added the extremley usable paraphonic mode and the NovationTV UA-cam channel has a lovely demo of this. This is a great synth that punches above its weight and is a no brainer for those wanting to enter the analogue synth world on a budget. Highly recommended :-)

  • @l1fef0rm
    @l1fef0rm 2 роки тому +1

    My favorite monosynth and also one of my favorite drum machines. this synth is very special. Its also maybe my favorite "303 clone", I guess its not often thought of as one, but it totally is one.

  • @rsherid
    @rsherid 2 роки тому +3

    Ya’ll are definitely the coolest people in Texas.

  • @supermonkeycollider
    @supermonkeycollider 2 роки тому +3

    Nearly fell out of my chair too hear Sam loving a 21st century synthesizer (that's not a Moog) so much - must be all the young people in the office ! I tease, but this was a great episode. I sometimes miss my Bass Station 1 because it was so light and super straightforward with a solid sound. That OB patch at 15:15 is KILLER! I hearby dub the arp rhythm at 18:04 the Hall & Oats!

    • @l1fef0rm
      @l1fef0rm 2 роки тому

      because this synth is special. modern masterpiece, future classic. I wish it had a pair of cv/gate outputs but there are ways around that.

    • @supermonkeycollider
      @supermonkeycollider 2 роки тому

      ​@@l1fef0rm I used to work for Sam and talked all kinds of synths with him over the couple years I was editing Synthwizards.
      Man likes his synths like he likes his cars, vintage XD. That's why the surprise.

  • @apislapis
    @apislapis 2 роки тому +2

    Great video guys. My favourite Chris Huggett synth would have to be the OSC OSCar.

  • @polmorgan3533
    @polmorgan3533 2 роки тому +1

    I have a Novation Xio which i got for forty quid and its been a great little synth for writing on. cheap as f00k but real nice sounds.

  • @temporoboto
    @temporoboto 2 роки тому +1

    telephone tones! killer stuff, thanks guys.

  • @jay_Cee777
    @jay_Cee777 2 роки тому +2

    My very first major synth was the black and purple AFX Station, im glad it was the first its truly a slept on synthesizer and definitely a sound design beast. Love the content! 🤟🤟

  • @6581punk
    @6581punk 2 роки тому +2

    The guys from Orbital are fans of the Bass Station 2. They said it has a "Roland" sound.

  • @anonymoushuman8344
    @anonymoushuman8344 2 роки тому +1

    "The cool thing about synthesizers, you can make cool noises with 'em." :-)

  • @johngorgis
    @johngorgis 2 роки тому +1

    The afx update made me really want to get my hands on one ,it’s a great synth with a cool lineage , having characteristics from the Oscar and the wasp

  • @ScottsSynthStuff
    @ScottsSynthStuff 2 роки тому +5

    I think the AN-X from Yamaha is an additional engine for the MODX/Montage. Makes sense: they currently have AWM and FM-X, adding AN-X fits.
    Crossing my fingers. My Montage awaits virtual analog capability. :)

    • @Lu_Woods
      @Lu_Woods 2 роки тому +2

      interesting. I miss having an AN1X.

  • @ldp7090
    @ldp7090 2 роки тому

    thank you making this vid, i got moog minitaur as my dedicated bass synth but there will always be a void that the BS II didnt fill

  • @kierenmoore3236
    @kierenmoore3236 3 місяці тому

    20:53 … The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine would have been a very different song, if the 106 or BSII had been invented at the time … 🔊

  • @wgaule
    @wgaule Рік тому

    What is the keyboard like on this thing?

  • @testohtoby
    @testohtoby Рік тому

    Back in November 2021 I decided to buy the BS2, definitely the perfect monosynth in my setup 😍

  • @JoelBouchillon
    @JoelBouchillon 2 роки тому +1

    Question: is the Summit an updated/much expanded version of the Bass Station? Can you at least duplicate all the features-&-functions-&-sounds/patches of the Bass Station from the Summit?

    • @HenritheHorse
      @HenritheHorse 2 роки тому

      Nope, way different. This has analog oscillators and Summit has digital. Both have analog filters, but they are different. Also this is monophonic and Summit is polyphonic.

    • @supermonkeycollider
      @supermonkeycollider 2 роки тому +1

      Summit is a whole different animal. I absolutley love mine, and i can get bass stationesque, but not dead on, which is why i keep circling the BS2. If Syntaur releases a patch set for it I may finally get one.

    • @6581punk
      @6581punk 2 роки тому +2

      But the way it generates its digital oscillators is alias free. So it's not like a DSP synth.

    • @supermonkeycollider
      @supermonkeycollider 2 роки тому +1

      @@6581punk correct, but they still sound different and perhaps more importantly, are entirely different user experiences.

  • @ZenMountain
    @ZenMountain Рік тому

    Video starts at 7:35

  • @andre257
    @andre257 2 роки тому

    Hi , I’m a bass player. Is the Novation bass station good for when I need to use it for a synth bass line? Thanks PEACE!

  • @mitchelstephen7536
    @mitchelstephen7536 Рік тому

    Chharlie Clouser from NIN said he programmed the intro to "More Human Than Human" on a simple Bass Station.

  • @zpawn1
    @zpawn1 2 роки тому

    I just bought a used one "without testing" on a flea market for about $60, came home to test and it doesnt turn on, neither with a 9v adapter nor via usb
    All the ciruitry seems intact, what should i check for? i have a multitester, some very basic electronics repair experience, i was thinking about replacing the 7805 voltage regulator, any ideas?

  • @edgardvera3132
    @edgardvera3132 2 роки тому +2

    The Super Bass station is by far a much better synth than the Station II, so many more modulation options... although you have to deal with a rack module

  • @troypeterson7943
    @troypeterson7943 Рік тому

    Too much talky talk

  • @Kozmotik
    @Kozmotik 2 роки тому
