I'm a bass player and have used my BS2 on a few shows. I had it connected , via midi, an expression pedal that controlled the filter sweep. I ran my bass through the external jack and used the filter as a pre amp or for effects
Thank you gentlemen, very nice video. I have the BSII and hats off to Novation for the updates and keeping this little synth relevant. The 2.5 update added the extremley usable paraphonic mode and the NovationTV UA-cam channel has a lovely demo of this. This is a great synth that punches above its weight and is a no brainer for those wanting to enter the analogue synth world on a budget. Highly recommended :-)
My favorite monosynth and also one of my favorite drum machines. this synth is very special. Its also maybe my favorite "303 clone", I guess its not often thought of as one, but it totally is one.
Nearly fell out of my chair too hear Sam loving a 21st century synthesizer (that's not a Moog) so much - must be all the young people in the office ! I tease, but this was a great episode. I sometimes miss my Bass Station 1 because it was so light and super straightforward with a solid sound. That OB patch at 15:15 is KILLER! I hearby dub the arp rhythm at 18:04 the Hall & Oats!
@@l1fef0rm I used to work for Sam and talked all kinds of synths with him over the couple years I was editing Synthwizards. Man likes his synths like he likes his cars, vintage XD. That's why the surprise.
My very first major synth was the black and purple AFX Station, im glad it was the first its truly a slept on synthesizer and definitely a sound design beast. Love the content! 🤟🤟
I think the AN-X from Yamaha is an additional engine for the MODX/Montage. Makes sense: they currently have AWM and FM-X, adding AN-X fits. Crossing my fingers. My Montage awaits virtual analog capability. :)
Question: is the Summit an updated/much expanded version of the Bass Station? Can you at least duplicate all the features-&-functions-&-sounds/patches of the Bass Station from the Summit?
Nope, way different. This has analog oscillators and Summit has digital. Both have analog filters, but they are different. Also this is monophonic and Summit is polyphonic.
Summit is a whole different animal. I absolutley love mine, and i can get bass stationesque, but not dead on, which is why i keep circling the BS2. If Syntaur releases a patch set for it I may finally get one.
I just bought a used one "without testing" on a flea market for about $60, came home to test and it doesnt turn on, neither with a 9v adapter nor via usb All the ciruitry seems intact, what should i check for? i have a multitester, some very basic electronics repair experience, i was thinking about replacing the 7805 voltage regulator, any ideas?
The Super Bass station is by far a much better synth than the Station II, so many more modulation options... although you have to deal with a rack module
I'm a bass player and have used my BS2 on a few shows. I had it connected , via midi, an expression pedal that controlled the filter sweep. I ran my bass through the external jack and used the filter as a pre amp or for effects
Your shows are so relaxing in a good way, is kind like be on a cloud just chilling watching a full moon 🌕
Pretty sure the acid filter is an analog 24dB diode ladder design and not a digital emulation of a TB-303 filter
I love my BassStation II. I look forward to your patches!
16:20 ❤ I need this patch. Is that using the latch on with the arp, or is it the sequencer?
Thank you gentlemen, very nice video. I have the BSII and hats off to Novation for the updates and keeping this little synth relevant. The 2.5 update added the extremley usable paraphonic mode and the NovationTV UA-cam channel has a lovely demo of this. This is a great synth that punches above its weight and is a no brainer for those wanting to enter the analogue synth world on a budget. Highly recommended :-)
My favorite monosynth and also one of my favorite drum machines. this synth is very special. Its also maybe my favorite "303 clone", I guess its not often thought of as one, but it totally is one.
Ya’ll are definitely the coolest people in Texas.
Nearly fell out of my chair too hear Sam loving a 21st century synthesizer (that's not a Moog) so much - must be all the young people in the office ! I tease, but this was a great episode. I sometimes miss my Bass Station 1 because it was so light and super straightforward with a solid sound. That OB patch at 15:15 is KILLER! I hearby dub the arp rhythm at 18:04 the Hall & Oats!
because this synth is special. modern masterpiece, future classic. I wish it had a pair of cv/gate outputs but there are ways around that.
@@l1fef0rm I used to work for Sam and talked all kinds of synths with him over the couple years I was editing Synthwizards.
Man likes his synths like he likes his cars, vintage XD. That's why the surprise.
Great video guys. My favourite Chris Huggett synth would have to be the OSC OSCar.
I have a Novation Xio which i got for forty quid and its been a great little synth for writing on. cheap as f00k but real nice sounds.
telephone tones! killer stuff, thanks guys.
My very first major synth was the black and purple AFX Station, im glad it was the first its truly a slept on synthesizer and definitely a sound design beast. Love the content! 🤟🤟
The guys from Orbital are fans of the Bass Station 2. They said it has a "Roland" sound.
"The cool thing about synthesizers, you can make cool noises with 'em." :-)
The afx update made me really want to get my hands on one ,it’s a great synth with a cool lineage , having characteristics from the Oscar and the wasp
I think the AN-X from Yamaha is an additional engine for the MODX/Montage. Makes sense: they currently have AWM and FM-X, adding AN-X fits.
Crossing my fingers. My Montage awaits virtual analog capability. :)
interesting. I miss having an AN1X.
thank you making this vid, i got moog minitaur as my dedicated bass synth but there will always be a void that the BS II didnt fill
20:53 … The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine would have been a very different song, if the 106 or BSII had been invented at the time … 🔊
What is the keyboard like on this thing?
Back in November 2021 I decided to buy the BS2, definitely the perfect monosynth in my setup 😍
Question: is the Summit an updated/much expanded version of the Bass Station? Can you at least duplicate all the features-&-functions-&-sounds/patches of the Bass Station from the Summit?
Nope, way different. This has analog oscillators and Summit has digital. Both have analog filters, but they are different. Also this is monophonic and Summit is polyphonic.
Summit is a whole different animal. I absolutley love mine, and i can get bass stationesque, but not dead on, which is why i keep circling the BS2. If Syntaur releases a patch set for it I may finally get one.
But the way it generates its digital oscillators is alias free. So it's not like a DSP synth.
@@6581punk correct, but they still sound different and perhaps more importantly, are entirely different user experiences.
Video starts at 7:35
Hi , I’m a bass player. Is the Novation bass station good for when I need to use it for a synth bass line? Thanks PEACE!
Chharlie Clouser from NIN said he programmed the intro to "More Human Than Human" on a simple Bass Station.
I just bought a used one "without testing" on a flea market for about $60, came home to test and it doesnt turn on, neither with a 9v adapter nor via usb
All the ciruitry seems intact, what should i check for? i have a multitester, some very basic electronics repair experience, i was thinking about replacing the 7805 voltage regulator, any ideas?
The Super Bass station is by far a much better synth than the Station II, so many more modulation options... although you have to deal with a rack module
Too much talky talk