Fun fact: During WWII, apparently Polish soldiers were so popular with the ladies that some British soldiers imitated fake Polish accents to appeal to the women.
@Italian Spartan During WWII, while Polish soldiers were stationed in foreign countries, they were apparently very romantic and charming with the ladies to the point that other armies (mainly British but they might not have been the only ones) would fake Polish accents to grab the ladies’ attention.
I do see non-puncuation as very bad habit and very rude to do. It is the way you showing you don't appreciate their time. 5 min, max 10 minutes is acceptable anything beyond and you bounce. I can wait someone more then 10 minutes(excludes family members, that rule doesn't apply to them) if I really do get along really really well with them then I can wait otherwise I bounce the moment it passes 10 min.
I am a Polish woman. I find everything in this video true apart from watching football. They are definitely more emotional then. And yes - they are gentlemen.
I need to learn Polish! It is so rare to find gentlemen nowadays. I am glad there are still countries where men kept these traditional behaviors towards women. They should teach men from other countries!
@@silviazac7492 nah don't bother yourself. This is exagerration. Polish men are not that great. They are the same as in any other country. Source: i'm a Polish man.
@@costamcostam8961 I want to disagree with you, but, regrettably, I can't. I haven't noticed much diffrence between polish and other countries' men. I feel like it's the same as in every other place - it depends on who you'll meet.
@@sarcasmwineandeverythingfi9854 I guess this is also a result of the globalization, the online dating scene and perhaps extreme feminism unfortunately. I am feminist but for important stuff not arguing if a man opens the door or wants to offer. These are all nice gestures, well appreciated by most women.
I just met a polish guy and came to check if the way he behaved was ''normal'' cause he was just too perfect. And I guess this video agrees with everything.
Yeah, for contrast just watch the videos of You know you are Dating a Brazilian Man and You know you are Dating a Portuguese Man ... quite a difference (since she's Brazilian, and also Baiana , it's strange she doesn't understand, all the men she knows starting with her father, react yelling at the screen).
We typically watch forign country teams since most polish club and country teams kinda suck. So we don't have a great reason to be excited about teams from Spain or England. On the other hand, volleyball, and ski jumping is a bit different story
@@damian4351 spot on, and i would say ski jumping is probably n. 1 of our sport and passions especially as compared to other counties, just watch the commentators in other languages than polish and the difference is absolutely massive
As a polish girl I would say this is so true. I've been on a date with norwegian guy once and I was so surprised he didn't open the door for me nor walk me home xD Here in Poland it's kinda dating standard. But the football game... I've never seen any polish guy watching the game this calmly. You know, they yell at tv like anybody there could hear them.
My husband does not watch football, does not drink alcohol, he is glued to his computer :-) but when I need him he is always for me. My father was not like that so I am happy that I have chosen the right man.
as a guy who lives in western europe, worked in US and born in india, i once dated a russian girl. she asked me to buy roses for her. that was the only thing she asked of me. i anticipated that it would be a disaster compared to other dates where i only bought beer or cocktails or went dutch. so i bought roses for her and was waiting outside a metro station. i was feeling like a complete buffoon as this type of romance is long dead. then an old russian guy in his late 70's came and stood beside me with roses in his hand to surprise his wife. i saw him and felt relief. she took me to a old cafe and had 2 coffee. after i dated her my whole world of dating changed. before i was not sure what kind of woman i want to marry. i had few criteria, hard limits etc. but within 1hr of that 1st date, i couldn't have been more sure in my entire life who i wanted to marry and settle down with forever.
@@anirbanghosh7987 Buying flowers in western culture is DEAD and is a no-no. It shows you`re are "trying" for her. Feminist modern day western women want to the chasing now and do NOT want to feel any obligation to a beta male trying to win a woman with flowers. She will accept this behavior if she has reached the wall thought, like 33 and still single, then she will accept a beta-male provider for security, provisions, and a retirement plan. But she will treat him with disrespect for life because in her mind, she thinks she "settled"
Yeah. No dumb stereotypes that make them look like cucks in this one. Probaly because he was polish and not western. Really annoying how this channel tries to make European men be perceived so weirdly.
You know, it's only a generalisation - you will find many men that don't know how to fix things or cook. My man hardly ever remembers how to use oven or washing machine and he's unable to build a house BUT he fixed the oven and washing machine or put a wooden floor, etc. Still he looks quite like two left hands because his brothers built their own houses and what-not. Hm... Turns out Polish men are like that after all? 🤔
As a Polish girl I can confirm, that everything in this video is true. I was living in UK and Netherlands for some time, I've met guys from different cultures and countries and I must say, we have the best men. And I must add that Polish guys are not only gentelmen for their lady, but for every woman. 😊
@@michal8976 yeah, actually you're right. I saw that too. But as a woman I can say about it only from woman's perspective and I'm sure that polish men are the biggest gentelmen as far as I noticed. And it's not only about a door. It's many things. Helping with the chair, helping to lift heavy things, walk me safely home, warm me with their blouse... Many things. Also in my experience we (polish women) can't complain for the way man are treating us. We are equal to them, as they don't think that I can't do something, because I'm a woman or I shouldn't do something, because not. But in the same time they will offer a helping hand. So they are not only gentlemen, but also supportive. AND! In the same time they can be very flirty, so a woman feels like a woman. For example, in Netherlands no Dutch man EVER opened my door, in the same time I am equal, so I can lift heavy things, they don't care. Also I feel like a man, because to experience a complement from a guy is almost impossible, even if you dating one. And they just don't think about your safety or anything... It's not like this is something they HAVE TO do, but it's always nice. And I think I didn't appreciate polish guys enough before I went abroad. 🙈 I think I was so sure that this is normal. But no. It's not. And of course not every polish is a gentelman, and not every other guy is not. But in general that's how I see it from my experience.
Milena Pastusiak Bardzo dziękuję za twoje komentarze na nasz temat.! Niezmiernie miło jest być docenianym! Lecz szkoda, że dopiero po tym jak się wyjedzie z kraju i pozna kulturę, zachowania ludzkie narodowości z innych krajów.. Polskie Kobiety (od razu zaznaczę, że nie wszystkie/wszyscy itd.. Liczę, że większość rozumiem o co chodzi itp..) bardzo nie doceniają panów z własnego kraju.. Zapatrzone w zachód niczym w obrazek.. ehh Takie rzeczy jak otwieranie drzwi, postawienie krzesła, przepuszczanie przodem w przejściu czy ustąpienia miejsca kobiecie jest naturalnym odruchem i robimy już z automatu heh.. Ale jak się okazuje w PL jest to przypadkiem na porządku dziennym a w innych krajach jak widać czymś żadkim.. Mamy swoje wady bo nie istnieją ludzie bez nich.! Jednak w skali światowej Polacy nadal mają te zachowania które są uważane za bardzo ale to bardzo kulturalne hi ji
@@miqellmorningstar8712 wiesz, sądzę, że to nie tylko cecha kobiet, ale ogólnie ludzkości - by nie doceniać tego, co się ma pod nosem. Polscy mężczyźni, z którymi miałam okazję rozmawiać za granicą z kolei dopiero po wyjeździe zaczęli doceniać Polki za urodę, zaradność w każdej sytuacji, ciężką pracę, czy chociażby za lepsze towarzystwo do zabawy (mówimy tu o normalnej, kulturalnej zabawie, rozmowach, tańcach itd. Bez wulgarnych rzeczy 😉). To po prostu cecha ludzka. Jeśli jesteś do czegoś przyzwyczajony to nie zwracasz na to uwagi w codziennym życiu. Dzisiaj zapewne nieczęsto myślisz o tym, jak wygodnie Ci się żyje mając całodobowy dostęp do pitnej wody. Doceniłbyś to w pełni dopiero, gdybyś musiał codziennie taszczyć kilka litrów wody ze studni znajdującej się kilka kilometrów dalej. Dzisiaj jesteś w stanie powiedzieć "no tak, mam szczęście, że mam tę wodę", ale za pół godziny o tym zapomnisz. Musiałbyś naprawdę doświadczyć jej braku, żeby zawsze o tym pamiętać. A i wtedy pewnie nie jest to faktycznie "na zawsze". Ja na przykład należę do kobiet, których nigdy nie ciągnęło specjalnie do mężczyzn pochodzących z innych krajów. Także mnie nie odrzucało, ale na pewno dobrze mi było w towarzystwie Polaków. A jednak dopiero po wyjeździe doceniłam ich (Was) jeszcze bardziej. To zasada kontrastu. Jak mówi stare powiedzenie: docenisz dopiero jak stracisz. Ale tak jest ze wszystkim i z każdym. Nie tylko z kobietami. 😉
As a Serbian guy, it happened the same to me with "asking to be in relationship". I was dating Colombian girl for a couple months also and noticed that she started to call me all the time Mi amigo to provocate me to ask her officially, and I was like Hey I am not your friend, you are my girlfriend. She started freaking out, saying I didn't ask her. So I said in Serbia we ask only for marriage, not relationship. I had to ask her then :D
In Poland "asking to be in relationship" (pol. "Proszenie o chodzenie") is considered as childish. I suspect it is the same in Serbia - Slavic culture ;)
In the name of Polish men, I would love to say thank you for such a nice and polite opinion about us... I was expexting something more like... "All complaining alcoholic who steals cars for a hobby or extra job". Every nation have good and bad ppl, that's obvious but this video was acctually very pleasent to watch....
Not mentioning that she met his sister by chance, after 5 months of dating. Getting to know their family officially is a huge step taken slowly and means a lot.
I met a polish man recently and was very quickly charmed. What I liked was his no nonsense personality paired with a very witty humor. He was just being himself and wasn't stuck up or self conscious. He acted like a gentleman too, just very likable well rounded person.
Woah! I'm Brazilian, like the girl, and my girlfriend is Polish. I can confirm every little bit of this video! Even if the genders are reversed, all is exactly like that. Amazing, guys!
If they pack a cotton bread with lots of ingredients then I can understand this closed sandwich idea. But true bread with just cheese in a closed sandwich? xD I would choke.
Basically in all slavic countries you have same basic rules: 1. If we are dating we are in a relationship, and for us it suppose to be exclusive. If you see someone else you cheated and we will brake up. 2. Slavic man are gentlemen-they buy flowers, open the door, escort you home...treat you like a lady. (If you don't act like a lady well find out) 3. They are handy...they can fix most things around the house. 4. They are straight forward, you will know what is going on for sure 5. We eat meat a lot and in everything, and pickled vaggys - you name it we pickled it. 6. They are manly man with tender hearts. 7. They are protective 8. They are posesive over things they consider thereown, so if he thinks of you as his you better act that way. As I know and have seen for man in any Slavic country this applies.
@hasepsut, my only Slavic experiences were in Slovenia 🇸🇮 and the men there in general are not like this, in my experience as a foreigner visiting family several times. The men there are traditional but not romantic. But they do well in taking care of their families financially.
@@MariaElena51185 You are partly right. They seem a bit colder and less openly showing emotions, but they are more practical. Also, on first they are more reserved towards strangers. Polite but not as warm. I have family there and I am going often, and they are very gentle to there partners. I guess people in every mountain region is like that, more practical. And german influence was also strong. Still lot of them work in Austria. But, in the cover of there homes, when they live private lives they are caring and tender and do those small things to show you they care. They spend more time with kids when they are small and do more house chores then an avarage Serbian or Bisnian man, who is still an old fashioned "real man" and thinks house and kids are woman job. That's why fixing things around the house ans providing is a man's job. So, that is one thing people don't get when it comes to Slavic people. We mostly still keep gender roles strong. Some might not like it or understand it, but you don't get a man like Slavic man if you are not ready to do all that Slavic woman is able and ready to do still.
@@hasepsut011 Depends on the man. Some Serbian men are not typical traditional depends on his education and upbringing. If they are from the small villages...than yes traditional, if they are from the city its different.
@@ANDJELINA Darling I am born and few generations Belgrade woman, been living with born and few generations Belgrad man, and we are both highly educated, and had a family. Have a lot of friends from old Belgrade families....non if them cooks or cleans. They do play with kids thou so you can do it. And Belgrade is a capital city. So, your rule dose not apply. If you said it depends of a person and there are some that are different I would agree, it depends of an upbringing and what he was doing at his moms home. But most mothers, me included, dont ask our boys to do "girls jobs". It has nothing to do with born in city or education.
As a Polish person, everything's pretty accurate. I just wouldn't use dancing as an example of something Polish men may refuse and say "it's a girl thing". Because honestly, I know very few Polish guys who normally would refuse dancing and encouraged they still would dance anyway during home parties, in a club or doing big events like weddings. I've got the point of the behaviour, but it creates a look that Polish men don' like dancing. And in most cases we love it
Couldn’t agree more. You can see that during weddings where men sit at the table only when the booze is being poured or the band is taking a break. Other than that everyone is on the dance floor doing that crazy pirouettes to girls. I hate that because i don’t like dancing and whenever I just wanna sit there and watch there is gonna be always some guy, uncle, random dude appearing to ask me to dance 🤷♀️
Stop lying. They only dance when on alcohol. And copious amounts of it to get them started. Unresolved trauma reigns in the polish human. Most don't know their own feelings.
@@raffellorosenbergi9094 Well, sorry to hear that it was your only experience with Poles that included lots of alcohol and emotional problems. Originally I'm Polish, I have many Polish friends from different parts of the country and we often have fun together, do trips, play boardgames, hang out or randomly dance indoors or outdoors - all of these while being sober. Yes, it's true that when we drink, we usually drink a lot, but c'mon it's not something only Slavic people do, especially when it comes to young people
My best friend is polish i can confirm he's very like that. Im taken but he still is very gentlemanly towards me when we hang out he always makes sure i get home safe its very sweet
@@rhalfik You are just Slavs who wondered too far, only to stoped because of ocean :) Even your name sounds so slavic. Happy coincidence, i guess. Or is it?
@@paula7696 Obviously, we women enjoy dancing more than watching football. It depends a lot on the personality of each one. Brazilian men also don't like to be interrupted when watching football.
@@sara78889 "Brazilian men also don't like to be interrupted when watching football" Exactly my thoughts, who the hell would invite someone to dance when the other one is watching Brazil playing? WTF?
The very important thing with polish people is when someone is complaining, you just need to complain with them, it kind of means that you care about that person
I don’t know what the best part of the vídeo is ;Polish or Brazilian ...All!!! I am laughing a lot she asked about the status of the relationship- As a Brazilian , I asked exactly the same to my German fiancee 🤣. Sending this vídeo right now to my Polish best friend. Congratulations Marina and cast members! 😘
As a Latina having a Polish boyfriend, I can say that everything described in the video is so true. To this day I´m still amazed at how gentlemanly Polish men can be😍, something I especially admire is how they care about their partner so that they are and feel good.🥰 For me it is very very important to dance and it is very true that with vodka everything is possible.🤩💃🏾🕺🏼
Unfortunatelly I've been in Poland but we just crossed it (we were going to Italy), so I could see a little bit of Poland + I ate Polish food. For me, Russian girl, food was amaaaaaaaaaaaazing! And I liked so much little Polish towns, it looked cute and very very very clean. I wish I could visit Poland again
I share your opinions about Poland. I am Canadian and a few years ago I visited Poland, I fell in love with the food, history, people, culture, architecture.
Oh. My. Goodness! So accurate! I dated a Polish guy for a year and this is all so exact. I didn't know we were boyfriend and girlfriend until he introduced me as his girlfriend to a friend. Great experience except the complaining and overprotective jealosy....
Complaining is an essential part of being Polish. Even when you're positive and everything's perfect - there's always something wrong: church, politics, weather, prices, fuel prices, too hot, too cold, eee macarena!
@@adrianstere some Dominican vloger said that complaining is Polish small talk and it hit me it's so true! And we bond over it. Truly a national sport! I feel we would get along 😁
I guess "a Polish man" is gonna be desired by most women :).. excellent video again.. thanks a million Marina.. during quarantine you try to do your best for your are brilliant.
@@elizaa.367 the same. . I also heard that the Polish are the most religious people in Europe..but I don't think that they are conservative..because they are Europeans. :) I reckon the government wouldn't be able to present true colour of people..
EVERYTHING IS SO TRUE OMG, i laughed my lungs out😂. PS: Most of polish can dance really well. We have unspoken rule that every party must include drinking, dancing and eating (I mean real food, not just chips and snacks).
10 yrs ago My first foreigner crush was a polish guy ✨ So sweet and respectful ! Thanks to him I started getting interested in the idea of dating abroad and exchange culture with a partner one day 😊 In my opinion polish guys are very gentleman and straightforward! ❤
I´ve been asking for this video for so long!! Thank you! And as someone who has dated a polish man (Im peruvian), i can confirm evrything that was said about polish men in this video. Polish men are just a keeper!! :)
Ah, Polish men.... Years and years ago, like maybe 30, I had a date with a Polish ship jumper. He was being looked after by the local Polish community and brought me roses on the first date, and an interpreter! Very sweet man. Years later I was at a dance and had a Viennese waltz with a Polish man, and oh my it was wonderful, very strong and competent. And once I interviewed one for a handyman type job and even though he was a marine biologist he said that many of them grew up on farms or in very rural areas and can do anything. For some reason here in Canada I don't seem to run into them anymore, so maybe immigration has gotten weird or they go to other countries, like the UK.
Yeah, now it's UK, EU and Norway. Many would like to go to US but we need visa's (which is crazy!). Canada sounds nice but coming there is expensive and you get better salary in Norway. And it's not that common among younger people to know how to fix stuff because everything is bought new with guarantee or simply electronic. Or such a crap it can't be fixed.
Omg its true for polish men to walk you home, this was also my experience when i lived there but it was 14 years ago so maybe some things changed. Was fun watching it 🥰
Very accurate observations made in a tasteful, engaging way. Yes, I'm a Polish guy, and I found the video refreshingly entertaining. While it makes broad generalizations, at no point did I get a sense of biased stereotyping. Job well done!
I love this man's voice when he speaks English. Something about the accent and the way he talks is so soothing and satisfying. He reminds me of how my dad talks, actually, which may be why I like it so much. I wish my voice was that deep yet subtle.
Polish men are similar to Czech men (handy, down-to-Earth and gentlemen)...maybe since Czechs are quite outdoorsy, they would force the Brazilian girl to go biking or hiking (and they'd take lots of beer with them :D). Anyway, would be nice to see You Know You're Dating a Czech Man When...:)
I hope you are happy together, but I would never date a German girl, no matter how attractive. I have always had bad experiences with Germans because of their arrogance towards Poles (probably German girl-Polish boy pairs are very few because of this), but after I saw a real festival of contempt, hatred and insulting Poland by Germans on the occasion of the discussion of reparations I simply abhor this nation. About the attitude of your country towards the invasion of Ukraine I do not even mention. Certainly not all Germans are like that, but the hundreds of German-language comments I've read have made me realize that across the Oder we have not an ally, but a neighbor bludgeoning with hatred for us, who would have absolutely no problem repeating those cruel crimes against innocent Poles from 1939-1945. Some speak openly about it like this German businessman who runs a company near Gdansk:
@@jezielsantos6000 Polish girls don’t talk with strangers man and generally are much colder towards foreigners similar to Scandinavians (unless you’re fucking handsome so she can’t say no)
@@adrianstere Good morning for you man. Thanks for the answer. God created me a handsome man; so, I'd say I might risk starting a conversation with a Polish girl to end up having a nice reply. I mean, she would be comfortable to maybe hang out with me someday...
As a polish girl with polish husband I can tell it's all 100% accurate :D and I wouldn't change anything :3 If you are late just call your guy! He will not mind 15 minutes of waiting IF he will know that you are being late and why :p
Another reason to be proud of being a Pole. Everything here is true and I personally try to keep it :). Btw. Girls asked how to say "bye". "Dzięki" means generally "Thanks" (sometimes is used as an end of video). "Bye" is "Cześć" or "Na razie".
I was waiting for this episode for years! Yes, we love our strange open faced sandwitches :) although we close them sometimes - like when we take them as a lunch to work or school.
As there are also gender-mixed friendships these days we need to add that "date" means meeting with kissing, holding hands or cuddling. Because some might get the ilusion that just because there was a meeting and eating and whatever it was a date. I think first kiss is treated as an official start of relationship. I think younger people (gen z?) have something like "casual sex" (some older also have it, tbh) but still if you go on a proper date it's serious. And after that you are to be monogamist (unless your partner says otherwise).
@@Bellatrix2606 Sounds very nice. In Brazil, generally kissing and holding hands means nothing at all 😞 if you expect something serious you have to be clear and search for someone looking for the same
Bellatrix2606- Exactly, if I'll kiss You that mean I started our relationship. Kissing for me is a big thing, not to mention, that there's no casual sex for me! It must be with love, or at least I must be REALLY into You and want to be with You.
There are many contradictions for me as a Pole. I love to dance and waiting for a woman is normal here. It is true that we are trying to fix everything ourselves. I appreciate it :)
I'm from England and this video makes me so happy to know that my Polish boyfriend relates to pretty much all of these and I'm so excited to visit him in person for the first time
My Mom's side of the family is 100% Polish, and this video makes me more proud of that. Somehow, growing up in the United States, pretty much all of these behaviours were passed down to me.
Yes pls, Hungarian men! I spend a week in Budapest two year ago and had hilarious interactions there. Like I was stopped literally in the street and asked "to go and drink wine". I'm pretty sure Hungarian guys wouldn't dare act like that with girls that don't look like tourists haha. I also saw the most handsome man ever on my first day. He looked like a young Marlon Brando, I'm not even kidding.
In Poland we have it too but it only applies to the universities. When you meet new person you should be punctual, you can be late when you’re friends and already know your habits, there’s always that one or two people who are always late
When someone is late it means that consider themselves and theur time to be more important than the person who is on time,because they dont care if someone is wasting their time waiting for them.
It was a long time since the "Dating a Polish Woman" video. I would like to see a Dating a Swedish woman and a Dating a Swedish man video. I have not seen those yet. I like seeing the "Dating a woman" and dating a Man" videos back to back and imagine the characters on dates with each other.
Have been pen-pals with a Polish guy since 2015 & he's the best! Always enthusiastic while texting (or he's just being polite, Idk) & very chatty (loves to tell just anything) hahaha. Helpful too 😁
Thank you for including the thing about sandwiches!!! I am Polish Canadian and I grew up eating open faced sandwiches and I can say they are better that way! 😂
New video is out! Let me know which part of the video you found the most interesting and which other country would you like to see featured next! 🇵🇱
Would love to see one about Scottish men
I'm really curious about Greek men
Please make a video about dating a Peruvian 🇵🇪 or a Kiwi 🇳🇿
North African men ..tunisia .. Algeria ..marrocco
I like the first meet
Fun fact: During WWII, apparently Polish soldiers were so popular with the ladies that some British soldiers imitated fake Polish accents to appeal to the women.
@Italian Spartan During WWII, while Polish soldiers were stationed in foreign countries, they were apparently very romantic and charming with the ladies to the point that other armies (mainly British but they might not have been the only ones) would fake Polish accents to grab the ladies’ attention.
I believe it
I surely believe it! 🤣🥰
I just can't stop thinking in this guy's voice in an audiobook, so perfect
yeah i am a straight guy, but this guy i believe manages to get wet all the women purely with his voice alone 😂
U shud listen to my voice, my cute :*
Oh yes... Such a healing, and calming voice
yeah, been thinking in his voice in something else, but ill just stick to the audiobook idea hahaha
"This game is an embarassment" - Polish people during every football event
😂😂😂🤣🤣 Lewandowski is the only one that consoles them.
You have a pretty good team
Compared to my national team, yours a 5* team.
And still dont get it why this game is so hyped. Like.... Its so boring and embarrasing for us on every level for... maybe 30 years or so
@@samgaekwad haha right
No, they played well at Euro in France XD
The fact that she is brazilian and was ONLY 15 mins late. He should be happy 😂
I do see non-puncuation as very bad habit and very rude to do. It is the way you showing you don't appreciate their time. 5 min, max 10 minutes is acceptable anything beyond and you bounce. I can wait someone more then 10 minutes(excludes family members, that rule doesn't apply to them) if I really do get along really really well with them then I can wait otherwise I bounce the moment it passes 10 min.
For me it's very crucial thing ..I never get late
how late are Brazilians usually?
@@ThePhantom712 20-45 minutes?
@@Enforcedcraft This just depends of the culture. Where are you from?
I am a Polish woman. I find everything in this video true apart from watching football. They are definitely more emotional then. And yes - they are gentlemen.
Dzięki Kochana :)
I need to learn Polish! It is so rare to find gentlemen nowadays. I am glad there are still countries where men kept these traditional behaviors towards women. They should teach men from other countries!
@@silviazac7492 nah don't bother yourself. This is exagerration. Polish men are not that great. They are the same as in any other country. Source: i'm a Polish man.
@@costamcostam8961 I want to disagree with you, but, regrettably, I can't. I haven't noticed much diffrence between polish and other countries' men. I feel like it's the same as in every other place - it depends on who you'll meet.
@@sarcasmwineandeverythingfi9854 I guess this is also a result of the globalization, the online dating scene and perhaps extreme feminism unfortunately. I
am feminist but for important stuff not arguing if a man opens the door or wants to offer. These are all nice gestures, well appreciated by most women.
As a Brazilian married to the Polish guy, I can 100% relate to everything 100%
Brazil have lot's of poles right?
@@ruslankazimov622 yes
@Viviane Oliviera Gratulacje 😊🇵🇱
I just met a polish guy and came to check if the way he behaved was ''normal'' cause he was just too perfect. And I guess this video agrees with everything.
You lucky girl :-)
Wait until you meet his mother. Polish boys love their Mama's :)
I agree
i agreeee 100% polish guys are like this ,they do love their mom a lot but they are extremely serious about u :)
That's some pretty calm football watching. No yelling at the screen!
Yeah, for contrast just watch the videos of You know you are Dating a Brazilian Man and You know you are Dating a Portuguese Man ... quite a difference (since she's Brazilian, and also Baiana , it's strange she doesn't understand, all the men she knows starting with her father, react yelling at the screen).
We typically watch forign country teams since most polish club and country teams kinda suck.
So we don't have a great reason to be excited about teams from Spain or England.
On the other hand, volleyball, and ski jumping is a bit different story
Well when Poland was playing against Spain I could hear even my distant neighbors' shouting in excitement so Idk xD
@@damian4351 spot on, and i would say ski jumping is probably n. 1 of our sport and passions especially as compared to other counties, just watch the commentators in other languages than polish and the difference is absolutely massive
As a Polish, I can say that we don't watch football calmly haha! There are screams of joy and cursing
As a polish girl I would say this is so true. I've been on a date with norwegian guy once and I was so surprised he didn't open the door for me nor walk me home xD Here in Poland it's kinda dating standard.
But the football game... I've never seen any polish guy watching the game this calmly. You know, they yell at tv like anybody there could hear them.
My husband does not watch football, does not drink alcohol, he is glued to his computer :-) but when I need him he is always for me. My father was not like that so I am happy that I have chosen the right man.
Greeks too
as a guy who lives in western europe, worked in US and born in india, i once dated a russian girl. she asked me to buy roses for her. that was the only thing she asked of me. i anticipated that it would be a disaster compared to other dates where i only bought beer or cocktails or went dutch. so i bought roses for her and was waiting outside a metro station. i was feeling like a complete buffoon as this type of romance is long dead. then an old russian guy in his late 70's came and stood beside me with roses in his hand to surprise his wife. i saw him and felt relief. she took me to a old cafe and had 2 coffee. after i dated her my whole world of dating changed. before i was not sure what kind of woman i want to marry. i had few criteria, hard limits etc. but within 1hr of that 1st date, i couldn't have been more sure in my entire life who i wanted to marry and settle down with forever.
@@anirbanghosh7987 Buying flowers in western culture is DEAD and is a no-no. It shows you`re are "trying" for her. Feminist modern day western women want to the chasing now and do NOT want to feel any obligation to a beta male trying to win a woman with flowers. She will accept this behavior if she has reached the wall thought, like 33 and still single, then she will accept a beta-male provider for security, provisions, and a retirement plan. But she will treat him with disrespect for life because in her mind, she thinks she "settled"
as a Polish man I always thought opening the door, or walking a girl home etc. was something universal for most cultures
My girlfriend is Polish, and I can confirm, she's exactly like the female version of this guy 😂😂
Best comment hahaha
Interesting name
So she opens the doors for you and fixes lights in your house? 😂
@@DatingBeyondBorders Yup, those too. A true gentlewoman. It's part of being Polish, I think. 😂
Watches soccer and eats kielbasa sandwiches.
As a Polish girl, I‘ll give this a Pole stamp of approval 💮🇵🇱
@@gonzacz xDˣᴰ
... I guess this guy, too, gets your stamp of approval?
"Anything goes when vodka is involved."
*Laughs in Finnish*
Koskenkorva Viina !
dating a finnish man soon?
@@csillafekete7290 I hope so!
Hey its our good friend Aleksi King of Karlsarikännit
Polish man like Finnish man
His voice is so gorgeous, it sounds just like music to my ears ❤️
Holy chit, this one was the most positive about a European man!
And not for nothing :) i met some polish men and was happy for it
@@valm9462 I'm glad to hear :)
Yeah. No dumb stereotypes that make them look like cucks in this one. Probaly because he was polish and not western. Really annoying how this channel tries to make European men be perceived so weirdly.
The Russian one was also really good
You know, it's only a generalisation - you will find many men that don't know how to fix things or cook. My man hardly ever remembers how to use oven or washing machine and he's unable to build a house BUT he fixed the oven and washing machine or put a wooden floor, etc. Still he looks quite like two left hands because his brothers built their own houses and what-not.
Hm... Turns out Polish men are like that after all? 🤔
I'm French, my boyfriend is Polish. He is masculine, romantic and handsome! Btw 100% true.
As a Polish girl I can confirm, that everything in this video is true. I was living in UK and Netherlands for some time, I've met guys from different cultures and countries and I must say, we have the best men. And I must add that Polish guys are not only gentelmen for their lady, but for every woman. 😊
@E Balla i agree. ☺
@@michal8976 yeah, actually you're right. I saw that too. But as a woman I can say about it only from woman's perspective and I'm sure that polish men are the biggest gentelmen as far as I noticed. And it's not only about a door. It's many things. Helping with the chair, helping to lift heavy things, walk me safely home, warm me with their blouse... Many things. Also in my experience we (polish women) can't complain for the way man are treating us. We are equal to them, as they don't think that I can't do something, because I'm a woman or I shouldn't do something, because not. But in the same time they will offer a helping hand. So they are not only gentlemen, but also supportive. AND! In the same time they can be very flirty, so a woman feels like a woman.
For example, in Netherlands no Dutch man EVER opened my door, in the same time I am equal, so I can lift heavy things, they don't care. Also I feel like a man, because to experience a complement from a guy is almost impossible, even if you dating one. And they just don't think about your safety or anything...
It's not like this is something they HAVE TO do, but it's always nice. And I think I didn't appreciate polish guys enough before I went abroad. 🙈 I think I was so sure that this is normal. But no. It's not.
And of course not every polish is a gentelman, and not every other guy is not. But in general that's how I see it from my experience.
Milena Pastusiak Bardzo dziękuję za twoje komentarze na nasz temat.! Niezmiernie miło jest być docenianym! Lecz szkoda, że dopiero po tym jak się wyjedzie z kraju i pozna kulturę, zachowania ludzkie narodowości z innych krajów.. Polskie Kobiety (od razu zaznaczę, że nie wszystkie/wszyscy itd.. Liczę, że większość rozumiem o co chodzi itp..) bardzo nie doceniają panów z własnego kraju.. Zapatrzone w zachód niczym w obrazek.. ehh Takie rzeczy jak otwieranie drzwi, postawienie krzesła, przepuszczanie przodem w przejściu czy ustąpienia miejsca kobiecie jest naturalnym odruchem i robimy już z automatu heh.. Ale jak się okazuje w PL jest to przypadkiem na porządku dziennym a w innych krajach jak widać czymś żadkim.. Mamy swoje wady bo nie istnieją ludzie bez nich.! Jednak w skali światowej Polacy nadal mają te zachowania które są uważane za bardzo ale to bardzo kulturalne hi ji
@@miqellmorningstar8712 wiesz, sądzę, że to nie tylko cecha kobiet, ale ogólnie ludzkości - by nie doceniać tego, co się ma pod nosem. Polscy mężczyźni, z którymi miałam okazję rozmawiać za granicą z kolei dopiero po wyjeździe zaczęli doceniać Polki za urodę, zaradność w każdej sytuacji, ciężką pracę, czy chociażby za lepsze towarzystwo do zabawy (mówimy tu o normalnej, kulturalnej zabawie, rozmowach, tańcach itd. Bez wulgarnych rzeczy 😉).
To po prostu cecha ludzka. Jeśli jesteś do czegoś przyzwyczajony to nie zwracasz na to uwagi w codziennym życiu. Dzisiaj zapewne nieczęsto myślisz o tym, jak wygodnie Ci się żyje mając całodobowy dostęp do pitnej wody. Doceniłbyś to w pełni dopiero, gdybyś musiał codziennie taszczyć kilka litrów wody ze studni znajdującej się kilka kilometrów dalej. Dzisiaj jesteś w stanie powiedzieć "no tak, mam szczęście, że mam tę wodę", ale za pół godziny o tym zapomnisz. Musiałbyś naprawdę doświadczyć jej braku, żeby zawsze o tym pamiętać. A i wtedy pewnie nie jest to faktycznie "na zawsze".
Ja na przykład należę do kobiet, których nigdy nie ciągnęło specjalnie do mężczyzn pochodzących z innych krajów. Także mnie nie odrzucało, ale na pewno dobrze mi było w towarzystwie Polaków. A jednak dopiero po wyjeździe doceniłam ich (Was) jeszcze bardziej. To zasada kontrastu. Jak mówi stare powiedzenie: docenisz dopiero jak stracisz.
Ale tak jest ze wszystkim i z każdym. Nie tylko z kobietami. 😉
As a Serbian guy, it happened the same to me with "asking to be in relationship". I was dating Colombian girl for a couple months also and noticed that she started to call me all the time Mi amigo to provocate me to ask her officially, and I was like Hey I am not your friend, you are my girlfriend. She started freaking out, saying I didn't ask her. So I said in Serbia we ask only for marriage, not relationship. I had to ask her then :D
In Poland "asking to be in relationship" (pol. "Proszenie o chodzenie") is considered as childish. I suspect it is the same in Serbia - Slavic culture ;)
@@karo2090 Not only in Poland, in all Eastern Europe, only teenagers/kids ask if you will be their girlfriend.
Interesting 🤔😂
@@karo2090 It is the same in The Netherlands.
Anyone wants to date Serbian man?
In the name of Polish men, I would love to say thank you for such a nice and polite opinion about us... I was expexting something more like... "All complaining alcoholic who steals cars for a hobby or extra job". Every nation have good and bad ppl, that's obvious but this video was acctually very pleasent to watch....
On behalf of polish men..
I thank you for your briliant acting and stating facts 'bout polish men
Im very surprised with this video cause most of the time we need to take shit from polish women
Not mentioning that she met his sister by chance, after 5 months of dating. Getting to know their family officially is a huge step taken slowly and means a lot.
I met a polish man recently and was very quickly charmed. What I liked was his no nonsense personality paired with a very witty humor. He was just being himself and wasn't stuck up or self conscious. He acted like a gentleman too, just very likable well rounded person.
Woah! I'm Brazilian, like the girl, and my girlfriend is Polish. I can confirm every little bit of this video! Even if the genders are reversed, all is exactly like that. Amazing, guys!
I don't get why other people would eat closed sandwiches. It's not about the bread lol
If they pack a cotton bread with lots of ingredients then I can understand this closed sandwich idea.
But true bread with just cheese in a closed sandwich? xD I would choke.
I like both :D
Closed sandwiches make me puke, shit's inedible
It’s more efficient!
I make closed sandwiches only when I'm taking it to work
Haha, I'm Armenian 🇦🇲 in relationship with a Pole 🇵🇱 and I'm just gonna say that this is pretty accurate representation 😂😁
Basically in all slavic countries you have same basic rules:
1. If we are dating we are in a relationship, and for us it suppose to be exclusive. If you see someone else you cheated and we will brake up.
2. Slavic man are gentlemen-they buy flowers, open the door, escort you home...treat you like a lady. (If you don't act like a lady well find out)
3. They are handy...they can fix most things around the house.
4. They are straight forward, you will know what is going on for sure
5. We eat meat a lot and in everything, and pickled vaggys - you name it we pickled it.
6. They are manly man with tender hearts.
7. They are protective
8. They are posesive over things they consider thereown, so if he thinks of you as his you better act that way.
As I know and have seen for man in any Slavic country this applies.
True. # Serbian Girl. Pretty sums it up. 🤣
@hasepsut, my only Slavic experiences were in Slovenia 🇸🇮 and the men there in general are not like this, in my experience as a foreigner visiting family several times. The men there are traditional but not romantic. But they do well in taking care of their families financially.
@@MariaElena51185 You are partly right. They seem a bit colder and less openly showing emotions, but they are more practical. Also, on first they are more reserved towards strangers. Polite but not as warm. I have family there and I am going often, and they are very gentle to there partners. I guess people in every mountain region is like that, more practical. And german influence was also strong. Still lot of them work in Austria. But, in the cover of there homes, when they live private lives they are caring and tender and do those small things to show you they care. They spend more time with kids when they are small and do more house chores then an avarage Serbian or Bisnian man, who is still an old fashioned "real man" and thinks house and kids are woman job. That's why fixing things around the house ans providing is a man's job. So, that is one thing people don't get when it comes to Slavic people. We mostly still keep gender roles strong. Some might not like it or understand it, but you don't get a man like Slavic man if you are not ready to do all that Slavic woman is able and ready to do still.
@@hasepsut011 Depends on the man. Some Serbian men are not typical traditional depends on his education and upbringing. If they are from the small villages...than yes traditional, if they are from the city its different.
@@ANDJELINA Darling I am born and few generations Belgrade woman, been living with born and few generations Belgrad man, and we are both highly educated, and had a family. Have a lot of friends from old Belgrade families....non if them cooks or cleans. They do play with kids thou so you can do it. And Belgrade is a capital city. So, your rule dose not apply. If you said it depends of a person and there are some that are different I would agree, it depends of an upbringing and what he was doing at his moms home. But most mothers, me included, dont ask our boys to do "girls jobs". It has nothing to do with born in city or education.
Polish people are very punctual people when it comes to meeting others
Unless you already know each other, then you can be late, but it’s still annoying, we all have a friends who’s always late
Was there some cultural revolution I missed ?
True, we all have friends that are always late but they are not the favorite ones:) I hate when someone is late, it is the real dealbreaker:)
I am polish , all my friends are always late , only my ex boyfriend was punctual XD I am also always 10 min late :P
As a Polish person, everything's pretty accurate. I just wouldn't use dancing as an example of something Polish men may refuse and say "it's a girl thing". Because honestly, I know very few Polish guys who normally would refuse dancing and encouraged they still would dance anyway during home parties, in a club or doing big events like weddings. I've got the point of the behaviour, but it creates a look that Polish men don' like dancing. And in most cases we love it
Couldn’t agree more. You can see that during weddings where men sit at the table only when the booze is being poured or the band is taking a break. Other than that everyone is on the dance floor doing that crazy pirouettes to girls. I hate that because i don’t like dancing and whenever I just wanna sit there and watch there is gonna be always some guy, uncle, random dude appearing to ask me to dance 🤷♀️
Stop lying. They only dance when on alcohol. And copious amounts of it to get them started. Unresolved trauma reigns in the polish human. Most don't know their own feelings.
@@raffellorosenbergi9094 Well, sorry to hear that it was your only experience with Poles that included lots of alcohol and emotional problems. Originally I'm Polish, I have many Polish friends from different parts of the country and we often have fun together, do trips, play boardgames, hang out or randomly dance indoors or outdoors - all of these while being sober. Yes, it's true that when we drink, we usually drink a lot, but c'mon it's not something only Slavic people do, especially when it comes to young people
@@jaktoztymj9225 In my experience Polish men are wonderful ballroom dancers, they are in control, not wishy-washy, and never inappropriate.
@@raffellorosenbergi9094 Looks like you may have some unresolved trauma as well, coming so strong into this dance discussion.
My best friend is polish i can confirm he's very like that. Im taken but he still is very gentlemanly towards me when we hang out he always makes sure i get home safe its very sweet
As a Pole I can say it's very accurate, I'm impressed!
And yes, mayo, cheese, kielbasa and ogurki! Polish people know how to make a proper sandwich 👌🏽 We (Russians) have it the same way.
And Norwegians.
@@rhalfik You are just Slavs who wondered too far, only to stoped because of ocean :) Even your name sounds so slavic. Happy coincidence, i guess.
Or is it?
@@ludovitstur9045 Sort of. It's a Polish name translated into Estonian.
I am dating Russian girl from Moscow now ...We have so many similarities and the polish food and russian is the best. All the best from Toronto
Haha, as a Polish girl- it is so true! By the way, about fixing stuff lots of girls can do the basics as well ;)
As a Pole, I agree 100% with this
A Polish man watching football with a brazilian woman, she wouldn't dance, she would watch the football match with him.
So true. We Brazilians love football a lot.
Another stereotype. I’m Brazilian and I prefer dancing than watching a football game 😉
@@paula7696 Obviously, we women enjoy dancing more than watching football. It depends a lot on the personality of each one. Brazilian men also don't like to be interrupted when watching football.
@@sara78889 "Brazilian men also don't like to be interrupted when watching football" Exactly my thoughts, who the hell would invite someone to dance when the other one is watching Brazil playing? WTF?
The very important thing with polish people is when someone is complaining, you just need to complain with them, it kind of means that you care about that person
Complaining is our national sport xD
@@poldreborn4281 True! Very true!
This is 100% my boyfriend (yep, he's Polish). I would also add: he lets me go first through the door, brings flowers and is perfect :D
@Italian Spartan yes 🙂
google tłumacz nie zawsze tak dobrze tłumaczy jak cos
Finally, Polish man! Love Polska from North Portugal 🇵🇹 I saw the. Vídeo. I need to travel to Poland ❤️
I don’t know what the best part of the vídeo is ;Polish or Brazilian ...All!!! I am laughing a lot she asked about the status of the relationship- As a Brazilian , I asked exactly the same to my German fiancee 🤣.
Sending this vídeo right now to my Polish best friend. Congratulations Marina and cast members! 😘
This is very funny, but I actually know many Polish-Brazilian couples :D something goes well here haha :D
As a Polish girl : OMG I can't believe everything is So accurate 😲🤣🤣🤣🤣
As a Latina having a Polish boyfriend, I can say that everything described in the video is so true. To this day I´m still amazed at how gentlemanly Polish men can be😍, something I especially admire is how they care about their partner so that they are and feel good.🥰 For me it is very very important to dance and it is very true that with vodka everything is possible.🤩💃🏾🕺🏼
Lucky guy, Latinas for me are most beautiful woman in the world :D
Greetings from Poland!
@@poldreborn4281 thank you very much for the words! 🤗
It sounds very nice.
Unfortunatelly I've been in Poland but we just crossed it (we were going to Italy), so I could see a little bit of Poland + I ate Polish food. For me, Russian girl, food was amaaaaaaaaaaaazing! And I liked so much little Polish towns, it looked cute and very very very clean. I wish I could visit Poland again
Dear Emilia, do not hesitate, just visit us in Poland
Russians need to come more often. Ukrainians and Belarussians are already here.
@@Rupert-yq9wq I will visit as soon as the situation with corona will be over 😇
@@rhalfik We have to change that👌
I share your opinions about Poland. I am Canadian and a few years ago I visited Poland, I fell in love with the food, history, people, culture, architecture.
I love how the Poles are at least 2 feet taller than the brazilian girl 😂😂
Yes, she's so cute ❤️
@@Fernandapazlolas She's not.
@@alessbritish228 😂 la envidiosa
@@Fernandapazlolas She's cute but she reminds me to much to the womens in my family haha
@@Holzkissen. Jajajajajajaja I believe you 🤣
my boyfriend is Polish and I agree with all that lol
R u polish?
Oh. My. Goodness! So accurate! I dated a Polish guy for a year and this is all so exact. I didn't know we were boyfriend and girlfriend until he introduced me as his girlfriend to a friend. Great experience except the complaining and overprotective jealosy....
Men don’t get jealous lol 😂
@@raphaelostrowski6336 try to date greeks xD
Complaining is an essential part of being Polish. Even when you're positive and everything's perfect - there's always something wrong: church, politics, weather, prices, fuel prices, too hot, too cold, eee macarena!
@@Bellatrix2606 Same in Romania 😂😂 complaining is the nr.1 sport of the country!
@@adrianstere some Dominican vloger said that complaining is Polish small talk and it hit me it's so true! And we bond over it. Truly a national sport!
I feel we would get along 😁
I guess "a Polish man" is gonna be desired by most women :).. excellent video again.. thanks a million Marina.. during quarantine you try to do your best for your are brilliant.
Unless you are super pc sjw, then proly not so much
@@SteaksOnSpear sorry, I didn't get you..
@@5566letslearnEnglish polish are more religious and conservative, so liberal Califórnia girls probably wont be a match
@@SteaksOnSpear that's actually not true and many Poles are not that religious and conservative. It's more of their government who acts like this.
@@elizaa.367 the same. . I also heard that the Polish are the most religious people in Europe..but I don't think that they are conservative..because they are Europeans. :) I reckon the government wouldn't be able to present true colour of people..
Haha, being a Polish husband to a Brazilian wife it's spot on!
wow, Marina, you actually managed to find the most handsome Polish guy out there 😂 this video showed in my feed because I'm inevitably Polish :D
Haha I tried!
A Polish guy who doesn't look Polish at all.
@Marcin no he doesn't, he looks like someone from Scandinavia
@Marcin Dude, i live in Poland and polish men look nothing like this dude, although I wish they were
@Marcin of course there is a typical Pole look, when you're abroad you can easily recognise polish person just by their face features
EVERYTHING IS SO TRUE OMG, i laughed my lungs out😂.
PS: Most of polish can dance really well. We have unspoken rule that every party must include drinking, dancing and eating (I mean real food, not just chips and snacks).
Yep, but only insane person dances without alcohol...
@@TheKrzy65siek So I am insane af😁
Yup, you gotta have some good, proper Polish food if you're gonna drink :D The first rule of Polish drinking know how XD
What I have learned from this video: I am a Polish man.
Yes, women acting like men..🥲
10 yrs ago My first foreigner crush was a polish guy ✨ So sweet and respectful ! Thanks to him I started getting interested in the idea of dating abroad and exchange culture with a partner one day 😊 In my opinion polish guys are very gentleman and straightforward! ❤
I´ve been asking for this video for so long!! Thank you! And as someone who has dated a polish man (Im peruvian), i can confirm evrything that was said about polish men in this video. Polish men are just a keeper!! :)
I'm also Brazilian and now I wanna a Polish man 😭 they seem so perfect
Go in Poland 😂
Remember about kiełbasa. And schabowy. But if he happens to be vegan - remember about vegan kielbasa and vegan schabowy. You're welcome 🤗
Here I am! 😜
@@adam.dzwoniarek72 Hi
I totally agree with you. Maybe we should visit Poland 😁
My Polish boyfriend and I were very amused by this.
Where are you from?
Ah, Polish men.... Years and years ago, like maybe 30, I had a date with a Polish ship jumper. He was being looked after by the local Polish community and brought me roses on the first date, and an interpreter! Very sweet man. Years later I was at a dance and had a Viennese waltz with a Polish man, and oh my it was wonderful, very strong and competent. And once I interviewed one for a handyman type job and even though he was a marine biologist he said that many of them grew up on farms or in very rural areas and can do anything. For some reason here in Canada I don't seem to run into them anymore, so maybe immigration has gotten weird or they go to other countries, like the UK.
Yeah, now it's UK, EU and Norway. Many would like to go to US but we need visa's (which is crazy!). Canada sounds nice but coming there is expensive and you get better salary in Norway.
And it's not that common among younger people to know how to fix stuff because everything is bought new with guarantee or simply electronic. Or such a crap it can't be fixed.
canada doesn't pay off sorry. we re very practical baby girl.
Finally, now it's down to Romanian man, Greek man, Chinese man, Venezuelan women etc.
Puerto Rican women as well
Hungarian too please!
@@castalianightwish8751 That too
@@thomas9teenat4 Exactly
@Lee Ted It really would
That’s pretty accurate. Poles are protective, they always care about your safety.
Plus, they can fix a lot of stuff
oh wow, I was very afraid of this video but it's 100% accurate 😂😂
but just another one thing - hospitality! unexpected visits are very normal for us
Omg its true for polish men to walk you home, this was also my experience when i lived there but it was 14 years ago so maybe some things changed. Was fun watching it 🥰
Are you from poland?
I’m from a small town in England that has a high Polish population. I’m currently learning Polish 😊🇬🇧❤️🇵🇱
My husband is Polish. Everything is true esp the dancing hahahaha
Are you german?
@@xanoukx3078 Filipina
Polish guys are some of the best 😍
Greetings from Bulgaria 🇧🇬❤️🔥🇵🇱
Thank you soon much Bulgaria. Brothers and sisters .!!!! We love u
Very accurate observations made in a tasteful, engaging way. Yes, I'm a Polish guy, and I found the video refreshingly entertaining. While it makes broad generalizations, at no point did I get a sense of biased stereotyping. Job well done!
I love this man's voice when he speaks English. Something about the accent and the way he talks is so soothing and satisfying. He reminds me of how my dad talks, actually, which may be why I like it so much. I wish my voice was that deep yet subtle.
I love it! It’s all true actually and I’m glad that the video about us, Polish ppl turned out so positive❤️
Ziomuś, masz zajebisty głos! 🤭
Polish men are similar to Czech men (handy, down-to-Earth and gentlemen)...maybe since Czechs are quite outdoorsy, they would force the Brazilian girl to go biking or hiking (and they'd take lots of beer with them :D). Anyway, would be nice to see You Know You're Dating a Czech Man When...:)
Vanita, do you visit Poland sometimes? I live on the South of PL, quite close to your country.. :)
@@michawalczyk5242I actually live not so far from the Polish borders, but I have been to Poland only once! :( I hope I will go there soon.
@@DarkVanita That's great idea! Come ASAP, You are very welcome here :)
Yes, I need to meet Czech man, lol.
No they arent lmao
As A german girl that dates a polish guy, I can confirm this
I hope you are happy together, but I would never date a German girl, no matter how attractive. I have always had bad experiences with Germans because of their arrogance towards Poles (probably German girl-Polish boy pairs are very few because of this), but after I saw a real festival of contempt, hatred and insulting Poland by Germans on the occasion of the discussion of reparations I simply abhor this nation. About the attitude of your country towards the invasion of Ukraine I do not even mention.
Certainly not all Germans are like that, but the hundreds of German-language comments I've read have made me realize that across the Oder we have not an ally, but a neighbor bludgeoning with hatred for us, who would have absolutely no problem repeating those cruel crimes against innocent Poles from 1939-1945. Some speak openly about it like this German businessman who runs a company near Gdansk:
As a mexican engaged to a polish guy, this is 100% accurate, is like watching my polish boy 😂💙
OH I LOVE IT!! As a polish woman I can relate, that's exactly like this 😂❤️ btw he's so handsome! ❤️
I'm brazilian. Would you like to develop a friendship with me? By the way, how are you?
@@jezielsantos6000 Polish girls don’t talk with strangers man and generally are much colder towards foreigners similar to Scandinavians (unless you’re fucking handsome so she can’t say no)
@@adrianstere Good morning for you man. Thanks for the answer. God created me a handsome man; so, I'd say I might risk starting a conversation with a Polish girl to end up having a nice reply. I mean, she would be comfortable to maybe hang out with me someday...
Widzę, że Ty też jesteś śliczna. 😉
OMG, the voice of this hunk is absolutely stunning💋
As a polish girl with polish husband I can tell it's all 100% accurate :D and I wouldn't change anything :3
If you are late just call your guy! He will not mind 15 minutes of waiting IF he will know that you are being late and why :p
Another reason to be proud of being a Pole. Everything here is true and I personally try to keep it :). Btw. Girls asked how to say "bye". "Dzięki" means generally "Thanks" (sometimes is used as an end of video). "Bye" is "Cześć" or "Na razie".
I was waiting for this episode for years! Yes, we love our strange open faced sandwitches :) although we close them sometimes - like when we take them as a lunch to work or school.
The point about "we date, we're together" is so specific but so true! A big talk would be so unnatural, you have no idea :D
I am Peruvian and my husband is Polish this is 100% accurate!
Good for You :)
Amazing of how this Brazilian woman is dating a Polish Man in 2021. Great video, Marina! : )
I`m not sure, but as far as I know, in Poland there is no such thing as "casual dating". If you date (like: past first date), you are a couple.
As there are also gender-mixed friendships these days we need to add that "date" means meeting with kissing, holding hands or cuddling. Because some might get the ilusion that just because there was a meeting and eating and whatever it was a date.
I think first kiss is treated as an official start of relationship.
I think younger people (gen z?) have something like "casual sex" (some older also have it, tbh) but still if you go on a proper date it's serious. And after that you are to be monogamist (unless your partner says otherwise).
Another reason to like Poland 🇵🇱
@@Bellatrix2606 Sounds very nice. In Brazil, generally kissing and holding hands means nothing at all 😞 if you expect something serious you have to be clear and search for someone looking for the same
Bellatrix2606- Exactly, if I'll kiss You that mean I started our relationship. Kissing for me is a big thing, not to mention, that there's no casual sex for me! It must be with love, or at least I must be REALLY into You and want to be with You.
I am a Bolivian-American girl dating a Polish American man. We are both first generation. And I can relate to this 😂
There are many contradictions for me as a Pole. I love to dance and waiting for a woman is normal here. It is true that we are trying to fix everything ourselves. I appreciate it :)
looking for flights to Poland!😍
04:42 A very zen Yoga instructor watching foodball.
Omg! Turns out I've been looking for a Polish man all my life 🤯
what takes you so long?lol
Same 🥲🥲
@@mariagratiainviolata7820 let's go ✈😂
@@namelesswreck6383 lets go lightweight baby
I'm from England and this video makes me so happy to know that my Polish boyfriend relates to pretty much all of these and I'm so excited to visit him in person for the first time
So basically what i need is a polish boyfriend 🤣 Haha I loved the actors!
My Mom's side of the family is 100% Polish, and this video makes me more proud of that. Somehow, growing up in the United States, pretty much all of these behaviours were passed down to me.
This was hilarious, Marina! Could you please do one abt Hungarian men as well? That would be fun to to watch, too!
Yes pls, Hungarian men! I spend a week in Budapest two year ago and had hilarious interactions there. Like I was stopped literally in the street and asked "to go and drink wine". I'm pretty sure Hungarian guys wouldn't dare act like that with girls that don't look like tourists haha. I also saw the most handsome man ever on my first day. He looked like a young Marlon Brando, I'm not even kidding.
Furst .. were do you live ?? You are beautiful
That’s it, I’m moving to Poland 🤣
I didn't know I needed a Polish man in my life until now. Also the actor is really handsome 😍
Omg 😂 yes it is.. my Polish boyfriend is sooo romantic, serious and gentleman 🥰 that's why i love him so much
In Romania there is something called "sfertul academic" - "the academic quarter"...basicly, you are allowed to be late 15 min, but no more.
In Poland we have it too but it only applies to the universities. When you meet new person you should be punctual, you can be late when you’re friends and already know your habits, there’s always that one or two people who are always late
When someone is late it means that consider themselves and theur time to be more important than the person who is on time,because they dont care if someone is wasting their time waiting for them.
Walking on the more "dangerous" part of the sidewalk is so accurate! My boyfriend always does that
R u polish?
@@xanoukx3078 I am
Even being a brazilian girl, I think my polish genetics stayed quite strong during the generations hahaha
I confirm:)
Most polish thing in this video for me was “where is kielbasa” 😂 . Me every time when my wife try to make “healthy” sandwich.
Moving to Wroklaw in 2 month, so I'm carefully taking notes
I have an origin from Poland and it seems that the polish guys are nice ! :)
It's not that it only seems like that, we are like that. Cheers from Poland! 😉
Have a strong Polish and Norwegian roots and evidently the personalities to boot. I suppose the only truly weird part is that I hardly drink
It was a long time since the "Dating a Polish Woman" video. I would like to see a Dating a Swedish woman and a Dating a Swedish man video. I have not seen those yet. I like seeing the "Dating a woman" and dating a Man" videos back to back and imagine the characters on dates with each other.
I agree, “Dating a Swedish man” / “Dating a Swedish woman” would be the best one
Still waiting on ‘Dating a Swedish Man’. Please can this be the next one!
Have been pen-pals with a Polish guy since 2015 & he's the best! Always enthusiastic while texting (or he's just being polite, Idk) & very chatty (loves to tell just anything) hahaha. Helpful too 😁
He is so handsome woooowwwwwwww
Thank you for including the thing about sandwiches!!! I am Polish Canadian and I grew up eating open faced sandwiches and I can say they are better that way! 😂
Omg he’s cute
My dad is American polish but this is spot on just no accent haha and my mom is Peruvian 💖