Escobar Requiem (part.), Peñalosa, de la Torre, Encina motets; The Rose Ensemble, Dark Horse Consort

  • Опубліковано 1 лис 2021
  • Missa pro defunctis, part. (Mass for the Dead, partial)
    Instrumental: Inter vestibulum et altare -Francisco de Peñalosa (c. 1470 - 1528)
    Prefatio (plainchant)
    Sanctus & Benedictus -Pedro de Escobar (c. 1465-70 - c. 1535)
    Agnus Dei -Pedro de Escobar
    Responsorium pro defunctis (Response for the Dead) -Francisco de la Torre (1460 - 1504)
    Instrumental: Versa est in luctum -Francisco de Peñalosa
    Absolutio super tumulum (Prayer over the Tomb) Juan de Anchieta (1462 -1523)
    Performed live in concert by The Rose Ensemble, with Dark Horse Consort
    February 27, 2015, St. Bernard's Catholic Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
    The Rose Ensemble, Jordan Sramek, Founder/Artistic Director
    Kris Kautzman, Kathy Lee, Kim Sueoka (treble)
    Nicholas Chalmers, Andrew Kane, Jordan Sramek (tenor)
    Mark Dietrich, Jake Endres, Peter Tuff (bass)
    with very special guest, DARK HORSE CONSORT
    Greg Ingles, Artistic Director & sackbut
    Kiri Tollaksen, cornetto
    Erik Schmalz, sackbut
    Mack Ramsey, bass sackbut
    V. World without end. R. Amen
    V. May the Lord be with you.
    R. And with thy spirit.
    V. Lift up your hearts.
    R. We have lifted them up to the Lord.
    V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
    R. It is meet and right to do so.
    V. It is truly just, right and availing unto salvation,
    that we should always and in all places give thanks to you,
    O holy Lord, Father almighty, and everlasting God;
    through Christ our Lord.
    Through whom the angels praise your majesty,
    the dominions worship it, and the powers stand in awe.
    The heavens and the heavenly hosts with the blessed
    seraphim join together in celebrating their joy.
    With these we pray Thee join our voices also,
    while we say with lowly praise:
    Holy, holy, holy,
    Lord God of Hosts.
    The heavens and earth are filled
    with Thy glory.
    Hosanna in the highest.
    Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
    Hosanna in the highest
    Lamb of God
    who takes away the sins of the world,
    Grant them eternal rest.
    Eternal rest.
    Remember not O Lord my sins, whilst thou shalt come to
    judge the world by fire.
    Direct O Lord my God my way in thy sight. Whilst thou
    shalt come to judge the world by fire.
    Eternal rest give unto them O Lord:
    and let perpetual light shine upon them.
    Whilst thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.
    Lord, have mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy.
    V. May he rest in peace.
    R. Amen.
    Deliver me, O Lord, from death eternal
    in that awful day.
    When the heavens and the earth shall be moved:
    When Thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.
    O that day, that day of wrath,
    of sore distress and of all wretchedness,
    that great day and exceeding bitter.
    When the heavens . . .
    Dread and trembling have laid hold on me, and I fear
    exceedingly because of the judgment and of the wrath to
    When Thou shalt . . .
    Eternal rest grant unto him), O Lord,
    and let perpetual light shine upon him.
    Deliver me . . .
    Lord, have mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy.


  • @johnvwilkman
    @johnvwilkman 2 роки тому +4

    I have just discovered The Rose Ensemble and am very impressed by the musical standard and repertoire: beautiful!!!

    • @RoseEnsemble
      @RoseEnsemble  2 роки тому +1

      What a lovely message, John. Thank you. -Jordan (Artistic Director and Founder)

  • @AlEndo01
    @AlEndo01 2 роки тому

    Just received an annnouncement (04/22) that they are disbanding. A sad loss!