I have been waiting 50 years for someone to write this song. Awesome lyrucs and performance. I dont watch AGT but i think the golden buzzer was well deserved. Great song Chapel Hart. I love it.
Just came by this thanks to UA-cam's algorithm and I'm glad it gave this to me! Women's country harmonies are a happy place for my ears even if I don't listen to country much on average. You three being proudly Black and small-town Mississippians makes it even sweeter. Time for more country acts to rise up from where its roots exist, and you don't get much closer to the home of the Delta blues! So funny, too. When you ripped her wig off, I died laughing.
I appreciate the song for the song sake but Carl never did mess around on Dolly. The bank receptionist or teller whatever she was was just a bit too friendly and Dolly was just a bit too insecure with her fast flash of Fame and touring and feeling insecure about just getting married. That's a big plateful when someone is seen as being overly friendly with your man when ya come back from touring.
Good one....lol...Why fight for a cheating man? My ex husband brought me to small town U.S.A. and had an affair with a married woman after 10 years of marriage and that is what I told the woman when I confronted her...no fights etc ...Water under the bridge so to speak..but good rebuttal to that song....
These ladies hail from Poplarville, MS. The video was shot at Pass Christian, MS. You can see the local Pass Christian police officers trying not to crack up at the antics of the pretend brawl! Proof that Mississippi raises up all kinds of talent!! God Bless you ladies of Chapel Hart!
SewardWriter. I first saw this on AGT and loved it straight away. The trouble is, I can't get the bloody song out of my head 🤣I bet they had fun making that little clip. I wish them nothing but the best for their future in the industry.
I love ya'll and I voted for you! Never give up and keep pushing forward. We country people don't care about the color of skin, we look at the heart of everyone and if you can sing songs that makes us want to get up and dance or songs that talks to our heart, then you've already succeeded! I pray for many years of blessings to bestall upon you! Love with respect, Cindy Williams Wyatt!!
LOVE THE LYRICS! This is a pure good o' country song. I've always thought this about the song Jolene, lol! 😂 If he's running off, then she can keep him! Not worth it, hehe.
I love this. The Energy, the harmonies. the reference to one of the Classics. This song is more country than most of the stuff I hear on the radio. Great song! Also, does anyone hear the similarity to "White Liar"? Similar topics, harmonies. This is its own song, but I heard some similarities.
This ❤ I needed this new tune rn. Gives me a good laugh about all the tears I cried over him. I've got a wonderful future ahead of me! Sending love and prayers to all in need 🙏 ❤️ stay strong 💪🏽
Glad they picked a red head to play Ol Jolene in the video. Love it! Love the song and the video. Video is so much fun and the singing is bringing it! I love it❤❤❤❤
Fun video! I'll never forget your first performance I saw on AGT! I was smiling ear to ear and gave you a standing ovation in my living room in Houston!!!! You deserve success and happiness! I have actually been to Pass Christian as I had a friend that lived there! Hopefully no more hurricanes!
Beautiful splendid song ladies! you make me like country music again!!! I grew up on Dolly songs and love her to bits! Miss the old classic style and fun songs!
Chapel Hart if you ever see this message, you are amazing! Just when I thought I couldn’t love this song anymore, you bring out this amazing fun video! Love all the way from Sydney Australia! 🇦🇺
and then, this happens! my body, eyes and ears included says watch this on loop, until it becomes a situation when life takes you away, but then come back and do it again! Luv It - all of it! 🥰
The white stripes version will always be my favorite but y'all definitely are in second place!! Beautifully done!! And the proper way. No beggin' just gettin' rid of him. I'd always hated Jolene until I heard jack whites rendition. Crying over a man who wants another, pls-..
I came here searching for the AGT performance but this is so much better 😂❤❤❤ 😂 loved the fight, loved the mug shots, loved the girl power unity...this is so freaking good! ❤
Chapel Hart you are the best! Beyonce is taking credit for opening the door for you. Actually you knocked that door down on your own with your amazing voices, harmony, and stage presence. Actually, you opened the door for her and she needs to respect that. Doubt she does.
Actually the exact opposite. Beyoncé has sent flowers and thank you notes to several black country artist that specifically say “Thank you for opening doors for me”. Those artists have posted about it themselves on instagram. So she definitely respects and recognizes those who have paved the way.
Dolly parton picking them up when they got out of jail would have been the perfect ending. still love it
That would have been an epic package!
Talk about a missed opportunity
I'm so surprised this type of version hasn't been done yet after all these years. Funny 🤣😂
Yeahhhh!!!!...I know Now that would have been so damn COOL...😁🤣😂😘
I have been waiting 50 years for someone to write this song. Awesome lyrucs and performance. I dont watch AGT but i think the golden buzzer was well deserved. Great song Chapel Hart. I love it.
Lol. I was thinking the same thing!
Me too!
Too bad this song got released more than 50 yrs ago
@@fanech14: No, it didn’t. It’s a response song to Dolly Parton’s song, “Jolene”.
This beats Beyonce version any day. I like it. I approve ✅
I died laughing when the wig came off and she isn't even a real redhead.
You ladies are amazing.
Best scene of the MV 🤣
Haha! Me too!
Now this is an empowered "Jolene" rendition 🤠
I’m so ready for Beyoncé to leave Jay-Z’s cheating ass
This is better than Beys version.
@@efolinsky "To the left, to the left!"
Better than most modern country music. These girls didn't do this for cred or to prove something. They are just doing what they love and are good at.
Just came by this thanks to UA-cam's algorithm and I'm glad it gave this to me! Women's country harmonies are a happy place for my ears even if I don't listen to country much on average. You three being proudly Black and small-town Mississippians makes it even sweeter. Time for more country acts to rise up from where its roots exist, and you don't get much closer to the home of the Delta blues! So funny, too. When you ripped her wig off, I died laughing.
I’m sorry but Chapel Hart are the queens of the new take on Jolene. From the lyrics to the voices to this incredible video, I want more from y’all!
better than Beyonce!
Don't be sorry! You speak the TRUTH!
@@Aliz56 By miles and miles and miles and…………
I appreciate the song for the song sake but Carl never did mess around on Dolly. The bank receptionist or teller whatever she was was just a bit too friendly and Dolly was just a bit too insecure with her fast flash of Fame and touring and feeling insecure about just getting married. That's a big plateful when someone is seen as being overly friendly with your man when ya come back from touring.
Found my break up song!!😂😂😂 ty ladies!!
Good one....lol...Why fight for a cheating man? My ex husband brought me to small town U.S.A. and had an affair with a married woman after 10 years of marriage and that is what I told the woman when I confronted her...no fights etc ...Water under the bridge so to speak..but good rebuttal to that song....
How many here 4-17-24 love this song AMEN sing it sister's AMEN ✝️
OMG!!! Y’all are my new favorite country band!!!
These ladies hail from Poplarville, MS. The video was shot at Pass Christian, MS. You can see the local Pass Christian police officers trying not to crack up at the antics of the pretend brawl! Proof that Mississippi raises up all kinds of talent!! God Bless you ladies of Chapel Hart!
I'm not even a country fan, and this is really good. I'll show it to my mom next.
I first saw this on AGT and loved it straight away. The trouble is, I can't get the bloody song out of my head 🤣I bet they had fun making that little clip. I wish them nothing but the best for their future in the industry.
You ladies absolutely knocked it out of the park. Love your music.
Country may not look like you but angels do ❤
Country never had any looks to begin with!! It’s for everyone 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Amen. They are Angels godsent to inspire the world!
@@PrisEstrella That is absolutely the truth.
Country is a state of mind not anything else! They killed it!
Great song. So many can identify with that one. Much success to you ladies.
I don't even like country music but this was absolutely fabulous! Thanks for the giggles!
Ladies, you are terrific. Thank you for bringing your wonderful talent to country music. Love you!
I think perhaps it was Chapel Hart singing this song who inspired Beyonce's Country Carter Album.
I swear I was thinking the same!😅
Ain't no doubt....but don't mess with Hollywood. They demons and worse. I know (,
F I N A L L Y .
Thanks, ladies.
The 🌏 has been waiting for this for a long time.
The chapel hert was a breath of fresh air I love them I wish them much success !!!!!
Saw them in Nashville
They should sing as a trio more often, they sounded great on their own, but as a trio, chefs kiss, perfection
Cool wonder if Dolly has heard this Song lol Love it !
I think they ran it passed her before they released it.
My Wife told me I had to watch this. Glad I did! Great music and funny to boot. You guys are great!
Absolutely the best new country group!
There’s nothin better than an empowered girl group singin - also the main singer’s face is absolutely stunning she’s so gorgeous
I love ya'll and I voted for you! Never give up and keep pushing forward. We country people don't care about the color of skin, we look at the heart of everyone and if you can sing songs that makes us want to get up and dance or songs that talks to our heart, then you've already succeeded! I pray for many years of blessings to bestall upon you! Love with respect, Cindy Williams Wyatt!!
Great comment Cindy!! You are really pretty
LOVE THE LYRICS! This is a pure good o' country song. I've always thought this about the song Jolene, lol! 😂 If he's running off, then she can keep him! Not worth it, hehe.
Great video! Funniest part was the police officer trying to keep a straight stern face! 😂
OMG!!! Great song, typical country in the story telling, and brawl!! Did I know Jolene was a redhead?? It fits!! You did Dolly proud!!
Finally, an algorithm I won't retun@
Love these ladies.
Brilliantly written and performed ❤ Bring Back Clean Dance Country 😊
I always loved the song Jolene but I think I love this more! Great job!
Right on! Black country! Great song and video.
This is the song we all needed. Great job. What a talent
These ladies are fantastic 🥰
Great lead singing, great harmonies, great energy. Really enjoyed it.
Hello 👋 Anne
Love it! They have a great sound and the lyrics are awesome!!!
The brawl was epic. Love the handuffs. ROFL. Love this. So much energy.
Great vid! My first time hearing y'all, and I love it! Nice, tight harmonies, great energy and great vocal blend.
AGT brought me here and I absolutely love this song ❤️
I love this. The Energy, the harmonies. the reference to one of the Classics. This song is more country than most of the stuff I hear on the radio. Great song!
Also, does anyone hear the similarity to "White Liar"? Similar topics, harmonies. This is its own song, but I heard some similarities.
Amazing! Finally! Great version, great attitude. And good luck to Jolene!
Yessss ❤. You can have him Jolene. Best girlfriend sing ever🎉
This ❤ I needed this new tune rn. Gives me a good laugh about all the tears I cried over him. I've got a wonderful future ahead of me! Sending love and prayers to all in need 🙏 ❤️ stay strong 💪🏽
Man, I love those girls so much!
Wish them all the best and successful career they fully deserve!
That was unbelievable these girls rock❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Glad they picked a red head to play Ol Jolene in the video. Love it! Love the song and the video. Video is so much fun and the singing is bringing it! I love it❤❤❤❤
I like that it was a wig. 😂 us redheads have a bad enough reputation.
LMAO best answer to a song made in song that I've ever stumbled on
The only thing is it doesn't make sense to get in a fight with Jolene if 'you can have him' is your sentiment.
There comes a point when you've had enough of his antics 😂
This was TOO cute!
Fun video! I'll never forget your first performance I saw on AGT! I was smiling ear to ear and gave you a standing ovation in my living room in Houston!!!! You deserve success and happiness! I have actually been to Pass Christian as I had a friend that lived there! Hopefully no more hurricanes!
@Stand Strong No racism...u miss quoted her, she didn't say that
My entire household gave a standing ovation too. Beautiful beautiful. You deserve golden buzzers for eternity.
I saw that performance too and fill in love with them.
This is just amazing! Dolly needs to see this!
Chapel Hart❤️ is the best country music to listen to
I’m so happy for you ladies 💕
I love it! Great song!
You girls are AWESOME!
This is an amazing song and I kind of hope Beyonce doing Jolene could have more people finding it.
This is great! These girls are gonna be a hit! Loved them since i first seen them on agt.
Are they the girls that sang when will I be loved
you must have had fun making that video!!! You all are hilarious!!!! Love Ya'll
Ya'll are fantastic! Great song, incredible voices!!!!
Beautiful splendid song ladies! you make me like country music again!!! I grew up on Dolly songs and love her to bits! Miss the old classic style and fun songs!
Ladies you are Queens!!!!
Listened to this song for years as a child always wanted an answer!
Love you❤
Clever update to this story. I enjoyed this and I want to see more of these entertainers.
Loved it! Great harmony! Loved the bar scene! Catfight! Whooowee!
The brawl was hilarious funny as hell I loved it 😆
I’m so proud for y’all and can’t wait to hear more music. Hugs and 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You ladies are so beautiful ❤❤❤. I love this song! I just had to make it my ringtone so thank you for this gift and never stop🥰🥰
Chapel Hart if you ever see this message, you are amazing! Just when I thought I couldn’t love this song anymore, you bring out this amazing fun video! Love all the way from Sydney Australia! 🇦🇺
Hello 👋 Megan
Bravo ladies!
I love your group.
This video was great!
Nice touch singing in handcuffs at the end🤣
You ladies are on 🔥 breath of fresh air ❤ LOVE YOU ❤️
This is the first I’ve heard of this song or you incredibly talented ladies. I love this song and the video is a hoot!
Admired you all on AGT but this video cracked me up. Great job!! Love your harmonies and stage presence. Please ...... keep up your good work!
Love These Girls...
Love y'all you're amazing!!!!! I swear I've listened to this song a bijillion times!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Yeah boy, this song is the nut.! It's destined to become as legendary as the original! And the video, now there's a winner all by itself.
Absolutely amazing 🎉
I’ll spend a lot of money to go see these ladies in concert
OMG! First time hearing you... I'm in love! Best of luck to you! ❤
and then, this happens! my body, eyes and ears included says watch this on loop, until it becomes a situation when life takes you away, but then come back and do it again! Luv It - all of it! 🥰
Country's version of the Super, Duper Supremes!
Let's hope these talented women continue to grow over the years. Great talent here. Yeah hoo!
I really love theme and how there bring country music back. I still love the new country music. But I miss the music I was raised on.
I am sooo in love with chapel heart and I just heard them now for the first time!! I’m obsessed!!! ❤❤❤❤
Love this video ladies and the song of course ! Well done! 👏 🎉❤XXX
At least this sounds like country music. Unlike the other one that just came out. I like it.
The white stripes version will always be my favorite but y'all definitely are in second place!!
Beautifully done!! And the proper way. No beggin' just gettin' rid of him.
I'd always hated Jolene until I heard jack whites rendition. Crying over a man who wants another, pls-..
Wow that's some lovely trip with great voices, yepper
I came here searching for the AGT performance but this is so much better 😂❤❤❤ 😂 loved the fight, loved the mug shots, loved the girl power unity...this is so freaking good! ❤
This was a great performance. I love it.
I love your music and the way that you sing is just so perfect❤
It’s a crime this video only has 250k views. And I don’t really even like country that much, but this songs a fucking jam.
On their Chanel it has 4 million views
Yeah Chapel Heart🥰👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Oh my goodness ❤I’ve been waiting for a video and that did not disappoint!! Y’all are great, start rollin out the hits!
Kudos, ladies; I wish you much success. You deserve it and then some!!!
Outstanding!!!!! This amazing talent and song makes me happy! Woohoo!
UA-cam’s algorithm knew what they were doing when they recommended this channel to me. I’m only mad it didn’t happen sooner. 🤍
This lookes like SO much fun, thank you Chapel Hart
Chapel Hart you are the best! Beyonce is taking credit for opening the door for you. Actually you knocked that door down on your own with your amazing voices, harmony, and stage presence. Actually, you opened the door for her and she needs to respect that. Doubt she does.
Actually the exact opposite. Beyoncé has sent flowers and thank you notes to several black country artist that specifically say “Thank you for opening doors for me”. Those artists have posted about it themselves on instagram. So she definitely respects and recognizes those who have paved the way.
Y'all love putting black women against each other. It is so sad everybody can be great, make money and experience our roots. Do better
@@da_aries4657 Right! People are so weird.
@@da_aries4657 You must have missed the CNN article last week where she is credited for opening the door for others including Chapel Hart.
So glad you made it big, what was it that Nashville didn't see? you girls are great, and I love country music and your songs are great.
AMAZING!!! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 ❤
Love every single thing about this!