Korean Summer Cuisine: Perilla Oil Makguksu (들기름막국수) Cold noodle salad with steak. My new favorite!

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
  • Learn how to make this popular Korean summer dish, Perilla Oil Makguksu. It is a cold buckwheat noodle salad, with perilla oil dressing, toasted sesame seeds, seasoned dried seaweed, and fresh local greens. Topped with seared steak, it is now one of my favorite Korean dishes ever.
    I have lived in Korea nearly half my life and I post a new Korean recipe every week. Follow along with me as we cook some of my favorite Korean food.
    들기름막국수 Perilla Oil and Buckwheat noodles
    Noodles and Dressing
    150g Buckwheat Noodles 메밀면
    3T Dark Soy Sauce 진간장
    3T Perilla Oil 들기름
    1T Brown Sugar 흑설탕
    1T Plum extract 매실청
    Chamnamul and Dressing
    100g Chamnamul 참나물
    1T Dark Soy Sauce 진간장
    1/2T Red Pepper Flakes 고춧가루
    1/2T Brown Sugar 흑설탕
    1/2T Vinegar 식초
    200g Beef Steak 소고기 스테이크
    5g packet seasoned seaweed laver 조미김
    2T Sesame Seeds 참깨
    Season the steak with a little salt and pepper
    스테이크에 약간의 소금과 후추로 간을 맞추세요
    Cook the steak on a medium high heat. Cook both sides twice.
    중불에서 스테이크를 익히세요. 양쪽을 두 번 익히세요
    Let the steak rest in a warm place while you prepare the other ingredients
    다른 재료를 준비하는 동안 스테이크를 따뜻한 곳에서 쉬게 하세요
    Slice the seaweed laver into small pieces. Grind the sesame seeds.
    김은 잘게 썰어서 참깨는 갈아서.
    Cut the chamnamul, then mix with the soy sauce, red pepper flakes, brown sugar, and vinegar.
    참나물을 자른 다음 간장, 후춧가루, 흑설탕, 식초와 섞습니다.
    Cook the buckwheat noodles for about 4 minutes then rinse under cold water.
    Wash the noodles throughly by hand to remove the starch.
    메밀국수는 4분 정도 익힌 후 찬물에 헹구세요.
    면은 손으로 깨끗이 씻어 녹말을 제거합니다.
    Combine the noodles with the soy sauce, perilla oil, brown sugar, and plum extract.
    면과 간장, 들기름, 흑설탕, 매실 엑기스를 결합합니다
    Plate the dish and enjoy.