The video is obviously satire, but it is not incorrect. While Germans suffer with expensive electricity and the retirement age is increases, money the German people need goes to Ukraine instead.
A raise of awareness that Putin's PR team is behind this terror propaganda seems more appropriate for anyone who isn't prone to vomit when they see this.
Anecdote: An American came to Russia to see how sanctions work. He went into the store. The store is empty. No food. An American asks the cashier: Why is there no food in your store? Because sanctions? Cashier: Because it's a furniture store.
Except during -2020 Election -Russian impeachment -Steele dossier -Ukranian phone call 2nd impeachment -Hunter Bidens "Russian" laptop -Safe and effective covid vaccines -The Ukranians are the good guys -Obscuring the 2014 Ukranians coup by the CIA but apart from that id still like to thank them
I knew from the beginning that this could not be a German production: The city is too clean, the people not diverse enough and the family still has money in the piggy bank.
As a german i know this is true our lighting bills have gone up about 50% car fuel is about 30ct more expensive and all around prices have bee going up not to forget the constant weapons we pay for that coast Millions on millions
As a German, I find this absolutely hilarious, and also accurate. The fact thats its actually funny is the proof that there is no way this ad was made by Germans. Our movies suck.
@@АлександрВалеревич Они не могут комментировать, они боты, а если кто то реально начнет комментировать, то это тут же забанят твои ФСБшные, ну скажем так - друзья)
well, our taxes go weapons and to Zelensky villa... so the joke is only partly a joke. A little overdone, but generally true. Schools have already been cut funding because of Ukraine.
@@The_Ballo1/1000th of the Ukrainian armed forces that's so far been depoliticized for a year. They don't do that anymore. Insignia remains, but practices have changed.
America does a lot of warcrimes in the name of oil, but atleast they're not trying to take over the eastern sea board. If Russia takes Ukraine? All of Europe is done, and the propaganda ain't helping
@hyplayer given the fact that propaganda is designed to undermine the enemy and encourage the people, I completely disagree. It just depends on the quality
"NATO's purpose is to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down." That was said by the first secretary General of NATO. Just to remind my German friends...
NATO was build to stop the democratic will of the German people. And to stop United Germany. USSR was ready for a demilitarized neutral Germany like Austria but NATO refused. NATO is there to save capitalism
@@shai_huludovichДжордж Фридман, директор Stratfor, о создании зоны Междуморья для России. 2015год. "Военные советники США на Украине." "Украинская армия - это армия США." "США поставляет вооружение в Прибалтику, Румынию, Польшу и Болгарию. И будет поставлять на Украину. И во всех этих действиях США действуют в обход НАТО." "Суть происходящего - США строят санитарный кордон против России. И Россия знает об этом." "Мы [США] хотим поранить русских и нанести ущерб. Мы вернулись к старой игре." "Ни одна страна не может быть всегда мирной. Даже США тоже всегда затронута войнами." "Европа вернётся к естественному состоянию человечества - в Европе будут войны, европейцы будут умирать в войнах... Идея европейской исключительности приведёт Европу к войнам." "У нас [США] нет отношений с Европой, у нас есть отношения [со странами Европы по отдельности].“ "Главные внешнеполитические интересы США на протяжении столетия, во времена первой, второй и холодной мировых войн, концентрировались вокруг отношений между Россией и Германией. Объединившись, они представляют для США жизненно важную угрозу. Наша главная задача - не допустить их союза." "США контролируют все океаны. Осуществление контроля над океанами и в космосе является основой нашей власти. В следствии этого, мы можем вторгаться везде на планете, но никто не может напасть на нас. Это хороший расклад." "Лучший способ разгромить вражеский флот - это не дать врагу его построить. Путь, который выбрала британская империя для того, чтобы не допустить возникновение сильного флота в Европе, было натравливание европейцев друг на друга. Я бы порекомендовал политику, которую применил Рейган в Иране и Ираке - поддерживал обе воюющие стороны, так что они воевали друг с другом, но не против нас. Это было цинично, это было аморально, но это работало. И в этом вся суть." "Мы не в состоянии повсюду ввести наши войска. Но зато мы в состоянии поддерживать враждующие между собой стороны, чтобы они концентрировались на себе, а не против нас, мы можем поддерживать их политически, финансово, оказывать военную помощь и посылать им наших советников. И только в крайних случаях (Вьетнам, Ирак, Афганистан) вмешаться военной силой с тактикой превентивного удара." "США не могут вторгаться везде в Евразии. Нужно это делать выборочно и очень редко." "Империи, которые пытаются управлять напрямую военной силой, распадаются, как это было в случае нацистской империи,... нужно делать это умно". "Вопрос, который сейчас стоит на повестке для русских состоит в том, что либо Украина станет буферной зоной между Россией и Западом, как минимум будет нейтральной стороной, или же Запад продвинется на Украине так далеко, что НАТО будет отделять от Сталинграда 100 км, а от Москвы 500. Для России статус Украины представляет жизненно важную угрозу. И русские не могут просто так оставить этот вопрос и уйти. Для США вопрос стоит таким образом, что если Россия продолжит цепляться за Украину, то мы должны остановить Россию. По этой причине США начали предпринимать действия, о которых сказал генерал Ходжес - США посылают войска быстрого реагирования в Румынию, Болгарию, Польшу и Прибалтику. Этими действиями США готовят Интермариум (Междуморье) - территорию межу Балтийским и Черным морями. Вопрос, на который у нас нет ответа - что предпримут немцы в этой ситуации." "Для США первоочередная цель - не допустить, чтобы немецкий капитал и технологии соединились с российскими природными ресурсами и рабочей силой в непобедимую комбинацию, которую США пытаются не допустить вот уже целое столетие." _ Сара Вагенкнехт об откровениях Джорджа Фридмана и политике Меркель. 2015.
It would be propaganda If the Bundeswehr had been the originator. So it is a harsh and bitter satire. Why do we need the Russian TV to make laughter stick in the throat?
@iudvomberg8448 This is just desperation on the part of Russia. They think they are being clever but with this advert all they have shown is how stupid they have become.
Почему вы впускаете НАТО в свой дом? Разве вы не видите, что НАТО пытается убить Россию? Россия будет защищаться. Разве это не ясно? Сближалась ли Россия с Европой? НАТО поползло к России и подползло аж к границам России. Теперь уже поздно спекулировать... НАТО превратило Украину в военный полигон. Этот полигон примыкает к границам России.
No, because your garden is not located near the border with Russia and the NATO weapons located there will not become a threat in the future. Besides, your garden has never been the cradle of the Russian people.
Only obvious to westerners. It really is disguised at real German TV in Russian propaganda to form an incorrect view of the German state of politics. These things are weirdly popular in Russian state propaganda, as well as fake Charlie Hebdo covers, for some reason. I wonder who makes them...
as a ...foreigner living in germany, nobody nowhere has seen this ad, except on reports about this ad.... and then we laughed., because it's soooo cringe, we and our german friends too. and then we said - well, at least ruzzkies have better sense of humor than germans xD and then we all laughed at irony of it xD
@giladpellaeon3664 Nonsense. Leopards don't even qualify for the turret toss. Only Russian tanks can do that because of the ammunition feeding system under their turrets.
Everything for Ukraine as a German 😂 We were never asked, we don't even have a good relationship with Ukraine and they are not in NATO neither in the EU. But we give them money, equip them with our weapon systems and ammunition. The greatest mistake our nation did and it did show it's consequences in our economy.
The idea that we are suffering due to this kind of money. We aren’t. Our elites are also GIGANTIC amounts of malpractice away from the conditions found in Russia EVERYWHERE. Wanna know a joke? Our loans have been stagnating for 20 years thanks to men and women ruling our nation who WISH they could rule with as much corruption as Putins regimes. But unlike so many Russians, we were forced to actually learn from our history. We could fund Ukraine with 4 times the money and still improve our conditions. That we are not has nothing to do with the amount of money we spend to defeat a greedy dictator and everything with corruption that has NOTHING to do with Ukraine.
That stereotypical "German" village street scene at the very beginning!! :-DDDDDDD Whoever designed this must have been in Germany in 1932 for the last time.
К сожалению мы в России мало знаем о мире вокруг. Смотреть видео со смартфона о других странах очень сложно. Ведь когда едешь на медведе, тебя очень трясёт, к тому-же одна рука занята балалайкой. Да и шапка ушанка слишком жаркая... И это не говоря уже о когнитивном нарушении вызванном распития литра водки на завтрак. Ничего не напоминает ? 🤣
@@Daubi1990 just take a close look at the war..... take a look at Slovakia.... right now there is no air defense in Slovakia..... they give them all to Ukraine. Most of the EU countries has reached the minimum limit of their heavy weaponry and will take years to pump it up to the normal level. And the sad thing is that they want to give more ......
@@JK_Clarkrussians are desperate after ukros lost more troops in the zapo offensive in less than teo months than wagner has in 9 months in bakhmut? 😂😂😂😂
These guys seem very modest compared to the German tax office.
Sind Sie wirklich?
@@michalsmrha1661Leider es ist so!
Lol😂 Ich liebe es
У вас есть чувство юмора 😂
@@rozazukova-john6554 was ist "so"?
As a German, I find this video absolutely hilarious
The video is obviously satire, but it is not incorrect. While Germans suffer with expensive electricity and the retirement age is increases, money the German people need goes to Ukraine instead.
@@danielaramburo7648 +
@@danielaramburo7648 Compared to the German GDP how much did they send to Ukraine?
@@erikvan9582 22 billion
ich nicht, es hat nun mal nen wahren kern
I love the joke at the end. It is alluded to that there is a demand that Germany should send “Leopards” (German tank model) to Ukraine.
так оно и есть..
ty leopardy se osvědčily v noci jako výborné pochodně.
Because there is such demand?
@@josefmalar7837The T90 also turned out to be an excellent rocket for launching Russian tank crews into the stratosphere.
"Leopards? heil zelensky" 💀
Definitely not a German advert. Whoever made this has a great sense of humour.
это рука кремля, Путин лично снимал
@@дмитрийЧ-к2цкто бы не снимал этот ролик, он все равно получился прекрасно.
7 jahre sind vergangen, aber immer noch relevant
В перерывах между войнами мы очень любим посмеятся,остаётся мало времени...
Whoever had the idea for that video deserves a raise.
Заслуживает белой рубашки с длинными рукавами и таблеточку на букву "Г" 😂😂😂
A raise of awareness that Putin's PR team is behind this terror propaganda seems more appropriate for anyone who isn't prone to vomit when they see this.
it's too god for being a russian propaganda lol
@@Iv4Bez ikr, like it's funny that they said HAIL ZELENSKYY. Too bad they didn't put their hand out it would have been funnier.
"Russia accused of releasing fake German anti-Zelensky advert" normal people call this meme making
@@alloutofbubblegum7271*meme making
@@alloutofbubblegum7271 Nah, I'm Pro-Ukraine but this is just plain memeing.
@@terrified057t4, упал-отжался
Everything in this video is true.
Russian media claims this was made by AfD party.
So it's not just memeing.
They forgot the boy
They'll get to him later, when he's older. Now it’s the turn of 20-year-old Ukrainians.
Hahaha nice one
They'll come back for him in 10 years
After the Canadian Parliament this makes a lot more sense
It always made sense,only now people have started noticing
ya-ya Ivan@@chadstreamsam1700
They would not even to air this though. Would have gotten censored immediately.
Они начинают догадываться
An American came to Russia to see how sanctions work.
He went into the store.
The store is empty. No food.
An American asks the cashier: Why is there no food in your store? Because sanctions?
Cashier: Because it's a furniture store.
Lmao, Russia is such a pathetic nation
Was his name Joe Biden?
If not for the Telegraph I would have never seen this video. Thx Telegraph.
They really are a bastion of free speech and truth
Except during
-2020 Election
-Russian impeachment
-Steele dossier
-Ukranian phone call 2nd impeachment
-Hunter Bidens "Russian" laptop
-Safe and effective covid vaccines
-The Ukranians are the good guys
-Obscuring the 2014 Ukranians coup by the CIA
but apart from that id still like to thank them
I knew from the beginning that this could not be a German production: The city is too clean, the people not diverse enough and the family still has money in the piggy bank.
« People not REPLACED enough »
if this was just a trailer of a full movie, i would watch it 100%. What a fine comedy this would be.
I guess they copied Oscar movie
Mix of this russina propaganda + "Er ist wieder da" + "Iron Sky" and little bit of mel brooks. this is a recipe for good comedy.
i mean, this scene is a parody from "Jojo Rabbit"
Babylon Kiev
As a Russian, didn't know about this video, but it's pretty funny 😂
Тож впервые увидел))
Аналогично госпада
As a German i can confirm that our gouverment under Olaf Scholz ist zu Deutsch Scheiße
Not a single turkish descendent? Not a German commercial for sure.
Is that so hum 😢
@@phonixsolomon6275There are many Turkish descendents and direct Turkish immigrants in Germany
shut uuup 😭
3 Million in comparison to 84 Million aren’t even many people
@@warrenbuffetjr6573just like the rainbows yet they scream as if they are the voice of majority.
As a german i know this is true our lighting bills have gone up about 50% car fuel is about 30ct more expensive and all around prices have bee going up not to forget the constant weapons we pay for that coast Millions on millions
So we must make peace with Russia. Why not?
@людмилаКонюхова-д7с not against it
This is false. Fuel is about 1,80 Euro/ L and electricity is even cheaper than Last year! Regards from Germany!
As a French, if this was a trailer from a comedy film i'll watch it directly because it's so funny. They can make, sometimes, good meme🤣
This ad copied a scene from JoJo Rabbit
The end was hilarious 😂 “ah, leopard”
Now I got it, thanks 😄
I don’t understand.are they referring the tank ?
@@largerthanlife001 Yep!
Unrealistic. In modern Germany, they would also tear out the central heating system. ;)
😂😂😂😂😂😂 not funny 😂😂😂😂
As a German, I find this absolutely hilarious, and also accurate.
The fact thats its actually funny is the proof that there is no way this ad was made by Germans.
Our movies suck.
Достучаться до небес крутой фильм
wrong! they have Constantin film :D
Russia films too bro XD. (Как русский тебе говорю)
„Er ist weider da“ ist gut.
Hey, Downfall was a fantastic movie
This advert increased the sales of stuffed leopard toys and Zelensky pictures by 10,000 percent.
The only missing thing here is raising of hand.
@@alexhumble7653 maybe illegal in germany?
Could be, but it is assumed.
leopard +
Zelensky ----- ---- ---- 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😵💫😵💫🤮🤮🤮
@@alexhumble7653 Not assumed, not Could be, it is illegal.
Whoever created that video, Telegraph does a good job propagating it 😬
Удваиваю. Они уже агенты Кремля.
The Russian government made this video
@@maxflares8888Путин лично, так еще и все роли сыграл в одиночку
@@maxflares8888It was filmed by Putin personally
As a German, I can confirm it's happening.
Ich war auch erstaunt und habe gelacht, als ich dieses Video sah 😂😂
Was für eine Scheiße laberst du?
Как немец,как вы прокомментируете переговоры двух высокопоставленных генералов ?
@@АлександрВалеревич Они не могут комментировать, они боты, а если кто то реально начнет комментировать, то это тут же забанят твои ФСБшные, ну скажем так - друзья)
No one cares.
Great irony but also great truth
This gives me Jojo Rabbit vibes
because it is, it ripps straight out of jojo rabbit (2019) movie. great flick btw
dude, same
Same here
@@Arstozka1982Glory to Arstotzka!
That's what i thought when i saw the thumbnail
Love or hate Russia, this is top tier banter 😂
It's not Russian. It is produced by a well established German political party.
Stop believing the propaganda of War Pigs.
Who the heck loves Russia? 😅
@@enigmaticzigfried7557 Except for most of the NATO countries everybody just loves and admires Russia, according to the Kremlin state propaganda. 😆
@@The_Ballo Yes, fascist that commit genocide are really lovable and hilarious folk.
@@The_Ballo dunno about that. The Russian-African summit was pretty much a failure. Egypt, Turkey, China etc. are pretty pissed at Russia.
This is hilariously epic.
epicly hilarious even
The Telegraph, thanks from Russia for sharing!
This video made my day again :)
Best TV ad I've seen.
As a german i can confirm what happend in the video
well, our taxes go weapons and to Zelensky villa... so the joke is only partly a joke. A little overdone, but generally true. Schools have already been cut funding because of Ukraine.
@@annaeverythingishereРусская, не парилась бы в комментариях
@@rtirti2871 Зачем люди притворяются? От этого получается только хуже.
@leoa1893 Пожалуй соглашусь был не прав. Просто мне это напоминает случай из доты как два Русских общались на ломаном английском. 🤣
@@rtirti2871 так может она как множество украинок в Германии живет и всё это сама и ощущает...
LOL! As german I would never know the russians are so funny! And to say “Heil Selesky” to the jewish president of Ukraine is absolutely top sarcasm 😄
It's funny but scary factual
@@Cruzeoc101 Don’t believe everything what is showed in russian Zombie TV.
@lumm71 I don't, nor do I believe anything from the western sheep propaganda
@@lumm71Sisters of Victory.
@@lumm71 cope
Its actually mocking of Ulrainians where they are begging Germany all the time...
I waited whole time for that legendary salute. But she didn't do that >:((
The Azov battalion does plenty of that IRL
@@The_Ballo1/1000th of the Ukrainian armed forces that's so far been depoliticized for a year. They don't do that anymore. Insignia remains, but practices have changed.
@@The_BalloWhether they do the salute or not, the Azov battalion contains 2000 soldiers and do not represent the entire population of Ukraine.
She didn't but Ukrainian nationalists do enough to make up for it for everyone.
@@luckygjv872 they merged with the other one
After this is still someone saying that Russians have non a good sense of humor?
We have a slightly different sense of humor. It is based on our own cultural context. For Russians, this video is not funny.
I'm still saying Russians have non a good sense of humor
As a Russian. It’s very funny @@MarMar-nq9ii
How is that a good humor? It's shallow as hell.
Russia has nothing to do with this advertisement, as far as I know, the author is a Frenchman.
This actually made me laugh bro 🤣
Heil zelensky😂. Them russian politicians are a joke😂
Me too
Zelensky mother-in-law just purchased a villa in Egypt for over 1 million dollars, next to Angelina Jolie.
When Americans do propaganda its alright. When Russians do propaganda, its a big no no.
It isin't okay either ways
American propaganda is very obvious and boring they're bad we are good type of shi*
America does a lot of warcrimes in the name of oil, but atleast they're not trying to take over the eastern sea board.
If Russia takes Ukraine?
All of Europe is done, and the propaganda ain't helping
the thing is, russain propaganda is so blatant its comical, the us does it a little better.
@hyplayer given the fact that propaganda is designed to undermine the enemy and encourage the people, I completely disagree. It just depends on the quality
If this is Russian, hats off to them for their accuracy and sense of humor.
Русские 🤭Снято каналом RT
Yes very true mark from the dusseldorf oblast
Это сняли именно русские!Украинцы по этому поводу очень переживали...😉😂
guess what happened today in Canada Parliament
Normal, adequate people call this satire, not propaganda.
Thx. The media themselves are only conducting anti-Russian propaganda here.
It is very much a propaganda effort.
Satire may be mixed into propaganda, in fact it often is. Doesn’t make it less of a propaganda effort.
Yes, but it is satire against those who must not be questioned, and that’s why it must be propaganda.
@@arcaipekyun4232 everything coming from Western media isn`t propaganda, it`s pure truth, honest Injun=)
It would be satire if they didn't use the fake 22 billion statistic.
hello bidon its zilensky
I need 5 billon rokets
@@TheWorldOnPaper to bomb donetsk детей
to bomb doneztk childron
slava ukraiynyi!
"NATO's purpose is to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down." That was said by the first secretary General of NATO. Just to remind my German friends...
We are not your friends, yankee.
NATO was build to stop the democratic will of the German people. And to stop United Germany. USSR was ready for a demilitarized neutral Germany like Austria but NATO refused. NATO is there to save capitalism
Link? Proof?
@@shai_huludovichДжордж Фридман, директор Stratfor, о создании зоны Междуморья для России. 2015год.
"Военные советники США на Украине."
"Украинская армия - это армия США."
"США поставляет вооружение в Прибалтику, Румынию, Польшу и Болгарию. И будет поставлять на Украину. И во всех этих действиях США действуют в обход НАТО."
"Суть происходящего - США строят санитарный кордон против России. И Россия знает об этом."
"Мы [США] хотим поранить русских и нанести ущерб. Мы вернулись к старой игре."
"Ни одна страна не может быть всегда мирной. Даже США тоже всегда затронута войнами."
"Европа вернётся к естественному состоянию человечества - в Европе будут войны, европейцы будут умирать в войнах... Идея европейской исключительности приведёт Европу к войнам."
"У нас [США] нет отношений с Европой, у нас есть отношения [со странами Европы по отдельности].“
"Главные внешнеполитические интересы США на протяжении столетия, во времена первой, второй и холодной мировых войн, концентрировались вокруг отношений между Россией и Германией. Объединившись, они представляют для США жизненно важную угрозу. Наша главная задача - не допустить их союза."
"США контролируют все океаны. Осуществление контроля над океанами и в космосе является основой нашей власти. В следствии этого, мы можем вторгаться везде на планете, но никто не может напасть на нас. Это хороший расклад."
"Лучший способ разгромить вражеский флот - это не дать врагу его построить. Путь, который выбрала британская империя для того, чтобы не допустить возникновение сильного флота в Европе, было натравливание европейцев друг на друга. Я бы порекомендовал политику, которую применил Рейган в Иране и Ираке - поддерживал обе воюющие стороны, так что они воевали друг с другом, но не против нас. Это было цинично, это было аморально, но это работало. И в этом вся суть."
"Мы не в состоянии повсюду ввести наши войска. Но зато мы в состоянии поддерживать враждующие между собой стороны, чтобы они концентрировались на себе, а не против нас, мы можем поддерживать их политически, финансово, оказывать военную помощь и посылать им наших советников. И только в крайних случаях (Вьетнам, Ирак, Афганистан) вмешаться военной силой с тактикой превентивного удара."
"США не могут вторгаться везде в Евразии. Нужно это делать выборочно и очень редко." "Империи, которые пытаются управлять напрямую военной силой, распадаются, как это было в случае нацистской империи,... нужно делать это умно".
"Вопрос, который сейчас стоит на повестке для русских состоит в том, что либо Украина станет буферной зоной между Россией и Западом, как минимум будет нейтральной стороной, или же Запад продвинется на Украине так далеко, что НАТО будет отделять от Сталинграда 100 км, а от Москвы 500. Для России статус Украины представляет жизненно важную угрозу. И русские не могут просто так оставить этот вопрос и уйти. Для США вопрос стоит таким образом, что если Россия продолжит цепляться за Украину, то мы должны остановить Россию. По этой причине США начали предпринимать действия, о которых сказал генерал Ходжес - США посылают войска быстрого реагирования в Румынию, Болгарию, Польшу и Прибалтику. Этими действиями США готовят Интермариум (Междуморье) - территорию межу Балтийским и Черным морями. Вопрос, на который у нас нет ответа - что предпримут немцы в этой ситуации."
"Для США первоочередная цель - не допустить, чтобы немецкий капитал и технологии соединились с российскими природными ресурсами и рабочей силой в непобедимую комбинацию, которую США пытаются не допустить вот уже целое столетие."
Сара Вагенкнехт об откровениях Джорджа Фридмана и политике Меркель. 2015.
You just have to see how those Canadians were congratulating a Ukrainian ex nzi for fighting against the Soviet Union
cry me a river stupid commy xDDD
At least he's making up for his mistakes. Unlike Russia
@@Damien69420 что то я не видел как зеленский извинялся перед евреями и своим народом за то, что он аплодировал фашисту
@@X300u who?
Pretty bloody accurate, I'd say.
Since what happened in the Canadian parliament this makes a lot of sense.
this is masterpiece
There was a time when countries made "believable" propaganda. In our times it's just crazy ridiculous 😂😂😂
It would be propaganda If the Bundeswehr had been the originator. So it is a harsh and bitter satire. Why do we need the Russian TV to make laughter stick in the throat?
@iudvomberg8448 This is just desperation on the part of Russia. They think they are being clever but with this advert all they have shown is how stupid they have become.
Russian propaganda has always been crazy ridiculous. But since Russians have no brains, they believe it anyway.
@@PaulDenison-r7r mhm, genau
Never underestimate the power of propaganda. It is getting better day after day.
Seems pretty accurate to me
so true and so hilarious...
Well, it works for Italy too
I want that female squad to devoid my overloaded garage, they seem pretty efficient!
The only missing thing here is raising of hand.
Hire 'German matron junk collections' today and get a Zelensky for free!
The Russian has better sense of humour than the German :))
I, a german, can confirm
Putin divorced his wife to live with his female-dog known as "Konnie".
That’s an easy quest actually
Exactly - enough to see some Russian car and compare it to German one.
What nah?
If I accept the NATO in my house, will Russia then annex my garden?
Почему вы впускаете НАТО в свой дом? Разве вы не видите, что НАТО пытается убить Россию? Россия будет защищаться. Разве это не ясно? Сближалась ли Россия с Европой? НАТО поползло к России и подползло аж к границам России. Теперь уже поздно спекулировать... НАТО превратило Украину в военный полигон. Этот полигон примыкает к границам России.
No, because your garden is not located near the border with Russia and the NATO weapons located there will not become a threat in the future. Besides, your garden has never been the cradle of the Russian people.
It actualy is real elder people in dortmund that lived there for 20 years where thrown out to make room for ukrainian citizen
Your comment is old. But I'm interested where elders gone? They rented house right?
No. That is more realistic than the MSM.
holy hell, this is a top tier humour; cause it's crystall clearly obvious it isn't German xD
This is not propaganda this is reality.
Please elaborate 🤖🤡
Спасибо RT за этот шедевр
Same from Germany
Рад, что твои налоги идут на правильное дело?
@@Viktor-jn2vs конечно
As a german I think this is well made satire.
As an German, i can confirm we our properties stolen by some kind of police.
Возможно украинской?😉😂
@@АндрейШмырев-ж3знемецкой , но передано украинской😂
As a rissian, i can confifm, our propery stolen by russian police
Ja, wenn du Schulden hast kann dir das passieren!
@@michaelg.4562idi na hий!
this ad is Freaking so good
This is brrrrrrrriliant actually 😂 i am sure intention was not to be placed as a real video but a joke that portrays reality in Germany :)))
intention was to show this is a video shot by Germans in Germany, while video is obviously filmed in Russia by Russians
Про леопарда вообще в точку 😊
А про шашлык в Крокусе?
Не знаю как там,но кебаб в ахмадыте и теремке был точно не пережарен) ну и не забуду детдом в Запорожье;(@@michel_oui
@@JohnBravor11 Так Запорожье это же Россия. Как так?
@@michel_oui Ну если ты так считаешь,то я и не против)
@@JohnBravor11 Кстати, в Охматдете погибло всего два взрослых и один ребёнок. Маловато по сравнению с Крокусом.
As an Indian didn't even know such video existed... Thanks Telegraph for showing it to us 👍🏻👍🏻😂
What has an indian do with this. This is about German ukraine and russia
Let's just dance over it, my friend)) Ай на нэ на нэ!)) Тут ту ли ту ту тур ту ли тра ла ла))
As a Russian I didn’t know either until The Telegraph showed me😅
Its objectively truthful.
Hahaha! Nice one, Rusland!)))))
Написал русский
Funny and well made
Well, it is called humor, sarcasm. It seems The Telegrah struggles with such things but well normal people do.
Canada got this seriously 😂😂
This video could not be produced by germans because it has to do with HUMOR
LMAO, The russian goverment was litterarely calling for a swedish comedic band to apologise for making a song with russian stereotypes.
It's not even anti Zelensky, it's like obviously jokingly about it
And the media are too sensitive about it😂😂
zelensky just another jew forcing Whites to die for jewish interests
Only obvious to westerners. It really is disguised at real German TV in Russian propaganda to form an incorrect view of the German state of politics. These things are weirdly popular in Russian state propaganda, as well as fake Charlie Hebdo covers, for some reason. I wonder who makes them...
As a German, this video is absolutely accurate.
as a ...foreigner living in germany, nobody nowhere has seen this ad, except on reports about this ad....
and then we laughed., because it's soooo cringe, we and our german friends too.
and then we said - well, at least ruzzkies have better sense of humor than germans xD
and then we all laughed at irony of it xD
Propaganda used to be scary, now its a shitpost, very epic idea from russia
This from Germany, oh man
Normal people would see this as a meme/shitpost, not propaganda
Normal people is the key word.
there is a lot of such humor in Russia about the West
but Russians they this is not a Russian-made video, they pretend to have nothing to do with this video, LOL
@@aj-lx7vb Because it won't be shown on TV
They forgot to take the leopard 😂😂😂
@giladpellaeon3664 Nonsense. Leopards don't even qualify for the turret toss. Only Russian tanks can do that because of the ammunition feeding system under their turrets.
Actually they handed it over to Russia
"Ist Dein Haus in der NATO? Akzeptiere die NATO in deinem Haus" ist für mich die wichtigste Botschaft in diesem brilianten Video.
I want NATO in my house 😂❤
Reminds me of: 'Better a house in the green, than a green in the house.' 😉 This is well made comedy 👍
I'd rather have the whole Warsaw pact in my house than trashing Nato
@@golgibellaLybis, Siria, Irak and Afghanistan had NATO at their house. Now they are homeless or refugees.
Wenn die Alternative Russen sind , dann nehme ich ein ganzes NATO Bataillon auf.
Everything for Ukraine as a German 😂
We were never asked, we don't even have a good relationship with Ukraine and they are not in NATO neither in the EU. But we give them money, equip them with our weapon systems and ammunition. The greatest mistake our nation did and it did show it's consequences in our economy.
Very good I must say...
better ad than having two moms
Don't care if Moscow released this. It's just true LMFAO 💀
Well, got to say they are not wrong about this one.
100 percent true
Wrong 😂😂
Смеялся до слёз:)
and what is "fake" exactly? the number of 22 bil? it's official number....
The idea that we are suffering due to this kind of money. We aren’t. Our elites are also GIGANTIC amounts of malpractice away from the conditions found in Russia EVERYWHERE.
Wanna know a joke?
Our loans have been stagnating for 20 years thanks to men and women ruling our nation who WISH they could rule with as much corruption as Putins regimes.
But unlike so many Russians, we were forced to actually learn from our history.
We could fund Ukraine with 4 times the money and still improve our conditions. That we are not has nothing to do with the amount of money we spend to defeat a greedy dictator and everything with corruption that has NOTHING to do with Ukraine.
Counter Propaganda 😂
Yeah but Germany has a gdp of multiple trillilons so they gave Like 0,05 percent of their income to ukraine
They present this ad as made by German people, not by Russia
@@Drone_Journey gdp is not the same to income
Poor leopard 😢
Steckt Wahrheit drin
Und welche Wahrheit? Das ist verschissene Russenpropaganda mit 0,01 % Wahrheitsgehalt.
That stereotypical "German" village street scene at the very beginning!! :-DDDDDDD
Whoever designed this must have been in Germany in 1932 for the last time.
It's only a village on the left side of the street. On the opposite side (behind the soldiers) the houses look like town houses.
More like 1945, but there was noticeably more debris everywhere back then.
The village's name is Rodht in Palatinate. The picture was taken 2017.
The only time they have been in Germany was when Germany came to him
К сожалению мы в России мало знаем о мире вокруг.
Смотреть видео со смартфона о других странах очень сложно.
Ведь когда едешь на медведе, тебя очень трясёт, к тому-же одна рука занята балалайкой.
Да и шапка ушанка слишком жаркая...
И это не говоря уже о когнитивном нарушении вызванном распития литра водки на завтрак.
Ничего не напоминает ? 🤣
😂 how can anyone take this seriously?
понятно что это стеб.. Но разве немецкие налогоплательщики не платят своими деньгами войну в Украине?
@@pavloSemenoFF wollen wir auch
.....multigeneration indoctrination into propaganda & unquestioning belive in their godkind Pudding
@@Zorokageyep, why dirty our hands taking out the trash
@@LeunLpnein wollen wir nicht
The sad thing that this "fake" ad is nowadays reality.
How so?
@@Daubi1990 just take a close look at the war..... take a look at Slovakia.... right now there is no air defense in Slovakia..... they give them all to Ukraine. Most of the EU countries has reached the minimum limit of their heavy weaponry and will take years to pump it up to the normal level. And the sad thing is that they want to give more ......
The ad is the truth
The ad is a blatant and easily disproven lie.
@@Arcaryon the message is the reality of propaganda in germany
@@mrpersianality6363 Nein ist sie nicht. Du solltest aufhören alles zu glauben was du im Internet findest.
Seems accurate to me
Of course it's not a German ad, there ain't a Turk or Moroccan in sight
This is truly tremendous comedy!😆🤣👍
The only missing thing here is raising of hand.
@@alexhumble7653spoiler alert: they can't
They still can't, but it is matter of time. In Ukraine it is already commonly used and also in some countries of eastern Europe.
Ist gut gemacht ,muss man schon sagen .
Mit viel Humor 😂
What the actual f*ck did I just saw?!
Desperation is the ruZZian way.
A piece of wood maybe?
(to slap Putler with of course)
Sorry, I'm feisty today!
@@JK_Clarkrussians are desperate after ukros lost more troops in the zapo offensive in less than teo months than wagner has in 9 months in bakhmut? 😂😂😂😂
International banter
@@auggiedogg718ruzzian "truth" 💀
Man this ain't even offensive this is just funny 😭
This is based on true story.
Never heard German hailing someone with full dictator mode since 1945 😂
As a German. This is very funny and a bit true!
The best propaganda is based on truth. Dr Goebbels said so himself.
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a cupcake recipe