if you don't have cell phone and meet one who is using a cell phone he or she will be more intelligent than the one who don't have or use one so in that instance you are likely to be scammed the one who uses cell phone brain expand more than the one who have no access to cell phone. the government can get you anytime with or without a cell phone.
"NaturalSelection8" has no idea that a thing called a computer is out there. All that wonderful world they think is exclusive to their phones, we that don't have phones can see exactly what they are seeing but with a bigger screen. 😊 I am dying laughing at the "more intelligent" creature that is preaching to us Philistines.
That comment is completely subjective. Has little basis in the real world. That’s like saying if I have running shoes I can run faster than someone who doesn’t have running shoes…. Just a very silly. You need to spend more time on your phone to figure out why that’s a very incomplete thought.
@@lostcatastrophe0659 CHANGE IS INEVITABLE AND AWARENESS IS ETERNAL. Well running shoe is a piece of gear which main purposes is to Better performance Increased arch support Reinforced comfort Reduced likelihood of injury Enhanced motor control Greater stability Breathability and more traction whoever what determines who win the marathon is not the shoes of course but one who reaches the marked finishing line first. IT/TECH/HI-TECH is the new normal,neither evolve with the change nor devolve and .....
I went to a wedding a while back and I started looking at everybody at the table and then everyone was so engrossed in their cell phones that to me it seemed like they were unaware that a wedding was occurring all around them! What a sad world we live in
Point it out to them, be relentless. I went hiking with a dude the other day and he kept reaching for his freakin phone every other minutes becoz notifications he told me. Asked him to turn it off or turn around and go. He did. He was lost,we were pretty deep in the forest....but now he wont return my calls...lol no big loss.
@user-mj9lq9vp3wmy parents are in their early 70s and only have a land line and a little internet. Mom writes checks and has credit card when need be. They don’t do social media and no UA-cam. 😊
I've been off social media for over 5 years. I got rid of my cell phone about 3 years ago as well. I DON'T MISS IT AT ALL!!! It's like getting your old life back. I lived over half my life with out a cell phone. I saw a family eating out at a restaurant and they were all looking at their phones and not even talking to each other. I thought how sad it was.
I have witnessed that of family's and friends eating out too - when someone does that to me I feel like slapping their face, but just resolve not to go out to eat with that person anymore. It is sad and disgusting.
I met a man yesterday named Jeffery. He told me he was orphaned since 8 years old. He taught me how to tie knots and told me all sorts of things you can do with everyday items. He is homeless and doesn't have a smartphone. Being responsible and resourceful doesn't require smartphone.
@@georgemcnally4473 I don't know, I mean if you're homeless or living off a trust fund, or have some work-from-home business where you don't need to have business calls, I could see that. Most jobs I've had, if you don't have a phone you're not considered. My job right now requires one, since we have to communicate across a large property on-the-fly and we don't have walkie-talkies. Not to mention, my family would go apeshit if they had no way to contact me anymore. I just don't see how it's feasible for most people.
18 months without a smartphone, people seem to get triggered when I tell them I don't have a smartphone, like its a serious issue to them, and i must be lying, because who can survive without it, I can, that's who✊
Yeah, I went away to work recently and was the only one in the group not to have one.. Actually, everybody else - they were all younger - was quite envious that I could 'cope' without one.
Yeah , i can imagine. It's like they are eating cake and want you to eat cake too, but you are on a diet or you just don't like cake. They just feel stupid to eat that cake on their own and can't understand someone not liking sweet stuff. lol
Sadly this summer our car broke down during our travels and I had to flag cars down to get help. They scrolled their phones to find local tow companies for us. After this event I broke down and bought a cell phone with a plan. We had to wait 3 hours on a highway for a tow truck. Once we arrived at the local car garage I asked where we could get a bus schedule as we would be without a car for 2-3 days. We were told all schedules are online and paper ones no longer exist. And no one could tell us where the bus stops were.
Yea I find the better middle ground is to have a smartphone, but making it as dumb as possible, such as having no social media or UA-cam installed, using Apple's ScreenTime to limit say Safari to like an hour a day, etc. Apple has really improved a lot of its ScreenTime features so you can massively limit your phone to where it is just not that distracting (because there's no longer anything interesting on it), yet in cases of emergency like what you described, you can still do basic and possibly life-saving stuff.
Last week at a local restaurant, I watched as an extended family sat staring at their phones while waiting for the waitress to bring their food out. The kids and adults had no interaction as they all fiddled with their phones, except for who appeared to the grandfather. He was people watching in the restaurant, but the sad part was the fact no one in his family was talking to him as they all sat immersed in their screens.
My last human friend died last year and I threw my smartphone away afterwards. The only thing it was doing was recording my conversations and transforming them into a text file for further analysis. Life also becomes quieter and slow again without it so you can start to learn and enjoy simple things again.
People actually get very upset with you when they find out you don't have a phone. I got rid of mine about 8 years back and a family members wife asked me about it, and just shook her head and said "Oh, so you can look down on everyone that has a phone. So dumb." Lol. I told her that a little noise in my pocket (text) won't interrupt my life anymore and I like that. She was not amused. She's on it all day. Always has been.
My ex boyfriend used to get very offended if I wouldn’t drink alcohol with him when we were out. People don’t like having their addictions highlighted.
Do you use a payphone when/if you need to make or receive a call? People often really dislike when you are able to do something that they are unable or unwilling to do themselves.
This is 100% an important message Bjorn. Thank you so much for sharing it. I’m only 24, but I’m even considering getting rid of my smartphone. It’s so sad that everywhere I go, everyone’s heads are just down, looking at their phones.
I use my phone for language learning by listening to radio in foreign countries and watching foreign movies and documentaries to help my language acquisition. Smart phones do have their benefits but you just have to discipline yourself. UA-cam gives you a graph on viewing time so give yourself a guideline. We are not children so control yourself.
I grew up in the 70/80's when mobile phones and sat navs had not been invented, I feel sorry for younger people who never lived without such. I used paper maps and drove thousands of miles without a phone to use in the event of a breakdown for example. Now I can panic/become anxious if I've forgotten to take it with me. They are addictive is what I'm saying.
Thanks! I to agree and will soon get rid of my phone. I miss the days we’re people did not have them. The days were people use to visit on the porch, when people with kids that ate out would actually talk to there kids , instead of just being on the phone. Date ing back then was better also. Girls only had attention from you. Not 100 other guys at the same time. 🎉
I love your opening to videos with "Hi there." It's the cutest thing. My smartphone turned into a tablet. I got rid of the data plan and it only runs on wifi so it stays home. I have a dumb phone to take with me.
I was considering this...the main way they grabbed me was so many clients using WhatsApp now within the arts and freelance work which I can't use on a tablet...still I could take the plunge and just say sorry no WhatsApp! Worth a think.
I agree wholeheartedly. I gave up a cell phone years ago. We use a corded house phone due to my electrohypersensitivity. I also have not watched TV for over 30 years. I enjoy nature and reading actual books. You are correct about ill health effects. There exists decades of research and thousands of papers on radiation danger from Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc. I, too, become annoyed when someone visits and can't keep their noses out of their phone! Truly rude. How did we ever survive back when we didn't even have answering machines?? To me, not carrying a phone is freedom.
I have never owned a cellphone/smartphone Stephanie. It is sad that there are people today who never knew of a time where we all only had landlines and that was that. There was no internet and we had great happiness and freedom. I now only have a laptop and that's it. Being tracked 24/7 is no way to live!
@@ShadowMan66 I only got one when I was 51, for a job that required it. Otherwise, I probably never would have gotten one. I don't miss it one bit! And, I find it so disturbing that wherever you go, people are staring at their phones.... This tech we all use has sucked the humanity out of so many. Very sad.
@@stephaniegreen6888 I understand completely as now almost all jobs expect you to have a smartphone. I've also noticed (as my wife has to have one for her work too) how there are always confirmations to 'every' single appointment like people can no longer remember anything. When we grew up appointments were noted in a diary and attended. Also every service from blood tests to dentists appointments to Ubers etc all ask for a rating which if the people never gave then they'd have to stop doing it. This keeps people on the things longer too. It has sucked the humanity out of many...well said!
You are so right. And concerning the actual science on radiation from these devices, the towers etc. It must be the perfect example of how actual science is being framed as conspiracy theories while myths like there is no danger from these, are being portrayed as the actual science.
@@BjornAndreasBull-Hansen Years back, I became very ill, and had no idea what was happening. I stumbled upon a random YT video called Take Back Your Power, and after watching it, I looked to see if we had smart meters. Sure enough, we did. I had never heard of a smart meter, nor did I know about being sensitive to the pulsing, radiation, etc. The time of installation roughly correlated to my illness, so I started researching. I read a lot of Dr. Martin Pall, Dr. Magda Havas, and others. American doctors, useless as they are, have no clue as to electrosensitivity. Everything an American doctor can't explain gets marked as "anxiety"! I know you're very busy, but a very interesting book is The Invisible Rainbow (nothing to do with gender!! LOL). Also, The Body Electric, although that one is a bit dry and technical. Maybe one day we'll live in a world where people actually understand how their own bodies function, but we'll have to work on critical thinking first... Thank you for your videos- you are so rational and an example of what a man should be! Also, I enjoy the beauty of your country. I so wish I could travel!
Thank you for sharing the positives of life without a smart phone. And sharing this message, which is important. I’ve just been watching the 5G Summit (which is excellent BTW) and just wanted to throw in the health implications (beyond addiction). People are getting a lot of cancer from wearing these things. Agitation, aggression, depression, memory problems and even suicidal ideation are also issues associated with being constantly exposed to the microwave radiation. People need to switch them off when they’re not using them. It’s the final kick in the butt I need to get rid of mine (which I’ve been keeping for my business but it’s 100% worth the temporary pain of removal). It needs to be over.
@@renriley66 my wife's country don't even use landlines anymore. luckily we do here in UK still. we are a family of four, and it feels so nice when someone asks "can I speak to X please"... "yep I'll just get her for you". Also nice NOT to be disturbed whilst out :D
I don't have a smart phone and have no intentions of ever owning one. I had one like yours but switched back to a flip phone. I don't even carry it with me unless I'm expecting a call. I have too much life to experience to worry about missing a call. Much Love ❤
I couldn't agree more, Bjorn. We even have the same dumb-phone! When I used to commute to work I'd be the only person on the train just enjoying the views, in a carriage full of smartphone-zombies. I work with computers all day, I don't need to carry one in my pocket too! Bad for your mental wellbeing.
Exactly. I write 5-6 days a week and on the other days I film or edit a video. I figure that's enough screen time for me. It's not even healthy for your eye sight, staring at a screen for so many hours.
I did the same thing about 3 years ago also. The smartphone was a distraction for me as well. I work with my hands and the constant noises, beeps, etc., were killing my produciton.
I live in NH USA and I see and watch many Mom's Ignoring their kids even Babies under 2 years old- young children also trying to talk to their Mom who is pushing cart totally ignoring their children-- it is so sad to watch these children be ignored-- Sometimes I walk up and say Oh you have such beautiful children...JUST to make them notice they HAVE CHILDREN!
Oh my gosh. I feel the same way. I’m actually a mom, myself. I have a beautiful baby boy who is almost two. It hurts my heart to see so many parents glued to their phones 😢
I had to smile at at one of your true comments, Bjorn. Recently I had to visit hospital and I contradicted the doctor’s choice of some medication he wished me to have (which I do not and will not use). I knew (from my own learned knowledge) the contraindications in its use in people of my age…..HE spent ages (not seeing/hearing me) scrolling ‘Google’ on his Smartphone and irritated to check this!!!! I was right. I do have a Smartphone…only for emergency use…it’s to expensive now to use “Pay as you Go” ‘dumb phones’ because people keep everyone waiting for hours to answer their phones. All the comments you make are correct. Thank You for another great video. X
I am amazed at how many people are using their smart phones constantly. I rarely see someone sitting and taking in their surroundings be it outdoors or in a building, restaurant or home. Friends and clients of mine are provoked by the fact that I do not own a television. They just stare at me amazed and then suggest a TV show that "I must watch"! 🤣 Takk for denne flotte videoen, Bjørn!
Bjorn, Im 68 and lived without a cell phone till around 2013. When I was younger of course Noone had a cell phone and we survived all those years ! Everyone today is constantly looking at one. It is rude when you are with someone and they cant put it away ! It was better without them ! Life was better...
I have a smartphone, I don't use any social media and unless you count UA-cam as it that's all I do on my phone pretty much just podcasts with a Bluetooth headphone in, I understand the importance of having moments of quiet reflection in your life and I fully respect anyone's refusal to assimilate ❤
@@BjornAndreasBull-HansenUA-cam has definitely impacted my life in a positive way, i would of never found your channel if not for bullshit 'lockdown' in the UK while looking for likeminded freedom loving people aka 'dissidents'
I would definitely aim to reduce your youtube consumption though, say to 30 mins to an hour a day. Often people will delete social media just to spend as much time on here. Just remain mindful of your daily consumption and make sure to create more than you consume👍🏻🙏
Without my smart phone I wouldn't get to see my favorite Bjorn. How can I see you without a smart phone or smart computer. I hate my new computer, my new maintenance job is based on plc tjat is similar to smart phones. I like old school stuff furing things out
Only if you're outside the urban environment. Cameras are ubiquitous now, take a look at any traffic light, roundabout streetlight, corner store shop front, even just regular suburban houses...
A lot of what you are talking about happening these days are almost exactly what my grandfather would tell me was gonna happen in our many conversations we would have when i was a child. We had these talks after dark with all the lights turned off. My eyes were so adjusted to the dark, it would seem the whole kitchen would clearly light up whenever he took a drag of his cigarette. Funny the things that stand out in distant memory
Smart phones have changed what it means to be a human being. We no longer communicate person to person. We have to go through the machine interface. Well over a decade ago I would meet high level IT professionals through my employment as an electrical engineer. I would make this statement to them; In 100 years historians, if they still exist, will write that the electronics revolution will go down in history as the worst thing every to happen to mankind. They all did the same thing in reply. They would furrow their brow, look down, think for a moment or two, look back at me and say "You're right". Sad.
It's hard NOT to have a smart phone. I was the last person I know to have gotten one. You are so right about all of this. Phones have become the go to for EVERYTHING! Taxes, banking, jobs (I worked UberEats) I wish we could go back to the80's/ 90's. I truly believe that was the best of times. My son's father can't live with out a TV or phone on 24/7, freaks out and has panik attacks. It's so bad.
It's funny because it makes certain things much easier (like doing taxes, looking up phone numbers and directions, research) that we forget how much time we are actually losing by using them. It's not 'efficient' if we are wasting 5 hours on it in a day. It would actually be more time efficient to do most things the old fashion way and have hours of extra time left over still to do whatever with. Exercise, read, spend time in nature, be present with people, pray, visit neighbors, garden, learn a skill. But instead we are convincing ourselves we are being more efficient so we can't give it up.
Smartphones are an addictation, OCD ... it sucks when you talk with even family and they just look at the screen. As you said - the era of meaningful deep conversations seem over.
Every day, I am amazed at seeing everybody sunken into their phones, and saddened. On perfectly beautiful days, their minds are funneled into these tiny objects, and they are fooled into thinking that they are out in the universe. People who live without smart phones, or at least use them minimally, really are thinking outside the box.
I've never owned a smartphone. Had a dumb phone a few years. It's unbelievable the symptoms that come with proximity to smartphones. I get dizzy, nauseous (a symptom of breaking the brain barrier), various pains in the leg and brain fog. I can feel microwaves swell over me like a wave and suffer fast heartbeat and pounding heart, sometimes pain in the sternum. Bluetooth hearing aids can do the same thing and I found profound relief when I got rid of them. Thanks to you Bjorn for documenting your experiences without a smartphone. I found this interesting.
I remember these gadgets being described as "electronic heroin"....ie they are changing the way our brain functions, both individually and collectively....
I remember how dismayed I was a few years ago when in a hospital waiting room there was a book shelf. A little girl was begging her mom to let her read a book. The mom said something like, that's way over your head. Kids are always on smartphones and iPhones...I take public transportation frequently and usually carry a book with me. I'm not smartphone free...but when the government sent me a smartphone and tablet I packed them away in a box...I do not do 5G, and I'm not doing it on their terms.
I have the same kind of phone you have! I never answer incoming calls. I use it to call my doctors and keep in touch with my daughter. Never had a smart phone. Never will. Stay safe and healthy Bjorn. 👍
Thank you for sharing so many valuable and vital points here Bjorn. I remember vowing to myself that I would never get a smartphone - and yet I inevitably did! I am very aware of the addictive, dissociative tendancies that these devices promote. I personally set very clear boundaries with my usage, in company and in private yet I am still seeing a dependancy that does not sit well with my heart. The level of integration now with these devices is on a whole other level that is so difficult for many to extract themselves from socially and economically. The laziness factor is so true - there is alway another way through if you have the energy and motivation to seek it. Thank you again for your grounded truth telling!
For what its worth, i don't own a smart phone either, just one that can txt and ring people. i tried a smart phone for about a week, 4 yrs ago, and gave it away. I used to work in a hotel, and you would see families sitting at the tables waiting for food all on their phones, not even talking to each other.... and you mentioned peoples bad attitudes, i think some of the younger generation just dont know how to act around other people. so many are so rude, so angry and so needy.. i have only been subscribed to you for a short while, but i really enjoy your content. regards Jon
I am with you on this. I have no phone at all Not even a landline. I only have a computer that my kids gave me because they are worried about me not staying in touch. I really don't want or need any phone that's for sure. Cheers
The social pressure to have a smart phone and be on social media is intense. Maybe it makes a difference what your local community is like. Where I live we communicate so much through FB that it's difficult to even function without it. I agree with you 100% about people not being present. I need to be intentional about not having UA-cam on when the kids are with me. I hate being on social media for the most part but here I am listening to yours truly while I stand in my kitchen baking bread. I am actually very busy but it's not from my smartphone. I milk a cow, homeschool, cook from scratch, work as a custodian/house keeper outside my home and I do not have any paid outside help. I have 3 children still at home and 2 that recently moved out. I find having an old world lifestyle in a modern society challenging. I am doing slow life things in a fast paced world. You can't really have it all. If you want to be "involved" in your community you have the opportunity to run constantly, so, I try to say no to as many things as I can and still have some friends. You don't provoke me Bjorn, you inspire and challenge me. Thank you for this video!
A couple of years ago I was in a shopping centre going for groceries, out front of the supermarket is a table and chairs, 8 people aged between about 22 to 28 yrs old were sitting at the table and not one of them was talking to each other, they were all on their phones, very sad people, I said to a lady sitting close by about these fools not talking and she did as I did and laughed at the stupidity of it.
About 2 months ago I watched this video and it finally gave me a kickstart to switch from smart phone to basic phone at age 27. At first it felt quite scary because of the addiction that almost every single human being nowadays have, at least in western world. About a week later, fears were gone and I started to realize that all the "problems" that would come upon getting rid of the smart phone was non-existent. I actually started to be way more aware of my surroundings during the day, my sleep improved a lot (switched from scrolling a phone to physical book before going to sleep), my concentration improved and there is so much more positives, life generally feels more fun now. At this point I don't find any reason to switch back to a smart phone, I don't even find any practical use to that little device anymore which feels kind of weird because earlier I thought "how can i live without it" haha. Tusen takk Bjorn, greetings from Finland :)
I also have a dumb, or burner phone. The problem is at some point soon, you won't be able to access banking or other services, or spend money without the smartphone
13 years without a phone. People don’t believe me when I say , I don’t have a phone. People ask me, how do I get through life without a phone. My reply is always; just adequately. I don’t base my life on other people’s expectations.
most people wont quit. but i have multiple friends here in sweden 18-22 years old who have this summer deleted all social media and even most of the time leaving their phone at home. and it's really nice to see
The last one I had was a flip phone, so I think I have you beat by a few years. Lol Never looked back and will never get one again. I watch kids in the same room texting each other when they could be engaged in a real conversation face to face. Sad really.
Well, from the beginning I have found the "analog life" better, more beautiful, than the digital one. All nuances, looks of understanding, meaningful little smiles, the flavor of the atmosphere, are missing in that digital contact. And yet so often it's the little things that mean the most, right?
I carry a smartphone, don't use it to tell time, but I do carry a faraday phone case. When in nature I put it in the case. I have test it. Thanks for the video, stay safe!!!
I have encountered everything that you say about "smart" phones. Many relationships have ended in my life because of the lack of attention/short attention span etc. that you outline. But I stand with you on this...and much much more.....respect.
I admire your choice Bjorn, and I think your viewers here understand that you can have a smartphone but still realize the effect it can have on you and define boundaries in their lifestyle on how much you let it interfere with your life. I have one and bring it everywhere but I learned to not to let it get in the way of living in the present and enjoying my lifes special moments. Memories are not made through a smartphone camera lens. I see many people especially younger ones who are always checking it and I know their lives would be better if they stopped the preoccupied pointless scrolling and trivial discourse on social media. Some seem to be so plugged in to screens that they forget to go out and live their lives. I used to be that way but now I notice I am much happier and healthier.
An integral human being, not infected by virality and tech-invasion. Our smatphones are becoming a terrible appendix of our brains... A little brain in our pockets every single day, buzzing any time. To get used to smartphones no-end I had to deal with a terrible stomach ache that turned into a worse sickness at the stomach, which I have been able to overcome though... Just a hell of Apps either down or up and continuous electrical feeding needs, recharching needs like a little baby right in your pocket. This man is perfectly right in living without a smartphone... Thanks for showing us.
I quit social media cold turkey every year for Lent and it is so refreshing. I need to do it more than just 6 weeks a year. Hardly anyone even notices when you are offline. They are all in their own bubbles.
I will be moving back to Lithuania after 17 years in the UK, growing up from 9 years old here. Cannot wait to surround myself with nature and maybe try to cut down phone usage by clearing out junk and dumb apps. Only necessities.
I agree, i noticed the amount of time i received when i quit using. Then watching others the amount people who can't stop looking at it. I thought of switching to a flip phone to help change the habit. Thank you for sharing
The simplicity of your messages is refreshing, two months ago I disconnected from a mobile phone. I realised it was becoming a convenience for everyone else. I don't like the track and trace, listening in on conversations, 5G frequency. I was not taking it with me when leaving the house and so decided it was a waste of money of monthly payments. I find much of the same outcomes as you mentioned, and have more money in my pocket for getting out into the wilderness. Enjoying the free things that we can all enjoy in nature. My laptop is more manageable for time restrictions. Thank you Bjorn for being so humble in sharing your message.
I agree with your perspective on individuals becoming excessively emotional and aggressive when interacting on the internet due to their accustomed behavior of engaging in online trash talking and being rude, while facing no immediate consequences. This behavior can become ingrained and persist when they communicate with others in person, leading to confrontational situations.
I hear you...ive never owned a cell phone either, i have a computer but its old and useless, im shocked at how everyone is hypnotized and stuck on their phones everywhere, even at restaurants, all on their phone, at home...same thing...its like no one talks to each other anymore. Great strength and freedom is priceless in any situation where one feels they need to be.
I grew up without all the computers of today so I can see the problems they have caused. For a long time, I had only a flip phone but for the last few years a smartphone. I don't use it very much so when this phone breaks I will go back to the flip phone if I need to do anything else I will use my PC. Next year I will be on the road full-time in my RV van and enjoy the outdoors for the rest of my life. Take care, Bjorn.
As always Bjorn you are absolutely right when you say cell phones are an addiction like drugs and alcohol, it is that simple and no you are NOT boring just telling it as it is and people are just lost in what is happening especially the last 3 years if you know what I mean, keep telling the truth Bjorn even if the younger generation think they know it all and what you are doing out there is the best and nature IS the best healer.......THANKS 😉
I had a dumb phone for years ($10 a month pay per minute) but when it finally died and my income dropped a relative provided me a smart phone and pays the cost, bless him. I use it for calls only and some texts (about 5 per week). I do like the camera. I will not be a slave to a phone. Wherever I go, I'm often the only one that doesn't have my head down.
You’re not boring. You’re thoughtful and measured, and that rhythm and mindset is the exact opposite of what is promoted by popular culture. I would really enjoy a conversation with you, as would, I’m certain, your other over half a million followers.
@Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen I'm glad to see that you are feeling better now.I was very concerned for your well being when you were not feelng well.I had never seen you like that before.I consider you an inspiration and a source of knowledge my fellow outdoorsman.I really look forward to your posts.Stay well my friend.
Got you beat there, I'm 70 years without a smart phone 😉! I don't like the way they affect people - and that includes people my own age i.e. two friends came to visit that I hadn't seen for over two years and one couldn't leave her phone alone. Also, I'm SO glad they weren't around when I was a student and glad to be well away from parental control!
Thank you for this video. I have deleted my social accounts for a few years now, and already notice a huge difference in my daily life. I don't have any problem not being on my phone when I'm around people or when I'm alone, it's just in emotional difficult times I tend to want to escape somewhere, and then there's that damn phone as an easy outlet. Inspiring to hear people like you speak on this.
I haven't had a smart phone or any cell phone for about 3 years as well, I only have a landline. I feel like I have re-engaged in life, I have made very similar observations as you. I'm off grid most of the spring, summer and fall and several weeks throughout the winter. I don't think I will ever own a smart phone again.
I am 57 and have only ever used a basic cell phone. I don't really enjoy using it and only use it when necessary. The only social media I consume would be a small number of channels I watch on you tube. I lead a very basic, simple life in a way but it has meaning to me and brings me enjoyment. In the end I don't really care what other people think it is my life.
I like to leave mine in a drawer turned off and get on with my day. Other days I will doom scroll and see how much time I’ve wasted which just infuriates me. I’m not on Instagram or Facebook but noticed my attention span was especially poor after Tik Tok. I deleted the app very quickly and got back to life! Love your videos. Thanks for posting. Very wise person
Traded in my smartphone about 5 years ago for a flip phone. Call/text only. I have an iPad as my computer that stays home. My flip phone got left out in the rain two days ago🤣 doesn’t work now, oh well. If people didn’t have the constant distractions, they would be forced, at times to sitting with their thoughts, their lives and choices, discovering things about themselves, they may not be comfortable with. 😏 yup so, for a lot of folks, it’s a drug of choice, to escape reality, their reality.
I don't know how or what way Norway will deal with this, but I suspect that in the U.S. here having a phone or type of device may one day be required for people to have so the authorities can know where they are at all times.
It won't be required! What would they do?! It's the same with this C-Thing and the va**ines! You don't have to! And that is what the people nowdays have to learn again! Say No to things you don't want! We have a own will!
The smart phone is one of the most misused technological advancements in human history, literally an information network in your pocket and we use it for porn and uber-eats 💀
@@1439315 What do you mean? You assuming america is the world again? Welfare payments get paid into your bank account, you pay using your bank account...
Very true, especially the effects that the constant use of smartphones has on cognition and mental and physical health. As soon as we distract ourselves with these technologies, we do miss out on parts of our here and now. I agree that you can have a fuller and more joyful experience of nature, if you decide not to use your smartphone when out in nature, unless necessary. Loved the way you ended your message with the words, "Cease the day."
If I’m talking to someone or visiting someone & they are constantly on their phone, I simply say goodbye, I’ll come back later when you are not so busy. I too have an old fashioned phone, it’s simply for emergencies when I’m out, like if the car breaks down. I do all my internet at home on my iPad. People today seem to almost be terrified of being unplugged from social media, it’s sad really. As for me, I prefer real people to talk to, dogs to cuddle, a garden or nature walk for peace of mind.
Never had a smartphone, my last cellphone was a flip-phone. I noticed the addiction displayed by the vast majority of users and rid myself of it. Best of luck to everyone who maintains their electronic leash.
I have been working on a more analog lifestyle in the past 1.5 years. After my mom passed in 2023, I see the world in a different light and see that I have been distracted by the apps and screens and switched over to a dumb phone in December of 2024. In 2025 I will be focusing on more productivity life. Thanks for putting out great content!
I've not had a smartphone for - i think around two years now - Like you pointed out, Bjørn, it really opened my eyes to how much most other people are blindly, seemingly endlessly staring at their smartphones.
😮well I have to admit I am hooked on the phone😮. I am watching this video on my phone. I did stop looking at my phone at night going to bed. I read a bit then sleep. This works out well for sure😊 I am a YT creator. When I was younger I wrote poems often, now I don’t, this bothers me. I want to write again, reducing my time looking at my SP will help. Thanks and take care😊
Hello Bjorn. I've never had a smart phone. It's a waste of money and I don't want to stare into the abyss. I have a home phone, and I wear a digital watch. My dad was from Oslo. You are more in the present without it. I see everything that goes on around me. I see everyone looking down as well....letting life pass them by. It's not boring, it's actually intelligent. I'm living in Canada, and people are extremely addicted to their phones here too.
I don't have a smartphone too, and I hope I won't be forced to buy one ever. I live in the middle of the medieval tuscan countryside and not having to deal with that constant nuisance in my pockets makes me enjoy my land even more.
I discovered this channel just as I was researching this topic. I have always had a voice inside me that whispered the moment to detach the pervasion of the smartphone from the true essence of life. Realizing this is the first step, the second is the courage to make the switch off. So i already bought a "dumb phone" and i'm using in alternate mode with smartphone.. step by step i'll reach the goal. The biggest problem is for the new generations who have not lived through periods before all this. A generation without creativity..
Respect for your point of view. I was a late commer to a smart phone & have no problems with it. I try to keep it to an aid to travelling , like finding places where you make your vlogs . To make it short, you just need some discipline on how you use it.
if you don't have cell phone and meet one who is using a cell phone he or she will be more intelligent than the one who don't have or use one so in that instance you are likely to be scammed the one who uses cell phone brain expand more than the one who have no access to cell phone.
the government can get you anytime with or without a cell phone.
Wow. I will pin this comment so that the community here can educate you a little bit.
"NaturalSelection8" has no idea that a thing called a computer is out there. All that wonderful world they think is exclusive to their phones, we that don't have phones can see exactly what they are seeing but with a bigger screen. 😊 I am dying laughing at the "more intelligent" creature that is preaching to us Philistines.
That comment is completely subjective. Has little basis in the real world.
That’s like saying if I have running shoes I can run faster than someone who doesn’t have running shoes…. Just a very silly. You need to spend more time on your phone to figure out why that’s a very incomplete thought.
Well running shoe is a piece of gear which main purposes is to Better performance
Increased arch support
Reinforced comfort
Reduced likelihood of injury
Enhanced motor control
Greater stability
Breathability and more traction whoever what determines who win the marathon is not the shoes of course but one who reaches the marked finishing line first.
IT/TECH/HI-TECH is the new normal,neither evolve with the change nor devolve and .....
@@BjornAndreasBull-Hansen Ok im waiting with my pen and paper for my semester, ready to take notes.
I went to some relatives home, after not seeing them for months, they just stared at their phones. It truly made me feel invisible.
That's sad.
It's a sickness.
I went to a wedding a while back and I started looking at everybody at the table and then everyone was so engrossed in their cell phones that to me it seemed like they were unaware that a wedding was occurring all around them! What a sad world we live in
Point it out to them, be relentless. I went hiking with a dude the other day and he kept reaching for his freakin phone every other minutes becoz notifications he told me. Asked him to turn it off or turn around and go. He did. He was lost,we were pretty deep in the forest....but now he wont return my calls...lol no big loss.
@@quebecpatriot1874 That's great. Sometimes people need to be called out.
40+ years without a "smart" phone...it IS possible to live life without one!! It's depressing to see so many people addicted to them...
Smartphones were introduced 13 years ago.
I guess you wanted to say off-grid.
Pretty sure they mean they are in their 40's and never owned a smartphone...
Back then you also had a lot of handy things like payphones that are gone now .because they expect that everyone has at least a simple cellphone.
No it is not. That's ridiculous. @user-mj9lq9vp3w
@user-mj9lq9vp3wmy parents are in their early 70s and only have a land line and a little internet. Mom writes checks and has credit card when need be. They don’t do social media and no UA-cam. 😊
I've been off social media for over 5 years. I got rid of my cell phone about 3 years ago as well. I DON'T MISS IT AT ALL!!! It's like getting your old life back. I lived over half my life with out a cell phone. I saw a family eating out at a restaurant and they were all looking at their phones and not even talking to each other. I thought how sad it was.
I have witnessed that of family's and friends eating out too - when someone does that to me I feel like slapping their face, but just resolve not to go out to eat with that person anymore. It is sad and disgusting.
Um, YT is considered social media so your basically still on it.
Wow, no cell phone at all. I'm impressed 😊
Before smart phones i just read a book during dinner lol
@@MGMidget73they could be using a computer, doesn't necessarily mean they're using a smartphone to comment or watch videos.🫂✌️
Living without a cell phone is a luxury I wish more of us had.
No, it's a choice. Through 12000 years of the history of civilisation people lived, and lived pretty well, completely bereft of smart phones.
I met a man yesterday named Jeffery. He told me he was orphaned since 8 years old. He taught me how to tie knots and told me all sorts of things you can do with everyday items. He is homeless and doesn't have a smartphone. Being responsible and resourceful doesn't require smartphone.
@@georgemcnally4473 I don't know, I mean if you're homeless or living off a trust fund, or have some work-from-home business where you don't need to have business calls, I could see that.
Most jobs I've had, if you don't have a phone you're not considered. My job right now requires one, since we have to communicate across a large property on-the-fly and we don't have walkie-talkies. Not to mention, my family would go apeshit if they had no way to contact me anymore. I just don't see how it's feasible for most people.
Unfortunately my business requires it
My work and study require smartphone.
18 months without a smartphone, people seem to get triggered when I tell them I don't have a smartphone, like its a serious issue to them, and i must be lying, because who can survive without it, I can, that's who✊
Lol. It is pretty pathetic
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love you.
Yeah, I went away to work recently and was the only one in the group not to have one.. Actually, everybody else - they were all younger - was quite envious that I could 'cope' without one.
Yes, it is amazing how people get provoked by this.
Yeah , i can imagine. It's like they are eating cake and want you to eat cake too, but you are on a diet or you just don't like cake. They just feel stupid to eat that cake on their own and can't understand someone not liking sweet stuff. lol
Sadly this summer our car broke down during our travels and I had to flag cars down to get help. They scrolled their phones to find local tow companies for us. After this event I broke down and bought a cell phone with a plan. We had to wait 3 hours on a highway for a tow truck. Once we arrived at the local car garage I asked where we could get a bus schedule as we would be without a car for 2-3 days. We were told all schedules are online and paper ones no longer exist. And no one could tell us where the bus stops were.
Yea I find the better middle ground is to have a smartphone, but making it as dumb as possible, such as having no social media or UA-cam installed, using Apple's ScreenTime to limit say Safari to like an hour a day, etc.
Apple has really improved a lot of its ScreenTime features so you can massively limit your phone to where it is just not that distracting (because there's no longer anything interesting on it), yet in cases of emergency like what you described, you can still do basic and possibly life-saving stuff.
Last week at a local restaurant, I watched as an extended family sat staring at their phones while waiting for the waitress to bring their food out. The kids and adults had no interaction as they all fiddled with their phones, except for who appeared to the grandfather. He was people watching in the restaurant, but the sad part was the fact no one in his family was talking to him as they all sat immersed in their screens.
This is all to common I'm afraid
I am not a grandfather, but this is my situation on every social occasion now.
i am about to put a comment same story as this , I saw last time also😢
My last human friend died last year and I threw my smartphone away afterwards. The only thing it was doing was recording my conversations and transforming them into a text file for further analysis. Life also becomes quieter and slow again without it so you can start to learn and enjoy simple things again.
I'm sorry you lost your friend
I am sorry to hear that you lost your friend!
I understand man. This is when we become our own best friend.
This was a perfect, beautiful comment. What is piece of mind worth?
My Smartphone is my company. My substitute for a family.
I’d be lonely without it.
People actually get very upset with you when they find out you don't have a phone. I got rid of mine about 8 years back and a family members wife asked me about it, and just shook her head and said "Oh, so you can look down on everyone that has a phone. So dumb." Lol. I told her that a little noise in my pocket (text) won't interrupt my life anymore and I like that. She was not amused. She's on it all day. Always has been.
You are exactly right.
My ex boyfriend used to get very offended if I wouldn’t drink alcohol with him when we were out. People don’t like having their addictions highlighted.
@@BanjoPixelSnackJust one reason why he's an ex?
Do you use a payphone when/if you need to make or receive a call?
People often really dislike when you are able to do something that they are unable or unwilling to do themselves.
This is 100% an important message Bjorn. Thank you so much for sharing it. I’m only 24, but I’m even considering getting rid of my smartphone. It’s so sad that everywhere I go, everyone’s heads are just down, looking at their phones.
You are wise
I use my phone for language learning by listening to radio in foreign countries and watching foreign movies and documentaries to help my language acquisition. Smart phones do have their benefits but you just have to discipline yourself. UA-cam gives you a graph on viewing time so give yourself a guideline. We are not children so control yourself.
I grew up in the 70/80's when mobile phones and sat navs had not been invented, I feel sorry for younger people who never lived without such. I used paper maps and drove thousands of miles without a phone to use in the event of a breakdown for example.
Now I can panic/become anxious if I've forgotten to take it with me. They are addictive is what I'm saying.
Just do it and don't give it second thought. I did it and my life has become so much better.
I'm 29 and feel the same way!
Going outside and reconnecting with the natural world seems to be a much better experience.
Having a smartphone doesn't stop people doing that.
How ironic i am out in the bush watching bjorn on my smartphone.i need help!
Thanks! I to agree and will soon get rid of my phone. I miss the days we’re people did not have them. The days were people use to visit on the porch, when people with kids that ate out would actually talk to there kids , instead of just being on the phone. Date ing back then was better also. Girls only had attention from you. Not 100 other guys at the same time. 🎉
Be safe.
Be safe.
I love your opening to videos with "Hi there." It's the cutest thing. My smartphone turned into a tablet. I got rid of the data plan and it only runs on wifi so it stays home. I have a dumb phone to take with me.
Great idea, me too
I was considering this...the main way they grabbed me was so many clients using WhatsApp now within the arts and freelance work which I can't use on a tablet...still I could take the plunge and just say sorry no WhatsApp! Worth a think.
I agree wholeheartedly. I gave up a cell phone years ago. We use a corded house phone due to my electrohypersensitivity. I also have not watched TV for over 30 years. I enjoy nature and reading actual books. You are correct about ill health effects. There exists decades of research and thousands of papers on radiation danger from Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc. I, too, become annoyed when someone visits and can't keep their noses out of their phone! Truly rude. How did we ever survive back when we didn't even have answering machines?? To me, not carrying a phone is freedom.
I have never owned a cellphone/smartphone Stephanie. It is sad that there are people today who never knew of a time where we all only had landlines and that was that. There was no internet and we had great happiness and freedom. I now only have a laptop and that's it. Being tracked 24/7 is no way to live!
@@ShadowMan66 I only got one when I was 51, for a job that required it. Otherwise, I probably never would have gotten one. I don't miss it one bit! And, I find it so disturbing that wherever you go, people are staring at their phones.... This tech we all use has sucked the humanity out of so many. Very sad.
@@stephaniegreen6888 I understand completely as now almost all jobs expect you to have a smartphone. I've also noticed (as my wife has to have one for her work too) how there are always confirmations to 'every' single appointment like people can no longer remember anything. When we grew up appointments were noted in a diary and attended. Also every service from blood tests to dentists appointments to Ubers etc all ask for a rating which if the people never gave then they'd have to stop doing it. This keeps people on the things longer too. It has sucked the humanity out of many...well said!
You are so right. And concerning the actual science on radiation from these devices, the towers etc. It must be the perfect example of how actual science is being framed as conspiracy theories while myths like there is no danger from these, are being portrayed as the actual science.
@@BjornAndreasBull-Hansen Years back, I became very ill, and had no idea what was happening. I stumbled upon a random YT video called Take Back Your Power, and after watching it, I looked to see if we had smart meters. Sure enough, we did. I had never heard of a smart meter, nor did I know about being sensitive to the pulsing, radiation, etc. The time of installation roughly correlated to my illness, so I started researching. I read a lot of Dr. Martin Pall, Dr. Magda Havas, and others. American doctors, useless as they are, have no clue as to electrosensitivity. Everything an American doctor can't explain gets marked as "anxiety"! I know you're very busy, but a very interesting book is The Invisible Rainbow (nothing to do with gender!! LOL). Also, The Body Electric, although that one is a bit dry and technical. Maybe one day we'll live in a world where people actually understand how their own bodies function, but we'll have to work on critical thinking first... Thank you for your videos- you are so rational and an example of what a man should be! Also, I enjoy the beauty of your country. I so wish I could travel!
Thank you for sharing the positives of life without a smart phone. And sharing this message, which is important. I’ve just been watching the 5G Summit (which is excellent BTW) and just wanted to throw in the health implications (beyond addiction). People are getting a lot of cancer from wearing these things. Agitation, aggression, depression, memory problems and even suicidal ideation are also issues associated with being constantly exposed to the microwave radiation. People need to switch them off when they’re not using them. It’s the final kick in the butt I need to get rid of mine (which I’ve been keeping for my business but it’s 100% worth the temporary pain of removal). It needs to be over.
Well said!
I agree I am so much happier and I just have a landline
@@renriley66 my wife's country don't even use landlines anymore. luckily we do here in UK still. we are a family of four, and it feels so nice when someone asks "can I speak to X please"... "yep I'll just get her for you". Also nice NOT to be disturbed whilst out :D
Lol that is some tinfoil hat BS.
@northernswedenstories1028 why are you here?
I don't have a smart phone and have no intentions of ever owning one. I had one like yours but switched back to a flip phone. I don't even carry it with me unless I'm expecting a call. I have too much life to experience to worry about missing a call. Much Love ❤
I couldn't agree more, Bjorn. We even have the same dumb-phone! When I used to commute to work I'd be the only person on the train just enjoying the views, in a carriage full of smartphone-zombies. I work with computers all day, I don't need to carry one in my pocket too! Bad for your mental wellbeing.
Exactly. I write 5-6 days a week and on the other days I film or edit a video. I figure that's enough screen time for me. It's not even healthy for your eye sight, staring at a screen for so many hours.
I did the same thing about 3 years ago also. The smartphone was a distraction for me as well. I work with my hands and the constant noises, beeps, etc., were killing my produciton.
I live in NH USA and I see and watch many Mom's Ignoring their kids even Babies under 2 years old- young children also trying to talk to their Mom who is pushing cart totally ignoring their children-- it is so sad to watch these children be ignored-- Sometimes I walk up and say Oh you have such beautiful children...JUST to make them notice they HAVE CHILDREN!
Oh my gosh. I feel the same way. I’m actually a mom, myself. I have a beautiful baby boy who is almost two. It hurts my heart to see so many parents glued to their phones 😢
Thank you Bjorn for everything you do
I do not own a cellular telephone. The "Zombie Apocalypse" movies have all been a metaphor. We are in it!!!
I had to smile at at one of your true comments, Bjorn. Recently I had to visit hospital and I contradicted the doctor’s choice of some medication he wished me to have (which I do not and will not use). I knew (from my own learned knowledge) the contraindications in its use in people of my age…..HE spent ages (not seeing/hearing me) scrolling ‘Google’ on his Smartphone and irritated to check this!!!! I was right. I do have a Smartphone…only for emergency use…it’s to expensive now to use “Pay as you Go” ‘dumb phones’ because people keep everyone waiting for hours to answer their phones. All the comments you make are correct. Thank You for another great video. X
I am amazed at how many people are using their smart phones constantly. I rarely see someone sitting and taking in their surroundings be it outdoors or in a building, restaurant or home. Friends and clients of mine are provoked by the fact that I do not own a television. They just stare at me amazed and then suggest a TV show that "I must watch"! 🤣 Takk for denne flotte videoen, Bjørn!
I have met up with friends and after a few minutes they say oh you have left your phone at home or lost it as im the only one not looking at one.
hi Bjorn, i,ve never had a smartphone, got a wee nokia. i,m 56 and managed fine so far. love the channel Bjorn, keep going m8.
Bjorn, Im 68 and lived without a cell phone till around 2013. When I was younger of course Noone had a cell phone and we survived all those years ! Everyone today is constantly looking at one. It is rude when you are with someone and they cant put it away ! It was better without them ! Life was better...
I have a smartphone, I don't use any social media and unless you count UA-cam as it that's all I do on my phone pretty much just podcasts with a Bluetooth headphone in, I understand the importance of having moments of quiet reflection in your life and I fully respect anyone's refusal to assimilate ❤
I don't consider UA-cam to be social media. Although YT really, really wants us creators to treat it like one.
@@BjornAndreasBull-HansenUA-cam has definitely impacted my life in a positive way, i would of never found your channel if not for bullshit 'lockdown' in the UK while looking for likeminded freedom loving people aka 'dissidents'
I would definitely aim to reduce your youtube consumption though, say to 30 mins to an hour a day. Often people will delete social media just to spend as much time on here. Just remain mindful of your daily consumption and make sure to create more than you consume👍🏻🙏
I've never owned one period. I like to know that when I'm out and around that my activity isn't being tracked. Never, never, NEVER!
Without my smart phone I wouldn't get to see my favorite Bjorn. How can I see you without a smart phone or smart computer. I hate my new computer, my new maintenance job is based on plc tjat is similar to smart phones. I like old school stuff furing things out
Only if you're outside the urban environment. Cameras are ubiquitous now, take a look at any traffic light, roundabout streetlight, corner store shop front, even just regular suburban houses...
A lot of what you are talking about happening these days are almost exactly what my grandfather would tell me was gonna happen in our many conversations we would have when i was a child. We had these talks after dark with all the lights turned off. My eyes were so adjusted to the dark, it would seem the whole kitchen would clearly light up whenever he took a drag of his cigarette. Funny the things that stand out in distant memory
Smart phones have changed what it means to be a human being. We no longer communicate person to person. We have to go through the machine interface. Well over a decade ago I would meet high level IT professionals through my employment as an electrical engineer. I would make this statement to them; In 100 years historians, if they still exist, will write that the electronics revolution will go down in history as the worst thing every to happen to mankind. They all did the same thing in reply. They would furrow their brow, look down, think for a moment or two, look back at me and say "You're right". Sad.
Just wait til they start putting chips into peoples brains, so many people would line up for it. :/
It's hard NOT to have a smart phone. I was the last person I know to have gotten one. You are so right about all of this. Phones have become the go to for EVERYTHING! Taxes, banking, jobs (I worked UberEats) I wish we could go back to the80's/ 90's. I truly believe that was the best of times. My son's father can't live with out a TV or phone on 24/7, freaks out and has panik attacks. It's so bad.
It's funny because it makes certain things much easier (like doing taxes, looking up phone numbers and directions, research) that we forget how much time we are actually losing by using them. It's not 'efficient' if we are wasting 5 hours on it in a day. It would actually be more time efficient to do most things the old fashion way and have hours of extra time left over still to do whatever with. Exercise, read, spend time in nature, be present with people, pray, visit neighbors, garden, learn a skill. But instead we are convincing ourselves we are being more efficient so we can't give it up.
Smartphones are an addictation, OCD ... it sucks when you talk with even family and they just look at the screen. As you said - the era of meaningful deep conversations seem over.
Every day, I am amazed at seeing everybody sunken into their phones, and saddened. On perfectly beautiful days, their minds are funneled into these tiny objects, and they are fooled into thinking that they are out in the universe. People who live without smart phones, or at least use them minimally, really are thinking outside the box.
Your 100 % spot Bjorn thank you Sir for addressing this very sad for sure
I've never owned a smartphone. Had a dumb phone a few years. It's unbelievable the symptoms that come with proximity to smartphones. I get dizzy, nauseous (a symptom of breaking the brain barrier), various pains in the leg and brain fog. I can feel microwaves swell over me like a wave and suffer fast heartbeat and pounding heart, sometimes pain in the sternum. Bluetooth hearing aids can do the same thing and I found profound relief when I got rid of them. Thanks to you Bjorn for documenting your experiences without a smartphone. I found this interesting.
I remember these gadgets being described as "electronic heroin"....ie they are changing the way our brain functions, both individually and collectively....
I remember how dismayed I was a few years ago when in a hospital waiting room there was a book shelf. A little girl was begging her mom to let her read a book. The mom said something like, that's way over your head. Kids are always on smartphones and iPhones...I take public transportation frequently and usually carry a book with me. I'm not smartphone free...but when the government sent me a smartphone and tablet I packed them away in a box...I do not do 5G, and I'm not doing it on their terms.
I have never owned a smartphone, I can just about work a laptop and I am only in my 40's. I am more than happy to let the technology leave me behind.
Thought provoking. Thank you for your videos. They feel grounded and balancing. What a wonderful role to play in our transition.
I have the same kind of phone you have! I never answer incoming calls. I use it to call my doctors and keep in touch with my daughter. Never had a smart phone. Never will. Stay safe and healthy Bjorn. 👍
Thank you for sharing so many valuable and vital points here Bjorn. I remember vowing to myself that I would never get a smartphone - and yet I inevitably did! I am very aware of the addictive, dissociative tendancies that these devices promote. I personally set very clear boundaries with my usage, in company and in private yet I am still seeing a dependancy that does not sit well with my heart. The level of integration now with these devices is on a whole other level that is so difficult for many to extract themselves from socially and economically. The laziness factor is so true - there is alway another way through if you have the energy and motivation to seek it. Thank you again for your grounded truth telling!
For what its worth, i don't own a smart phone either, just one that can txt and ring people. i tried a smart phone for about a week, 4 yrs ago, and gave it away. I used to work in a hotel, and you would see families sitting at the tables waiting for food all on their phones, not even talking to each other.... and you mentioned peoples bad attitudes, i think some of the younger generation just dont know how to act around other people. so many are so rude, so angry and so needy.. i have only been subscribed to you for a short while, but i really enjoy your content. regards Jon
I am with you on this. I have no phone at all Not even a landline. I only have a computer that my kids gave me because they are worried about me not staying in touch. I really don't want or need any phone that's for sure. Cheers
The social pressure to have a smart phone and be on social media is intense. Maybe it makes a difference what your local community is like. Where I live we communicate so much through FB that it's difficult to even function without it. I agree with you 100% about people not being present. I need to be intentional about not having UA-cam on when the kids are with me. I hate being on social media for the most part but here I am listening to yours truly while I stand in my kitchen baking bread. I am actually very busy but it's not from my smartphone. I milk a cow, homeschool, cook from scratch, work as a custodian/house keeper outside my home and I do not have any paid outside help. I have 3 children still at home and 2 that recently moved out. I find having an old world lifestyle in a modern society challenging. I am doing slow life things in a fast paced world. You can't really have it all. If you want to be "involved" in your community you have the opportunity to run constantly, so, I try to say no to as many things as I can and still have some friends. You don't provoke me Bjorn, you inspire and challenge me. Thank you for this video!
Love listening to your words, Bjorn. This one made me laugh a few times because, your 'spot-on' with your assessments. Stay strong, my friend.😉😊
A couple of years ago I was in a shopping centre going for groceries, out front of the supermarket is a table and chairs, 8 people aged between about 22 to 28 yrs old were sitting at the table and not one of them was talking to each other, they were all on their phones, very sad people, I said to a lady sitting close by about these fools not talking and she did as I did and laughed at the stupidity of it.
About 2 months ago I watched this video and it finally gave me a kickstart to switch from smart phone to basic phone at age 27. At first it felt quite scary because of the addiction that almost every single human being nowadays have, at least in western world. About a week later, fears were gone and I started to realize that all the "problems" that would come upon getting rid of the smart phone was non-existent. I actually started to be way more aware of my surroundings during the day, my sleep improved a lot (switched from scrolling a phone to physical book before going to sleep), my concentration improved and there is so much more positives, life generally feels more fun now. At this point I don't find any reason to switch back to a smart phone, I don't even find any practical use to that little device anymore which feels kind of weird because earlier I thought "how can i live without it" haha. Tusen takk Bjorn, greetings from Finland :)
I also have a dumb, or burner phone. The problem is at some point soon, you won't be able to access banking or other services, or spend money without the smartphone
13 years without a phone. People don’t believe me when I say , I don’t have a phone. People ask me, how do I get through life without a phone. My reply is always; just adequately. I don’t base my life on other people’s expectations.
Yes, and that's the process I'm in now, I guess. I might skip even the dumbphone.
Banking etc must be hard. They are making it more and more difficult to do anything that isn’t online.
Very true.. I hope this thing would hopefully somehow change in the years to come..
most people wont quit. but i have multiple friends here in sweden 18-22 years old who have this summer deleted all social media and even most of the time leaving their phone at home. and it's really nice to see
The last one I had was a flip phone, so I think I have you beat by a few years. Lol
Never looked back and will never get one again. I watch kids in the same room texting each other when they could be engaged in a real conversation face to face. Sad really.
Well, from the beginning I have found the "analog life" better, more beautiful, than the digital one. All nuances, looks of understanding, meaningful little smiles, the flavor of the atmosphere, are missing in that digital contact. And yet so often it's the little things that mean the most, right?
I carry a smartphone, don't use it to tell time, but I do carry a faraday phone case. When in nature I put it in the case. I have test it. Thanks for the video, stay safe!!!
I have encountered everything that you say about "smart" phones. Many relationships have ended in my life because of the lack of attention/short attention span etc. that you outline. But I stand with you on this...and much much more.....respect.
I admire your choice Bjorn, and I think your viewers here understand that you can have a smartphone but still realize the effect it can have on you and define boundaries in their lifestyle on how much you let it interfere with your life. I have one and bring it everywhere but I learned to not to let it get in the way of living in the present and enjoying my lifes special moments. Memories are not made through a smartphone camera lens. I see many people especially younger ones who are always checking it and I know their lives would be better if they stopped the preoccupied pointless scrolling and trivial discourse on social media. Some seem to be so plugged in to screens that they forget to go out and live their lives. I used to be that way but now I notice I am much happier and healthier.
An integral human being, not infected by virality and tech-invasion. Our smatphones are becoming a terrible appendix of our brains... A little brain in our pockets every single day, buzzing any time. To get used to smartphones no-end I had to deal with a terrible stomach ache that turned into a worse sickness at the stomach, which I have been able to overcome though... Just a hell of Apps either down or up and continuous electrical feeding needs, recharching needs like a little baby right in your pocket. This man is perfectly right in living without a smartphone... Thanks for showing us.
I quit social media cold turkey every year for Lent and it is so refreshing. I need to do it more than just 6 weeks a year. Hardly anyone even notices when you are offline. They are all in their own bubbles.
I will be moving back to Lithuania after 17 years in the UK, growing up from 9 years old here. Cannot wait to surround myself with nature and maybe try to cut down phone usage by clearing out junk and dumb apps. Only necessities.
I agree, i noticed the amount of time i received when i quit using. Then watching others the amount people who can't stop looking at it. I thought of switching to a flip phone to help change the habit. Thank you for sharing
The simplicity of your messages is refreshing, two months ago I disconnected from a mobile phone. I realised it was becoming a convenience for everyone else. I don't like the track and trace, listening in on conversations, 5G frequency. I was not taking it with me when leaving the house and so decided it was a waste of money of monthly payments. I find much of the same outcomes as you mentioned, and have more money in my pocket for getting out into the wilderness. Enjoying the free things that we can all enjoy in nature. My laptop is more manageable for time restrictions. Thank you Bjorn for being so humble in sharing your message.
I admire you. You put your values before views and money and you don't compromise. Not many people left like that.🙂
You are a very wise man. Eagerly waiting for my "dumb phone" to come in the mail
I agree with your perspective on individuals becoming excessively emotional and aggressive when interacting on the internet due to their accustomed behavior of engaging in online trash talking and being rude, while facing no immediate consequences. This behavior can become ingrained and persist when they communicate with others in person, leading to confrontational situations.
I hear you...ive never owned a cell phone either, i have a computer but its old and useless, im shocked at how everyone is hypnotized and stuck on their phones everywhere, even at restaurants, all on their phone, at home...same thing...its like no one talks to each other anymore. Great strength and freedom is priceless in any situation where one feels they need to be.
Norway is beautiful ❤️. Thanks for showing it Bjorn. Bless you and your family. NATURE
I grew up without all the computers of today so I can see the problems they have caused. For a long time, I had only a flip phone but for the last few years a smartphone. I don't use it very much so when this phone breaks I will go back to the flip phone if I need to do anything else I will use my PC. Next year I will be on the road full-time in my RV van and enjoy the outdoors for the rest of my life. Take care, Bjorn.
As always Bjorn you are absolutely right when you say cell phones are an addiction like drugs and alcohol, it is that simple and no you are NOT boring just telling it as it is and people are just lost in what is happening especially the last 3 years if you know what I mean, keep telling the truth Bjorn even if the younger generation think they know it all and what you are doing out there is the best and nature IS the best healer.......THANKS 😉
Thank you! And now I need some bacon, haha!
I had a dumb phone for years ($10 a month pay per minute) but when it finally died and my income dropped a relative provided me a smart phone and pays the cost, bless him. I use it for calls only and some texts (about 5 per week). I do like the camera. I will not be a slave to a phone. Wherever I go, I'm often the only one that doesn't have my head down.
Just love your voice, energy and authenticity.
You’re not boring. You’re thoughtful and measured, and that rhythm and mindset is the exact opposite of what is promoted by popular culture. I would really enjoy a conversation with you, as would, I’m certain, your other over half a million followers.
Most social media uses don't even notice all pictures have filters now. And that is just the tip of the issues.
@Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen I'm glad to see that you are feeling better now.I was very concerned for your well being when you were not feelng well.I had never seen you like that before.I consider you an inspiration and a source of knowledge my fellow outdoorsman.I really look forward to your posts.Stay well my friend.
Got you beat there, I'm 70 years without a smart phone 😉! I don't like the way they affect people - and that includes people my own age i.e. two friends came to visit that I hadn't seen for over two years and one couldn't leave her phone alone. Also, I'm SO glad they weren't around when I was a student and glad to be well away from parental control!
Thank you for this video. I have deleted my social accounts for a few years now, and already notice a huge difference in my daily life. I don't have any problem not being on my phone when I'm around people or when I'm alone, it's just in emotional difficult times I tend to want to escape somewhere, and then there's that damn phone as an easy outlet. Inspiring to hear people like you speak on this.
I've never had a smartphone, they stop you seeing what's going on above and around you.
I haven't had a smart phone or any cell phone for about 3 years as well, I only have a landline. I feel like I have re-engaged in life, I have made very similar observations as you. I'm off grid most of the spring, summer and fall and several weeks throughout the winter. I don't think I will ever own a smart phone again.
I am 57 and have only ever used a basic cell phone. I don't really enjoy using it and only use it when necessary. The only social media I consume would be a small number of channels I watch on you tube. I lead a very basic, simple life in a way but it has meaning to me and brings me enjoyment. In the end I don't really care what other people think it is my life.
Truly amazing. I'm on three years of Not watching tv. Next level , no phone. The problem is, as a contractor, I rely on my phone for business.
I like to leave mine in a drawer turned off and get on with my day. Other days I will doom scroll and see how much time I’ve wasted which just infuriates me. I’m not on Instagram or Facebook but noticed my attention span was especially poor after Tik Tok. I deleted the app very quickly and got back to life! Love your videos. Thanks for posting. Very wise person
Traded in my smartphone about 5 years ago for a flip phone. Call/text only. I have an iPad as my computer that stays home. My flip phone got left out in the rain two days ago🤣 doesn’t work now, oh well. If people didn’t have the constant distractions, they would be forced, at times to sitting with their thoughts, their lives and choices, discovering things about themselves, they may not be comfortable with. 😏 yup so, for a lot of folks, it’s a drug of choice, to escape reality, their reality.
I don't know how or what way Norway will deal with this, but I suspect that in the U.S. here having a phone or type of device may one day be required for people to have so the authorities can know where they are at all times.
It won't be required! What would they do?! It's the same with this C-Thing and the va**ines! You don't have to! And that is what the people nowdays have to learn again! Say No to things you don't want! We have a own will!
Norway will do that before the USA for sure
@@belstar1128 I am sure this is true. It's been a long time since I've visited over there. I think the U.S. here will try it before Norway though.
Well, if so I will send it back and kindly tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Norway gives it's citizens more freedom than the USA, traditionally. We saw that during Covid as well.
The smart phone is one of the most misused technological advancements in human history, literally an information network in your pocket and we use it for porn and uber-eats 💀
rumour is that now uber eats accepts welfare as payment.
@@1439315 What do you mean? You assuming america is the world again? Welfare payments get paid into your bank account, you pay using your bank account...
The most disturbing thing is the tracking and data collection of the consumer.
Don’t forget the cat videos 🐈⬛
43 yrs old danish man here. I have never owned a smartphone. I higly recomend it. 💪
Smart person
Very true, especially the effects that the constant use of smartphones has on cognition and mental and physical health. As soon as we distract ourselves with these technologies, we do miss out on parts of our here and now. I agree that you can have a fuller and more joyful experience of nature, if you decide not to use your smartphone when out in nature, unless necessary. Loved the way you ended your message with the words, "Cease the day."
You might appreciate the Smartphones playlist in my channel.
If I’m talking to someone or visiting someone & they are constantly on their phone, I simply say goodbye, I’ll come back later when you are not so busy.
I too have an old fashioned phone, it’s simply for emergencies when I’m out, like if the car breaks down. I do all my internet at home on my iPad.
People today seem to almost be terrified of being unplugged from social media, it’s sad really. As for me, I prefer real people to talk to, dogs to cuddle, a garden or nature walk for peace of mind.
Never had a smartphone, my last cellphone was a flip-phone. I noticed the addiction displayed by the vast majority of users and rid myself of it. Best of luck to everyone who maintains their electronic leash.
I have been working on a more analog lifestyle in the past 1.5 years. After my mom passed in 2023, I see the world in a different light and see that I have been distracted by the apps and screens and switched over to a dumb phone in December of 2024. In 2025 I will be focusing on more productivity life. Thanks for putting out great content!
Admire and love the fact you have kept your identity.
Thank you for the great talk. Always a pleasure!!!
Thank you for your honesty it is much appreciated.
I've not had a smartphone for - i think around two years now - Like you pointed out, Bjørn, it really opened my eyes to how much most other people are blindly, seemingly endlessly staring at their smartphones.
You sit on a bus. All people under 50 have their eyes glued to the smart phones. Everyone!
Thank you for your videos! You're so right about everything you say. Thanks again for your positive talks.
😮well I have to admit I am hooked on the phone😮. I am watching this video on my phone.
I did stop looking at my phone at night going to bed. I read a bit then sleep. This works out well for sure😊 I am a YT creator.
When I was younger I wrote poems often, now I don’t, this bothers me. I want to write again, reducing my time looking at my SP will help. Thanks and take care😊
Hello Bjorn. I've never had a smart phone. It's a waste of money and I don't want to stare into the abyss. I have a home phone, and I wear a digital watch. My dad was from Oslo. You are more in the present without it. I see everything that goes on around me. I see everyone looking down as well....letting life pass them by. It's not boring, it's actually intelligent. I'm living in Canada, and people are extremely addicted to their phones here too.
I don't have a smartphone too, and I hope I won't be forced to buy one ever. I live in the middle of the medieval tuscan countryside and not having to deal with that constant nuisance in my pockets makes me enjoy my land even more.
You are blessed.I unfortunately live in a large modern city where everything is required on technology
I discovered this channel just as I was researching this topic. I have always had a voice inside me that whispered the moment to detach the pervasion of the smartphone from the true essence of life. Realizing this is the first step, the second is the courage to make the switch off. So i already bought a "dumb phone" and i'm using in alternate mode with smartphone.. step by step i'll reach the goal.
The biggest problem is for the new generations who have not lived through periods before all this. A generation without creativity..
Respect for your point of view. I was a late commer to a smart phone & have no problems with it. I try to keep it to an aid to travelling , like finding places where you make your vlogs . To make it short, you just need some discipline on how you use it.
Bra Björn!
People need to start thinking how deep this goes.
Hälsning ifrån Sverige.