I asked the generational ship question! You understood my question correctly - I also think Brandon misunderstood. Thanks for discussing it in depth, I thought it was an interesting question lol
Maybe I'm stupid, but I just don't understand how Sanderson misunderstood the question. I genuinely cannot figure out the issue with the answer as presented.
@@paconotacoI mean he’s on stage in front of thousands of people hearing questions over a sound system. There are 50 explanations for how he could misunderstand the question
@shannonweeks3008 that wasn't what I meant. What I mean is how is the answer that Sanderson gave not a satisfactory answer to the question as presented. I thought it made sense to me, but apparently that's what not op was after, so I'm confused what the issue is with Sanderson's response.
Just thinking about Hoid using his own name so much, he does run around the Cosmere and often does have a big emotional impact on people. Imagine if someone named their kid after him. And they grow up and now Odium or Autonomy discovers this new Hoid. I don't know if Sanderson would do it to avoid confusion, but it would be funny to have a Shard or maybe the 17th Shard or a Fused convinced this farmer is actually Hoid and reading a lot into their every move.
"I don't know why Roshar is beards though" Spheres, which are used to hold investiture. That's why I do think there is some degree of tie to the local investiture, but highly highly shaped by how people see it. In the absence of a local investiture source there is probably some default version of the Shadesmar sea that is analogous to how land seems to be consistently obsidian.
I feel like the Larkin/Lancerin qualify as lesser dragons. They aren't quite dragons but definitely created in the image of dragons. They are bug/crab dragons. And they are clearly intelligent thanks to their spren bond.
I think you'll find the analysis videos to be more your jam. I don't intend to censor anyone who dislikes a media property (ultimately, it's a story, people dislike stuff all the time) but can understand you not wanting critique of a thing you really liked! -Eric
@@17thShard I'm fine with criticism, and honestly I even agreed with a lot of what they were saying in the review pods. It's just when I seek out content to spend more time with a book/series I love It's not entertaining to watch them talk over each other to get out their complaints and criticism, but then when it comes time to talk about the stuff they liked they all just go "yea that was cool" and move on. If they had as much Passion as they did Odium It'd be great still. Either way, thank you guys for all you do for this community.
Yeah, that is always tough. A lot of times when something is good, it's a lot shorter to explain, whereas the bad stuff it's like, WHY didn't this work for me type of stuff. All good that that isn't your jam for sure, absolutely makes sense! -Eric
I think shinnovar was muddy because it was soil unlike the rest of the planet due to the high storm petering out over the mountains. But since there wasnt any plants adapted to soil there to absorb the water, it stayed kinda perpetually muddy
With the talk of spren changing into new concepts I had a thought while reading Wind and Truth where in a Tanavast chapter that took place 8000 years ago Honor and Cultivation created the 10 radiant spren and that made me think about Inkspren. There is no way that on the wettest planet in the Cosmere, when the Singer civilazation was still hunter gatherers, that ink or even the paper that ink would be used on would exist at that time. Sure Tanavast and Koravelium probably knew what ink was, but they would be the only ones on the whole planet (and with the tech level we see from the Ashyn humans, probably the whole system as well). I don't even know that the newly created Inkspren would know what ink even was, so they had to have been different before the invetion of ink. Like, maybe they were Engravingspren? Oraltraditionspren? It would have to be a spren of however the Singers (and then the Ashynites) recorded information, like what ink is used for Regardless, I think this spren death/changing event happened to create the Inkspren
I’ve always viewed inkspren as the spren of expressing ideas (debate, speeches, etc.). I don’t think they’re any more inherently connected to ink as, say, mistspren are to mist (=certainty/unknowns) or lightspren to light (=freedom/agency). I like your suggestion of Oraltraditionspren.
If Night Brigade can turn Sigzil into a Hoid detector with hemalurgy, it sounds easier to go from a sunheart to a normal power granting spike. The specific mechanics of hemalurgy we see in era 1 are, I think, a special case of a more general power to steal investiture and do stuff with it. I think Khriss says that hemalurgy is the most cosmere relevant metallic art, so it makes sense.
Loving these weekly episodes, thanks for all the effort you're putting in! ❤ Generation ships idea is fascinating; I think rather than 'moving' the cognitive distances would simply morph over time (depending how aware people on-board and on origin/destination planets are of relative distances)
It was the dawn of the fifth era of the Cosmere. Urithiru 5 was our last best chance for peace. But we failed. (Que footage of Unmade spaceships blasting at stuff)
You guys forgot that Vasher also called hoid "Dust" in Words of Radiance, when Kaladin visits hin near the end of the book while injured. And the conncection to Hoid is made clear Kaladin says "hey, have you seen wit around?" And vasher says "what, that old fool, Dust?" To audio book readers it might not be clear he was refering to hoid under pseudonym "Dust" but it is fairly obvious while reading.
@dookieshoe2905 I only say that because a couple of my audio book listener friends have random words that are capitalized go over their heads. Especially from a character like vasher who uses out of place idioms and similes all the time, might just not be obvious that he is saying a name. I do agree it should be obvious
@@17thShard maybe it was just you misspeaking cause you said when he refers to him as dust in rhythm of war? Does he even do that in that scene? Lol, I also can't rmemeber
For the Sunheart question, I don't think you could just stand the Sunheart and get the Investiture. What Brandon says at the end is important. The Sunheart is an Investiture ZIP file, it's compressed and encrypted. You need a method to decompress and unencrypted the investiture, then you can use a Spike to steal from it.
Oh, I understood it more like you can spike a sunheart, the zipped file for the magic aspect sticks to the spike, but the person it gets stapled onto needs to figure out or be taught the unzippy part. For reasons of the soul being canticle.zipped into the sunheart in the first place.
In regards to the sun heart hemalurgy question, what if the method of charging the spike with the sun heart is the method navani uses with the tuning forks in RoW. The sun hearts are described as glasslike which reminds me of spheres and they contain investiture…
I agree with Eric on the generational ship debate. It would take maybe a generation, but something would form in the CR. I think it would look like an island moving between the subastrals. It would probably be a variation on the planet of orgin's subastral.
With all of the spren talk, it makes me wonder what the effects of the new Oathpact would be on the spren. It was used to protect the current existing spren; would this also keep them safe from being altered through sapient perception or specifically just from Retribution?
1:44:00 what if a cosmere aware planet w/o perpendicularity or ftl thought they were physically next door to Scadrial but were on the other side of the cosmere in the physical realm. Where would the subastral be in the cognitive?
I got a Word of Karen at DSNX. I asked about how Lift's aviar got away from her again and if that was a retcon. Karen (paraphrasing as I didn't write down the exact wording): Brandon said a bunch of times that Lift got the aviar back around the time Rhythm came out. When he came to write Wind and Truth he basically forgot this. When I pointed out he had said it was back with Lift, he liked the new way better and as it wasn't solidified on the page we decided to leave it. But I did tell him and he went with the aviar gone still. So a sort of retcon. ----- That's what the answer was to the best of my recollection!
If hemalergy = investiture surgery: then 1) curing curses is now a point of fact. 2) I will be filing a class action mal-practice lawsuit against Dr. The Lord Ruler on behalf of of the steal inquisiters and their constitute parts/victims.
It feels so good to get a WTCC right when everyone on the show struggles. I forgot that E.L. was known as a gambler as well. Guessed him on clue 3 though, so I fortunately wasnt stumped.
Regarding the space - cognative realm thing , I'd imagine it depends heavily on Connection. If someone was born on a ship, will live their whole life and then die on that ship, thats their home. But I think the really curious part would be as the original population who knew Roshar (or whatever the starting destination is) would spawn a "roshar-y subastral", would the next generation's different Connection cause that to warp? Based on the lack of understanding of this question from Brandon, I doubt he's even thought about this in much detail but i'd love to get some more info!
The Generation Ship question reminded me of a question I have. Currently, distances in the Cognitive Realm are very small relative to the Physical because the cognitive doesn't include the space between worlds with thinking beings. But as awareness of space and the vast distances involved increases, shouldn't the cognitive realm expand to match the greater awareness. There'll be some fiddliness, because knowing that Andromeda is 2.5 mil light years, doesn't mean you have an actual grasp of what that distance means, but I feel like there should be some reflection.
Wind and Truth Spoiler Warning: Not sure if this comes up, only 12 minutes in, but now I’m thinking about what Taravangium is going to be like (Retribution metal)
In terms of the 3/10 for the sunheart question my impression when Brandon said it was him rating the difficulty of how hard it was for him to answer the question and figure out the mechanics rather than how hard it would be to actually do the thing. I don't think it any way changes the conversation, i just don't have a better 2 cents to throw in to this one haha. Mr. Suit was also a gambler when young; the exploding butler mentions it and that he stopped even though he was good at it and that was a sign of maturity (trying to get wax to stop lawman stuff). How do i know this? Randomly doing an era 2 reread after WaT haha.
Ok nightblood is not a normal metal really gives merit to my theory god medals are non stable variable isotopes stabilized by investiture. So each has a natural metal and applying enough investiture allows more neutrons to stay on
for the karen wob, i read it as "idk if we have seen any otherw with the curse of kind, oh but i can tell you this separate thing for sure which is that we haven't seen siah aimians"
Damn, the generation ship discussion is awesome. Someone needs to re-ask this question to Brandon with better wording so he doesn't go off on a tangent about a spren-generation ship spontaneously generating itself in the Cognitive Realm. Which is insane btw, it's kinda crazy that that's the thought Brandon went down lmao. I see why he went that way, but it's crazy
Regarding the Sunheart Hemalurgy; I think what's going on there is, rather the person's spiritweb just being left to float around in the Spiritual Realm and eventually begin to decay the way it would when a person dies normally, it remains attached to the Sunheart, getting compressed and squished by all the other Investiture now packed into the Sunheart. This way, the soul remains attached to the Physical Realm and the bindpoints still exist within the Sunheart, which you could leverage to get the power out. All you'd need to do is find some way to uncompress the soul so you can actually spike the correct bindpoint. As for how they actually spike the Sunheart, If i recall correctly the Sunhearts are described to be like amber, and this might just be a misconception on my part but I took that to mean that its soft relative to other rocks and would gouge rather than chip if you struck it, meaning you coul potentially spike it without causing it to shatter.
The whole reason there are anyworld hoppers is because the cognitive space between worlds is tiny were talking walkable dostance not even horse and carriage. It just seems like the most obvious thing in the world to me that if there were people in betweeen worlds, a generational ship, the cognitive would expand and a subastral would be created.
Cognitive space isn't necessarily tiny. The whole point of Emberdark is exploring the space between subastrals and its apparently big enough they need a "spaceship" to get through it. Remember that another reason people can walk between planets is that time works differently in there. Felt leaves Scadrial in Era 1 time and ends up on Roshar in Era 2 time. So yes he walked but he walked for 340 years (disclaimer: I don't have a source confirming he specifically walked).
Fun Fact: The dragons in How to Train your dragon Books are completely sapient and talk. In fact it's integral to the plot. The way Hiccup trains his dragon is talking to him because Hiccup happens to know dragoneese. He gets in a bit of trouble for it because the "vikings way" is to yell at their dragon. P.S. David Tenet reads tge audio books and it's worth listening for that reason alone.
1:33:20 I disagree that that’s the only way, the wording was definitely ambiguous by saying “Generation ship. What would it take for something like that to emerge in the Cognitive Realm” definitely sounds like they are asking about making a ship spontaneously manifest in the Cognitive Realm, especially given the previous question about stuff like cognitive versions of stories appearing.
40:57 i think you are overthinking earth culture and political terms. The Elantrian cultures would each get influenced by their own magics and therefore their individual cultural identities and thus mitigate the effects of cultural or population exchange. That would prevent the kind of mergers or fusion or takeover that you imagine unless it is done by force i.e. cultural genocide.
But how much does having unique magic prevent a cultural melting pot from happening. If each state had their own magic system, would they ever have united into one nation culturally?
Here's the problem with catboys and catgirls, they be made with hemalergy. We already kinda have dog people... soo get ready the cat boy/girl body horror
I asked the generational ship question! You understood my question correctly - I also think Brandon misunderstood. Thanks for discussing it in depth, I thought it was an interesting question lol
Hey, glad to hear it! Thanks for the interesting question! -Eric
Sanderson's answer was still really interesting, even with the misunderstanding.
Maybe I'm stupid, but I just don't understand how Sanderson misunderstood the question. I genuinely cannot figure out the issue with the answer as presented.
@@paconotacoI mean he’s on stage in front of thousands of people hearing questions over a sound system. There are 50 explanations for how he could misunderstand the question
@shannonweeks3008 that wasn't what I meant. What I mean is how is the answer that Sanderson gave not a satisfactory answer to the question as presented. I thought it made sense to me, but apparently that's what not op was after, so I'm confused what the issue is with Sanderson's response.
"Endowment stuff is designed to go in stuff! That's a true!"
This is why Eric is qualified to run this podcast
Just thinking about Hoid using his own name so much, he does run around the Cosmere and often does have a big emotional impact on people. Imagine if someone named their kid after him. And they grow up and now Odium or Autonomy discovers this new Hoid. I don't know if Sanderson would do it to avoid confusion, but it would be funny to have a Shard or maybe the 17th Shard or a Fused convinced this farmer is actually Hoid and reading a lot into their every move.
that'd be so funny as just a short story
Imagine running into someone whoso life is full of odd occupancies, and mysterious people watching thrm
I'm glad Argent clarified who he is otherwise I would have been very confused
"I don't know why Roshar is beards though"
Spheres, which are used to hold investiture. That's why I do think there is some degree of tie to the local investiture, but highly highly shaped by how people see it. In the absence of a local investiture source there is probably some default version of the Shadesmar sea that is analogous to how land seems to be consistently obsidian.
I feel like the Larkin/Lancerin qualify as lesser dragons. They aren't quite dragons but definitely created in the image of dragons. They are bug/crab dragons. And they are clearly intelligent thanks to their spren bond.
I agree with this too.
I've never been more in tune with Shannon
That "hm" after argent had been yapping, for who knows how long, made me belly laugh
Hell yeah Grace is here.
I've been itching for a new WOB video. Perfect timing on this one.
Ah hell yeah it’s WOB time
Thank you for leaving most of your W&T hangups out of this week's pod. I am very grateful to be able to enjoy your content again.
I think you'll find the analysis videos to be more your jam. I don't intend to censor anyone who dislikes a media property (ultimately, it's a story, people dislike stuff all the time) but can understand you not wanting critique of a thing you really liked! -Eric
@@17thShard I'm fine with criticism, and honestly I even agreed with a lot of what they were saying in the review pods. It's just when I seek out content to spend more time with a book/series I love It's not entertaining to watch them talk over each other to get out their complaints and criticism, but then when it comes time to talk about the stuff they liked they all just go "yea that was cool" and move on. If they had as much Passion as they did Odium It'd be great still.
Either way, thank you guys for all you do for this community.
Yeah, that is always tough. A lot of times when something is good, it's a lot shorter to explain, whereas the bad stuff it's like, WHY didn't this work for me type of stuff. All good that that isn't your jam for sure, absolutely makes sense! -Eric
Night Blood may have changed when he absorbed Odium / Rayse
It chipped Ishar's Honorblade before that though. I am sure consuming Rayse did *something*, but Nightblood was already weird by that point.
46:40 god metals in crem
When I heard this wob on the stream I immediately wanted cremposting to become tanavastiumposting
Or Koravelium Avastiumposting
Now it's gonna be Taravangiumposting.
@@ArtsOfAntarestaravangium-ium if we really wanna make it silly
I am so glad Shardcast exists ❤
I think shinnovar was muddy because it was soil unlike the rest of the planet due to the high storm petering out over the mountains. But since there wasnt any plants adapted to soil there to absorb the water, it stayed kinda perpetually muddy
I think the steel in NB is replaced just like how the physical form of a vessel is replaced when they pick up a shard
Hey I completed noita for the first time while listening to this, thank you for the company
With the talk of spren changing into new concepts I had a thought while reading Wind and Truth where in a Tanavast chapter that took place 8000 years ago Honor and Cultivation created the 10 radiant spren and that made me think about Inkspren. There is no way that on the wettest planet in the Cosmere, when the Singer civilazation was still hunter gatherers, that ink or even the paper that ink would be used on would exist at that time. Sure Tanavast and Koravelium probably knew what ink was, but they would be the only ones on the whole planet (and with the tech level we see from the Ashyn humans, probably the whole system as well). I don't even know that the newly created Inkspren would know what ink even was, so they had to have been different before the invetion of ink. Like, maybe they were Engravingspren? Oraltraditionspren? It would have to be a spren of however the Singers (and then the Ashynites) recorded information, like what ink is used for
Regardless, I think this spren death/changing event happened to create the Inkspren
I’ve always viewed inkspren as the spren of expressing ideas (debate, speeches, etc.). I don’t think they’re any more inherently connected to ink as, say, mistspren are to mist (=certainty/unknowns) or lightspren to light (=freedom/agency). I like your suggestion of Oraltraditionspren.
If Night Brigade can turn Sigzil into a Hoid detector with hemalurgy, it sounds easier to go from a sunheart to a normal power granting spike.
The specific mechanics of hemalurgy we see in era 1 are, I think, a special case of a more general power to steal investiture and do stuff with it. I think Khriss says that hemalurgy is the most cosmere relevant metallic art, so it makes sense.
Loving these weekly episodes, thanks for all the effort you're putting in! ❤
Generation ships idea is fascinating; I think rather than 'moving' the cognitive distances would simply morph over time (depending how aware people on-board and on origin/destination planets are of relative distances)
I always thought the larkin were supposed to be like Roshar's dragons, so maybe they are some of the lesser dragons Brandon talks about.
Argent always has this look of 'I know something you dont know' and I love it 🤣🤣
It was the dawn of the fifth era of the Cosmere. Urithiru 5 was our last best chance for peace. But we failed. (Que footage of Unmade spaceships blasting at stuff)
I knew this was gonna drop right after my drive home lol, can't wait to jump in regardless. 17th Shard is the bomb!
Hope of Elantris is told as a story from Ashe to Raoden about something that happened off screen during the book and yes, Sarene is pregnant
You guys forgot that Vasher also called hoid "Dust" in Words of Radiance, when Kaladin visits hin near the end of the book while injured. And the conncection to Hoid is made clear
Kaladin says "hey, have you seen wit around?"
And vasher says "what, that old fool, Dust?"
To audio book readers it might not be clear he was refering to hoid under pseudonym "Dust" but it is fairly obvious while reading.
I mean, Vasher referring to Wit as Dust can't be any more clear for either format.
@dookieshoe2905 I only say that because a couple of my audio book listener friends have random words that are capitalized go over their heads. Especially from a character like vasher who uses out of place idioms and similes all the time, might just not be obvious that he is saying a name. I do agree it should be obvious
I thought we did reference that in this episode. I could be misremembering though. -Eric
@@17thShard maybe it was just you misspeaking cause you said when he refers to him as dust in rhythm of war? Does he even do that in that scene? Lol, I also can't rmemeber
@@17thShard it was funny, I was reading the original comment just as that part came up on the video.
There's some exciting WoBs coming up from Nexus. Super interested to see what you all glean from them...
For the Sunheart question, I don't think you could just stand the Sunheart and get the Investiture. What Brandon says at the end is important. The Sunheart is an Investiture ZIP file, it's compressed and encrypted. You need a method to decompress and unencrypted the investiture, then you can use a Spike to steal from it.
Oh, I understood it more like you can spike a sunheart, the zipped file for the magic aspect sticks to the spike, but the person it gets stapled onto needs to figure out or be taught the unzippy part. For reasons of the soul being canticle.zipped into the sunheart in the first place.
In regards to the sun heart hemalurgy question, what if the method of charging the spike with the sun heart is the method navani uses with the tuning forks in RoW. The sun hearts are described as glasslike which reminds me of spheres and they contain investiture…
I agree with Eric on the generational ship debate. It would take maybe a generation, but something would form in the CR. I think it would look like an island moving between the subastrals. It would probably be a variation on the planet of orgin's subastral.
Yes there is a spren of calculus. They're called Cryptics.
Need a Vasher WOB🙄😭
Woblin-mode engaged!
NIghtblood also hasn't just consumed endowments investiture, they've also consumed both Honor and Odium investiture. EDIT: and Cultivations too.
With all of the spren talk, it makes me wonder what the effects of the new Oathpact would be on the spren. It was used to protect the current existing spren; would this also keep them safe from being altered through sapient perception or specifically just from Retribution?
1:44:00 what if a cosmere aware planet w/o perpendicularity or ftl thought they were physically next door to Scadrial but were on the other side of the cosmere in the physical realm. Where would the subastral be in the cognitive?
I got a Word of Karen at DSNX.
I asked about how Lift's aviar got away from her again and if that was a retcon.
Karen (paraphrasing as I didn't write down the exact wording): Brandon said a bunch of times that Lift got the aviar back around the time Rhythm came out. When he came to write Wind and Truth he basically forgot this. When I pointed out he had said it was back with Lift, he liked the new way better and as it wasn't solidified on the page we decided to leave it. But I did tell him and he went with the aviar gone still. So a sort of retcon.
That's what the answer was to the best of my recollection!
For the sunheart hemalergy question, maybe you aren't spiking the heart, maybe you are instead using the sunheart as the spike?
If hemalergy = investiture surgery: then 1) curing curses is now a point of fact. 2) I will be filing a class action mal-practice lawsuit against Dr. The Lord Ruler on behalf of of the steal inquisiters and their constitute parts/victims.
People, I don't know what you're talking about. It's obvious that Sixteen's true name is Lutha.
I want the Catlady to be a sleepless made of Cats.
Nightblood wasn’t regular steel…he was Yesteel 😂
It feels so good to get a WTCC right when everyone on the show struggles. I forgot that E.L. was known as a gambler as well. Guessed him on clue 3 though, so I fortunately wasnt stumped.
I thought of the answer on clue 2 but I was extremely sure on clue 3.
I have never tried to do these before, would be fun.
Regarding the space - cognative realm thing , I'd imagine it depends heavily on Connection. If someone was born on a ship, will live their whole life and then die on that ship, thats their home. But I think the really curious part would be as the original population who knew Roshar (or whatever the starting destination is) would spawn a "roshar-y subastral", would the next generation's different Connection cause that to warp? Based on the lack of understanding of this question from Brandon, I doubt he's even thought about this in much detail but i'd love to get some more info!
The Generation Ship question reminded me of a question I have.
Currently, distances in the Cognitive Realm are very small relative to the Physical because the cognitive doesn't include the space between worlds with thinking beings.
But as awareness of space and the vast distances involved increases, shouldn't the cognitive realm expand to match the greater awareness.
There'll be some fiddliness, because knowing that Andromeda is 2.5 mil light years, doesn't mean you have an actual grasp of what that distance means, but I feel like there should be some reflection.
Wind and Truth Spoiler Warning:
Not sure if this comes up, only 12 minutes in, but now I’m thinking about what Taravangium is going to be like (Retribution metal)
Metal that just zaps you if you touch it lol
Were wobbin in the new year
it's 3am in a warehouse!
Maybe nightblood is made of the mysterious aethermetal
In terms of the 3/10 for the sunheart question my impression when Brandon said it was him rating the difficulty of how hard it was for him to answer the question and figure out the mechanics rather than how hard it would be to actually do the thing. I don't think it any way changes the conversation, i just don't have a better 2 cents to throw in to this one haha.
Mr. Suit was also a gambler when young; the exploding butler mentions it and that he stopped even though he was good at it and that was a sign of maturity (trying to get wax to stop lawman stuff). How do i know this? Randomly doing an era 2 reread after WaT haha.
How many current sanderdon fans HAVEN'T read mistborn in 11 years
Get your Cremstone Kids vitamin supplements!
Ok nightblood is not a normal metal really gives merit to my theory god medals are non stable variable isotopes stabilized by investiture. So each has a natural metal and applying enough investiture allows more neutrons to stay on
for the karen wob, i read it as "idk if we have seen any otherw with the curse of kind, oh but i can tell you this separate thing for sure which is that we haven't seen siah aimians"
Since we know Axies will appear in the Cosmere RPG Stonewalkers story, I wonder if we will find more about the Curse of Kind in the RPG
Damn, the generation ship discussion is awesome. Someone needs to re-ask this question to Brandon with better wording so he doesn't go off on a tangent about a spren-generation ship spontaneously generating itself in the Cognitive Realm. Which is insane btw, it's kinda crazy that that's the thought Brandon went down lmao. I see why he went that way, but it's crazy
Regarding the Sunheart Hemalurgy; I think what's going on there is, rather the person's spiritweb just being left to float around in the Spiritual Realm and eventually begin to decay the way it would when a person dies normally, it remains attached to the Sunheart, getting compressed and squished by all the other Investiture now packed into the Sunheart. This way, the soul remains attached to the Physical Realm and the bindpoints still exist within the Sunheart, which you could leverage to get the power out. All you'd need to do is find some way to uncompress the soul so you can actually spike the correct bindpoint.
As for how they actually spike the Sunheart, If i recall correctly the Sunhearts are described to be like amber, and this might just be a misconception on my part but I took that to mean that its soft relative to other rocks and would gouge rather than chip if you struck it, meaning you coul potentially spike it without causing it to shatter.
Is Canticle's sub-astral similar to Threnody's? We have already seen populations migrate between planetary systems.
The first clue of the first WTCC is misleading because the character did have a son who died before the start of the story.
23:42 LMAO
I always said nightblood was made of Edglium
It should not be possible to awaken a god metal.
@@oneukumcould have replaced the original metal when beeing invested
***No Kaladins were executed in the making of this content.***
If night blood eats a portion of every shard will it become a micro adonalsium?? Maybe its metal is becoming a new metal "adonalium?"
Can Silverlight functionally count as a generation ship in the subastral?
What happens when two sub-astrals come into contact because generation ships or planetary systems do?
Could Nightblood be made of a full feruchemy metal?
That’s no sub astral plane.
Does Silverlight have a sub-astral?
The whole reason there are anyworld hoppers is because the cognitive space between worlds is tiny were talking walkable dostance not even horse and carriage. It just seems like the most obvious thing in the world to me that if there were people in betweeen worlds, a generational ship, the cognitive would expand and a subastral would be created.
Cognitive space isn't necessarily tiny. The whole point of Emberdark is exploring the space between subastrals and its apparently big enough they need a "spaceship" to get through it. Remember that another reason people can walk between planets is that time works differently in there. Felt leaves Scadrial in Era 1 time and ends up on Roshar in Era 2 time. So yes he walked but he walked for 340 years (disclaimer: I don't have a source confirming he specifically walked).
Fun Fact: The dragons in How to Train your dragon Books are completely sapient and talk. In fact it's integral to the plot. The way Hiccup trains his dragon is talking to him because Hiccup happens to know dragoneese. He gets in a bit of trouble for it because the "vikings way" is to yell at their dragon.
P.S. David Tenet reads tge audio books and it's worth listening for that reason alone.
Mr suit being "known by his clothing" is so dumb LOOOOOOOL
Completely agree about the generation ship question; Brandon totally misinterpreted it. Im not the asker though so i could be wrong too.
Dragons created lesser dragons in their image. Dragons have a human form. First humans created in the image of dragons?
Curse of Kind; their human form can only look like a member of INXS.😂
1:33:20 I disagree that that’s the only way, the wording was definitely ambiguous by saying “Generation ship. What would it take for something like that to emerge in the Cognitive Realm” definitely sounds like they are asking about making a ship spontaneously manifest in the Cognitive Realm, especially given the previous question about stuff like cognitive versions of stories appearing.
40:57 i think you are overthinking earth culture and political terms. The Elantrian cultures would each get influenced by their own magics and therefore their individual cultural identities and thus mitigate the effects of cultural or population exchange. That would prevent the kind of mergers or fusion or takeover that you imagine unless it is done by force i.e. cultural genocide.
But how much does having unique magic prevent a cultural melting pot from happening. If each state had their own magic system, would they ever have united into one nation culturally?
Here's the problem with catboys and catgirls, they be made with hemalergy. We already kinda have dog people... soo get ready the cat boy/girl body horror
Ouch. The whole "nothing is interesting about black-holes unless it is science fiction" thing hurts.