@nyrevolution Thanks for the heads-up on your record. I'll have to check it out. Corabi is an amazing musican. I think he was much under rated in the bands he has been in. He said he was starting to work on a CD 3 yrs ago, when I did this video. I've been watching for it every since. I'm hoping Crash is on it. I love that song and it is of yet unrecorded. I have a video of it up from the same show as this one.
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! What an amazing voice!
Outstanding, I am a huge fan!
what a beautiful voice :)
Thanks for the heads-up on your record. I'll have to check it out. Corabi is an amazing musican. I think he was much under rated in the bands he has been in. He said he was starting to work on a CD 3 yrs ago, when I did this video. I've been watching for it every since. I'm hoping Crash is on it. I love that song and it is of yet unrecorded. I have a video of it up from the same show as this one.
...........and John Corabi, VERY Under rated.
My favorite cover she does ... well Killer Queen rocks too!
I met her Tuesday and didnt know was big till she said she opened up for Beth Heart... and im trippin out looking at her here now
Great voice , superb guitar playin and you would , wouldnt you?
@clm1224 You said it dude, Crabs is about as under rated as they come. Every song on that Motley Crue record from 94 is heavy and great.
Corabi Needs to be Velvet Revolvers new singer
@countrySTAR06 Try Florance and the Machine's cover of this .
...........and John Corabi, VERY Under rated.