That's interesting. I've never handled a current Lima locomotive. Having pick-up only on one bogie is a step back compared to the old Lima layout, with pick-up on one side of the motor bogie and on the other side of the dummy one. With this layout there's no risk of stalling on points.
Lovely train, the E656 and a combination of 1980s and 90s FS coach liveries. It brings back lots of memories!
Yes I remember so many colourful liveries back then in my Interailing days
That's interesting. I've never handled a current Lima locomotive. Having pick-up only on one bogie is a step back compared to the old Lima layout, with pick-up on one side of the motor bogie and on the other side of the dummy one. With this layout there's no risk of stalling on points.
Yes I quite agree about the pickups - and no flywheel to help it across the gaps.