Christ birth is connected to God's holidays, he was born on ,Sept, 29, 4 bc a feast of Tabernacle,. He was crucified & died.on a passover April 30, ad he is going to return on the feast of trumpet called in the scripture as the day of the Lord,
Most Christians celebrate Christmas which is never written in the scriptures.... But never celebrate the feast of God which was given to us as His ordinance. The Feast of the Tabernacle is the joyous festival of God, remembering the time when He dwells His people in the desert during their temporary tent. So if Jesus the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob came to the world to dwell on His people again.... therefore the Feast of Tabernacle is the season of Jesus birth. Haven't you noticed, Why was Jesus born in a manger??? is not just simply because of humbleness, or humility but reminding us all, that He never changes...manger is like a temporary shelter, is like a tent or sukkah. Please Read Leviticus 23 "Happy Sukkot" God dwells on us☺️
I noticed that videos such as this one are still using the misreading of Josephus, as a lunar eclipse in 4 BC. This is because the lunar eclipse that Josephus was referring to occurred in 1 BC. This is important because modern astronomy has shown that there was a massive conjunction seen in the East in 3 BC, between Jupiter and Venus where they appeared so close together from the ground, that they looked like a giant star ⭐ of the brightest magnitude. With regards the date that the Magi arrived at the House in Bethlehem to worship the toddler Jesus, that date has been known in the East for centuries. On our Gregorian calendar it fell on the 6th of January 1 BC, otherwise known as Old Christmas Day. The Birth of Christ is actually shown astrologically in the Book of Revelation, where the Woman is clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet. This indicates that the Woman is in the constellation of Virgo and the Moon under her feet is in the constellation of Leo. This makes a lot more sense astrologically, that the Lion of Judah who was to be born as a result of a Virgin birth would be symbolically represented by these two constellations that sit side by side on the Zodiac. Through the correct dating of the eclipse recorded by Josephus and the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 3 BC, a correct dating for the Birth of Christ can now be given using the astrology recorded in the Revelation. On our Gregorian calendar that date would have fallen on the 11th of September 3 BC, which would have made the toddler Jesus around fifteen months of age during the visitation by the Magi. It does make you wonder if the people who planned the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre, were aware of the importance of this date in Christian history.
For those who want to wrangle over the date of Jesus' birth, I like to point to the British monarch, who has two birthdays: a real one that changes with each monarch and a fixed state birthday. If the British monarch can have a fixed state birthday so the nation can "celebrate" together on one date regardless of who sits on the throne, why can't The King of Kings? As this video illustrates, there is much debate on the exact actual date, but we can all agree that He was born and generally agree on a date to celebrate that event. (Yes, I know there is a difference between Western and Eastern, but each agrees internally, and both celebrate the event.) After all, it really is about Him, our Emmanuel.
Very well done. I love the Christmas season. It’s as you say “ tradition”. I don’t believe it’s satanic as many say. We must put the CHRIST back in CHRISTMAS But all you pointed out is 100% correct. Took me years to listen to pastors say all you did in one concise video. The exact date of our LORDS birth will remain a mystery. But personally I think it was in September. Which although I am not Jewish seems to be a very religious month for Jews in addition to October. And the Jews are GODS chosen people. Through the Jews we got the disciples and the apostles etc. plus Mary being a direct lineage to the house of David. All prophecy in the Old Testament. Again bravo
1 thing is that there in unity of agreement on which year Jesus Praise Him was, born. Some suggest 4 BC, others 6 BC, an 1 suggestion i read is that HaiLies comet appeared in 12 BC, when they suggested this is star of David.! 1 thing we do know is that BibLicaL months start in spring, an using Exodus 12, mentioning newyear, Praise God, an though many say Jesus Praise Him was crucified in 33AD, we couLd work to every NewMoon, backwards, but without being in agreement of when year 1 came about, Jesus birth, we go nowhere. However, sixth BibLicaL month ws used when mentioning thee AngeL GabrieL coming to Mary, so if first Month is March using JuLien CaLLendar, wouLd make August 6 th Month, or if ApriL , September. 1 thing about Christmas season, is that, even though some Churches beLieve it shouLd no be ceLebrated , it is 1 period of year when more peopLe that might no be Christians ar happy to hear about Jesus Praise Him.
Christmas is a pagan celebration, early Christians didn't celebrate their birthdays and Jesus' birthday is not recorded for the same reason. He was actually born on or about October 1, 2 BCE.
The circumstantial evidence is strong that the maʹgoi who visited the infant Jesus were astrologers. Thus The New Testament translated by C. B. Williams reads “star-gazers,” with a footnote in explanation: “This is, students of stars in relation to events on earth.” Fittingly, then, modern English translations read “astrologers” at Matthew 2:1.-AT, NE, NW, Ph. How many of these astrologers “from eastern parts” brought “gold and frankincense and myrrh” to the child Jesus is not disclosed; there is no factual basis for the traditional notion that there were three. (Mt 2:1, 11) As astrologers, they were servants of false gods and were, wittingly or unwittingly, led by what appeared to them as a moving “star.” They alerted Herod to the fact that the “king of the Jews” had been born, and Herod, in turn, sought to have Jesus killed. The plot, however, failed. Jehovah intervened and proved superior to the demon gods of the astrologers, so instead of returning to Herod, the astrologers headed home another way after being given “divine warning in a dream.”-Mt 2:2, 12.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn said King JESUS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY is Nisan 1 or APRIL 1 It's too cold for King JESUS to be born in Winter He was born during lambing season in APRIL and it's fitting that King JESUS the PERFECT LAMB OF GOD was born during lambing season in APRIL and sheep gives birth to lambs during lambing season, We were in Winter until He, made it SPRING Merry Christmas Blessings and HUGS MARANATHA! 👑💜🔯🎅
The date of Jesus' birth is irrelevant. The fact that Jesus was born a man is what's important. Also, don't you think that if Jesus' birth was important, He would have told us?
jesus was born on yom teruah, the feast of trumpets, 1 tishrei, 3 bc september 11th, between 6:18 pm and 7:39 pm, when the sun was in virgo, and the moon at the foot of virgo, and 3 ancient planets were in the constellation of leo, this is deduced from revelation 12. his birth is consistent with the priestly schedules, and coincided with the 750th anniversary year of the founding of rome. 40 weeks prior to 1 tishrei happens to be the annunciation and conception of jesus on 1 hannukah 4 bc. herod the great died on 2 shevat 1 bc, after the blood moon eclipse visible from jerusalem on 1 bc january 10th. this is deduced from josephus, the gospels, and the megillat taanit,
Why are People so fixated on the physical birth of Jesus the anointed Savior when it can not be proven as to any date. Like the Hebrew Writing say's; Let us leave debating doctrines of when Jesus was physically born and go on unto perfection in spiritual matters. In reality the Spiritual Birth of the Jesus Mind and Spirit take place on any day of the 365 day's of each year when any Human Being is Born Spiritually from above. It is the Inner Spiritual birth by way of the Christ Anointing that matters and December the 25 is a type shown thru the Death, Burial and Resurrection of The SUN in the Physical World. December 22 thru the 24th are the 3 Day's of darkness and the end of the falling away or fall but on the 25th the SUN begins it Resurrection moving upward to a new year 8 day's later January the 1st. It is all a Allegory metaphor of the spirit in Man being Resurrected out of his fall into darkness of Death into a resurrection of new beginning's on the 8th Day or the beginning of New Life. Death to the past life of wilderness wondering and crossing over into the promised land of milk and honey. Form Physical world consciousness into a Spiritual Holy Land of Eternal Blessings by way of the Christ Anointing within the Human Soul = mind spirit. What a difference a Day Makes = Resurrection Day. AMEN
*Pagans would only have a point if the December 25th Roman "birthday of the invincible Sun" was instituted before the birth of Christ - instead of AD 274 !* So who is copying who ? Christ was born in 4 B.C. before going down into Egypt. Herod died soon after the 29th December 1 B.C. Judean lunar eclipse. Christ was then “called out of Egypt” in 1 A.D. when He was FOUR years old - on the 29th Jubilee from the first Exodus Jubilee of 1450 B.C. ( "three days travel into the wilderness to sacrifice", then the FOURTH day baptism through the "tongue of the Egyptian sea" that swallowed up Pharaoh and his army ! Three days in the belly of the earth, then the FOURTH day resurrection ! Three days creation, then "light upon the earth" on the FOURTH day of Genesis ! ) The northern winter solstice is either on the 21st or 22nd December, but Christmas Day is three days later ! On the Dead Sea Scroll's Biblical calendar, the Day of Atonement on our 28th September, is the most solemn, most holy day of the Biblical calendar - undoubtedly the day on which Jesus Christ, Yahshua our Messiah, was born ! Despite His birth, Joseph and Mary would have kept the Day of Atonement accordingly, and may even have wondered about the importance of the circumstances. Little did they all suspect then as they looked down on the manger, that that Child of God - the picture of innocence, pure as the driven snow, white as wool - would thirty three years later afflict their souls with His brutal, bloody Passover crucifixion: Born to die for our crimson sins ! Is that why this is such a Solemn Day ? We can eat but we cannot cook/work on the weekly Sabbath. Why is the Day of Atonement a High Day Sabbath but is also without any cooking like the weekly Sabbath ? It is because we have to fast on this day and so afflict our souls (see Leviticus 23:23-32). Why ? The second half of the year almost mirrors the first half of the year. It is interesting to note that the 28th September Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh Biblical month before the Feast of Tabernacles, corresponds to the same day that the Passover lamb is separated on the 30th March and the tenth day of the first Biblical month before the Feast of Unleavened Bread ! That is why we must afflict our souls by fasting on the Day of Atonement: It is now actually in recognition of the atoning sacrifice that Christ determined to give us, when “six days before the Passover” He arrived in Bethany on the 9th Abib (see John 12:1-15). There “where Lazarus was” Christ had supper after sunset starting the 10th Abib. On a lowly donkey the next day, still the 10th Abib, thousands with palm fronds hailed Christ as “Hosanna” of Israel [Greek hoshia-na, of Hebrew nâ‛ yâsha‛, naw yaw-shah′ = Oh save ( savior )]. “Yahshua” finally entered Jerusalem, walked into the Temple and looked all around, before leaving at sunset (“eventide/even” between two successive days). i.e. Hailed by thousands at Jerusalem, the Passover Sacrificial Lamb had gladly separated and presented Himself in the Temple: on the 10th day of Abib ! (see Mark 11:1-11, Exodus 12:3-11) Christ’s body was hurriedly laid in the tomb at eventide/even/sunset - FOUR days later ! It is also interesting to note that the 50 year Jubilee is announced on the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh month before the Feast of Tabernacles (see Leviticus 25:9), corresponding to the same day that the Passover lamb is separated on the tenth day of the first month before the Feast of Unleavened Bread ! Abstaining from work and food on the Day of Atonement is the least we can do in appreciation of Christ's atoning sacrifice for us ! Every little pang of hunger should remind us of the horrendous ordeal Christ went through for us. In fact if we don't show this appreciation for Christ's sacrifice, His Father says: “For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people. And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people.” (Leviticus 23:29-30) This connection between the Day of Atonement and the Passover was recognised at the time of Christ. They had a “custom” of releasing a prisoner at the Passover, in parallel with the instructions of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus sixteen: to choose two goats for an atoning sin offering. One was sacrificed and the other was chased into the wilderness: Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. ( Pilate spoke the truth ! ) But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? (John 18: 37-39) Only by taking all the relevant Biblical quotes, into one compatible rationalisation, can we get to the truth ! Work Christ's 265 day gestation BACKWARDS on this DSS's calendar from the Day of Atonement birth on the 28th September, and you get to the 6th January Epiphany CONCEPTION; and 12 days further back you get to December 25th ! Working another 12 days FORWARDS from the Day of Atonement birth, you get to the Feast of Tabernacle's LAST GREAT DAY ! Strange that Christmas Day is 12 days BEFORE the Epiphany conception 265 day gestation and birth on the Day of Atonement, and then 12 days AFTER that is the Last Great Day - just like the "four and twenty elders" around the Throne of God in Revelations ! Are these the "Twelve Days of Christmas"🎶 around Christ in the womb ? 25th December was also never a part of the Roman festival of Saturnalia. 2+6+5=13 John the Baptist's gestation was also 265 days and he was born on the 10th Abib - the same day the Lamb of God came down the Mount of Olives on a donkey proclaimed in Greek as "Oh Saviour" ("Hosannah"), with the way being prepared for him with palm fronds - on the birthday of John the Baptist who also prepared the way for Him, and the same day the Passover lamb is selected. i.e the 25th of December started Mary's follicular phase and Christ was conceived on the 13th day Epiphany on the 6th of January - then born on the Day of Atonement on the 28th September ! 12 disciples + Christ = 13 Don't let pagans steal and demonise our Christmas Biblical "day of gladness" without an in depth investigation first. I also made that same mistake on this journey.....
Jesus was born in the spring as lambing season in Israel would be around March/April. December is very cold in Israel and the shepherds would have been under shelter not in the open as they were when the angel came to them. The most important thing is that Yahweh came to earth in the form of a baby human. Jesus grew up and sacrificed HIMSELF for our indiscretions. Every year the date of Jesus' death is moved to coincide with the moon. So what is wrong in having Jesus' birthday celebrated on the wrong date? After all, let us celebrate our Saviour coming to earth rather than not.
@@alexmason8557 You just proved that Yahweh exists. He mentioned you in Psalm 14:1. Is 1st April your birthday? Or is it the date you wished was your birthday? Either way, Psalm 14:1 describes you to a tee!
Sheep are and were kept out year round in Israel. It is on the same line with South Florida and the Lower Rio Grande Valley and warm enough to sustrain a robust freeze averse citrus production. Clarke was mistaken and although oft repeated has been thoroughly debunked by historical evidence on this point.
@@lawrencejones4693 I am going by what I have been told by people who have lived in Israel have told me. I have never visited Israel so I have to go by information givn to me. Apparently the temperature is about 7 - 13 degrees C at night in December. To me, that is cold.
@ It’s not that cold especially for sheep. If that were true then Ireland, Scotland, and most of Europe would never have been able to raise sheep. Also are plenty of photos out of winters in Israel with sheep wandering all over. As for the biblical history check especially on the practices of the shepherds who tended the flocks that were specially kept for the Temple- they were kept out often in the winters and some think the shepherds and flocks in the Nativity account were those.
Christmas isn't pagan. That's a half-baked bullcrap theory from the 19th Century. There is nothing wrong with churches setting aside a day to elebrate the Incarnation.
Christ birth is connected to God's holidays, he was born on ,Sept, 29, 4 bc a feast of Tabernacle,. He was crucified & died.on a passover April 30, ad he is going to return on the feast of trumpet called in the scripture as the day of the Lord,
Most Christians celebrate Christmas which is never written in the scriptures....
But never celebrate the feast of God which was given to us as His ordinance.
The Feast of the Tabernacle is the joyous festival of God, remembering the time when He dwells His people in the desert during their temporary tent.
So if Jesus the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob came to the world to dwell on His people again.... therefore the Feast of Tabernacle is the season of Jesus birth.
Haven't you noticed, Why was Jesus born in a manger??? is not just simply because of humbleness, or humility but reminding us all, that He never changes...manger is like a temporary shelter, is like a tent or sukkah.
Please Read Leviticus 23
"Happy Sukkot"
God dwells on us☺️
April 17th, 6BC - during spring
I noticed that videos such as this one are still using the misreading of Josephus, as a lunar eclipse in 4 BC. This is because the lunar eclipse that Josephus was referring to occurred in 1 BC. This is important because modern astronomy has shown that there was a massive conjunction seen in the East in 3 BC, between Jupiter and Venus where they appeared so close together from the ground, that they looked like a giant star ⭐ of the brightest magnitude. With regards the date that the Magi arrived at the House in Bethlehem to worship the toddler Jesus, that date has been known in the East for centuries. On our Gregorian calendar it fell on the 6th of January 1 BC, otherwise known as Old Christmas Day. The Birth of Christ is actually shown astrologically in the Book of Revelation, where the Woman is clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet. This indicates that the Woman is in the constellation of Virgo and the Moon under her feet is in the constellation of Leo. This makes a lot more sense astrologically, that the Lion of Judah who was to be born as a result of a Virgin birth would be symbolically represented by these two constellations that sit side by side on the Zodiac. Through the correct dating of the eclipse recorded by Josephus and the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 3 BC, a correct dating for the Birth of Christ can now be given using the astrology recorded in the Revelation. On our Gregorian calendar that date would have fallen on the 11th of September 3 BC, which would have made the toddler Jesus around fifteen months of age during the visitation by the Magi. It does make you wonder if the people who planned the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre, were aware of the importance of this date in Christian history.
For those who want to wrangle over the date of Jesus' birth, I like to point to the British monarch, who has two birthdays: a real one that changes with each monarch and a fixed state birthday. If the British monarch can have a fixed state birthday so the nation can "celebrate" together on one date regardless of who sits on the throne, why can't The King of Kings? As this video illustrates, there is much debate on the exact actual date, but we can all agree that He was born and generally agree on a date to celebrate that event. (Yes, I know there is a difference between Western and Eastern, but each agrees internally, and both celebrate the event.)
After all, it really is about Him, our Emmanuel.
Very well done. I love the Christmas season. It’s as you say “ tradition”. I don’t believe it’s satanic as many say. We must put the CHRIST back in CHRISTMAS But all you pointed out is 100% correct. Took me years to listen to pastors say all you did in one concise video. The exact date of our LORDS birth will remain a mystery. But personally I think it was in September. Which although I am not Jewish seems to be a very religious month for Jews in addition to October. And the Jews are GODS chosen people. Through the Jews we got the disciples and the apostles etc. plus Mary being a direct lineage to the house of David. All prophecy in the Old Testament. Again bravo
Believe what you want but Christmas is a demonic pagan holiday that no one should observe.
1 thing is that there in unity of agreement on which year Jesus Praise Him was, born.
Some suggest 4 BC, others 6 BC, an 1 suggestion i read is that HaiLies comet appeared in 12 BC, when they suggested this is star of David.!
1 thing we do know is that BibLicaL months start in spring, an using Exodus 12, mentioning newyear, Praise God, an though many say Jesus Praise Him was crucified in 33AD, we couLd work to every NewMoon, backwards, but without being in agreement of when year 1 came about, Jesus birth, we go nowhere.
However, sixth BibLicaL month ws used when mentioning thee AngeL GabrieL coming to Mary, so if first Month is March using JuLien CaLLendar, wouLd make August 6 th Month, or if ApriL , September.
1 thing about Christmas season, is that, even though some Churches beLieve it shouLd no be ceLebrated , it is 1 period of year when more peopLe that might no be Christians ar happy to hear about Jesus Praise Him.
Christmas is a pagan celebration, early Christians didn't celebrate their birthdays and Jesus' birthday is not recorded for the same reason. He was actually born on or about October 1, 2 BCE.
Video proposal: who are the magi?
Thanks for the request: consider it done … will be up this week
The circumstantial evidence is strong that the maʹgoi who visited the infant Jesus were astrologers. Thus The New Testament translated by C. B. Williams reads “star-gazers,” with a footnote in explanation: “This is, students of stars in relation to events on earth.” Fittingly, then, modern English translations read “astrologers” at Matthew 2:1.-AT, NE, NW, Ph.
How many of these astrologers “from eastern parts” brought “gold and frankincense and myrrh” to the child Jesus is not disclosed; there is no factual basis for the traditional notion that there were three. (Mt 2:1, 11)
As astrologers, they were servants of false gods and were, wittingly or unwittingly, led by what appeared to them as a moving “star.” They alerted Herod to the fact that the “king of the Jews” had been born, and Herod, in turn, sought to have Jesus killed.
The plot, however, failed. Jehovah intervened and proved superior to the demon gods of the astrologers, so instead of returning to Herod, the astrologers headed home another way after being given “divine warning in a dream.”-Mt 2:2, 12.
Jesus was conceived in December born in September
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn said King JESUS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY is Nisan 1 or APRIL 1 It's too cold for King JESUS to be born in Winter He was born during lambing season in APRIL and it's fitting that King JESUS the PERFECT LAMB OF GOD was born during lambing season in APRIL and sheep gives birth to lambs during lambing season, We were in Winter until He, made it SPRING Merry Christmas Blessings and HUGS MARANATHA! 👑💜🔯🎅
Does it realy matter mate im sure it dont bother him but then you want to be important don't you ? James planet earth
The date of Jesus' birth is irrelevant. The fact that Jesus was born a man is what's important. Also, don't you think that if Jesus' birth was important, He would have told us?
jesus was born on yom teruah, the feast of trumpets, 1 tishrei, 3 bc september 11th, between 6:18 pm and 7:39 pm, when the sun was in virgo, and the moon at the foot of virgo, and 3 ancient planets were in the constellation of leo, this is deduced from revelation 12. his birth is consistent with the priestly schedules, and coincided with the 750th anniversary year of the founding of rome. 40 weeks prior to 1 tishrei happens to be the annunciation and conception of jesus on 1 hannukah 4 bc.
herod the great died on 2 shevat 1 bc, after the blood moon eclipse visible from jerusalem on 1 bc january 10th. this is deduced from josephus, the gospels, and the megillat taanit,
Why are People so fixated on the physical birth of Jesus the anointed Savior when it can not be proven as to any date. Like the Hebrew Writing say's; Let us leave debating doctrines of when Jesus was physically born and go on unto perfection in spiritual matters. In reality the Spiritual Birth of the Jesus Mind and Spirit take place on any day of the 365 day's of each year when any Human Being is Born Spiritually from above. It is the Inner Spiritual birth by way of the Christ Anointing that matters and December the 25 is a type shown thru the Death, Burial and Resurrection of The SUN in the Physical World. December 22 thru the 24th are the 3 Day's of darkness and the end of the falling away or fall but on the 25th the SUN begins it Resurrection moving upward to a new year 8 day's later January the 1st. It is all a Allegory metaphor of the spirit in Man being Resurrected out of his fall into darkness of Death into a resurrection of new beginning's on the 8th Day or the beginning of New Life. Death to the past life of wilderness wondering and crossing over into the promised land of milk and honey. Form Physical world consciousness into a Spiritual Holy Land of Eternal Blessings by way of the Christ Anointing within the Human Soul = mind spirit. What a difference a Day Makes = Resurrection Day. AMEN
*Pagans would only have a point if the December 25th Roman "birthday of the invincible Sun" was instituted before the birth of Christ - instead of AD 274 !*
So who is copying who ?
Christ was born in 4 B.C. before going down into Egypt.
Herod died soon after the 29th December 1 B.C. Judean lunar eclipse.
Christ was then “called out of Egypt” in 1 A.D. when He was FOUR years old - on the 29th Jubilee from the first Exodus Jubilee of 1450 B.C. ( "three days travel into the wilderness to sacrifice", then the FOURTH day baptism through the "tongue of the Egyptian sea" that swallowed up Pharaoh and his army ! Three days in the belly of the earth, then the FOURTH day resurrection ! Three days creation, then "light upon the earth" on the FOURTH day of Genesis ! )
The northern winter solstice is either on the 21st or 22nd December, but Christmas Day is three days later !
On the Dead Sea Scroll's Biblical calendar, the Day of Atonement on our 28th September, is the most solemn, most holy day of the Biblical calendar - undoubtedly the day on which Jesus Christ, Yahshua our Messiah, was born !
Despite His birth, Joseph and Mary would have kept the Day of Atonement accordingly, and may even have wondered about the importance of the circumstances. Little did they all suspect then as they looked down on the manger, that that Child of God - the picture of innocence, pure as the driven snow, white as wool - would thirty three years later afflict their souls with His brutal, bloody Passover crucifixion:
Born to die for our crimson sins !
Is that why this is such a Solemn Day ?
We can eat but we cannot cook/work on the weekly Sabbath.
Why is the Day of Atonement a High Day Sabbath but is also without any cooking like the weekly Sabbath ?
It is because we have to fast on this day and so afflict our souls (see Leviticus 23:23-32).
Why ?
The second half of the year almost mirrors the first half of the year.
It is interesting to note that the 28th September Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh Biblical month before the Feast of Tabernacles, corresponds to the same day that the Passover lamb is separated on the 30th March and the tenth day of the first Biblical month before the Feast of Unleavened Bread !
That is why we must afflict our souls by fasting on the Day of Atonement:
It is now actually in recognition of the atoning sacrifice that Christ determined to give us, when “six days before the Passover” He arrived in Bethany on the 9th Abib (see John 12:1-15). There “where Lazarus was” Christ had supper after sunset starting the 10th Abib.
On a lowly donkey the next day, still the 10th Abib, thousands with palm fronds hailed Christ as “Hosanna” of Israel [Greek hoshia-na, of Hebrew nâ‛ yâsha‛, naw yaw-shah′ = Oh save ( savior )].
“Yahshua” finally entered Jerusalem, walked into the Temple and looked all around, before leaving at sunset (“eventide/even” between two successive days).
i.e. Hailed by thousands at Jerusalem, the Passover Sacrificial Lamb had gladly separated and presented Himself in the Temple:
on the 10th day of Abib ! (see Mark 11:1-11, Exodus 12:3-11)
Christ’s body was hurriedly laid in the tomb at eventide/even/sunset - FOUR days later !
It is also interesting to note that the 50 year Jubilee is announced on the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh month before the Feast of Tabernacles (see Leviticus 25:9), corresponding to the same day that the Passover lamb is separated on the tenth day of the first month before the Feast of Unleavened Bread !
Abstaining from work and food on the Day of Atonement is the least we can do in appreciation of Christ's atoning sacrifice for us !
Every little pang of hunger should remind us of the horrendous ordeal Christ went through for us.
In fact if we don't show this appreciation for Christ's sacrifice, His Father says:
“For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.
And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people.” (Leviticus 23:29-30)
This connection between the Day of Atonement and the Passover was recognised at the time of Christ. They had a “custom” of releasing a prisoner at the Passover, in parallel with the instructions of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus sixteen: to choose two goats for an atoning sin offering.
One was sacrificed and the other was chased into the wilderness:
Pilate saith unto him,
What is truth?
And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them,
I find in him no fault at all.
( Pilate spoke the truth ! )
But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover:
will ye therefore that I release unto you
the King of the Jews?
(John 18: 37-39)
Only by taking all the relevant Biblical quotes, into one compatible rationalisation, can we get to the truth !
Work Christ's 265 day gestation BACKWARDS on this DSS's calendar from the Day of Atonement birth on the 28th September, and you get to the 6th January Epiphany CONCEPTION; and 12 days further back you get to December 25th !
Working another 12 days FORWARDS from the Day of Atonement birth, you get to the Feast of Tabernacle's LAST GREAT DAY !
Strange that Christmas Day is 12 days BEFORE the Epiphany conception 265 day gestation and birth on the Day of Atonement, and then 12 days AFTER that is the Last Great Day - just like the "four and twenty elders" around the Throne of God in Revelations !
Are these the "Twelve Days of Christmas"🎶 around Christ in the womb ?
25th December was also never a part of the Roman festival of Saturnalia.
John the Baptist's gestation was also 265 days and he was born on the 10th Abib - the same day the Lamb of God came down the Mount of Olives on a donkey proclaimed in Greek as "Oh Saviour" ("Hosannah"), with the way being prepared for him with palm fronds - on the birthday of John the Baptist who also prepared the way for Him, and the same day the Passover lamb is selected.
i.e the 25th of December started Mary's follicular phase and Christ was conceived on the 13th day Epiphany on the 6th of January - then born on the Day of Atonement on the 28th September !
12 disciples + Christ = 13
Don't let pagans steal and demonise our Christmas Biblical "day of gladness" without an in depth investigation first. I also made that same mistake on this journey.....
Jesus was born in the spring as lambing season in Israel would be around March/April. December is very cold in Israel and the shepherds would have been under shelter not in the open as they were when the angel came to them. The most important thing is that Yahweh came to earth in the form of a baby human. Jesus grew up and sacrificed HIMSELF for our indiscretions. Every year the date of Jesus' death is moved to coincide with the moon. So what is wrong in having Jesus' birthday celebrated on the wrong date? After all, let us celebrate our Saviour coming to earth rather than not.
I heard he was born in April 1.
The day we celebrate fools day.
@@alexmason8557 You just proved that Yahweh exists. He mentioned you in Psalm 14:1. Is 1st April your birthday? Or is it the date you wished was your birthday? Either way, Psalm 14:1 describes you to a tee!
Sheep are and were kept out year round in Israel. It is on the same line with South Florida and the Lower Rio Grande Valley and warm enough to sustrain a robust freeze averse citrus production. Clarke was mistaken and although oft repeated has been thoroughly debunked by historical evidence on this point.
@@lawrencejones4693 I am going by what I have been told by people who have lived in Israel have told me. I have never visited Israel so I have to go by information givn to me. Apparently the temperature is about 7 - 13 degrees C at night in December. To me, that is cold.
@ It’s not that cold especially for sheep. If that were true then Ireland, Scotland, and most of Europe would never have been able to raise sheep. Also are plenty of photos out of winters in Israel with sheep wandering all over. As for the biblical history check especially on the practices of the shepherds who tended the flocks that were specially kept for the Temple- they were kept out often in the winters and some think the shepherds and flocks in the Nativity account were those.
Believe only the Bible and do not lead in your own understanding. Christmas is Pagan.
Christmas isn't pagan. That's a half-baked bullcrap theory from the 19th Century. There is nothing wrong with churches setting aside a day to elebrate the Incarnation.