I learn english because I have some dreams. I want to visit my friend in Bangladesh,I want to travelling to foreign country,preparing for my medical study in a university,ect. Hope my dreams and all of this viewers dreams will come true. Amen. 🙏🙏
That's why, seharusnya waktu pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP ga usah pelajarin tense dulu. Fokus ke listening, reading, dan writting aja. Kalo grammar, baru dipelajari waktu SMA. Makanya banyak yang susah belajar Bahasa Inggris, wong yang dipelajari cuma Tense itu-itu aja dari SMP sampe SMA
Baru kali ini liat video tips lancar english tapi beda dari yg lain. Gak nge skip satu detik pun di video ini. Karena ngerasa satu pengalaman, belajar karena denger orang lain ngomong, nonton film dll. Thank you Kak
I studied in kampung inggris pare for 10 months. I learned speaking for 3 months and TOEFL 7 months. I love the way you shared. What you have said is same as my tutors in kampung inggris. They taught me that we should listen and read anything in english. Speak up what you can say, forget the grammar. I do that everyday and i think my english is improving till now. You know? It became a habbit to me. Today i am not in kampung inggris again. But i am still watch anything in english without subtitle in indonesia. And sometimes i understand what in english means but difficult to translate in indonesia
Sy belajar bahasa inggris di komen medsos atau UA-cam,jadi sy berusaha mengartikan sendiri setelah itu sy make sure dgn google translate😀entah itu benar atau salah😀
@@sitikhadijah6258 sama gan. Aku jg gitu. Belajar dari komen orang luar yang ngomong inggris, nanti aku artikan sendiri, kalau ada kata yang belom aku tahu aku translate di GTranslate
Harus semangat dan ad kemauan untuk terus mencoba/men cari referensi yg bsa membantu tuk menambah kmampuan b ing ayu, yaa........practice, practice, practice your listening every day, u will get better, ook. ?
bener banget mbak sasha.sya belajar bah.ing 1 bulan udah bisa speaking... metodenya cuman baca buku, listening (music, videos) try to understand without subtitle...paling bagus itu di serial The walking dead..bisa belajar pronounciation, pas itu kursus private sama guru dirumah, jadi 1 minggu 3x pertemuan itu wajib ngomong bah.ing..dimulai dari doa (Pembuka sampe penutup) sampe belajar harus ngomong bah.ing...setiap pertemuan pertama dikasih buku yang harus wajib dibaca..nnti diakhir pertemuan bakalan dibahas apa aja isi bukunya..awal"nya memang susah ngomong sampe sakit kepala..tapi lama kelamaan sudah mulai terbiasa sampe skrng udah gk takut lagi kalo ngomong sma bule
Kalo aku sambil menyelam minum air kak Sacha 😂kebetulan waktu itu aku nyari American buat improve English ( awalnya buat belajar ) , eh lama kelamaan kita berdua jatuh hati. Tuhan maha membolak-balikkan hati manusia. 😂😂 Tiap hari aku improve skill English aku sama doi (listening, speaking and writing) terbiasa dengan sendirinya. Sekarang kita udah tunangan, rencananya tahun ini akan menikah tapi nggak ngerti karena pandemic jadi stress takut sekali tidak berjalan sesuai ekspektasi. Minta doanya temen-temen semoga pandemic segera berakhir. Maaf jadi curhat 😭😭
Hi sasha. I am malaysian and many people say that we are good at english. Sometimes i get so shy when talking because im thinking to much about the grammar. Its good to hear the real advice from native speaker and a former teacher. Thank you for the tips about ignoring the grammer because who cares..
This video is all about the truth! I never learnt English from any real institution that provides courses like EF, IELTS, and all that, I absorb everything from movies, songs, and all kinds of interviews/talks that I found on UA-cam back then. Well I mean except for the ones teacher taught at school, but I didn't really pay attention to that. Orang Jawa asli, never lived outside Indonesia, never had any friends that was native English speaker. I do English on a daily basis on my day to day work now, working with people from different nationalities. I do speak English in a proper/formal business English and converse in one of those fancy scientific and business way of talking. Did multiple articles on my studies on a formal English with no editor, as well as full thesis on English. The key for me is to listen, break down what you heard, understand it and learn different ways to use it in multiple cases or explain different things using those bits and expand your storage of "bits" and understand how things are used in different ways in combinations. Really wanted to learn new language but work has been really crazy and I'm also learning other things outside of linguistics. Learning is fun!
This is inspiring while I took English literature as my major study at college. I can't be as good as you in writing, tho. Ironic, huh? You don't have to take a formal education to be able to speak English.
@@nelimustikasari2439 Hi sorry I just seen this reply recently. Don't be discouraged. Sometimes the problem in our education system is that they (edu institutions, edu ministries) don't design curriculum to be as fun, or at least as interactive as possible, and tend to repeat details that are outdated or do no effort to find connection to recent trends, or relatable topics which might make it more fun for students to learn. It happens in a lot of majors, both science or social majors. Find the things that you have interest in, and start from there. You will tend to pay more attention to the subjects, art forms, or anything that you have strong interest in. And by experience, it also takes time. Everything good in life takes time. I wish you the best of luck in everything that you want to achieve!
@@rapsanjani6430 Iya, kebanyakan dibahas teori-teori itu pun biasanya kebanyakan teori yang bakal jarang dipake buat sehari2. Dasar nya doang juga udah cukup, sisanya pelajari yang bakal dipake di keseharian misal buat kerja, buat pendidikan lanjut.
This is my aha moment Sasha.. I just realise that the way i learn other language "French" is wrong so far.. I've just learned it through the app which mostly provide me with the flashcard and small talk.. and you know what it end up with BORING.. lol.. I need to acquire more by listening practicing though.. thank you for sharing the tips.
OMG thank you Sasha!!! Aku baru aja balik dari spending 2 months with my Indonesian community and I’ve totally gagap speaking english. This video really helps me out to improve my english back! Cheers from Aussie!
Halo kak Sasha Stevenson ,namaku Divya, umurku 7 tahun, aku belajar bahasa inggris dari youtube,hanya itu,dan praktik bahasa inggris di komunitas bahasa inggris di Jakarta, Aku belum bisa berbahasa inggris dengan baik, Aku juga coba praktik di channel youtubeku, walau banyak salah, aku dibantu kakakku ,tapi aku juga ga tahu apakah bahasa inggris kakakku benar atau tidak. Aku nonton youtube channel ,termasuk channel kak Sasha. Channel youtube aku namanya Divya Sakhi. Terima kasih kakak.
Klo udah begitu mantapin niat untuk memperbaikinya dan coba system ini. No subtitles. Full English content (easy stuff like maybe a kids UA-cam channel or a cool craft channel like Sammy Slime). Maybe you can break some of those bad habits.
Sama gue juga gitu hiksss tapi karena lihat channel ini gue tambah yakin dengan mindset gue kalau belajar itu mulai dari listening aja terusss soal grammar ntar juga ikut dengan sendirinya
Ini memang paling bener, jadi kita anggap aja diri kita seperti bayi, sama halnya kita bayi yang hidup di Indonesia yang menangkap apa yang orang lain bilang, dan nanti kita ngomong sedikit sedikit dan meniru, kita jangan belajar grammar dulu. Thanks Sacha 👍
Thank you for posting this, Sacha! I used these methods to learn English. When I moved to Canada, I needed to improve my writing skills so I took the CLB placement test and I was placed at level 8 at the free English classes for immigrants 😊
I strongly agree about this. I am currently learning English and Korean... I kinda feel sucks at Korean language so I feel that I want to give up. But after seeing my favourite boygroup start talking in Korean suddenly there's inner force that making me want to understand what they are talking about😭👍👍 And that's the spirit!
I spent almost 10 hours/day for 6 months to gain my speaking skill and now I've gotten upper intermediate under my belt. My accent sounds like American mixed with Russian and I love it hahaha
Cara lancar bahasa inggris lu tinggal di inggris/amerika dalam jangka waktu yg lama.. Cara lancar bahasa sunda lu harus tinggal di daerah sunda cukup lama.. Cara lancar bahasa indonesia lu tinggal di daerah jabotabek/jabodetabek.. Dalam waktu yg lama Itu cara yg benar.. Karena belajar di sekolah sama lapangan beda banget.. Apa yg kita pelajari di sekolah.. Pas ngomong sama bule.. Bulenya gak ngerti..
I've learned french for 3 years on senior high.. But all i can say is "j'mapelle dyana. Je suis etudiant" hahhahaha.. But i think im kinda good in english (thx playstation)
I want to learn Arabic. It sounds so classy. May be because when I heard Arabic, my brain associate it with ads in Etihad and Emirates's inflight entertainment system.
i'm currently learning japanese. i like to watch animes and jdramas, i was thinking to take a course bcs i wanna take jlpt test as quick as i can. i literally gave up less than a week (lol) and i stopped. grammar suffocates me, it is so hard to learn japanese + the grammar. i stopped doing the courses, but i'm still watching animes and dramas until now, and how lucky i am to click on your video! (abt we have to ignore the grammar at the first year of studying) bcs yeah even if it's slow (learning grammar from listening and reading) i enjoyed more that way, i didn't feel burdened or pressured. i have a goal that when i graduated from highschool (skrg mau naik kls 11) i can watch anime and dramas without indo/eng subtitles. thank you i LOVE your videos thank you ka sarah 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 im sorry for the long comment and the rants,, hehe
i agree that you don't have to study the grammar at the first year of studying because i'm taking japanese studies as my major and i was soo stressful at my first year because i haven't even studied about the language (before entering the uni) nor hyping on japanese things while the lecturer already gave us the grammar lessons since the beginning. if you want to learn it, i suggest you to make it as fun as possible! such as learn the language from the anime you've watched because listening is one of the most effective method for studying a new language. がんばってね ^^
I learn Japanese for 3years because it's my major but still hard to speak Japanese because the grammar is really hard, feel ashamed for my self cause not determined enough to learn
1:34 Saya sendiri sebagai native speaker B Indo sering kok bilangnya "taun". In fact, beberapa bahasa seperti Spanyol dan Perancis huruf "h" nya selalu silent (diam), karena bunyi h ini tidak terlalu menonjol/tebal sehingga sering di-drop/reduce.
@@alghifary67 Berarti Anda adalah orang yang sangat formal. Bahkan dengan keluarga sendiri pun, Anda berbicara dengan bahasa formal. Persis seperti yang sedang saya lakukan saat ini kepada Anda. Atas perhatiannya, saya ucapkan sekian dan terima kasih.
thank's sacha... i'm begginer... but i hope to learn more english... bahasa indonesia kamu sangat bagus dan mudah dimengerti dalam berbagi ilmu untuk mengajarkan bahasa inggris.. terus berkarya dan semangattt...
I'm still learning Spanish! I have been learning it for around 3 years. In my opinion, sometimes it's almost similar to Indonesia. However, I had ever intended to give up! Because of too much rule in Spanish grammar, such as there are masculine and feminine. I am able to understand it as long as I know the vocabularies or the verbs!
oh The Tiger who came to Tea, My daughter used to love those, come with tea set. She is 11 now, and we still have the book and the tea set. Hope Zee enjoy it too. sorry out of topic 😊😂
Sacha, thanks for the tips on learning a foreign language! Just wanted to share with you: when I was in Madrid to have some badminton coaching with my Spanish friend, we went for a long walk around the city and I read bunch of notes on the historical buildings walls. The Spanish pronunciation is very similar to the one of Indonesian. I remember reading them out oud in front of my Spanish friend and he was so surprised how well I was reading them! But I only understood few words! So my conclusions: Spanish is similar to Indonesian (esp the pronunciation and general rules of adj comes before noun: Buku Merah vs Red book). I just started learning Spanish myself but been very lazy lately 👎😖 😆 Tetap sehat buat kamu & keluarga yah! 👍
Jadi belajar juga asik yaa itu juga pemula kaya belajar mendeskripsikan sesuatu misalkan mendeskripsikan sebuah rumah gitu kan ada kolam renang bentuk rumah nya besar or kecil asik jugaaa🥰
betul banget... aku belajar dari guru disekolah.. tapi kurang faham.. tapi dengan mendengarkan musik kemudian cari lirik nya.. trus hafal lagunya trus hafal juga arti nya.. juga dengan percakapan di film2 berbahasa inggris dan sambil membaca subtittel nya jadi lebih paham..
oh how i love this kind of content! love learning languages! Btw, i like the way Sacha gives info - very factual without these "lebay" motivational quotes. Thanks a lot for the video :)
Kak sacha lucu banget dalam bercakap² pake bahasa Indonesia, sama kayak kak sarah johnson dan bang londokampung nih, tetap semangat berkarya yaa kak sacha, saya jadi nyesal sangat saat merasa gak butuh Studying Speak English pada masa SMP kelas 1-2, moga saya bisa lancar Speak English juga walau merasa kalau belajar "Speak English from 0 again" itu serasa udah terlambat pada usia 21 tahun sekarang ini.... 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇💪💪💪💪
Until now i'm always foccus on the grammar, last year i melakukan tes toefl in my university and i dapat score 403 and i think i'm so lucky di waktu itu karena sebelumnya hanya dapat 328 literally made me sedikit pusing terlebih soal grammar, your content so interesting made me lebih rajin lagi dalam berbahasa, proud of you sist😘
Hadeh.. Pusing sekali Baca komen mu ini.. klo ngomong bhs inggris ya bhs inggris.. Klo ngomong bhs indo ya Bahasa indo.. dicampur2 kayak rujak.. ribet sekali bacanya
I once learned Spanish just because I really love to watch "The Amazing Race", and I tried the Pimsleur method. But it'all gone now cz I never practice it again T-T lol
salam dari kota bengkulu utara desa napal putih... saya suka belajar bahasa dan sangat pengen bisa behasa inggris.. sukses terus ya buat MADAM SACHA ... i like this video...
Aku belajar bahasa prancis di sekolah ntah knp bisa cepet hafal vocab dibanding suruh nyusun kalimat (╥﹏╥).. guru lagi ngomong aja aku cuma oui oui , non non ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
Hola Sacha, que tal? Como es tu español ahora? Bien? 😁 aku tinggal di Spain dan aku juga masih struggling buat bisa cas cis cus in Spanish. Semangat terus belajar bahasa Spanyolnya, setelah 2 tahun video ini di publish, I bet that your Spanish is much better. 😁🫶🏻 kisses from Palma de Mallorca 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
suka banget sama video video mbk scha ini. sebelum ke Australia aku sering tonton ini buat motivasi, sekarang udah berasa kalo memang dengerin native speaker dan lebih sering ngomong bakal lebih ngeboost bahasa kita lebih cepet.
i am agree with you Sacha ... My English has improved since I once had an Australian boss who forced me to listen to him communicate in English and I had to communicate with him in Bahasa.
Jujur saya lebih menyerap ilmu yang sasha tuturkan, karena pengalamannya adl guru yang terbaik. Belajarlah spt bayi yg menyerap sedikit demi sedikit tapi konsisten. Terimakasih sasha
14:55 yess that's true, Mbak Aku dulu belajar otodidak dari nonton tv series-tv series Akhirnya terserap sendiri Dan pas mau ngomong/nulis suka keingetan "kayanya ini salah deh"
@@SachaStevenson iya banyk yg bilang taun tapi di kamus besar bahasa Indonesia Tahun ,banyk bahasa Indonesia yg di ubah ubah dalam penyebutan dan membuat bahasa Indonesia asli sedikit hilang
Pemerolehan bahasa pada anak dan orang dewasa mempunyai perbedaan. Ada istilah usia kritis dimana pada usia ini beberapa faktor menjadi kendala besar dlm pemerolehan bahasa seperti filter (kecemasan, malu, dan sikap lainnya) yang semakin tinggi yg menghalangi proses pemerolehan bahasa asing bagi org dewasa. Sebagian peneliti juga membuktikan bahwa pelajar dewasa lebih mudah mempelajari bahasa dimulai dari tata bahasa terutama apabila tdk berada di negara bahasa target atau tdk diajar oleh native speaker. Namun proses pemerolehan bahasa pada anak apabila diterapkan pada pembelajar dewasa mempunyai efek yg positif juga yg diterapkan juga dgn apa yg disebut metode langsung seperti ini. Good job
Karena kata "kualitas" itu kosakata serapan dari Bahasa Inggris, yaitu kata "quality". Every English word that ends by "-ity" would be translated to "-itas" when it comes to Indonesian that has no 'original' words, such as University, Objectivity, Productivity, etc (Universitas, Objektivitas, Produktivitas). We don't have any translations for those words in Indonesian vocabulary. I learned these suffixes when I was in Junior High School, in Bahasa Indonesia subject. CMIIW...
Thank you kak Sasha for the important knowledge, I was proving my English almost everyday.. and yeah so hard to making completely grammar on my sentence.. I always confused, but I'm happy so much bcoz the foreigner teach me how to say right use grammar.. Hahahahaha 😄🤣 ashamed of me. Thanks for share, 🙏🏼💐👍🏼😍😃😄👏🏼😇💞😘 God bless you
I can understand what people saying, understand while reading, but need an effort while speaking
Yap sama gan 😆
Yea same dude
Yes so do i.at first i think so.but for next time you are understand when while you listen more and more
Me too
I learn english because I have some dreams. I want to visit my friend in Bangladesh,I want to travelling to foreign country,preparing for my medical study in a university,ect. Hope my dreams and all of this viewers dreams will come true. Amen. 🙏🙏
I want to go to visit my friend in Bangladesh,
I want to travel foreign country,
@@bumikotak6665 wow
That's why, seharusnya waktu pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP ga usah pelajarin tense dulu. Fokus ke listening, reading, dan writting aja. Kalo grammar, baru dipelajari waktu SMA. Makanya banyak yang susah belajar Bahasa Inggris, wong yang dipelajari cuma Tense itu-itu aja dari SMP sampe SMA
Bener juga.
Iya bener sihh pusing bgt padahal blm tau bnyak kata b.ingris
Cuman pusingin tense doang
guru yg ngajarin sampe tingkat Sma pun blum tentu bisa native speaking
Bener banget, jd minat utk bljr bahasa inggris gk ada. Hahaa
SMP udah fasih Inggris yey (B2) walaupun gak bisa bicaranya xD.
Baru kali ini liat video tips lancar english tapi beda dari yg lain. Gak nge skip satu detik pun di video ini. Karena ngerasa satu pengalaman, belajar karena denger orang lain ngomong, nonton film dll. Thank you Kak
Indonesian : Tahun
Sacha : Taun
Also Indonesian : TAON
Oh! I like taon!
Bener banget 🤭🤭
Bener banget😂
Di daerah gue, malah "taoEN"
" Lu udah berapa lama tinggal di Bekasi?"
" Baru setaon bang..."
tahun = tahu tempe
I studied in kampung inggris pare for 10 months. I learned speaking for 3 months and TOEFL 7 months. I love the way you shared. What you have said is same as my tutors in kampung inggris. They taught me that we should listen and read anything in english. Speak up what you can say, forget the grammar. I do that everyday and i think my english is improving till now. You know? It became a habbit to me. Today i am not in kampung inggris again. But i am still watch anything in english without subtitle in indonesia. And sometimes i understand what in english means but difficult to translate in indonesia
Alah kampret...
10 bulan di pare bayar berapa sih kak?
Background nya cucok bangeeeeet, peta Indonesia, dinding kayuuuu nya baguuuus 😘
Bener....bapakku ga pernah ngomongin peta waktu aku kecil 😅 boro boro nempelin peta di tembok....
Sy belajar bahasa inggris di komen medsos atau UA-cam,jadi sy berusaha mengartikan sendiri setelah itu sy make sure dgn google translate😀entah itu benar atau salah😀
@@sitikhadijah6258 sama gan. Aku jg gitu. Belajar dari komen orang luar yang ngomong inggris, nanti aku artikan sendiri, kalau ada kata yang belom aku tahu aku translate di GTranslate
beneeer bangeet kakk
aku lagi kebingungan mau belajar bahasa inggris kayak gimana lagi :") and then this video exist :") jadi semangat lagi 🔥
Harus semangat dan ad kemauan untuk terus mencoba/men cari referensi yg bsa membantu tuk menambah kmampuan b ing ayu, yaa........practice, practice, practice your listening every day, u will get better, ook. ?
Download aplikasi duolingo
@@sohibkreatif7433 Sobat duolingo
Gak ngeti aku🤦♀️
@@sohibkreatif7433 temenan yok di duolingo
bener banget mbak sasha.sya belajar bah.ing 1 bulan udah bisa speaking...
metodenya cuman baca buku, listening (music, videos) try to understand without subtitle...paling bagus itu di serial The walking dead..bisa belajar pronounciation, pas itu kursus private sama guru dirumah, jadi 1 minggu 3x pertemuan itu wajib ngomong bah.ing..dimulai dari doa (Pembuka sampe penutup) sampe belajar harus ngomong bah.ing...setiap pertemuan pertama dikasih buku yang harus wajib dibaca..nnti diakhir pertemuan bakalan dibahas apa aja isi bukunya..awal"nya memang susah ngomong sampe sakit kepala..tapi lama kelamaan sudah mulai terbiasa sampe skrng udah gk takut lagi kalo ngomong sma bule
Belajar private b.inggris nya dari lembaga les darimana kak kalo boleh tau? Ku minat soalnya, bayarnya brp kak?
@@elitamaulidina Me Too-!
😁 nyimak
Lalu bagiamana cara mengetahui arti dari kata-katanya?
Wow the walking dead😂 I love this, paling suka karakter rick,negan,daryl,glenn the best karakter tpi sayang glenn mati
Asal pede : i'm javanese and my husband is madurese. We comitted to learn our son by english speak. Barokallaah sacha and family 😘😍
Kalo aku sambil menyelam minum air kak Sacha 😂kebetulan waktu itu aku nyari American buat improve English ( awalnya buat belajar ) , eh lama kelamaan kita berdua jatuh hati. Tuhan maha membolak-balikkan hati manusia. 😂😂 Tiap hari aku improve skill English aku sama doi (listening, speaking and writing) terbiasa dengan sendirinya. Sekarang kita udah tunangan, rencananya tahun ini akan menikah tapi nggak ngerti karena pandemic jadi stress takut sekali tidak berjalan sesuai ekspektasi. Minta doanya temen-temen semoga pandemic segera berakhir. Maaf jadi curhat 😭😭
Nyari american dimana kakak ? Bagi resep dong 😆
@@arumaisha6347 di aplikasi online kak😂😂
@Yolanda apa nama aplikasinya sis
@@yolandaanggraini8991 jgn2 scammer,,wkwkw
@@Ricky-nq2rm ayo Monggo mampir ke UA-cam aku mas😀 mosok Iyah scammer mau boyong kedua orang tua nya buat ngelamar aku ke Indonesia lol
Hi sasha. I am malaysian and many people say that we are good at english. Sometimes i get so shy when talking because im thinking to much about the grammar. Its good to hear the real advice from native speaker and a former teacher. Thank you for the tips about ignoring the grammer because who cares..
This video is all about the truth! I never learnt English from any real institution that provides courses like EF, IELTS, and all that, I absorb everything from movies, songs, and all kinds of interviews/talks that I found on UA-cam back then. Well I mean except for the ones teacher taught at school, but I didn't really pay attention to that.
Orang Jawa asli, never lived outside Indonesia, never had any friends that was native English speaker.
I do English on a daily basis on my day to day work now, working with people from different nationalities. I do speak English in a proper/formal business English and converse in one of those fancy scientific and business way of talking. Did multiple articles on my studies on a formal English with no editor, as well as full thesis on English.
The key for me is to listen, break down what you heard, understand it and learn different ways to use it in multiple cases or explain different things using those bits and expand your storage of "bits" and understand how things are used in different ways in combinations.
Really wanted to learn new language but work has been really crazy and I'm also learning other things outside of linguistics. Learning is fun!
This is inspiring while I took English literature as my major study at college. I can't be as good as you in writing, tho. Ironic, huh? You don't have to take a formal education to be able to speak English.
@@nelimustikasari2439 Hi sorry I just seen this reply recently.
Don't be discouraged.
Sometimes the problem in our education system is that they (edu institutions, edu ministries) don't design curriculum to be as fun, or at least as interactive as possible, and tend to repeat details that are outdated or do no effort to find connection to recent trends, or relatable topics which might make it more fun for students to learn.
It happens in a lot of majors, both science or social majors.
Find the things that you have interest in, and start from there. You will tend to pay more attention to the subjects, art forms, or anything that you have strong interest in.
And by experience, it also takes time. Everything good in life takes time.
I wish you the best of luck in everything that you want to achieve!
pernah denger orang indonesia belajar bahasa indonesia? yaaah mungkin lebih seperti itu kalo orang belajar bahasa lewat kursus 😅
@@rapsanjani6430 Iya, kebanyakan dibahas teori-teori itu pun biasanya kebanyakan teori yang bakal jarang dipake buat sehari2. Dasar nya doang juga udah cukup, sisanya pelajari yang bakal dipake di keseharian misal buat kerja, buat pendidikan lanjut.
sacha, cara belajar inggris video tutorial nya tolong di group kan di playlist, saya mau save. btw tq.
Mampir juga ke Jadda Channel
@@Mr.bee08 ada pdyo b inggrs jg
semangat kakk
@@Mr.bee08 ua-cam.com/video/-V8kCb-221U/v-deo.html
This is my aha moment Sasha.. I just realise that the way i learn other language "French" is wrong so far.. I've just learned it through the app which mostly provide me with the flashcard and small talk.. and you know what it end up with BORING.. lol.. I need to acquire more by listening practicing though.. thank you for sharing the tips.
ohh i can speak french too
bagguete hon hon hon,sacre bleu, Viva la Revolution!.
OMG thank you Sasha!!! Aku baru aja balik dari spending 2 months with my Indonesian community and I’ve totally gagap speaking english. This video really helps me out to improve my english back! Cheers from Aussie!
Im indonesian and i learn most of my English from you and also my accent is getting better (more American) so thank you sooo much for the content:)
😭rugi banget baru Nemu kontren ini, kenapa ga dari dulu,, jadi semakin semangat belajar bahasanya👍👍
Semangat aa
Itu lukisan apa pajangan kayu mom nempel di dinding? Bagus! Pulau pulau Indonesia 😁😁😁💟💟💟
Halo kak Sasha Stevenson ,namaku Divya, umurku 7 tahun, aku belajar bahasa inggris dari youtube,hanya itu,dan praktik bahasa inggris di komunitas bahasa inggris di Jakarta, Aku belum bisa berbahasa inggris dengan baik, Aku juga coba praktik di channel youtubeku, walau banyak salah, aku dibantu kakakku ,tapi aku juga ga tahu apakah bahasa inggris kakakku benar atau tidak. Aku nonton youtube channel ,termasuk channel kak Sasha. Channel youtube aku namanya Divya Sakhi. Terima kasih kakak.
Mbak saya mau ketemu mbak pingin belajar bahasa inggris langsung sama mbak sampai lancar
Terimakasih kak🤗😍😘 semoga yg kita yg masih belepotan bahasa inggrisnya bisa lancar 🤲 aamiin
Udah bertahun2 belum lancar-lancar....
1. Gak pede
2. Bingung pake kata hubung yg bener
3. Suka ketuker-tuker
Klo udah begitu mantapin niat untuk memperbaikinya dan coba system ini. No subtitles. Full English content (easy stuff like maybe a kids UA-cam channel or a cool craft channel like Sammy Slime). Maybe you can break some of those bad habits.
@@SachaStevenson wahh replied... Thanks for advice Mrs. Sacha :)
@@SachaStevenson what about watching English with English caption too?
Sama gue juga gitu hiksss tapi karena lihat channel ini gue tambah yakin dengan mindset gue kalau belajar itu mulai dari listening aja terusss soal grammar ntar juga ikut dengan sendirinya
Irham Dzuhri pake caption klo bener2 gk tau bentuk katanya gmn apa yg diucapkan.
Ini memang paling bener, jadi kita anggap aja diri kita seperti bayi, sama halnya kita bayi yang hidup di Indonesia yang menangkap apa yang orang lain bilang, dan nanti kita ngomong sedikit sedikit dan meniru, kita jangan belajar grammar dulu.
Thanks Sacha 👍
Thank you for posting this, Sacha! I used these methods to learn English. When I moved to Canada, I needed to improve my writing skills so I took the CLB placement test and I was placed at level 8 at the free English classes for immigrants 😊
let's thank Sacha for all her informative and fun videos by not skipping the ads 💕💕
I strongly agree about this. I am currently learning English and Korean... I kinda feel sucks at Korean language so I feel that I want to give up. But after seeing my favourite boygroup start talking in Korean suddenly there's inner force that making me want to understand what they are talking about😭👍👍 And that's the spirit!
kamu sangat berguna di Indonesia Sacha, makasih sudah tinggal disini
I spent almost 10 hours/day for 6 months to gain my speaking skill and now I've gotten upper intermediate under my belt. My accent sounds like American mixed with Russian and I love it hahaha
cara belajar nya gimana ka?
how did you learn that? can you share knowledge, please..
Cara lancar bahasa inggris lu tinggal di inggris/amerika dalam jangka waktu yg lama..
Cara lancar bahasa sunda lu harus tinggal di daerah sunda cukup lama..
Cara lancar bahasa indonesia lu tinggal di daerah jabotabek/jabodetabek..
Dalam waktu yg lama
Itu cara yg benar..
Karena belajar di sekolah sama lapangan beda banget..
Apa yg kita pelajari di sekolah..
Pas ngomong sama bule..
Bulenya gak ngerti..
I've learned french for 3 years on senior high.. But all i can say is "j'mapelle dyana. Je suis etudiant" hahhahaha..
But i think im kinda good in english (thx playstation)
Guau, tu eres muy maravilosa! Wow, you are very wonderful!
Ahaha me tooo
What the correlation the PlayStation with France?
@@andrewfebriyanto3936 she means that she is good in english because she learn English from playstation..
Alhamdulillah bahasa Indonesia juga mendunia
I want to learn Arabic. It sounds so classy. May be because when I heard Arabic, my brain associate it with ads in Etihad and Emirates's inflight entertainment system.
It's easy. Just live in Canada for 5 years. I guarantee. You'll speak English fluently. 👍👍👍
Keinget waktu nonton malam-malam di NET tv ada ka sacha ❤️ komen ke 20 😂
Seharusnya gini kalo mau edukasi,tanpa menjatuhkan beberapa pihak dalam belajar apapun.fokus ke apa yang mau di sampaikan tanpa nyinyir
i'm currently learning japanese. i like to watch animes and jdramas, i was thinking to take a course bcs i wanna take jlpt test as quick as i can. i literally gave up less than a week (lol) and i stopped. grammar suffocates me, it is so hard to learn japanese + the grammar. i stopped doing the courses, but i'm still watching animes and dramas until now, and how lucky i am to click on your video! (abt we have to ignore the grammar at the first year of studying) bcs yeah even if it's slow (learning grammar from listening and reading) i enjoyed more that way, i didn't feel burdened or pressured. i have a goal that when i graduated from highschool (skrg mau naik kls 11) i can watch anime and dramas without indo/eng subtitles. thank you i LOVE your videos thank you ka sarah 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 im sorry for the long comment and the rants,, hehe
i agree that you don't have to study the grammar at the first year of studying because i'm taking japanese studies as my major and i was soo stressful at my first year because i haven't even studied about the language (before entering the uni) nor hyping on japanese things while the lecturer already gave us the grammar lessons since the beginning.
if you want to learn it, i suggest you to make it as fun as possible! such as learn the language from the anime you've watched because listening is one of the most effective method for studying a new language.
がんばってね ^^
I learn Japanese for 3years because it's my major but still hard to speak Japanese because the grammar is really hard, feel ashamed for my self cause not determined enough to learn
Dulu waktu mau ikutan proficient test bahasa inggris sering ndengerin radio inggris dan ya alhamdulillah :)
1:34 Saya sendiri sebagai native speaker B Indo sering kok bilangnya "taun". In fact, beberapa bahasa seperti Spanyol dan Perancis huruf "h" nya selalu silent (diam), karena bunyi h ini tidak terlalu menonjol/tebal sehingga sering di-drop/reduce.
Bener! Klo yang udah Indo banget, huruf H-nya jadi silent. Justru yang Indonesia asli tuh gitu.
gue juga gitu.. berapa taun? hahaha
Tidak, saya masih mengucapkan tahun 'tahun.'
@@alghifary67 Berarti Anda adalah orang yang sangat formal. Bahkan dengan keluarga sendiri pun, Anda berbicara dengan bahasa formal. Persis seperti yang sedang saya lakukan saat ini kepada Anda. Atas perhatiannya, saya ucapkan sekian dan terima kasih.
Seringkali di aksara jawa juga. Huruf H di depan sering diabaikan/ga ditulis
Terimakasih, sangat membantu rata2 belajar grammar di awal membuat kita ragu n takut salah dalam mencoba percakapan
The best way to master English is to marry an Englishman/Englishwoman. I guarantee. You don't have to attend classes. ❤️❤️❤️
mantappp beda ya klw yg udah bener2 pro n mahir bgt mah jelasinnya jg masuk bgt cuy
I always say "taun", even in chat 😂
I only say "tahun" in formal conversation.
Makasih mau mengajari kita orang indonesia bahasa Inggris .. semoga lanjut terus ..😚😚😚😙😁😗😗
Uuu mksii kak, dridulu pengen bgt bisa 1 aja bhs asing. Smpe skrg belum bisa2 :"(
Thanks for giving me inspiration to learn and teach English in better way...
I reaally like your new back ground and the Indonesian wooden map! it's so cool.
thank's sacha... i'm begginer... but i hope to learn more english... bahasa indonesia kamu sangat bagus dan mudah dimengerti dalam berbagi ilmu untuk mengajarkan bahasa inggris.. terus berkarya dan semangattt...
I'm still learning Spanish! I have been learning it for around 3 years. In my opinion, sometimes it's almost similar to Indonesia. However, I had ever intended to give up! Because of too much rule in Spanish grammar, such as there are masculine and feminine. I am able to understand it as long as I know the vocabularies or the verbs!
When you already master the Spanish, you have a freepass to understand French or Italian (or Portuguese) easier!
Sangat memotivasi banget yang tadinya patah semangat sekarang mudah mudahan bisa bahasa Inggris
oh The Tiger who came to Tea, My daughter used to love those, come with tea set.
She is 11 now, and we still have the book and the tea set. Hope Zee enjoy it too. sorry out of topic 😊😂
One of the best book for kiddo ,we watched the cartoon version aswell.
Semoga Tuhan selalu memberkatimu karena hatimu yang berniat lembut untuk membuat konten" yg beanfaat seperti ini
Akhirnya Bisa Gercep Juga Njr :"")
Senang bisa bertemu dengan Sacha banyak hal yg akhirnya sy ketahui. trimkasih Sacha/
Sacha, thanks for the tips on learning a foreign language! Just wanted to share with you: when I was in Madrid to have some badminton coaching with my Spanish friend, we went for a long walk around the city and I read bunch of notes on the historical buildings walls. The Spanish pronunciation is very similar to the one of Indonesian. I remember reading them out oud in front of my Spanish friend and he was so surprised how well I was reading them! But I only understood few words! So my conclusions: Spanish is similar to Indonesian (esp the pronunciation and general rules of adj comes before noun: Buku Merah vs Red book). I just started learning Spanish myself but been very lazy lately 👎😖 😆 Tetap sehat buat kamu & keluarga yah! 👍
Jadi belajar juga asik yaa itu juga pemula kaya belajar mendeskripsikan sesuatu misalkan mendeskripsikan sebuah rumah gitu kan ada kolam renang bentuk rumah nya besar or kecil asik jugaaa🥰
OUMEGAD 2:47 I'm gonna mark this thing!!!!! Thank you so much for the highlight!!! (y) (y)
betul banget... aku belajar dari guru disekolah.. tapi kurang faham.. tapi dengan mendengarkan musik kemudian cari lirik nya.. trus hafal lagunya trus hafal juga arti nya.. juga dengan percakapan di film2 berbahasa inggris dan sambil membaca subtittel nya jadi lebih paham..
oh how i love this kind of content! love learning languages! Btw, i like the way Sacha gives info - very factual without these "lebay" motivational quotes. Thanks a lot for the video :)
Kak sacha lucu banget dalam bercakap² pake bahasa Indonesia, sama kayak kak sarah johnson dan bang londokampung nih, tetap semangat berkarya yaa kak sacha, saya jadi nyesal sangat saat merasa gak butuh Studying Speak English pada masa SMP kelas 1-2, moga saya bisa lancar Speak English juga walau merasa kalau belajar "Speak English from 0 again" itu serasa udah terlambat pada usia 21 tahun sekarang ini.... 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇💪💪💪💪
Until now i'm always foccus on the grammar, last year i melakukan tes toefl in my university and i dapat score 403 and i think i'm so lucky di waktu itu karena sebelumnya hanya dapat 328 literally made me sedikit pusing terlebih soal grammar, your content so interesting made me lebih rajin lagi dalam berbahasa, proud of you sist😘
Hadeh.. Pusing sekali Baca komen mu ini.. klo ngomong bhs inggris ya bhs inggris.. Klo ngomong bhs indo ya Bahasa indo.. dicampur2 kayak rujak.. ribet sekali bacanya
Nulis di campur2 kek bhs rujak ni bikin yg Baca lebih pusing kpla.. Hadeh2 kau ini
Nulis di campur2 kek bhs rujak ni bikin yg Baca lebih pusing kpla.. Hadeh2 kau ini
@@Phoebegb.A gausa dibaca haha
Judul di thumbnail-nya sungguh membesarkan hati saya untuk belajar bahasa Inggris 😁😁
"Itu goblok, itu bohong." I like that way🤣
Makanya banyak² baca pak..
Di bikin meme bagus tuh
Time to Exe Editor to shine
Nongkrong di pos Satpam!! This is the best!!
I also chose to learn Spanish as my third language. My goal.. maybe building a house in Spain next to yours. I'll be candidate of your neighbor 😂
spain is so dificulty i cant litte
samething that i impress you so much when speaking Indonesian is your expression ...Indonesia bnget...😀👍
I once learned Spanish just because I really love to watch "The Amazing Race", and I tried the Pimsleur method. But it'all gone now cz I never practice it again T-T lol
Selain dpt ilmunya jg sachanya sngt menghibur selipan guyonannya
Tks y Cha🙏👍
"Itu goblok itu boong" wkwkwk thank you Sacha
salam dari kota bengkulu utara desa napal putih...
saya suka belajar bahasa dan sangat pengen bisa behasa inggris.. sukses terus ya buat MADAM SACHA ...
i like this video...
Setau saya banyak orang indo ngomong taon juga kok buat tahun (termasuk saya hehe, org indo), so... take it easy
Pembahasannya sangat padat,ringkas dan wow bisa dimengerti..THanks for the explanation.. greetings and success always
Aku belajar bahasa prancis di sekolah ntah knp bisa cepet hafal vocab dibanding suruh nyusun kalimat (╥﹏╥).. guru lagi ngomong aja aku cuma oui oui , non non ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
Hola Sacha, que tal? Como es tu español ahora? Bien? 😁 aku tinggal di Spain dan aku juga masih struggling buat bisa cas cis cus in Spanish. Semangat terus belajar bahasa Spanyolnya, setelah 2 tahun video ini di publish, I bet that your Spanish is much better. 😁🫶🏻 kisses from Palma de Mallorca 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Umm Sa, sometimes I pronounced "taun" either. So it is not a big deal 😁
Yes,you're right
keknya emang orang-orang ngomongnya taun, nggak, sih?
tahun itu baku.
Dia becanda
Saya malah “taon” 😂
@@meifapuspita3196 kadang sy pake taon juga hahaha
suka banget sama video video mbk scha ini.
sebelum ke Australia aku sering tonton ini buat motivasi, sekarang udah berasa kalo memang dengerin native speaker dan lebih sering ngomong bakal lebih ngeboost bahasa kita lebih cepet.
Seleb english speech top 11 Puteri Indonesia 2020 kak
Saya mencium aroma-aroma Karina-Kalista-Oooooolivia 😆 tapi Putu Ayu Saraswati jawaranyaaa 💚
Aku paling suka kak oliviaa.
Anyway, uuuuup
TQ Sacha. I am from Malaysia and I fancy to be fluent in Turkish. Very good tips!
Appreciate this content so much, Thank You Sacha. I still learning how to speak French actually. This is really helpful
Mudah mudahan bisa belajar asing.baik pronunciation maupun gramatikal dengan baik..melalui Chanel ini.mohon bimbingannya
Saya belajar berbicara bahasa inggris kebanyakan di game, main sama orang luar , dan itung2 lancarin biar pede, dan lama2 jadi kebiasaan
gimana kak carane maen.sama.orang luar
@@margaretharusmiati8457 biasanya circle game dia mostly orang luar
i am agree with you Sacha ... My English has improved since I once had an Australian boss who forced me to listen to him communicate in English and I had to communicate with him in Bahasa.
My teacher be like : "mau pinter bahasa inggris, sarapan pake roti tiap hari"
liat kebiasaan orang western sarapannya pake roti jadi awto bisa ngomong english secara fluent?? wawwww kalo gitu caranya saya juga mau
Jujur saya lebih menyerap ilmu yang sasha tuturkan, karena pengalamannya adl guru yang terbaik. Belajarlah spt bayi yg menyerap sedikit demi sedikit tapi konsisten. Terimakasih sasha
Kristo Emanuel, I think he sounds like a native speaker.
Ikutan bejar bahasa Inggris dg mba Sacha Stevenson 👍🙏😍
You're so funny ka sach, when you say. Th in that etc..
But its inspiring
Makin seru deh channel kamu kak sasa!!! Banyak memberi ilmu, content yang membina semangat, dan menghiburkan sekaligus. Sayang kamu kak 😘
Kak saya tinggal di bali ,apa kk buka les bahasa inggris please jawab :)
Like dong guys biar up di baca
kukira mode fasih :), ternyata motivasi, tekan MOtivasi kak😚
Indonesia eyd:mau
Inggris:want(bener gak)
Indonesia kekinian:mo
Indonesia eyd:main
Indonesia gaul:men
Ini berdasarkan pendengaran ane
itu kuping anda yang bermasalah
Subhanallah semoga ilmu saudara mendapt manfaatnuat di sunia dan akhirat
I want to ask you,, what is the difference sound between 'ch' and 'sh',, I still confuse
Please,, reply my question Mrs. Shaca
14:55 yess that's true, Mbak
Aku dulu belajar otodidak dari nonton tv series-tv series
Akhirnya terserap sendiri
Dan pas mau ngomong/nulis suka keingetan "kayanya ini salah deh"
Bahasa inggris aku tuh sulit pengucapannya,penulisan dan pengucapan beda jadi gimana cara mengatasinya agar bisa mudah gitu?
Thanks ats share ilmunya yg sangat berguna sekali ya
Banyak juga kok org indo yg ngomong "Taun" termasuk gw.
Waduh! Alhamdulilah klo gitu. Aku udah lama kurang gaul dan patokannya Angga saja. Thanks for the info.
@@SachaStevenson Kayaknya Angga lagi ngomong formal deh. Klo formal emang huruf H-nya harus dibaca.
@@SachaStevenson iya banyk yg bilang taun tapi di kamus besar bahasa Indonesia Tahun ,banyk bahasa Indonesia yg di ubah ubah dalam penyebutan dan membuat bahasa Indonesia asli sedikit hilang
Mungkin tidak termasuk saya karena saya masih mengucapkan 'tahun.'
"Taun", It's sundanese.
Pemerolehan bahasa pada anak dan orang dewasa mempunyai perbedaan. Ada istilah usia kritis dimana pada usia ini beberapa faktor menjadi kendala besar dlm pemerolehan bahasa seperti filter (kecemasan, malu, dan sikap lainnya) yang semakin tinggi yg menghalangi proses pemerolehan bahasa asing bagi org dewasa. Sebagian peneliti juga membuktikan bahwa pelajar dewasa lebih mudah mempelajari bahasa dimulai dari tata bahasa terutama apabila tdk berada di negara bahasa target atau tdk diajar oleh native speaker. Namun proses pemerolehan bahasa pada anak apabila diterapkan pada pembelajar dewasa mempunyai efek yg positif juga yg diterapkan juga dgn apa yg disebut metode langsung seperti ini. Good job
I'm sorry, Sacha
You have to write "kualitas" not kwalitas
Yaa pokoknya nggak usah ditanya lah
Jadi ingat cerita seorang guru B. Indonesia. Anaknya disuruh nulis 'wajah' malah ditulis 'uajah'. Hehe ....
Karena kata "kualitas" itu kosakata serapan dari Bahasa Inggris, yaitu kata "quality". Every English word that ends by "-ity" would be translated to "-itas" when it comes to Indonesian that has no 'original' words, such as University, Objectivity, Productivity, etc (Universitas, Objektivitas, Produktivitas). We don't have any translations for those words in Indonesian vocabulary. I learned these suffixes when I was in Junior High School, in Bahasa Indonesia subject. CMIIW...
'kwalitas' = ejaan lama
'kualitas' = ejaan yang disempurnakan
Aku disuruh guru nulis JADWAL/JADUAL mana yg bener, eh aku bikin JADUAL
Skrg malah jadi slang/tulisan gaul
Cewe/cowo = ceue/couo
Ng*we = ng*ue
*itu doang sih kyknya 🤣
Thank you kak Sasha for the important knowledge, I was proving my English almost everyday..
and yeah so hard to making completely grammar on my sentence..
I always confused, but I'm happy so much bcoz the foreigner teach me how to say right use grammar..
Hahahahaha 😄🤣 ashamed of me.
Thanks for share, 🙏🏼💐👍🏼😍😃😄👏🏼😇💞😘 God bless you