Choosing to Believe in God | His Grace

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Ever found yourself wondering what to believe or whether God is real? Have you been so focused on poking holes in your faith that you’ve started to disbelieve? Adam shares his story about how choosing to believe made a difference in his life.
    There was a time when Adam questioned the existence of God and the beliefs of the Church. He searched for every negative form of information about God, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Christianity in general-all in the name of being intellectually honest.
    But if Adam was to be completely honest, he had to acknowledge evidences that supported the existence of God. Adam chose to recognize personal evidences that God loved him.
    In choosing to believe, Adam became converted to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ once again. He gained knowledge and understanding. Even though his knowledge isn’t perfect, the peace he feels is greater than before.
    “God can take the biggest train wrecks in our lives, and He can make something beautiful out of them.”
    Have you had a faith crisis? What did you do during that time?
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  • @freethinker1026
    @freethinker1026 5 років тому +5

    Truth is never something to fear or avoid, the truth sets us free, even if it is an unpleasant truth. Those committed to seeking for truth, even if they get off track for a while, will always find it eventually. Christ is the way the TRUTH and the life. Truth matters, seek for it.

  • @momsings32
    @momsings32 4 роки тому +6

    I had a similar experience - it is so frightening - as if everything is dissolving around you. But like you, I finally came to the place where I had deconstructed everything and started again with the basic question; "if there is a God and if thou art God wilt thou make thyself known to me?" when I was ready to stop fighting, ready to listen, ready to question my doubts, ready to allow for the might and majesty and power of God being far beyond my current understanding - the light started to come back, just like a slow sunrise. I'm so glad I kept hanging on and searching. I'm so glad I stayed. I know things now in a way that is so much deeper than I did before and i'm so glad I didn't miss it.

  • @TheSmackdwn
    @TheSmackdwn 5 років тому +22

    This is the exact place I'm in. Its defining. Its all I can think of. It's all I pray about. It's all I cry out to God about. And this video gives me a simple peace in knowing I am not alone in this struggle. Heavenly Father, I believe, help thou my unbelief... Thank you for this video right now in this moment in time. Please pray for me.

    • @yellowyosh470
      @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому +2

      I will pray for you! ❤️ I've gone through these thoughts too. Please focus on your faith and not your doubts! Answers come and things make sense eventually. Don't be afraid to talk to people too. Although imperfect sometimes others can offer great gems of wisdom. 😁 Good luck! All things make sense with time.

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 3 роки тому

      Will do! Hope things are getting better.

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @CCMorgan
    @CCMorgan 4 роки тому +44

    "That's not everything, but it's something, right?" Maybe the most important question you can start asking to get your faith back.

    • @cashallred1374
      @cashallred1374 4 роки тому +3

      I truly love how he put that. It is truly seeing those evidences of God for what they are, not less, not more. Recognizing that believe is a choice is also important to reduce the anxiety of not feeling in control, and take things a step at a time.

    • @jordannewberry9561
      @jordannewberry9561 3 роки тому

      @@cashallred1374 (atheist) Hi uh, I'm confused. How is belief a choice? Like, can you choose right now on a whim to genuinely believe that dogs don't exist?

    • @EndoMTB
      @EndoMTB 3 роки тому

      Wouldn’t let me edit. I was saying that you start to see or feel the evidence that God is real. But it starts with choosing to believe.

  • @systemverilog4727
    @systemverilog4727 5 років тому +9

    I'll just say that I have been going through something very similar to this story recently. It is a very terrifying experience once you start actively attempting to disprove your own faith with science, logic, history, etc.
    And while I definitely think that people can receive great knowledge and understanding of the Gospel when they go through these kinds of trials, the metaphorical "mortality rate" of the faith of many men and women is frightening.
    Yes you should know the enemy, but you already know that you should not actively seek after the enemy. Seek after God.

  • @fourbirdstos
    @fourbirdstos 5 років тому +58

    Bro. I know what that feels like. I never doubted that the church was true because I have a very strong testimony about the truthfullnes and devine origin of The Book of Mormon; however, there was a time after my mission when I was going through some very difficult personal circumstances and I felt like I no longer deserved my Heavenly Father's love or forgiveness. I felt alone and in the dark, as if all the light in my life was gone. I was so sad. But it was as you said, after a long time had passed of me hanging on, clinging to the sliver of hope that God might have mercy on me and help me find my way back to His love that the answer to my prayers and supplication came. I know today that I am out of that abyss and once again in the light and am once again in the service of my God and my fellow man because God is real and the redeeming power of the atonning sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ is real. For no one else knew the desperate pleadings of my heart for they were made in secret and only He could provide the means to strengthen me and help me one again be filled with the Holy Ghost, such that my cup is full and runneth over indeed.
    I know that my redeemer lives. ❤

    • @jennhoff03
      @jennhoff03 5 років тому +3

      That was really sweet. Thank you for sharing that.

    • @ex-mormonthanos9439
      @ex-mormonthanos9439 4 роки тому

      So if you take the Book of Mormon to be true, since there are 8 and 3 witnesses you must also except James Strang's plates he produced after Joseph Smiths death. He had witnesses to his plates who also never denied their testimony James was given these plates to translate. If you dont know much of Strang, he was a top leader and supposed successor to Joseph and had a letter he claimed Joseph gave him saying Strang was to be the new prophet after Joseph Smith. In fact....
      LDS leader James Strang claimed to be the true prophet that succeeded Joseph after he was killed. Many Mormons followed Strang after he sent a letter claiming he had received a revelation that he should be prophet.
      The letter convinced most of Smith's family and several other prominent Mormons that Strang's claims were genuine. John Whitmer, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Hiram Page, John E. Page, William E. McLellin, William Smith, Smith's first wife and widow, Emma Hale Smith, the sisters of Joseph Smith, William Marks, George Miller, and others, including Joseph Smith's mother, Lucy Mack Smith. Lucy wrote to Reuben Hedlock: "I am satisfied that Joseph appointed J.J. Strang. It is verily so."(ibid) According to William Smith, all of Joseph Smith's family (excepting Hyrum Smith's widow), endorsed Strang; (Palmer, 211)
      Here we have all of the living Book of Mormon witnesses, except Oliver Cowdery, as well as most of Smith's family and several other prominent members of the early LDS church accept Strang's claim of being a prophet by merely reading his letter. How much credibility can we give these people when they accept someone so easily as a prophet who later turns out to be a fraud?
      No wonder none of the gold plate witnesses never denied their testimony, they were still living as mormons in another mormon denomination they thought was the true one. And believed Strang to be the prophet.
      If the witnesses of the gold plates could follow another Latter Day movement from another leader of the early faith and not the Utah saints, and believed and followed and sustained James STrang as the real prophet, seer, and revelator, how good is their testimony of the gold plates? How likely is it that you, in the LDS faith are in the right one and the Strang breakoff is not the true one, not the Utah breakoff?

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому +1

      @@ex-mormonthanos9439 It's pretty odd that you would go waaaay off topic when someone has just shared deeply personal experiences. Try reading what this person wrote and then appreciating that.

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      @@ex-mormonthanos9439 Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @tecumseha
    @tecumseha 5 років тому +12

    Thank you for sharing your story, Adam. I know a lot of people who are in a faith crisis. So glad you were able to find peace & pull yourself out of it. I love what you said, "The amount of peace I have in my life is not proportional to the amount of understanding I have."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @constanciastewart8972
    @constanciastewart8972 4 роки тому +7

    Yes remember those unexpected, unexplainable things that has happened and kept you safe and at ease when turmoil was all around. Once you’ve accepted times were not your doing but our Heavenly Father works. Try not to think intelligence is Gods course of action when he is involved with the unexpected things that seem to always work out for our good. Yes we are interesting humans with a mind full of choices both intellectual & spiritual thoughts come and go through us quickly. With that we cannot always justify how the lord comes in to help support those decisions and this is why we shout out lord help us when we cannot think which way to chose. That’s when we give up or make a decision with hope. However it’s our own faith move that opens the way for the spirit to come bring us the reassurance that God is Omni present and his will be done. Keep the faith hold on to your testimony and when doubt comes then choose to doubt the doubt not the Lords will. I enjoyed your message and hope my words encourages you and others.

  • @Zi7ar21
    @Zi7ar21 5 років тому +6

    Whenever I go to the Temple, I feel my Heavenly Father and those who were not fortunate enough to have been thought this stuff on Earth waiting for me. I feel very nice to help others. I also feel the same great feeling when I teach someone about our church. Very nice!

    • @brysonadams8510
      @brysonadams8510 4 роки тому

      You mean the same feeling every religion's followers experience when they practice their rituals? It's not unique to Mormonism.

  • @spf234
    @spf234 4 роки тому +12

    Thank you for sharing your experience and being vulnerable. As being someone who has left the church I can identify with the pain you were feeling. Over time life has gotten better for me and I have found joy in other places but it did take lots of work. I respect your decision and am happy for people that can find some peace in this life with whatever belief structure that is healthy for them. Thanks again

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @elenah1427
    @elenah1427 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you for your testimony. I also was searching for God , I was hungry to find truth and meaning for life. I found it by reading the New Testament in the King James Bible. I read it slowly and asked God to open my understanding and was blown away how my life was transformed into unspeakable peace and joy I never knew existed. God bless you!!

  • @starguy2718
    @starguy2718 3 роки тому +1

    I was LDS (a convert), but I was not being spiritually nourished. I was looking for "strong meat" (Isaiah), and was instead being offered watered-down milk (LDS doctrine). So, the church and I parted ways.
    My spiritual development, since leaving Mormonism, has been astonishing. I have found answers, to questions, that LDS hasn't yet learned to ask. It is amazing, awe-inspiring, and humbling, all at the same time. The LDS church, and its doctrines, has nothing remotely comparable, to offer.

    • @davidsell7546
      @davidsell7546 8 місяців тому

      Thanks Starguy. Not helpful for this conversation though. Best of luck to you.

  • @heatherluna5075
    @heatherluna5075 5 років тому +20

    Love this honesty, thanks so much for sharing real life struggles that we all end up facing , eventually. I see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints as an example of what can happen to each of us individually, with the apostasy and restoration. Coming full circle . 💗💗💗

  • @patriceq_18
    @patriceq_18 4 роки тому +4

    This really helped me to know that I'm not alone. I've been a member of the Church since a kid and lately I've been doubting a lot and I felt really bad about it, I felt I was betraying God or something like that. But I know that If we choose to believe He's going to help us to face those doubts and to stay strong. Just never give up and ask for help.

    • @yellowyosh470
      @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому +2

      Please! I have had moments where I have doubted. Those times when I have given into my doubts instead of patiently waiting for answers with faith, my life has been darker. But when I finally chose to pray and hold on to the knowledge and faith I did have - oh my goodness my life changed! I have learned so much and my faith is stronger then ever! Life is better filled with faith. Keep up with your commitment to hold onto your faith! That is one thing that you won't regret. ❤️

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +5

    God love us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Zipper801
    @Zipper801 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for sharing your story. I can relate to what you said. I too went through a faith crisis but I ended up being stronger in my faith than ever before. I think maybe I needed to go through the dark time to realize how much I missed the light. I don't have all the answers but I'm going to doubt my doubts more than doubting my faith.

    • @yellowyosh470
      @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому

      Same!! I love that! I am choosing to doubt my doubts before I doubt my faith because my faith brings me happy and close to God!

  • @ClintBandito
    @ClintBandito 5 років тому +81

    "God can take the biggest trainwrecks of our lives and make make something beautiful out of them"

    • @rickkybobby3483
      @rickkybobby3483 4 роки тому

      He also put you in trainwreck to begin with. Not everyone makes it to a better life either, how horrible is that! God turns their life into a trainwreck and then boom, game over, no happy ending.

    • @Cody_Benoun
      @Cody_Benoun 4 роки тому +2

      @@rickkybobby3483 you're wrong but ok.

    • @guardianangel9517
      @guardianangel9517 3 роки тому +1

      @@rickkybobby3483 people may start out in rough circumstances but I've seen people who had that experience turn their lives around and make it good anyway. That's no excuse it can be better. It's all about willingness to make it better

  • @mrdasilver
    @mrdasilver 5 років тому +7

    You’re a good man! Thanks for sharing your testimony, Brother Balinski! I’m grateful to have crossed paths with you.

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +1

    I believe in God and Jesus all my life

  • @Hallowed_Ground
    @Hallowed_Ground 5 років тому +9

    This video is very genuine and talks about something I myself personally struggle with as well as others I know. Thank you for this. God is amazing.

    @ENFPSIS 3 роки тому

    I am having a similar situation. I feel prideful right now, and I don't know, something just moved me away from god. I don't feel love right now, but, everytime I want to change and when I watch this video, I feel the desire to pray, and I love that about the church. Love this thank you

  • @elelectroluxman1
    @elelectroluxman1 5 років тому +7

    Please guys never give up please doubt your doubts before doubting the gospel

  • @alexanderdickinson1469
    @alexanderdickinson1469 4 роки тому +4

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan

  • @kellioswald4662
    @kellioswald4662 5 років тому +3

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @jennhoff03
    @jennhoff03 5 років тому +5

    Wow, I soooooooooooooooo identify with this.

  • @tryhard1x3m87
    @tryhard1x3m87 4 роки тому +2

    Thank for sharing I love this video thank you 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @mhmangum
    @mhmangum 5 років тому +4

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @fidelceja585
    @fidelceja585 4 роки тому

    Trust in our Heavenly Father always, never doubt faith. 🇲🇽✌🏽

  • @ScentitarFragrance
    @ScentitarFragrance 4 роки тому +1

    The weakminded will always seek a higher power to forgive, aid or strengthen them.

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +2

    Holy Ghost feels good

  • @mattctr
    @mattctr 5 років тому +16

    Beautifully spoken. I’m glad your “faith journey” continues to include faith. 🙏

  • @carmencevallos4139
    @carmencevallos4139 5 років тому +13


    • @elenah1427
      @elenah1427 4 роки тому

      Carmen Cevallos I also decided to SLOWLY-read the New Testament in the King James! So many more of
      my questions were answered , Loved it!! Highly recommend it to all my friends and family

  • @Joshuacowley
    @Joshuacowley 5 років тому +14

    "Take your vitamins" (...stay faithful) Many great and important things are coming.

  • @cwilson6990
    @cwilson6990 5 років тому +3

    Adam thank you for sharing your Testimony ♥️ I feel are many , are going thru , what you have shared ! May Heavenly Father Bless You ! & All my brother's sister's , Cathy nashville tn

  • @DavidRay39
    @DavidRay39 5 років тому +1

    Good story.

  • @dope4172
    @dope4172 5 років тому +2

    What a great story thanks for sharing

  • @rendersan
    @rendersan 4 роки тому +3

    It's all well and good that he found his way back to faith by praying and reading the Book of Mormon and focusing on his experiences and the good feelings that happened to attend them, but the fact remains that his doubts were never actually satisfied and the church could not produce any real true answers to the kind of simple honest questions and concerns that people have had about the Mormon church for generations. He did not find his way back because his concerns turned out to be trifling or able to be resolved at all; he found his way back by focusing on the hand waving and emotional manipulation that were all the church had to give him. This isn't a story that should inspire. This is the tale of a man who out of desperation threw away uncomfortable truths and instead held tightly to comforting fables and a community to reinforce them.

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому +2

      What you're saying isn't true. There are indeed answers to the questions people have, though sometimes we don't find them right away. The Church has never provided me with emotional manipulation, but God has provided me with everything I need. You would do well to try to understand what people like this man are actually going through.

    • @joelarmstrong8759
      @joelarmstrong8759 4 роки тому +2

      His story is one of faith. The world never really understands the concept of faith. Seeing religion through a worldly view will always bring questions and doubts. We are not going to receive answers to every question that we have. He says that he chose to give credibility to evidence of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ that he had been ignoring. The gospel brought him peace and happiness. He couldn't ignore that.

  • @dostacos1
    @dostacos1 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for this. I’m definitely going through this right now.

  • @McKayGleave
    @McKayGleave 5 років тому +7

    Great video my friend. Thank you for sharing. We share very similar backgrounds and struggles with beliefs and wrestling through it all. I appreciate this.

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @pamweinberg1212
    @pamweinberg1212 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you. Listening to all these wonderful testimonies gives my heart peace. Thank you.

  • @yellowyosh470
    @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому +1

    I have gone through journeys like this before. Thank you for sharing! Each time I do, I pray and make an effort to connect with God. When I do that, all my concerns are either resolved or put into perspective! God really does answer prayers. And, sometime we need to be humble enough to recognize when he says "that's not important for you right now." ♥️ Fantastic video! I have a lot of respect for you.

    • @brysonadams8510
      @brysonadams8510 4 роки тому

      You mean the same feeling every religion's followers experience when they pray? It's not unique to Mormonism.

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • @Inkdweller141
    @Inkdweller141 4 роки тому +3

    Thanks so much for sharing your story! This sounds like it was so difficult but I think sometimes we have to struggle with those hard questions to come out with even greater faith.

  • @cassiejeter7596
    @cassiejeter7596 5 років тому +4

    Loved all your comments 💕💕💕!!! Thanks

    @REDFANGDALLRED 5 років тому +3

    Nice video.

  • @ronbrewer3493
    @ronbrewer3493 4 роки тому

    I had polio when I was two years old. I served a mission with two leg braces and crutches. I would take my braces off and crawl in the Baptizen fount. I am an now 62 and I would yet do it .I have baptized at least 9 into Gods true church. I believe that God is more intamently concerned with who we are and what we are becoming than He is at times in healing of physical impairments. I am happy God is his grace is allowing us the great opportunity to grow up and become more like He is. Gods grace and love is so beautiful wonderful and great. I just want to sing with joy and gratitude for the opportunity I have had in coming to earth to get a body to develop faith and to overcome the natural man. Life at times has been very difficult painful and hard but Gods grace and love has always helped me overcome and become. I just hope I can keep growing up and becoming. Thanks thanks thanks .

  • @BenArkell
    @BenArkell 5 років тому +1

    Good to hear from you Adam! Thanks for sharing your story with us.

  • @vendingguy47
    @vendingguy47 4 роки тому

    Thank you for your courage in sharing your story!

  • @natynatychan
    @natynatychan 5 років тому +2

    I needed this. Thank you

  • @sharipeterson3654
    @sharipeterson3654 5 років тому +3

    Line upon line.

  • @kingbenjamin22
    @kingbenjamin22 5 років тому +1

    "Man's extremity is God's opportunity"

    • @Ether-pb5gb
      @Ether-pb5gb 4 роки тому

      my good friend who introduced me to the church once said that. he was an AP in his mission. He is now divorced and living with his girlfriend, and quite inactive. i hope he still remembers that quote.

  • @rustyreview
    @rustyreview 4 роки тому +1

    when you search for the truth, a lot of negative and uncomfortable things will surface. this is not the devil pulling you away. its just the realization of having been deceived for so long and the pain of what that might entail in your life.

  • @theodorae7994
    @theodorae7994 5 років тому +3

    This was a very spiritual video! 😊

  • @wachuwannado9250
    @wachuwannado9250 4 роки тому +15

    I find it so interesting, in those times of my life where I struggle most with my testimony of not only the Restored Gospel but even the existence of a God, and I choose to push forward even when things don't feel true, I find small and simple "somethings" that perfectly counter my doubts. It seems like too much of a coincidence, it can't be a coincidence. These are the fruits of applying our faith. I'm so grateful for a God that allows doubts to enter and linger in our minds, we can always find greater peace and understanding if we press through them

  • @psivast8007
    @psivast8007 5 років тому

    Thank you for sharing this.

  • @heatherluna5075
    @heatherluna5075 5 років тому

    💚💙💜🧡❤💛 AWESOMENESS

  • @cynthiahernandez7727
    @cynthiahernandez7727 5 років тому +5

    In a way, I liked the video. But exactly how did you get past church history problem, like revelations JS received while he lived contrary to the gospel? I want to believe all the principles. I really want to. I just want to leave JS and the lies about church history out of that. But how does one reconcile?

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 5 років тому +2

      For me, there are some issues that are definitely still difficult to understand and reconcile. But I do feel like I have received some answers to many of the bigger questions that I've had. I would be happy to chat with you about it somehow, if you're interested. I'd be interested in understanding more about your story.

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому

      Testimony from the Holy Ghost is enough for us even when we haven't figured everything out yet. The immense blessings that come from living according to the restored gospel make it pretty easy to continue in faith while patiently receiving reconciliation one piece at a time.

    • @RB-zh1eq
      @RB-zh1eq 4 роки тому

      There's nothing wrong with doubt. Search for truth. Feelings are not truth. Lies are lies. It's not easy, but the truth is worth standing up for, regardless of the consequences.

  • @BlaineHeggie
    @BlaineHeggie 5 років тому

    This was a good video with a good message dealing with an issue that many people face. Very brave of Adam to share his moments of weakness for all to see. What is disappointing is that Adam did not even once testify of Jesus. Except for citing the name of the Church, Jesus' name wasn't even mentioned.

    • @Fdastrup
      @Fdastrup 4 роки тому +1

      Blaine Heggie maybe he’s still sorting out how he feels about where that inspiration comes from. I couldn’t know if it was the Savior or God that met me in those lonely times I have been through. For me it doesn’t matter since they are one in the same in their mission to save souls.

  • @piano4life123
    @piano4life123 4 роки тому +1


  • @riadheggani769
    @riadheggani769 5 років тому +2


  • @alethabelmonte4716
    @alethabelmonte4716 4 роки тому

    Im very proud of you br. that you choose what is right,you can be the best good example to others especially to be good stake missionary to your area to help fulltime missionaries by FR(finding referals)I can see your potential 😍

  • @riadheggani769
    @riadheggani769 5 років тому +1

    Good luck of life ✝️♥️

  • @brigg4368
    @brigg4368 4 роки тому

    Does the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints UA-cam channel have a diamond playbutton?

  • @ddstephanie
    @ddstephanie 5 років тому +6

    Thanks for your honesty. Your experience teaches a lot of important principles about holding on to the evidence we have experienced and honoring those as real parts of the learning process. I love the contrast of the light and the darkness you felt as you explored both your faith and your fears. It reminds me of this BYU devotional.

    • @dawndeeearven1616
      @dawndeeearven1616 5 років тому

      ddstephanie so true! Thanks for the link gotta feeling I’m needing it💜

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому +1

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +2

    The Book of Mormon is true

  • @UTubeQu1che551
    @UTubeQu1che551 4 місяці тому

    There isn’t anything this man said that is seriously unbiblical. But what is real and what is true? For me, it is rooted in the OT and the NT. Everything I know about God, e.g. His love and plan for me, is in the Bible. I’ve read all of the Bible and a bit of the B of M, D &C. Even a bit of the Pearl of Great Price. But I am left short in my understanding of how the Book of Mormon is a new testimony. It doesn’t add anything to my understanding of God and actually introduces a lot of uncertainty that is somehow being revealed, very slowly, by the LDS prophets. If the BoM is a new testimony, why can’t I accept it in its wholeness? Why would I need to keep relying and expecting a new revelation from a church Prophet, who contradicts a previous prophet?
    I take my salvation seriously and I am open to any loving guidance. Thank you.

  • @astrangerhere
    @astrangerhere 4 роки тому

    Video certainly strikes a chord with me personally. I'm not sure what I believe right now. I'm not sure who or what God is, or if God even exists. Being a gay man (who seeks love & companionship) makes it all the more complicated, since those who have claimed to represent and speak for God have said quite a few things over the years that make it hard for me to believe that the God of christianity is as loving as people say he is. Perhaps it's best to just remain on my own.

    • @churchofjesuschrist
      @churchofjesuschrist  4 роки тому +1

      Hi @A Stranger Here, thanks for sharing your feelings. We know you are known and loved by our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, and we know the gospel of Jesus Christ brings us true happiness and peace. As you seek for answers and guidance, this talk from Sister Sharon Eubank of the Relief Society may give you some additional encouragement and comfort: Take care!

  • @Kamplays1
    @Kamplays1 4 роки тому +1

    He says that he "started to want to disbelieve." I think anyone who is struggling should ask themselves, "Do I want to disbelieve?" And if the answer is "Yes" then the next question is "Why do I want to disbelieve?"

  • @XarlesWolfgangSteel
    @XarlesWolfgangSteel 4 роки тому +2

    Message from this video: if you are struggling with your belief, ignore all the inconsistencies in your religion amd faith and completely brainwash yourself by wrongly correlating meaningless experiences with the reason "because god"

  • @EMonzon
    @EMonzon 5 років тому

    The question is: what do you want?

  • @riazchowdhuryy8249
    @riazchowdhuryy8249 5 років тому

    Oh people! Do not worship things of which are created, any living or or non living thing which is created, instead come to the worship of your Lord who is the creator of the whole universe and the earth and everything in it! The God who created me, who created you, the God who makes the day into night and the night into day, that is who we should worship and confess and repent to for our mistakes, indeed he God alone is worthy of our worship and only he God alone can forgive sins, indeed he is the most forgiving and the most kind!
    For anyone who is worshipping others apart from the creator I warn and fear for you a punishment from the most merciful for the crime which you are committing and I advise you to quickly leave this paganism and repent and build a link with the creator of the heavens and the earth. Indeed is not what I am saying making sense, is this not crystal clear, this is a message which is pure and simple and clear. Even a child’s mind will be able to grasp this idea

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому +1

      I think you may not know what you're commenting on. This video is about a man who has faith in Jesus Christ as a member of His Church. Did you watch the video?

  • @user-pq5jr1tl6h
    @user-pq5jr1tl6h 4 роки тому

    The only true god is Allah.

  • @Bill_Garthright
    @Bill_Garthright 5 років тому +4

    Belief isn't a choice. Do you have *one* piece of good evidence that your god actually exists? No? Well, that's why I can't believe it - _can't,_ not won't.
    Worldwide, faith-based people _overwhelmingly_ believe in whatever religion and whatever god or gods they were taught to believe as children. That's just a fact. And it's a _terrible_ way to determine what's true and what isn't.

    • @RLSspanish
      @RLSspanish 5 років тому +5

      Bill Garthright, I don’t just have one, I have lots: The Book of Mormon, the Family Proclamation, all the temples, the prophets’ and apostles’ counsel to get out of debt and buy food storage for several years before the recession of 2008 happened, the creation of The United States by people seeking religious freedom before the Restoration, the dramatic increase in inventions and technological advances after the Restoration happened, the fact that the worst war to ever happen on American soil (the Civil War) happened relatively soon after the citizens of the United States had rejected and killed God’s prophet (and also rejected him as a candidate for president of the United States who was running on a plan to end slavery by 1850), miraculous events like the Cokeville Miracle, etc. On top of all of that, and more importantly, all the times that God has answered my prayers in very powerful, personal, and unmistakeable ways.
      The evidence is all around us, but many are blinded to it by doubt. If we exercise even a particle of faith, even if it is a particle as small as a mustard seed, our eyes are opened and we start to see the evidence that is all around us. We start to see that everything around us is evidence there is a god, even the wars and natural disasters and diseases (things that people sometimes try to use to prove that He is not there). God has opened my eyes and helped me to see all the evidence that is all around me and I know that He will help you to see it, too, if you will turn to Him and seek answers from Him by exercising faith in Him and praying to Him and seeking Him out. He has not answered every single little question that I have, but He has answered enough of them that I know He is there and He has given me a reassurance that the things I don’t know yet, I will know eventually.
      Let me know if you have any other questions. I would be happy to do my best to try to answer them.

    • @personalperson9561
      @personalperson9561 4 роки тому +2

      Belief is a choice and not believing is a choice. All scientific laws are based on belief until new knowledge shows an error in previous held beliefs. A good example is classical physics versus how Quantum Mechanics changed our understanding of classical physics. A very large portion of the people in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are converts meaning they were not taught as children the gospel. Some of these people joined the church in there 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's etc...The best evidence I have experienced is my own personal witness from the Holy Ghost. Millions of other people on this planet have also received that witness in this mortal life. Just like everything in life you have to really put in the time and effort if you want to find out if something is true. I have read the entire Book of Mormon and then prayed to God if it was true. I received a powerful witness from God that it is true. This is what Moroni 10:4-5 says "4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому +4

      Belief is indeed a choice, Bill. Latter-day saints don't believe in merely accepting a religion because we were born into it, and those who don't seek a witness from God tend to eventually fall away. I agree with you that merely believing in something because it's what we were taught to believe when we were young isn't a way to determine what is true. As to evidence, the only evidence of God comes from God Himself, and it is very real but also very personal. If you would care to know more, feel free to ask any of us about our own experiences. You might find that there really is something to it all, and that there really is something you can believe in.

    • @davidclayton9356
      @davidclayton9356 4 роки тому +5

      Belief for me has been a choice. There are times when I chose to doubt and focus my thoughts on trying to find faults in certain beliefs, and other times when I chose to see the things that are uplifting and true. The way I choose to believe is by the things I focus my mind on, and also my actions. If I believe it will rain today, I’ll carry an umbrella. It may or may not rain, but nothing forced me to act one way or another on that belief. Similarly, I choose to believe in God by praying to Him. That belief is strengthened when I feel peace when I should be worrying, or when I see miracles happen that feel directly related to my prayers. It’s all a process of building on past experiences of when I chose to act on a belief, and seeing the fruits of that action.

    • @Nick-zb4bp
      @Nick-zb4bp 4 роки тому

      Do you have one piece of good evidence that god doesn't exists? No you don't!

  • @carmencevallos4139
    @carmencevallos4139 4 роки тому

    I do love the church and l BELIEVE is the RESTORED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST🙏but l don’t understand why Members of The church can be DEMOCRATS who support ABORTION enter in The HOLY TEMPLO? In the chapel EVERYBODY SHOULD BE WELCOME WITH SMILES AND OPEN ARMS🙏😘but in The Holy HOUSE OF GOD...I don’t understand...l also don’t understand about HEAVENLY PARENTS and WHO IS OUR HEAVENLY MOTHER? As far as l know, IN THE BEGGINING, it was GOD😇The CREATOR OF ALL...The 😇That has NO BEGINNING NOR END...The 😇 that with A WORD or just moving a finger Doest it all...We all R born from an EARTHLY WOMAN...who is our MOTHER and could be our mother in HEAVEN TOO IF WE CHOOSE TO😘I KNOW there is The FATHER, the SON and The HOLYSPIRIT...3 persons in one in ONE GOD ONLY🙏Where The HEAVENLY MOTHER COMES FROM? I DONT UNDERSTAND and NEVER HEARD OF IT in The Catholic Church l grew up with...Catholics BELIEVE that MARIA, JESUS MOTHER, is our mother which is NOT SO. MARIA is JESUS MOTHER and that’s all, she probably had more children with JOSEPH, so Maria is their MOTHER, NOT THE WHOLE WORLD 🌍 MOTHER!!! I DONT UNDERSTAND ALSO WHY WE NEVER SEE OUR HEAVENLY MOTHER!!! I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!😇🙏🌈❤️CC

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому

      People have only rarely seen our Heavenly Father, but one day we will return to our Heavenly Parents.

  • @rdjess
    @rdjess 5 років тому +75

    I wish I could get in touch with this brother....I can honestly say I’m going through the SAME things, but I haven’t yet found the light.
    All I can say is that I’m going to keep trying. ❤️

    • @stephenbannister965
      @stephenbannister965 5 років тому +11

      Keep going dude, I know God will help you see soon, in your own way. He knows you

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 5 років тому +8

      Let's chat sometime! Hang in there.

    • @logangeorgej
      @logangeorgej 5 років тому +15

      Keep trying. I served with him in the mission field. He's the cream of the crop. With the attitude you have, I can tell you are too. Everyone struggles at times. We all have questions. Stay on the old ship Zion and eventually your questions will be resolved, plus you won't drown in the process.

    • @carmencevallos4139
      @carmencevallos4139 4 роки тому +7

      Ryan J. Please keep trying🙏with all the trials and what goes around us...The bad choices we make for different reasons, it’s very easy to DOUBT about EVERYTHING and to TRUST ANYONE...lm 73 years old who was born in the last corner of the world 🌍 l have been HURT A LOT and still do, so l try to be away from mean UNGODLY neighbors think lm LONELY and UNHAPPY 😞 WHAT THEY DONT KNOW IS THAT I don’t feel alone...l have NEVER FELT ALONE SINCE I JOINED THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LDS and l was told that l have A FATHER IN HEAVEN WHO LOVES ME NO MATTER WHAT I DO....While HURTING and CRYING A LOT I MADE MANY BAD DECISIONS TRYING TO PROVE MY ADULT CHILDREN THAT I LOVE THEM...everything l did just brought tears 😭 and more Hurt 😔 l realized that l have to make changes in my life...when there R always problems to get what we want, it means GHANGE UR WAYS and that’s what lm life now is TOTALLY dedicated to serve God the best way l can...l know GOD is REAL😇HE HAS BEEN WITH ME since l was one year old...😇s Ángels have been in my life to help me and guide me👼👼👼I know they R there for U right now, but be aware that Satan bad spirits R also around to put DOUBTS, DESPAIR 😩 DEPRESSION and many bad feelings ... please talk to the Missionaries or someone U trust...go to church ⛪ even if U don’t feel like to go...keep listening and watch Church Videos, the PROFET TALKS...surround yourself of nice GODLY MUSIC....that’s what is helping me🙏PRAY🙏 😇knows U and HE wants U to be Happy 😃 U can be 😀TRUST GOD 😇HE NEVER FAILS😇🙏Sorry for this long message👵HOPE IT HELPS❤️from a sister in Christ🌈❤️🙏✌🏽

    • @kingbenjamin22
      @kingbenjamin22 4 роки тому +6

      2 talks I've turned to in my times of questions are: The Grandeur of God by Elder Holland GC October 2003 and one more recently by Kyle McKay The Immediate Goodness of God April 2019
      Hold on my brother- Jesus is our High Priest of good things to come!

  • @sharipeterson3654
    @sharipeterson3654 5 років тому +2

    Line upon line.

  • @emv010289
    @emv010289 5 років тому +45

    Wow is quite curious to watch this video right now, because this has been my life for the last year and a half, thanks for uploading this

    • @MissMadisonRuby
      @MissMadisonRuby 4 роки тому +7

      Eduardo Medina same. Going on two years for me. You’re not alone ♥️

    • @Ether-pb5gb
      @Ether-pb5gb 4 роки тому +6

      This video was timely for me, as well. It doesn't matter how strong our testimony used to be, it doesn't matter if we have seen an angel....we have to make good choices, and choose to believe, THEN we will remember all of the reasons why we are members of the church, and we will remember the reasons why we believed in the first place

    • @Fdastrup
      @Fdastrup 4 роки тому +12

      I left three years ago. I went all the way to being an atheist. Then a number of incredibly difficult things happened and I prayed. The next week was filled with spiritual experiences and I felt very real God ask me to come back to church. Long story short I got rebaptized after witnessing so many miracles every time I chose to believe and move forward. I still have so many questions that aren’t answered. In the end I choose to be part of building up the kingdom of God. There’s less darkness now in my life then there was the two years I was gone.

    • @brodyjenkins1173
      @brodyjenkins1173 4 роки тому +4

      I love the honesty and faith of this entire conversation. Hang in there guys! God love you.

    • @southernmiss1211
      @southernmiss1211 4 роки тому +1

      Franchesca Retford , such beautiful blessings you’re receiving because of your faith! I’ve also gone through many difficult things and have been so blessed! I know it’s because I’ve turned to My Savior, Jesus Christ and have looked for the small miracles in my life, and there’s been many! It’s when we forget the good and obsess over the hard times that we forget to acknowledge “The Spirit”, that amazing Gift we can have with us to help us through the good and bad times! When we deny The Spirit, we deny Him, Our Savior! This is when we move ourselves even farther away. Our Savior never moves away from us! We’re the ones who move. He’s always going to be there for us! He’ll love you no matter what! I know that my Savior is real. I hope you can come to know that for yourself too without leaving the church completely. There’s many people, including me and my family who pray for those who are struggling with their faith. We love you! We have a wonderful son who’s no longer a member of the church and he’s separated himself from us! We WANT HIM with us, but he’s not comfortable with us and it breaks our hearts! Please consider there’s more people involved in this decision than you. And truly pray and listen for an answer! We will be praying for you!!

  • @Zero-se4xb
    @Zero-se4xb 4 роки тому +10

    Wow this could be me saying all this. It started for me as well "being in the church undeniably makes me more selfless".

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 3 роки тому


    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    • @miemartine7771
      @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

      Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
      "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
      And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @billjensen51
    @billjensen51 5 років тому +6

    If we choose to ignore witnesses we have been given we can shut out the light in our lives. If we choose to remember them and search honestly we can and gain strength to our understanding and testimony. Especially when we are willing to act on promptings we receive.

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +18

    The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints is true

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +15

    The Book of Mormon is my favourite book

    • @elenah1427
      @elenah1427 4 роки тому

      God Is good ❤️❤️ I also read the King James Bible New Testament and was so AMAZED on how many of my life’s questions were answered. So I read it again slowly... just loved it. Really recommend it! 😇

  • @DC44207
    @DC44207 5 років тому +7


  • @germans1
    @germans1 5 років тому +16

    Thanks for your storey. There are many times I have wanted to walk away. Especially as things have been rough for 15 plus years. But the one thing that keeps me holding on is the many spiritual experiences I have had those I can not deny or explain away. Am I still going through a bad patch absolutely but I am determined to hang on till the darkness disappears.

    • @yellowyosh470
      @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому

      Hang on until the darkness dissapears. ❤️ He will help you, and it is worth it. I promise. It is so worth it! You keep holding on and praying.

    • @elenah1427
      @elenah1427 4 роки тому

      germans1 I totally understand,,, l I decided to also read the New Testament SLOWLY, in the King James Bible. Was totally amazed on how many of my life’s questions were answered,,, great experience!!

  • @LifeyApp
    @LifeyApp 5 років тому +4

    Thanks for sharing brother! I love you!

  • @christhelin4529
    @christhelin4529 2 роки тому +2

    This video has been one of the greatest encouragements and roadmaps for me to navigate my own doubts and desires to believe. I have felt exactly like Adam. Exactly. I am so incredibly grateful for Adam's willingness to speak up and talk candidly, and for everyone who helped make this video available. I have come back to it dozens of times, like a lifeline. I don't know everything, and I question many things, but I do know that when I have decided to place my belief and trust in Jesus Christ, things became a little brighter, a little easier. I know that I have received many evidences that my faith is well placed - sometimes I have chosen to ignore them, but sometimes, like Adam said, I've done the opposite and chosen to "give them credibility", or, in other words, believe them.

  • @cashallred1374
    @cashallred1374 4 роки тому +1

    Like this so more people see it!!
    After seeing all of the comments on this, I thought I would share some other resources that were incredibly helpful to me:
    - "Faith is Not Blind" by Bruce and Marie Hafen (super helpful frameworks in thinking through these periods of doubt and complexity)
    - "Crucible of Doubt" by Fiona and Terryl Givens (very candid conversations about competing values, issues with hero worship, confirmation bias, etc and how there is some value in moving forward despite these challenges.)
    -"The Book of Mormon" (reading this with the lens of trying to see why God made it a choice to believe, the positive and negative consequences for belief, and how every single person struggles with that belief from time to time made the book relevant to me and rekindled my love for scripture.
    To be candid, I took a more proactive approach and did these things before I ever felt like I was entering a crisis, but I still found them incredibly helpful as I worked through the questions you all are working through.

  • @kimbrown7777
    @kimbrown7777 5 років тому +6

    Thank you,,,, I was baptised as a child but in my teens things happened that made me turn away,,, now things in my 50s have happened to lead me back and I feel the same way in all my life I have never felt so complete as I do now. When I took the sacrament for the first time again after attending church for a while and not taking it, when I did take the bread I felt the wholly spirit descend on me in a wave from my head to my feet and I will never forget that until that point in my life I had always felt insecure and lost , now I feel complete and happy and know that things will be right, I just believe in Jesus Christ and our heavenly farther and the wholly ghost. I have now read the Book of Mormon 4 times in the last 6 months and make a point of reading it every morning before I get out of bed. So I make a point of waking at least an hour before I would normally,,,
    I thank the lord every day for thy gospel and the missionary’s for making my life complete again.
    I’m in Thailand just about to leave and go back to the UK which is home all I have is my 3 dogs and personal belongings after a lot of prayer my sister and brother have arranged for somewhere for us to stay till we can get a regular home.
    I really wish I never left

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 5 років тому

      Thanks for sharing your own beautiful experience!

    • @churchofjesuschrist
      @churchofjesuschrist  4 роки тому

      @Kim brown, thanks for sharing your experience and testimony. We're so glad you're here.

    • @yellowyosh470
      @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому

      So much thanks for sharing! ♥️ "I wish I had never left!" Amen!

    • @Nick-zb4bp
      @Nick-zb4bp 4 роки тому

      Kim, your reply just made my day. So I hope somehow the same thing is returned to you and someone helps make your day. God bless

  • @johnjensen7763
    @johnjensen7763 4 роки тому +3

    Not to take a shot at this man's decisions, but turning back to a breaking worldview because it feels bad to have it broken doesn't make that worldview true. If the evidence doesn't scale with the belief than there isn't a good reason to believe. Valuing a feeling of peace over a hard reality only hurts you.

    • @00Fisher00
      @00Fisher00 4 роки тому +1

      You may have missed his point. He was turning back to something he found he could believe in because it rang true to him. He'd lived it and seen the truth and reality of it.

  • @fargokid71
    @fargokid71 4 роки тому +5

    Thanks for your testimony. I would like to express my own experiences. Several year's ago my family was going through a very hard experience. We were about to be evicted out of our home we've owned since the late 1970s. All I could see was that there was absolutely no solutions to change the outcome. I was a typical LDS member: Eagle scout, Duty to God, Seminary grad, returned missionary, married in the temple, multiple ward callings and so forth. I decided to pray for help. I prayed continuously and multiple times day and night for weeks (6 weeks total). During this time, I had always believed the Church was true but I never had a "burning" in the bosom that I had read about. I always wanted that. I never knew anyone else who professed this sensation but I wanted it badly.
    So I pondered and said I Want This. I read the Book of Mormon 3x within that 6 weeks, also the Bible, and testimonies of the prophets. I get emotional all the time. I cried alot. A miracle happened when we were not evicted. I was so happy and thankful to Heavenly Father. And then it finally came to me. So that every time I thought about the Gospel, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, or the church, I felt a glowing heat in my chest. Sounds crazy, I know. It is difficult to explain the feeling to others because when I have, I get a reaction that says they either already understand or they don't know what I am talking about. It surprises me, even today after all these years, that I still have that burning. And so even during GC or especially at Sacrament meeting, Stake Conference, Elder's quorum class or gospel doctrine class: I cry. It is so embarrassing most the time. I even cry during church hymns. But Jesus cried alot, so it's OK.
    So, there is so much negative things happening in the much terrible things said against the church. But for me: there is no affect whatsoever. My family's testimonies are stronger when they see that I am unwavering.
    Of course, my message is For-What-It's-Worth...but I testify that it happened to me. I know this Gospel is true and that Joseph Smith is/was a true prophet. Who am I? Probably a nobody but at least I can silently say I'm one of the good guys on the earth.

  • @nicktaylor81
    @nicktaylor81 5 днів тому

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with everyone. Whether someone is going through this themselves or has someone they know in a similar situation your testimony and experiences help strengthen others.

  • @meantayo41
    @meantayo41 5 років тому +7

    Saw your face popping up on my screen, so I clicked on it. I remembered you posted about this experience before. It helped me a lot because my husband is also struggling and has been like that for years. I wish I could do something to help, but I know that I can't force someone's faith to grow. All I can do is to pray and wait patiently. I hope the answer to my prayer will come one day. Thanks again for sharing.

    • @joearnold8887
      @joearnold8887 5 років тому +6

      I went through a faith crisis and one of the thoughts that helped me dig out of it is that everything is choice. We live in a free country and we are free to choose! So, I chose to work on my testimony rather than keep digging for things that are contrary to the gospel. Today I can say I hope for all things, faith in many things, and pure knowledge in a few things regarding God and the gospel.

    • @stanroberts4820
      @stanroberts4820 5 років тому +3

      Patience is a virtue ,keep up the prayers, and God will bless you both.

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 5 років тому +3

      Thanks, Maggie. Sounds like you are handling it well. My wife and I talked about everything while this was going on. She was very patient and gave me the emotional and intellectual elbow room to sort things out without feeling pressured. I didn't know at the time how hard it was for my wife while I was going through this. I can only imagine how hard it is for you too. Be strong!

    • @jamesschmidt9217
      @jamesschmidt9217 4 роки тому +2

      Thomas Monson...”we never walk alone”

  • @janetjohnson7279
    @janetjohnson7279 5 днів тому

    Thanks for Sharing your Testimony! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @bennevelynt4718
    @bennevelynt4718 2 роки тому +1


  • @ronbrewer3493
    @ronbrewer3493 4 роки тому +1

    I love you .Gods grace is safishent. The essence of life is growth and to become and to overcome. We all make mistakes to learn from them hopefully we learn from them. A baby can grow up and become an adult. We can grow up and become like our Heavenly parents. I am only one and the Father of my children that does not mean that there cannot be more fathers
    .the same is true with our Heavenly Father He is only one and the Father of our spirits before we got our bodies. I know that Jesus is the Christ the savior of the whole world. I know that Mormon was a real man and a true prophet of God also Alma Mosiah Nephi Abenidi lehi and meney others were also true prophets of God. I have never read anywhere in the holy bible where Christ Himself did any writing except for in the sand so who wrote the holy bible true prophets and apostles of God. The living word of God is the mouth of a true prophet. This is Gods true living church on the earth today. I love it. I know that Joseph Smith was a real man and a true prophet of God. I know that the purposes or essence of life is growth and to become and to overcome. God grace and love is there rather we want it or not. Thank you thank you I love you. Great job as we all grow up to become more like our Heavenly Father and His only begotten son Jesus Christ. Thank you thank you.

    • @churchofjesuschrist
      @churchofjesuschrist  4 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing your testimony, Ron Brewer. Merry Christmas!

    • @ronbrewer3493
      @ronbrewer3493 4 роки тому

      You are very welcome. I love Gods grace and his true living church. I want to learn and share the gospel to all I can ya thanks .

    • @ronbrewer3493
      @ronbrewer3493 4 роки тому

      @@churchofjesuschrist thanks I had polio when I was two years old. I walk with two leg braces and crutches. I have crawled into the baptismal fount to baptize at least 9 of our Heavenly Father children. Even though my body is getting weaker I would love to keep doing it as friends want to enter the waters of Baptizem. Thanks I love God and his true living church on the earth today. If I can be of any good I want to do it .thanks .

  • @sarahblancarte1212
    @sarahblancarte1212 4 роки тому +1

    “.....and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God.”
    Love so much that this was part of his testimony..... I have personally come to know this to be true as well. Revelation does not only come church-wide. Revelation can be a truly personal experience if we allow it to be ❤️
    God’s Grace ... His tender mercies.... there is evidence of it everywhere we look

  • @godisgood3045
    @godisgood3045 5 років тому +2

    We all children of God

  • @matt7019.
    @matt7019. 5 років тому +2

    I went through the same thing, but I chose to fall away. It's one of the biggest regrets of my life. Because once I opened that door I could never really shut it again, and life is not better without the gospel.

    • @AdamBalinski
      @AdamBalinski 5 років тому +4

      Matt, thanks for sharing. This makes my heart ache. For me, it hasn't been so much about closing the door, but becoming okay with it being open and acknowledging the other doors that are open too. Hang in there!

    • @davidclayton9356
      @davidclayton9356 4 роки тому +2

      Matt Piercy It is never too late to come back to Christ - He will welcome you with open arms :) The beautiful thing about His atonement is that all of our mistakes can be washed away, and in the end it will be as if they never happened. All that is unfair about life will be made right. It’s an infinite atonement, and it reaches through all time and to all people. Hold on to the future and let go of the past. He can take whatever consequences you’ve endured because of your past choices and turn them into blessings. I hope some aspect of that helps and doesn’t sound preachy :)

    • @churchofjesuschrist
      @churchofjesuschrist  4 роки тому +3

      @Matt Piercy, thanks for sharing your experience and feelings. We simply want you to know you are always welcome at Church. Sister Sharon Eubank of the Relief Society general presidency spoke in the April 2019 general conference about struggling with questions to which she could not find answers. She taught that we can find peace, light, and understanding through Jesus Christ. For you or others interested, see the link to her talk below:

    • @yellowyosh470
      @yellowyosh470 4 роки тому +1

      I feel you! I went through that too. Life is not better without the gospel. The gospel helps us draw closer to Christ and live life better! It was a difficult transition back but it was so worth it. 😁 Keep fixing this regrets friend! I promise it is worth it.

    • @matt7019.
      @matt7019. 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you, I know I'm welcome at church. A couple missionaries actually showed up at our house Sunday. I talked to them for a bit. I told them I'd consider having then come over again or just going to sacrament... I don't know, it feels Lee a big leap and my faith isn't that strong.

  • @tonyf2956
    @tonyf2956 2 роки тому

    Wow! Thank you Adam. Know thyself, first. I just finished this book by Rabbi Dr. Shmuel Asher, The Land of Meat and Honey. Why do you believe what you believe and many truths and hidden biblical understanding brought to light. Your consent and free will explained. This book really spoke to me and answered a lot of questions I was searching for. I found it on Amazon.

  • @miemartine7771
    @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

    Moroni 10:4-5 -- On Knowing Everything
    "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
    And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

  • @miemartine7771
    @miemartine7771 2 роки тому

    Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • @MrMemyselfandi415
    @MrMemyselfandi415 3 роки тому

    I stopped believing in the LDS church years ago because it's truth claims are just not tenable. However....the purity and peace that comes with this kind of lifestyle "ISN'T NOTHING". It's a huge blessing to those who adhere to it. I think that's what this guy is saying.
    So instead of being so fundamental about crap which will cause your faith to break when it doesn't pan out, just stick with the simple things like Jesus said "Love the Lord your God with all of your mind might and strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself." and you'll be gravy. Focus on the positive pure stuff and do your best to find people who focus on that light like you do and let the rest slide.
    Like Paul said. "If there's anything virtuous lovely, of good report or praiseworthy we seek after these things."
    It's not hard. Love. That's the fulfillment of the law.