The best part of playing old Urgot was seeing people get bullied out of lane by 1000 homing Qs when pretty much all of the community thought he was completely worthless and irrelevant. He wasn't broken by any means, but he still had the tools to destroy certain matchups, even if no one thought he was even playable. Old Urgot always has a special place in my heart for that.
Absolutely this, I mained Urgot right when I started playing just because of the hate he was getting despite the fact he was so cool to me, clobbering people with the infinite Qs was very cathartic, I'm not happy with the fact he was reworked but hey that's Leauge
2:41 Seeing the herald on the trinket in combination with all the old HUD made me realize how twisted my perception of League timeline is, herald got added in patch 5.22 which was almost 6 ½ years ago, it feels like herald has been out for 3 years.
Urgot was my main before the rework and since his change I haven't been able to find a new main to statisfy what old Urgot brought to the table, although Zeri, Ezreal and Askhan come somewhat close to what I liked about his old kit. New Urgot is fun but not the same, He's a Juggernaut with ranged qualities while the old version was a Caster Marksmen with tanky qualities also for those wondering, Zeri and Ezreal are like old Urgot cause of the Q and Akshan is like old Urgot for his up-close abilities (passive and hookshot)
That's exactly how I feel about old mordekaiser and old Akali. Though, Old Mordekaiser's playstyle I can more or less pull off with Lillia (She has similar wave management with her q that morde had with his w). Though nothing has really fulfilled my old akali enjoyment since.
@@coryellsworth9705 New Morde is cool and all, but that old Morde Q fucking SLAPPED. Think it was mostly the sound effect, but it was super satisfying.
"Juggernaut with ranged qualities" and "Caster Marksmen with tanky qualities" is an excellent way to put it. It's funny how he retains so many elements of his old kit but by simply moving them around a bit his role is effectively reborn. I do kind of wish Urgot had something in his kit to follow up long distance ults with. I know balancing would be tricky, but what I think I miss the most is firing off those crucial shots on a high priority and fleeing target. (bonus points if they're hidden in the fog of war but it doesn't matter because you're in their head almost as much as these chainsaws are about to be)
Honestly i have the same feeling, about mordekaiser with his mid rework, the gameplay was just lost from me, which im so sad about and fallen back to my original main of nasus.
Old Urgot's ult was kinda nutty. It didnt have any synergy with the rest of his kit, but giving yourself 50% damage reduction (back when damage was alot lower than it is now) is really strong. Also you could give yourself a decent shield during that making you even tankier. Everyone just assumed you were an adc so they wasted everything on you after the swap.
Old Urgot's ult gave me some of my favorite play patterns. One that would come up often would be its use when dueling fizz. At max rank his ult gave 120 Armor and 120 MR, so you would q/auto fizz, to apply 15% damage reduction from passive, then when he ulted, you would w for shield and ult him right before his ult went off. This would break your channel but would reduce a huge amount of his burst due to the 120 MR + 15 % damage reduction + W shield.
Damage wasn't lower but in fact was nearly double what it is now. You should go read what the old infinite edge did. The lifesteal threshold was also triple what it is now. So squishier champions could last forever if you didn't have enough damage. For the longest time blind pick was the only mode in the game when queuing. Which meant no bans. Which meant when riot decided to release something like xin zhao you saw him every single game. There was less a problem with Urgot and more that the players were so garbage at the game at the time that they couldn't understand blatantly broken mechanics. Back in the day there was a potion that gave you true sight permanently until you died. People still thought stealth was op despite their stealth not working if you bought the oracles potion. Back then buff potions stacked with each unique instance of itself. Meaning you could buy every buffing potion and oracles potion. They stacked.
The thing I hate about riots reworks is that before these champs had 3-4 ways you could play the champion. Old urgot could be an adc, tank, bruiser, and support. Now he's just a death ball top laner. I used to only play champions with near zero % play rates like old sion, galio, and urgot... I don't think I've done maybe 10 games of new urgot or galio combined. New urgot has none of the jank, or ugliness that I loved. I also feel like there's a lot less skill expression in new urgot since everything revolves around your W.
Honestly riot should implement "retro" versions of Champs for dramatically reduced BE. The Champs will retain their stats/abilities pre reworks and if they truly do negatively impact the game-they can always be adjusted. Not like rework adjusted (clearly), but add ability interactions within their kits. Like for example, if retro warwick's scent ability was on cd (ain't no way that shit is staying a toggle) hitting enemies with your q will reduce the cd.
I’ve been a urgot jg main for a while now, it’s pretty broken if you play right. I’m not gonna say it’s the best jg, not by far. But for my play style it works out great.
Yes, that's what was so interesting with Urgot. You could adjust your role based on how the game was going. If you had a fed adc, you could use your ult to swap assassins away, and use your E to decrease the enemy tank's armour - thus increasing your adc's damage. If the enemy adc was fed, you could go full tank and ult them into your team. If you had a poke composition, you could play ad caster, with muramana / black cleaver / last whisper. You could lane top, mid, bot, solo bot… I often went solo bot if the enemy team had a vulnerable top-laner à la Nasus, since Urgot could lane somewhat decently 1v2. Urgot was all about analysing a game state, and fill the role your team needed in a specific situation. He was one of those high-IQ champions, without a defined role, that Riot doesn't seem to like. My standard build was Black Cleaver into full tank, but as I said, it could vary a lot depending on the game state. I liked his character, too. He felt so "dead". He was undead, as a few other champions, but even in undeath, he felt dead. He had this aura of desolation, endless suffering. He was such a sinister champion. I quit LoL when he was reworked. Hey, I guess it was a good thing for me. I've had a better life since then. My career got somewhat successful, compared to my LoL days. ^^
That version of urgot would totally be viable these days, since it's basically impossible to go oom anymore. Little bit of tweaks to his mana costs early game and boom. Miss him dearly.
I have a good one. I always have tried loving ASOL but he never feels like he does enough. I heard his old version was alot stronger, can you make a video on it?
Dont listen to the first comment. His W was a toggle ability back then, so you pressed it and sat from afar doing damage and kiting. Nowadays you can use it for 3 secs and then it goes to a 2 sec cooldown :(
Man, do I miss playing AD Malzahar with Black cleaver before the rework and the mini-rework after that. It was basically impossible to play him that style since they changed the damage from the voidlings into magic damage while they would originally deal physical damage. Doing so meant that you could spam those little bastards, and they would shred toplane like paper. This meant your abilities would then become utility and command skills, as you would mark your malefic visions on the target you wanted them to focus, silence them so they couldn't escape, and ult to hold them longer in place, dealing % max hp while the voidlings ate them alive. I'll always remember you
I can't fathom why Rito left AD scaling on Voidlings when they gutted AD build like a fish with the dmg type change. To laugh in our faces? Make the Voidlings deal adaptive dmg or something like that. Rito didn't know how to balance supp Malza, so they absolutely demolished Voidlings cast range and survivability. I loved playing AD Malza in the jungle. Now it's not even an off meta build, it's straight up trolling, since you can't even itemize properly. BC was a core item, with AD, Cdr and armor shred. Now armor shred is useless, since you only proc it on autos, Malza is a kiting machine, and you rarely hit autos with AD build. Never forget, never forgive.
sometimes i miss old urgot, i honestly loved playing him and all the funny e q poke he came with, but he for sure deserved a rework. i feel the same for yorick and morde before juggernaut update
I think a series on champs pre-rework is an amazing idea. Gaming is such a strange media in that the past is so rarely preserved like it is for books or films, with league being no exception. I hope this lasts long enough to cover them all! Also, real question. Does anyone ACTUALLY remember pre-rework Taric ult?
I do because I played him on S6 before the rework. It was just an steroid as far as i remember and definitively a very uninteresting hability compared to the new one. That doesn't mean his W wasn't interesting as a debuff, nor that i and lots of other Taric mains like his new Q or that W is eating too much of his power budget. I definitively prefer his new aesthetic but i don't think either kit is that enjoyable to begin with. I prefer the fluidity of the new passive, neither version of his E are that pleasant to use (Too boring vs Too unreliable), i prefer the old Q and W and finally I prefer the new R.
old urgot carried me to diamond back in the days, top lane bully. I still have that picture in my eyes, seeing riven running away from a champ that she didn't know it exists. Having 40cd 350 Ad 3,5k hp 250 armor and 200 mr was the scarry late game URGOD
I was mastery 5 urgot before rework, easily my favourite champ, after the rework my play time tanked massively until I just stopped playing all together. Rip king urgot
I mained Urgot before the rework. I have to say what I miss the most is the flexibility in his playstyle. There was always something you could do to win a fight with the old Urgot. If you were behind you would have to weaken the enemy with some poke before going in. And if you were ahead you could easily switch to a more agressive playstyle by getting closer and weaving some autos between your q's before e-r'ing for that guaranteed e hit into a kill. I only played old urgot as a full lethality adc botlane making people spam questionmarks in champ select and in game. But it at least got me to diamond. Those days are gone now with newgot, so I definitely miss my old crab friend
I miss him too! And yeah you could srsly build and play Urgot in any way you wanted. If my team needed a tank I could go full tank and because of his passive you'd last a pretty damn long time. Also I did some pretty hilarious Archangel staff builds that made your W as big as your health bar lmao
Old Urgot was that project car that your best friend's dad used to keep on blocks in the driveway. Every now and again you'd see some work done, but it mostly just sat there, which was a real shame because it could drive just fine if you pulled the blocks from under it. A buddy and I used to fight over who got to play him, them as top lane, and me as a support tank with far too much range. I miss him, but I can't deny that new Urgot is the suped up sports car compared to an antique with a bad paint job.
some of my favorite memories of this game were when i was getting into old urgot before the rework was on the way and building lethality on him. it was disgusting and beautiful. also i will say in regard to his abilities ... it is pretty weird that hey changed his ultimate. the new ult actually seemed more appropriate for old urgots range. the old ult seems more appropriate for urgot finding his way in the middle of a team fight and causing destruction with his shot guns.
Lethality Urgot was great indeed! I remember I started playing him close to the announcement of his rework as well, both top (If I recall correctly, I was building muramana + fighter), and mid (lethality), and he was so powerful I started thinking people wasn't playing him only out of visuals. Then I noticed how people didn't like the ultimate, and I did dislike it at first as well, but once I started using it when either enemy or ally jungle ganked, it gained way more value, as it would displace myself for the enemy to fail combo, or secure the enemy for my allied jungler. Urgot and Evelynn are the two champs I wish had only a visual update/rework (I liked playing Evelynn sometimes, I really prefer old visual version of Evelynn), I couldn't get used to their reworks so I just ended up with less champions to comfortably play with. Useless fact 1: Old Urgot was also "broken" for URF, 1~2 E casts landed and enemy would just die from W+Qs, turret gone at around 5 minutes if done well. Useless fact 2: I got him to mastery level 7 on the match right before the client started downloading the patch with the rework. Since I don't play new Urgot, it's just meaningless now!
God I loved old Urgot. He was the only reason I agreed to try league when when was released and while I also love the rework, I'll never forget tracking a locked-on target through the fog of war and launching precision chainsaws across the sky. There was something about the specific timing, animation, audio and visual aesthetics that just made it so god damn juicy.
Oh boy you brought me back to happy times as i popped him in ranked and confused the hell of the enemy team with unexpected damages with just Muramana and Black cleaver
Urgot was the only major reworked announced that made me curious to try the original champion. I spent the couple of weeks between the announcement and the actual rework playing the crap out of him, and I had a lot of fun! I still enjoy new Urgot, but that skillshot that became a lock on is something really unique that I don't think League really needed to get rid of. Maybe in the future, even though I doubt it. I still miss old Twitch. His dance was marvelous XD
Thank you for the reminiscence and that Sion quote I had never noticed before, that was a nice one :P Great vid, totally never much enjoyed him and envied all who did =]
I actually played a lot of old Urgot because a friend of mine gifted me the Battlecast skin and I was enthralled with the artillery aspect of his kit, I agree with the nostalgia factor of the argument you made because I feel like this iteration of Urgot really is just the best of both worlds!
I remember a few weeks before the rework I played against a full lethality + muramana urgot top who completely decimated our team, turns out he was a smurf. I often checked his opgg in the coming days and watched his rank fly up as he blitzed his way through diamond all the way to challenger with a like 65% WR. I miss old urgot man
As someone who loved playing urgot jg, it felt absolutely funny to hide in a bush swap places with someone and let my laner do damage only to kill steal from a mile away.
this almost exil style content is pretty good, i played old urgot a few times way back in the olden days but he wasn't my style of champ at the time. this rework was an upgrade for sure, and urgot is in a better spot because of it. however, i do, however, think there is space for a old urgot ult in the kit of a new champion.
There was a small window before his rework where Urgot became an ultimate killing machine. I remember his popularity exploded because he could 3 shot almost every single carry in the game and he was impossible to run away from
i had mastery 7 on old urgot before he got reworked i mained him back in the day and i really miss him, i love new urgot but old leathery crab daddy has a special place in my heart.
One small fact about the old Urgot... When you got Marked from his E, it doesn't matter, if he had Vision on you, as long as he knew were you stand, he could put the Cursor on that Position and Use the now Point and Click Q.
I came to lol from DotA, and in DotA there is such a hero as Vengeful Spirit. In fact, this is almost one to one old Urgot. And I was comfortable playing it, although many did not understand when I took it. When Urgot was remade, I was at first upset, and then I was delighted with the rework. now this is one of the most unique, strong and at the same time not imb characters. The hero has perfect balance at the moment.
Another important fact about old Urgot is that if you landed his E you'd just have to point your Q at the general direction of your enemy, which means that you could Q enemies that were hidden in fog of war as long as you were aiming within a certain radius from that champion.
This is fascinating. I always have a hard time figuring out what champions used to play like, and I'd definitely be subscribing if you made this a whole series. For example, I sometimes see clips of Old Yorick, and I can't find info about his pre-rework kit *anywhere*. Maybe an episode about him?
i really liked old Urgot and what youve said has pretty much been my feelings on his rework :) that said id be excited to see a new champ get the long range version of Old Urgot E+Q+Q+Q(+Q) its similar to a very "Raw DPS race" feel~ like sometimes on Kog maw you just need to stop and unload onto an enemy instead of wasting time kiting, as well as Cassiopia who just gets healing and daage for a Q+E+E+E-ect but yeah i really liked the rework even though i was becoming a sort of urgot main just before, only reason i dont play him more now is because top lane is no fun :P
You know what is crazy to me? That at 4:10 it shows how the red ward was released before the urgent rework. I’ve played longer with the red ward than the pink ward but I’ve always say and think of it as pink ward
I still stand by the statement that if you're going to completely rework a champion, even if there is some semblance to the current champion and you can kind of piece together the old champion concept in the new champion..... Just maka a new champion. What the old players keep their janky weirdness for the very small number of people that like him and create the new champion with the new kit. There really is no reason for it to have to be this way. But at the end of the day riot does what riot does. I very much enjoyed urgot before the rework. I also enjoy him after. I honestly just wish I could play both. This goes for a lot of champions that were reworked though. People like to point out mordekaiser and his dragon, but I remember the real old mordekaiser and man do I fucking miss him.
I miss having a 500 dot e that was huge in size while being able to shred armor along side black cleaver while also having homing qs at about 1000 range that slowed on w activation. No one had a clue what it did and meleted through people as a bruiser. The current urgot feels like some limpy juggernaut that has short ranged autos and kinda hopes people can walk near him to do damage
He was probably my 3rd most played champion pre-rework. I played him as an armor pen split pusher mid lane, with Manamune, black cleaver, and APen items.
Please continue this series! I am a new player to league but I really wanna know what the champions were like beforehand. Please do one on Aatrox, I really wanna know why people miss him so much.
Urgot's problem was that there weren't enough good items for him until he was already branded a troll pick. Cleaver and Muramana were good, and Last Whisper wasn't terrible either, but being built as an off-tank just didn't work, as he'd wind up falling off extremely quickly. Once they added lethality items and the old death's dance, and added the fear to his ult, he was a good champion. He did not need a rework at that point.
This. Fear on R and mana scaling on W shield brought him back in the game. Just when he stopped to be a joke and even got picked by pros Rito reworked him. I gave the new Urgot a shot and played him quite a lot, but I ended up missing the old one. Eventually I dropped the reworked Urgot and haven't touched him since, except for ARAM.
Old Urgot is, I believe, the only champion I ever got a Pentakill on. I loved watching Chimalpopica, his videos taught me to play Old Urgot. I rarely play League these days, and I don't play Urgot anymore. He went the same way as the other champions I used to play pre-rework, Yorick (I don't apologize), Irelia, Akali and Poppy. Rest in peace you old janky kits.
I used to kinda main old Urgot. For some reason, I really liked the Acid hunter homing function. It was fun to see the squishy carries run as they helplessly get hit. I used to run old Urgot in the bot lane. He was tanky enough to 1v2 thanks to his passive, and because he was not played a lot, people were not too sure that to expect. It was great time!
When twisted tree line still existed- pour one out for the homies- I remember using his old ultimate to swap a Teemo in the jungle right into my fountain. One of the best things I’ve ever done to date
I liked him back in the days, he was the first one I considered having an ability as auto attack. Ezreal autos are far better that Old Urgot were. I missed that for a while when they reworked it at least we eventually got Zeri.
I started playing not too long after his rework, have loved the Crab since. I remember watching Bricky's video on him, SHOTGUN KNEES, and I was like "I MUST PLAY THIS GAME"
Hi Cryo, absolutely loved this video Hope to see more like this, hope I can see one about old mordekaiser, he used to be more fun and less one dimensional I recommend the channel Mid Mordekaiser as a reference Thank you
I loved playing old Urgot anywhere, but as a support it hit different. You had lots of moderate utility for your adc that allowed them to stay alive against most of the assassins, thanks to your ultimate and passive. The slow from your W was decent and the armor shred from E helped to amplify their damage. The coolest part was the laning, though. I was going Q > E > Q just to get a hit on the enemy adc with E and then spam my Q until they would get kicked out of lane. It mostly didn't result in a kill, but kicking the enemy adc out of the game so early on was pretty good. Then it was easy to pick up kills by level 6 and I can remember that ultimate's range going higher by each level on it, to the point of way more range than a flash. You could simply click on the enemy adc on any teamfight and they would get thrown into your team while you were fearing theirs and receiving some resistances. I hope I could play him again with the new support items like the AD version of spellthief
Awesome video, really liked it, I feel the statement with having played old urgot more than new one, i like the new one but the old Ugly one had some real charm for me for some reason!
Thank you so much for making this video. No fucking bullshit propaganda, no disguised hate speech, just truth and facts from someone who actually knows what they're talking about. You COMPLETELY hit the nail on the head with the similarities between the old and new, especially with the way the ult functions similar to being locked onto and slowed with the W empowered Q's. Just a great video in general, and thank you so much for creating content like this- There's so much misinformation that people spread about these old champions. They just listen to what they hear from everybody else and present it as fact without a care in the fucking world. I honestly clicked on this video expecting something similar, but I was so, SO surprised to actually finish watching the whole thing with a good feeling in my heart. Thank you for making this, and I hope you continue to make more quality and informative content in the future ♥ I know this is already long, but I'm just really damn happy that Urgot didn't end up getting deleted from the game like Yorick and Galio. I was almost positive they would destroy nearly every aspect of him, but to see the guy come out relatively unscathed was just.. It felt like a huge victory that no one could ever take away from me. Unlike with Galio and Yorick, they really understood Urgot, and really knew how to best preserve his kit while choosing to push him closer to the role of Juggernaut.
Loved your take on Urgot. I've played old and new Urgot quite a lot in the past. Though I never really thought much about their kit and their differences/similarities. Just simply that Old Urgot's ult really felt out of place (But was admittedly fun to mess with). I may not touch League too much today, but I'll definitely be watching you to quench my thirst for nostalgia. I do have a request if you can ever get to it one day, however. Do you think you could do a video like this with Yorick? I was quite ashamed with how little old Yorick was looked at in the past. He was so untouched, it felt like nobody but me knew his abilities. Whenever I used his ultimate on an ally, they would be 'revived' and then start running away, unaware that it was temporary. I bet you that a large percentage of old players aren't even aware that Renata's W was inspired. I hoped that a full on rework would make people enjoy him again. It sort of worked, bringing a bigger crowd to the new Yorick - And even I was enjoying the new kit. Though I will admit, I was not expecting them to remove the flavor of each ghoul, as that's what I was in love with. It'd be nice to see someone else's take on this. Thank you!
That shield grew with mana I think, was so broken. I used the R in the enemy, then my shield to escape from the other team, so my team killed the one I take and I was still alive.
When i first started League i went in the search of a character that would seem dangerous, big, someone you shouldnt mess with, when i tried urgot (rework), i was inmediately identified with him, i lov eto play him everytime i can, i have some good plays with him and im actually tryng to reach master 7, i was interested in his past, when i saw your video i understanded that feeling that happens when you use your ULT its pure adrenaline.
this really took me down memory lane. i had a second account where i would play mostly outdated janky champs like urgot, yorick, galio etc.(in my ranked games btw) loved the klunkiness and the utter confusion of ppl as they got onetapped by an mr stacking galio
Urgot was my first main champion back in season 2, and even before muramana was a thing he was one of the only champions that could actually make tear of the goddess work (and obviously, he needed it.) Small side note, Urgot actually couldn't squeeze in a 4th Q at max CDR until Riot added the +5% cdr cap rune allowing you to reach 45% cdr. Before that, his cooldown was just barely too long for a 4th Q, even at 40% cdr. And yes, black cleaver was the absolute dream item for him. But you know what else was? Hextech gunblade, due to the spell vamp allowing him to heal from his cross-lane Qs. It was a much simpler game back then - being able to heal from your spells dealing damage was a rarity and considerable luxury usually reserved for the rare champion that could build spell vamp items and use them effectively, such as old Mordekaiser.
I dont play leauge anymore, and haven't for several years, but when I did, Urgot was my main, and I was devastated when I learned of this rework. Old urgot was so fun to play, and I loved his old model. he looks too clean now
I mained him before rework and i completely disagree. I get how on paper new abilities somewhat map out but the gameplay feels so differently i see no connection to the old one. I wish they kept urgot and just made a new champion instead. Aside from the ranges of his engagement being completely different, he doesn't really pick people out anymore, his engage is closer range, and even tho his ulti was janky and not fitting the rest of him on paper, having such a powerfull cc, durability, dueling, mobility option on click gave you so much options each fight. You could ult their carry max range hoping that a squishy carry will get deleted faster than you because of the ulti armor and your general tankines., you could just ulti whoever for for the armor so you could survive an engage, reposition in a fight, win duels, etc. So many options for one skill. And yes, locking on to someone and just mashing Q as fast as possible from one screen away never got old. Also his passive was a hard counter to good players who know their champs damages, because suddenly doing 15% less means their super cool risky all in plays turn into an inting under tower for no reason.
Urgot is (and was) my second most played champion even before the rework, and I disagree with your outcome of the points even though I completely see where your opinion comes from. His ult really was an interesting tool, and even more after they added the fear after the channeling and it was a good reposition tool and maybe the best engage skill when playing botlane, even better than Ashe's ult. They completely flipped his whole kit's theme, he went from being the tanky adc to being the ranged juggernaut, which if you conceptualize are similar but quite different in practice. But I think it works best after the rework, he is not the same champion, but he is not completely unrecognizable like Aatrox is after the rework. He fits better in the game ecosystem than he did before, getting often outclassed by other similar carries that used to fill the sniper-y role like corki or ezreal. But I think that all is a matter of personal preference, and sometimes I really miss playing the old urgot as well.
I’ve always thought it would be so frickin cool if riot went the Mona got route and let us install and play old updates offline in some capacity. I know it’s a different game let alone a different genre/type of game. I just think that people could really see all of the amazing work and dedication to the core concepts of the game, it’s general aesthetic and themes
I was never intrigued by Old Urgot... but when the rework hit live... I had a moment of clarity... I used to run Cho Gath top either ap or tank according to match up... but i always felt sad, it was either maximum damage or maximum tank nothing in between... While New Urgot, offered the true balance, you are both a tank and a damage dealer... a skirmisher and an assassin... a frontliner and a backliner all at once... That's why I mained him since his new rework. And I am in love with his playstyle to the point that I became an OTP Urgot
When my friend started league, we would duo urgot and heimerdinger in bot lane. It was absolutely devastating. Urgot was a really good lane bully, and heim made him incredibly safe - but ulting someone into the center of 3 turrets was almost always a win
I’m someone who played the champions of jank. I had a ton of fun playing old Yorick, Sion, GP, and of course urgot. Their weird, simple yet unique play styles felt good to me in the Island that was top lane.
"Certain one" We both know who you are talking about. "Fight or be forgotten" In any case, really nice video, I hope to see more like these. And indeed, you better let "The One" to later.
Didn't start playing league until S10 right after the Fiddle rework, so I knew nothing about old Urgot other than that he looked ... weird, to say the least. Thanks for showcasing the old Urgot and how everything has changed!
I enjoyed old Urgot! I think his WTF is this thing factor is why I liked him- he was rarely played so it was easy to snowball when your opponent didn't know what you could do. If you do more 'before the rework' videos pleeease do one about the old top lane Taric! That was my jam!
so, i was an old urgot main. in the early days he was one of those champions that was always either broken or awful and it all came down to the mana cost on his Q, similar to other early poke champs like gangplank or pantheon. unfortunately for urgot, he didn't scale as well as critplank and didn't have global pressure or the ability to all-in the same way pantheon did, and on top of that, his poke was locked behind a skillshot. his heyday was the birth of the botlane meta as we know it today, when people realized shoving a long-ranged carry and a support together was the best strategy. unlike older meta strats like tank+bruiser botlanes, the ADC+support lanes were completely passive until midgame, as ADCs in the early days were strictly scaling champs. urgot was the perfect champ to bully them out of lane, offering them the choice of eating an E+triple Q and taking 50-60% of their health or just not farming at all. Riot saw this as a threat to the newly forming metagame and decided to respond by just gutting urgot, leaving him genuinely unplayable for most of the years between then and his rework.
I absolutely loved the old urgot, he and karthus were my main champs. Back in the days where urf was first released i got two quadra kills with him. He stays in my heart forever!
I mained urgot before the rework in 3v3s, back when that was a thing. One of my by far favorite champs that has been reworked, and I don't play the new urgot AT ALL. Urgots old niche was being able to punish out of position enemies, as well as reposition himself into a better position once his poke put him at an advantage. While his ult probably seems out of place in team or group fights, thats because it truly shined when he was in a 1v1 position. Placing yourself between an out of place enemy and their safety ensured SO many kills for me, and it made approaching old urgot something you had to be sure of or suffer the consequences. Alternatively, in bot lane with two champs, he was great at reducing the enemy adc damage for trades with simple q and auto spam, and post 6 could work extremely well with all in or cc supports, since putting either the support or adc next to your cc support meant their sure death and once separated the two laners couldnt support each other as well. Overall, I really miss old urgot, but I get why they changed him. His play style was niche, and seemed to confuse a lot of people. bruisers were not as popular back then as they are now, nor as plentiful, and the idea of a ranged "adc" who was tanky was foreign and left a bad taste in some peoples mouths. Now, he would simply be considered a ranged bruiser due to the shield and damage reduction, as well as added tankiness from his old ult, and I think it would be at least less foreign. Really a shame he had to die, but at least he got a new character model. The old one was ugly, and even a diehard urgot main cant argue that one, lol
Bought myself Battlecast Urgot because I managed to finish off someone in the fog of war with my homing q's. Felt like the master of minesweeper at that one moment.
I loved old Urgot. I got Mastery 7 on him before the re-work. I used to love getting the enemy just low enough they wouldn't back but low enough I knew my next E would mean they would die. I also used to love how well he would do against champs with escapes. Those homing Qs went a distance and with Muramana they hurt a lot. I have fond memories of tilting Akali players trying to hide in her smoke screen. You could basically E the entire smoke circle and use homing Qs on her until she dies. He was such a lane bully.
Played old Urgot in botlane as a sort of tankier Ezreal in some patches to counter assassin meta. Worked much better than expected. Imagine a Zed ulting onto you as the carry. And then you just ult him (you're standing right next to each other!) so you're essentially malz-ulting him for your team to kill. Same for the old Talon and Akali. Generally I saw him more as an anti-assassin than an anti-carry.
urgots q aimed with e could lock on targets even if you had no vision, so it was in a way the only targeted ability for which you didn't need to actually see said target
I've been an urgot main since season 3. Although I'm not playing league anymore, When I tried his post-rework, he felt more complete and I didn't have vague problems when building him. I also totally agree that his original kit was preserved in his rework.
His old ult may not have synergized with his kit very well, but a point-and-click instant suppress will always be useful. There's a reason they've removed nearly all of those types of abilities.
Ah, nostalgia. Probabky could've mentioned Urgot's brief stint ib competitive too. I heard secondhand that Urgot did laned solo on bot after being given blue buff level 1 for a bit back in Season 2, and he had a while as a Zed counterpick in mid lane some time around season 5. You also missed the aoe fear on his old R, and that it was preserved in the rework, but that was a late addition to pre-rework Urgot anyway
When i started playing him less than a year before he got his VGU, because of that i tryharded his m6, i managed to get it somehow and after his rework i got his m7, because of that to this day i still consider him my main, even though i don't play that much with him nowadays
I've started playing urgot right after the 1st urf, it was one of the most broke champs there so I started playing it it was a really weird champ, that's enough to say, you could pull up impossible 1v1s or 1v2s with the ult tankiness, or get picks, the E with black cleaver was such a good interaction, you would melt armor, deal damage and reduce enemy damage, with muramana you would have the extra oomph needed that the base damage lacked
I loved playing old Urgot. It was my best counterpick vs hardengage toplaners like Riven or Irelia at the time and was my most succesful champion in my first ranked seasons. Rework is really good but I miss old Urgot alot anyway.
This is kinda like Vars’ Retrospective series. I like these kinds of videos that look into the past of champions and having a.. well, a “retrospective” look.
I loved old Urgot, he was my sweet ugly prince, no one knew how to counter it due to his unpopularity, and I'll miss taking enemies by surprise with his R under tower
I was the top 4 best urgot in the world and the best Brazilian urgot player, I was master and this rework really killed league for me. I still have 600k of mastery with him and I can assure you that it was the old one. I was really in love with this champion, I studied him a lot, made calculations about his kit, watched all of chimalopopica videos and started streaming only playing him on diamond/master in Brasil. I loved to counter some champs such as renekton, zed and vayne. I played him with flash and ghost and learned how to use that ultimate to be effective and mortal. I do remember one time I swapped a fed ad to inside my base and my team and I killed him and won the game. Since then I'm against any rework and if a chamo does bad, just make another champ, or put a new version allowing you to still play the old one. It does make me sad. Thanks for the kind video.
I think Graves is a good example of a rework to spotlight, because nobody really actively misses the old one, even though he was given an entirely different playstyle.
The very first skin I got from a chest, was battlecast Urgot. As a (back then) new player I never saw or heard of (old) urgot and neither did my friends that startet relatively close with me. I mainly played him on twisted treeline since I wasnt sure if I should play him top or bot. I didn’t main him either, my main was naut top, but urgot was in my top 5. I prefer the new urgot he fits the playstyle I enjoy nowaday perfectly. (I main Mord, Voli and Urgot) When the rework first released I was a bit sceptical but a game later I fell in love with the champion, same goes for mord and Voli.
The best part of playing old Urgot was seeing people get bullied out of lane by 1000 homing Qs when pretty much all of the community thought he was completely worthless and irrelevant. He wasn't broken by any means, but he still had the tools to destroy certain matchups, even if no one thought he was even playable. Old Urgot always has a special place in my heart for that.
Absolutely this, I mained Urgot right when I started playing just because of the hate he was getting despite the fact he was so cool to me, clobbering people with the infinite Qs was very cathartic, I'm not happy with the fact he was reworked but hey that's Leauge
Yeah for real poeple were ignoring him sooo much yet you would face him every once in a while and end up crying in a corner of the room
2:41 Seeing the herald on the trinket in combination with all the old HUD made me realize how twisted my perception of League timeline is, herald got added in patch 5.22 which was almost 6 ½ years ago, it feels like herald has been out for 3 years.
LOL has always me feeling like things are way more recent than they actually are
Am I high? It's the same HUD
@@SeisoYabai You're right, I meant the old icons, his abilities, the boots, dagger and cutlass.
But...Herald is still on the trinket.
The first champion release I clearly remember is brand. I still think of brand as one of the ‘new’ champions.
Urgot was my main before the rework and since his change I haven't been able to find a new main to statisfy what old Urgot brought to the table, although Zeri, Ezreal and Askhan come somewhat close to what I liked about his old kit.
New Urgot is fun but not the same, He's a Juggernaut with ranged qualities while the old version was a Caster Marksmen with tanky qualities
also for those wondering, Zeri and Ezreal are like old Urgot cause of the Q and Akshan is like old Urgot for his up-close abilities (passive and hookshot)
Didn't know you played LoL
That's exactly how I feel about old mordekaiser and old Akali. Though, Old Mordekaiser's playstyle I can more or less pull off with Lillia (She has similar wave management with her q that morde had with his w). Though nothing has really fulfilled my old akali enjoyment since.
@@coryellsworth9705 New Morde is cool and all, but that old Morde Q fucking SLAPPED. Think it was mostly the sound effect, but it was super satisfying.
"Juggernaut with ranged qualities" and "Caster Marksmen with tanky qualities" is an excellent way to put it. It's funny how he retains so many elements of his old kit but by simply moving them around a bit his role is effectively reborn. I do kind of wish Urgot had something in his kit to follow up long distance ults with. I know balancing would be tricky, but what I think I miss the most is firing off those crucial shots on a high priority and fleeing target.
(bonus points if they're hidden in the fog of war but it doesn't matter because you're in their head almost as much as these chainsaws are about to be)
Honestly i have the same feeling, about mordekaiser with his mid rework, the gameplay was just lost from me, which im so sad about and fallen back to my original main of nasus.
Old Urgot's ult was kinda nutty. It didnt have any synergy with the rest of his kit, but giving yourself 50% damage reduction (back when damage was alot lower than it is now) is really strong. Also you could give yourself a decent shield during that making you even tankier.
Everyone just assumed you were an adc so they wasted everything on you after the swap.
Old Urgot's ult gave me some of my favorite play patterns. One that would come up often would be its use when dueling fizz. At max rank his ult gave 120 Armor and 120 MR, so you would q/auto fizz, to apply 15% damage reduction from passive, then when he ulted, you would w for shield and ult him right before his ult went off. This would break your channel but would reduce a huge amount of his burst due to the 120 MR + 15 % damage reduction + W shield.
It made for some pretty cool plays in lane, dives, synergies, etc. but it didnt really make too much sense on him.
does anyone remember the dodge mechanic? Where Jax would essentially dodge like every attack because he was so busted haha
Damage wasn't lower but in fact was nearly double what it is now. You should go read what the old infinite edge did. The lifesteal threshold was also triple what it is now. So squishier champions could last forever if you didn't have enough damage. For the longest time blind pick was the only mode in the game when queuing. Which meant no bans. Which meant when riot decided to release something like xin zhao you saw him every single game.
There was less a problem with Urgot and more that the players were so garbage at the game at the time that they couldn't understand blatantly broken mechanics. Back in the day there was a potion that gave you true sight permanently until you died. People still thought stealth was op despite their stealth not working if you bought the oracles potion.
Back then buff potions stacked with each unique instance of itself. Meaning you could buy every buffing potion and oracles potion. They stacked.
The thing I hate about riots reworks is that before these champs had 3-4 ways you could play the champion. Old urgot could be an adc, tank, bruiser, and support. Now he's just a death ball top laner. I used to only play champions with near zero % play rates like old sion, galio, and urgot... I don't think I've done maybe 10 games of new urgot or galio combined. New urgot has none of the jank, or ugliness that I loved. I also feel like there's a lot less skill expression in new urgot since everything revolves around your W.
Honestly riot should implement "retro" versions of Champs for dramatically reduced BE. The Champs will retain their stats/abilities pre reworks and if they truly do negatively impact the game-they can always be adjusted. Not like rework adjusted (clearly), but add ability interactions within their kits. Like for example, if retro warwick's scent ability was on cd (ain't no way that shit is staying a toggle) hitting enemies with your q will reduce the cd.
I’ve been a urgot jg main for a while now, it’s pretty broken if you play right. I’m not gonna say it’s the best jg, not by far. But for my play style it works out great.
Yes, that's what was so interesting with Urgot. You could adjust your role based on how the game was going.
If you had a fed adc, you could use your ult to swap assassins away, and use your E to decrease the enemy tank's armour - thus increasing your adc's damage. If the enemy adc was fed, you could go full tank and ult them into your team. If you had a poke composition, you could play ad caster, with muramana / black cleaver / last whisper. You could lane top, mid, bot, solo bot… I often went solo bot if the enemy team had a vulnerable top-laner à la Nasus, since Urgot could lane somewhat decently 1v2.
Urgot was all about analysing a game state, and fill the role your team needed in a specific situation. He was one of those high-IQ champions, without a defined role, that Riot doesn't seem to like. My standard build was Black Cleaver into full tank, but as I said, it could vary a lot depending on the game state.
I liked his character, too. He felt so "dead". He was undead, as a few other champions, but even in undeath, he felt dead. He had this aura of desolation, endless suffering. He was such a sinister champion.
I quit LoL when he was reworked. Hey, I guess it was a good thing for me. I've had a better life since then. My career got somewhat successful, compared to my LoL days. ^^
That version of urgot would totally be viable these days, since it's basically impossible to go oom anymore. Little bit of tweaks to his mana costs early game and boom.
Miss him dearly.
Indeed, I wonder sometimes just how good it would feel to use the classic Urgot nowdays with Tear stacking so easily
If they just switched his old r with his new r or his old w with somethin new I think hed be a lot more fun than new urgot
whats funny is that right before the rework patch pros were spamming him cause they realized he was really good
I have a good one. I always have tried loving ASOL but he never feels like he does enough. I heard his old version was alot stronger, can you make a video on it?
His old version its just his star can be activate or not, that's is the biggest change on him, dw practice him 100 time and you will be good on him.
That's a weird way of asking for another Lux skin and Asol nerf
- Riot
he really didn't get changed that much
Dont listen to the first comment.
His W was a toggle ability back then, so you pressed it and sat from afar doing damage and kiting. Nowadays you can use it for 3 secs and then it goes to a 2 sec cooldown :(
Asol’s whole kit is made or broken by your runes. If you play around your keystone you have much better trades
Man, do I miss playing AD Malzahar with Black cleaver before the rework and the mini-rework after that. It was basically impossible to play him that style since they changed the damage from the voidlings into magic damage while they would originally deal physical damage. Doing so meant that you could spam those little bastards, and they would shred toplane like paper. This meant your abilities would then become utility and command skills, as you would mark your malefic visions on the target you wanted them to focus, silence them so they couldn't escape, and ult to hold them longer in place, dealing % max hp while the voidlings ate them alive. I'll always remember you
I can't fathom why Rito left AD scaling on Voidlings when they gutted AD build like a fish with the dmg type change. To laugh in our faces? Make the Voidlings deal adaptive dmg or something like that. Rito didn't know how to balance supp Malza, so they absolutely demolished Voidlings cast range and survivability. I loved playing AD Malza in the jungle. Now it's not even an off meta build, it's straight up trolling, since you can't even itemize properly. BC was a core item, with AD, Cdr and armor shred. Now armor shred is useless, since you only proc it on autos, Malza is a kiting machine, and you rarely hit autos with AD build.
Never forget, never forgive.
he you tried letality yorick ?
*sniffle* i miss ad malz
sometimes i miss old urgot, i honestly loved playing him and all the funny e q poke he came with, but he for sure deserved a rework. i feel the same for yorick and morde before juggernaut update
I think a series on champs pre-rework is an amazing idea. Gaming is such a strange media in that the past is so rarely preserved like it is for books or films, with league being no exception. I hope this lasts long enough to cover them all! Also, real question. Does anyone ACTUALLY remember pre-rework Taric ult?
Dunno, dont remember, tho I did remember that Taric has a one stupidly easy point and click stun.
Yep! Smash the ground with your hammer to give your allies AD/AP! Was never around for his first ultimate though.
It was like your W but you smashed your hammer in the ground and dealt some dmg and gained some tankiness iirc
Ofc i remember, i loved playing old Taric ap top and bursting everyone
I do because I played him on S6 before the rework. It was just an steroid as far as i remember and definitively a very uninteresting hability compared to the new one. That doesn't mean his W wasn't interesting as a debuff, nor that i and lots of other Taric mains like his new Q or that W is eating too much of his power budget.
I definitively prefer his new aesthetic but i don't think either kit is that enjoyable to begin with. I prefer the fluidity of the new passive, neither version of his E are that pleasant to use (Too boring vs Too unreliable), i prefer the old Q and W and finally I prefer the new R.
Man I loved old urgot, champ carried me out of bronze back in the day, no one knew how to play against him, definitely one of my favorite champs
yes! hahah i swear that was the best part sometimes
they'd never walk far enough away with the homing missiles lmao
Same for me. Urgot,Yorick and Mordekaiser brought me out of Bronze
old urgot carried me to diamond back in the days, top lane bully. I still have that picture in my eyes, seeing riven running away from a champ that she didn't know it exists. Having 40cd 350 Ad 3,5k hp 250 armor and 200 mr was the scarry late game URGOD
I was mastery 5 urgot before rework, easily my favourite champ, after the rework my play time tanked massively until I just stopped playing all together. Rip king urgot
Urgot is one my mains, and old urgot was another of my mains, i do miss sniping people with q, in urf he was so funnny
I mained Urgot before the rework. I have to say what I miss the most is the flexibility in his playstyle. There was always something you could do to win a fight with the old Urgot. If you were behind you would have to weaken the enemy with some poke before going in. And if you were ahead you could easily switch to a more agressive playstyle by getting closer and weaving some autos between your q's before e-r'ing for that guaranteed e hit into a kill.
I only played old urgot as a full lethality adc botlane making people spam questionmarks in champ select and in game. But it at least got me to diamond. Those days are gone now with newgot, so I definitely miss my old crab friend
I miss him too! And yeah you could srsly build and play Urgot in any way you wanted. If my team needed a tank I could go full tank and because of his passive you'd last a pretty damn long time. Also I did some pretty hilarious Archangel staff builds that made your W as big as your health bar lmao
Old Urgot was that project car that your best friend's dad used to keep on blocks in the driveway. Every now and again you'd see some work done, but it mostly just sat there, which was a real shame because it could drive just fine if you pulled the blocks from under it.
A buddy and I used to fight over who got to play him, them as top lane, and me as a support tank with far too much range. I miss him, but I can't deny that new Urgot is the suped up sports car compared to an antique with a bad paint job.
Underrated analogy.
Very cool idea for a video series, interested to see more of it.
some of my favorite memories of this game were when i was getting into old urgot before the rework was on the way and building lethality on him. it was disgusting and beautiful. also i will say in regard to his abilities ... it is pretty weird that hey changed his ultimate. the new ult actually seemed more appropriate for old urgots range. the old ult seems more appropriate for urgot finding his way in the middle of a team fight and causing destruction with his shot guns.
Lethality Urgot was great indeed! I remember I started playing him close to the announcement of his rework as well, both top (If I recall correctly, I was building muramana + fighter), and mid (lethality), and he was so powerful I started thinking people wasn't playing him only out of visuals. Then I noticed how people didn't like the ultimate, and I did dislike it at first as well, but once I started using it when either enemy or ally jungle ganked, it gained way more value, as it would displace myself for the enemy to fail combo, or secure the enemy for my allied jungler. Urgot and Evelynn are the two champs I wish had only a visual update/rework (I liked playing Evelynn sometimes, I really prefer old visual version of Evelynn), I couldn't get used to their reworks so I just ended up with less champions to comfortably play with.
Useless fact 1: Old Urgot was also "broken" for URF, 1~2 E casts landed and enemy would just die from W+Qs, turret gone at around 5 minutes if done well.
Useless fact 2: I got him to mastery level 7 on the match right before the client started downloading the patch with the rework. Since I don't play new Urgot, it's just meaningless now!
God I loved old Urgot. He was the only reason I agreed to try league when when was released and while I also love the rework, I'll never forget tracking a locked-on target through the fog of war and launching precision chainsaws across the sky. There was something about the specific timing, animation, audio and visual aesthetics that just made it so god damn juicy.
Oh boy you brought me back to happy times as i popped him in ranked and confused the hell of the enemy team with unexpected damages with just Muramana and Black cleaver
Urgot was the only major reworked announced that made me curious to try the original champion. I spent the couple of weeks between the announcement and the actual rework playing the crap out of him, and I had a lot of fun! I still enjoy new Urgot, but that skillshot that became a lock on is something really unique that I don't think League really needed to get rid of. Maybe in the future, even though I doubt it.
I still miss old Twitch. His dance was marvelous XD
what i miss the most, is old urgot in urf xD
that was so fun, and no one expected the dmg he could deal
So arthritis is what you miss lol a pinky isn't meant to take that kind of abuse
@@arkvoodleofthesacredcrotch6060 ... why would you useyour pinky in any of the keys except for shift?
@@Zare122 4 keys 4 fingers, but having your pinky curled down to shift sounds even worse lol
This was the comment I was looking for. I miss landing an E and just laughing.
Thank you for the reminiscence and that Sion quote I had never noticed before, that was a nice one :P Great vid, totally never much enjoyed him and envied all who did =]
Pls do Mordekaiser rework video with Aatrox too, those two did have there ancient identity completely erased from league
Old Galio too. I miss me some old Galio.
Old Urgot was overpowered and underrated when played properly
I actually played a lot of old Urgot because a friend of mine gifted me the Battlecast skin and I was enthralled with the artillery aspect of his kit, I agree with the nostalgia factor of the argument you made because I feel like this iteration of Urgot really is just the best of both worlds!
I remember a few weeks before the rework I played against a full lethality + muramana urgot top who completely decimated our team, turns out he was a smurf. I often checked his opgg in the coming days and watched his rank fly up as he blitzed his way through diamond all the way to challenger with a like 65% WR. I miss old urgot man
The thing that screwed over old Urgot was how riot gutted his stat values. If not for that he would've been fine.
As someone who loved playing urgot jg, it felt absolutely funny to hide in a bush swap places with someone and let my laner do damage only to kill steal from a mile away.
this almost exil style content is pretty good, i played old urgot a few times way back in the olden days but he wasn't my style of champ at the time. this rework was an upgrade for sure, and urgot is in a better spot because of it. however, i do, however, think there is space for a old urgot ult in the kit of a new champion.
As someone who mained Vengeful Spirit in Dota, Urgots old ult is super intriguing. I hope they have something like that in the future
There was a small window before his rework where Urgot became an ultimate killing machine. I remember his popularity exploded because he could 3 shot almost every single carry in the game and he was impossible to run away from
i had mastery 7 on old urgot before he got reworked i mained him back in the day and i really miss him, i love new urgot but old leathery crab daddy has a special place in my heart.
One small fact about the old Urgot...
When you got Marked from his E, it doesn't matter, if he had Vision on you, as long as he knew were you stand, he could put the Cursor on that Position and Use the now Point and Click Q.
I do miss old Urgot. I made him into an interesting support, as he had a bunch of good tools for it
True, old Zeke was OP for him as a support since you could stack the +crit effect spamming Q's. Your ADC would have perma +50% crit
old urgot and old aatrox were fucking amazing.
I came to lol from DotA, and in DotA there is such a hero as Vengeful Spirit. In fact, this is almost one to one old Urgot. And I was comfortable playing it, although many did not understand when I took it. When Urgot was remade, I was at first upset, and then I was delighted with the rework. now this is one of the most unique, strong and at the same time not imb characters. The hero has perfect balance at the moment.
Another important fact about old Urgot is that if you landed his E you'd just have to point your Q at the general direction of your enemy, which means that you could Q enemies that were hidden in fog of war as long as you were aiming within a certain radius from that champion.
This is fascinating. I always have a hard time figuring out what champions used to play like, and I'd definitely be subscribing if you made this a whole series.
For example, I sometimes see clips of Old Yorick, and I can't find info about his pre-rework kit *anywhere*. Maybe an episode about him?
i really liked old Urgot and what youve said has pretty much been my feelings on his rework :)
that said id be excited to see a new champ get the long range version of Old Urgot E+Q+Q+Q(+Q) its similar to a very "Raw DPS race" feel~ like sometimes on Kog maw you just need to stop and unload onto an enemy instead of wasting time kiting, as well as Cassiopia who just gets healing and daage for a Q+E+E+E-ect
but yeah i really liked the rework even though i was becoming a sort of urgot main just before, only reason i dont play him more now is because top lane is no fun :P
You know what is crazy to me? That at 4:10 it shows how the red ward was released before the urgent rework. I’ve played longer with the red ward than the pink ward but I’ve always say and think of it as pink ward
this video format was really refreshing
I still stand by the statement that if you're going to completely rework a champion, even if there is some semblance to the current champion and you can kind of piece together the old champion concept in the new champion..... Just maka a new champion. What the old players keep their janky weirdness for the very small number of people that like him and create the new champion with the new kit. There really is no reason for it to have to be this way. But at the end of the day riot does what riot does.
I very much enjoyed urgot before the rework. I also enjoy him after. I honestly just wish I could play both. This goes for a lot of champions that were reworked though. People like to point out mordekaiser and his dragon, but I remember the real old mordekaiser and man do I fucking miss him.
I miss having a 500 dot e that was huge in size while being able to shred armor along side black cleaver while also having homing qs at about 1000 range that slowed on w activation. No one had a clue what it did and meleted through people as a bruiser. The current urgot feels like some limpy juggernaut that has short ranged autos and kinda hopes people can walk near him to do damage
yeah it's pretty sad, old was fun
He was probably my 3rd most played champion pre-rework. I played him as an armor pen split pusher mid lane, with Manamune, black cleaver, and APen items.
Please continue this series! I am a new player to league but I really wanna know what the champions were like beforehand. Please do one on Aatrox, I really wanna know why people miss him so much.
Urgot's problem was that there weren't enough good items for him until he was already branded a troll pick.
Cleaver and Muramana were good, and Last Whisper wasn't terrible either, but being built as an off-tank just didn't work, as he'd wind up falling off extremely quickly.
Once they added lethality items and the old death's dance, and added the fear to his ult, he was a good champion. He did not need a rework at that point.
This. Fear on R and mana scaling on W shield brought him back in the game. Just when he stopped to be a joke and even got picked by pros Rito reworked him.
I gave the new Urgot a shot and played him quite a lot, but I ended up missing the old one. Eventually I dropped the reworked Urgot and haven't touched him since, except for ARAM.
Old Urgot is, I believe, the only champion I ever got a Pentakill on. I loved watching Chimalpopica, his videos taught me to play Old Urgot.
I rarely play League these days, and I don't play Urgot anymore. He went the same way as the other champions I used to play pre-rework, Yorick (I don't apologize), Irelia, Akali and Poppy. Rest in peace you old janky kits.
I used to kinda main old Urgot. For some reason, I really liked the Acid hunter homing function. It was fun to see the squishy carries run as they helplessly get hit.
I used to run old Urgot in the bot lane. He was tanky enough to 1v2 thanks to his passive, and because he was not played a lot, people were not too sure that to expect. It was great time!
When twisted tree line still existed- pour one out for the homies- I remember using his old ultimate to swap a Teemo in the jungle right into my fountain. One of the best things I’ve ever done to date
I liked him back in the days, he was the first one I considered having an ability as auto attack. Ezreal autos are far better that Old Urgot were. I missed that for a while when they reworked it at least we eventually got Zeri.
I started playing not too long after his rework, have loved the Crab since.
I remember watching Bricky's video on him, SHOTGUN KNEES, and I was like "I MUST PLAY THIS GAME"
Hi Cryo, absolutely loved this video
Hope to see more like this, hope I can see one about old mordekaiser, he used to be more fun and less one dimensional
I recommend the channel Mid Mordekaiser as a reference
Thank you
I loved playing old Urgot anywhere, but as a support it hit different. You had lots of moderate utility for your adc that allowed them to stay alive against most of the assassins, thanks to your ultimate and passive. The slow from your W was decent and the armor shred from E helped to amplify their damage. The coolest part was the laning, though. I was going Q > E > Q just to get a hit on the enemy adc with E and then spam my Q until they would get kicked out of lane. It mostly didn't result in a kill, but kicking the enemy adc out of the game so early on was pretty good. Then it was easy to pick up kills by level 6 and I can remember that ultimate's range going higher by each level on it, to the point of way more range than a flash. You could simply click on the enemy adc on any teamfight and they would get thrown into your team while you were fearing theirs and receiving some resistances. I hope I could play him again with the new support items like the AD version of spellthief
I didnt play league at that time but old Urgot seems more fun for me at least
Imiss the line "Fear? No... I am the mindkiller." Main reason i played that bloated crab, also he was a nightmare against certain tops and mids.
Awesome video, really liked it,
I feel the statement with having played old urgot more than new one, i like the new one but the old Ugly one had some real charm for me for some reason!
Thank you so much for making this video. No fucking bullshit propaganda, no disguised hate speech, just truth and facts from someone who actually knows what they're talking about. You COMPLETELY hit the nail on the head with the similarities between the old and new, especially with the way the ult functions similar to being locked onto and slowed with the W empowered Q's. Just a great video in general, and thank you so much for creating content like this- There's so much misinformation that people spread about these old champions. They just listen to what they hear from everybody else and present it as fact without a care in the fucking world. I honestly clicked on this video expecting something similar, but I was so, SO surprised to actually finish watching the whole thing with a good feeling in my heart. Thank you for making this, and I hope you continue to make more quality and informative content in the future ♥
I know this is already long, but I'm just really damn happy that Urgot didn't end up getting deleted from the game like Yorick and Galio. I was almost positive they would destroy nearly every aspect of him, but to see the guy come out relatively unscathed was just.. It felt like a huge victory that no one could ever take away from me. Unlike with Galio and Yorick, they really understood Urgot, and really knew how to best preserve his kit while choosing to push him closer to the role of Juggernaut.
Loved your take on Urgot. I've played old and new Urgot quite a lot in the past. Though I never really thought much about their kit and their differences/similarities. Just simply that Old Urgot's ult really felt out of place (But was admittedly fun to mess with). I may not touch League too much today, but I'll definitely be watching you to quench my thirst for nostalgia. I do have a request if you can ever get to it one day, however.
Do you think you could do a video like this with Yorick? I was quite ashamed with how little old Yorick was looked at in the past. He was so untouched, it felt like nobody but me knew his abilities. Whenever I used his ultimate on an ally, they would be 'revived' and then start running away, unaware that it was temporary. I bet you that a large percentage of old players aren't even aware that Renata's W was inspired. I hoped that a full on rework would make people enjoy him again. It sort of worked, bringing a bigger crowd to the new Yorick - And even I was enjoying the new kit. Though I will admit, I was not expecting them to remove the flavor of each ghoul, as that's what I was in love with. It'd be nice to see someone else's take on this. Thank you!
That shield grew with mana I think, was so broken. I used the R in the enemy, then my shield to escape from the other team, so my team killed the one I take and I was still alive.
When i first started League i went in the search of a character that would seem dangerous, big, someone you shouldnt mess with, when i tried urgot (rework), i was inmediately identified with him, i lov eto play him everytime i can, i have some good plays with him and im actually tryng to reach master 7, i was interested in his past, when i saw your video i understanded that feeling that happens when you use your ULT its pure adrenaline.
this really took me down memory lane.
i had a second account where i would play mostly outdated janky champs like urgot, yorick, galio etc.(in my ranked games btw)
loved the klunkiness and the utter confusion of ppl as they got onetapped by an mr stacking galio
Urgot was my first main champion back in season 2, and even before muramana was a thing he was one of the only champions that could actually make tear of the goddess work (and obviously, he needed it.)
Small side note, Urgot actually couldn't squeeze in a 4th Q at max CDR until Riot added the +5% cdr cap rune allowing you to reach 45% cdr. Before that, his cooldown was just barely too long for a 4th Q, even at 40% cdr.
And yes, black cleaver was the absolute dream item for him. But you know what else was? Hextech gunblade, due to the spell vamp allowing him to heal from his cross-lane Qs. It was a much simpler game back then - being able to heal from your spells dealing damage was a rarity and considerable luxury usually reserved for the rare champion that could build spell vamp items and use them effectively, such as old Mordekaiser.
I dont play leauge anymore, and haven't for several years, but when I did, Urgot was my main, and I was devastated when I learned of this rework.
Old urgot was so fun to play, and I loved his old model. he looks too clean now
As an new urgot main this is really interesting, keep it up!
I mained him before rework and i completely disagree. I get how on paper new abilities somewhat map out but the gameplay feels so differently i see no connection to the old one. I wish they kept urgot and just made a new champion instead. Aside from the ranges of his engagement being completely different, he doesn't really pick people out anymore, his engage is closer range, and even tho his ulti was janky and not fitting the rest of him on paper, having such a powerfull cc, durability, dueling, mobility option on click gave you so much options each fight. You could ult their carry max range hoping that a squishy carry will get deleted faster than you because of the ulti armor and your general tankines., you could just ulti whoever for for the armor so you could survive an engage, reposition in a fight, win duels, etc. So many options for one skill. And yes, locking on to someone and just mashing Q as fast as possible from one screen away never got old. Also his passive was a hard counter to good players who know their champs damages, because suddenly doing 15% less means their super cool risky all in plays turn into an inting under tower for no reason.
Urgot is (and was) my second most played champion even before the rework, and I disagree with your outcome of the points even though I completely see where your opinion comes from. His ult really was an interesting tool, and even more after they added the fear after the channeling and it was a good reposition tool and maybe the best engage skill when playing botlane, even better than Ashe's ult. They completely flipped his whole kit's theme, he went from being the tanky adc to being the ranged juggernaut, which if you conceptualize are similar but quite different in practice. But I think it works best after the rework, he is not the same champion, but he is not completely unrecognizable like Aatrox is after the rework. He fits better in the game ecosystem than he did before, getting often outclassed by other similar carries that used to fill the sniper-y role like corki or ezreal. But I think that all is a matter of personal preference, and sometimes I really miss playing the old urgot as well.
I’ve always thought it would be so frickin cool if riot went the Mona got route and let us install and play old updates offline in some capacity. I know it’s a different game let alone a different genre/type of game. I just think that people could really see all of the amazing work and dedication to the core concepts of the game, it’s general aesthetic and themes
I was never intrigued by Old Urgot... but when the rework hit live... I had a moment of clarity... I used to run Cho Gath top either ap or tank according to match up... but i always felt sad, it was either maximum damage or maximum tank nothing in between...
While New Urgot, offered the true balance, you are both a tank and a damage dealer... a skirmisher and an assassin... a frontliner and a backliner all at once... That's why I mained him since his new rework. And I am in love with his playstyle to the point that I became an OTP Urgot
When my friend started league, we would duo urgot and heimerdinger in bot lane. It was absolutely devastating.
Urgot was a really good lane bully, and heim made him incredibly safe - but ulting someone into the center of 3 turrets was almost always a win
I’m someone who played the champions of jank. I had a ton of fun playing old Yorick, Sion, GP, and of course urgot. Their weird, simple yet unique play styles felt good to me in the Island that was top lane.
"Certain one"
We both know who you are talking about. "Fight or be forgotten"
In any case, really nice video, I hope to see more like these. And indeed, you better let "The One" to later.
Man those were the good times.
Memeing as Urgot and point & click cc'ing enemies as Taric was quite fun.
Ooo :D new upload!!
Didn't start playing league until S10 right after the Fiddle rework, so I knew nothing about old Urgot other than that he looked ... weird, to say the least. Thanks for showcasing the old Urgot and how everything has changed!
I would really love to see some season 8 dark harvest Thresh, the golden age of AD Thresh!
I enjoyed old Urgot! I think his WTF is this thing factor is why I liked him- he was rarely played so it was easy to snowball when your opponent didn't know what you could do. If you do more 'before the rework' videos pleeease do one about the old top lane Taric! That was my jam!
so, i was an old urgot main. in the early days he was one of those champions that was always either broken or awful and it all came down to the mana cost on his Q, similar to other early poke champs like gangplank or pantheon. unfortunately for urgot, he didn't scale as well as critplank and didn't have global pressure or the ability to all-in the same way pantheon did, and on top of that, his poke was locked behind a skillshot.
his heyday was the birth of the botlane meta as we know it today, when people realized shoving a long-ranged carry and a support together was the best strategy. unlike older meta strats like tank+bruiser botlanes, the ADC+support lanes were completely passive until midgame, as ADCs in the early days were strictly scaling champs. urgot was the perfect champ to bully them out of lane, offering them the choice of eating an E+triple Q and taking 50-60% of their health or just not farming at all. Riot saw this as a threat to the newly forming metagame and decided to respond by just gutting urgot, leaving him genuinely unplayable for most of the years between then and his rework.
Loved this video, as a rather new player, I’d love to see more old champion videos explained by good ol cryo
I absolutely loved the old urgot, he and karthus were my main champs. Back in the days where urf was first released i got two quadra kills with him. He stays in my heart forever!
Was an Urgot one trick for a long, long time. Up until his rework. I miss him a lot.
I mained urgot before the rework in 3v3s, back when that was a thing. One of my by far favorite champs that has been reworked, and I don't play the new urgot AT ALL. Urgots old niche was being able to punish out of position enemies, as well as reposition himself into a better position once his poke put him at an advantage. While his ult probably seems out of place in team or group fights, thats because it truly shined when he was in a 1v1 position. Placing yourself between an out of place enemy and their safety ensured SO many kills for me, and it made approaching old urgot something you had to be sure of or suffer the consequences.
Alternatively, in bot lane with two champs, he was great at reducing the enemy adc damage for trades with simple q and auto spam, and post 6 could work extremely well with all in or cc supports, since putting either the support or adc next to your cc support meant their sure death and once separated the two laners couldnt support each other as well.
Overall, I really miss old urgot, but I get why they changed him. His play style was niche, and seemed to confuse a lot of people. bruisers were not as popular back then as they are now, nor as plentiful, and the idea of a ranged "adc" who was tanky was foreign and left a bad taste in some peoples mouths. Now, he would simply be considered a ranged bruiser due to the shield and damage reduction, as well as added tankiness from his old ult, and I think it would be at least less foreign.
Really a shame he had to die, but at least he got a new character model. The old one was ugly, and even a diehard urgot main cant argue that one, lol
Bought myself Battlecast Urgot because I managed to finish off someone in the fog of war with my homing q's. Felt like the master of minesweeper at that one moment.
Back when max cdr was 40. That brought me back.
I loved old Urgot. I got Mastery 7 on him before the re-work. I used to love getting the enemy just low enough they wouldn't back but low enough I knew my next E would mean they would die. I also used to love how well he would do against champs with escapes. Those homing Qs went a distance and with Muramana they hurt a lot. I have fond memories of tilting Akali players trying to hide in her smoke screen. You could basically E the entire smoke circle and use homing Qs on her until she dies. He was such a lane bully.
Damn sions got his priorities set in the damn stone with that line" we cant be friends anymore, im cool now"
Old urgot was a beast slows you down from long range ice gauntlet thing and a back range support and kill confirm ultimate in team fights
Played old Urgot in botlane as a sort of tankier Ezreal in some patches to counter assassin meta. Worked much better than expected. Imagine a Zed ulting onto you as the carry. And then you just ult him (you're standing right next to each other!) so you're essentially malz-ulting him for your team to kill. Same for the old Talon and Akali.
Generally I saw him more as an anti-assassin than an anti-carry.
urgots q aimed with e could lock on targets even if you had no vision, so it was in a way the only targeted ability for which you didn't need to actually see said target
I've been an urgot main since season 3. Although I'm not playing league anymore, When I tried his post-rework, he felt more complete and I didn't have vague problems when building him. I also totally agree that his original kit was preserved in his rework.
His old ult may not have synergized with his kit very well, but a point-and-click instant suppress will always be useful. There's a reason they've removed nearly all of those types of abilities.
Enjoying the Zelda and Chill in the background
Ah, nostalgia.
Probabky could've mentioned Urgot's brief stint ib competitive too. I heard secondhand that Urgot did laned solo on bot after being given blue buff level 1 for a bit back in Season 2, and he had a while as a Zed counterpick in mid lane some time around season 5.
You also missed the aoe fear on his old R, and that it was preserved in the rework, but that was a late addition to pre-rework Urgot anyway
When i started playing him less than a year before he got his VGU, because of that i tryharded his m6, i managed to get it somehow and after his rework i got his m7, because of that to this day i still consider him my main, even though i don't play that much with him nowadays
I've started playing urgot right after the 1st urf, it was one of the most broke champs there so I started playing it
it was a really weird champ, that's enough to say, you could pull up impossible 1v1s or 1v2s with the ult tankiness, or get picks, the E with black cleaver was such a good interaction, you would melt armor, deal damage and reduce enemy damage, with muramana you would have the extra oomph needed that the base damage lacked
i was an old urgot jung player it was hilarious, but more often than not i played him off meta witch at the time was ap urgot for that massive shield
I loved playing old Urgot. It was my best counterpick vs hardengage toplaners like Riven or Irelia at the time and was my most succesful champion in my first ranked seasons. Rework is really good but I miss old Urgot alot anyway.
This is kinda like Vars’ Retrospective series. I like these kinds of videos that look into the past of champions and having a.. well, a “retrospective” look.
I loved old Urgot, he was my sweet ugly prince, no one knew how to counter it due to his unpopularity, and I'll miss taking enemies by surprise with his R under tower
I was the top 4 best urgot in the world and the best Brazilian urgot player, I was master and this rework really killed league for me. I still have 600k of mastery with him and I can assure you that it was the old one. I was really in love with this champion, I studied him a lot, made calculations about his kit, watched all of chimalopopica videos and started streaming only playing him on diamond/master in Brasil. I loved to counter some champs such as renekton, zed and vayne. I played him with flash and ghost and learned how to use that ultimate to be effective and mortal. I do remember one time I swapped a fed ad to inside my base and my team and I killed him and won the game.
Since then I'm against any rework and if a chamo does bad, just make another champ, or put a new version allowing you to still play the old one.
It does make me sad.
Thanks for the kind video.
I think Graves is a good example of a rework to spotlight, because nobody really actively misses the old one, even though he was given an entirely different playstyle.
The very first skin I got from a chest, was battlecast Urgot.
As a (back then) new player I never saw or heard of (old) urgot and neither did my friends that startet relatively close with me.
I mainly played him on twisted treeline since I wasnt sure if I should play him top or bot.
I didn’t main him either, my main was naut top, but urgot was in my top 5.
I prefer the new urgot he fits the playstyle I enjoy nowaday perfectly.
(I main Mord, Voli and Urgot)
When the rework first released I was a bit sceptical but a game later I fell in love with the champion, same goes for mord and Voli.